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FFVII for PS4!?Follow

#27 Dec 08 2014 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Square used to be good because they only pandered to the vision they wanted to give the players.

I don't think they are pandering. I just think they don't have that vision anymore. They've forgotten their roots rather than purposefully abandoned them. I guess you could say their MMO pandered to western style because the western MMO is dominant, but that isn't the case when it comes to single player RPGs. I think maybe SE forgot where they came from.

Nicely said, and I agree with you.

But for me, S.E. has fallen even further than this.

To me, Naoki Yoshida saved FFXIV from a business success perspective, but where he failed, he actually killed the very "Soul" of the FF franchise.

This kind of problem, is not limited to Square Enix though. Just look at Capcom, they are suffering from similar problems.

Look at the Bio Hazard franchise. From the epic Bio Hazard 1 & 2, (after Western market popularity) we get Resident Evil 4/5/6, which essentially are just totally different games, up until Resident Evil 6 where it just felt like a Japanese version of Time Crisis/Call of Duty.

So when it comes to single player RPG's, the Japanese also believe that the U.S. market, Western player base, Western play style is what's important, it is the most lucrative market.

Japan wants U.S. dollars, there's a reason why the entire gaming industry in Japan is changing along. American game dollars are easier to make.


If S.E. was to succeed in the Western market, surely they must have a game that is TAILORED to the Western world right?

QUE Yoshida

Just look at the interviews Yoshida did for ARR. He said that the reason FFXI was a success was because the Dev played Ever Quest for a year while they were building FF11.

So he believes, that in order for ARR to succeed, he must build it according to the most popular Western MMO, which is WoW.

There is a fundamental reason, why on Day 1, you chose to pick up Bio Hazard 1 or FFXI to play, over Call of Duty or WoW. Since most Japanese games are following the Western market trend, that reason to play is gone.
#28 Dec 08 2014 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Turin wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
In an ironic twist though...I said it before and I'll say it again - XIII was the most FF game to come out in a long time at that point. Most FF games you had to seek out to get the full story or even a hint as to what is truly going on, the only thing XIII did "wrong" was take out the illusion of choice and instead of npcs in the middle of ************** like lucretia for example, you had to read datalogs.

The only thing? Are you ******* kidding me? How about the entire game taking place in one long corridor? Or the battle system being so stupidly simplified that you could literally play with one finger? Or perhaps the fact that they practically removed equipment from the game. Or, my favorite, the one time when gear mattered (the last fight) you had no idea going into it that you would have needed it, thereby making the final boss a fight a fight against the RNG gods? As to those datalogs, placing the vast majority of your storyline in a menu outside of the game itself, not a great choice.

Edited, Dec 8th 2014 8:12pm by Turin

When you play FF games, do you actually...realize what you're playing? That's why I said it took away the illusion of choice. Every FF game is "on rails" for the grand majority of the storyline until near the ending segments of the story (usually when you gain your airship/"free roam") which is essentially what XIII was - It took out the "freeroam" and was literally how every FF game has been. XII is the only exception in a way because it was designed as a "what if we didn't have online limitations for FFXI?"

Let's be real, I like FF as much as the next person but every FF battle system, V and VIII excluded, you can easily break it or overpower it from the get go. All of them are simplified to the point you either:

1. Used Summons, Win Cake.
2. Stacked a certain, let's call it autowin Materia combination. Win Cake
3. Tossed your money that's worthless most of the game outside of potions.
4. Don't level (in the case of VIII) and stack up a certain spell early on. Win Cake.

All of them were simple battle systems and some even played itself by simply having 1 OP character. You pretty much described every FF game when you described what was "wrong" with XIII. The funny part? Almost every Final Boss in a FF game is against the 'RNG Gods' unless you read up on a strategy guide. You can't sit there and tell me you knew that you would need every resistance ability equipped to not got bent over by Grand Cross on a boss you never even HEARD of until he showed up in FFIX,

All FF games are extremely linear until a crucial story point. With XIII, it was more obvious because it shot you from 1 area to the next with no "overworld" in between.

#29 Dec 08 2014 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
sandpark wrote:
No they didn't forget where they came from. But most of the original devs are long gone from the glory years.

