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How will SE address hunts in this coming maintenance?Follow

#52 Jul 29 2014 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Susanoh wrote:
Raylo wrote:
It's a bad thing because it never works. The community can set all the ground rules they want and 99% of the playerbase can agree to follow them but that 1% is going to say to hell with it, do what they want, and make the experience miserable for everyone else because there's no penalty for them to do so.

I'm not sure if you could ever get everyone to agree on a set of ground rules for this content, to be honest. If you pull too quickly, many people don't have the opportunity to get to the mob and get no credit. If you wait too long for the mob to show up, it creates issues where for many players the mob flat out disappears because it doesn't take priority over the dozens of players that showed up, and it also makes it more difficult to get contribution because of the sheer amount of other players fighting for it. Resetting the mob aids those who are still trying to get there by giving them a chance to gain contribution, but completely resets the contribution of those who are already there, and if they aren't able to build it back up once the zerglings have already arrived and burn down the mob, then they just got screwed over. There are just so many things that can work against the player in hunts that even if you theoretically could get a massive zerg of players to all play nice, I doubt we could even reach a universal consensus on what "playing nice" even means.

This is why something like the forced pop idea I discussed earlier (someone else came up with it in another thread, it's not mine) could work great. This would take a lot of these decisions out of the hands of the playerbase. You know that once it's found, you have X amount of time before it pops, aggros someone, and starts the fight, and if you're not there in time, too bad.
#53 Jul 29 2014 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
I played FFXI for somewhere between 2-3 years, maybe? I can honestly say nothing I ever did in the game had anything to do with the potential of me getting into a Dynamis LS. The whole "you had to play nice if you wanted in on Dynamis" never held any water with me because I was never close enough in level to where I was ever thinking of Dynamis and I'm sure a lot of other players were the same way. Involvement in Dynamis was really not an incentive/punishment to anyone like that because, well... that was a loooooong time away for a lot of us. I'm not sure that helped people "play nice" if they wanted to go against what was socially acceptable in game.

The example I used was Dynamis because I had a specific cognate, so to speak, on how the collective server would take action against those who violated our norms. Seraph was actually cited by Square Enix as the most drama-free server at one point.

But another example given, the BCNMs, could be done at levle 30. One I vividly remember is when the Adventuring Fellows were released. You only had to be level 40. The instance for the fight for it had a queue about a hundred people long on most servers.

Even ARR had this in beta, I think it was, when a bunch of newbies from Ul'Dah lined up politely to wait their turn for the fight in Central Than out by the toad pond in the main story. If too many people popped that fight at once you'd have so many monsters out that everyone would die.... so people just formed a line and waited their turn.

This behavior is still happening in XI with Wildskeeper Reives. It's probably not an exact match to Hunts, maybe closer to XIV's Behemoth or Odin, but a single party or alliance has no incentive to go into those fights alone. A group that wants to do it will shout across the server that the NM is up. 100+ people usually go in... Everyone agrees on a time to enter, and does. If someone goes in early, though, they'll probably end up dead because the WKRs are true HNMs and they will eat even a well geared player for breakfast.
#54 Jul 29 2014 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Player imposed rules only offer the illusion of power. In the end, SE is the ultimate judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to how we experience content. Now, I know some like to believe XI was better because of no DF, having to play nice, etc., but the XI I played just had the douchebags coming together to form the Douchebag LS or just server transferring off to repeat the process anew. Reputations were ultimately as known as the arbitrary rules some seem to be espousing here. Or in my experience, people just make up **** to try and make you look bad. Not everyone reads boards or visits fan sites when it comes to these games. With that in mind, it's up to SE to guide and control our behavior. Not us. "That can't be done!" I hear some saying. While true it is more a reactionary process, MMOs have been around long enough to tell the observant how something is likely to be handled.

Example? Token systems. Not only do these guarantee some modicum of reward for participating in content, these help to remove the player politics out of things like old school DKP systems or other arbitrary "who deserves what" issues of loot distribution. Something like Need/Greed added on top helps for those instances where RNG is still present. It may not be perfect, especially if one considers what one does with loot after the fact (Something like desynthing or sellability can skew this process), but in the end, it's far more fair than trusting players to be nice with one another. Hell, the success of a system like this has even led to some rallying against it, concocting terms like "welfare epics" or other derogatory jargon solely because they hate people can get things they want to keep rare. Still, it's law brought to the lawless.

