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#27 Sep 27 2014 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Catwho wrote:
I like that a lot of the XIV bosses have AOEs that they can toss out at anyone, healer or DPS, as well as some AOEs that are enormous conal areas. Stone Vigil HM is a great example. Regardless of class, you're going to be running around on the first boss and the last boss there. BRD can't just stand in one place and shoot.

While that is true, BRD is the only class that doesn't have to stand still, ever that I know of (except for maybe songs?)

I know as a WHM, I hate the aforementioned Last Boss of Stone Vigil because a lot of times, someone will get smacked by one of the boss's AoE (which all seem to give powerful DoTs) and I need to cast.....oh but wait, I can't cast, because the boss throws things on the ground centered on me every 2 seconds. It is literally impossible to cast a spell until he finishes the whole phase. Regen is the one and only thing I can do, and if the said person is 40% health with a Frostbite DoT on them, Regen is not going to help a whole lot.

There's Swiftcast, but that's for Raise. If I blow it now, tank might drop dead 20 seconds later and then we're all screwed.

So it is "I NEED TO CAST NOW but the stupid boss won't let me for 45+ seconds."

That's why I HATE this whole "you must be standing still to do ANYTHING" and why I loathe Blizz's decision to remove 90% of all instant-cast abilities and/or severely nerf the few cast-on-the-go options we had (while at the same time I feel XIV needs a few more 'cast on the move' options, especially for healers).

They ask you to move way too often to require you to stand still to do everything.

And then you got BRD and Hunter. Why is it that ONE Class/Job is allowed to Range on the move when nobody else can? Where's the balance in that?

I think there are times when it's a better strategy to use Swiftcast for things outside Raise/Resurrect. Most notably, pairing it up with Medica 2 can be a particularly strong move at times (e.g. in Tam Tara HM, after the Red Wedding AoE you can kick out an SC Medica 2 and make it to safety in time for the follow-up Gargoyle beam attacks).

As for healing as a White Mage against the Stone Vigil final boss, Regen and Benediction are probably your best bets if you have a lot of movement to do. Esuna has a very short cast time, requiring only a brief pause if you have to remove the DoT. But people are responsible for being smart about dodging (move around the edges for the circular AoEs and move to the center for the beam attacks). You can fix mistakes, but you can't perform miracles.

But Scholars also have Lustrate as a healing move they can use while in motion, and which also can't be silenced (and both those facts have proven life-saving at times). Pairing it up with a fairy that can survive most AoE attacks make improved mobility one of the Scholar's strengths over White Mage.
#28 Sep 27 2014 at 9:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Stone Vigil Hard Mode boss is the one with the two minotaur guys. You don't want to be facing either of them since they can do their AOE spit attack that doesn't have the circular outline until it lands.
#29 Sep 27 2014 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
Stone Vigil Hard Mode boss is the one with the two minotaur guys. You don't want to be facing either of them since they can do their AOE spit attack that doesn't have the circular outline until it lands.

My bad. Thought he was talking about regular mode.

Yeah, that one is a bit tough because there's two of them to keep track of, but as long as neither are facing your direction, you can cast safely. The debuff is rather nasty since it will impair your cures, so use Stoneskin first, since it's not affected and it can usually take the brunt of most of the damage if they get hit again.

In fact, keep Stoneskin up on everyone the whole fight if you can and you'll hardly take any damage beyond what a Regen can cure.

Edited, Sep 28th 2014 12:30am by Xoie
#30 Sep 28 2014 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Xoie wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Stone Vigil Hard Mode boss is the one with the two minotaur guys. You don't want to be facing either of them since they can do their AOE spit attack that doesn't have the circular outline until it lands.

My bad. Thought he was talking about regular mode.

He was; hard Mode doesn't have an ice patch or dispellable DoT.

The majority of his post though was excuses and whinging. Yes, White Mage has issues in comparison to SCH but the whole "can't cast while moving!" is something that affects virtually every caster and healer in every single MMO so FFXIV is hardly new in this respect. Being able to judge when to fit in casts where around encounters is the mark of a good player and healer, and crying about having to move to cast for a few seconds (hyperbolic statements about some mythological 45 seconds of non-stop moving doesn't help his case either) doesn't instill confidence in his performance either. There isn't a single fight in this game that "locks" you out of casting via forced movement longer than 5-6 seconds at most; if you're having to move extensively it's because you're moving too much.

The example given of Stone Vigil is even more damning as the fight doesn't have *anything* to do with any problems on White Mage. People getting hit by ice waves and landing the Frostbitten debuff is an error on their part, but one that's easily overcome with Esuna considering that's half a second cast time -- and if you can't fit in Esuna during the airborne phases that's on you, not the game or job. Player derping is something you can't really do anything about, so that doesn't really affect WHM.

