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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 1/9 - 1/15Follow

#1 Jan 09 2015 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm a nerd and it's kind of satisfying to check this off my list in Outlook on Fridays.

What do you want to do this week?

1. Get rogue from 11-15
2. Push PLD from 46-50. GAH. Not looking forward to this. Easily my least favorite job so far. Can't wait to get back to my WAR.
3. Buy a Kirimu Coat. Kicking myself for not getting one that was down to 2.2 million gil. I'm about 2/3 of the way soul binding a battle set I hope to convert over to my materia for it. COME ON TIER IV!
4. Start the atma grind on bard. I love black mage, but I love bard even more. Goddamit I'm gonna be a career bard all over again in this game, even though bard is completely different than XI... I can't escape it.

#2 Jan 09 2015 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
* Finish leveling NIN to 50
* Get enough Soldiery to get myself a Sol weapon for NIN (preferably if I can ding into it /grin)
* Cap my Poetics for all the weeks running until 2.5 drops (I want to get a Poetics weapon for my SCH as soon as WoD drops, if at all possible)
* Make back some of the money I've blown on Artisan's Gear for some ungodly reasons
#3 Jan 09 2015 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
It just occurred to me that I never did the relic quest on bard, which means I have to do that first. Haha whoops.
#4 Jan 09 2015 at 9:33 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
I'm a nerd and it's kind of satisfying to check this off my list in Outlook on Fridays.

Know the feeling. Smiley: smile

Catwho wrote:

3. Buy a Kirimu Coat. Kicking myself for not getting one that was down to 2.2 million gil. I'm about 2/3 of the way soul binding a battle set I hope to convert over to my materia for it. COME ON TIER IV!

Know the feeling. Smiley: nod Paid 5 million + 2 million in materia + $1 for shiny red

Catwho wrote:

4. Start the atma grind on bard. I love black mage, but I love bard even more. Goddamit I'm gonna be a career bard all over again in this game, even though bard is completely different than XI... I can't escape it.

Again, I know the feeling! Smiley: grin

Edited, Jan 9th 2015 9:33am by Valkayree
#5 Jan 09 2015 at 9:55 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
Alright, weekly plans:

- I need to finish my last 4 Alexandrites for Novus (today)
- Get started on lights at my own pace.
- Re-learn most of the HM fights since i'll be spamming them again anyhow.
- With Alexandrite no longer being a factor, collect 500 Allied Seals for a super awesome Succubus pet.
- With Alexandrite no longer being a factor, spend all new soldiery on upgrading my Ninja (accessories) and my Bard (everything).
- Maybe craft a little to make back most of the gil i spend on Materia, as well as the gil i need to spend later on to finish Nexus.

Edited, Jan 10th 2015 1:41pm by KojiroSoma
#6 Jan 09 2015 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
I have no coil this week or next so its pretty much cap poetics and sit on them and relic grind artemis bow until patch time... Well time to turn in my nerd list...

1a. Probably 1/3 into my second book. I have enough soldiery to buy the third. Finish that and move forward.
1b. Keep grinding expert roulette once a day to get my alexandrite map. I'm at 45 on that plus I have the 3 ink I need to start the quest.
1c. Run hunts when I see them for poetics (for books and later for water) and allied seals to potentially buy alexandrite if needed, but in the short term used for ventures.
1d. Stack gc seals for bombard cores.
1e. Keep checking for cheap zodiac crafted hq items. Craft the perfect vellum hq if needed to make up for the cost. Need my floss silk and ramuh barding to sell!
1f. Keep checking for cheap II and III mats to lotto with to get det and crit II and III. Seriously consider spiritbonding (for the first time ever) to get IV crit and det.
1g. Prepare for the eventual nexus grind...

2. Prep for patch on the 20th. Want as close to 2000 poetic as I can get. Get my crystal tower mentality going. Speculate. Still betting on clear demimateria going big in the future (at some point, for some reason). Currently sitting on 3 stacks of I, 2 stacks of II, and 2 stacks of III.

3. Help the FC more. Been helping folks through relics lately and it's been great fun Smiley: grin

3a. When I'm not doing all that or when otherwise not preoccupied with hanging out with the family, hop on Dragon Age Inqusition multiplayer and continue to destroy hard mode with my beastly arcane warrior.

3b. Watch Downton Abbey with my wife on Sunday Smiley: dubious and wait on my 6th hobby box of walking dead season 3 part 1 cards to arrive. Hoping for an Andrew Lincoln or Norman Reedus auto (finally). So far I have on card autos for the actors who play Glen, Herschel, Beth, Michonne, and Lori. I've also got costume cards for Glen, Herschel, Maggie, Beth, and Lori. Smiley: oyvey I'm slightly addicted.

