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Endgame Post from a JP PlayerFollow

#152 Jun 16 2014 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
1,556 posts
LebargeX wrote:
There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path grasshopper lol. I'm usually pretty ok wih the dives but it does feel like plume dumbness where I've clearly moved at exactly the right time only to be hit anyway from time to time.

I usually do the Focus Target route, but I'll admit I hadn't considered turning names off. That's a right fine idea and I will try it if I ever attempt turn 5 again.

Oh yeah and tell someone they're derping it up for you....may as well just boot them from the party cuz they're leaving anyhow ><

LebargeX wrote:
My point was its pointless. If one person effs it up you can't practice the rest of the fight. Out of 50 or so attempts I've been hit 5 out of 10 times maybe when I've felt I shouldn't have been. I've only even made it to the final snakes a few times because people don't get the conflags.

Again. My point is it's pointless. And you're a smug @#%^

I did T5 PFs all weekend on SCH with complete strangers.

One of the attempts, both tanks died to a divebomb or got hit by one (but lived). One of the attempts, 2 DPS died to short conflag. We still cleared it in the end. Many of those attempts usually had at least one DPS death to twister.

And you know what? We recovered just fine. Even with the DPS weakened, we still managed to down the big snake and easily meet the DPS check till she enrages.

Just man up. You got hit by a divebomb? You were slow to move. Vie is smug but he is also right: a quality I value more in someone compared to another who blames everything else on everyone and anything else they can but themselves.

Hyrist wrote:
Lets get something clear here. I hate it when people make these general statments when living counterexamples happen in my experience each day.

Come talk to me when one person is just /slightly/ off or /slightly/ late on divebomb movements, and gets four people knocked into a wall.

K. I'm talking to you right now. I'm telling you that 3 people died on a divebomb when I was on my alt's i90 SCH and we still recovered and won.

Hyrist wrote:
Or when the DPS get a lucky string of crits at the wrong time during second phase and the second neuro-link drops with a tank and healer both in conflag.

1) This demonstrates just how little you know about turn 5 2) tanks do not need to enter neurolinks anymore due to the echo buff 3) healers are not always chosen for conflag

Hyrist wrote:
Or when the twisters target the tank, offtank, and melee DPS all at once while one of your healers are locked by a dreadknight.

Why the @#%^ would it matter if a twister targets the MT? It's a simple circle. It kills the OT? Guess what the MT can do? Stun. Guess what the melee DPS can do? Stun. Guess what your BLM can do? Lethargy. Guess what your SCH and SMN can do? Miasma. Guess what your WHM can do? Stone 1.

Hyrist wrote:
There is a whole lot of things in Twintania that you can't recover from, or will put enough of a strain on your party that it causes a breakdown further down the line. A single DPS lost on the last Divebomb? Suddenly not enough DPS to kill Asclepius before Twin wipes you. Again, happened last night.

There are a lot of bad players in this game.

Hyrist wrote:
Please, please, please try not to make general crass statements that belittle people when they don't fill your preconceptions.

Please, please, please realize that Twin has been on farm for many people since November (and earlier), Twin is 5+ month old content, there are a multitude of addons and videos that can assist you with the fight, and that you actually need to admit when you lack the skill to complete the encounter.

What separates good players from mediocre ones is the fact that they do not panic when someone dies. They do not just give up when the MT dies or the other healer dies. They think fast, stay calm, and recover.

If you were talking about Titan Ex, then that's fine: I agree. When you speak as if you know turn 5 to people like Vie and myself who have cleared it since November when you clearly do not know it, I have no problem reminding you of this simple fact. Turn 5 took most of us 25+ hours to learn. I'm not talking about putting a few hours in there here and there: I'm talking about putting 5 hour raid sessions into it until we got it down. Our groups were usually the hardcore ones: it takes others a lot longer.

People go into turn 5 thinking that it is the same difficulty as turn 1-4 and get their sh*t handed to them because, in reality, turn 5 is the first time your skill will ever truly be tested.

People clear the second coil turn 6-8 and enter 9 thinking it will be a walk in the park. Know what? It's not. It took us even longer to learn T9. We went for 10 straight hours on the day we finally killed it. When did we kill it? On the very last pull. In fact, on our kill we were JUST about to call it until I requested one more attempt. Do you have that level of dedication? I don't think so.

If people like my group struggled on T5 and struggled on T9, what makes you think you will be able to waltz right in there and learn it? Be held accountable for your actions instead of blaming the game. That is something a child would do.