His problems with Paladin, again, point to an issue with himself and not the class (but it's one people have for some reason with Paladin despite it being probably the easiest class to get a handle on). Flash is the most powerful tool a Paladin has, does the same hate as Overpower with equal gear (within 2-3% difference, nothing major), and weaving in Riot combos allows you go generating AoE threat for close to nine and a half minutes before you're tapped dry of both MP and TP -- with no meds or outside sources of regen. (The referrence to TBC style Warrior tanking is only spot-on for 2-3 monsters, but PLD in 14 can at least generate hate on more than 4 targets unlike Warrior at the time). If you're unable to hold hate in AoE as a Paladin either your gear is horribly outdated (white gear isn't that good, despite what you think), whoever you're grouping with *severely* outgears you (easily with synced down and you're in non-melded crafted gear), or you aren't "spamming Flash" as much as you think. The spell's radial around you and requires no positioning unlike Overpower.

It's fine if you prefer Warrior, but don't try to state problems that don't exist on a class you couldn't get a handle on.

Edited, Sep 28th 2014 8:52am by Viertel
#31 Sep 28 2014 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
but one that's easily overcome with Esuna considering that's half a second cast time --

Just like to point out, that if the boss throws down the long ice line centered on you, you don't have half a second. In fact, to ensure you actually get out of the stupid thing it is almost required to use Sprint. Every time I was in the middle of the big horizontal swipe line when it appeared, each time I DIDN'T use Sprint I got hit with it even though I started running as soon as it appeared.

Casting Esuna, even though it is a split second cast, would ensure I get hit with the stupid thing, and he does 2 of those in a row (which is about 10 seconds for the whole thing).

Esuna may be possible during those 3-4 round splash AoEs before the two line strips, sure, but still somewhat tricky to time (esp when everybody hugs a wall so they're not dropping ice pools in the middle of the arena, more often than not they're out of range).

His problems with Paladin, again, point to an issue with himself and not the class (but it's one people have for some reason with Paladin despite it being probably the easiest class to get a handle on). Flash is the most powerful tool a Paladin has, does the same hate as Overpower with equal gear (within 2-3% difference, nothing major), and weaving in Riot combos allows you go generating AoE threat for close to nine and a half minutes before you're tapped dry of both MP and TP -- with no meds or outside sources of regen.

...and it also uses MP which forces you to use Riot Blade (which produces very little hate whatsoever) sometime during the middle of the fight. How many flashes can a PLD do again before he goes dry? I forget. I think it is something like 4. It has been awhile.

Meanwhile, Overpower uses TP, which you could, if you wanted to, use 5, 6, 7+ of them on large AoE packs of mobs. You'll drain yourself of TP that way, but by the time that happens you should have so much hate that nothing is going to get pulled off of you.

(The referrence to TBC style Warrior tanking is only spot-on for 2-3 monsters, but PLD in 14 can at least generate hate on more than 4 targets unlike Warrior at the time). If you're unable to hold hate in AoE as a Paladin either your gear is horribly outdated (white gear isn't that good, despite what you think), whoever you're grouping with *severely* outgears you (easily with synced down and you're in non-melded crafted gear), or you aren't "spamming Flash" as much as you think. The spell's radial around you and requires no positioning unlike Overpower.

TBC Warrior had Thunderclap (which was one of the few 'extra threat' abilities) which is very similar to Flash -- instead of Blind it caused Attack Speed Down and it was radial AoE. The extra threat wasn't all that high, which is why tab-targeting spam was necessary. Thunderclap hit far more than 3 targets, but again, did very little threat. As far as to how much I was spamming Flash, well. Usually twice at the beginning of the fight, trying to fit a 3rd one in sometime after 1-2 combos if I remember right. I DO remember that if you try 3 flashes at the beginning of the fight, the DPS WILL Rip your main target right off you as Flash doesn't generate enough hate to hold mobs alone, so you can't spam it too much. You need the FB+SB+RoH combo to keep the main target on you, and at least one of those needs to be done ASAP.

Oh, and in WoW, the GCD was a heck of a lot faster than XIV's. I feel that tanks in XIV could use a half-second shaved off of their GCD to help them get the 2 flashes out and some more hate-producing combos or something to give them TIME to get this stuff up on a mob before some DPS unloads everything he has into a mob and then complains when it chews his face off.

It's fine if you prefer Warrior, but don't try to state problems that don't exist on a class you couldn't get a handle on.

It isn't just me that has trouble keeping mobs, I see LOTS of Paladins and Gladiators in Roulettes having difficulty with holding mobs. MRD or Warriors? Rarely. As a Healer, I take a lot more hits on average with PLD tanks than I do WAR tanks. Also, I will note that when I used to play my other character that I want to get back to at some point, I didn't lose mobs all that often -- I could keep mobs on me pretty good actually. It just wasn't fun to do so and was far more stressful than it really needs to be.

