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Gold Saucer?Follow

#1 Jul 03 2014 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
Another very popular MMORPG, PSO2 is adding a Gold Saucer type in its new update. It seems like it will be filled with flashy lights and memorabilia from the Phantasy Star series and tons of minigames.

Wouldn't it be cool if we had something like this for FFXIV?

Edited, Jul 3rd 2014 7:32am by lass5
#2 Jul 03 2014 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
I was wondering why I got rated down and I think I know why. PSO2 is a sci-fi based MMORPG so it's much easier to create this big flashy casino/theme park type of area in a high tech setting.

So an area just like this might not be possible for FFXIV, but Yoshi said there will someday be a Gold Saucer, so how do you guys think they'll implement it with Eorzea being a little more traditional fantasy?
#3 Jul 03 2014 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Donno why you got rated down that time. But keep in mind the first rule of Karma.

I don't really expect that the Golden Saucer will suffer at all for its existence in Eorzea. It may have a difference in theme, so perhaps not as flashy lights and whatnot, but as far as games and other distractions? They should be there.

Fitting it within the story, there are multiple angles: Restoring an Allegan entertainment center, a Sharlyean/Garlean away from their homeland wanting to spread joy, or even Moogles, cause, they pull everything out of their hat.
#4 Jul 03 2014 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
PSO2's predecessor PSU had a casino with a HUGE roulette wheel in Moatoob surrounded by slot machines where 50% of the players spent their time. This is nothing new for Sega. I am certain that FFXIV will have a casino that is equally impressive. Now, what would be more impressive is if Sega of America could stop looking at bottom line and manage a PSO2 U.S. release. The communication level of that company is dismal. I gave up on Sega of America about a year and a half ago. Classically mismanaged organization.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2014 8:32am by Valkayree
#5 Jul 03 2014 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts
PSO2 is perfectly playable with the unofficial english patch though. There's no IP ban of any kind (unless you live in taiwan/korea/china), the only real roadblock is the japanese captcha you need to complete for your account registration.
(It's just currently being DDoS'd into ruination for weeks already, so barely anyone can play, and it's just starting to slowly recover from it)

Ship 2:Ur Block 20 is even the "unofficial" english ship. Nothing but english speaking people there, so there's even a whole community you can play with.

There's no need for an english release when all the menu's, texts and even items are translated into english. Heck, even the Story missions are completely translated already (if you want to download 1,5 gigs of extra data).

Personally i cant wait for this Casino. It's going to be immensely popular. And while PSO2 is a great game, it will only make it more fun.
#6 Jul 03 2014 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Valkayree wrote:
PSO2's predecessor PSU had a casino with a HUGE roulette wheel in Moatoob surrounded by slot machines where 50% of the players spent their time. This is nothing new for Sega. I am certain that FFXIV will have a casino that is equally impressive. Now, what would be more impressive is if Sega of America could stop looking at bottom line and manage a PSO2 U.S. release. The communication level of that company is dismal. I gave up on Sega of America about a year and a half ago. Classically mismanaged organization.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2014 8:32am by Valkayree

PSO2 is pretty ******* amazing. Their "communication level" has always seemed fine by me, but then again, I play their Japanese releases only. I don't see how that would be more impressive when PSO2 in itself is pretty impressive - It wouldn't survive in a "MUST BE LIKE WoW!" type of environment and I think Sega realizes that.

As said, Sega turns a blind eye to English players as they're contained in one section, just don't be an idiot, like yelling bomb japan! and **** like english players did in the TERA JP Beta.

I'm expecting very little from the Golden Saucer, but if it comes close to the PS definitely has potential to suck up a lot of our time and actually be a fun distraction.

#7 Jul 03 2014 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Oh don't get me wrong, I played PSO as a ra-cast to level 200, and had a fonewearl (equivalent) level 180 in PSU (english Versions) and played until the servers tanked, both times. I love the games! I also highly appreciate jrpgs and Japanese culture. I just don't like Sega, especially Sega of America.

I was extremely excited to play PSO2, and was going to dedicate myself to it much as I am doing with FFXIV now. I didn't mind the delayed localization. Being a full year behind the Japanese version always irked me, but I could tolerate if I just pretended like the Japanese version did not exist and did not read up on the new items / battles / etc.

But the way they canceled the localization with little to no communication to any of the English media sources, and the way that the English players playing on the Japanese version early on were getting attacked, just all made me hate the company, the player base, and what it stood for.