Turn 5 and the second coil are meant for the most dedicated. My GM put it best: "If people want to raid and be successful, they will do whatever they can to make that happen." I guess you just don't want it bad enough or you have obligations that make you unable to commit enough time. If either are the case, why are you surprised that you are not downing it? Yoshi did a great job in that he at least lets you try the content without putting it behind some ridiculous gates.

But please, by all means, go back to whining about the injustices in the world/game and how PF runs that clear T5 don't exist because you've never been in one despite others on this board telling you that we have actually downed it just like that.

Hyrist wrote:

Even our own group concedes that once we had the tactics down beyond simply knowing what it could do, but having the clear experience to feel how the fight behaved, that it felt easier once we had the method that worked for us down. But getting to that point? That was hell, and the fight was very unforgiving in that respect. Unnecessarily so for it being something supposedly made more accessible for more casual players.

Since when was T5 meant to be accessible to casual players. If anything, the echo gave people who were working on T5 prior to the buff the much needed push to clear it. T5 is not a casual encounter. Titan Ex is not a casual encounter. T7, T8, and T9 are not casual encounters.

Yes: it was hell learning the fight but somehow a lot of us made it through it and have become better players as a result.

I'm just going to use this opportunity to bid farewell to ZAM. I enjoyed it immensely during the 11 era and even during ARR's 'prime'. I love this game and I love talking with people who also enjoy the game just like I like to talk with people who dislike the game so I can see where it needs improvements. However, this whiny sh*t that has been rampant in many threads over the past few weeks regarding difficulty of the game are just irritating. It's no better than the OF. The game needs a lot of improvement but people also need to realize that they have limitations. As an officer in my FC tasked with managing new recruits and monitoring groups within our FC outside of our own main group, the attitudes I see here are reflected in the mediocre members that I have to manage on a daily basis.

You may think it's OK to not bring your A game, not do your research, not eat food, and not do everything within your power to make sure you are ready for a particular encounter. But in reality, if my members aren't doing everything within their power to become better raiders, they don't deserve the raid slot since they're basically telling everyone else, "***** you. My time is more valuable than yours." If you find that you fall into one of those categories, you really don't deserve to clear this content just like my members do not deserve the raid slot.

See ya.

Edited, Jun 24th 2014 9:38am by HitomeOfBismarck
#153 Jun 16 2014 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
I think I'm with you Hitome. To many elitists telling me I'm a whiny casual.

See ya.
#154 Jun 16 2014 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm scared of Turn 5 now. Smiley: frown
#155 Jun 16 2014 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
And there you have it. Pretty much sums up the debate don't you think?

Hitome is expressing frustration that casuals are not actively looking for ways in which the Echo has mitigated the mutliple one-hit mechanics. And it sure has, to some extent. Certainly Conflags, Dreads, Twister damage and deaths during combat have all been reduced to non-wipe status. Hitome also clearly has frustration for players that don't at least do their homework and bring the right equipment.

Lebarge is frustrated because the results are still the the same. No wins. Echo does NOT address Titan's Landslides or Twintania's Divebombs. Hell the Divebomb mechanic is wonky in the first place. These mechanics remains one-hit = party wipe. Lebarge is ALSO expressing frustration that players come into the fights without knowing the mechanics. (If players can't beat the Echo-nerfed Conflags, the simple answer is to keep practicing. This has nothing to do with dodge-mechanics.)

Will the remaining single mistake = wipe mechanics be removed from Titan and T5? Doesn't look like it. Will casual players stop playing FFXIV at that point because the factors against success stack up too quickly in these fights? Yes, clearly so.

Will the players who have earned their wins through homework, strategy, communication, patience and perseverance continue to look down their noses at players griping (rightfully so) that these mechanics are making FFXIV less fun for them? Yes, yes and yes.

I guess this is just what happens when an otherwise completely casual game has an End-Game learning curve that is remarkably similar to a brick wall.
#156 Jun 16 2014 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Gnu wrote:

Will the remaining single mistake = wipe mechanics be removed from Titan and T5? Doesn't look like it.

