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I think its time for SE to release more (different) contentFollow

#1 Jun 08 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
by "more" i mean different not more as in "more" as there is already enough... Why DO i think that? Well lets see... getting a relic zenith requires farming myth.... check.. getting atmas require farming fates..... getting animus requires farming even more myth to buy books.... then guess what the long awaited new upgrade requires? zpomg farming even more myth THN doing fates again... clearly SE needs new ideas.

Id rather them do something like "SPeedrun ex garuda in xxx minutes" or something that at least seems thought out instead f following more of the same steps you did for the last upgrades (i mean wasnt speedruning hard primals a prerequisite for relic in 1.0?) Luckily daly hunts will change that but considering theyre DAILY that means you can probably only do em once a day which means for ppl who play for long period during a day itll be back to fate grinding for more alenadrite.. sooooo nothing changes really.
#2 Jun 08 2014 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I'm expecting my shirt to turn into peanut butter or something for this but... I actually agree with you. A little variety in content would be welcome. I'm sure the game will flesh out as it ages (remember this game is less than a year old at this point), but sooner rather than later would be preferable.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#3 Jun 08 2014 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
1,004 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
by "more" i mean different not more as in "more" as there is already enough... Why DO i think that? Well lets see... getting a relic zenith requires farming myth.... check.. getting atmas require farming fates..... getting animus requires farming even more myth to buy books.... then guess what the long awaited new upgrade requires? zpomg farming even more myth THN doing fates again... clearly SE needs new ideas.

Id rather them do something like "SPeedrun ex garuda in xxx minutes" or something that at least seems thought out instead f following more of the same steps you did for the last upgrades (i mean wasnt speedruning hard primals a prerequisite for relic in 1.0?) Luckily daly hunts will change that but considering theyre DAILY that means you can probably only do em once a day which means for ppl who play for long period during a day itll be back to fate grinding for more alenadrite.. sooooo nothing changes really.

for 1.0 you're thinking of the 17 minute speed runs of aurum vale, dark hold and cutters cry. I know ifrit extreme was required for the relic but i don't recall if garuda was or not.

I agree that they need to add in more variety. Maybe a hunt like the sightseeing log but for mobs instead. you get clues to their location and you have to find them and kill them. I would love it if they added NM's to the game with varying spawn requirements. Some HNM's too would be nice for the hardcore crowd (NOT a fate. a roaming mob). They could make the treasure chest hunt more interesting. Pretty much anything that doesn't only involve new ways to obtain minions would be nice. I would like to actually get some gear whether it be usefull or just for glamour. Maybe a nyzul isle assault type thing where you progress up the tower. Or assault missions themselves. They have a lot of existing things they could work with already or invent some new stuff. The new novus upgrade is making us spirit bind so thats new at least. The rehash of low level, non-challenging content though is getting a little old. I'm not asking for new coil level stuff but when I can sit and watch TV while spamming 1-2-3 it gets boring.

The original relic quest was fun since it had a bunch of different objectives. a bunch of fights, some dungeons etc. The atma/animus quest i found to be extremely stale and I know i'm not alone on that one. I have no plans to do another one until they lower the myth requirment. Grinding myth was mind numbing. The books were ok besides those fates that would not pop for hours.

Edited, Jun 8th 2014 2:26pm by Keysofgaruda
#4 Jun 08 2014 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
I'm expecting my shirt to turn into peanut butter or something for this but... I actually agree with you. A little variety in content would be welcome. I'm sure the game will flesh out as it ages (remember this game is less than a year old at this point), but sooner rather than later would be preferable.

the only reason i cant agree with the "this game is still new" argument is this isnt SEs first rodeo. the have MULTIPLE mms incuding a 12 year old FF mmo to steal ideas from. Wouldnt e hard to implement some ffxi stuff in XIV. i mean XIV isnt exactky original. they did a fine job plagurizing WoW stuff. so if xiv was SEs first and only mmo THEN id agree with you
#5 Jun 08 2014 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Yes... but just because they've got another MMO doesn't mean they have unlimited developer resources. Furthermore, game design from one game does not automatically translate well into another game.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#6 Jun 08 2014 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
by "more" i mean different not more as in "more" as there is already enough... Why DO i think that? Well lets see... getting a relic zenith requires farming myth.... check.. getting atmas require farming fates..... getting animus requires farming even more myth to buy books.... then guess what the long awaited new upgrade requires? zpomg farming even more myth THN doing fates again... clearly SE needs new ideas.

