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#52 Oct 02 2014 at 8:59 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
It's also early in the game's life, too.

What, not even a full year that ARR has been out? Or has it been a year?

Anyways, how good was WoW on its first year anniversary? I remember horribly broken class specs that weren't good at all, that nobody played. Half of the talent tree was LOL-worthy; there were thousands of choices, but only a few that were any good at anything (when you spec'd your character, you looked up specs online and they told you what to take for whatever you wanted to do).

That's what we call the "Illusion of Choice".

Sure, WoW today is awesome... but it is also, what, 9-10 years old? Something like that?

I bet FFXIV, 9-10 years from now provided it stays in active development that long, will have all of that awesome sh*t too + more.
#53 Oct 02 2014 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
It's also early in the game's life, too.

What, not even a full year that ARR has been out? Or has it been a year?

Anyways, how good was WoW on its first year anniversary? I remember horribly broken class specs that weren't good at all, that nobody played. Half of the talent tree was LOL-worthy; there were thousands of choices, but only a few that were any good at anything (when you spec'd your character, you looked up specs online and they told you what to take for whatever you wanted to do).

I'm not sure the comparison to how WoW was after a year is valid. Look at what brought us from 1.0 to ARR... guildleves are the same instanced events you'd find in WoW, FATEs are the same 'dynamic events' you'd find in RIFT or GW2, duty finder is the same dungeon tool you'd find in all of those games. All they have to do is exactly the same thing they have done over the past 4 years. They don't have to reinvent the wheel here. It took other developers as long as it did because they started from scratch and formed ideas through trial and error. In this case, SE would be adopting something that other developers have already been working on; the exact same thing that brought ARR to where it is today.

It's not illusion of choice if it's properly implemented. There are literally thousands of viable choices for what spec and build you can run in Diablo 3. No it wasn't like that at launch, but it wasn't really a massive change that lead to the breakthrough. They simply normalized spells, spread the utility around a bit more evenly and then allowed players to tailor their gear to the way they wanted to play.

SE doesn't have to take it that far, but the recent surge of players back to D3 and the popularity of the game as it's moved to console is a testament to how much players enjoy that freedom to play how they want to play. I'm not sure if you remember, but the D3 concept sounds a LOT like how the original armory system was explained all those years ago. It didn't come into it's own(at least, not in XIV) but it was adapted for another game into something that has been pretty successful. With some minor tweaks it could be adapted for XIV to make it a better game.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#54 Oct 03 2014 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
As far as WHM and SCH having different playstyles, I agree but not to the magnitude that it's found elsewhere. As the jobs and classes expand and add more spells and abilities it's possible that they can add to that, but I feel it isn't currently as dynamic as what is found elsewhere.

I'm talking about the ability to customize those spells to support each encounter or your personal play style.

More freedom to make the class yours with added benefits of keeping clutter out of your spellbook and off of your UI.

That sort of customization can add something to the game... Though usually it doesn't. The community decides on the best builds and those are the builds you are going to be using, unless you simply crave to play sub-optimally in which case that kind of system is just excellent. On the other hand if you don't want to play sub-optimally it takes a lot of work from the player's end to know the current best builds.

Either way, the added "customization" is usually on paper at best - in reality you will have maybe a few good builds in the best case and tons of crappy builds. ARR not having this kind of "customization" is, eh, subjectively bad thing I guess. Talking about "freedom" and "personal play style" in this context is quite hilarious though. Melee RDM is totally awesome guys!

ARR doesn't have as many builds right now but what it does have is plenty varied - just not in the way you want it to be (just as many builds but community-based rather than dev-based).

Edited, Oct 3rd 2014 12:24pm by Hyanmen
#55 Oct 03 2014 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Either way, the added "customization" is usually on paper at best - in reality you will have maybe a few good builds in the best case and tons of crappy builds. ARR not having this kind of "customization" is, eh, subjectively bad thing I guess. Talking about "freedom" and "personal play style" in this context is quite hilarious though. Melee RDM is totally awesome guys!

ARR doesn't have as many builds right now but what it does have is plenty varied - just not in the way you want it to be (just as many builds but community-based rather than dev-based).

And, not to mention, there's always that possibility that there's a combination the devs didn't think of (because there are hundreds, thousands, what-not) that results in something completely overpowered.

