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The trolls... they are growing in numbersFollow

#27 Oct 07 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Perrin wrote:
I reported my first two players yesterday... BRD and Tank didn't help on a DR Guildhest (the low level one where you ignore the adds and zerg the boss). To be fair, the tank asked for protect and the healer didn't cast it... However, you don't really need it here. I was the only person that wasn't obviously a higher level. I was wearing mid-40's BLM gear. The healer rushed in and the tank and BRD walked out of the room. When I had a chance to type I said "really" and the tank begins to berate me how I didn't cast protect and how they were trying to talk about strategy etc.. Needless to say, between sleep and a few random heals on the healer, we duo'd the Guildhest without the help of either of the other two. But I was ******* If it was a dungeon I can understand stopping until you get protect, but making such a big deal about it on an easy guildhest? The BRD never said anything, and maybe I shouldn't have reported them, but they helped the tank "troll" in a situation where it didn't matter.

.... why on earth would someone NOT cast Protect, though? Doesn't matter how easy or hard the fight is. If a fight that would kill you means that you survive with 100 HP thanks to Protect, then protect is worth it. It takes all of two seconds. The MP cost is made up in another 2 seconds of not-engaged.

Sounds like you had some folks who were total jerks, but I'm just scratching my head over why your healer didn't cast protect as soon as the Duty Commenced appeared.
#28 Oct 07 2014 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
The absolute core of every reoccurring problem in history. Thank you for adding to the issue by doing nothing. Please also apply this to everything else. Let's just tolerate every assh*le on earth until the earth is nothing but assh*les. What a fantastic solution.

What are we supposed to do instead, nerd-rage, holler, scream, and shout at the monitor at the idiots? Or are we supposed to type in all caps, and start cussing them out (then we get reported ourselves for inappropriate language and harassment)?

There is indeed a time and a place to simply do nothing. When is that? Anytime there's nothing you can do about it.

Report, blacklist, and move on. Nothing else we can do. Trolls exist because they get amusement and entertainment out of annoying people. As soon as they stop getting their 'fix', they'll move on to something that Does give them entertainment. So doing nothing is literally the best way to handle a troll. Let the group wipe, or just keep doing the dungeon if possible, or vote-kick him. Or simply leave and requeue. Or, perhaps, you can just simply stand there and don't do anything at all -- the troll will either be forced to pull himself (let him get killed and don't engage) or he'll get bored and drop group.

The people nerd-raging, yelling, typing in all caps, and displaying their anger is only egging the trolls on. That's why there are trolls in the first place.

Edited, Oct 7th 2014 2:55pm by Lyrailis
#29 Oct 07 2014 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
.... why on earth would someone NOT cast Protect, though? Doesn't matter how easy or hard the fight is. If a fight that would kill you means that you survive with 100 HP thanks to Protect, then protect is worth it. It takes all of two seconds. The MP cost is made up in another 2 seconds of not-engaged.

Sounds like you had some folks who were total jerks, but I'm just scratching my head over why your healer didn't cast protect as soon as the Duty Commenced appeared.

If the healer was a Scholar, Protect might not have been placed in the first cross-class slot, and only one cross-class ability would be active on a job synced for a level 10 guildhest. For the healer to offer this explanation, re-arrange it and wait for the minute cooldown the game imposes for re-slotting your cross-class abilities would probably take longer than the fight itself, and if anyone jumped the gun while you were waiting for this cooldown, you wouldn't be able to heal anyone. This doesn't excuse the healer, but it may offer an explanation as to why they didn't bother with Protect if all these assumptions are correct.
#30 Oct 07 2014 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
If the healer was a Scholar, Protect might not have been placed in the first cross-class slot, and only one cross-class ability would be active on a job synced for a level 10 guildhest. For the healer to offer this explanation, re-arrange it and wait for the minute cooldown the game imposes for re-slotting your cross-class abilities would probably take longer than the fight itself, and if anyone jumped the gun while you were waiting for this cooldown, you wouldn't be able to heal anyone. This doesn't excuse the healer, but it may offer an explanation as to why they didn't bother with Protect if all these assumptions are correct.