They don't have any devs from WoW, RIFT or other MMOs they 'borrowed' their ideas from for XIV so this point doesn't really make sense. Yoshi has played WoW and no doubt, that's what led to the similar mechanics that have bled over into XIV.

Theonehio wrote:
In an ironic twist though...I said it before and I'll say it again - XIII was the most FF game to come out in a long time at that point.

I borrowed this game from a friend just to try it and aside from the 10-12 hours I tried it with a scowl on, it sat on my coffee table under a pile of mail I didn't want to open. As mentioned, I felt like I could just mash my way through this game and there was no strategy involved. I don't really need a game that isn't on rails, but there was no challenge to the battle system and I probably could have cared less about the characters.

I still play XI. I still play IV - IX on occasion. Maybe it's nostalgia, but these games still have it all over any recent offering from SE(and by recent I mean past 15 years).
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#30 Dec 09 2014 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
Recent focus is on fast gameplay instead of thought out battles with good "in your face" story. It's a trend in all games but it just doesn't work well with the Final Fantasy "MO". Either stop trying to speed up the battle mechanics, stop trying to be a Final Fantasy game, or live with the old school fan base hating (ok that's a bit strong, disliking? being disappointed in?) your games.

As for the illusion of choice, you are pushing buttons on a stationary controller sitting on your couch, everything you do is "the illusion of choice" the trick is to make it not feel entirely like an illusion. FFVII did this well. You went through Midgard as a sort of tutorial and then were given free roam of the world with gated access and reasonably deep side quests, you always felt like you were doing something important. It was just very very well put together at the time.
#31 Dec 09 2014 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
sandpark wrote:
No they didn't forget where they came from. But most of the original devs are long gone from the glory years.

They don't have any devs from WoW, RIFT or other MMOs they 'borrowed' their ideas from for XIV so this point doesn't really make sense. Yoshi has played WoW and no doubt, that's what led to the similar mechanics that have bled over into XIV.

It makes sense to me. It is one thing to borrow ideas and quite another to master other ideas. There is a big difference between taking a few ideas and knowing the soul of the original artist. So no, a new dev taking ideas will not have the same mindset or knowledge when creating a game that the original guys had.

Hence why some of SE developers are in the hall of fame for being pioneers not after year settlers.
#32 Dec 09 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
I think recent Final Fantasy games ended up the way they did because Square-Enix was listening far too much to the gaming press. The PS3/Xbox 360 generation of consoles had people making the persistent claim that "Japanese developers are irrelevant". I have to think that's why you saw the FFXIII director say things like Call of Duty had an influence on the game.

I have a soft spot specifically for the PC version of FF7 because that was my first experience with the franchise and JRPGs. I also remember booting up the PC version of FF8 and going "what do you mean there's no materia?" so the series hasn't been shy about changing mechanics from game to game.
#33 Dec 09 2014 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
5,729 posts
Illsaide wrote:
so the series hasn't been shy about changing mechanics from game to game.

Which is part of why it's so interesting. FF games don't get stale because they're always changing. FF13 may have 'failed' but at least it failed trying something new, rather than being a boring throwback like Bravely Default, or even FF9.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#34 Dec 09 2014 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
BD and FF9 were far from boring throwbacks lol. They were infinitely better than FFVII at least. Even XIII was a throw back to the typical FF style, just not in terms of graphics. Without a strategy guide or internet, could you really sit there and say each FF game told you exactly where to go when it wasn't being obvious? (e.g showing a cutscene of the next spot) Some FF games left such vague hints on the main story progression you HAD to go out and talk to everyone/visit places you didn't even know exist.

Take that and throw them into a datalog and you have FFXIII. It does suck they took out the overworld, but if XIII had one, more people wouldn't complain about the 'hallway', which is ironic, considering how much praise ARR gets and it's nothing but a damn hallway or circle arena when it comes to its actual content.


#35 Dec 09 2014 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
sandpark wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
sandpark wrote:
No they didn't forget where they came from. But most of the original devs are long gone from the glory years.

They don't have any devs from WoW, RIFT or other MMOs they 'borrowed' their ideas from for XIV so this point doesn't really make sense. Yoshi has played WoW and no doubt, that's what led to the similar mechanics that have bled over into XIV.