Id rather them do something like "SPeedrun ex garuda in xxx minutes" or something that at least seems thought out instead f following more of the same steps you did for the last upgrades (i mean wasnt speedruning hard primals a prerequisite for relic in 1.0?) Luckily daly hunts will change that but considering theyre DAILY that means you can probably only do em once a day which means for ppl who play for long period during a day itll be back to fate grinding for more alenadrite.. sooooo nothing changes really.

for 1.0 you're thinking of the 17 minute speed runs of aurum vale, dark hold and cutters cry. I know ifrit extreme was required for the relic but i don't recall if garuda was or not.

It was, you had to do Garuda with no Deaths since they didn't create a separate version of her perse.


#7 Jun 08 2014 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Yes... but just because they've got another MMO doesn't mean they have unlimited developer resources. Furthermore, game design from one game does not automatically translate well into another game.

so throwing dynamis into xiv that uses xivs battle sysem/mechanics wouldnt work? how about a non instanced endgame areawhere you farm mobs onthere for an extremely rare (atma farming rare) drop that would spawn a sub boss who had an equipment drop chance plus a 100% drop of another pop item. then ou farm pop items for the other 4 sub bosses beat them and get their pip ites andal 5 pop ites together allws you to spawn the "super boss" of the area that drops theepic loot would also be hard to do in xiv? i dont see how
#8 Jun 08 2014 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,079 posts
He said not everything will work, that doesn't mean nothing will. But that won't work.

If you want FFXI play FFXI. They can't just implement stuff silly nilly. It also needs to make sense lore wise, which is also quite some work.
Articus Vladmir
#9 Jun 09 2014 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Stilivan wrote:
If you want FFXI play FFXI. They can't just implement stuff silly nilly. It also needs to make sense lore wise, which is also quite some work.

Not everything added to a game for the sake of entertainment needs to be accompanied by lore. We've already seen crossovers(both past and future) and the lore can bend a bit to accommodate adding something to do in the game.

I wouldn't mind dynamis, but personally I feel there were other events that worked better in XI. I'm still curious why we haven't seen any of them in some incarnation at least. NNI, Salvage, Einherjar, Campain and even the older things like BC/KS, garrison and the like. There were a lot of things that didn't go so well too. I guess I just expected SE to incorporate some of the things that worked from previous games instead of just character and mob skins.

I just can't get excited about the prospect of CT 5 Smiley: sly

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 3:39am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#10 Jun 09 2014 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
I think BC/KSNM would work really well. They seem to have the framework for it with the timeworn map business. The only difference is 1) it isn't instanced (not a bad thing necessarily) and 2) it isn't very challenging. From what I'm hearing, some of the Novus ones are a little difficult but not so when duoing.

Content that breaks away from the 4 man/8 man mold would be preferable. I would like to duo things with friends late at night. I did Gorgimera with a SCH friend the other night (just the two of us). I was on SCH as well. We would have had it but we got there when it had 10 minutes we didn't meet the DPS check. [:sad:] But even if we did Gorgimera, he doesn't necessarily drop anything worthwhile.

They are looking into letting people go into dungeons without a full party. I would very much like to solo some of the dungeons currently available. While leveling Hito Yu's SCH, sometimes tanks would drop mid instance. You wouldn't believe how many people are discouraged by this and don't want to even attempt to three man it (with DPS jobs as tanks). I think I convinced a party last night to trio Stone Vigil with me and we actually did it. Imagine that?

These types of things are very fun for me. It was pretty popular in 11 as well. Moar solo/duo content!
#11 Jun 09 2014 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
If you want FFXI play FFXI. They can't just implement stuff silly nilly. It also needs to make sense lore wise, which is also quite some work.

Not everything added to a game for the sake of entertainment needs to be accompanied by lore. We've already seen crossovers(both past and future) and the lore can bend a bit to accommodate adding something to do in the game.

I wouldn't mind dynamis, but personally I feel there were other events that worked better in XI. I'm still curious why we haven't seen any of them in some incarnation at least. NNI, Salvage, Einherjar, Campain and even the older things like BC/KS, garrison and the like. There were a lot of things that didn't go so well too. I guess I just expected SE to incorporate some of the things that worked from previous games instead of just character and mob skins.

I just can't get excited about the prospect of CT 5 Smiley: sly

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 3:39am by FilthMcNasty

You can't just have something be there and exist. There needs to be story or some sort of lore behind it. The things you just listed hit this criteria. Having big content like the one suggested is more involved than an event and requires a lot from it. So yes, actually you do. Especially if you want the content to be relevant in some way.

