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PLD Stat allocationFollow

#1 Jun 05 2014 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
Since this never got a reply in the appropriate forum, I will ask here in hopes of an answer.

Is full VIT still the way to go for PLD? Has any research been done regarding what's te best stat to put our points into?

I would google it, but I only see stuff close to FFXIV release and was hoping for more recent data or opinions.

Thanks in advance.
Articus Vladmir
#2 Jun 05 2014 at 7:48 PM Rating: Excellent
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#3 Jun 05 2014 at 10:55 PM Rating: Excellent
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You the man!

Or something.
Articus Vladmir
#4 Jun 06 2014 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Stilivan wrote:
You the man!

Or something.

Paladin already has the best defense, so adding vitality actually gets you more use in a paladin than it does in a warrior. Vit is the way to go.
#5 Jun 06 2014 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Vit is the way to go for both tanks. There is 0 reason to put it in anything else since the returns are very poor.
#6 Jun 06 2014 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
1,339 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
Vit is the way to go for both tanks. There is 0 reason to put it in anything else since the returns are very poor.

Yeah no.

WAR has been at a point where the 30 VIT hasn't been worth it since getting full i90 post 2.1 changes. From 4 mans, to 8 mans, and even the WARs single tanking 7, 8, and 9 run 30 STR. Considering that's the hardest content, and they don't need it, neither do you.

Just go 30 STR and do a bit more damage because the VIT isn't doing much for you anymore.
#7 Jun 06 2014 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Viertel wrote:
Keysofgaruda wrote:
Vit is the way to go for both tanks. There is 0 reason to put it in anything else since the returns are very poor.

Yeah no.

WAR has been at a point where the 30 VIT hasn't been worth it since getting full i90 post 2.1 changes. From 4 mans, to 8 mans, and even the WARs single tanking 7, 8, and 9 run 30 STR. Considering that's the hardest content, and they don't need it, neither do you.

Just go 30 STR and do a bit more damage because the VIT isn't doing much for you anymore.

You can make that argument with pld if you want to also. I would rather survive better than do slighlty better damage. The point of tanking is to maximize survivability and str doesnt do much for you in that aspect. If tank dps is making or breaking a fight i have some bad news for your group.
#8 Jun 06 2014 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
STR does more than just up attack, though. It also increases the damage that is blocked by parry and blocking. (Hence my OP, since why do these stats do these things in the first place. They SEEM more useful than VIT, which ONLY increases your HP.)

Edited, Jun 6th 2014 6:12pm by Stilivan
Articus Vladmir
#9 Jun 06 2014 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
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The amount of increased damage prevented is trivial. Technically it would still be better than simply having more HP, but that's only if you always have competent healers who can still keep you alive and not waste MP overcuring as a result of your reduced HP, which is hardly a guarantee for most of us.

From my own experience, simply having more HP naturally on WAR isn't enough to have an easy time surviving. I also take a boatload more damage than I do on PLD to make up for it.
#10 Jun 06 2014 at 6:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Stilivan wrote:
STR does more than just up attack, though. It also increases the damage that is blocked by parry and blocking. (Hence my OP, since why do these stats do these things in the first place. They SEEM more useful than VIT, which ONLY increases your HP.)

I feel the same confusion about it. Of all the jobs, Paladin has the most variety of rational uses for various stats. Strength increases block damage mitigation and damage (and presumably enmity from damage). Dexterity increases the block rate (but it's rare to find it on most tanking gear). Vitality is extra health which nice to have as a tank. Mind improves spell power for lolCure and perhaps Flash (I really don't know if it helps). And Piety gives your a greater max MP pool for more Flashes (or Stoneskins for your tank partner).

I'm sure there would be good reasons to adjust these values for your planned tanking activity depending on what you were up against.
#11 Jun 06 2014 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Xoie wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
STR does more than just up attack, though. It also increases the damage that is blocked by parry and blocking. (Hence my OP, since why do these stats do these things in the first place. They SEEM more useful than VIT, which ONLY increases your HP.)