Most of the challenge of playing a GLA/PLD is in keeping multiple mobs on you. When do you fight multiple mobs most often? Why that would be during Trash. Who cares about the challenge/difficulty of trash? Almost no one. So what would we actually be hurting if we gave GLA/PLD access to another AoE and/or buffed their AoE hate a bit? Nobody.

Who would benefit? Nearly everybody running Roulettes.

It wouldn't make Endgame easier, because you're in 8man groups, and most of the challenge there is fighting bosses (1-2 mobs with the occasional adds), so these proposed changes would not affect that much at all.

Edited, Sep 28th 2014 9:22am by Lyrailis
#32 Sep 29 2014 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
I think it is they need to cap some of the DF dungeons like WP or AK for example and some of the dungeons that that are for fresh new 50's. These tanks dont have a chance of holding hate against some DD that is close to all I level 110 gear.. Only saving grace is at 110 these mobs do almost no damage to the DD but these poor tanks dont have a hope in the world and are not learning anything in these earlier dungeons but frustration.. These are the learning dungeons too, that make them good tanks....

Problem with dps is they are so used to going full out and part of being a dps is hate management and knowing how not to pull hate. This was a issue in FFXI too... we need more tanks in this game and people should be making it easier on them and not frustrating.

Edited, Sep 29th 2014 9:19am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#33 Sep 29 2014 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Nashred wrote:
I think it is they need to cap some of the DF dungeons like WP or AK for example and some of the dungeons that that are for fresh new 50's. These tanks dont have a chance of holding hate against some DD that is close to all I level 110 gear.. Only saving grace is at 110 these mobs do almost no damage to the DD but these poor tanks dont have a hope in the world and are not learning anything in these earlier dungeons but frustration.. These are the learning dungeons too, that make them good tanks....

I'm not so sure that they should cap those dungeons, but I think it would be better if they kept them in their own roulette. I don't think it makes a lot of sense to keep WP in the same class as Copperbell HM. Limiting Expert to only 3 dungeons seems a bit off to me, especially since one FC member is the "Stone Vigil HM charm" since that's where we always go when we run Expert roulettes. Inevitably, the comment "@#$% Stone Vigil" comes up in FC chat when we enter.

Nashred wrote:
Problem with dps is they are so used to going full out and part of being a dps is hate management and knowing how not to pull hate. This was a issue in FFXI too... we need more tanks in this game and people should be making it easier on them and not frustrating.

I think the urge to speed run is the main issue. People don't really care about doing Hullbreaker Island for the 367th time, they just want their soldiery bonus as fast as they can get it. Despite some of the comments early on about how Hullbreaker, Stone Vigil HM, and Tam Tara HM were more difficult to speed run, I can manage any of them in under 25 minutes, and I'm not one of those ilvl 105+ guys. Part of that is because of the UAT weapons and easier upgrades to armor via hunts increased the DPS by a larger proportion than the tank or healer (or else, everyone would rather upgrade their DPS over their non-DPS jobs).

To make things easier on a tank, I think dungeons would have to be redone to have encounters with less mobs, rather than the larger group that get AoE'd down. Less mobs are easier for the tank to control but that makes a dungeon longer. I would also have to say that it would really, really help tanks if healers were a bit more consistent. A good number of healers, perhaps even the majority, keep the tank's hp up. Some healers prefer to think of themselves as DPS and are not good about that. Sure, I cast my fair share of Holy in a dungeon, but I almost always follow it up with Cure II on the tank instead of another Holy. But I'm sure we have all seen the healer who never leaves Cleric's Stance and rarely casts something other than Holy.
#34 Sep 29 2014 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
To make things easier on a tank, I think dungeons would have to be redone to have encounters with less mobs, rather than the larger group that get AoE'd down. Less mobs are easier for the tank to control but that makes a dungeon longer. I would also have to say that it would really, really help tanks if healers were a bit more consistent. A good number of healers, perhaps even the majority, keep the tank's hp up.

Then we'd get hotshot tanks who love to grab multiple groups of mobs, especially the well-geared ones, and sometimes the healer is a newbie.

Had this happen to me, friend and I wanted to do WP. I know in WP you get that Assassin chasing after you, but the tank was unnecessarily getting extra mobs before he had to. He had high gear, but.....I didn't have my relic yet. Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 eats MP fast but I had to (sometimes having to Divine Seal ontop of that!) just to keep him alive, because regardless of what the tank thought, he was NOT geared for that.

And then a lot of times I was pulling hate because he was just taking too much damage and my nonstop Cure2s to keep him alive were ripping mobs off of him left and right.

