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As much as people complain about weekly lock on loot..Follow

#1 Nov 02 2014 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Every single time they unhinge it it seems the collective intelligence drops 70 levels. Maybe it's just on the NA/EU DataCenter people's intelligence just bleeds out of their ears now that you can lot on anything and everything, but on durandal I've yet to see the...let's say, "don't know the basics of FFXIV or your class" type of gameplay I'm seeing with my Sarga character lol.

Like seriously..what happens to the playerbase when they take off the weekly loot restriction?

#2 Nov 02 2014 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I don't think the players actually get dumber, but I think more people become interested in doing the content.

Remember, if you possess even average intelligence, then fully half the people you encounter will be stupider than you.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#3 Nov 02 2014 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
I don't think the players actually get dumber, but I think more people become interested in doing the content.

Remember, if you possess even average intelligence, then fully half the people you encounter will be stupider than you.

It's just weird though, the quality of runs took a nose dive..and it's not even the "new person"'s literally people in high allagan (and had achievements for clears prior to 2.4 and such, I checked on some of the...notable examples) so it seems like it brings out the trolls and people who never learned how to play..or something haha.

I know CT and ST can be bad but goodness

#4 Nov 03 2014 at 2:16 AM Rating: Default
Sure takes me back to those FFXI days...

How can that be though, the game required 70 less intelligence to play...
#5 Nov 03 2014 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
Theonehio wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
I don't think the players actually get dumber, but I think more people become interested in doing the content.

Remember, if you possess even average intelligence, then fully half the people you encounter will be stupider than you.

It's just weird though, the quality of runs took a nose dive..and it's not even the "new person"'s literally people in high allagan (and had achievements for clears prior to 2.4 and such, I checked on some of the...notable examples) so it seems like it brings out the trolls and people who never learned how to play..or something haha.

I know CT and ST can be bad but goodness

I can't agree more. We all wanted it, we all loved it but when it happens people are complaining. Did my 1st ST after the update and straight away "Oh great More NIN!" as if they are the worst DPS. Okay the guy had an obvious issue with nins..

Turns out the person was after Sand (took me 10 runs to get 1) and didn't like the fact that the nin got the drop each time. This isn't the same nin BTW ;)

Everyone ended up falling out with this person, all is fair in love and war plus drops. This person was seriously struggling to dodge anything and died. With me being the healer it is a personal hit on my pride if any death occurs even if I get fed up with the person. So I pride my self on being a damn good healer.

As I said it took me 10 runs to get my 1 Sand that I really wanted but that's life, I get over it and move on. I was getting plenty of Sold and other drops too so it wasn't the end of the world.

If you really don't like the rules of drops form your own party and go join ST.
#6 Nov 03 2014 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
3,599 posts
I've only been doing ST and Extreme Roulettes, but to me it's a combination of people who didn't farm the content before (even if they did it) and not caring because the content is old.

Mostly not caring. Like, oh this is old content, just let these people carry me.
#7 Nov 03 2014 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
I have run ST this weekend like 8 times to get sand and oils for my bard and I got none..I hit 98 twice and 95 once and lost too 99 ... I watched one guy win on the last boss two sands and one oil, he got all three.

Tes ran it last night and lost with a 95..

I think it is harder to get gear with the lock out removed. It was hard when it was just one oil but was not bad when they added additional oils and sands.

I wish they would have left the lock out on the sands and oils but not on gear,..

Can you turn in ST gear for GC seals? I bet that why people lot on it all...

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 9:36am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#8 Nov 03 2014 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
3,599 posts
Nashred wrote:
I have run ST this weekend like 8 times to get sand and oils for my bard and I got none..I hit 98 twice and 95 once and lost too 99 ... I watched one guy win on the last boss two sands and one oil, he got all three.

Tes ran it last night and lost with a 95..

I think it is harder to get gear with the lock out removed. It was hard when it was just one oil but was not bad when they added additional oils and sands.

I wish they would have left the lock out on the sands and oils but not on gear,..

Can you turn in ST gear for GC seals? I bet that why people lot on it all...

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 9:36am by Nashred

Absolutely disagree. If there was still a lockout, the queues wouldn't be 5 minutes for dps right now, and people like myself would have a hard time catching back up to participate in current content. Right now I've been running ST constantly so that I can reach 110. With the nerfs to hunts, sands and oils are even harder to get (because no one does hunts anymore).

I've gotten 3 oils, 1 tomestone, and 1 sand in about 6 runs. I feel I've been particularly lucky, but RNG is fair in its absolute unfairness.
#9 Nov 03 2014 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
I've had several good ST runs and one utterly horribly broken ST run in the last week. That one we all voted to abandon on Amon. I'm not sure what was going on, but it was an uncoordinated clusterf***.