It makes sense to me. It is one thing to borrow ideas and quite another to master other ideas. There is a big difference between taking a few ideas and knowing the soul of the original artist. So no, a new dev taking ideas will not have the same mindset or knowledge when creating a game that the original guys had.

Hence why some of SE developers are in the hall of fame for being pioneers not after year settlers.

Nobody is asking them to master anything. It's a simple concept. You look at something that works(now or in the past), try to understand why it works and then adapt it to fit with what you already have or use it to mold your ideas in what you're creating. There is no difference between incorporating something from WoW into XIV than there is incorporating something from VII into XV, XVI... ect.

Knowing the soul of the original artist? This is game development, not Oprah. Spare the dramatics please. If anything, technology has allowed artists to be as expressive as they've ever been, arguably more so than ever. The game doesn't have to be remade by the original artists. Hell at this point, most people probably don't even trust SE to do the remake and they'd want it done by someone else...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#36 Dec 09 2014 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts

SE really doesn't want to remake VII.

#37 Dec 10 2014 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
In the case of VII, there was also the fact that they supposedly deleted all their art assets to make room for FFVIII because storage was still a premium. So you literally have textures and code and images that don't exist anywhere else outside of the source code of the game any more.
#38 Dec 10 2014 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
The same happened with FFX which is why the HD remaster was outsourced. With VII though they still have plenty of assets to work with though unless they deleted everything from BC/CC/AC as well lol.

You'd think they'd outsource VII remake to someone else as well since if SE is unwilling to do it from scratch there's plenty of companies that would np. Hell VII initially wasn't even finished to begin with, they rushed it out. I think they also got rid of IX's source code which is why they never made a PC version that they originally planned to attach to POL Viewer back in the day.

#39 Dec 13 2014 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
At this point they are just targeting the people that have bought it over and over again. I own the PSN version and the Steam version(for upscaled graphics). I'm not buying any others.

SE has given many many excuses for not doing this. The one I believe the most is when they said they no longer have the original FF7 team(the only one left is the director it seems).

Let's be real, I like FF as much as the next person but every FF battle system, V and VIII excluded, you can easily break it or overpower it from the get go. All of them are simplified to the point you either:

4. Don't level (in the case of VIII) and stack up a certain spell early on. Win Cake.

No, please include FFVIII. Because you can get seriously overpowered with the junction system on a scale much worst than FFVII. That and with the Tonberry GF you have the power to change the tide of any battle literally with two commands.

Well there is many spells in that can you can stack up on early on, I mean all of them offer some OPness, except for many sense, but the game breaking one is meltdown, but you get access to that later in the game.

Edit: That should be Scan, not sense.

Edited, Dec 13th 2014 3:43pm by TwilightSkye

Edited, Dec 14th 2014 9:09am by TwilightSkye
#40 Dec 15 2014 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
Theonehio wrote:
It's SE, the 'main branch' stopped giving a **** a long time. Remember, it's the same company that went to a Sony event to make an announcement about an announcement that stumped even the MC for a second.

I hate VII with every fiber of my being (it really was a ****** FF game when you truly break it down) but at this point in time, I'd say give it to Nintendo, they'll do a remake no problem. Look at Zelda OoT/MM remakes - All of the pre-rendered stuff was redone and looked pretty nice and VII was still on the lower end of the spectrum so on the WiiU it would be no problem.

They said they'll remake VII if another FF game surpasses it - Well FFXI long surpassed VII almost a decade ago so they simply want to milk the hype they knew it would generate. I agree it would be costly as **** because they have to not only redo the graphics, progression but they have to actually finish the game, fix all of the bugs and actually make most of your stats work. I wouldn't want to remake it either.

Though at the same time I do want a remake so people will see VII wasn't as good as they thought it was.

Now FFV or IX on the other hand..

Sounds like some one really hates the fact that 7, a game YOU really don't like was successful. It's funny when people say things like "See it for what it is", funny I saw Advent Children for what it is - A very good film with plenty of action but bad English voice overs. Reminded me of the Avengers just that was a much bigger scale and better actors.