Then we have to stop, drop what we're doing, and then hand out nerfs (which will make some people complain and/or maybe even quit the game as a result).

Fewer dev-based builds are easier to keep balanced, and there's a lot less likeliness of something becoming silly broken overpowered because of an oversight. How many times has this happened in WoW, Diablo 3, etc again, where for a few weeks you had this grossly overpowered build where people roflstomped stuff, and then they had to release a hotfix and go "guys this was overpowered, it was needed" and you'd still have some rage-quitters spewing their vitriol all over the forums because their EZmode got nerfed?

That's one of the bigger problems with the "thousands of possible combinations!" that people seem to forget about. The devs can't personally check, and test, each one of said thousands of combinations. They simply don't have that kind of time. What might look good on paper might be ridiculous when put to actual use, and/or combined with something else creatively.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2014 10:25am by Lyrailis
#56 Oct 03 2014 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
108 posts
Speaking of "Illusion of choice." This is a quote from the official ffxiv website in the armoury section.

"Classes are suited to those who desire versatility, as they allow the use of actions that belong to other disciplines. In contrast, jobs grant access to exclusive actions and are ideal for situations that demand well-defined roles. Which fighting style you adopt is entirely up to you."

Makes it sound like classes are an option after you get your job, but I don't see a whole lot of people choosing lancer over dragoon and the like.

Still kinda bummed that there is almost no use for going as class instead of job.

If it is going to be like this, the website SHOULD say "Classes are for beginners starting out until they unlock the superior job which grant access to exclusive actions that are ESSENTIAL to doing anything worth doing at max level."
#57 Oct 03 2014 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
klooste8 wrote:
Speaking of "Illusion of choice." This is a quote from the official ffxiv website in the armoury section.

"Classes are suited to those who desire versatility, as they allow the use of actions that belong to other disciplines. In contrast, jobs grant access to exclusive actions and are ideal for situations that demand well-defined roles. Which fighting style you adopt is entirely up to you."

Makes it sound like classes are an option after you get your job, but I don't see a whole lot of people choosing lancer over dragoon and the like.

Still kinda bummed that there is almost no use for going as class instead of job.

If it is going to be like this, the website SHOULD say "Classes are for beginners starting out until they unlock the superior job which grant access to exclusive actions that are ESSENTIAL to doing anything worth doing at max level."

I will agree that Classes, Jobs, and Cross-Class Skills really really need some work.

For example, if you are a WHM..... you want Swiftcast and Surecast. End of story, full stop. I didn't see where I could use much of anything else whatsoever. Even if I did want to use something else, all of those abilities granted by WHM drowns out anything that I can't equip as WHM.

And even worse, a LOT of cross-class skills are hit with heavy nerfs when equipped as another class, such as Flash. A Gladiator using Flash gets Enmity AND Blind. Anybody else only gets Enmity (and from personal experience, it seems like a chunk of the enmity was cut too). Equipping Flash as a MRD is "Meh, Guess I Might as well". Using Flash doesn't really do much of anything, it is more of a "I need something right now and can't do anything else" button. Oh, and the fact MRD appears to have no MP Regen whatsoever doesn't help things either.

IMO, I think we should get rid of the Job Penalty, just accept the fact everybody needs to equip a soul crystal, and improve Cross-Classing skills so that each player has actual choices and options. I'd go as far as to say that each cross-class skill should have different effects depending on who equips them. Also, buffing the list a little wouldn't hurt either, there's some abilities I wish were cross-classable and others that are and I'm scratching my head going "uh, why is THIS cross-classable?"

For example, Savage Blade. Who would want to Cross-Class Savage Blade? MRD already gets an ability that does the exact same thing. Without the Fast Blade combo, it doesn't do jack for damage and it doesn't have the enmity modifier. Meanwhile, I'm scratching my head wondering why Riot Blade isn't Cross-Classable, an ability others might actually want.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2014 10:54am by Lyrailis
#58 Oct 03 2014 at 10:34 AM Rating: Excellent
This Illusion of Choice discussion reminds me of a saying from motor racing. I believe it was the great Jim Clark who said:

"An infinitely adjustable suspension still has only one right setting. It just has an infinite number of wrong ones."