Yeah yeah I know there's a Tonberry chasing us, but he was several rooms back and we coulda slowed down just a little. Nope, he ran off and grabbed another group of mobs before we were even done with the first one. He wound up wiping us a couple rooms later because he ran out of LoS while at 60% health, while I was in mid-cast. By the time I realized what happened (2 seconds later), I hit sprint to catch up, stop, start casting.... he was dead before my cast finished and then the rest of us died 10 seconds later.

I'd rather we not promote that kind of behavior. I hate impatient tanks that do stuff like that. Like I said, I know that in WP, you have to hurry a little, but there's nothing saying you have to grab 3 trash packs at once.

EDIT: Would also like to add that this annoys me in WoW too. I guess Speedrunning is just something that everybody is going to want to do no matter what, until/unless we add reason/reward for not speedrunning. Everybody is in such a freaking hurry anymore, really kills the enjoyment of playing the game when everybody is in this "gottagogogogogogogogo" mentality, regardless of whether or not the group can even handle that.

Edited, Sep 29th 2014 5:30pm by Lyrailis
#35 Sep 30 2014 at 6:38 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

EDIT: Would also like to add that this annoys me in WoW too. I guess Speedrunning is just something that everybody is going to want to do no matter what, until/unless we add reason/reward for not speedrunning. Everybody is in such a freaking hurry anymore, really kills the enjoyment of playing the game when everybody is in this "gottagogogogogogogogo" mentality, regardless of whether or not the group can even handle that.

Edited, Sep 29th 2014 5:30pm by Lyrailis

People need to ask why people are doing speed runs in MMO's?
Speed runs happen because some people are bored and want to get that content over. Why are they bored? Well either the content is not good or their tired of doing it. Even the best content can become boring after doing it too many times. Some people just are in a rush to get the newest and greatest... I am sure there other reasons too but I think those are the main.

But to me with FFXIV a big part of it is tired of the content.. WP for example was fun the first few times I did it but not the 20th time or so.. With FFXIV especially then there was no alternative to tomes and you need too cap them for gear. I felt like I am being forced to do content over and over and that is not good. Situation is getting better with stuff like hunts but the game needs more variety of ways to level or get tomes. ST was awsum the first 6 times and so was ct but not after 20 times. The best content in the world gets boring if you have to do it over and over and over.

To me SE is creating a problem for new people because people get so sick of something like WP they never want to go back and do it again... Some thing like CT too I know is a problem for them...... They are creating huge sections of the game that are going to be dead eventually especially instance material...

Edited, Sep 30th 2014 8:45am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#36 Sep 30 2014 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
What if level synch worked both ways? Just another random thought I had.
#37 Sep 30 2014 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Then we'd get hotshot tanks who love to grab multiple groups of mobs, especially the well-geared ones, and sometimes the healer is a newbie.

It's the responsibility of everyone to look at their party makeup and see if they have a newbie (if I see anyone with less than 4000 hp, then I am going slow). I think it's also the responsibility of a newbie to speak up and say something like "it's my first time here" or "first time healing this dungeon, but I've been through it as a dps" or something like that. I did that with pretty much every dungeon I ran and nobody complained. Maybe I was lucky.

When you had your tank who was rushing off on everything, did you ask him to slow down? I've had healers complain that I'm not going fast enough, and I've even had healers complain that I used my damage mitigation cooldowns when they think I should be fine without them.
#38 Sep 30 2014 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Illsaide wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Then we'd get hotshot tanks who love to grab multiple groups of mobs, especially the well-geared ones, and sometimes the healer is a newbie.

It's the responsibility of everyone to look at their party makeup and see if they have a newbie (if I see anyone with less than 4000 hp, then I am going slow). I think it's also the responsibility of a newbie to speak up and say something like "it's my first time here" or "first time healing this dungeon, but I've been through it as a dps" or something like that. I did that with pretty much every dungeon I ran and nobody complained. Maybe I was lucky.

When you had your tank who was rushing off on everything, did you ask him to slow down? I've had healers complain that I'm not going fast enough, and I've even had healers complain that I used my damage mitigation cooldowns when they think I should be fine without them.

When we first zoned in, I said I was new to the place, yes.

I didn't ask him to slow down, because I did see the tonberry chasing us, but then I figured he would have seen that I was <30% MP after each 3-group pull and figured "hey the healer is having trouble maybe I should slow down" but then again maybe I gave the guy too much credit? Maybe I expected too much?


That, and I figured..... I don't care if we die. If he screws up and wipes because of some stupid **** (like I explained above!), then that'll be a learning experience for him. We did ultimately clear the dungeon, but meh. Hopefully that taught him to actually evaluate how the group is performing.

People need to ask why people are doing speed runs in MMO's?
Speed runs happen because some people are bored and want to get that content over. Why are they bored? Well either the content is not good or their tired of doing it. Even the best content can become boring after doing it too many times. Some people just are in a rush to get the newest and greatest... I am sure there other reasons too but I think those are the main.