Finally got my Scylla's "robe" of Healing last night. Put it on, admired it for 30 seconds, and glamoured over it with a tuxedo top. It's.... so hideous.
#10 Nov 03 2014 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
The vast majority of my trips into ST were fine. I did get that "one group" however that played badly and blamed the healers.

It all started with Scylla, of course. I myself got frozen, which isn't a crisis but the entire 5 DPS members were standing in a puddle while Ancient Flame wasn't being cast, and you guessed it, someone stopped by with an ice sphere and froze them all (a first for me to see a freeze that bad). Which then evaporated the puddle they were in. And then staff AoE plus Ancient Flame nuked them all. And they all complained that it was "someone new" who screwed it all up for them, even though no one told them to all bunch up in a puddle at once like that, and if they weren't new, they should have known better.

So we're down to 2 healers and a tank, who was main tanking Scylla, by the way, so I have to prioritize. I throw out Raises when I can, but I can't Swiftcast them all and it takes a good 8 seconds to cast it which is an eternity in an AoE fest (people are getting hurt while you're casting plus if you have to dodge, you have to start that long cast all over). So, after 8 seconds of ignoring the tank, I'm overdue for a Cure 2 in that direction, and the person I raised gets up and gets blasted by a no-warning Unholy before I can follow up with a cure. So I get a, "What, no follow up cure?" as though this was the first time they ever saw this happen to someone, and there couldn't have been a good reason. With all that raising, I'm running on fumes, but the bard, who has never heard of Mage Ballad, won't cease to complain that we're losing to bad healing without any sense of irony.

But where the group was all bunched up before, now they were spread all over the map. I get that sometimes you have to move away to deliver a sphere, but there's no reason everyone needs to spread out at once. There's nothing more infuriating than when you cast a Medica 2 while you have almost MP left and you realize that the only people who received it was the tank and the other healer because the DPS who were right behind you have all moved away. I have to try hunting down the other 5, one by one, to individually cast cures on them before they die from the next Unholy or whatever AoE they'll fail to dodge, all the while keeping the main tank alive, and all the while the DPS complain that I'm doing a lousy job. It's pretty much futile to save everyone in that situation. Casting takes too long to get to everyone in time, and any instructions you give to improve the situation are seen as lame excuses and ridiculed.

So eventually, the DPS were a lost cause: all dead because they wouldn't stick to the group, and they would be triple weak (or worse) if raised again, and both us healers were out of mana, anyway (first time I needed to grab an MP potion from my inventory since forever). So we focused on the main tank and let the rest of the alliance carry us in shame.

I probably should have quit right after the fight, but I stuck around for more hijinks. We had a black mage with us who had over 5000 hp, so he was well-geared, and should have known better. But on the Glasya robot, he peeled hate off the tank, who was main tanking up to that point, so he probably struggled to get control at first. The robot punched the mage for half his health; I started casting a cure as soon as I saw it, but it was too late. He died a fraction of a second later because he chose to type the words HEAL instead of dodging the easily avoided AoE underneath him. But then he rips into the healers for not saving him, as though he was totally blameless for his actions (Quelling Strikes? Manawall? Maybe not tossing out your hardest nukes in your repertoire before the tank has control?), and as though there was any chance we could have saved him. Even more spectacular was that after he was raised, he started attacking Glasya even though not all the robots were in place. So he nuked his own dumb self to death because Glasya reflects all attacks in those conditions, and he raged at the healers again.

And it was pretty much like that the rest of the way through. Any mistake a DPS made, it was the healer's fault, because it was already established we sucked, and nothing we could say about the mechanics of the game would convince them.

It's only the second time I've ever experienced a party like this, and the first was on the first day of ST.

So this isn't typical, just a rare instance of the worst that DPS has to offer all landing in the same party at once, like some kind of perverse Yahtzee. Most of the time, almost always, it's routine. People stay the near the healers, they don't stand in things they shouldn't (and they stand in things they should), and they don't lose their sh** if someone makes a mistake (especially if it's their own mistake and don't realize it).

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 5:29pm by Xoie
#11 Nov 04 2014 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Xoie wrote:
The vast majority of my trips into ST were fine. I did get that "one group" however that played badly and blamed the healers.

It all started with Scylla, of course. I myself got frozen, which isn't a crisis but the entire 5 DPS members were standing in a puddle while Ancient Flame wasn't being cast, and you guessed it, someone stopped by with an ice sphere and froze them all (a first for me to see a freeze that bad). Which then evaporated the puddle they were in. And then staff AoE plus Ancient Flame nuked them all. And they all complained that it was "someone new" who screwed it all up for them, even though no one told them to all bunch up in a puddle at once like that, and if they weren't new, they should have known better.