The devs are aware of the problem. I don't see these kind of issues popping up in the future, the devs messed up and now they know better for the next time. /EchoON isn't always enough.
#157 Jun 16 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
I'm hoping that patch 2.3 indirectly makes Titan EX slightly more manageable. By allowing players to attempt Thornmarch and Levi EX without having to clear Titan EX first, perhaps those players who are continually struggling with lag and/or reflex issues will give up on Titan EX entirely and just move on.
#158 Jun 16 2014 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
svlyons wrote:
I'm hoping that patch 2.3 indirectly makes Titan EX slightly more manageable. By allowing players to attempt Thornmarch and Levi EX without having to clear Titan EX first, perhaps those players who are continually struggling with lag and/or reflex issues will give up on Titan EX entirely and just move on.

I hope so. There are some people who will NEVER be able to beat Titan EX either because they lag too much, are bad at dodging, or just plain don't have the patience to deal with so much random.

There's a guy in my FC who has lag issues and is terrible at dodging. He's been stuck on Titan EX for ages and unfortunately his inability makes it so no one really wants to help him. He asks if anyone wants to do Titan and we all hem and haw and try to come up with a polite way of saying "not with you." Hopefully letting people in that situation skip it will make it slightly easier for everyone else.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#159 Jun 17 2014 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

You may think it's OK to not bring your A game, not do your research, not eat food, and not do everything within your power to make sure you are ready for a particular encounter. But in reality, if my members aren't doing everything within their power to become better raiders, they don't deserve the raid slot since they're basically telling everyone else, "***** you. My time is more valuable than yours." If you find that you fall into one of those categories, you really don't deserve to clear this content just like my members do not deserve the raid slot.

See ya.

Edited, Jun 16th 2014 11:30am by HitomeOfBismarck

This is what irritates me the most, especially the part in bold. Really, how hard is it to go watch a 5 min video, at least just so you know what to expect.

I just came back to this game after about a 5 month break, tried doing HM Ultima Weapon tonight, first attempt I was the last to die, since no one knew how or when to dodge, second attempt we made it to the orb phase and everyone just stood there cause they didn't know WTF to do, after the wipe it was all, "OMG WTF WAS THAT sh*t!!!1!1!1" I just left, pretty sad though considering I hadn't done that fight in months and was still able to dodge everything just fine.

I think most people just Que up and expect to get carried, and once they find out they can't they get mad and go rage somewhere. Yeah, one shot death mechanics are kind of annoying, but for me its part of what makes it so exhilarating. And of all the MMO's I've played, I still enjoy the PvE in ARR more then any other.

Also, sorry to see you go Hitome, was always enjoyable reading your posts. Especially your information in the BLM forums.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 3:20am by Jeskradha
#160 Jun 17 2014 at 1:27 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Maybe I'm weird, but I tend to find most endgame guides aren't very good and videos themselves might not cover the person's role relative to the person recording, or worse, sped up with stupid music playing over everything. So, I see it more as leaders failing and being unwilling to teach their minions, but are quick to pass the blame just because. Not much different than those that demand voice chat, really. Experience will always be the better teacher, and that'll inevitably come with failures even with guides and instructions.

Oh well.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 3:30am by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#161 Jun 17 2014 at 7:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Best bet is if you are learning, make your own learning party, label it as such, and then be polite to everyone that joins.

Start with explaining the first phase of mechanics and go from there. It funny to me how I can have a great time losing for two hours straight with a respectful party who is making steady progress and players who roll with the punches.

On the flip side, don't be upset to be excluded from a "win-only party, no mistakes, will replace". These party leaders (mostly) have already done their time in learning parties and just don't want to take the time to teach. You may find yourself in those shoes one day.

If you see one of these parties recruiting, you can still make your own Learning Party in the PF. It's not at all surprising when I see a newly created "Learning Party" fill up before a "Win Party" that has been recruiting for over an hour.

It's hard to remember, but totally, true, that there are more players than you think exactly where you are in the learning process.
#162 Jun 17 2014 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
Seriha wrote:
Maybe I'm weird, but I tend to find most endgame guides aren't very good and videos themselves might not cover the person's role relative to the person recording, or worse, sped up with stupid music playing over everything. So, I see it more as leaders failing and being unwilling to teach their minions, but are quick to pass the blame just because. Not much different than those that demand voice chat, really. Experience will always be the better teacher, and that'll inevitably come with failures even with guides and instructions.

Oh well.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 3:30am by Seriha

While I agree with you, because I've seen some ****** guides to end game content, Mr. Happy's guides on you tube are actually super informative and easy to watch.

Experience will come with failure, and maybe I'm just in the minority, but I will never Que up in a random DF for something like Ultima HM with out at least watching something (or reading) about the mechanics of the fight before hand, and I personally don't feel that its wrong to expect the same of others.