I keep seeing a few people - yes a few, claiming the game was poor yet they don't say why. The people who really enjoyed it like me, loved the characters, the story, the music and the way they setup material + battles. The only excuse people use is that "Its first 3D FF, most likely your first RPG/FF Game". Well it wasn't my first, wasn't my second or 3rd.

Sounds like you have a serious beef cake issue with 7, probably because your favourite FF games are long being forgotten. Not everyone has the same taste, I am a big fan of Star Ocean 2, FF8 and FFX. I have 2 versions of SO2, 3 versions of FF7 and two now of FFX. I could easily turn around and say IX was utterly over rated, poorly created characters that didn't even feel real, music was mostly poor and felt too quickly made, the story was over thought and complicated from something that should have been simple. They didn't create a world of real people, they created a world of anything they could and put it together in a rush for release.
That's only my opinion though. FFV, was a good game though and it was one of my earliest FF games. The story, music, the world and the characters was strong.

Again my opinion. If you have such a problem with 7 I find the best thing to do is not get involved with discussions because your post has pure hatred behind it and perhaps you are blinded by it.

Even if 7 wasn't 3D it would still be loved by fans because of the story and characters. As for 7 remake being surpassed, not going to happen. FFX came very close to it but it lacked a character like Sephiroth. It also lacked an organisation like Shinra - that typical Corporation who only cared about profits (sound a familiar?).

I still feel joy for FF7 when I play it, even at my age now. Just the same as playing Zelda Ocarina of Time which again, was original, characters, good story but gave us a world to enjoy that felt pieced together like master piece.

I have just now showed real examples why the game was brilliant and still has life today. Must hurt knowing it is consistently in the top games in existence let alone one of the finest RPGs ever created even by todays standards. Lets not forget their PSP attempt of a prequel and Advent children, plus all the memorabilia they make for it. Advent children did far better than they expected, shall we also talk about their PS3 launch trailer? The real first moment SE realised how much love there is for FF7.

I hope they do make a large remake because it will sell, I will be amongst the pre-orders for a PS4/5? remake with full high res graphics and voice overs. I know a lot of people that will join me in that. And if they do, it will sell hard and fast and at that moment people like you can continue to be bitter.

Edit - Some spelling

Edited, Dec 15th 2014 6:45am by Lonix

Edited, Dec 15th 2014 6:46am by Lonix
#41 Dec 15 2014 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
425 posts
FF7 was talked about and hyped through the roof for so many years, that lots of people were really getting tired of hearing about it, so some hate is a little understandable.
#42 Dec 15 2014 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Lonix wrote:
Sounds like some one really hates the fact that 7, a game YOU really don't like was successful. It's funny when people say things like "See it for what it is"

Like the original release of VI, it had a lot of broken features in terms of character progression. Not broken as in "OP", but broken as in doesn't work at all. It also had a significant amount of glitched battles due to the format they went with at the time, if you accidentally force certain monsters to use a certain move that shouldn't be possible normally, congrats, you lost your save game on disk 2 or stuck in an infinite loop and pray you remembered to save before hand. There's also a few status debuffs that doesn't work, which sure can be great, but makes it a farcry from the "perfect" game it gets touted as.

yes a few, claiming the game was poor yet they don't say why

The same reason as any arguments that goes against your own belief - You choose to ignore it. I've seen plenty (including myself) state exactly what's wrong with VII because it truly was a flawed game because that's simply the nature of RUSHING OUT a game, it's going to have some significant issues. Let's not even talk about the localization.

The only excuse people use is that "Its first 3D FF, most likely your first RPG/FF Game". Well it wasn't my first, wasn't my second or 3rd.

Here's proof that you simply choose to ignore the arguments - Considering the age of gaming and release timing, FF7 was many first people's final fantasy game and even rpg in general you can't deny it, it's been stated numerous times even by Square themselves and if you paid attention to the media at the time, it's what actually drove RPGs mainstream outwest because, once again as stated, many people's first time playing a "full length" RPG and companies seen that it was catching on out west and thus the RPG boom happened. Was it yours? No, good for you, but was it many others? Indeed it was and that's why it gets acclaim, just like super mario 64 gets the most acclaim even though there were better ones before and after.

There's always been great RPGs before either traditional or action etc, for example Chrono Trigger was an amazing RPG, did it get as much acclaim as 7? Hell no. Have people been expecting more like people expect a remake? Hell yes because Chrono Cross left more to be desired after you beat it and Radical Dreamers was a visual novel.