Though it'd help if they just simply gave Arcanists protect naturally to deal with this issue. I mean, why not? Would it be THAT unbalanced?
#31 Oct 07 2014 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
Why are you trivializing my issue? It wasn't about changing the marks, it was about WHY they were changing the marks.

I wasn't trivializing the issue, I just don't really see it as that big a problem. This sort of behavior is actually pretty common so I don't really notice trends in how often it happens because it's just there. About as long as we have had online games we've had the ability to report people in those games, yet the problem still persists...

Stilivan wrote:
I agree it may be due to boredom and trying to get everything done as fast as possible. I can't wait for 2.4 because hopefully it will die down, but we all know it will just rear it's ugly head back up again.

Pretty much this. Just realize that they thrive off of your reaction and to them, it just looks like you were butthurt, ragequit the instance and went to support to tattle. Not my personal perspective of what happened, but probably the way they would describe what happened.

Transmigration wrote:
Let's just tolerate every assh*le on earth until the earth is nothing but assh*les. What a fantastic solution.

You don't have to tolerate it, but there's really nothing else you can do. Also, I think you're going a bit too far bringing the history of mankind into the equation. We're talking about some ******* in a video game trying to get a reaction, not an evil dictator committing mass murder and genocide while we standby and ignore it.

If they didn't keep getting the reaction that feeds them, the trolls would start to starve. Reporting clearly isn't working. Maybe it's time to explore a different avenue? It's clear that you didn't appreciate my suggestion, but do you have one of your own? I won't judge...

If I don't want to play with players because they are annoying me in any way, it is my right to leave. It really doesn't get much more simpler than that. I actually told them "I don't want to play with you guys, sorry." and then left. I didn't even report them. They didn't get a reaction from me as I didn't really respond. I saw the behavior, and wasn't going to try to deal with it. That is simply my own personal problem. Once again, this topic wasn't about this issue. But keep hammering away at it.

Viertel wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
Why are you trivializing my issue? It wasn't about changing the marks, it was about WHY they were changing the marks. (There's also more to that, but I can humor you.)

Because it's *marks*; that isn't harassment and it's foolish to even pretend it is. It's a minor annoyance at best but in no way considered harassment in any way, shape, or form of the definition of the word.

I don't know what it is the past two weeks but I've seen it crop up on the OF, Reddit, a few other forums, and now on ZAM this belief that anything not going how you prefer it is harassment. Group's moving faster than you wish? People have said that's harassment. Lost the roll on loot? That's been called harassment.

...and now you're trying to include messing with *marks*?

You what to know what harassment is? Harassment is two PLD tanks, that know each other, running into the first pack of ST, purposely pulling everything on top of the raid until it's breathed/conaled/AoEed to death and spamming in shouts "YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR SINS!". Harassment is setting up a Party Finder group, waiting and inviting people to a "Turn 9 learning party" but only looking for people that haven't done any weekly clears yet, going into the instance, and the majority of the group immediately disbanding just so they can be ******** and ruin the weekly lockout -- that is harassment.

Tinkering with little numbers above targets' heads? G. T. F. O.

Oh god, your response reeks of awful. Seriously? If I, as a player, request to follow the marks to make sure certain things happen, the reaction shouldn't be to pull more monsters, attack different mobs other than the single marked mob, and also combine it with changing the mark constantly. With the combination of all three, I am in every right to not play with these players, as they are disturbing my own play. If that's how they wish to handle things, I am in my right to leave. Why did they do that? Because they did not want to follow the direction for whatever reason and to simply mess me up in any way they could possibly. It's that simple. I don't have to tolerate it.

Carefully read that please. Is it just about changing marks? No, it isn't. I said this already though, so your response was not needed. You make a good point though, and I only wish your post made sense to the context of the situation here. Nice try though.
Articus Vladmir
#32 Oct 07 2014 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Catwho wrote:
.... why on earth would someone NOT cast Protect, though? Doesn't matter how easy or hard the fight is. If a fight that would kill you means that you survive with 100 HP thanks to Protect, then protect is worth it. It takes all of two seconds. The MP cost is made up in another 2 seconds of not-engaged.