Now if its a preformed group with some asshat who is unwilling to be patient and explain things, that's a different story, and I am totally willing to help people through content, but I don't feel that its wrong to expect people to have done some small amount of research before attempting 8 man content.

Gnu wrote:
Best bet is if you are learning, make your own learning party, label it as such, and then be polite to everyone that joins.

Start with explaining the first phase of mechanics and go from there. It funny to me how I can have a great time losing for two hours straight with a respectful party who is making steady progress and players who roll with the punches.

On the flip side, don't be upset to be excluded from a "win-only party, no mistakes, will replace". These party leaders (mostly) have already done their time in learning parties and just don't want to take the time to teach. You may find yourself in those shoes one day.

If you see one of these parties recruiting, you can still make your own Learning Party in the PF. It's not at all surprising when I see a newly created "Learning Party" fill up before a "Win Party" that has been recruiting for over an hour.

It's hard to remember, but totally, true, that there are more players than you think exactly where you are in the learning process.

All of this is really 100% true and the best way to go about something if your learning.

The most frustrating part about the group I was with last night is that it was obviously 4 or 5 peoples first time in that raid and none of them had any idea about what to do. One of the tanks was experienced and just pulled right off the bat so its not like there was much time to explain anything, but then again, I still feel that for something like that, I shouldn't have to give half the group a walk through when I Que up. Then after the first wipe, the main tank kept begging for someone to kick him from the group, while yelling at the other tank for not knowing what to do, which just made everything that much more frustrating.
#163 Jun 17 2014 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Gnu wrote:
On the flip side, don't be upset to be excluded from a "win-only party, no mistakes, will replace". These party leaders (mostly) have already done their time in learning parties and just don't want to take the time to teach.

I would never start a PF group with that comment, but I understand why people do it. After having failed to clear Titan EX with probably 20 different groups, I know that this is one of those "don't hate the player, hate the game" situations.
#164 Jun 17 2014 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts

Sorry to see Hitome go. But again this comes with the quintessential problem of forum boards. People interject in to conversations outside of context, and become enraged/dejected/upset to the point of insanity.

I have no problem with an event, or even a battle, tuned for the hardcore. Hell, when it comes to execution of fights, I treat myself with the decipline of a hardcore player.

Did we ever quit Twintaia because we were frustrated and thought the one hit mechanics are bullsh*t? No. It is, and remains, a complaint not a gamebreaker. What I am upset about, and what I continue to feel is a problem in this game - is that instant death seems to be the only source of impending fear, and that strikes me as cheap and frustrating. I remember the strongest moves from the final bosses and even the hidden dungeons of so many Square Enix games not designed to cheap out and kill your alliance, but leave your characters scrambling to try to recover and often not so. But at the very least the door for recovery was left open.

As far as arguments of calling Twin on farm for weeks for many FCs, I'd love to see a demographic of just what percentage of the playerbase is actually past five. We're halting on Twin, same as we've always done with difficult bosses and fights, getting the fight on farm, likely on farm without the echo before we progress on to second coil.

And one thing I'm going to say, right here: I'd never turn around an spit on the achievements of someone who sticks it out. Wether they were the first person to clear world content, or had to wait until echo 50% to clear it. I can argue the design of a fight without telling someone they have no business playing a game or their content, and when the conversation gets to that point. I draw the line. That's where I take a hard stance against attitudes of that nature - attitudes that were presented in this conversation more than once.

There's no problem saying you want to advance, screen people, and work as hard as you can to advance content. I do that myself, and have for years. Ever since after I left FFXI the first time, actually. I can disagree with a fight or a design's basic premise and still enjoy conquering it. That comes for a division between a designer, and a gamer. But I have no tolerance from the top-down mentality progression raiders inevitably develop because players not of their caliber question the design concepts of a fight they conquered.

Back to my center point. No, the Echo does not makes up for the glaring instant-kill mechanics laden in many fights. Comparatively, however, Twintania is a soft example of this compared to Titan. To compare the two, I actually enjoy fighting Twintania, frustrations at all. I liked fighting Twin even when I was bashing my head against it watching my fellow players hit on it. For the instant kill mechanics I disagree with, they did make the fight fun.

Titan, not so much.

The Echo does next to nothing against these issues, except allow mages to recover the dead post-mistake to salvage a raid, as they can heal more from less MP pretty significantly.