People care about this, so it's a necessity. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Articus Vladmir
#12 Jun 09 2014 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
Stilivan wrote:
He said not everything will work, that doesn't mean nothing will. But that won't work.

If you want FFXI play FFXI. They can't just implement stuff silly nilly. It also needs to make sense lore wise, which is also quite some work.

I do not really have an opinion as to whether or not what he suggested would work, but honestly the argument that if he wants something that works well in XI he should go play XI is such a bad argument. There are many things in other games which could work well in newer games and it definitely does not mean people should just go play those games instead.

Not to mention the fact that XI is not even the XI many used to like. I heard the exact same argument in ARR regarding any feature whatsoever that was used in XI while at the same time any WoW (or w/e other game) feature was fine. Even if the argument that people should just go play the old game they liked was true, it does not apply to XI anymore because the direction they are taking is more and more like XIVs and others. The two games are starting to cater to the same people which are the more people who like the direction ARR is going in. Whether someone thinks that is good or bad is up to them, but I do not understand why anyone would tell people to play game x just because they like a feature or two in it and would like to have some variation of it in the game they play now and enjoy (even more so when the situation with the two games is as with XI and XIV).
#13 Jun 09 2014 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
For Dynamis to "work" in XIV we would need:

- Some means of allying more than 24 players
- Some means of allying Free Companies (since most groups are too small to fill a full 24 on their own but no one wants to go in with a PUG)
- Some means of entering a dungeon with under 8 in a party (because you will never have exactly 24, no more, no less)

Not saying Dynamis couldn't work, but some very basic mechanics will have to be adjusted in the alliance system for it to be possible.

I'd definitely like to see something like Nyzul Isle. Incremental progression, flexible timing, procedurally generated dungeons, randomized objectives, and great gear that can either be obtained via direct drop or by obtaining tokens (NNI.) Make it an 4-8 man dungeon (Nyzul Isle in XI was 3-6) that can be entered with as many as you wish. And it'd be much easier to match this to lore, considering all the ruins that are being uncovered all over the continent.
#14 Jun 09 2014 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
- Some means of allying Free Companies (since most groups are too small to fill a full 24 on their own but no one wants to go in with a PUG)

This is a MUST, regardless of whether we ever see dynamis-like content.
Thayos Redblade
#15 Jun 09 2014 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
1,079 posts
Belcrono wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
He said not everything will work, that doesn't mean nothing will. But that won't work.

If you want FFXI play FFXI. They can't just implement stuff silly nilly. It also needs to make sense lore wise, which is also quite some work.

I do not really have an opinion as to whether or not what he suggested would work, but honestly the argument that if he wants something that works well in XI he should go play XI is such a bad argument. There are many things in other games which could work well in newer games and it definitely does not mean people should just go play those games instead.

Not to mention the fact that XI is not even the XI many used to like. I heard the exact same argument in ARR regarding any feature whatsoever that was used in XI while at the same time any WoW (or w/e other game) feature was fine. Even if the argument that people should just go play the old game they liked was true, it does not apply to XI anymore because the direction they are taking is more and more like XIVs and others. The two games are starting to cater to the same people which are the more people who like the direction ARR is going in. Whether someone thinks that is good or bad is up to them, but I do not understand why anyone would tell people to play game x just because they like a feature or two in it and would like to have some variation of it in the game they play now and enjoy (even more so when the situation with the two games is as with XI and XIV).

Most if the stuff he mentioned kind of goes against what you would experience in ARR and would usually expect from FFXI. It's not the features I was referring to when I made that comment, but rather if want a carbon copy of ffxi in ARR then why not just play ffxi. They are different games for a reason.

I do agree that FFXIV needs different content. And even some ideas from FFXI would be cool. But not HNMs. No no no. Bad lol
Articus Vladmir
#16 Jun 09 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
Stilivan wrote:
Belcrono wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
He said not everything will work, that doesn't mean nothing will. But that won't work.

If you want FFXI play FFXI. They can't just implement stuff silly nilly. It also needs to make sense lore wise, which is also quite some work.

I do not really have an opinion as to whether or not what he suggested would work, but honestly the argument that if he wants something that works well in XI he should go play XI is such a bad argument. There are many things in other games which could work well in newer games and it definitely does not mean people should just go play those games instead.

Not to mention the fact that XI is not even the XI many used to like. I heard the exact same argument in ARR regarding any feature whatsoever that was used in XI while at the same time any WoW (or w/e other game) feature was fine. Even if the argument that people should just go play the old game they liked was true, it does not apply to XI anymore because the direction they are taking is more and more like XIVs and others. The two games are starting to cater to the same people which are the more people who like the direction ARR is going in. Whether someone thinks that is good or bad is up to them, but I do not understand why anyone would tell people to play game x just because they like a feature or two in it and would like to have some variation of it in the game they play now and enjoy (even more so when the situation with the two games is as with XI and XIV).