A lot of the time, issue simply boils down to accessibility. Once in demand things become rare, ergo competition arises, people start looking for that edge, legit or not.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#55 Jul 29 2014 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
With that in mind, it's up to SE to guide and control our behavior. Not us.

Completely disagree with this.

SE gives us our game and our infrastructure. And, yes, the infrastructure these days has changed from "one person gets claim/drop" to "everyone who puts in effort can get tokens."

However, it's up to us to decide how we behave within that infrastructure. Case in point? Nowhere in the ToS does it say players must adhere to social norms. Nowhere does it say everyone has to be nice all the time. Nowhere does it say people can't act selfishly.

How we choose to behave is COMPLETELY up to us. People who want to ignore the majority and go against social norms are totally within their rights to do so. And, conversely, the majority is free to impose non-griefing social consequences on those players.

If Player Z does something that Player Y doesn't like, Player Y is totally within his rights to blacklist that player and never have to deal with him again. Likewise, if Player Z does something that players A through Y doesn't like, all of those players are equally in the right to blacklist Player Z. And Player Z should be ready to accept the consequences of his or her actions, because nothing in this world happens without consequence, however subtle they may be. If Player Z really wants to just do whatever he/she wants without any lasting social consequence, then I'd recommend Skyrim or Grand Theft Auto.

SE's only job here is to provide us the infrastructure. It's up to us to make something out of it.

EDIT: I'm seriously not trying to be a douche about this, but social norms are like science. You can disagree with them all you want and say you don't need to follow them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Edited, Jul 29th 2014 2:24pm by Thayos

Edited, Jul 29th 2014 2:26pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#56 Jul 29 2014 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Thayos wrote:

If Player Z does something that Player Y doesn't like, Player Y is totally within his rights to blacklist that player and never have to deal with him again. Likewise, if Player Z does something that players A through Y doesn't like, all of those players are equally in the right to blacklist Player Z. And Player Z should be ready to accept the consequences of his or her actions, because nothing in this world happens without consequence, however subtle they may be. If Player Z really wants to just do whatever he/she wants without any lasting social consequence, then I'd recommend Skyrim or Grand Theft Auto.

Does blacklisting Player Z prevent him from pulling a hunt early and ******** everyone over?
#57 Jul 29 2014 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Does blacklisting Player Z prevent him from pulling a hunt early and ******** everyone over?

Absolutely not.

It's like being at a party, and there's one piece of cake left and five people who haven't eaten. The social norm is to take as small a piece of the cake as possible, so the other people can have small pieces, too. However, either of those five people could choose to take the whole piece of cake. Or, he/she can share. Totally up to the person, and either choice has consequences (be they "good" or "bad").

I'm guessing a lot of the people who "solo pull" elite marks wouldn't actually take the whole piece of cake in RL, because they don't have the anonymity of being behind a digital avatar. However, as you reduce the degree of consequence, people tend to behave more according to their true nature.

It's very "Ring of Gyges."

Edited, Jul 29th 2014 2:51pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#58 Jul 29 2014 at 4:03 PM Rating: Excellent
The whole situation with hunts and that 1% of the player base reminds of this for some reason...

#59 Jul 29 2014 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
SE's only job here is to provide us the infrastructure. It's up to us to make something out of it.

And that very infrastructure can curb being douchebags from the start. Yes, someone is still free to blurt out obscenities, slurs, and other social taboos, but the goal should be designing content so bad behavior is never a detriment, or at least as minimized as possible. Blacklists and vote kicks fill in the gaps.

Review my earlier post here on how to "fix" Hunts and let me know if you see a flaw with the idea(s). Part of the iterative process to improve and learn from mistakes, but at the same time, not make content exclusive and out of reach for the more reasonable players. MMOs, or the internet at large, shouldn't be what teaches people how to be decent human beings. So, maybe this is just my cynical side talking, but it's safer to assume everyone is a **** and plan for the worst case scenarios from the start. Ounce of prevention, pound of cure, etc..
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#60 Jul 29 2014 at 6:31 PM Rating: Excellent
2,120 posts
Susanoh wrote:

I'm not sure if you could ever get everyone to agree on a set of ground rules for this content, to be honest. If you pull too quickly, many people don't have the opportunity to get to the mob and get no credit. If you wait too long for the mob to show up, it creates issues where for many players the mob flat out disappears because it doesn't take priority over the dozens of players that showed up, and it also makes it more difficult to get contribution because of the sheer amount of other players fighting for it. Resetting the mob aids those who are still trying to get there by giving them a chance to gain contribution, but completely resets the contribution of those who are already there, and if they aren't able to build it back up once the zerglings have already arrived and burn down the mob, then they just got screwed over. There are just so many things that can work against the player in hunts that even if you theoretically could get a massive zerg of players to all play nice, I doubt we could even reach a universal consensus on what "playing nice" even means.