Turn 5 and the second coil are meant for the most dedicated. My GM put it best: "If people want to raid and be successful, they will do whatever they can to make that happen." I guess you just don't want it bad enough or you have obligations that make you unable to commit enough time. If either are the case, why are you surprised that you are not downing it? Yoshi did a great job in that he at least lets you try the content without putting it behind some ridiculous gates.

Hio, I know you're not paying attention. I make those complaints after we downed twintania.

And, if the content itself was irrelevant to the game's story, or if Yoshida didn't already imply that he wants players of all walks to be able to catch up and clear this content? I'd be silent on the matter. But the core of the discussion was whether or not the Echo does a proper job softening the gated mechanics in this game and I flatly made the observation that it does not make up for the overuse of instant kill mechanics. Everything around it? It aids. But tell me from your honest perspective, How effective is the Echo going to be against Turn 7's mechanics? It WILL help Turn 6, but I don't think it's going to be all that helpful on Turn 7, and I really hope our group can do it without thinking to rely on it.

So let's conclude.


You may think it's OK to not bring your A game, not do your research, not eat food, and not do everything within your power to make sure you are ready for a particular encounter. But in reality, if my members aren't doing everything within their power to become better raiders, they don't deserve the raid slot since they're basically telling everyone else, "***** you. My time is more valuable than yours." If you find that you fall into one of those categories, you really don't deserve to clear this content just like my members do not deserve the raid slot.

I've a standing thread open on guides posted from 1-9.

I've got the stat weights for ALL classes sitting in a notebook right next to me. I micro what gear I have access to me for its stats to try to glean as much performance out of it as possible. I have a rotation, from start to finish, on how my group was fighting Twintaia down to muscel memory.

So I think it's clear that I don't fall into the catagories you're trying to pin me and my crew into.

But when we busted our heads against five month old content for as long as we have. We're going to pick apart everything, our connections, our execution, the guides we're reading even the design of the fight itself. Why? Because as frustrated as we are we're looking to better understand what's frustrating us, what's tripping us up. When people on these forums have a fit at me and essentially **** on my groups accomplishment by calling it ease, I'm going to retort. Any fight in hindsight is easy. Twin, comparatively, will get easier each time we get the practice down.

Sorry to see you go Hio. Not sorry for my stance on the matter. If Yoshida wants to loosen the gate for content to make it progressively easier for players, or at the very least not frustrating - there needs to be some design philosophy changes going into future fights. Which, I suppose, puts me square in the 'mainstream' perspective predicted by the JP players blog post.

Catwho wrote:
I'm scared of Turn 5 now. Smiley: frown

Don't be. If anything, be scare of @#%^s not tolerant enough to stick it out with you to learn the fight because they think it's easy. I could have left behind my crew long ago to take a hard-core static up coils. I don't because they're my friends and I want to see them advance. Find some friends you're willing to commiserate with in the long term and you'll do fine.

My advice - just keep at it. For as much as I complain here on this site, which to me is little more than a venting board, in FFXIV, it's the Game of Puns. We joke, we chuckle, we discuss tactics and execution and we have a good time. Because we know if we stick it out we'll get there. That's the best way to approach this sort of stuff, IMO.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 10:53am by Hyrist
#165 Jun 17 2014 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm also stuck on Turn 5, but it's not even because of the fight. I just can't find a group of people who are willing to play together week after week, and that's the kind of fight where I'll never really get the later-stage practice I need until I can run it with a static. Otherwise, every group I'm in will just keep dying at dive bombs.

I'm currently on my third attempt of building a static, and people just keep flaking.

EDIT: And Hitome, I hope you're just taking a break. If you're gone, you'll be missed.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 7:54am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#166 Jun 17 2014 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm also stuck on Turn 5, but it's not even because of the fight. I just can't find a group of people who are willing to play together week after week, and that's the kind of fight where I'll never really get the later-stage practice I need until I can run it with a static. Otherwise, every group I'm in will just keep dying at dive bombs.

The Divebombs are the big frustration of Twin, at least from my perspective. After that, it's just getting your ducks in a row for evading Twisters. The problem with doing it with complete stranger is, if one of them doesn't have the evasion pattern down and they get targeted, they can wipe your party right quick. Voice Chat did a lot to help speed up our execution development as we started figuring out who was the best shot caller and got everyone to follow those calls.

Not so much in a random group. Good if they've all got it memorized. (... I'm picturing Axel now.) Not so good if they've not beaten it yet.