Most if the stuff he mentioned kind of goes against what you would experience in ARR and would usually expect from FFXI. It's not the features I was referring to when I made that comment, but rather if want a carbon copy of ffxi in ARR then why not just play ffxi. They are different games for a reason.

I do agree that FFXIV needs different content. And even some ideas from FFXI would be cool. But not HNMs. No no no. Bad lol

If they actually did HNM's right, where everyone could participate... or at least the first 50 people or something (so that it's not just mega-lag), and set it up so that rewards were based on participation plus a little bit of RNG (no .1% drops basically), it could be great. Especially if there were a ton of them and they spawned in a reasonable time frame. Twenty HNMs all on a 1-2 day reset, that all dropped different crafting components, gear, or heck even tokens/tomes/whatever else could be great, even if it required large quantities of the mats/etc to craft the best gear from them.

It would alleviate some of the competition, while also allowing for teamwork amongst the playerbase in a more dynamic way. Heck, they could even randomize the spawn locations in the zones so that it's more like something you just happen upon, not something you are camping for days against botters like in XI.

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 12:29pm by BartelX
#17 Jun 09 2014 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
BartelX wrote:
If they actually did HNM's right, where everyone could participate... or at least the first 50 people or something (so that it's not just mega-lag), and set it up so that rewards were based on participation plus a little bit of RNG (no .1% drops basically), it could be great. Especially if there were a ton of them and they spawned in a reasonable time frame. Twenty HNMs all on a 1-2 day reset, that all dropped different crafting components, gear, or heck even tokens/tomes/whatever else could be great, even if it required large quantities of the mats/etc to craft the best gear from them.

It would alleviate some of the competition, while also allowing for teamwork amongst the playerbase in a more dynamic way. Heck, they could even randomize the spawn locations in the zones so that it's more like something you just happen upon, not something you are camping for days against botters like in XI.

Aaaand now to hear how Odin and Behemoth are *soooo* much different to what you just proposed.
#18 Jun 09 2014 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
BartelX wrote:
If they actually did HNM's right, where everyone could participate... or at least the first 50 people or something (so that it's not just mega-lag), and set it up so that rewards were based on participation plus a little bit of RNG (no .1% drops basically), it could be great. Especially if there were a ton of them and they spawned in a reasonable time frame. Twenty HNMs all on a 1-2 day reset, that all dropped different crafting components, gear, or heck even tokens/tomes/whatever else could be great, even if it required large quantities of the mats/etc to craft the best gear from them.

It would alleviate some of the competition, while also allowing for teamwork amongst the playerbase in a more dynamic way. Heck, they could even randomize the spawn locations in the zones so that it's more like something you just happen upon, not something you are camping for days against botters like in XI.

Aaaand now to hear how Odin and Behemoth are *soooo* much different to what you just proposed.

I never said they were that different, in fact I never said anything about them so please don't put words in my mouth. The truth is, they just aren't all that important. They drop nothing that is of use to anyone looking for something other than cosmetics really. If they gave them more worthwhile gear drops, and then added a whole slew more of them on slightly shorter CDs (isn't it like 5-7 days between spawns now?), I think they would be great.

As it is, who does them anymore? Did anyone even do them after the first couple months of excitement wore off? I seem to remember before I took my leave of people saying behemoth/odin were up and just sitting unclaimed until they despawned.
#19 Jun 09 2014 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
I think an HNM-style event could be introduced using the Guildhest system. Imagine if each zone had an HNM, and every couple of days, a guard at each camp announced that the HNM was terrorizing the countryside, and the help of 20 brave adventurers was needed to bring it down? The first 20 people to talk to the NPC would be tagged for the fight, which could then either happen in an instance or the open world. There could even be a small period of time before the fight started, giving party members the chance to discuss strategy.

This is a lot like how Version 1.x's caravan and behest systems worked. I'd love to see some systems like this in place to limit the size of HNM or special FATE battles, because capping the number of participants would definitely make for more strategic battles.
Thayos Redblade
#20 Jun 09 2014 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
BartelX wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
BartelX wrote:
If they actually did HNM's right, where everyone could participate... or at least the first 50 people or something (so that it's not just mega-lag), and set it up so that rewards were based on participation plus a little bit of RNG (no .1% drops basically), it could be great. Especially if there were a ton of them and they spawned in a reasonable time frame. Twenty HNMs all on a 1-2 day reset, that all dropped different crafting components, gear, or heck even tokens/tomes/whatever else could be great, even if it required large quantities of the mats/etc to craft the best gear from them.