I feel the same confusion about it. Of all the jobs, Paladin has the most variety of rational uses for various stats. Strength increases block damage mitigation and damage (and presumably enmity from damage). Dexterity increases the block rate (but it's rare to find it on most tanking gear). Vitality is extra health which nice to have as a tank. Mind improves spell power for lolCure and perhaps Flash (I really don't know if it helps). And Piety gives your a greater max MP pool for more Flashes (or Stoneskins for your tank partner).

I'm sure there would be good reasons to adjust these values for your planned tanking activity depending on what you were up against.

No gear for tanks have any dex on it unless a bard can use it too. Piety would be the most useless stat to stack too. Learning how to manage your mp pool is a skill to learn while tanking. MND...yeah no. STR and VIT are the only main stats you would ever want to stack as a tank.

Before i go further i would like to point out that even tanks with a lower ilvl than a dps will be able to hold hate no problem. So only of a tank is VERY under geared will the enmity generation fron STR really matter.

Now, there is the fact that STR increases bkock strength. This is true but there is a problem with his. The increase in block rate is not linear and is calculated in tiers. His means you need to stack enouh STR to even see a 1% increase in block damage. And even with that tier increase your not getting the full 1% either. To get a 1% increase you would have to block 100% of the time to take full advantage of the new tier. Since blockig isnt guaranteed it isnt as reliable as a straight HP increase would be. More HP helps the healers to not overcure so much resultin in better MP management overall as well. So in fact, it is more than a simple HP boost. Your EHP gets a boost as well and makes your cooldowns more valuable. A STR boost doesnt do this.
#12 Jun 06 2014 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
To answer your question simply: yes PLD is ilevel > VIT > everything else.

Using 30 STR on WAR for certain fights with maiming/striking accessories is very effective when OTing isn't necessary all of the time. Turn 8 and 9 are prime examples.
#13 Jun 06 2014 at 9:37 PM Rating: Default
We're past the point where higher hp(around 450 for pld) is going to make or break a fight. Higher hp is not needed, more dps to push phases and end fights sooner is always needed. The increased damage blocked and higher enmity due to str is icing on the cake. Vit offers literally nothing but 450 hp~ which is nothing when you're already in the 7k-9k range.
#14 Jun 06 2014 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
XIglooX wrote:
We're past the point where higher hp(around 450 for pld) is going to make or break a fight. Higher hp is not needed, more dps to push phases and end fights sooner is always needed. The increased damage blocked and higher enmity due to str is icing on the cake. Vit offers literally nothing but 450 hp~ which is nothing when you're already in the 7k-9k range.

yeah...until you take a ravens beak to the face un-buffed on turn 9. it did 9000 damage to our WAR tank. at the time he had 9300 HP (he was missing a few hundred). he didn't die to the attack, but the bosses auto attack finished him off before a healer could get to it. if that was his HP with STR points then 30 VIT would definitely have saved him. Just for reference, 30 VIT = 435 HP (14.5 HP per VIT).
#15 Jun 06 2014 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
Keysofgaruda wrote:
XIglooX wrote:
We're past the point where higher hp(around 450 for pld) is going to make or break a fight. Higher hp is not needed, more dps to push phases and end fights sooner is always needed. The increased damage blocked and higher enmity due to str is icing on the cake. Vit offers literally nothing but 450 hp~ which is nothing when you're already in the 7k-9k range.

yeah...until you take a ravens beak to the face un-buffed on turn 9. it did 9000 damage to our WAR tank. at the time he had 9300 HP (he was missing a few hundred). he didn't die to the attack, but the bosses auto attack finished him off before a healer could get to it. if that was his HP with STR points then 30 VIT would definitely have saved him. Just for reference, 30 VIT = 435 HP (14.5 HP per VIT).

In your example if the healer topped the tank off with a shield he would have lived. If the healer hadn't had the tank at max hp in the first place he would have died. If the healer had benediction or lustrate he would have lived. Had the the tank been on a cool down he would have lived. Etc and etc. in your example the tank did not die because he lacked 435 hp but because of mechanics, skill, and reaction. A boss does not hit for less than 735 hp so the only thing you did was prove my point in your post. Of all the controllable things in your scenario having that 435 extra hp at 100% accomplished the least.
#16 Jun 07 2014 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
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Personally, if I'm in a scenario where I can afford to give up a significant amount of HP for the sake of doing slightly more damage as a tank (not that anyone should really give a rat's *** about tank damage; no matter what it is insignificant compared to what real DPS should be doing), I'd rather just swap out a number of my accessories, depending on how much I want to adjust. Easier than blowing 10k GC seals every time I feel like swapping.

