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Weekend Goals and Accomplishments 6/6 - 6/8Follow

#1 Jun 06 2014 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Patch weekend, what are your plans?
(Sorry for my two week absence, I spent it in a place with crap internet connection. Thanks for filling in for me Smiley: grin)

My goals:

1. Complete book 4, buy book 5 towards the paladin animus.

2. Work towards finishing book 5 and building myth for book 6.

3. Keep buying materia wholesale for use in the lotto to collect gatherer's guerdon and craftsman competence / command for the inevitable moment when the patch comes that introduces the rest of the artisan's pieces and the gatherer's equivalent.

4. Cap the soldiery and buy something for my paladin. It is long overdue. The downside of versatility? I'm good at everything, but the best at nothing. Blm 94, Smn 92, Pal 91, War 89, Drg 83, Brd 82, Sch 78. No ilvl 98's here =(

5. Unlock most, if not all, of the new sidequests.

6. Keep growing the glazenuts and funding the FC house expansion. Fortunately they are selling at 900k on Lamia, so the market isnt terribly broken like I have noticed on other servers.

Edited, Jun 6th 2014 12:04pm by Valkayree
#2 Jun 06 2014 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
Myth farming for Alexandrite. I honestly thought I'd never see bray again after getting my Animus but clearly that wasn't the case!

Also going to take advantage of the high materia prices at the moment and do some spiritbonding.
#3 Jun 06 2014 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
#1 Get BLM up to iLvl 70 somehow.

#2 Set up a practice Garuda EX and Titan EX run for my BLM. I don't need the Garuda clear but many people still do, and I won't be able to call myself an endgame ready BLM if I can't get past her.

#3 Unlock BLM relic's atma level and get ready to start atma grinding. At least I only need 11 since I never got them for WHM.

#4 Get at least one scene done in the Scenic Log. And I don't want to cheat, I want to do it using just the puzzle clues. This is such a fun mini game. I've already discovered things about Limsa Lominsa that I never knew!
#4 Jun 06 2014 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
#1 Get BLM up to iLvl 70 somehow.

Spam Brayflox and Halatali and Lost City. They drop darklight and magician gear regularly, and then you can use the soldiery and myth to buy 90 or 100 gear. That's probably the easiest way for you to move up at this point Smiley: smile
#5 Jun 06 2014 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, I don't think I'll be spamming CT to collect myth like I did back when it was Philo on WHM. The run last night was a barely controlled disaster.

Ironically the people who ******* that we sucked and left after the third Behemoth fail were replaced with better people and we succeeded on the 4th try. Smiley: laugh

We have a serious problem in this game. New players are afraid to say they are new at the start of a dungeon because other people will kick them out at the first opportunity, or will vote abandon. So you have newbies hitting boss fights who have never tanked them or healed them or even DONE them before, trying to run solely off videos and online guides, and they're horrible. We figured out that a tank was new when he didn't understand what "point the *** away from the crowd" meant on the first Valefors. Once it was properly explained he got it - he had the concept right of directional tanking right, but was used to front conal AOEs, not the farts that Valefor puts out.

Edited, Jun 6th 2014 1:28pm by Catwho
#6 Jun 06 2014 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Fun fun, cause for personal accomplishment goals this weekend, I aim to get my first book to work on. And to do that, I'm likely doing CT, bad runs or not.

We're still trying on Turn 5. No progress really last night, but I also did not attend. Neither did my lady as she was visiting. We're in tonight's squad, however.
#7 Jun 06 2014 at 1:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
Yeah, I don't think I'll be spamming CT to collect myth like I did back when it was Philo on WHM. The run last night was a barely controlled disaster.

Ironically the people who ******* that we sucked and left after the third Behemoth fail were replaced with better people and we succeeded on the 4th try. Smiley: laugh

We have a serious problem in this game. New players are afraid to say they are new at the start of a dungeon because other people will kick them out at the first opportunity, or will vote abandon. So you have newbies hitting boss fights who have never tanked them or healed them or even DONE them before, trying to run solely off videos and online guides, and they're horrible. We figured out that a tank was new when he didn't understand what "point the *** away from the crowd" meant on the first Valefors. Once it was properly explained he got it - he had the concept right of directional tanking right, but was used to front conal AOEs, not the farts that Valefor puts out.