It would alleviate some of the competition, while also allowing for teamwork amongst the playerbase in a more dynamic way. Heck, they could even randomize the spawn locations in the zones so that it's more like something you just happen upon, not something you are camping for days against botters like in XI.

Aaaand now to hear how Odin and Behemoth are *soooo* much different to what you just proposed.

I never said they were that different, in fact I never said anything about them so please don't put words in my mouth. The truth is, they just aren't all that important. They drop nothing that is of use to anyone looking for something other than cosmetics really. If they gave them more worthwhile gear drops, and then added a whole slew more of them on slightly shorter CDs (isn't it like 5-7 days between spawns now?), I think they would be great.

As it is, who does them anymore? Did anyone even do them after the first couple months of excitement wore off? I seem to remember before I took my leave of people saying behemoth/odin were up and just sitting unclaimed until they despawned.

Yeah, you didn't even mention them, which was rather odd considering the similarities. Why such content needs to be more important than it is... Who knows? Because we need to bring the dumb FFXI game design into this game just for the sake of having it.

Fortunately the devs aren't that stupid :D.
#21 Jun 09 2014 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
I think an HNM-style event could be introduced using the Guildhest system. Imagine if each zone had an HNM, and every couple of days, a guard at each camp announced that the HNM was terrorizing the countryside, and the help of 20 brave adventurers was needed to bring it down? The first 20 people to talk to the NPC would be tagged for the fight, which could then either happen in an instance or the open world. There could even be a small period of time before the fight started, giving party members the chance to discuss strategy.

This is a lot like how Version 1.x's caravan and behest systems worked. I'd love to see some systems like this in place to limit the size of HNM or special FATE battles, because capping the number of participants would definitely make for more strategic battles.

Although I would love the idea of fighting HNM's, as has been mentioned numerous times, this game's linear approach to gear progression would negate the joy of obtaining hnm rewards be they mats or direct gear pieces. In my opinion, at some point the devs need to implement some horizontal progression, or people will get burned out and game assets will continue to be abandoned by the playerbase.

The horizontal paths doesnt have to mean abandoning vertical growth...why cant they work in unison? Like this...

Major update (verticle) -》Minor update (horizontal) and repeat as needed.
#22 Jun 09 2014 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Stilivan wrote:
[quote=Belcrono][quote=Stilivan] But not HNMs. No no no. Bad lol

Correct me if Im wrong but iant that what King Behemoth and Odin pretty much are?

super longs and arre spawn times..... can spawn anywhere in the zone, no fate indicator to let ppl know the popped... and like EVERYONE goes to the area to fight them when theyre up.... nly different between them and an XI hnm is... for all the effort ppl use to go and kill odin and behe they dont really;y drop anything worth the effort unlike XI HNMs
#23 Jun 09 2014 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Stilivan wrote:
If you want FFXI play FFXI. They can't just implement stuff silly nilly. It also needs to make sense lore wise, which is also quite some work.

Same could be said about WoW, want WoW, play WoW - Yoshi himself admitted he designed ARR specifically to give Japan a way to experience WoW as it never had an official release there.

BartelX wrote:
I never said they were that different, in fact I never said anything about them so please don't put words in my mouth. The truth is, they just aren't all that important. They drop nothing that is of use to anyone looking for something other than cosmetics really. If they gave them more worthwhile gear drops, and then added a whole slew more of them on slightly shorter CDs (isn't it like 5-7 days between spawns now?), I think they would be great.

As it is, who does them anymore? Did anyone even do them after the first couple months of excitement wore off? I seem to remember before I took my leave of people saying behemoth/odin were up and just sitting unclaimed until they despawned.

As said, he tends to do that in order to twist something into his direction of the 'argument.' People still do it when it's up, on the NA/EU datacenter i see people leave mid run (except for Coil 2) to go do Odin/Behemoth, but yeah it's generally dead content..even when it was out as the gear was nothing truly special to begin with.

#24REDACTED, Posted: Jun 09 2014 at 11:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) There's no need to be upset :)
#25 Jun 09 2014 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
I just did Odin last week. It certainly wasn't dead content!
Thayos Redblade
#26Theonehio, Posted: Jun 09 2014 at 11:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nah, you're far more butthurt than I'd ever be, so I don't recall being upset at all.
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