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What do people think of the new dungeons.Follow

#1 Nov 03 2014 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
I have only run 2 of them..Sastasha and The Sunken Temple of Qarn.

Qarn has got to be my new favorite dungeon.. I love the music and I love the whole Indiana Jones feel to it.. Fights are pretty standard fare as most in this game.. Nothing to innovative, just another twist... Anyone look at the damage this dungeon does to your gear, wow... but anyway love this dungeon..

Sastasha I dont care for.. The last fight feels just like hullbreaker.. Holy crap is that second fight hard. We had two bards and we could not stop him from shooting. I guess your supposed to interrupt him when he shoots by doing damage to him.. Our tank said it not as bad if you have a mnk or dragoon... Well one BRD left and we got a second BRD again.. We did beat it but I pretty much just massively healed through it.. what is the trick?

I have not tried the other because I was waiting to do the main quest till Tes got home..

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 10:06am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#2 Nov 03 2014 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Nashred wrote:
I have only run 2 of them..Sastasha and The Sunken Temple of Qarn.

Qarn has got to be my new favorite dungeon.. I love the music and I love the whole Indiana Jones feel to it.. Fights are pretty standard fare as most in this game.. Nothing to innovative, just another twist... Anyone look at the damage this dungeon does to your gear, wow... but anyway love this dungeon..

Sastasha I dont care for.. The last fight feels just like hullbreaker.. Holy crap is that second fight hard. We had two bards and we could not stop him from shooting. I guess your supposed to interrupt him when he shoots by doing damage to him.. Our tank said it not as bad if you have a mnk or dragoon... Well one BRD left and we got a second BRD again.. We did beat it but I pretty much just massively healed through it.. what is the trick?

I have not tried the other because I was waiting to do the main quest till Tes got home..

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 10:06am by Nashred

Think that second boss is a dps check.

Also the final boss on Qarn hits the tank hard!
#3 Nov 03 2014 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
1,339 posts
2nd boss is nothing more than a DPS check like stated. You have to do a pre-determined amount of damage to get him to fumble and stop shooting. Early on it's a small amount of damage and later on it's a hefty push, but in reality all it requires is a healer to actually pay attention and heal when someone's targeted (they kinda have a reticule above their head for a reason) -- the damage classes don't matter. I've done it with BLM + BLM, BLM + NIN, BLM + BRD, BRD + BRD, and BRD + MNK. It requires decent players, not classes.

The few times we've had issues is usually someone doing so horribly on damage (with i110 gear no less) that they couldn't have killed Demon Wall back in the day much less this.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 11:30am by Viertel
#4 Nov 03 2014 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
The trick is to ignore the last set of adds until you've DPS'd him down enough to make him stop.

Or, if you have a caster, gather them up, and down the adds and DPS the boss all at once with a nice fat Limit Break. That's how we cleared through it the first time.
#5 Nov 03 2014 at 1:08 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
For whatever reason, it feels like the new dungeons trash mobs have a lot of hp and this makes melee jobs more valuable. Maybe it won't feel like that after enough upgrades, but it seemed that it was taking a while. When I did a Qarn roulette with a MNK and DRG, things seemed to go much, much faster.

I think Snowcloak may be my favorite, but I'd give Sastasha the nod over Qarn, though not by much. Sastasha and Qarn feel very much alike to me, down to needing to interrupt the second boss from dishing out a lot of damage by pouring on the damage for them.
#6 Nov 03 2014 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,429 posts
The music in Snowcloak is pretty awesome. It's misleading in a way, because it's soothing to listen to. Shiva fight is just fun fun fun.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#7 Nov 03 2014 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Illsaide wrote:
For whatever reason, it feels like the new dungeons trash mobs have a lot of hp and this makes melee jobs more valuable. Maybe it won't feel like that after enough upgrades, but it seemed that it was taking a while. When I did a Qarn roulette with a MNK and DRG, things seemed to go much, much faster.

I think Snowcloak may be my favorite, but I'd give Sastasha the nod over Qarn, though not by much. Sastasha and Qarn feel very much alike to me, down to needing to interrupt the second boss from dishing out a lot of damage by pouring on the damage for them.

The trash mobs did seem more of a challenge and kind of made them more fun.. Trash mobs in dungeons seemed more annoying than anything and they were just there to slow you down.. really what for, they are easy to kill?

Catwho wrote:
The trick is to ignore the last set of adds until you've DPS'd him down enough to make him stop.

Or, if you have a caster, gather them up, and down the adds and DPS the boss all at once with a nice fat Limit Break. That's how we cleared through it the first time.

BRD needs a decent LB for being a DD...