All I can say about finding a static is check the Official Forums Server forums or check your party finder. Wish you luck man. Just once you get past Twin, maybe stay a while and get yourself able to do it without it? - will help soften the blow for Coil 6, IMO. That's where my group is at right now. That, and we realize with lockouts, we won't be able to do what we did with First Coil and rotate people into multiple groups.


Too be fair. Hitome reacted to a post I redacted and toned down. If he does decide to return, I'll be a bit more careful about what I let slip past the reply button.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 11:07am by Hyrist
#167 Jun 17 2014 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Seriha wrote:
Maybe I'm weird, but I tend to find most endgame guides aren't very good and videos themselves might not cover the person's role relative to the person recording, or worse, sped up with stupid music playing over everything. So, I see it more as leaders failing and being unwilling to teach their minions, but are quick to pass the blame just because. Not much different than those that demand voice chat, really. Experience will always be the better teacher, and that'll inevitably come with failures even with guides and instructions.

Oh well.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 3:30am by Seriha

This is why I avoid Mr. Happy's videos like the plague, I learned pretty much nothing from his videos, I usually end up watching a Japanese guide video since they're far easier to understand and break down every role as i play multiple.

The one thing though, it's truly not hard to dodge unless it's a "unique" mechanic, if it pops a know to get out of it. if it turns to you and make a cone, unless you specifically need to get hit by it, you know to get out of it. That's what kills me most about people who are "new" or told to "do research" because it's not even that, it's like people switch on stupid and forget the basics of gameplay. No offense of course, but there's no excuse to suddenly not knowing how to play your job or deal with the BASIC gameplay elements you dealt with throughout your career just because you're new to one particular fight.

Garuda Ex? why would you ever stand in a tornado? Or in front of her when you knew TWO TIMES BEFORE THEN to never stand in front of Garuda? Just stuff like that isn't needing to be "researched" unless you haven't done Garuda Story/Hard since 1.0 or something.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 8:36am by Theonehio

#168 Jun 17 2014 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Garuda Ex? why would you ever stand in a tornado? Or in front of her when you knew TWO TIMES BEFORE THEN to never stand in front of Garuda? Just stuff like that isn't needing to be "researched" unless you haven't done Garuda Story/Hard since 1.0 or something.

It's not quite that simple though. You need to know ahead of time where to stand so that everyone is in range of healing, so that mobs are in range of DPS, so that both tanks can play spiny tennis, etc. You need to know when and when not to DPS spiny. You need to know to stand where you kill spiny (immediately after avoiding an AoE). Sure, anyone can avoid tornadoes, but simply avoiding tornadoes and AoE cones isn't enough to come close to winning. Each fight has unique gimmicks that must be memorized and practiced.

EDIT: UNLESS you have a dedicated static, in which case everyone can learn (and wipe) together with no hard feelings.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 9:03am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#169 Jun 17 2014 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Garuda Ex? why would you ever stand in a tornado? Or in front of her when you knew TWO TIMES BEFORE THEN to never stand in front of Garuda? Just stuff like that isn't needing to be "researched" unless you haven't done Garuda Story/Hard since 1.0 or something.

It's not quite that simple though. You need to know ahead of time where to stand so that everyone is in range of healing, so that mobs are in range of DPS, so that both tanks can play spiny tennis, etc. You need to know when and when not to DPS spiny. You need to know to stand where you kill spiny (immediately after avoiding an AoE). Sure, anyone can avoid tornadoes, but simply avoiding tornadoes and AoE cones isn't enough to come close to winning. Each fight has unique gimmicks that must be memorized and practiced.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 9:02am by Thayos

It's not enough, but it's an example of basic elements people suddenly seem to no longer know how to avoid, stuff that can prevent people from even getting into the actual mechanics of the EX version lol.

Hence why I said beyond the unique mechanics, it's the basic ones we've all come to know people seem to mess up on most.

#170 Jun 17 2014 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I think a lot of people mess up on the basic mechanics of things like plumes, landslides, etc., because they haven't memorized the orders, and not because they're not trying to get out of the way. Even the slightest delay (from not having the fight completely memorized) means instant death for someone with even a small amount of latency.

That's not to say it's impossible to win these fights... but some people (myself included) simply need actual in-game practice to really memorize the flow of fights. I can't get that level of memorization just by watching YouTube videos over and over. Plus, being successful in a game shouldn't depend on watching lots of YouTube.