That's a big problem with this proposed hunt etiquette people are expecting everyone to conform to. It benefits certain people more often. Others can get screwed in the process. And anyone taking measures to not get screwed again is met with name-calling, blacklisting, etc.

It isn't "wait for everyone else so we can all have equal portions of the cake". More like "wait for everyone else so we can devour the cake, and maybe leave you a crumb". "And though we in the hunting network have already devoured 15 cakes today, and you may be trying for your first, you're not allowed to touch that one until we get there!"

It's all a joke.

#61 Jul 29 2014 at 6:34 PM Rating: Excellent
But it's so easy to party up with others before the NM is pulled, there's really very little reason why anyone should get little or no credit... unless you just simply absolutely do not want to form a party, which I really do not understand. Shout for an invite, kill the mob, get your credit and disband. You don't even need to be part of the "mob," so to speak. Most A-rank fights have several parties made up at the last minute of people who just happen to be in the zone.

A big misconception is this is "soloers vs. the horde," but that's not the truth at all.

What looks like a "horde" is actually a collection of several hunt linkshells as well as FC parties, random unaffiliated hunt parties and impromptu hunt parties that come together at the last minute for the purpose of getting credit.

Refusing to form a party to get credit... just makes no sense.

Yoshi-P has even come out and said that all of this content is intended for parties. None of this content is meant for soloers. People who insist on playing this content incorrectly shouldn't be so shocked and disappointed when they don't get full credit. It shouldn't be a surprise.

Edited, Jul 29th 2014 5:38pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#62 Jul 29 2014 at 8:00 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Thayos wrote:
Yoshi-P has even come out and said that all of this content is intended for parties. None of this content is meant for soloers. People who insist on playing this content incorrectly shouldn't be so shocked and disappointed when they don't get full credit. It shouldn't be a surprise.

Small groups of players who pull so that they can get full contribution are playing the content correctly. Rank Bs used to be tuned for soloers, they're now intended for light parties. Rank As are now tuned to be fought by a full party, or 8 people. Only S ranks are intended for multiple parties even after the changes to HP. If you fight the hunt mobs with roughly this many people present, you will likely build up a decent amount of contribution during the fight.
#63 Jul 29 2014 at 8:21 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Thayos wrote:

Yoshi-P has even come out and said that all of this content is intended for parties. None of this content is meant for soloers. People who insist on playing this content incorrectly shouldn't be so shocked and disappointed when they don't get full credit. It shouldn't be a surprise.

Edited, Jul 29th 2014 5:38pm by Thayos

It wasn't originally designed for parties - B was soloable, A needed maybe a companion or a friend, and S took a full party. They had to change all of that because they didn't seem to think about how if it's the only way 90% of the playerbase can get a sands of time then everyone would be trying to do it. Great design!
#64 Jul 29 2014 at 10:54 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm not arguing that the design is/was great, I'm arguing that there's absolutely no logical reason to not party up to battle these NMs. The system literally isn't designed for it.
Thayos Redblade
#65 Jul 30 2014 at 12:49 AM Rating: Excellent
3,653 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm not arguing that the design is/was great, I'm arguing that there's absolutely no logical reason to not party up to battle these NMs. The system literally isn't designed for it.

Well yeah, for A and S ranks, sure.

For B's, it quite literally is designed to be done by solo players. They're trivial to beat apart from the increased HP, it's just a glorified FATE boss. The problem is there's very little chance of rewards if you try to participate as a solo player. I'm not even talking about pro-actively hunting, i'm talking more about situations where a player happens across a mark while they are doing something else. As it stands you have to ask for a party invite or risk getting very little from the monster, unless you choose to engage it first and maximise your seals. Even if you ask for an invite, they might not always be forthcoming before the horde arrives and kills it.