But to me with FFXIV a big part of it is tired of the content.. WP for example was fun the first few times I did it but not the 20th time or so.. With FFXIV especially then there was no alternative to tomes and you need too cap them for gear. I felt like I am being forced to do content over and over and that is not good. Situation is getting better with stuff like hunts but the game needs more variety of ways to level or get tomes. ST was awsum the first 6 times and so was ct but not after 20 times. The best content in the world gets boring if you have to do it over and over and over.

To me SE is creating a problem for new people because people get so sick of something like WP they never want to go back and do it again... Some thing like CT too I know is a problem for them...... They are creating huge sections of the game that are going to be dead eventually especially instance material...

If you could just One-and-done it, then how are newbies supposed to get this content clear, if there's nothing that causes veterans to run the place?

Let's say we did it your way and you never, ever, ever had to run WP ever again. Then I, as a newbie, comes along needing WP. I open the Duty Finder, click "Join Duty" and... "Average Wait Time: 3h"

Or some such appears. What do you think I am going to do?

I'm probably going to quit if I saw consistent 2hour+ wait times on all the stuff I needed to clear. I had enough of that back during FFXI, needing stuff that nobody wanted to do, and stuff nobody had any incentive to do beyond being a good Samaritan. I don't like being a beggar. I don't like being carried. That's why I love how XIV decided to handle this by giving people incentives to run old content for rewards at max level; they get rewards out of it, and the newbies get the clears they need.

Maybe you shouldn't tunnelvision the latest raid content. We saw this in WoW too, where people would do nothing but log on and do their weekly (Insert Latest Raid here) in a rush to clear it.... "OMG GOTTA CLEAR IT RIGHT NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW!" and then a month later, they are 15/15 Heroic or something and they go "OMG I'm BORED!! GIVE US MORE CONTENT NOW!"

Well, derp, maybe if they hadn't rushed the content, greedily devouring it as fast as they possibly could like some starving animal, then maybe they would still have content to do and they wouldn't be bored?

Edited, Sep 30th 2014 6:30pm by Lyrailis
#39 Sep 30 2014 at 9:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Well, derp, maybe if they hadn't rushed the content, greedily devouring it as fast as they possibly could like some starving animal, then maybe they would still have content to do and they wouldn't be bored?

I still think the problem is that the content isn't enticing enough for players to want to take their time enjoying. I've used the example a thousand times already, but I feel it's still relevant... look at PvP content. You can cram the same 6-10 people into the same 7 year old arena and they will have a unique experience the majority of the time. The same cannot be said for PvE content.

Everybody wants more classes and jobs, but I'd rather see more variance in how similar jobs are played. I played through WoW as a paladin, priest and druid healer and I can honestly say that the game play changes drastically between them all despite them sharing the same role. You have to think and act/react differently when you move from a flat burst healer style, to a healing over time style, to mitigation style healing. Even though rogue and ninja are right around the corner, I'm not sure I can really be excited about them until I see something different. I kinda get the feeling that it'll just be the same mechanics of abilities we already have with flashy new animations and spell effects.

I don't really fault SE here because I know that they're sorta bound to what they can allow players to do as far as battle mechanics. There are a lot of classes and jobs, but very little variance in the way those classes and jobs execute in battle settings. My point is that when you have that variance, you can clear content you've already seen again because it actually feels new. Though your role may be the same, your actions are different and you're forced to approach the content from a different perspective. SE needs to find a way to tap into that, especially given the armory system and how players are expected to grind through several jobs and classes. Outside of making that adjustment, I don't see any other way really but spamming content patches.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#40 Oct 01 2014 at 3:41 AM Rating: Good
FilthMcNasty wrote:
You have to think and act/react differently when you move from a flat burst healer style, to a healing over time style, to mitigation style healing.

You're acting as if ARR doesn't have these roles already. Really, now?
#41 Oct 01 2014 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
I still think the problem is that the content isn't enticing enough for players to want to take their time enjoying. I've used the example a thousand times already, but I feel it's still relevant... look at PvP content. You can cram the same 6-10 people into the same 7 year old arena and they will have a unique experience the majority of the time. The same cannot be said for PvE content.

Maybe so, but perhaps there's some kind of, I don't know... dissonance going on, where players are for some odd reason, playing a largely PvE-based MMORPG and expecting each run to be something new?

They signed up for a PvE-based MMORPG, knowing it was a PvE-based MMORPG. I don't think hardly anybody who plays XIV thought it was anything other than a PvE-based MMORPG. Nowhere was it ever advertised as anything else.