Sounds like you had some folks who were total jerks, but I'm just scratching my head over why your healer didn't cast protect as soon as the Duty Commenced appeared.

I honestly don't know. But at the same time, the fight is over in mere seconds IF everyone pitches in. Down one DPS and Tank, it took a few minutes... and no point was proven since we still won.

*EDIT* I don't remember if the healer was WHM or SCH I was too busy trying to DPS with BLM and throw in a few random heals while staying on the move

Edited, Oct 7th 2014 11:35pm by Perrin
#33 Oct 07 2014 at 6:32 PM Rating: Excellent
7,106 posts
The absolute core of every reoccurring problem in history. Thank you for adding to the issue by doing nothing. Please also apply this to everything else. Let's just tolerate every assh*le on earth until the earth is nothing but assh*les. What a fantastic solution.

Trolls seek attention. They want you to acknowledge that their behaviour bothers you. This validates them and inspires further trolling. How can you be posting on the internet without having learned this?

tl;dr: Don't feed the trolls.
#34 Oct 07 2014 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Stilivan wrote:
If I don't want to play with players because they are annoying me in any way, it is my right to leave. It really doesn't get much more simpler than that. I actually told them "I don't want to play with you guys, sorry." and then left. I didn't even report them. They didn't get a reaction from me as I didn't really respond. I saw the behavior, and wasn't going to try to deal with it. That is simply my own personal problem. Once again, this topic wasn't about this issue. But keep hammering away at it.

You can do whatever you'd like to do and I'm not here to tell you that you can or can't. I was just pointing out that when someone is clearly trolling you, if you give them the response they're looking for, they'll continue to do that.

It's not a personal attack and I'm not trying to shame you, but your response is actually encouraging to them. Basically after successfully trolling you they're more likely to try it again on someone else. Seriously, don't take it personally. I'm not blaming you for being the reason trolls exist so don't take it that way, just take it for what it is.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#35 Oct 08 2014 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
While i fully endorse the "Dont Feed the Trolls" statement, it is inheritly flawed though.

Sure, if you humor their behaviour and give them the attention they ask for, they will continue to do so, that much is true.

But what you guys are forgetting is that they're basicly similar to spoiled little children. If you choose to ignore their petty little anoyances, long before they will give up and behave, things will surely escalate well.

Basicly, if small things dont get a reaction out of you, they will move up the scale till they do get a reaction out of you.

The real kicker is, while they will -eventually- give up and leave, be kicked or maybe even try and behave, it is of little consequence to you. You likely wont ever run into the person again. I can count on one hand the number of times i've run into someone i've previously played with before. Either you'll get a fresh group of nice people, or you get the next troll and will have to start over from scratch.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#36 Oct 08 2014 at 3:45 AM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
This is an interesting discussion, so I may as well chuck my experiences in!

I'm a career tank (sitting on PLD I109 and WAR I108), and I have bumped into pretty kick every example given in this thread. I tend to avoid using the report function because I feel most situations can be diffused/dealt with at a player level if approached correctly. A quick example for ya...

Ran a Stone Vigil HM with myself as tank, a smn, a drg and a whm. No OP aoe class here, so marked up mobs, which the drg ignored completely. I'm confident enough not to lose hate, so just let him carry on for a while. He then proceeded to run into the boss arena and pull the 1st boss. I sat down, asked the healer not to heal him, and let him die. He kicks off saying how I should have pulled off him. I replied if he wants to play tank, level pld or war, if not, attack what I mark, don't pull before me and all will be well. 1 death was all it took for him to stop being a dbag. Fair enough I could have reported him, but why bother when I could teach him an important lesson instead?

Of course, the report function is invaluable in some situations (had a T1 tank a few months back who refused to fight and wanted to be vote kicked, got 7 reports for his trouble), but usually if I'm tanking a dungeon my RL Bro is healing me, so we usually just deal with situations ourselves, especially if it involves overzealous dps.
#37 Oct 08 2014 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
While i fully endorse the "Dont Feed the Trolls" statement, it is inheritly flawed though.