I jumped into CT last night too (that 150 myth seemed like a reasonable offer) with 90 minutes before emergency maintenance thinking that would be plenty of time. We just barely made it with a minute left. Smiley: lol

But I agree. There were so many new people afraid to speak up that it took far longer than it had to. The Atomos fights were a mess. Our group had the only magic pot left in the first few minutes. The bomb exploded in demon fight because no one chased the adds. And KB kicked our butts because no one knew how to tank the Iron Giant. It was quite the slog.
#8 Jun 06 2014 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:

Ironically the people who ******* that we sucked and left after the third Behemoth fail were replaced with better people and we succeeded on the 4th try. Smiley: laugh
Edited, Jun 6th 2014 1:28pm by Catwho

I had a similar experience with a healer that left to "find a tank that could tank"

I Pulled the first two groups in Halatali under the spiked balls (6-7 mobs total), then after those were dead, moved ahead, waited until the basilisk was down the ramp, dropped off the side of the bridge, grabbed the three at the end, dragged them back under the gate under the second spike ball to the last three. Again, 6 total enemies... I died because the healer couldnt figure out how to drop off the side and heal... I even held my own with hallowed, stoneskin, and sentinal for about a minute.

These guys with 4.2k hp can heal me in Brayflox with 9+ mobs... why not Halatali? Anyway, he left, we got a new healer a bit later, who was new to Halatali. I walked him through it and we beat it easily.
#9 Jun 06 2014 at 9:18 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
I'm having a lot of fun leveling Hito Yu's SCH and SMN. I guess I underestimated how much fun I had on Hitome's.

Goal is to get Hito Yu's SCH/SMN to 45 or so. Maybe 50 if homework isn't time consuming. If I get to 50, I'd need to do a lot of farming in coil and just about everywhere else. Also need to cap soldiery on Hito Yu but one more expert roulette should handle that.
#10 Jun 07 2014 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Goal 1: We need 500k more gil to have our pick of any FC small house plot. I currently have about 200k in stuff pending on the AH, and another FC crafter will be chipping in 200k this weekend. I need another 100k in stuff sold by Monday. I'm thinking HQ Buttons by the boatload.

Goal 2: Get the whole FC together and go pick us out a plot in Mist!

Goal 3 (not likely, but if I have some time): BTN 39>41 and CRP 25>30+.
#11 Jun 09 2014 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
#1 Get BLM up to iLvl 70 somehow.

#2 Set up a practice Garuda EX and Titan EX run for my BLM. I don't need the Garuda clear but many people still do, and I won't be able to call myself an endgame ready BLM if I can't get past her.

#3 Unlock BLM relic's atma level and get ready to start atma grinding. At least I only need 11 since I never got them for WHM.

#4 Get at least one scene done in the Scenic Log. And I don't want to cheat, I want to do it using just the puzzle clues. This is such a fun mini game. I've already discovered things about Limsa Lominsa that I never knew!

I had a cold most of the week (still kind of ill) and thus didn't get through as much as I wanted.

1. Done, iLvl 73.
2. Didn't happen.
3. Did happen! No more atma so far, though.
4. Done

I also unlocked the last two classes, PUG and LNC, and rearranged my class switch hotbars to include every single class carefully sorted into categories. One touch class change ftw.

And I got marauder to 30, which I was not expecting. Hoping to unlock WAR this week.
#12 Jun 09 2014 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Valkayree wrote:

My goals:
1. Complete book 4, buy book 5 towards the paladin animus.
2. Work towards finishing book 5 and building myth for book 6.
3. Keep buying materia wholesale for use in the lotto to collect gatherer's guerdon and craftsman competence / command for the inevitable moment when the patch comes that introduces the rest of the artisan's pieces and the gatherer's equivalent.
4. Cap the soldiery and buy something for my paladin. It is long overdue. The downside of versatility? I'm good at everything, but the best at nothing. Blm 94, Smn 92, Pal 91, War 89, Drg 83, Brd 82, Sch 78. No ilvl 98's here =(
5. Unlock most, if not all, of the new sidequests.
6. Keep growing the glazenuts and funding the FC house expansion. Fortunately they are selling at 900k on Lamia, so the market isnt terribly broken like I have noticed on other servers.