Everybody wants more classes and jobs, but I'd rather see more variance in how similar jobs are played. I played through WoW as a paladin, priest and druid healer and I can honestly say that the game play changes drastically between them all despite them sharing the same role. You have to think and act/react differently when you move from a flat burst healer style, to a healing over time style, to mitigation style healing. Even though rogue and ninja are right around the corner, I'm not sure I can really be excited about them until I see something different. I kinda get the feeling that it'll just be the same mechanics of abilities we already have with flashy new animations and spell effects.

Granted, I don't have every single job leveled to 50, but it seems to me we already have that. I noticed that Gladiator and Marauder similar, but yet have differences. But I suppose we can say that both have a 3-move main combo (I think? MRD is only ~22). But the DPS, I'd have to respectfully disagree. From leveling THM to 35, I know that THM plays quite a bit different than ACN that I leveled to 16, and from a friend's description, it plays quite a bit different from the actual SMN job. Meanwhile, on the melee side of things, from what I've heard from random conversations, sounds like MNK and DRG are different enough that they qualify for what you're describing. And I've leveled ARC to 15, and it doesn't play like either of the mage classes, and it is obviously not a melee either.

Lastly, we have the two healers. I leveled WHM to 50 and it is all about stacking up the free heals and raw healing power. SCH, however, has a summon (don't they have two of them that behave differently?) to help heal while their own heals seem weaker (but they spam more of them)? That sounds to me like the two classes are different enough.

I'm curious to see how they will separate NIN from DRG and MNK.

I don't really fault SE here because I know that they're sorta bound to what they can allow players to do as far as battle mechanics. There are a lot of classes and jobs, but very little variance in the way those classes and jobs execute in battle settings. My point is that when you have that variance, you can clear content you've already seen again because it actually feels new. Though your role may be the same, your actions are different and you're forced to approach the content from a different perspective. SE needs to find a way to tap into that, especially given the armory system and how players are expected to grind through several jobs and classes. Outside of making that adjustment, I don't see any other way really but spamming content patches.

But how far does that REALLY go? Again, you're going to end up with "One-and-done", but once per each class. Let's see... in leveling CNJ alone, I have probably done Tam-Tara ~20 times, that's not counting the 5-ish times I've seen it on THM. At least half of these runs had newbies in the run. Are you really saying that we can add enough classes/jobs for someone to do each and every dungeon 30+ times?

Some of these people complain when they have to run the same thing twice, afterall.

No, I think it is more just players being impatient and players wanting to tunnel vision the endgame. I know people will pop up and say "they shouldn't force us to do lowbie junk" but yet, again, newbies need help clearing this stuff. If the serial endgamers want to skip all lowbie content, then the lowbie content would need to be skippable because nothing sucks worse than being stuck on something you can't get done because nobody has incentives to do it again. But we can't do that, because we'd destroy the very thing that this game is even about in the first place, AND we'd get even more people arriving at endgame with no clue as to how to actually function in a group properly.


TL:DR; People need to stop complaining about re-doing content and/or being so bloody impatient, because that's basically what an MMORPG _is_. They signed up for an MMORPG, they got an MMORPG. I feel that XIV is fair about group-based content, an hour or so per day is not too unreasonable for a random queue dungeon.

MMORPGs were not designed to be "cleared" in a few weeks. Stop and smell the roses once in awhile, etc etc etc.
#42 Oct 01 2014 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
I still think the problem is that the content isn't enticing enough for players to want to take their time enjoying. I've used the example a thousand times already, but I feel it's still relevant... look at PvP content. You can cram the same 6-10 people into the same 7 year old arena and they will have a unique experience the majority of the time. The same cannot be said for PvE content.

Maybe so, but perhaps there's some kind of, I don't know... dissonance going on, where players are for some odd reason, playing a largely PvE-based MMORPG and expecting each run to be something new?

Heck each run different, how about each dungeon being different. But why cant it be? SE cant have a little imagination? Almost every dungeon is exactly the same with 3 bosses and trash mobs in-between exactly cookie cutter. .. Why cant bosses wander around? why cant there be more bosses or less? Why are they all recycled dungeons.. Why does everything have to use dodge affects? everyone have a dps check... After about 6 runs most of the dungeons become boring.

Everything is scripted too.. We were talking about this last night and how these battles use so little skill and are basically memorization...What do we do but watch videos and learn patterns before we go in...

Edited, Oct 1st 2014 9:28am by Nashred

Edited, Oct 1st 2014 9:29am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#43 Oct 01 2014 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
You have to think and act/react differently when you move from a flat burst healer style, to a healing over time style, to mitigation style healing.

You're acting as if ARR doesn't have these roles already. Really, now?

Yeah, SCH and WHM play very differently. WHM is all about putting out fires, SCH is all about anticipating what's coming and prepping the tank/party for it.

