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My RPing character final decision (for those who care)Follow

#1 Jun 12 2014 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
Awhile ago I asked about which Disciple of Magic class would best fit my "bitter hippie stuck in a hawk's world" character. Everyone seemed to think Arcanist.

However, after a lot of deliberation and weighing up the pros and cons, I ultimately decided the best thing for her to be was a combination WHM/BLM (aka Sage). Someone who has learned about both sides of the coin and accepted their uses in a role that calls for balance in the world.

I think the town she would likely start out in would actually be Gridania. While a large number of Gridanians do openly badmouth your character, it is confirmed that Kan-E-Senna herself (the most powerful Conjurer) actually favors a more welcoming and friendly attitude towards outsiders, so the fact that the abuse your character takes in Gridania isn't "the Elder Seedseer's will" per se, played a factor in my decision. On top of that, Limsa Lominsa, while it is the city most tolerant of Adventurers, it's still a military town of pirates turned soldiers, and my character, being sort of a "proper lady", likely would find their alcoholism and brashness off-putting (not to mention that the Admiral is well known for being a no-nonsense leader). Finally, the Conjurer's Guild and the Twin Adder's commitment to peace and serenity, a cause my character would be able to get behind, is what kept them in the running (she can then go on to join the Scions).

As for Thaumaturgy, I had the idea of my character learning it on the side in the hidden away guild in secret because she is easily taken advantage of and has been badly treated in the past. Since unfortunately, her "good" personality traits, as I've already pointed out, are partly to blame for this, because her idealism and caring disposition means that she would likely be drawn to the forest for the beauty and peace, and subsequently would get involved with the Elezen who abuse her and about whom she is justifiably guarded. Basically, hard lessons were learned throughout her time as an Adventurer that had the effect of spurring her to learn Black Magic as a necessary means of defense against further injury.

The Arcanists have sharp minds, but at times I felt their minds weren’t on the same page as my character. They were on the same page as the Limsa Lominsan government. The storyline had far too much of a technical, group-oriented feel and that’s why I’m leaving them to do something they care about: inspecting boxes.

(On an unrelated note, now that we know about the new Rogue/Ninja class, I think perhaps it's better if I don't choose Limsa Lominsa for this character, because I think the odds are very good that at some point I will want to RP a Ninja and I'd kind of prefer if the two characters came from different cities)

Original thread:,

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 8:35pm by JFrombaugh
#2 Jun 12 2014 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Glad you made your decision.

I'm not in an active RP group, but I did come up with a bit of backstory for all my characters. The one I actively play, Katarh Mest, is from a really tiny Moonkeeper clan from the middle of nowhere that no one has really ever heard of. The matriarch of the group (her grandma) died, and her mother lost the power play, so she and her brother said ***** it and made out for Gridania to seek their fortunes. He became a retainer, and then after he saw how much money his sister was racking up as a crafter with a bit of conjury on the side, he quit. (I replaced that retainer with a better named one.)

So any time she is asked what her goal as an adventurer is, it's always "to make a fortune."

You know what I'd like in the game? NPCs in Ul'dah should do a gil check and if you're walking around with more than a million in your pocket, suddenly treat you with more respect.
#3 Jun 12 2014 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Nerd alert!

jk glad you figured it out. I told you to go WHM...
#4 Jun 13 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
48 posts
In all fairness, when Limsa Lominsans are bad, they are really bad (for instance forcing you to prove yourself in the rock breaking contest and help set up a party before they'll tell you how to find Titan, and the Storm Lieutenant intimidating the Kobold NPC and telling him what to do just like his boss he's terrified of in the Kobold daily questline).

Also, one other (minor) detail I'd like to bring up:

Practically every Limsa Lominsan is shown to be a wine & ale swilling alcoholic. IMO a Disciple of Magic character (especially an Arcanist) probably would not like this, as so much binge drinking tends to do badly for the brain and for mood in general, two things that I know are key to becoming a good mage. If I remember correctly, in the Limsa Lominsa Main Scenario quests, whenever you have a vision from the Echo, everyone else thinks that you passed out because you drank too much.

Edited, Jun 13th 2014 12:29pm by JFrombaugh
#5 Jun 13 2014 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
WHM/BLM is a great combo of jobs to level first.

Doing this you end up leveling Archer to 15 (for unlocking THM > BLM) and also Arcanist to 15 (to unlock CNJ > WHM).

Starting as WHM has some benefits, namely Cure, which you can use at level 4 as a cross-class ability to help level your other stuff. And for what you've been discussing from a RP point of view, it seems Gridania is right up your alley in terms of the personality traits of the quest NPC's. Then again, your character's backstory is also right in line with the story behind the THM class quests.