Add more cross class abilities and you mostly just add more you won't use.
#59 Oct 03 2014 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
I'd rather see more new classes/jobs adding variables to the equation, than the devs trying to balance between classes and jobs. Either way even the best designers will not be able to balance all the variables after a certain point, regardless of how much time and effort is thrown at the problem. We all can say "they should do both" but if they can't, they just can't. It's not a problem money and designer talent can solve. Jobs are balanced right now, and the more jobs that are added the less likely this kind of balance becomes. They should strive to retain current balance above all, imo.

Also getting rid of the stat bonus system because it's a waste of time trying to improve.. and a perfect example of illusion of choice.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2014 5:47pm by Hyanmen
#60 Oct 03 2014 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,310 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Also getting rid of the stat bonus system because it's a waste of time trying to improve.. and a perfect example of illusion of choice.

I think it had more relevance in the early days of ARR where you would at least have the choice between your primary stat and Vitality for more HP back when people found it difficult to survive Titan HM. But these days, even a +30 primary stat boost doesn't have a tremendous impact given the amount you get from the equipment available these days.

Maybe rather than a 1:1 stat point boost, they could change it so you apply a percentage bonus to each of the stats. Say you get 6 chips, 30%, 20%, two 10%s, and two 5%, and you slot 1 of them into the each of the 6 attributes that you choose. Then it adds that percentage bonus to your attribute score. That way you might be persuaded to switch them around depending on the battle you're about to face and it would actually make a difference to your performance.
#61 Oct 03 2014 at 12:51 PM Rating: Excellent
I've actually started on a DPS Marauder build for my WAR. I'll still use my WAR for tanking, but I want a damage based MRD gear set for when I'm soloing outside of a dungeon or acting as DPS in a small group (e.g. atma party, map party, etc.)

Really no reason not to do the same thing for CNJ. I'll have to think about it.
#62 Oct 03 2014 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Really no reason not to do the same thing for CNJ. I'll have to think about it.

The thing about CNJ and DPS, though, is that usually INT gives you more damage, right?

Well, Cleric Stance swaps MND for INT, so adding +MND indirectly gives you +INT (which gives you.....more damage) unless I'm not understanding cleric stance properly (it swaps ALL MND for INT, right, including MND from gear AND stat bonuses?).

So stacking MND is the way to go for stats anyways. Then it is just a matter of (maybe?) getting some Accuracy, otherwise the same stuff you want on your gear for healing (Spell Speed, etc) are still just as useful.

This Illusion of Choice discussion reminds me of a saying from motor racing. I believe it was the great Jim Clark who said:

"An infinitely adjustable suspension still has only one right setting. It just has an infinite number of wrong ones."

Add more cross class abilities and you mostly just add more you won't use.

Maybe, but it'd be nice if my current choices were actually viable (lolsavageblade). The whole point is to give us more choices that actually work, rather than giving us choices that don't. Cut/modify the ones nobody uses because they suck and add stuff that people actually want to use.

IMO, Cross-Class skills should be chosen based upon what you want to do (wanna DPS? take some things that make you DPS better. Wanna tank or heal? take stuff that improve those).

Edited, Oct 3rd 2014 8:12pm by Lyrailis
#63 Oct 03 2014 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
That's one of the bigger problems with the "thousands of possible combinations!" that people seem to forget about. The devs can't personally check, and test, each one of said thousands of combinations. They simply don't have that kind of time.

Again, SE doesn't need to add thousands of spells and abilities. All I was asking for was more utility and some added mechanics of how spells can be used and combined for different outcomes. Give every spell and ability maybe 3-5 more options for how players use it.

Laverda wrote:
This Illusion of Choice discussion reminds me of a saying from motor racing. I believe it was the great Jim Clark who said:

"An infinitely adjustable suspension still has only one right setting. It just has an infinite number of wrong ones."

Add more cross class abilities and you mostly just add more you won't use.

Using the suspension analogy, ideally you'd want SE to create tracks that average out to an equal amount of strain on whatever suspension settings you had. Some parts of the course would be difficult for one driver, other parts difficult for the next but assuming even skill level, all cars would end up coming to the finish line around the same time.

