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Endgame Post from a JP PlayerFollow

#127 Jun 10 2014 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
Seriha wrote:
Obviously I'm the enemy of MMO devs everywhere, however, because I dare to tell them to stop doing the same old social engineering sh*t that just leads to people raid logging, subbing one month out of four in a patch cycle, or just quitting entirely for another game only for it to againhappen there. Please look forward to it, guys!

Why does no developer ever get this though? Considering the benefits that are myriad, and the downsides that are nonexistent? Why do they keep doing exactly what the Republican-Communist-in-disguise-Hyan wants them to do? Where is the justice in this world?
#128 Jun 10 2014 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Seriha wrote:
Obviously I'm the enemy of MMO devs everywhere, however, because I dare to tell them to stop doing the same old social engineering sh*t that just leads to people raid logging, subbing one month out of four in a patch cycle, or just quitting entirely for another game only for it to againhappen there. Please look forward to it, guys!

Why does no developer ever get this though? Considering the benefits that are myriad, and the downsides that are nonexistent? Why do they keep doing exactly what the Republican-Communist-in-disguise-Hyan wants them to do? Where is the justice in this world?

Shh, your "why you got banned from BG" is showing, but since someone more familiar with WoW did some talking, here:
Surprisingly enough, even though Blizzard basically invented the Daily/Raid thing (or they at least made it (in)famous), they are actually straying away from this, or at least they are giving you alternate ways of bypassing this.

The Timeless Isle is just a taste of some of the stuff they have in mind for WoD -- they want you to get gear from just finding it laying around (yes, this is a thing. You can get actual gear by finding it on random mobs and treasure chests). Everything you kill gives a special currency (quests give more) and you can even buy armor with this stuff too, even weapons.

They mentioned getting gear from sending your Garrison followers out (think: Retainers), they mentioned random world events (sounds like FATEs) rewarding gear sometimes, they mentioned sometimes finding loot boxes that might have gear in them.

Of course Dailies and Raids are going to stay, but it sounds like there's more ways than JUST those to get stuff. Dailies and Raids have their place, but it sucks when that's the only way to progress and Blizz seems to hear that Loud-and-Clear.

Maybe over here in FFXIV they'll take a page from that kind of thing and do something similar over here?

Personally, I'm not a fan of WoW's aesthetics or its general lore, but it sounds to me like maaaaaaaybe they're about to try. I wish them luck and hope it's more than just lip service, as success will inevitably lead to trickle down into other games... err, ripping off, cloning, whatever you wanna call it.

Keep up the good work for the SE Defense Force, soldier. We're done, though.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#129 Jun 10 2014 at 11:42 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
but you could still finish the trials on their respective day instead of having to wait on weather.

After they buffed it, sure. But I'm pretty sure it was "Weather or GTFO" and then some time after I quit, they later made the change "Weather -or- Day".

I guess I could be wrong, but I thought they just buffed the amount of credit you got for weather. You'd get 5 points as a bonus for weather and 1 point for the day. 6 points per kill when day and weather match up. My first trial was relic and because it took so long for that, I didn't really get to try any other trials for quite a while Smiley: cool

I looked for the specific update just because I was curious, but then I realized we were still pre XIV at that point. SE still put out the cryptic patch notes that said "Adjustments have been made to [insert event here]", but they were never really specific. I really feel like they just increased the number of kill credits you got for weather and reduced the number of kills you needed for dealing the killing blow. I also want to say they updated it a second time so that you only needed to be in the group that killed the mob and close enough to gain experience to gain credit.

Edited, Jun 11th 2014 1:51am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#130 Jun 12 2014 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
Seriha wrote:

Shh, your "why you got banned from BG" is showing, but since someone more familiar with WoW did some talking, here:

I'm not banned from BG, what are you talking about? Smiley: lol

Let's see how it works out for them, and whether WoW will be "better off" for it (or if the only thing changing is who gets to complain). Blizzard does like to switch up the status quo from time to time so that other people get their turn to be upset, with nothing actually changing for the better most of the time.

Keep up the good work for the SE Defense Force, soldier. We're done, though.

Oh yeah, now you're acting like a BG poster! Smiley: wink

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 2:43pm by Hyanmen
#131 Jun 12 2014 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
scchan wrote:

PS: I am pretty sure it has been said else where. Make a warning macro for 2nd round of dives, twister and Titan plumes. Not only you are helping your fellow players, you are helping yourself (so that you didn't brain burp and forget about the dives and plumes).

I have noticed that literally 100% of the time a dreadknight spawns, nearly two seconds later twintania casts twister. Some twisters are casted in between, but it always happens right after a dreadknight drops.

In my parties, if we make it that far (I agree about the divebombs, no idea why I get hit sometimes) someone always gets hit by a twister. Always. And usually it is dps, so the dread is harder to kill, and makes it to the target, even with stuns and slows. Then that kills the target and onto the cascade effect. I am about sick of pugging t5. The closest I've gotten to beating it so far we made it to the very last phase with the liquid hell spam, got him down to 2%, then the enrage mode kicked in and we all died. Awesome.