Edited, Jun 17th 2014 9:15am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#171 Jun 17 2014 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
I hear you Hyrist. Advancing slowly with friends is far more fun than breezing thru with the hardcore FC anyday. /Salute for sticking with your core group.

My main issue is my friends have been beat in the head with Titan and T5, and now getting them to login is not easy. We did a Titan Learning Party in the PF, spent about 2 hours on it, and someone or another just kept getting hit off by the Landslides during/after Superbombs. Sometimes a Tank would fall. Once it was me ><. Can't stand in in the center of the arena right before the 5-way Landslide or you can't get to safety in time. Have to be close to the edges to dodge easily. Oops.

So we didn't win and I haven't seen those guys since. Sad because we were really {this} close to winning. We had basically just seen the final hurdle and figured out how to jump over it when the party disbanded.

The mechanics are not friendly, and they are not exactly fun, but they are beatable. There is a delicate balance of difficulty here and from my point of view it's just a tad on the frustrating side.

Then again, after you know the fight 100% suddenly it's actually easy. So what does that tell you? Not sure myself. I guess part of it is the players that aren't willing to keep trying just aren't exactly cut out for End-Game. That is a very hard fact to accept.
#172 Jun 17 2014 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Hence why I said beyond the unique mechanics, it's the basic ones we've all come to know people seem to mess up on most.

It's like a PF Titan EX group I was in the other day. Went in, stacks for plumes were sloppy but people straightened that out after the first wipe or two. Then we lose someone and have to exit out to find a replacement. And what happens when we go back in with basically the same group? People are everywhere for plumes yet again. It boggles the mind.
#173 Jun 17 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Experience will come with failure, and maybe I'm just in the minority, but I will never Que up in a random DF for something like Ultima HM with out at least watching something (or reading) about the mechanics of the fight before hand, and I personally don't feel that its wrong to expect the same of others.

Gonna employ some snark here and there. Don't take it personally as I'm painting broader strokes.

Here's the thing, the moment you click that queue button? Kiss your expectations goodbye. All we have to go with is the good faith that SE balances ilvl requirements properly. In turn, people with said items should hopefully be capable. Personally, I don't think SE's record in this regard is too good, if dealing with PUGs in Sirius was any indication. Of course, XI taught me that people with good gear aren't always good players, either. We just can't win!

Now, I'm also someone who believes anything a game needs us to know, the game should teach. Some of it's more obvious with the whole "stay out of the red" stuff. Some is a bit more complicated if mobs are basically giant dances like the primals. Some things are simply difficult to see in the chaos of battle, which could either be by design or a failing with the UI or encounter itself. Hard to say. What I will say is that if someone is unwilling to teach, they forfeit their right to ***** about the ignorance of their peers. The presumption that someone is swimming on gobs of free time to watch videos or comb guides to flawlessly remember everything on the first attempt is both bold and unreasonable. Not everyone will know where to look. Not even google guarantees a good result. Sometimes people won't understand certain acronyms or the abilities of other classes. Sometimes it really is as simple as someone getting access and being excited enough to want to try it, and maybe with a friend or two. Or their latency is ****. This game is kinda bad in that regard for no discernible reason to the point I see some using sub-based proxies.

If you want perfection, that's what the party finder tool is for. Sure, queue trolls suck, but I presume ***** are gonna exist as long as internet anonymity thrives and weaseling that sub fee is more important than deterring aggravating a few players for an hour or so. And in the end, if it turns out DF PUGs are failing more often than succeeding, then perhaps there is something up with the content itself. Of course, I might also be saying that as someone who isn't a fan of the concept of exclusivity in MMOs. By proxy, rebalancing or "dumbing down" tends to be at odds with those who do favor such, even if it is 6+ months later and the people who'd grumble would never set foot in said content anyway because they're done with it. So, perhaps again, we can't win...
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#174 Jun 17 2014 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Then again, after you know the fight 100% suddenly it's actually easy. So what does that tell you?

This tells me that battles designed to spam players with insta-death mechanics (requiring memorization, not skill, to complete) is poor game design.
Thayos Redblade
#175 Jun 17 2014 at 12:14 PM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
Seriha wrote:

Gonna employ some snark here and there. Don't take it personally as I'm painting broader strokes.

lol, over the years I've learned to take nothing over the internet personal, its just a big waste of time to get angry about, so no worries there.