You only have an infinite number of wrong suspension choices if you're always driving the same car on the same track. - McNasty 2014

Giving players a ton of options with only one of them being viable is a design flaw, not a flaw with actually having the options.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#64 Oct 03 2014 at 9:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Lyrailis wrote:
Really no reason not to do the same thing for CNJ. I'll have to think about it.

The thing about CNJ and DPS, though, is that usually INT gives you more damage, right?

Well, Cleric Stance swaps MND for INT, so adding +MND indirectly gives you +INT (which gives you.....more damage) unless I'm not understanding cleric stance properly (it swaps ALL MND for INT, right, including MND from gear AND stat bonuses?).

So stacking MND is the way to go for stats anyways. Then it is just a matter of (maybe?) getting some Accuracy, otherwise the same stuff you want on your gear for healing (Spell Speed, etc) are still just as useful.i]

Pretty much yeah. I have some JSE on my WHM though that I can't wear on CNJ at 50 (including Thyrus....) so I would definitely need an alternate gear set altogether if I wanted to go that route.
#65 Oct 03 2014 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts

Pretty much yeah. I have some JSE on my WHM though that I can't wear on CNJ at 50 (including Thyrus....) so I would definitely need an alternate gear set altogether if I wanted to go that route.

Isn't pretty much ALL higher item level gear JSE, though?

I haven't raided CT/ST/Coil yet, but I noticed that all of the left side of the character sheet i90 (the stuff you buy with Allied Seals/Myth) is all JSE from what I could tell except for the Belt.

That alone tells me that SE expects everybody to use Jobs rather than Classes.

Edited, Oct 4th 2014 12:32am by Lyrailis
#66 Oct 04 2014 at 9:23 PM Rating: Excellent
I tested it and I think the ST stuff was good for base classes, too. Has conjurer called out the healing stuff, anyway. (Arcanist is a DPS so you have to be a SCH to use it, though.)
#67 Oct 06 2014 at 6:42 AM Rating: Excellent
108 posts
I haven't raided CT/ST/Coil yet, but I noticed that all of the left side of the character sheet i90 (the stuff you buy with Allied Seals/Myth) is all JSE from what I could tell except for the Belt.

not anymore. All of the 100+ Soldiery gear is available to your CLASS. 90 JSE is old news which possibly kinda perhaps MAYYYYBE makes classes useful for something again once you get past item level 90.

I'd sploog if there was CLASS specific (not too overpowered) ABILITIES in addition to the ten (only 5 additional) slots of cross class madness you get.

I dream a lot, but I'd hate to be whoever would have to balance all that......

Oh and maybe CLASS specific equipment? CSE?

Until classes become more interesting than a stat debuff and 5 additional slots for mostly useless skills, the pugilists lancers conjurers thaumaturges and the like.... will only be a relic of 1.0 that shouldn't even be around anymore or should at least be automatically "promoted" to their respective job without even the option of removing the job crystal.

Edited, Oct 6th 2014 8:57am by klooste8
#68 Oct 06 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
JSE is old news which possibly kinda perhaps MAYYYYBE makes classes useful for something again once you get past item level 90.

Yes, but for new people, and for people leveling a new class/job, you are surely going to buy that Lv90 JSE first with either Myth or Allied Seals. This essentially has the effect of shoehorning everybody into a Job, and by the time they get enough Soldiery to buy non-JSE armor, they've been running the Job long enough that they might as well just stay with the Job, rather than changing it all up because it is possible once they get the soldiery i100 gear.

There needs to be an actual reason beyond "because I can", but from what I can tell, there just simply isn't. Maybe other classes have better cross-class abilities? If so, I haven't heard of them yet.

So yeah, IMO, they should just dump the "it is possible to use class instead of job!" and just go with the Job system all the way. There's really not much reason not to, and if there ever were a niche where players would go "OMG, but I'd lose my _____....." ....that's when you just merely add that ability to the list of things that job can use.

I'm all for pruning useless crap that nobody ever uses because there's no reason to. It is just needless bloat and it doesn't really serve any real purpose. Now they could try to balance it better to give you more reason for using classes, but I'd have to ask: Why? What would we actually gain out of doing so? Why would you want CNJ over WHM? Why would you want to "balance" the game so that there's incentives to do that?

I can't really think of much reason TBH.
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