As a first time player I would say Gridania, and the surrounding areas, best showcases the awesome art and atmosphere of Eorzea.

Don't forget you will be a single class until you can travel to other cities via airship at level 15-18 (or join other guilds in your starting city at 10). RP-wise, to pick a starting class you will have to decide if you are a healer good-guy who dabbles in destruction, or if you are a battle mage grappling with your tendencies to want to help people.
#6 Jun 13 2014 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
Gnu wrote:
And for what you've been discussing from a RP point of view, it seems Gridania is right up your alley in terms of the personality traits of the quest NPC's.

Actually, I pretty much find all three city states' quest NPCs to be pretty equally despicable but for different reasons.

Gridania just seemed to me like the most logical choice for my character, especially since the reasons for her resentment would be perfectly justified.
#7 Jun 14 2014 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
JFrombaugh wrote:

Practically every Limsa Lominsan is shown to be a wine & ale swilling alcoholic. IMO a Disciple of Magic character (especially an Arcanist) probably would not like this, as so much binge drinking tends to do badly for the brain and for mood in general, two things that I know are key to becoming a good mage.

Edited, Jun 13th 2014 12:29pm by JFrombaugh

In college I studied under an Astronomy teacher that worked for both NASA and Livermore Lab, and even worked on the Star Wars project (no not the movie). I asked him one day where all the astronomers are hanging out.

His answer? "Where ever you can sit, talk, and consume bottles of fantastic wine."

Alcohol doesn't quite dull the mind of an intelligent person the way you might think. Not that I'm extremely smart or anything, but I have a few drinks practically everyday of my life (sometimes more ^^). I also manage a building, own a nice rwd sports car, a house, I have a pretty wife, a handsome son, and a fantastic dog (yay me). The way drinking affects people is largely influenced by the state and strength of their minds to begin with.

Having said all of that and wasted your precious time, I can see arcanists drinking quite a bit of pinot noir.

Edited, Jun 14th 2014 2:34pm by Transmigration
#8 Jun 14 2014 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Livermore is an excellent place for good wine. That's where I went for my honeymoon. (We got to see the NIF at LLNL too!)

Tesla Road: Where the wineries are so close you stumble from one to the next.
#9 Jun 14 2014 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Transmigration wrote:
JFrombaugh wrote:

Practically every Limsa Lominsan is shown to be a wine & ale swilling alcoholic. IMO a Disciple of Magic character (especially an Arcanist) probably would not like this, as so much binge drinking tends to do badly for the brain and for mood in general, two things that I know are key to becoming a good mage.

Edited, Jun 13th 2014 12:29pm by JFrombaugh

In college I studied under an Astronomy teacher that worked for both NASA and Livermore Lab, and even worked on the Star Wars project (no not the movie). I asked him one day where all the astronomers are hanging out.

His answer? "Where ever you can sit, talk, and consume bottles of fantastic wine."

Alcohol doesn't quite dull the mind of an intelligent person the way you might think. Not that I'm extremely smart or anything, but I have a few drinks practically everyday of my life (sometimes more ^^). I also manage a building, own a nice rwd sports car, a house, I have a pretty wife, a handsome son, and a fantastic dog (yay me). The way drinking affects people is largely influenced by the state and strength of their minds to begin with.

Having said all of that and wasted your precious time, I can see arcanists drinking quite a bit of pinot noir.

Edited, Jun 14th 2014 2:34pm by Transmigration

Actually, many scientific studies have shown that over time, drinking does cause cumulative damage to the brain.

Here's a video about how a group of scientists ranked 20 drugs in order of how "dangerous" they are based on variables such as physical damage caused, potential for addiction, etc.: They put alcohol near the top.
Skip to 6:19 to see an experiment done to examine a link between binge drinking and impaired decision-making ability.

Having said all of that and wasted your precious time, I have no right to forbid anyone to drink if they want. And neither does my character.
#10 Jun 15 2014 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Catwho wrote:
Livermore is an excellent place for good wine. That's where I went for my honeymoon. (We got to see the NIF at LLNL too!)

Tesla Road: Where the wineries are so close you stumble from one to the next.

Yeah Wente is around there. Strange that you'd go to "Livenomore" for your honey moon though. Where are you from Cat?
#11 Jun 15 2014 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Georgia XD

It was because a friend's parents live there (friggin million dollar mansion) and they were able to give us a wing - yes, a guest WING - to stay in for free. Also her dad kindly gave us rides to and from the train station so we didn't have to rent a car. Honeymoon on the cheap.

This illustrates the importance of saying hi to your neighbors when they move in. The daughter was moving into the apartment above us, we greeted them and asked if they needed help. Her dad said we were the first people to talk to them in the entire state. First impressions mean a lot.