While I understand that if you jump through all the little loops and hoops, likely ping issues, and uncomfortable payment systems it can be perhaps enjoyable to a level kind of where it could be, I do not feel the need to give money to a company who wasn't even considerate enough of my needs as a U.S. player to tell me "Hey, you know that game you have been waiting for for months?.... Sorry we can't release it due to X, Y, Z". I didn't even get a "We're sorry".

Edited, Jul 3rd 2014 10:43am by Valkayree
#8 Jul 03 2014 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Valkayree wrote:
While I understand that if you jump through all the little loops and hoops, likely ping issues, and uncomfortable payment systems it can be perhaps enjoyable to a level kind of where it could be, I do not feel the need to give money to a company who wasn't even considerate enough of my needs as a U.S. player to tell me "Hey, you know that game you have been waiting for for months?.... Sorry we can't release it due to X, Y, Z". I didn't even get a "We're sorry".

Loops and hoops? There's just one, a japanese captcha for account creation, and even that is hiragana. 26 characters and you can use a handy chart to decypher them. Shouldnt take more than three tries.

Ping issues arent a problem either since monster locations are for you only. I play it with someone else with my laptop next to my computer, and monsters i see on my screen infront of me, she sees somewhere else. And it doesnt matter, because if i hit them, the damage is displayed on her screen as well. There's just no synchronization in -monster- locations, and you cant be hit by a beam you see on someone else's screen that would go through your position but that on your position misses you. Even the worst lagging person can play it since it's basicly like playing the single player game where only the monster's HP, damage and the timing of their abilities is synchronized, as well as player locations and player abilities. Makes for a perfectly playable game no matter how far you are from the server, smooth and everything.

Payment system, the game is free. 100% playable without paying. There is premium (for a larger room and selling to other people), but you wont need that, ever. You can just buy things from other people, just wont be able to sell or trade to other people without premium, and that's perfectly fine like that. Only thing this does is effectively eliminate RMT, i have not once seen a shout or tell from them.

Really, no issues at all that would prevent english people from playing it.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2014 7:05pm by KojiroSoma
#9 Jul 03 2014 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Gold Saucer in FFXIV?

As long as they leave out the that corny dating scene and make more than just 2 of the games actually giving worthwhile returns for the time spent, I suppose it could be kinda fun for a diversion type thing. Not really at the top of my wishlist, but yet it isn't something I'd mind either.
#10 Jul 03 2014 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good

I don't know how. I don't care how. Somehow, someway, they have to give us Snowboarding.

That stupid... stupid... stupid Snowboarding minigame. So many hours of my life were lost to that. It was more fun than Coolboarders 3.
#11 Jul 03 2014 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:

I don't know how. I don't care how. Somehow, someway, they have to give us Snowboarding.

That stupid... stupid... stupid Snowboarding minigame. So many hours of my life were lost to that. It was more fun than Coolboarders 3.

There was once a time where I was half decent at the motorcycle game. At the time, during the early days of Playstation 1, I thought that was just so awesome.

I knew the graphics sucked bad, but the special effects made up for it. It was kinda-sorta like Starfox on SNES -- crappy graphics, but awesome "3D" stuff not normally found in games.
#12 Jul 04 2014 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
There was once a time where I was half decent at the motorcycle game. At the time, during the early days of Playstation 1, I thought that was just so awesome.

Not to take the wind out of your sails, but I thought that game was broken because it was too easy. Maybe I glitched it somehow...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#13 Jul 04 2014 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
I am curious, what would you guys think is okay rewards in a place like this? Abilities? Gil? Good gear? Vanity gear? Only things related to that specific game? Nothing?

Anyway, I would like to see a card game released with gold saucer if possible. It could be the main hub for card game tournaments and such even though I would like it to have NPCs and quests outside in the world as well.
#14 Jul 04 2014 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Belcrono wrote:
I am curious, what would you guys think is okay rewards in a place like this? Abilities? Gil? Good gear? Vanity gear? Only things related to that specific game? Nothing?

Anyway, I would like to see a card game released with gold saucer if possible. It could be the main hub for card game tournaments and such even though I would like it to have NPCs and quests outside in the world as well.

Meh, they'd probably make it that Tetra Master game if they did that.

I -hated- Tetra Master, because of all of the RNG crap (or at least it appeared to be RNG as to whether or not you won any specific card conflict). Now, Triple Triad.... the numbers on the card actually meant what they were supposed to mean and the game actually made sense.

As for rewards, well....