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 9:54am by Valkayree
#132 Jun 12 2014 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Well Valk according to the cool kids on this board and Yoshi you must be doing it wrong because the echo makes it so easy it's on auto clear status lol

Yeah I've been clipped by dives for no reason too. In about 50 attempts I've never even cleared the all the snakes. So good times!
#133 Jun 12 2014 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Valkayree wrote:
scchan wrote:

PS: I am pretty sure it has been said else where. Make a warning macro for 2nd round of dives, twister and Titan plumes. Not only you are helping your fellow players, you are helping yourself (so that you didn't brain burp and forget about the dives and plumes).

I have noticed that literally 100% of the time a dreadknight spawns, nearly two seconds later twintania casts twister. Some twisters are casted in between, but it always happens right after a dreadknight drops.

In my parties, if we make it that far (I agree about the divebombs, no idea why I get hit sometimes) someone always gets hit by a twister. Always. And usually it is dps, so the dread is harder to kill, and makes it to the target, even with stuns and slows. Then that kills the target and onto the cascade effect. I am about sick of pugging t5. The closest I've gotten to beating it so far we made it to the very last phase with the liquid hell spam, got him down to 2%, then the enrage mode kicked in and we all died. Awesome.

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 9:54am by Valkayree

That's why I always recommend, a) Focus target Twin and b), customize your UI so that the focus target is almost in the middle of your screen and change the sizing so it's AS BIG AS YOU CAN MAKE IT. That way, when she starts casting, it's right in your face, and you can run around like a little school girl. The other thing, always remind the melee to stay back until the Dreadknight has dropped and targeted someone. Once it has, jobs like mnk can use something like shoulder tackle to get in on it and make sure no one gets insta killed (provided the pld is lock stunning). These are minor things, but they're often overlooked and can make a significant difference.

#134 Jun 12 2014 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Well Valk according to the cool kids on this board and Yoshi you must be doing it wrong because the echo makes it so easy it's on auto clear status lol

Yeah I've been clipped by dives for no reason too. In about 50 attempts I've never even cleared the all the snakes. So good times!

As long as people aren't dying all over the place and know their rotation the echo makes it very hard to hit rage timer and makes it so db don't insta kill you.

When I do t5 I take all the name plates off so i know when those green db dots show up. And help clear clutter for getting closer to the wall and shows who is standing too far away and keeps getting us hit.

#135 Jun 12 2014 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path grasshopper lol. I'm usually pretty ok wih the dives but it does feel like plume dumbness where I've clearly moved at exactly the right time only to be hit anyway from time to time.

I usually do the Focus Target route, but I'll admit I hadn't considered turning names off. That's a right fine idea and I will try it if I ever attempt turn 5 again.

Oh yeah and tell someone they're derping it up for you....may as well just boot them from the party cuz they're leaving anyhow ><

#136 Jun 12 2014 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Well Valk according to the cool kids on this board and Yoshi you must be doing it wrong because the echo makes it so easy it's on auto clear status lol

You have a +15% buff on three additional DPS. You're going in with gear that's better in power than anything in Coil 1-5 itself.

At that point, if you're not killing the Dreadnaughts even if someone dies, that's major play issues/rotation issues on all of the remaining DPS. That Dreadnaught has around 8K health. That's barely 2 outdoor questing mobs for the highest level dailies and 3 of the lesser ones.

It has nothing to do with "being the cool kids". Twintania takes time to learn the fight, regardless of when you join that progression. Trying to pass off failing to meet certain checks with better gear *AND* a +15% damage buff that's always on you illustrates that you are doing something majorly wrong. If that offends you, and makes you pout, too damned bad -- your statement just makes you look like a crying child.

Is the fight difficult? For learning it absolutely. For getting past the small DPS checks on Conflags and Dreadnights? Not anymore. It's a fight that's more about personal attention and situational awareness (Divebombs, Twisters) and in 95%+ of all groups those are the hugest blocks people have to overcome. Turn 6 has just as many person checks and Turn 7 is *nothing* but personal awareness -- and it's why it's considered the hardest turn for most groups even with Turn 9 clearing.

LebargeX wrote:
Yeah I've been clipped by dives for no reason too. In about 50 attempts I've never even cleared the all the snakes. So good times!

Except that, there is a reason you're being clipped by Divebombs -- you're either too slow, moving towards the wrong spot/direction, or someone else is messing up. There is no "for no reason."

#137 Jun 12 2014 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
My point was its pointless. If one person effs it up you can't practice the rest of the fight. Out of 50 or so attempts I've been hit 5 out of 10 times maybe when I've felt I shouldn't have been. I've only even made it to the final snakes a few times because people don't get the conflags.