We had a two SCH party last night in ST, and both me and the other guy were impressed with each other. Getting the maximum output from SCH is an art form, and both of us were totally on top of our game. We had no deaths in our party. (Hey Ultros folks, apparently he's on your server!)
#44 Oct 01 2014 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
If you could just One-and-done it, then how are newbies supposed to get this content clear, if there's nothing that causes veterans to run the place?

This will possibly yield some disdain since some up and believe MMOs should be multiplayer everything, but I'm of the mind that any and all mandatory content should be soloable. That way, if you do need something like a WP clear for a quest, the only thing stopping you is yourself and not a prohibitively long queue time.

But I'm also someone who's not really a fan of content regurgitation like 3 difficulties of Primals or the Hard Mode dungeons. Passing such things off as "new" content when their predecessor had been around for at least a major patch cycle is really just lazy development. But the real point in bringing this up is that piling on more and more rewards to old content someone thought they were done with can just lead to frustration and resentment from the veterans who had run something like WP a hundred times and never want to set foot in it again. And yes, the more "mandatory" quests that involve such content exist, the more people are going to be pulled in, burnt out, and annoyed.

When the cap increases here, I have no doubt we'll see people grumbling about how all the current content is now useless, nobody wants to do it, etc.. I'm a firm advocate that content has a lifespan. That may vary per individual, yes, but trying to design everything to last forever is just going to wind up inundating players with too many things they feel they have to do, especially when you install time crunches like dailies or weeklies, including caps and lockouts. Of course, some might argue under the mantle of preserving the true experience, but let's be honest, if you're not around for the initial month or two of new content, you're not getting the "true" experience and this is before any sort of dev interaction like adjusting difficulties or improving rewards. No, by then, people will have things figured out, be set in their tactics, want to speed run, and all that fun stuff that really doesn't translate well to a more casual play style.

So, perhaps the overall takeaway is that while options are good, remaining optional should also be a goal. XIV isn't quite there yet, and I fear it never will be if the game remains dungeon/raid-centric, but it's also better now than it was even 6 months ago. Hopefully Yoshi uses the clean slate potential of the expansion to the best of its ability now that 2.0's foundations have generally been established. But that's still too much of a wildcard at the moment.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#45 Oct 01 2014 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Nashred wrote:
People need to ask why people are doing speed runs in MMO's?
Speed runs happen because some people are bored and want to get that content over. Why are they bored? Well either the content is not good or their tired of doing it. Even the best content can become boring after doing it too many times. Some people just are in a rush to get the newest and greatest... I am sure there other reasons too but I think those are the main.

There are a number of reasons why this is so, but mostly, it's the nature of the MMO beast.

It takes years to make a game with quality content you don't get bored with in the few dozen hours (at best) that you play it. MMO developers have to keep churning out new things several times a year, and it has to be appealing to a wide range of players and player circles (hardcore, casual, crafters, gatherers, PVPers, FCs, etc.). Because of this, content is going to be designed to be repeated simply because it's not possible to make enough new content fast enough. But unless you're new to MMOs, this doesn't come as a surprise.

But that aside, people speedrun because they're grinding, and MMOs are going to have its grinding because some people want to play it for as many hours of their lives as they can. In FFXIV, it's not absolutely necessary to grind. You could do a Daily Expert Roulette every day and cap your soldiery before the week is out. It's a bit repetitive, but not to the level of a grind where you're constantly spamming the same routine back-to-back. But some people choose to grind, the game offers a reason to grind, and the best way to grind is to do it as efficiently as possible. Speed running is how it's done.

Mind you, speed running is also a lot more challenging, so in a way, it's actually raising the difficulty among people who know the drill. If anything it makes an otherwise boring grind more interesting, not to mention less time consuming.
#46 Oct 01 2014 at 3:06 PM Rating: Excellent
2,120 posts
Seriha wrote:
If you could just One-and-done it, then how are newbies supposed to get this content clear, if there's nothing that causes veterans to run the place?

This will possibly yield some disdain since some up and believe MMOs should be multiplayer everything, but I'm of the mind that any and all mandatory content should be soloable. That way, if you do need something like a WP clear for a quest, the only thing stopping you is yourself and not a prohibitively long queue time...

I liked the solo/grouping options I had with SWTOR when progressing through the main stories. You ran into flashpoints(dungeons) and heroic quests along the way, but they weren't mandatory to move on in the story. You could do them some other time, even come back and solo them once you're higher level, or ignore them completely. I don't think there was a lot of content you had to do solo either. You could often do the soloable content with others.
#47 Oct 01 2014 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
You have to think and act/react differently when you move from a flat burst healer style, to a healing over time style, to mitigation style healing.

You're acting as if ARR doesn't have these roles already. Really, now?