So personally, if you're solo or in a small group, I don't see a reason to wait for more than a party or two of people to show up for the B ranks. All you're really doing by waiting is limiting the chances of full participation for the people who found the mob first, in favor of someone who's coming in from another zone. There's a point of no return where the mob will die too fast for groups to get full points, and it's frequently crossed. Going when you have say, a dozen players is a method of rewarding those who are proactively scanning the zone the mob was found in. Personally I don't see excessive waiting (more time than it takes to run from the Aetheryte) as fair for the first people to get to the mark. Of course, the weekly mark is the exception I make to this, i'll happily wait for people to arrive for those.
#66 Jul 30 2014 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
Raylo wrote:
I played FFXI for somewhere between 2-3 years, maybe? I can honestly say nothing I ever did in the game had anything to do with the potential of me getting into a Dynamis LS. The whole "you had to play nice if you wanted in on Dynamis" never held any water with me because I was never close enough in level to where I was ever thinking of Dynamis and I'm sure a lot of other players were the same way. Involvement in Dynamis was really not an incentive/punishment to anyone like that because, well... that was a loooooong time away for a lot of us. I'm not sure that helped people "play nice" if they wanted to go against what was socially acceptable in game.

The example I used was Dynamis because I had a specific cognate, so to speak, on how the collective server would take action against those who violated our norms. Seraph was actually cited by Square Enix as the most drama-free server at one point.

Servers didn't have to take action. People who looked into dynamis immediately understood that it was more than PUG material.

It wasn't about 'playing nice'. The entry fee was a million gil(weekly) and the event was tuned to be challenging for several alliances(18 player groups). It was generally an 'LS only' event because it required communication and coordination. Not sure when you played, but try and imagine shouting Jeuno for 50 players and getting them all organized enough so that they know to assist and attack only the mob that your tank designates...

Raylo wrote:
I also stand by my point that just because the playerbase is willing to accept something doesn't mean it's well designed. Players may be willing to stand in a line IN A GAME for 2+ hours *but they shouldn't have to*.

3 words... WoW world bosses.

Open world timed spawns that drop personal loot to any player who participates. There is no 'contribution' that you have to race to get. You essentially 'tag' a mob and you get credit and loot whether you live or die. I won't go into detail about the bonus system, but you essentially get one shot a week at getting loot that is only available to your character based on your class.

People can say what they want about that game, but they got it right here as well as many other mechanics. Yoshi has his finger on the pulse of the modern MMO? Why does he take mechanics that are already working well in other places and muck them up? I don't get it. Smiley: oyvey

Edited, Jul 30th 2014 4:02am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#67 Jul 30 2014 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Thayos wrote:
Does blacklisting Player Z prevent him from pulling a hunt early and ******** everyone over?

Absolutely not.

It's like being at a party, and there's one piece of cake left and five people who haven't eaten. The social norm is to take as small a piece of the cake as possible, so the other people can have small pieces, too. However, either of those five people could choose to take the whole piece of cake. Or, he/she can share. Totally up to the person, and either choice has consequences (be they "good" or "bad").

I'm guessing a lot of the people who "solo pull" elite marks wouldn't actually take the whole piece of cake in RL, because they don't have the anonymity of being behind a digital avatar. However, as you reduce the degree of consequence, people tend to behave more according to their true nature.

It's very "Ring of Gyges."

Well, as much as i would love to involve Plato into this, the context wouldn't so much be the anonymity.

Lets say a person knows 20 people who are having their birthday this week. And every week there's one piece of cake left and someone else doesnt share the cake but takes it. Who can truly blame the person for simply taking the last piece of cake himself on the 21st birthday he visits?

Anonymity aside, anoyances will build up till eventually a decision needs to be made. Either stop trying to get cake, or take the last piece themselves.

I respect the people who are trying to not have cake anymore.
I also respect the people who finally decide to take the last piece for themselves, however much of a ******** that might be.

The only one i have a problem with is the unspoken third party, the person(s) who grabbed the last piece of cake on the 1st through the 20th party every single time.

We're all here trying to make someone share the cake, and maybe get a tiny piece of it himself after 20 tries, when such a thing wouldnt be an option anymore after all that time. I wouldnt, would anyone truly?
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#68 Jul 30 2014 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
229 posts
Thayos wrote:
People are free to ignore social norms, but they'd best be prepared to face the consequences.

If there was a bag of money in the middle of nowhere, would you patiently wait for at least 30 other Lightning haircut scantily clad mithras to show up before pillaging it in a 8 second frenzy and walking away with small change?