Sure, if you humor their behaviour and give them the attention they ask for, they will continue to do so, that much is true.

But what you guys are forgetting is that they're basicly similar to spoiled little children. If you choose to ignore their petty little anoyances, long before they will give up and behave, things will surely escalate well.

Except the situation is a little bit different when you try to apply it to an online setting. There are some things that will leave 'tracks' so to speak like any verbal harassment in chat. Most GMs will be able to go back and look at what was said and make a judgement based on some real evidence. Unfortunately there are many different ways you can game that system and still 'harass' other players without actually leaving any proof.

Changing marks is one of those things. It's similar to league of legends where sometimes a player from the other team will ask you to report someone on their team for being toxic. Now that player may or may not be harassing their team, but since I can't see their team chat I can't really report it. It's possible that they were being toxic or it's also possible that the player calling for reports is trolling them because the other player wouldn't follow their instructions or wasn't preforming to their standard.

It reminds me of a complaint someone had in FFXI. Apparently another player was harassing them with foul language so they reported the player. Now the GM had the ability to see the chat log and what was said so he checked into it. The GMtold him how to go back into the menus and activate the mature language filter. A setting that was changed by that player to allow mature language to come through uncensored. He also explained the /blacklist add "player" feature and went on his merry way.

The funny thing was the player who reported the other person was offended by the GMs response, but it made perfect sense to me. You turned off the mature language filter so you basically accepted that mature language would come through uncensored. The player already knew about /blacklist but intentionally left it off so that they could try to get the other person in trouble.

There is a reason that regardless of whether you purchase the game at your local Gamestop or at Square Enix's online store, you will find the phrase "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB" clearly printed on the page or box. By purchasing the game, you're basically accepting the condition that you might run into an ******* or two here or there on the internets.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#38 Oct 08 2014 at 10:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
We, as a player base, need to keep it simple.

Obviously, reporting isn't meant for every little thing. In the example above, I did not report any of the players. I perhaps could have with the WHM who kept pulling everything repeatedly, but I didn't because I was aggravated. Unfortunately in the famous "changing marks" example, there was just simply not enough for me to report them on, as you said, not enough proof. But that's not the point.

If players are doing a bunch of different things to debunk the play of others, they are considered grief tactics. This is, by definition, anyone purposely and usually, repeatedly, causing things to happen that shouldn't be, like pulling a boss as a DPS when no one is ready in a duty, or AFKing during fights. It is NOT just one thing that happens that could potentially be an accident of some sort. These kind of things should be reported, and if you want, you can leave. Do not engage in an argument with the trolls or add to the dismay - as this is what they want and this is when they succeed. That doesn't really help your case if you report them, and that is actually feeding the troll. Simply leaving and reporting is not. You ruin it for them by not giving them a response they can respond back to.

In my example above, what I did was not feeding the trolls. I chose not to play with them, and they were out a tank. That ruins it for them in my eyes, especially since I knew they were all knew each other and that situation is less than ideal, as they would probably have to quit and requeue. Sure, maybe they got another tank, but at that point it isn't my problem - just as it shouldn't be.

Filth, there is no option to turn certain things off, like making people listen to you or work as a team. What the action is isn't relevant to the overlying problem. We keep going back to the "changing marks" thing, when in reality this isn't even scraping the issue at all. It's also a terrible example and being taken out of context. One could say this is a poor attempt at trying to troll due to how often it keeps being discussed here on the forum. Is it obvious? No. It's not. Trolling is about getting the reaction out of people. We all get that, and we understand that. But there needs to be a clear way to handle the trolls.

Just because some people ignore these trolls, doesn't mean that the next group these trolls run into will do the same. The suggested action for dealing with trolls really only works if you can isolate them 100%. This isn't the case, and you have no reason to be part of their misbehavior. You can simply leave if you want, or you can wait until there is enough evidence to make a report on the player and then leave, or just tolerate it and still make the report. Reporting trolls for ill-behavior is not "tattling," it is simply being part of the solution.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Edited, Oct 9th 2014 6:15pm by Stilivan
Articus Vladmir
#39 Oct 08 2014 at 10:20 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Basicly, if small things dont get a reaction out of you, they will move up the scale till they do get a reaction out of you.