Edited, Jan 9th 2015 9:58am by Valkayree
#7 Jan 09 2015 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
Oh my, oh my! This week was something else.

Finished PLD soldiery (i111 now) and unweathered WAR weapon (i110 now)
Wind-up Nanamo makes my day.

Goals for this week:
Soldiery Weapon for SCH (Hopefully will ding into i110 on SCH)
Collect a sand or two for DRG
MIN 35
BTN 35
FSH 35
Build up my venture stock.
Cap poetics
#8 Jan 12 2015 at 11:03 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Weekend Update:

Valkayree wrote:

1a. Probably 1/3 into my second book. I have enough soldiery to buy the third. Finish that and move forward.
1b. Keep grinding expert roulette once a day to get my alexandrite map. I'm at 45 on that plus I have the 3 ink I need to start the quest.
1c. Run hunts when I see them for soldiery (for books and later for water) and allied seals to potentially buy alexandrite if needed, but in the short term used for ventures.
1d. Stack gc seals for bombard cores.
1e. Keep checking for cheap zodiac crafted hq items. Craft the perfect vellum hq if needed to make up for the cost. Need my floss silk and ramuh barding to sell!
1f. Keep checking for cheap II and III mats to lotto with to get det and crit II and III. Seriously consider spiritbonding (for the first time ever) to get IV crit and det.
1g. Prepare for the eventual nexus grind...

I will lovingly title this section: "Battle for the second Zodiac" OR "The race for Yoichi"

1a. Over the weekend I finished book two, book three, and am 95% into book 4. And I have 100/500 soldiery needed to buy book 5. And I didn't really grind at all. The FATEs weren't too bad. Think the longest I waited was an hour for one in OLN. Low level dps queue is DISMAL.

1b / 1c. At 49 alexandrites + a map. I now have 20 something to go. I'll have it by the time I get animus. Soldiery is slow going.

1d. Bought 2 cores over the weekend (20k seals a piece, wow) and have 10k towards the third.

1e. Both silk and barding sold for ~950k and ~850k, makes me happy. Bought the perfect pestle hq at 120k, thought very strongly about buying the ring for 97k, decided it could still go lower, and left it. Ended the week on a good profit.

1f. Made ilvl 70 hq hippogryph neck, bracelets, and rings on my ltw and wore them into battle (on my tank, oh no...). Did 6 T4's and was the squishiest tank ever despite I looked like a golden greek god of some sort of something. Didn't die, found out that it takes exactly 6 T4 runs to spiritbond ilvl 70 griffonskin stuff. Got a Vit IV and a Crit IV out of the deal, cost me about 300k for the mats to make the stuff. Not really worth the effort of doing again, but I did get a crit IV for the novus bow, and saved 500k, so I dunno. I just hate crafting. But I might quick craft a bunch of ivl 49 stuff and bond it in Urth's Fount if I get desperate. Until then, I'm going to keep playing the materia lottery, it has worked out well for me so far.

1g. My body is not ready.

Edited, Jan 12th 2015 11:03am by Valkayree
#9 Jan 12 2015 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
328 posts
I didn't do great on my list for last week.

cap poetics - No, but there is still time!
Make some gil for FC housing upgrade - Made some Gil *
Finish T9 - We did replace 2 in our Coil team and got further in T9, not a win but a partial victory. Try again this week.
Farm some more Shiva - Farmed a little but mostly got clears for some new to the fight
Level high enough to unlock Ninja - Nope
Do the eternal bond quest with my husband - Yep! Also planned whole wedding and am waiting for Friday when I should be able to book the event.

The biggest thing this week is getting everyone into NB FC. We merged with another very small FC a couple weeks ago and we merged with yet another small FC last night! We all play together anyway so no real use being all separate. *This is where most of the Gil in the housing fund came from this week.

This week:
Cap tomes
Plan FC events like Spiritbonding and/or Treasure Map party
Progress in T9
Book the Eternal Bond event
Finish Ixali Daily Quests

#10 Jan 12 2015 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Well didn't have a lot planned out of the ordinary:
Capped tomes.
Complete Ixali dailies for oaknots.

Only thing different is we wanted to work more on our lights..
UGGG this is horrible and I thought this would be the best and easiest part.. I thought I could get there just by doing our normal stuff like daily roulette etc. and would be the best part with no grinding. Started them right away too after this part of the relic quest was added..Spent almost the whole weekend on them and still only 2/3 the way. This is the longest part.. Did Garuda lights when ever they were up and ran allot of ST's when they were not. Now I feel so far behind on my relic when I was always caught up.