Edited, Jun 15th 2014 3:37pm by Catwho
#12 Jun 16 2014 at 3:24 AM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
Catwho wrote:
Georgia XD

It was because a friend's parents live there (friggin million dollar mansion) and they were able to give us a wing - yes, a guest WING - to stay in for free. Also her dad kindly gave us rides to and from the train station so we didn't have to rent a car. Honeymoon on the cheap.

This illustrates the importance of saying hi to your neighbors when they move in. The daughter was moving into the apartment above us, we greeted them and asked if they needed help. Her dad said we were the first people to talk to them in the entire state. First impressions mean a lot.

Edited, Jun 15th 2014 3:37pm by Catwho

Hey my wife and I went cheap too! (We were super broke when we got married) Our reception was at Dave & Busters and our honeymoon was camping off highway 1 for a few days :D lol

There are some huge houses in that area. I always look at them and wonder what it's like while I'm driving down 580. I actually live about 30-40 min from there near Oakland. Glad you got to come check us out here in Northern California.
#13 Jun 17 2014 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Catwho wrote:
Georgia XD

I'm from Seattle myself.

I've just never liked the taste of alcohol much (too much of a sweet tooth I guess). Plus, my Dad became an alcoholic in summer of 2004 and I saw how badly it twisted him (today he's got almost 10 years sobriety and counting) so I'm kind of wary of drinking as a result. =)

Back on topic, another deciding factor was the nature of casting. Since my character is more "intuitive" by nature, I think she would likely prefer simply using her willpower and a staff to Arcanima's more science and math-based approach.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 6:04pm by JFrombaugh

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 6:04pm by JFrombaugh
#14 Jun 18 2014 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
JFrombaugh wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Georgia XD

I'm from Seattle myself.

I've just never liked the taste of alcohol much (too much of a sweet tooth I guess). Plus, my Dad became an alcoholic in summer of 2004 and I saw how badly it twisted him (today he's got almost 10 years sobriety and counting) so I'm kind of wary of drinking as a result. =)

Back on topic, another deciding factor was the nature of casting. Since my character is more "intuitive" by nature, I think she would likely prefer simply using her willpower and a staff to Arcanima's more science and math-based approach.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 6:04pm by JFrombaugh

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 6:04pm by JFrombaugh

I get it, my dad was an alcy too. Most people who hate drinking of any sort come from that kind of background. No problem friend.

As far as your character is concerned, I think you made the right choice. I guess I just sort of see WHM as being the bible thumper of the group, BLM as the satanist, and ARC as the intellectual; and I despise all 3 :D WHM though seems fairly peaceful and so is the forest, so there you go.
#15 Jun 18 2014 at 5:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Aye, I had an uncle who was alcoholic and my parents never kept booze in the house. I seem to have escaped those genes though. If you have a sweet tooth, dessert wines might be right up your alley. I love a good port. It's like drinking liquid jelly.

Part of thaumaturge's role in the lore of XIV is exorcising demons/Voidsent, whereas the conjurers focus on rooting out corruption of local spirits. This is the opposite of their power sources, too: Conjurers draw power from nature, and thaum's draw their power from within their minds. Arcanists draw their power from glyphs and primals and stuff.
#16 Jun 18 2014 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
One thing about THMs that stood out to me was that even though Papalymo is one himself, he hasn't been excommunicated from gridania - in fact he fights alongside you against the forest corruption in the story.

And also I remember being VERY surprised at how wise and altruistic your character (and the others) are presented in the BLM storyline. It reminded me a lot of Rift, another MMO I enjoy, in that you use your dark powers against the voidsent and to seal portals to the Void, rather than "embracing the dark side" per se. In many ways BLMs are a lot like SMNs in that regard.

And last but not least, Yoshi said a long time ago that one possible way they might implement Red Mage is to have both a WHM and BLM on the same character to unlock it. While this obviously is not confirmed, I think that the fact they were even considering doing it that way proves that White and Black magic actually are not really polar opposites in terms of what fuels their potency.
#17 Jun 18 2014 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
In FFXI too, black mages focused a lot on rooting out the corruption of the earth. (You inherited the old had Shantotto lost while down in the sewers in the last bit, after healing up some Void rifts or something. It's been a while.)

White mages were more like true clerics, and their AF specific storyline was all about intrigue in the San d'Orian hurch and bringing peace to ghosts and stuff.

Red mages, on the other hand, were all about swords and the one-eyed paladin Curilla coming to terms with her father's death in the Crystal War.

(I love me some Curilla. Best character in FFXI.)

#18 Jun 22 2014 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
Yeah. Square has a knack for badass one-eyed Generals.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2014 4:13pm by BrokenFox
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