This is pretty much the big danger of doing nothing and advocating such. Individually, you may or may not be the next target, but someone likely will be. Maybe we could call it the karmic inverse of paying it forward, as doing nothing can basically later **** up someone's day.

As for getting haughty at people who disable the language filter, however, no. There are legit times one may feel compelled to curse and not have it come out as a bunch of *'s. It may be to vent. It may be to actually lighten the mood of others around you. What it is not, however, is a license for people to march up to someone and start insulting carte blanche. Because we're pretty much back to victim blaming if that's the line we're gonna stick to.

We've had the internet how many years now? Ignoring all the crappy behavior has seemingly worked fantastically, hasn't it. That's pure, unadulterated sarcasm, by the by.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#40 Oct 08 2014 at 11:25 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
I've gotta admit I actually agree with Filth to a degree here. The report function is a fantastic tool to safeguard players and allow them to report genuinely aggressive/abusive/trolltastic players, there is no denying that. But take a look at it from SE point of view. They probably receive hundreds, if not thousands of complaints a day, and if their complaints team is anything like their customer service team, it is likely understaffed and unable to cope with the sheer volume if complaints received. If they receive complaints ranging from people standing in residential zones being vile for no apparent reason, or a dps playing around with marks, I can guess which one will take priority, and which one will be filed under "deal with never". I agree that by doing nothing we won't fix the issue as a whole, but there is always a way to deal with these situations, and it doesn't always have to be by feeding them. Dps changing marks? Continue attacking the one you marked as 1, and if they pull aggro, it's their own fault. Dps pulls a boss? Walk out of the arena before it's locked and wait for them to die. Trolls get bored if they don't get a response. If they end up only punishing themselves, let them, they will soon get bored and either leave (with instant reps in most cases) or shape up and get on with it. Of course if they are being vile, report away.

Funniest example recently of bans being thrown around willy nilly is surrounding hunts (shocker). Omg you pulled early, report! I would be willing to bet none of those reports have been actioned because it isn't actually griefing in the slightest, how can someone pulling an unclaimed world mob ever be considered griefing when anyone at any level can pull it? That's where dealing with it at a player level is far more effective (blacklist/remove from hunt link shells etc).
#41 Oct 09 2014 at 12:33 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
It reminds me of a complaint someone had in FFXI. Apparently another player was harassing them with foul language so they reported the player. Now the GM had the ability to see the chat log and what was said so he checked into it. The GMtold him how to go back into the menus and activate the mature language filter. A setting that was changed by that player to allow mature language to come through uncensored. He also explained the /blacklist add "player" feature and went on his merry way.

The funny thing was the player who reported the other person was offended by the GMs response, but it made perfect sense to me. You turned off the mature language filter so you basically accepted that mature language would come through uncensored. The player already knew about /blacklist but intentionally left it off so that they could try to get the other person in trouble.

The mature language filter in FFXI was awful. I left in on for a good long time just to see what it would catch. It didn't catch the stuff that would typically be considered "mature" language. Instead, it would catch the strangest things, which I could only guess were some obscure racist terms.
#42 Oct 09 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
While i fully endorse the "Dont Feed the Trolls"

I do - Feed them to the trash mobs or boss. Like Bards who run off and shoot things before the tank even gets within aggro radius lol.

#43 Oct 09 2014 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Stilivan wrote:
In my example above, what I did was not feeding the trolls.

"Lolz we made that kid so mad that he ragequit"

It doesn't seem to you like you fed them, but you did. I'm not sure why you can't see that. Again, the only way to react to people who are fishing for a reaction is to not react at all. You're free to leave if you want to, but that's a victory for them.

It's possible that if you just ignored the changing marks or looked at the WHM pulls as a challenge and just took it in stride, that these trolls would have elevated to something more disruptive. What I honestly think was the case here is that none DPS thought it mattered much what you killed first. They were changing the marks to mock you because it really didn't matter and you were in no danger. I'd also imagine that the WHM who was pulling for you was in a hurry and figured that if you were worth half your weight, you'd have no problem getting aggro(which honestly you shouldn't). I could be completely wrong, but I have a strong feeling that a lot of what you are referring to as trolling is just people who are impatient with you because they want to pick up the pace and they feel the content is easy enough that random kill order and speed pulling is not a threat to the group.