If I can afford to swap both my stats and my accessories, it must be a **** easy fight and I would have to wonder why I'd even be there on tank in the first place. Sounds like my purpose would be better served by me just going as an actual DPS.

Edited, Jun 7th 2014 4:18am by Fynlar
#17 Jun 07 2014 at 4:49 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
XIglooX wrote:
In your example if the healer topped the tank off with a shield he would have lived. If the healer hadn't had the tank at max hp in the first place he would have died. If the healer had benediction or lustrate he would have lived. Had the the tank been on a cool down he would have lived. Etc and etc. in your example the tank did not die because he lacked 435 hp but because of mechanics, skill, and reaction. A boss does not hit for less than 735 hp so the only thing you did was prove my point in your post. Of all the controllable things in your scenario having that 435 extra hp at 100% accomplished the least.

MT tank DPS matters in one situation only and that's during progression. Sadly, that is when you are the most undergeared and why VIT trumps damage because of user learning error (both the tank's and the healer's). When content is on farm, this implies your DPS are not dying/meeting the checks and therefore the extra DPS is irrelevant. Farming also implies that the healers are not stressed.

It is not only the healer's job to keep yourself healthy/alive. You do have cooldowns but they will only get you so far. I take it you haven't attempted Nael yet but, as others have mentioned, a raven followed by an auto-attack crit when awareness is down and you have bad cooldowns up is a common situation. Not only this, but you recommend a shield to prevent this. During P1 of T9, you often see the /WHM/ solo healing while the SCH DPSs. This is because healer ACC is low but bio 1 and bio 2 have a 100% hit rate, allowing the SCH to pump out more damage. When solo healing this on WHM, you do not have time to preemptively cast stoneskin.

But let's look closer at shielding. You know that stoneskin is based on the maximum amount of HP you have. The more HP you have, the more effective stoneskin is. The same goes for adloquium (the shield you are referencing) on a WAR vs a PLD. Abilities like spirits within are also buffered more by larger HP amounts. The more HP you have, the closer to 300 potency you get.

Our PLD is sitting at i110 with the HA weapon and shield + pretty much every other HA piece along with many that are BiS. He /still/ gets hit very hard by Nael in all phases. It's more pronounced during Bahamut's favor > Bahamut's claw.

More HP = less likely to run into critical areas = less need to burn through lustrate stacks or use long CDs like benediction = better overall raid health.

But if we were to talk about OT DPS, that's another story. OT DPS (WAR w/o defiance + 30 STR + STR accessories) is very powerful in the right hands. Will it matter? Maybe when you're learning.
#18 Jun 07 2014 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
XIglooX wrote:
We're past the point where higher hp(around 450 for pld) is going to make or break a fight. Higher hp is not needed, more dps to push phases and end fights sooner is always needed. The increased damage blocked and higher enmity due to str is icing on the cake. Vit offers literally nothing but 450 hp~ which is nothing when you're already in the 7k-9k range.

yeah...until you take a ravens beak to the face un-buffed on turn 9. it did 9000 damage to our WAR tank.

Found your problem.

Yes, Ravensbeak hits hard and the auto-attack can knock you down if you're don't have a cooldown up. That's why you use a cooldown. There's more than plenty of time to get 5 Wrath stacks and have Inner Beast up for every single Ravensbeak.

Really, that's tanking 101 and STR and VIT wouldn't have made a difference either way in either case if your WAR tank isn't going to bother to use Inner Beast when he needs to.

Mitigation between i90 and i110 for tanks is roughly a 1.02% difference. You're going to need to use cooldowns for big hits for a while, and not doing so is just bad tanking.

Edited, Jun 7th 2014 3:02pm by Viertel
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