Oh yea, I ran into Catwho in ST this weekend, that was pretty cool. Didn't know it was her right away though since she uses a different name than on the forum. /wave

Edited, Jan 12th 2015 3:14pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#11 Jan 12 2015 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
It was Illsaide who spotted you and Tessee in the alliance! Half our party was from our FC.
#12 Jan 12 2015 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
My goals by this week's end are to get Fisherman to level 50 (at 35 right now) and get myself a retainer. Shouldn't be too hard.
#13 Jan 12 2015 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Nashred wrote:
Well didn't have a lot planned out of the ordinary:
Capped tomes.
Complete Ixali dailies for oaknots.

Only thing different is we wanted to work more on our lights..
UGGG this is horrible and I thought this would be the best and easiest part.. I thought I could get there just by doing our normal stuff like daily roulette etc. and would be the best part with no grinding. Started them right away too after this part of the relic quest was added..Spent almost the whole weekend on them and still only 2/3 the way. This is the longest part.. Did Garuda lights when ever they were up and ran allot of ST's when they were not. Now I feel so far behind on my relic when I was always caught up.

Oh yea, I ran into Catwho in ST this weekend, that was pretty cool. Didn't know it was her right away though since she uses a different name than on the forum. /wave

That is the best site I have found to let you know when things are in bonus. All servers are on the same rotation, so don't worry about it being for Excalibur. You can change the server to Ultros and get the same thing. This is a system that pings data off of people running a guildwork client. Actually, if you switch over to your server you can see shouts and party finder, and weather, and fates that are up, and all kinds of other cool.

With that said, I didn't use the site until I was at around 1000 light. It took me about 3 1/2 months to get the nexus, averaging about 20 light per day. Fortunately now that I am on my second go I can do all the dungeon runs for my zodiac dungeon drops while gathering light on the nexus step, and gather soldiery for the zodiac step at the same time. That is the true definition of multitasking!

Best light grinds are Garuda HM and T4 when they are in bonus. I also like running frontlines in bonus. Nothing better than 12 points for basically standing on a flag for 20 minutes. Garuda HM in bonus is fastest, at 4 light per minute but gives the least amount of extras. T4 is a bit slower, but has some nice goodies + can get you a mount if you run it 200 times and are tank. Although if you are on your second go I definitely recommend doing the zodiac runs while gathering light to maximize your time, and pray that SE nerfs the process somewhere in the middle of it all.

Edited, Jan 12th 2015 3:19pm by Valkayree
#14 Jan 12 2015 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
RajiFarlander wrote:
* Finish leveling NIN to 50
* Get enough Soldiery to get myself a Sol weapon for NIN (preferably if I can ding into it /grin)
* Cap my Poetics for all the weeks running until 2.5 drops (I want to get a Poetics weapon for my SCH as soon as WoD drops, if at all possible)
* Make back some of the money I've blown on Artisan's Gear for some ungodly reasons

* Check
* Check
* Check
* ...still working on it
#15 Jan 13 2015 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
Alright, weekly plans:

- I need to finish my last 4 Alexandrites for Novus (today)
- Get started on lights at my own pace.
- Re-learn most of the HM fights since i'll be spamming them again anyhow.
- With Alexandrite no longer being a factor, collect 500 Allied Seals for a super awesome Succubus pet.
- With Alexandrite no longer being a factor, spend all new soldiery on upgrading my Ninja (accessories) and my Bard (everything).
- Maybe craft a little to make back most of the gil i spend on Materia, as well as the gil i need to spend later on to finish Nexus.

Might as well reply to this one already since not much else is going to change.

- Finished my Alexandrites for Novus (check!)
- Got "started" on lights, hovering around 150 / 2000 so this will take up most of my time. (check!)
- Re-learn HM fights. Did 20 Ifrits, did some Titans, even did Levi (EX). Just missing Garuda but that'll come. (check!)
- Get Allied seals for Pet. Well, didnt really actively hunt anymore, nor do i think i'll do so for the rest of the week.
- Got all my accessories for my ninja. Just slowly spending what i make on my bard now but wont get that done this week. (half check!)
- I made back all the gil i spend on Materia upgrading my novus, PLUS an additional 4 mil for the item buying to finish Nexus already. (mega check!)

Productive week so far. Back to spamming FATES and DF. :)
#16 Jan 13 2015 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Well didn't have a lot planned out of the ordinary:
Capped tomes.
Complete Ixali dailies for oaknots.

Only thing different is we wanted to work more on our lights..
UGGG this is horrible and I thought this would be the best and easiest part.. I thought I could get there just by doing our normal stuff like daily roulette etc. and would be the best part with no grinding. Started them right away too after this part of the relic quest was added..Spent almost the whole weekend on them and still only 2/3 the way. This is the longest part.. Did Garuda lights when ever they were up and ran allot of ST's when they were not. Now I feel so far behind on my relic when I was always caught up.