1. Completed book 4 and got book 5
2. Got the levequests and two groups of enemies out of the way in book 5. Cringed at the FATEs and got discouraged (one is a four hour respawn in East Shroud...Smiley: frown)
3. Decided to work on upgrading the leatherworker to saurian proportions. That meant crafting hq stuff and setting patricians aside for a bit. I dumped as much materia as I could into it and still just got up to 370 craftsmanship. Man. I suppose now I need to craft 50 of the leather straps so I can buy the artisan's tool. Gonna need a lot of hq hyppogryph skins and mahi mahi food...
4. Soldiery capped. Bought tank pants. Ugh. Immediately glamoured to bohemian pants, the ulimate pants, complete with hanging towel to dry your hands.
5. Apparantly all there is to unlock is the sightseeing quests, since I dont have completed animus yet.
6. Aquired one more glazenut seed over the weekend. Planted as usual.
#13 Jun 09 2014 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
  • Not actually a goal, but... solo DPS'd story Titan in Roulette when the BRD was knocked off on the first Landslide. Easy win, lots of fun.
  • Got my first piece of Weathered for WHM.
  • Beat Hydra easily for WHM relic
  • Got one retainer to iLvl 70. Wondering how the heck I'm going to get my FSH retainer to enough Gathering without giving her my AF weapon.
  • Totally breezed through that stupid podling transport sylph daily twice.
  • BLM to 32.

A good weekend.
#14 Jun 09 2014 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
Laverda wrote:
  • Got one retainer to iLvl 70. Wondering how the heck I'm going to get my FSH retainer to enough Gathering without giving her my AF weapon.

  • You can give your FSH the AF weapon, and then buy another from the Calamaty Scavenger.
    #15 Jun 09 2014 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,556 posts
    HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
    I'm having a lot of fun leveling Hito Yu's SCH and SMN. I guess I underestimated how much fun I had on Hitome's.

    Goal is to get Hito Yu's SCH/SMN to 45 or so. Maybe 50 if homework isn't time consuming. If I get to 50, I'd need to do a lot of farming in coil and just about everywhere else. Also need to cap soldiery on Hito Yu but one more expert roulette should handle that.

    Close but no cigar! Hit 50 today, though. Yay for a project to work on. :)

    Have a good week.
    #16 Jun 10 2014 at 2:08 AM Rating: Excellent
    Welp, had a major fail and major success.

    Siren's food market is totally FRAGGED right now. Some jackass (all the same 3 retainers) had flooded the market with hugely undercut high level HQ food. Dagger Soup was 4k. The guy had 60 of them up for 2k this morning. La Noscean Toast was 3800, he's got em up for 1700. Same guy has a pile of Buttons in a Blanket up, and some Stuffed Cabbage too, all ~2k below the normal rate. Of my "200k" in food I didn't sell a single damned piece in three days. By the time you figure in shards he's selling the stuff below cost, and he just keeps putting more up as it sells (or I'd buy him out and relist). It's like he's trying to kill the market on purpose.

    So I made jack-**** nuthin' for House gil. Smiley: disappointed

    Thus jimmyrustled, I decided to make the best of it and get to work on CRP. I dinged level 50 at about 10pm, with a single leve allowance left to my name! So many HQ Walnut Macahuitls and HQ Yew Bows, I'll be seeing them in my dreams. But I have Byregot's Blessing and that's all that matters! Smiley: lol Also dinged Botanist to 41 farming me up about 60 tons of HQ Walnut Logs. As soon as my crafting nemesis retires, I'm gonna make bank. Byregot's is the Swiftcast of the crafting classes. It's annoying to get, but my lord is it ever brokenly good!

    To describe it to those who don't have it yet: What Byregot's means is that if you have 7 stacks of Inner Quiet, and at least 13% on your HQ chance, using Great Strides and then Byregot's Blessing will guarantee you 100% HQ in a single move on every single normal item. One-Stars need 17% and 8 stacks, IIRC. I can now HQ every stonkin normal food I make, 100% of the time, with a 0% chance of failure.

    Edited, Jun 10th 2014 4:13am by DarkswordDX
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