It's not cooperation if accommodating them is reducing your payout. You gain nothing save a brief fuzzy feeling, and lose everything.
#69 Jul 30 2014 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Until the mechanics of the game can support the social conduct trying to be imposed upon it, I can't be in support of it.

Simply put, it's hurting everyone but a very, very small minority that really do not even follow the norms they're trying to support in bulk, and the result is an atmosphere in the game that just breeds unnecessary negativity.

I'm sorry, you can't build a game off of the absence of this kind of competition and then suddenly make it your most efficient means of advancement without causing a gigantic (and in this case negative) impact on your base. The players who have been reinvigorated by this method will only be temporarily sustained by it due to the lack of any depth, and those you've dejected with it due to effectively out-dating any other means of obtaining Sands and Tomes (due to weekly lockouts) just replaced one badly funneled system of content denial with another are going to be continually upset and potentially unsubscribe.

Speaking for myself, I fear that if something is not done to alleviate the underlining problems hunts have surfaced, that FFXIV stems a net loss from this addition. There's no unity now in the overall design of the game's content. They should either go with lockouts or they should abolish them entirely, not half-haphazardly place lockouts in one piece of content, then totally ignore its existence for another.

Especially if the latter content cannot appropriately support the interest it generates.

Edited, Jul 30th 2014 7:40am by Hyrist
#70 Jul 30 2014 at 6:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Demoncard wrote:
Thayos wrote:
People are free to ignore social norms, but they'd best be prepared to face the consequences.

If there was a bag of money in the middle of nowhere, would you patiently wait for at least 30 other Lightning haircut scantily clad mithras to show up before pillaging it in a 8 second frenzy and walking away with small change?

It's not cooperation if accommodating them is reducing your payout. You gain nothing save a brief fuzzy feeling, and lose everything.

The only time I haven't gotten 100% full credit is when I was en route and someone pulled the NM before I got there.

BLMs know all they gotta do is land at least one Swiftcast Flare for max credit. Smiley: laugh
#71 Jul 30 2014 at 7:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
Demoncard wrote:
Thayos wrote:
People are free to ignore social norms, but they'd best be prepared to face the consequences.

If there was a bag of money in the middle of nowhere, would you patiently wait for at least 30 other Lightning haircut scantily clad mithras to show up before pillaging it in a 8 second frenzy and walking away with small change?

It's not cooperation if accommodating them is reducing your payout. You gain nothing save a brief fuzzy feeling, and lose everything.

The only time I haven't gotten 100% full credit is when I was en route and someone pulled the NM before I got there.

BLMs know all they gotta do is land at least one Swiftcast Flare for max credit. Smiley: laugh

I just go on WAR and spam all of my hate abilities and get full credit 99% of the time. Only time I didn't was when Maahes petrified me, got reset and I sat there the whole petrification period. Didn't help on Balmung last night, someone was rewarding gil to the first player to reset a mob 10 times...and was keeping track of score through shout. The reset is annoying yet helpful if you're late to the party, though I do think it needs to be changed so you can't just pull a mob away to reward even more of the hoard.

#72 Jul 30 2014 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
If there was a bag of money in the middle of nowhere, would you patiently wait for at least 30 other Lightning haircut scantily clad mithras to show up before pillaging it in a 8 second frenzy and walking away with small change?

This doesn't apply to hunts, and here's why.

Hunts are designed to reward lots of people equally, and not necessarily individuals.

A bag of money has finite resources. There is only so much money in that bag. If you did find a bag of money, and you wait for others to arrive, you're going to get less money.

However, the hunt system is like a magic bag filled with money, and it will reward anyone who is there to claim it with an equally large sum of money... and that reward is the same whether it's found by one or 50 people.. Let's say there's $1,000 in it. You can take it yourself and get $1,000, or you can wait for 50 people to arrive and everyone can get $1,000, as long as you're able to have the smallest amount of cooperation, which is insanely easy to do. Just check the PF or type "/shout inv plz." Boom, done. Full credit.

One person making $1,000 or 30 people making $1,000? And that's just the mathematical reasoning for why it's better to wait a few minutes, cooperate and share.

To be fair, I shared your same mindset when I started doing hunts, before I understood the mechanics of hunts and how rewards are distributed. Now that I've done lots of hunting, though, that way of thinking seriously doesn't make any sense. Most of the time, there's no benefit to anyone by going at it alone. You're risking not getting full credit yourself, and you're also ******** over people who are still on their way. You're likely causing actual, real people -- not their digital toons -- to be frustrated, and for what reason? So you can be a snowflake and "solo" a mob with 60 other people? That doesn't even make sense!