Oh yea, I ran into Catwho in ST this weekend, that was pretty cool. Didn't know it was her right away though since she uses a different name than on the forum. /wave

That is the best site I have found to let you know when things are in bonus. All servers are on the same rotation, so don't worry about it being for Excalibur. You can change the server to Ultros and get the same thing. This is a system that pings data off of people running a guildwork client. Actually, if you switch over to your server you can see shouts and party finder, and weather, and fates that are up, and all kinds of other cool.

With that said, I didn't use the site until I was at around 1000 light. It took me about 3 1/2 months to get the nexus, averaging about 20 light per day. Fortunately now that I am on my second go I can do all the dungeon runs for my zodiac dungeon drops while gathering light on the nexus step, and gather soldiery for the zodiac step at the same time. That is the true definition of multitasking!

Best light grinds are Garuda HM and T4 when they are in bonus. I also like running frontlines in bonus. Nothing better than 12 points for basically standing on a flag for 20 minutes. Garuda HM in bonus is fastest, at 4 light per minute but gives the least amount of extras. T4 is a bit slower, but has some nice goodies + can get you a mount if you run it 200 times and are tank. Although if you are on your second go I definitely recommend doing the zodiac runs while gathering light to maximize your time, and pray that SE nerfs the process somewhere in the middle of it all.

Edited, Jan 12th 2015 3:19pm by Valkayree

Thank you.

Yea I have been using Guildworks site and this one: .
I started using the sites at about 1000 lights too...

I found Shiva is also very fast if not on par with Garuda.. I usually do which ever is up at the time..
I have not tried T4 for lights, I will have to give it a try for something different.

I just thought I would get their doing my normal stuff and ended up way behind now so now I have to step it up. I finished the Alexandrites on time.. This phase just put me behind.

I was researching the next phase, wow expensive.
Not sure I can catch up there..
Another new phase is coming out soon too..
Looks like they are starting to separating those who really want a relic and those who dont want to put in the time or have the time.

I think with other weapons being so close like coil or ironworks etc I think allot will start opting out of the relic

Edited, Jan 13th 2015 9:47am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#17 Jan 13 2015 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Nashred wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Well didn't have a lot planned out of the ordinary:
Capped tomes.
Complete Ixali dailies for oaknots.

Only thing different is we wanted to work more on our lights..
UGGG this is horrible and I thought this would be the best and easiest part.. I thought I could get there just by doing our normal stuff like daily roulette etc. and would be the best part with no grinding. Started them right away too after this part of the relic quest was added..Spent almost the whole weekend on them and still only 2/3 the way. This is the longest part.. Did Garuda lights when ever they were up and ran allot of ST's when they were not. Now I feel so far behind on my relic when I was always caught up.

Oh yea, I ran into Catwho in ST this weekend, that was pretty cool. Didn't know it was her right away though since she uses a different name than on the forum. /wave

That is the best site I have found to let you know when things are in bonus. All servers are on the same rotation, so don't worry about it being for Excalibur. You can change the server to Ultros and get the same thing. This is a system that pings data off of people running a guildwork client. Actually, if you switch over to your server you can see shouts and party finder, and weather, and fates that are up, and all kinds of other cool.

With that said, I didn't use the site until I was at around 1000 light. It took me about 3 1/2 months to get the nexus, averaging about 20 light per day. Fortunately now that I am on my second go I can do all the dungeon runs for my zodiac dungeon drops while gathering light on the nexus step, and gather soldiery for the zodiac step at the same time. That is the true definition of multitasking!

Best light grinds are Garuda HM and T4 when they are in bonus. I also like running frontlines in bonus. Nothing better than 12 points for basically standing on a flag for 20 minutes. Garuda HM in bonus is fastest, at 4 light per minute but gives the least amount of extras. T4 is a bit slower, but has some nice goodies + can get you a mount if you run it 200 times and are tank. Although if you are on your second go I definitely recommend doing the zodiac runs while gathering light to maximize your time, and pray that SE nerfs the process somewhere in the middle of it all.

Edited, Jan 12th 2015 3:19pm by Valkayree

Thank you.

Yea I have been using Guildworks site and this one: .
I started using the sites at about 1000 lights too...

I found Shiva is also very fast if not on par with Garuda.. I usually do which ever is up at the time..
I have not tried T4 for lights, I will have to give it a try for something different.

I just thought I would get their doing my normal stuff and ended up way behind now so now I have to step it up. I finished the Alexandrites on time.. This phase just put me behind.

I was researching the next phase, wow expensive.
Not sure I can catch up there..
Another new phase is coming out soon too..
Looks like they are starting to separating those who really want a relic and those who dont want to put in the time or have the time.