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 2:36pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#8 Nov 03 2014 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Nashred wrote:

BRD needs a decent LB for being a DD...
Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 2:36pm by Nashred

Bard can wreck so much shop if played properly. Give it a damage lb and it is op. I've been running it quite a lot and now actually prefer it over black mage. Got a little coaching a while back from some pretty decent players (had to learn the job to get a static) and now I can keep up with all the others, even while in song. My starting burst on bosses begins with straight shot, which boosts crit by 10% for 20s. Then I run through five buffs (Hawk's Eye, Barrage, Raging Strikes, Blood for Blood, Internal Release) and then fire off my DOTs (Windbite and Venomous Bite). I'll be moving into the boss about that time, and drop Blunt Arrow, followed by Repelling Shot. As I'm flipping backwards, I'll set up a Flaming Arrow on top of the boss. Then I start into my main macro (which has Misery' End, Bloodletter, and Heavy Shot all macroed in together) until my DOTs fall off, then I reapply.

Windbite will sometimes proc the Bloodletter timer to reset, and the trait River of Blood makes all your DOTs proc bloodletter reset so the above macro helps so I dont have to think about it. It prioritizes Misery's End first (which is least likely to occur), followed by Bloodletter, and defaults to Heavy Shot when neither of those two are active. It is the lazy bard's PC macro (or hard working bard's required PS4 macro) whichever you prefer...

Heavy Shot also adds a 20% chance that your next straight shot will crit (i.e. Straighter Shot) which is also nice.

I have been told I deal some pretty good damage with this setup.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 3:31pm by Valkayree
#9 Nov 03 2014 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
I like Sastasha for the most part but that Kracken fight can drag on FOREVER...
#10 Nov 03 2014 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
The trash has been like that every upgrade... until people get the new max iLVL there won't be mass trash burning ^.~

I love all the new runs, but they seem like they may overstay their welcome faster than previous ones.
#11 Nov 03 2014 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I haven't done Sastasha yet, but I don't mind the other two. The boss fights were fun enough the first time around. I don't know how they'll feel on run 50. I am having a problem with the trash mobs though. They are so uninteresting that it feels way too grindy to get to the bosses. Nothing has any interesting or new mechanic. It' s just he same old gather them together and spank them routine. I'd really like to see something else in there. I loved the canons in Stone Vigil Hard for just that reason, it was something different. Even if all it is is running over and clicking something, at least it adds a bit of variety.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 6:53pm by Turin
#12 Nov 03 2014 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Perrin wrote:
I love all the new runs, but they seem like they may overstay their welcome faster than previous ones.

Yeah. I can see them getting very old very fast. Especially Sastasha and Snowcloak.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#13 Nov 03 2014 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,339 posts
Raylo wrote:
I like Sastasha for the most part but that Kracken fight can drag on FOREVER...

It isn't so bad really. The biggest problem are people that go to kill Arms *AND* Tentacles, when you should only kill the arms (and just stay away from the tentacles so you can't get fetter-thrown).

The slow down happens below 50%. Kraken basically begins to alternate between all arms, and then tentacles + arms. You ignore the first phase and burn the boss, and then kill the arms when there's tentacles up. Basically any time there's no tentacles that spawn you ignore them -- it dramatically speeds up the fight. You ignore that first set because killing or not killing them has zero impact on stopping his Stranger Tides move and gives you time to wail on the boss.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 8:17pm by Viertel
#14 Nov 03 2014 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Bard can wreck so much shop if played properly. Give it a damage lb and it is op.

Because no other DPS can "wreck shop" if they didn't have their damage LBs?

DPS jobs deserve a damaging LB, period. It's the only job currently that flies in the face of how the LB system was seemingly designed. I'm sure every career BRD has had their moments where BRDs were the only DPS in the party, and therefore the "who's gonna lb? LOL" jokes started coming out. A party potentially having no way to utilize their LB for damage (assuming your party always has at least one DPS in it) is just silly to me. In every FF game where limit breaks were a thing, the vast majority of them were designed for kicking the enemy's *** somehow.

I'm guessing the only reason they don't have one is because it would admittedly look silly for a non-magical bow-user to be calling down magical laser beams and meteors from the sky, but I'm hoping this gets addressed eventually when jobs start getting their own unique LBs/animations. After all, MNK and DRG also look pretty silly bringing out a Buster Sword to attack something...

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 9:11pm by Fynlar
#15 Nov 04 2014 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Teneleven wrote:
The music in Snowcloak is pretty awesome. It's misleading in a way, because it's soothing to listen to. Shiva fight is just fun fun fun.