If you have such a problem with 7 I find the best thing to do is not get involved with discussions because your post has pure hatred behind it and perhaps you are blinded by it.

Yet having absolutely nothing but praise for it would make you blind as well. More so, honestly.

Not everyone has the same taste

What I don't get is how you say this, yet in the same statement state someone shouldn't enter a discussion because their opinion differs from yours. Funnily enough, my favorite FF game wasn't forgotten, it got an HD Remaster recently, actually and my 2nd favorite FF game wasn't even a Final Fantasy game, it was a SaGa game.

the story was over thought and complicated from something that should have been simple.

Exactly like FFVII. Square even admitted that a lot of the prequel games were done in order to fill in the gaps left due to rushed development of VII. VII has a lot of unfinished elements including story segments, some out right cut. So while SE milks the living hell out of 7, it truly wasn't that great of a game when you analyze it because even the ones who made the damn game admits there were a lot of issues with it. Hell they didn't even fix the glitches in later iterations, maybe they will for the PS4 version if they do anything with it at all. So sorry to break it to you, but I don't have 'blind hate' for VII, I dislike it as a game because I can't look past what was flawed with it and I can actually admit that most of its praise is because it truly was a lot of people's "first love"...

Which brings up an ironic point that a lot of people love to throw around the term "nostalgia" whenever someone likes anything else from the past, but FFVII gets involved? How or why would that be exempt from "nostalgia"?

The real first moment SE realised how much love there is for FF7.

This would happen with anything - Especially if you remember how a 7 remake was always rumored/asked for prior to that, then suddenly Square shows that and says: "nope". The same happened with the Biohazard games in Japan, then we finally got the GC remakes. Square knows the love for 7, much like they know the love for other series that gets no love from them, like SaGa, Mana and Chrono because let's not even talk about the unfortunate fate of the Mana games, which were also praised despite too having severe flaws (and I loved Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3.)

Edited, Dec 15th 2014 7:20am by Theonehio

#43 Dec 18 2014 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
TwilightSkye wrote:
FF7 was talked about and hyped through the roof for so many years, that lots of people were really getting tired of hearing about it, so some hate is a little understandable.

FF7 is easily in my top 5 games of all time, and even I'm sick to death of it at this point. A fully realized open world remake would be awesome but I highly, highly doubt it'll ever happen so unless Square plans to deliver on that I wish they'd just STFU about it already.
#44 Jan 07 2015 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Theonehio wrote:

I would much prefer a IX remake. As much as I loved FF7 in 1998 or whenever it came out, FF9 was ridiculously good in retrospec. I actually listen to the FF9 OST quite a bit these days.

Chrono Trigger is still my favorite RPG of all time though.

I've been playing RPGs since 1988, but I didn't actually understand them/beat them until way later as I was only 4 years old. FFIII (VI in japan?) was the first RPG I played while my brain was functioning at a high enough level to accomplish anything in such a complex game. I was 10 by then.

I meet guys all the time that are around my age that are like "man FF7 was **** dude, FF4/5/2/6/Zelda etc. was way better". I always have to ask them, were you a child genius because when the really early FF's were out my 5 or 6 year old brain was not capable of understanding them. Which is perhaps why I dismissed them most of my life.

Edited, Jan 7th 2015 8:34pm by Transmigration
#45 Jan 07 2015 at 8:43 PM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
It's trendy to hate on FF7. In true hipster fashion those people usually hate the thing that's popular and worship the retro/obscure stuff, just because.
#46 Jan 07 2015 at 11:46 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Chrono Trigger is still my favorite RPG of all time though.

Mine too, and because of that I kinda want SE to leave it alone.

Having seen the FF6 mobile port and the sequels to FF4..... yeah, maybe just leave Chrono Trigger alone.

It's trendy to hate on FF7. In true hipster fashion those people usually hate the thing that's popular and worship the retro/obscure stuff, just because.