Most of the situations you're describing to me don't even sound like trolling. To be honest, it just sounds like the typical group who is in a rush to clear fairly easy content as quickly as possible. Your DPS are changing marks because regardless of your kill order, you group probably isn't in any real danger of wiping. Your WHM is pulling mobs because if you're worth half your weight, you should have no problem reclaiming aggro.

There is a difference between purposely trying to grief your group and just being impatient and not waiting on the tank to pull, mobs to be marked, following kill order, ect. ect. It sounds like you just need a thicker layer of skin. If your party is doing things that repeatedly result in wipes and they fail to compromise then by all means, leave and report. If they're pulling faster than you'd like or not following your kill order, well... welcome to the onlines. Only suggestion I have for avoiding that is to stick to premades with people who all want to proceed at the pace you're accustomed to.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Part of the problem sounds like it's manufactured. The real problem of people who grief for the sake of griefing... there's no solution to that problem outside of not participating at all.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#44 Oct 09 2014 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
In my example above, what I did was not feeding the trolls.

"Lolz we made that kid so mad that he ragequit"

It doesn't seem to you like you fed them, but you did. I'm not sure why you can't see that. Again, the only way to react to people who are fishing for a reaction is to not react at all. You're free to leave if you want to, but that's a victory for them.

It's possible that if you just ignored the changing marks or looked at the WHM pulls as a challenge and just took it in stride, that these trolls would have elevated to something more disruptive. What I honestly think was the case here is that none DPS thought it mattered much what you killed first. They were changing the marks to mock you because it really didn't matter and you were in no danger. I'd also imagine that the WHM who was pulling for you was in a hurry and figured that if you were worth half your weight, you'd have no problem getting aggro(which honestly you shouldn't). I could be completely wrong, but I have a strong feeling that a lot of what you are referring to as trolling is just people who are impatient with you because they want to pick up the pace and they feel the content is easy enough that random kill order and speed pulling is not a threat to the group.

Most of the situations you're describing to me don't even sound like trolling. To be honest, it just sounds like the typical group who is in a rush to clear fairly easy content as quickly as possible. Your DPS are changing marks because regardless of your kill order, you group probably isn't in any real danger of wiping. Your WHM is pulling mobs because if you're worth half your weight, you should have no problem reclaiming aggro.

There is a difference between purposely trying to grief your group and just being impatient and not waiting on the tank to pull, mobs to be marked, following kill order, ect. ect. It sounds like you just need a thicker layer of skin. If your party is doing things that repeatedly result in wipes and they fail to compromise then by all means, leave and report. If they're pulling faster than you'd like or not following your kill order, well... welcome to the onlines. Only suggestion I have for avoiding that is to stick to premades with people who all want to proceed at the pace you're accustomed to.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Part of the problem sounds like it's manufactured. The real problem of people who grief for the sake of griefing... there's no solution to that problem outside of not participating at all.

Smiley: rolleyes

Sure Filth, that's what happened. I'm clearly unintelligent and I am unable to tell the difference between a troll and someone who is impatient. I'm from the internet, afterall. I am new to the game, and also all human interactions! Thank you for showing me my wrongs!

Articus Vladmir
#45 Oct 09 2014 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Did the WHM wait until everyone else went afk to drag mobs on you? Were those DPS who were changing marks on you just kick back and not even try to kill anything?

As I said before(and hopefully it'll sink in this time) even if all of these attempts were troll, you still played into it. You're the guy saying "It's geology, not geography" or "Samus was a girl". Don't beat yourself up about it though. I don't understand why you get sarcastic about being unintelligent, buy you swear up and down that they were all trolling... yet you played right into it. I think we're done here Smiley: sly

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#46Stilivan, Posted: Oct 10 2014 at 5:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) About time you've caught on. Smiley: clap
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