I did snow cloak yesterday and you are right on the music being soothing and it fits the dungeon... So soothing it can calm down anyone..
The dungeon is beautiful to look at..
We had a great run with a very nice tank.. He was the only one who had ran it before so the rest of us were new to it..
We did well, the tank explained each fight and he explained it very well, really nice guy. Why cant more people be like this guy.
The dungeon is not as hard as the rest. .
Some cool mechanics like when you hit the snowballs at the boss.. Overall I would put it down as one of my tops for dungeons so far.
Tesee loved the dungeon too... She thought is was beautiful.. She is always nervous the first time we do a dungeon but after words she said that was fun and one of her Favorites....

Also I do agree with some I think the new dungeons will get older faster than the rest even though I think Snowcloak and Qarn are the best two dungeons yet.

I dont think it is because these are worse designed dungeon, actually I think they are the best.. I think it is because they dont really introduce much new in the way of game play and really hasn't since the first level 50 dungeons.. Its the same ole same ole, been there done that.. its you typical dodge and dps checks with 3 boss fights and trash in the middle ...

See I am different, I would rather wait longer and bring out content that is better and new than rush out content. I know it is easier to crank out content by recycling.. I prefer quality than quantity. I know they need to keep people busy though... Its a fine line..

Edited, Nov 4th 2014 10:24am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#16 Nov 04 2014 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Fynlar wrote:
Bard can wreck so much shop if played properly. Give it a damage lb and it is op.

Because no other DPS can "wreck shop" if they didn't have their damage LBs?

DPS jobs deserve a damaging LB, period. It's the only job currently that flies in the face of how the LB system was seemingly designed. I'm sure every career BRD has had their moments where BRDs were the only DPS in the party, and therefore the "who's gonna lb? LOL" jokes started coming out. A party potentially having no way to utilize their LB for damage (assuming your party always has at least one DPS in it) is just silly to me. In every FF game where limit breaks were a thing, the vast majority of them were designed for kicking the enemy's *** somehow.

I'm guessing the only reason they don't have one is because it would admittedly look silly for a non-magical bow-user to be calling down magical laser beams and meteors from the sky, but I'm hoping this gets addressed eventually when jobs start getting their own unique LBs/animations. After all, MNK and DRG also look pretty silly bringing out a Buster Sword to attack something...

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 9:11pm by Fynlar

I think I see what Valk is getting at. BRD doesn't have to worry about landing attacks on the rear or flanks or having to keep up Greased Lightning or Heavy Thrust. It also doesn't need to worry about dodging in or out of boss centered AoEs as with other ranged DPS, but it doesn't have to worry about casting time like BLM. It sort of has the "best of both worlds" going on.

Valk, when you're on BRD, what songs do you end up singing? Are they constantly up?
#17 Nov 05 2014 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
Nashred wrote:

I dont think it is because these are worse designed dungeon, actually I think they are the best.. I think it is because they dont really introduce much new in the way of game play and really hasn't since the first level 50 dungeons.. Its the same ole same ole, been there done that.. its you typical dodge and dps checks with 3 boss fights and trash in the middle ...

See I am different, I would rather wait longer and bring out content that is better and new than rush out content. I know it is easier to crank out content by recycling.. I prefer quality than quantity. I know they need to keep people busy though... Its a fine line..

I think at this point SE is waiting until Heavensward to introduce completely new mechanics. Yoshi-P has hinted at it few times now anyway. I personally don't think anything has been "rushed", especially the new mechanics in store for us. SE is taking a very conservative approach and waiting it out. It is also very good to keep experimenting with the old mechanics and completely master them. Paves the way for new types of gameplay to be well implemented on top of the old gameplay.

If there is an example of rushing something out, that is Hunts.
#18 Nov 05 2014 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
How is the ultros fight?
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#19 Nov 05 2014 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Nashred wrote:
How is the ultros fight?

Very dependent on DPS - So if they're all derps, gl beating it. Very easy otherwise.

#20 Nov 06 2014 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
They are okay, don't feel as boring as others. Not a fan of running to one room kill all mobs and repeat for 30 times.
I enjoy the whole kill bubbles that heal a mob.

Bosses are bit of fun, I enjoy the dodging but not a fan of DPS check in the event you have low BRDs or something.

Music.. I thought they could be better especially snowcloak, there are other FF games that have far better music in snow zones. Although there are a few with very poor tunes.
#21 Nov 06 2014 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Nashred wrote:
How is the ultros fight?

Very dependent on DPS - So if they're all derps, gl beating it. Very easy otherwise.

Well I did it last night as whm and the first group failed.. No one knew what too do..
I went in with a second bunch and walked through it... Still not sure what exactly you are supposed to do in that fight.. I mean i know you need too stay on the platform..
I didn't like it....
The whole Hildy thing was kind of boring til the end too.. I like this quest line the best because it was such a break from the norm.
The Greg fight from the last series was darn cool but the ultros fight.. NAA

Edited, Nov 6th 2014 9:04am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
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