The only time I think it's logical and socially acceptable to solo a mark is when it's a B-rank NM, and you come upon it yourself with no one else around. Even then, it's still better to shout the position and share the loot with others -- when everyone can get the full reward, there's never a good reason not to share -- but most heavy hunters (like myself) are primarily looking for A ranks, and B ranks are pretty inconsequential. Even in hunt linkshells, sometimes individuals or parties will take down Bs without informing their groups if it's not really worth doing so.

Also, I share Cat's experiences. The ONLY times I haven't gotten full credit are when some ******** pulls early before my party can arrive.

Edited, Jul 30th 2014 7:41am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#73 Jul 30 2014 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
342 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm not arguing that the design is/was great, I'm arguing that there's absolutely no logical reason to not party up to battle these NMs. The system literally isn't designed for it.

You've been in the duty finder for a long time. You could join a party, drop the duty finder for a fight that might last 30-60 seconds, and reenter the duty finder to start all over again, but that seems silly.

The system can easily be changed (like they already have once, from how it originally was).
#74 Jul 30 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
You could join a party, drop the duty finder for a fight that might last 30-60 seconds, and reenter the duty finder to start all over again, but that seems silly.

That is inconvenient, and a great reason to hunt for B-rank mobs in hopes you can find one alone.

But I don't see that as a good excuse to pull early when other people are there and still arriving. At that point, you've made the decision that you'd rather queue for a dungeon than seriously participate in hunts, so you shouldn't ruin it for those who are actually hunting and not dungeon queueing.

Seriously, some of you people should do some quick online research of The Ring of Gyges. It's a fascinating concept, and applies so strongly to some of the morality I've seen on this forum and in game.

Edited, Jul 30th 2014 8:51am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#75 Jul 30 2014 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Thayos wrote:
Also, I share Cat's experiences. The ONLY times I haven't gotten full credit are when some ******** pulls early before my party can arrive.

I read something on another forum where a guy was out farming, happened across a B rank, and started to just solo it. Apparently one of the "zone scouts" found him with it half dead, shouted to the whole zone calling him names, telling the entire server to blacklist him, that he was an awful person; a bunch of other people showed up and started harassing him as well. Could he have called out to the zone where it was? Sure. Was he obligated to? Well, I'm not going to answer that... what I will say is that I don't think it's always fair to just blame the players for not playing the way you want to. It's all well and good for the big hunt parties to come in and massacre things and all get the rewards, but sometimes people just like playing solo, or are doing something else entirely and just stumble across this content, and for them to be harassed for playing how they want to isn't fair either.

I love the idea of this type of content. The implementation could have been done better, such as scaling monster hp based on how many participants there are. Or heck, even adding in a poppable version of these by killing the local mobs (make it so it only drops if you can get experience from the mob to encourage leveling other classes). I also wish these were for all levels. It'd be great to be leveling up and tackling this content at 11-49 and just have the rewards be different. Like I said, the content itself is great. I freaking LOVE open world content. It just needed to be implemented differently. I also agree that not having a cap on this makes no sense given the rest of their endgame structure with strict lockouts. What was the thought process there?
#76 Jul 30 2014 at 9:58 AM Rating: Excellent
I read something on another forum where a guy was out farming, happened across a B rank, and started to just solo it. Apparently one of the "zone scouts" found him with it half dead, shouted to the whole zone calling him names, telling the entire server to blacklist him, that he was an awful person; a bunch of other people showed up and started harassing him as well. Could he have called out to the zone where it was? Sure. Was he obligated to? Well, I'm not going to answer that...

If this actually happened, then the zone scout is in the wrong, and I doubt the majority of hunters gave a rip. I'd be willing to bet that the "bunch of other people" was probably just two or three people in shout. Regardless, the people who harassed him are no different than the trolls who repeatedly pull early... they care more about getting reactions from people than actually playing the game. These people exist on both "sides."

I've killed several B ranks though that I've happened across while not actively hunting. The B-rank mobs spawn once an hour, they barely (if ever) drop books, and people don't really care too strongly about them, and least not on Hyperion.

But would I just start whittling down an A rank if I found it with my FC? Hell no. I'd call that out and let others enjoy the benefits with me. No good reason not to... and it's just the right thing to do.

Edited, Jul 30th 2014 9:06am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
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