Vanity Gear is a good idea, esp with the Glamour System. Could also do Chocobo Vanity Stuff, too, new bardings and such. Crafting Crystals wouldn't be a bad choice either; farming for those is always boring as hell because fact it... being Lv40+ and whacking away at Lv5 nodes for Lv1 crystals is not exactly fun or engaging gameplay. Playing entertaining games to win these crystals instead would be a much more pleasant way to obtain them.
#15 Jul 04 2014 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Ironically Triple Triad was way more RNG if you didn't look up how to control the rules because you could literally accidentally change the rules without knowing it and **** yourself over. Reward wise, knowing Yoshi P's stance of not allowing "a group get further ahead that someone who quit and rejoins years later" it'll be gil/vanity stuff.

#16 Jul 04 2014 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
There was actually a trick to Triple Triad where you could eliminate the Random Rule worldwide and never have to worry about it again.

But yeah, TT was the best card game minigame ever. I'd love to see it come back too.
#17 Jul 06 2014 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
I would love to see gambling happen with myth tomes. You need em, or you don't, so you'd be willing to risk them. Far more fun to gamble with those than with gil.
#18 Jul 06 2014 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Myth gambling is a great idea. I'd also love to see more rare vanity gear in the game.
Thayos Redblade
#19 Jul 06 2014 at 7:12 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Ironically Triple Triad was way more RNG if you didn't look up how to control the rules because you could literally accidentally change the rules without knowing it and @#%^ yourself over. Reward wise, knowing Yoshi P's stance of not allowing "a group get further ahead that someone who quit and rejoins years later" it'll be gil/vanity stuff.

Well, sure, the rules thing was RNG, but at least the actual card conflicts were not.

A 6 always beat a 5. A 9 always beat an 8 (unless the rules say otherwise, and you Know when that happens ahead of time).

In Tetra Master, I don't know how many times I've seen weaker cards beat stronger cards for apparently no reason other than just plain dumb luck. Many a time I was screwed out of winning such games, and just plain and simple didn't feel like restarting from my last save whenever something ridiculously stupid like that happened.
#20 Jul 06 2014 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
The Gold Saucer just needs the FF7 motorcycle/snowboard/boxing games and I'll be happy.
#21 Jul 07 2014 at 1:28 AM Rating: Excellent
XI had an unofficial snowboarding mini game about 3/4th of the way through CoP. It was called: "Steer just right down this ice hill to land on the ledge or die to the bats below and get tractored up."

It was not a fun game.
#22 Jul 07 2014 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
The Gold Saucer just needs the FF7 motorcycle/snowboard/boxing games and I'll be happy.

Smartphone app coming out in autumn in Japan, followed by a US release afterwards. Square has made mention of wanting to put all the Gold Saucer games onto smartphones at one point.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#23 Jul 07 2014 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
141 posts
Catwho wrote:
XI had an unofficial snowboarding mini game about 3/4th of the way through CoP. It was called: "Steer just right down this ice hill to land on the ledge or die to the bats below and get tractored up."

It was not a fun game.

I got to be quite good at that, but I still hated it. I think that was mostly because of the 20-30 minutes of dodging truesight mobs beforehand though.
#24 Jul 07 2014 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
The Gold Saucer just needs the FF7 motorcycle/snowboard/boxing games and I'll be happy.

Smartphone app coming out in autumn in Japan, followed by a US release afterwards. Square has made mention of wanting to put all the Gold Saucer games onto smartphones at one point.

Oh snap. I haven't payed for a single game app on my phone but I'd totally buy those.
#25 Jul 07 2014 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Belcrono wrote:
I am curious, what would you guys think is okay rewards in a place like this? Abilities? Gil? Good gear? Vanity gear? Only things related to that specific game? Nothing?

Anyway, I would like to see a card game released with gold saucer if possible. It could be the main hub for card game tournaments and such even though I would like it to have NPCs and quests outside in the world as well.

Meh, they'd probably make it that Tetra Master game if they did that.

I -hated- Tetra Master, because of all of the RNG crap (or at least it appeared to be RNG as to whether or not you won any specific card conflict). Now, Triple Triad.... the numbers on the card actually meant what they were supposed to mean and the game actually made sense.

As for rewards, well....

Vanity Gear is a good idea, esp with the Glamour System. Could also do Chocobo Vanity Stuff, too, new bardings and such. Crafting Crystals wouldn't be a bad choice either; farming for those is always boring as hell because fact it... being Lv40+ and whacking away at Lv5 nodes for Lv1 crystals is not exactly fun or engaging gameplay. Playing entertaining games to win these crystals instead would be a much more pleasant way to obtain them.

They could always make Olympic style mini games to make it friskier?

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