Seriha wrote:
Here's the thing, the moment you click that queue button? Kiss your expectations goodbye. All we have to go with is the good faith that SE balances ilvl requirements properly. In turn, people with said items should hopefully be capable. Personally, I don't think SE's record in this regard is too good, if dealing with PUGs in Sirius was any indication. Of course, XI taught me that people with good gear aren't always good players, either. We just can't win!

That is the sad thing, random DF is random, and it is bad to have expectations going in, but that doesn't mean I can't have hope, I guess it just stems from the fact that I don't like being the guy dragging the group down, or who doesn't know wtf to do during certain mechanics, so I always do my homework. I guess its to much for me to expect everyone else to do the same. On top of that, I played a tanking class in WoW and so its just second nature to me to make sure I understand boss mechanics before going into a fight. And your absolutely right, gear does not equate skill level.

Seriha wrote:
Now, I'm also someone who believes anything a game needs us to know, the game should teach. Some of it's more obvious with the whole "stay out of the red" stuff. Some is a bit more complicated if mobs are basically giant dances like the primals. Some things are simply difficult to see in the chaos of battle, which could either be by design or a failing with the UI or encounter itself. Hard to say. What I will say is that if someone is unwilling to teach, they forfeit their right to ***** about the ignorance of their peers. The presumption that someone is swimming on gobs of free time to watch videos or comb guides to flawlessly remember everything on the first attempt is both bold and unreasonable. Not everyone will know where to look. Not even google guarantees a good result. Sometimes people won't understand certain acronyms or the abilities of other classes. Sometimes it really is as simple as someone getting access and being excited enough to want to try it, and maybe with a friend or two. Or their latency is sh*t. This game is kinda bad in that regard for no discernible reason to the point I see some using sub-based proxies.

One thing that was nice in wow is that they had an in game journal that would explain some of the basic mechanics for the boss fight which was pretty nice. I am not unwilling to teach, but sometimes my patience just runs short,

I will say, its not like it takes an hour to Google "Titan EX walk though" and find a decent video you can watch in 5 mins that will give you a general idea of what your walking into. I don't expect someone to study a guide for weeks before attempting a fight, but at least watching it once will let you see some of the visual ques you need to watch out for with out wasting 7 other peoples time when you die to the first set of plumes cause you just wanted to try it out.

I would also consider it polite to at least point out before the fight begins that your new to the experience, but then you have ***** who will drop group or kick you, so I guess either way you can't win...

Seriha wrote:
If you want perfection, that's what the party finder tool is for. Sure, queue trolls suck, but I presume ***** are gonna exist as long as internet anonymity thrives and weaseling that sub fee is more important than deterring aggravating a few players for an hour or so. And in the end, if it turns out DF PUGs are failing more often than succeeding, then perhaps there is something up with the content itself. Of course, I might also be saying that as someone who isn't a fan of the concept of exclusivity in MMOs. By proxy, rebalancing or "dumbing down" tends to be at odds with those who do favor such, even if it is 6+ months later and the people who'd grumble would never set foot in said content anyway because they're done with it. So, perhaps again, we can't win...

I think your right in the fact that in the end, we can't win. There is no easy balance between hardcore/casual, its sometimes frustrating to me that people can't just play the game and have fun.

I recently came back to this game mostly just to run around a play some of the content I missed, cause I could really give a **** less about being in the top tier of players, but all mmo's are such a grind anymore, most people just get pissed when someone "wastes" their time.

I guess I should just start using the party finder tool more often, but it would be nice, with my limited play time, to just once Que up in the DF and find a full group of people who at least know what to do, even if it takes us a few tries to get it down.
#176 Jun 17 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Good game design for very difficult content can be winnable even with a death and loseable even when you do everything right.

We were spanning some Very Difficult "Tails of Woe" in FFXI last night. VD bunnies is as miserable as it sounds. 30 minutes for the time limit to mow down ten bunnies with about fifty thousand hit points apiece. We wiped the first time, adjusted our strategy (well, really just my bard songs) and our position a bit, and tried again. We won the next three times, but DAMN that fight was rough. No dodging mechanics, just trying to get placement exactly right without the super tank paladin dying or the three monks dying or the WHM and BRD dying. Quite a few times the super tank dropped to under 200 HP before we could get cures off - lots of close shaves.

Can you imagine a single fight in XIV taking 25 minutes to complete? Even Titan Ex only takes ten minutes from start to finish if you don't ***** up.
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