I think with other weapons being so close like coil or ironworks etc I think allot will start opting out of the relic

The nexus grind took me 3 1/2 months, the grind to get the excalibur / aegis zodiac took me 2 1/2 weeks (if that). Don't give up! It really is about time management more than anything. You can actually start working on it right now! You can do all the main parts, so later its not so bad. I didn't spend nearly the amount of time with my lightbulb nexus set as I thought I would. There are going to be three quest givers in Mor Dhona and one in Central Than, so you work on everything at the same time, which is nice.

Here are the things you can do now, which account for 75% of the entire quest. The sacred spring water grind is the worst, but since you are doing a crapton of stuff for your nexus and getting all that soldiery, you might as well put it to good use! I wish I had this option, my healers would still be ilvl 70. No telling how much soldiery I spent to get them to ilvl 100 simply because there was nothing else to spend it on...

First gather 400k gil. Go to the following places and buy the items:

Bronze Lake Crystal (100,000 gil; Junkmonger (26,26) Upper La Noscea)
Allagan Resin (100,000 gil; Merchant (15,29) Southern Thanalan)
Furite Sands (100,000 gil; Merchant (13,16) Coerthas)
Brass Kettle (100,000 gil; Vendor (29,19) North Shroud)

Gather your GC seals. Lot on everything, trade it in. Do the daily turn ins. If you buy ventures with GC seals, try buying them with allied seals instead. Gather 80k GC seals total, and buy 4 Bombard Cores (Grand Company 20,000 seals).

Stack 4 Sacred Spring Water (1,600 Tomes of Soldiery [Auriana] Mor Dhona). This is the limiting factor here. You have these your life is easier. Period. My nexus step for bard will be devoted to gathering these.

K, here comes the expensive part (used to be, but now not so much). You can buy all these off the auction house, but if you have a crafter good enough to HQ the material needed to turn in to unlock the 4 star stuff, you are overqualified to HQ these. On my LTW, I can't even HQ the water logged straps needed to unlock 4 star (RNG sucks) but I can HQ perfect vellum about 75% of the time. Its still a fair turnaround to make some and sell them to offset the cost. I'll put up the approximate costs on Lamia the last time I checked...

Obtain a High Quality page of perfect Vellum (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-250k
Obtain a pinch of perfect pounce (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300k
Obtain a High Quality tailor-made eel pie (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300-500k
Obtain a piece of perfect cloth (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k
Obtain a perfect mortar (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~250k
Obtain a perfect pestle (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~120k
Obtain a High Quality Furnace Ring (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~80-90k
Obtain a Bundle of Perfect Firewood (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k

Now, with all these in hand, once you get your nexus (you will definitely know when you are done, the message sprawls across your screen like George Bush's Mission Accomplished banner) all you need to do is turn in the items you need to the right people until they want you to dungeon grind to get specific items. You can grind with whatever job you want, fortunately, so you can instaqueue with tank if that is your preference. The only two that are level capped that are included in the mix up are Dzmael Darkhold and Aurum Vale. The rest are lvl 50 dungeons so the runs go very fast except for the three new dungeons (snowcloak, sastasha hm, qarn hm) which people for the most part still kinda suck at. Wanderer's Palace and AK runs are particularly fun.

You will notice if you got the item once you leave the dungeon. In the middle of the load screen between when you leave and get back to wherever you were when you spawned in, you will get a message in similar fashion to when you acquired an atma. These are key items, they aren't in your inventory. The drop rates vary, I swear they are higher for the higher level ones like snowcloak etc, but maybe it is just my luck. I've heard that the drop rate is anywhere from 10-20%. I've went 1/1 on about a 1/4 of them, 1/2 on several, 1/3-1/4 on most, and some, like stone vigil hm, snowcloak, and sastasha hm I ran at least 15 times each before I saw a drop.

After all that, you got your zodiac. Its not nearly as bad as the books for animus, and definitely not as bad as the ridiculous nexus grind, if you ask me. SE would do very well to reduce the light needed to 1000. That is much more reasonable.

Edited, Jan 13th 2015 10:55am by Valkayree
#18 Jan 13 2015 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Well didn't have a lot planned out of the ordinary:
Capped tomes.
Complete Ixali dailies for oaknots.

Only thing different is we wanted to work more on our lights..
UGGG this is horrible and I thought this would be the best and easiest part.. I thought I could get there just by doing our normal stuff like daily roulette etc. and would be the best part with no grinding. Started them right away too after this part of the relic quest was added..Spent almost the whole weekend on them and still only 2/3 the way. This is the longest part.. Did Garuda lights when ever they were up and ran allot of ST's when they were not. Now I feel so far behind on my relic when I was always caught up.

Oh yea, I ran into Catwho in ST this weekend, that was pretty cool. Didn't know it was her right away though since she uses a different name than on the forum. /wave

That is the best site I have found to let you know when things are in bonus. All servers are on the same rotation, so don't worry about it being for Excalibur. You can change the server to Ultros and get the same thing. This is a system that pings data off of people running a guildwork client. Actually, if you switch over to your server you can see shouts and party finder, and weather, and fates that are up, and all kinds of other cool.