Yes, ARR has some of the same mechanics. It does not have classes based almost entirely on these roles, which is what separates the two. Discipline Priest in WoW is a shield based mitigation healer. Resto Druid is based around healing over time. Holy Priests and Paladins are centered mostly around front-loaded healing.

You can't say the same thing about ARR. There is no class based solely on regen healing. There is no class based solely on front loaded healing. There is no class based solely on mitigation style healing. All of the spells and abilities are there in XIV, but because there is no specialization; they don't explore how players can interact with these spells to make encounters more dynamic class by class.

Lyrailis wrote:
TL:DR; People need to stop complaining about re-doing content and/or being so bloody impatient, because that's basically what an MMORPG _is_. They signed up for an MMORPG, they got an MMORPG. I feel that XIV is fair about group-based content, an hour or so per day is not too unreasonable for a random queue dungeon.

People who aren't casual players are the people most likely to grow bored quickly and/or complain and/or quit. They're mad that they have to wait for something they don't really enjoy doing in the first place. To complicate that further, there aren't a ton of other options to keep them busy in the meanwhile. ARR is developed toward casual players so it's not hard to see why players who want to fill 2-3+ hours a day quickly lose interest.

I don't really agree with the 'this is MMO' comment. Different titles cater to different crowds. Instead of "this is MMO, suck it up" it should be "this is how this particular MMO is, try another one". ARR certainly isn't the MMO spectrum for content, difficulty, ect.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#48 Oct 02 2014 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
You have to think and act/react differently when you move from a flat burst healer style, to a healing over time style, to mitigation style healing.

You're acting as if ARR doesn't have these roles already. Really, now?

Yes, ARR has some of the same mechanics. It does not have classes based almost entirely on these roles, which is what separates the two. Discipline Priest in WoW is a shield based mitigation healer. Resto Druid is based around healing over time. Holy Priests and Paladins are centered mostly around front-loaded healing.

You can't say the same thing about ARR. There is no class based solely on regen healing. There is no class based solely on front loaded healing. There is no class based solely on mitigation style healing. All of the spells and abilities are there in XIV, but because there is no specialization; they don't explore how players can interact with these spells to make encounters more dynamic class by class.

Um, yeah, you can say that whm is centered mostly around front loaded healing and sch is centered mostly around pet control and mitigation style healing. I really can't believe you don't see it. It's obvious as a day. Now, the fact the distinction is not so black-and-white... I guess that's a bad thing if you're not used to dealing with change.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2014 8:34am by Hyanmen
#49 Oct 02 2014 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
And I contend that, as someone who plays both WHM and SCH in endgame activities today, that they have two completely different playstyles.

SCH using Selene lacks any kind of regen. WHM relies heavily on Regen/Medica II to keep the party alive during crunch time. In contrast, a SCH is tossing up Galvanize (and borrowed Stoneskin) along with Sacred Soil to try to keep damage actually hitting people down to a minimum.

The "front load" and "regen" styles of healing are combined in WHM, but SCH is really its own thing.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2014 9:57am by Catwho
#50 Oct 02 2014 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Instead of "this is MMO, suck it up" it should be "this is how this particular MMO is, try another one".

So which MMO's fan site are you waxing positive with how perfect it is when you're not here taunting ours?
#51 Oct 02 2014 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Xoie wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Instead of "this is MMO, suck it up" it should be "this is how this particular MMO is, try another one".

So which MMO's fan site are you waxing positive with how perfect it is when you're not here taunting ours?

I'm not taunting anyone. I'm merely pointing out that there are systems that promote more variation in play than I've found in ARR. Is it perfect? No. Is it my preference? Yes. I'm here discussing it because I think XIV could benefit, not to bash the game.

As far as WHM and SCH having different playstyles, I agree but not to the magnitude that it's found elsewhere. As the jobs and classes expand and add more spells and abilities it's possible that they can add to that, but I feel it isn't currently as dynamic as what is found elsewhere.

It's similar to the discussion a little while back about Diablo III. You have enough play within even a single class that there are multiple viable ways to play those classes and they're all viable. It's more than just equipping a piece of gear that adds x amount to your stats. It's equipping gear, taking a talent or using a glyph that has the potential to completely change the play style of the same class.

I'm not talking simply about the difference between cure and regen. I'm talking about the ability to customize those spells to support each encounter or your personal play style. A talent that grants a spell aura to players within a certain range of the spell target instead of a single target. An ability that allows a spell that is normally single use to stack. A gear trait that gives an ability additional properties such as consuming stacks for a buff, removing the AoE component of a spell for another effect when combined with certain abilities, ect.

More freedom to make the class yours with added benefits of keeping clutter out of your spellbook and off of your UI. I don't really see how some of you think this is a knock. Just because I have a suggestion about how something can be improved doesn't mean I thought it was garbage without the adjustment. People are a bit oversensitive.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
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