So we're down to 2 healers and a tank, who was main tanking Scylla, by the way, so I have to prioritize. I throw out Raises when I can, but I can't Swiftcast them all and it takes a good 8 seconds to cast it which is an eternity in an AoE fest (people are getting hurt while you're casting plus if you have to dodge, you have to start that long cast all over). So, after 8 seconds of ignoring the tank, I'm overdue for a Cure 2 in that direction, and the person I raised gets up and gets blasted by a no-warning Unholy before I can follow up with a cure. So I get a, "What, no follow up cure?" as though this was the first time they ever saw this happen to someone, and there couldn't have been a good reason. With all that raising, I'm running on fumes, but the bard, who has never heard of Mage Ballad, won't cease to complain that we're losing to bad healing without any sense of irony.

But where the group was all bunched up before, now they were spread all over the map. I get that sometimes you have to move away to deliver a sphere, but there's no reason everyone needs to spread out at once. There's nothing more infuriating than when you cast a Medica 2 while you have almost MP left and you realize that the only people who received it was the tank and the other healer because the DPS who were right behind you have all moved away. I have to try hunting down the other 5, one by one, to individually cast cures on them before they die from the next Unholy or whatever AoE they'll fail to dodge, all the while keeping the main tank alive, and all the while the DPS complain that I'm doing a lousy job. It's pretty much futile to save everyone in that situation. Casting takes too long to get to everyone in time, and any instructions you give to improve the situation are seen as lame excuses and ridiculed.

So eventually, the DPS were a lost cause: all dead because they wouldn't stick to the group, and they would be triple weak (or worse) if raised again, and both us healers were out of mana, anyway (first time I needed to grab an MP potion from my inventory since forever). So we focused on the main tank and let the rest of the alliance carry us in shame.

I probably should have quit right after the fight, but I stuck around for more hijinks. We had a black mage with us who had over 5000 hp, so he was well-geared, and should have known better. But on the Glasya robot, he peeled hate off the tank, who was main tanking up to that point, so he probably struggled to get control at first. The robot punched the mage for half his health; I started casting a cure as soon as I saw it, but it was too late. He died a fraction of a second later because he chose to type the words HEAL instead of dodging the easily avoided AoE underneath him. But then he rips into the healers for not saving him, as though he was totally blameless for his actions (Quelling Strikes? Manawall? Maybe not tossing out your hardest nukes in your repertoire before the tank has control?), and as though there was any chance we could have saved him. Even more spectacular was that after he was raised, he started attacking Glasya even though not all the robots were in place. So he nuked his own dumb self to death because Glasya reflects all attacks in those conditions, and he raged at the healers again.

And it was pretty much like that the rest of the way through. Any mistake a DPS made, it was the healer's fault, because it was already established we sucked, and nothing we could say about the mechanics of the game would convince them.

It's only the second time I've ever experienced a party like this, and the first was on the first day of ST.

So this isn't typical, just a rare instance of the worst that DPS has to offer all landing in the same party at once, like some kind of perverse Yahtzee. Most of the time, almost always, it's routine. People stay the near the healers, they don't stand in things they shouldn't (and they stand in things they should), and they don't lose their sh** if someone makes a mistake (especially if it's their own mistake and don't realize it).

Edited, Nov 3rd 2014 5:29pm by Xoie

I think some of the issue is people are just getting lazier in SC and just going through the motions..
The very last run I had this dragoon that never got out of a aoe ever.. Then he would die and blame the healers...
The other issue I see is people dont kill the adds, they keep focusing on the boss.. On most of those bosses if you dont kill adds they do more damage...

What is weird is you can run St and have the run of your life and the next be the biggest dud.. How can there be that big of difference between runs..

Still ST and CT are some of my favorite things in the game... Love the amount of people trying to work together..
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#12 Nov 04 2014 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
1,036 posts
Nashred wrote:
Love the amount of people trying to work together..

You would have probably loved Everquest and early WoW then. Was a blast running 50+ man raids in EQ. Downside was the invariable loot headache of having to split one or two pieces of loot per boss kill among that many people.
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#13 Nov 06 2014 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
Louiscool wrote:

If there was still a lockout, the queues wouldn't be 5 minutes for dps right now, and people like myself would have a hard time catching back up to participate in current content. Right now I've been running ST constantly so that I can reach 110. With the nerfs to hunts, sands and oils are even harder to get (because no one does hunts anymore).

Exactly, as DPS it takes my Queue a few minutes tops to get in. I used always go healer or tank just to make sure I get in within minutes but even then it could run on to 15-20 minutes.

Having done 10 runs at the weekend I got loads of drops, I've gained two sands, 3 oils and 3 stones.

not forgetting all the sold.
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