With that said, I didn't use the site until I was at around 1000 light. It took me about 3 1/2 months to get the nexus, averaging about 20 light per day. Fortunately now that I am on my second go I can do all the dungeon runs for my zodiac dungeon drops while gathering light on the nexus step, and gather soldiery for the zodiac step at the same time. That is the true definition of multitasking!

Best light grinds are Garuda HM and T4 when they are in bonus. I also like running frontlines in bonus. Nothing better than 12 points for basically standing on a flag for 20 minutes. Garuda HM in bonus is fastest, at 4 light per minute but gives the least amount of extras. T4 is a bit slower, but has some nice goodies + can get you a mount if you run it 200 times and are tank. Although if you are on your second go I definitely recommend doing the zodiac runs while gathering light to maximize your time, and pray that SE nerfs the process somewhere in the middle of it all.

Edited, Jan 12th 2015 3:19pm by Valkayree

Thank you.

Yea I have been using Guildworks site and this one: .
I started using the sites at about 1000 lights too...

I found Shiva is also very fast if not on par with Garuda.. I usually do which ever is up at the time..
I have not tried T4 for lights, I will have to give it a try for something different.

I just thought I would get their doing my normal stuff and ended up way behind now so now I have to step it up. I finished the Alexandrites on time.. This phase just put me behind.

I was researching the next phase, wow expensive.
Not sure I can catch up there..
Another new phase is coming out soon too..
Looks like they are starting to separating those who really want a relic and those who dont want to put in the time or have the time.

I think with other weapons being so close like coil or ironworks etc I think allot will start opting out of the relic

The nexus grind took me 3 1/2 months, the grind to get the excalibur / aegis zodiac took me 2 1/2 weeks (if that). Don't give up! It really is about time management more than anything. You can actually start working on it right now! You can do all the main parts, so later its not so bad. I didn't spend nearly the amount of time with my lightbulb nexus set as I thought I would. There are going to be three quest givers in Mor Dhona and one in Central Than, so you work on everything at the same time, which is nice.

Here are the things you can do now, which account for 75% of the entire quest. The sacred spring water grind is the worst, but since you are doing a crapton of stuff for your nexus and getting all that soldiery, you might as well put it to good use! I wish I had this option, my healers would still be ilvl 70. No telling how much soldiery I spent to get them to ilvl 100 simply because there was nothing else to spend it on...

First gather 400k gil. Go to the following places and buy the items:

Bronze Lake Crystal (100,000 gil; Junkmonger (26,26) Upper La Noscea)
Allagan Resin (100,000 gil; Merchant (15,29) Southern Thanalan)
Furite Sands (100,000 gil; Merchant (13,16) Coerthas)
Brass Kettle (100,000 gil; Vendor (29,19) North Shroud)

Gather your GC seals. Lot on everything, trade it in. Do the daily turn ins. If you buy ventures with GC seals, try buying them with allied seals instead. Gather 80k GC seals total, and buy 4 Bombard Cores (Grand Company 20,000 seals).

Stack 4 Sacred Spring Water (1,600 Tomes of Soldiery [Auriana] Mor Dhona). This is the limiting factor here. You have these your life is easier. Period. My nexus step for bard will be devoted to gathering these.

K, here comes the expensive part (used to be, but now not so much). You can buy all these off the auction house, but if you have a crafter good enough to HQ the material needed to turn in to unlock the 4 star stuff, you are overqualified to HQ these. On my LTW, I can't even HQ the water logged straps needed to unlock 4 star (RNG sucks) but I can HQ perfect vellum about 75% of the time. Its still a fair turnaround to make some and sell them to offset the cost. I'll put up the approximate costs on Lamia the last time I checked...

Obtain a High Quality page of perfect Vellum (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-250k
Obtain a pinch of perfect pounce (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300k
Obtain a High Quality tailor-made eel pie (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300-500k
Obtain a piece of perfect cloth (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k
Obtain a perfect mortar (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~250k
Obtain a perfect pestle (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~120k
Obtain a High Quality Furnace Ring (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~80-90k
Obtain a Bundle of Perfect Firewood (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k

Now, with all these in hand, once you get your nexus (you will definitely know when you are done, the message sprawls across your screen like George Bush's Mission Accomplished banner) all you need to do is turn in the items you need to the right people until they want you to dungeon grind to get specific items. You can grind with whatever job you want, fortunately, so you can instaqueue with tank if that is your preference. The only two that are level capped that are included in the mix up are Dzmael Darkhold and Aurum Vale. The rest are lvl 50 dungeons so the runs go very fast except for the three new dungeons (snowcloak, sastasha hm, qarn hm) which people for the most part still kinda suck at. Wanderer's Palace and AK runs are particularly fun.