True. FF7 was good. I liked FF6 better. FF6 is my favorite in the series and has been for a long time (my first Final Fantasy was 1. The first one I could appreciate was 4).
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#47 Jan 08 2015 at 8:21 AM Rating: Excellent
I think whichever RPG you played through first will often be your favorite (almost like MMOs). I had tried many prior to Chrono Trigger, but never actually got through them (rented titles for a weekend, no way you were getting through them). Finally, after getting a copy of Chrono for Christmas I managed to play through it all. It still stands as my favorite today and I have played through it several times.

VI was good, VII was good, then as I got older they seemed to get worse. VIII took me forever to finish, IX I can't remember a thing from, even though I beat it. X was ok, but never had the slightest interest in playing it again. XI was...well and addiction, we'll leave it at that. XII I couldn't finish, XIII, couldn't finish, XIII-2, played a few hours and bleh. Didn't even try XIII-3.

As terrible as the later games seem to me, you talk to younger people that are 10-11, just playing through their first RPGs and they say XIII is amazing! Get them to try VI, VII or whatever older game and most of them just don't see it. They often think it's awful. This past generation has had some gems though with Xenoblade Chronicles, Ni No Kuni, Eternal Sonata (gem to me), I managed to play through all of those. To me, SE has just gotten worse over time yet others seem to really enjoy their newer stuff. So what do I know.

#48 Jan 08 2015 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
At this point I wish they'd just leave every past game alone (aside from ports and PSN) and just work on new installments of FF. No remakes, no remasters, no sequels/prequels/whatever. Just come up with new stories dammit.
#49 Jan 08 2015 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
But then we wouldn't have the amazingness that is FFX-2! That being said, Crisis Core was actually a really fun game and it developed some of the story quite nicely. When done right, it's fine, but when you release stuff like X-2, ya...seems like a lot of wasted time and effort that could of been put towards something else.

The problem with SE at this point is they just keep trying to push the graphical envelope with slightly more exciting combat, while ignoring everything else that made their games popular. Mainly, plot and magic systems. Games like Xenoblade Chronicles and Ni No Kuni, while nice from an artistic stand point, were not state of the art push the system to its limits kind of games. Yet, they're still far more memorable then anything SE has released in the last 10 years. Eye candy only gets you so far, which is why games like Crysis get boring in a hurry.

I can't judge XV yet cause it's obviously not released. But, I have never been so disappointed with a trailer in my life. Nothing about it wants makes me say, damn, I gotta get this game. XIV is a beautiful game, but does not push PCs to their limits. What made it successful? Going back to its FF roots for the most part. As much as I would LOVE a true re-make of FFVII, after about 10 mins, the graphics would wear off and it would still be FFVII.

#50 Jan 08 2015 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
But then we wouldn't have the amazingness that is FFX-2! That being said, Crisis Core was actually a really fun game and it developed some of the story quite nicely. When done right, it's fine, but when you release stuff like X-2, ya...seems like a lot of wasted time and effort that could of been put towards something else.

Hey, I liked FF X-2! I appreciated the fact that it was of a much lighter and goofier tone than the other games, and Sphere Break is my favorite FF minigame. Then again, I also liked the systems from FF 2 and FF 8. I like the weird ones.

As to the earlier point of the first RPG you finish being your favorite...mine was Ultima V. While it is my favorite of the Ultima series, I don't think the Ultima games have held up very well. At this point, I prefer the Wizardry series to it, and I have only finished two of those games, while I've finished 7 of the Ultimas.
#51 Jan 08 2015 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I think whichever RPG you played through first will often be your favorite (almost like MMOs)

This is a major point A LOT of people forget or purposefully ignore and choose to attack anyone that states this, since even Square admits VII was a hell of a lot of their fans first FF game and even they know the game was a rushed and broken mess in some areas. (Hell aside milking it all of the spin offs were filling in holes left by the rushed nature of VIIs storyline.) It's kind of like people stating XI is my first MMO because it's one of my favorites - yet my first MMO was back when they weren't even classified as MMOs and my favorite MMO is actually PSO2 and it's not truly an yeah.

VII is not like Metal Gear Solid back then when the storyline went over most kids heads. I mean you get there's heroes and villains, but it wasn't until you got older did you realize what it TRULY was about, specially MGS2. VII was nowhere near like that tbh. So it is the 'cool thing" to hate on VII, but truthfully, it wasn't that great compared to other FF games.

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