You will notice if you got the item once you leave the dungeon. In the middle of the load screen between when you leave and get back to wherever you were when you spawned in, you will get a message in similar fashion to when you acquired an atma. These are key items, they aren't in your inventory. The drop rates vary, I swear they are higher for the higher level ones like snowcloak etc, but maybe it is just my luck. I've heard that the drop rate is anywhere from 10-20%. I've went 1/1 on about a 1/4 of them, 1/2 on several, 1/3-1/4 on most, and some, like stone vigil hm, snowcloak, and sastasha hm I ran at least 15 times each before I saw a drop.

After all that, you got your zodiac. Its not nearly as bad as the books for animus, and definitely not as bad as the ridiculous nexus grind, if you ask me. SE would do very well to reduce the light needed to 1000. That is much more reasonable.

Edited, Jan 13th 2015 10:55am by Valkayree

Thank you..Really appreciate the help, that was allot to type out. Are you saying I can start the quests while doing the lights or just start gathering the goods?
Last night I tried to get the Sacred spring water and could not. Need to have quest open.


Obtain a High Quality page of perfect Vellum (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-250k
Obtain a pinch of perfect pounce (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300k
Obtain a High Quality tailor-made eel pie (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300-500k
Obtain a piece of perfect cloth (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k
Obtain a perfect mortar (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~250k
Obtain a perfect pestle (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~120k
Obtain a High Quality Furnace Ring (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~80-90k
Obtain a Bundle of Perfect Firewood (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k

That is the hard part above, i looked this stuff up on out server and was over 2 million. Our crafting is just at 3 star now (Tes for Leather and me for GSM).. Fully melded except off hand. By the way what does "(Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) " mean?
All above items turn in need to be high quality right? why Desynth aged goods from silver bazaar ? what is that for?

FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#19 Jan 13 2015 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Nashred wrote:

Thank you..Really appreciate the help, that was allot to type out. Are you saying I can start the quests while doing the lights or just start gathering the goods?
Last night I tried to get the Sacred spring water and could not. Need to have quest open.

You can't start the quest but you can gather some of the goods. That is a bummer about the sacred spring water... Well I guess just make sure you save 1600 for that first one... I didn't know that one wasn't available until the quest starts, but you definitely can buy the Bombard Cores and the HQ craft items...

Nashred wrote:


Obtain a High Quality page of perfect Vellum (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-250k
Obtain a pinch of perfect pounce (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300k
Obtain a High Quality tailor-made eel pie (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300-500k
Obtain a piece of perfect cloth (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k
Obtain a perfect mortar (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~250k
Obtain a perfect pestle (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~120k
Obtain a High Quality Furnace Ring (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~80-90k
Obtain a Bundle of Perfect Firewood (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k

That is the hard part above, i looked this stuff up on out server and was over 2 million. Our crafting is just at 3 star now (Tes for Leather and me for GSM).. Fully melded except off hand. By the way what does "(Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) " mean?
All above items turn in need to be high quality right? why Desynth aged goods from silver bazaar ? what is that for?

2 million? Each? If it is 2 million each, I need to transfer servers... Man, I thought Ultros would have more crafters by now...

I have the supra and the offhand ilvl 70 on ltw. Cost me a ton to get there, but I made up for it by selling perfect vellum.

But to answer your question, go to Western Thanalan and pay the chocobo to take you to the silver bazaar. There is a shop there that sells goods that are "aged", i.e. they say "aged" in the title. You then desynth those goods for the chance at items used to make the "perfect" equivalent. The odds of desynthing and getting the item you need is 10%, and the aged items are 4k each (i think), so if you can find the item for cheaper than 40k on the auction house, and aren't really interested in using the items to level your desynth skill, best to buy from the auction house. For instance, many people are desynthing the rings now to level goldsmith higher than 70-80 (because 4k per item is a cheap alternative at that desynth level) so they can crack the ilvl 70 spectacles at a higher percentage of success in order to have a better shot at mastercraft materia. So the market is flooded with the aged eyes of fire. You can get the material for 3-9k on the Lamia auction house, where it would cost ~40k to desynth and get one yourself (assuming your gsm desynths the ring at 100%). You can desynth into the HQ version as well, which always sell for more, and give a 3 star crafter a better shot at HQing the perfect version. But like I said, I can't even unlock the ability to make a kirimu coat and I'm HQing the perfect vellum at 75% with all normal materials. The requirements are lowered for the relic items.

Knowing all that, I just buy all the stuff off the auction house, and the aged vellum off the AH if it is less than 40k, make perfect vellum hq for about 90k cost, and turn around and sell it for 200-250k, then just watch the boards and buy low for the rest.

Edited, Jan 13th 2015 3:32pm by Valkayree
#20 Jan 14 2015 at 3:16 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
Valkayree wrote:
2 million? Each? If it is 2 million each, I need to transfer servers... Man, I thought Ultros would have more crafters by now...

I have the supra and the offhand ilvl 70 on ltw. Cost me a ton to get there, but I made up for it by selling perfect vellum.

I'm going to asume he means 2 mil for the total package.

I just bought all 8 items myself for a grand total of 600k (about 50~70k per item, except for the cooking one which was 150k).

And i still felt ripped off since the HQ items required to make them are going for 6-9k on the boards. Ofcourse i didnt find out about that till after i desynthed about 90k worth of items at 3k each.
#21 Jan 14 2015 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Yea around 2 million for them all... If you add up the high end on the items you listed that are close to that too...
It is allot of money for us right now since we just bought a house and melded allot of crafting gear. We spirit bound allot of it but tier 4 are hard to get.

My desynth skill is like 78 in gsm, I am guessing by desynth the rings gives the item to craft the ring. Really dont matter my crafting skill aint high enough yet anyway.. This is where it helps to be in a FC and we have not picked one yet, actually we have, we just have not told them yet.

I really appreciate the help on this.. We will get it done..
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#22 Jan 14 2015 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:

I just bought all 8 items myself for a grand total of 600k (about 50~70k per item, except for the cooking one which was 150k).

And i still felt ripped off since the HQ items required to make them are going for 6-9k on the boards. Ofcourse i didnt find out about that till after i desynthed about 90k worth of items at 3k each.

I know, last night I went to look and saw that the aged vellum was going for 6k each... So I bought 20. And the Pumice was going for 1.5k each. So I bought 40. And shark oil was going for 15k each (only HQ were available). I bought 20. Also bought wind and earth clusters for 2k each. So each perfect vellum costs me about 27k to make. And they are selling for 330k on my server. I attempted 10 and made 6. Nothing beats a 12x profit margin.

Nashred wrote:

My desynth skill is like 78 in gsm, I am guessing by desynth the rings gives the item to craft the ring.

Yep, that is exactly right!
#23 Jan 14 2015 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
I finally got WHM to 50! Only started leveling it back in 1.0. Now, I'll probably never touch it again.
- Gotta keep grinding those Alexandrites
- Cap Poetics as always
- Give T9 a go

#24 Jan 14 2015 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Well, after seeing that kick *** video for the new patch, I guess to get PLD's relic weapon as high as possible before the FC starts doing the new WoD dungeon. My FC is setting up a FC blind run after it's release.

Edited, Jan 14th 2015 5:45pm by RyanSquires
#25 Jan 15 2015 at 9:01 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Well, it's a late response, but I managed to finish the Amalj'aa quests to get Trusted. I now have a lizard mount!

I think I'll do the Sahagin quests next, over the Slyph ones. I dislike the Sylphlands enough that I'm half-considering waiting until the expansion is out and I get to level 60, so I can avoid the annoying aggro from everything. On the other hand, the beastmen areas are very good for leveling my chocobo.

I saw Nashred and Teesee in Syrcus Tower this last weekend! I was the tank that your tank was probably complaining about.

All crafting jobs are now at 40 or higher. Blacksmith is still closest to being the next 50, but goldsmith is oddly close to 45.

Bought my first Bombard Core, even though I'm still on the lights stage. I'm a bit over halfway done with the lights.
#26 Jan 16 2015 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Valkayree wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:

I just bought all 8 items myself for a grand total of 600k (about 50~70k per item, except for the cooking one which was 150k).

And i still felt ripped off since the HQ items required to make them are going for 6-9k on the boards. Ofcourse i didnt find out about that till after i desynthed about 90k worth of items at 3k each.

I know, last night I went to look and saw that the aged vellum was going for 6k each... So I bought 20. And the Pumice was going for 1.5k each. So I bought 40. And shark oil was going for 15k each (only HQ were available). I bought 20. Also bought wind and earth clusters for 2k each. So each perfect vellum costs me about 27k to make. And they are selling for 330k on my server. I attempted 10 and made 6. Nothing beats a 12x profit margin.

Nashred wrote:

My desynth skill is like 78 in gsm, I am guessing by desynth the rings gives the item to craft the ring.

Yep, that is exactly right!

Well I made a furnace ring HQ last night for the hell of it. Not bad if you have the items HQ.. Hard as hell with regular quality.
Problem is the furnace ring sells for less than it took me to desyth the aged rings for the materials.. LOL but anyway just wanted to see if I could craft it.
The other items are very expensive. I think everyone leveled GSM for desyth.

Edited, Jan 16th 2015 10:31am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
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