Again. My point is it's pointless. And you're a smug @#%^

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 11:46am by LebargeX

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 12:05pm by LebargeX

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 12:05pm by LebargeX
#138 Jun 12 2014 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Viertel wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Well Valk according to the cool kids on this board and Yoshi you must be doing it wrong because the echo makes it so easy it's on auto clear status lol

You have a +15% buff on three additional DPS. You're going in with gear that's better in power than anything in Coil 1-5 itself.

Assuming that the leader of my party is one of the *expletivedeleteds* we used to see forming the first T1 coil and titan hm groups screaming for relic+1 before 5% of the population had theirs. Most of those same people are worried about T9 now, not T5, so those of us who didnt jump on that elitist bandwagon are stuck playing with the new kids. Those are my bandmates now. New fun fact: Just because someone is ilvl 90+ in today's game does not make them a decent player.

Viertel wrote:

At that point, if you're not killing the Dreadnaughts even if someone dies, that's major play issues/rotation issues on all of the remaining DPS. That Dreadnaught has around 8K health. That's barely 2 outdoor questing mobs for the highest level dailies and 3 of the lesser ones.

My observation is that if one dps is dead, and one dps is targeted by the dread, the last two have a really tough time whittling down that 8k in the short amount of time it takes to get to the target. If at least 3 dps are on the dread it goes down in time.

Viertel wrote:

It has nothing to do with "being the cool kids". Twintania takes time to learn the fight, regardless of when you join that progression. Trying to pass off failing to meet certain checks with better gear *AND* a +15% damage buff that's always on you illustrates that you are doing something majorly wrong. If that offends you, and makes you pout, too damned bad -- your statement just makes you look like a crying child.

I can run the thing in my sleep now. But alas, I am on Lamia, apparantly the most populated server, where there are maybe 50 people who know what they are doing and the rest are ultra casual. Im usually hesistant to blame others, but I may have to on this one.

Viertel wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Yeah I've been clipped by dives for no reason too. In about 50 attempts I've never even cleared the all the snakes. So good times!

Except that, there is a reason you're being clipped by Divebombs -- you're either too slow, moving towards the wrong spot/direction, or someone else is messing up. There is no "for no reason."

Seems like my divebombs always target the guy with the crap connection who doesn't move fast enough to the ditch, so the green indicator hits him in the middle of our path, and we get hit as we are moving up. Everyone should be in that ditch asap when that second ring falls. Then you should run out of the ditch when you hear the sound, you do not run when you see the green circle (if you have lag... if not, running when you see the circle is fine). Twin will dive at the exact location where the green circle initially appeared about 2 seconds after it happens. So basically, don't move with the green circle, move away from where you saw the green circle initially and upon seeing it pop.

Remember that a second set of divebombs happens after the first set of snakes pop. Stay in the ditch, and get the two little ones to 50% health and target the big one primarily. Watch for the green circle and move as appropriate. After the three divebombs the second set of little snakes appears. At that point, the OT should grab the two new snakes and bring them to the snakes held by the MT (which should all convene at about center map). BLM or SMN should have LB3 ready at this point and blast the group. Two of the little snakes will immediately die, and a blm flare and a scatch each should take out the remaining two. Then gather near the dropped rings, taking down that last snake. When twin comes back in get in the ring and wait on aetheric profusion. The big snake should die before profusion, generally.

Then twister phase. A twister happens almost right off the bat. Everyone needs to spread out, and I hope that you focus targeted twintania right at the beginning, because if not, you need to now. The focus targeting allows you to more easily see the twister cast bar. When you see it start to cast, run a horseshoe pattern and do not cross your path or any other's path. Then the persistent green tornado appears that you should avoid. Slow / stun / kill the dreadknights and dps twin, avoiding tornados until the last phase begins. Some have drg or mnk lb twin during twister phase to shorten it.

But I don't have issues anymore with the size of the circle, or conflag markers, or anything of that sort. They really are sufficiently big.

I've been ready to beat the crap for a while now, I've gotten very close, just haven't found the right party. Someone always messes up, sadly.

Edited, Jun 12th 2014 3:08pm by Valkayree
#139 Jun 12 2014 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
I was stuck for a while but once you know all the little tips it's really a easy fight now and with the echo and ilvl 100 gear I have way more room for error on ds or getting clipped by someone's twister going off. And I only do this with pugs in party finder.

Back on topic
I really hate the fact that all boss fights are in small circles and a dps race dodge back to dps race. No crowd control really needed, blm sleep is a non issue in this game.

People were upset in another thread about the lack of a thief but as it stands combat really doesn't lend itself to support jobs that are purely support. So to me that's why I think endgame is so lackluster all jobs kinda feel the same at endgame you are either tank healer or dps gone are the support or crowd control roll
#140 Jun 13 2014 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
domice wrote:
I was stuck for a while but once you know all the little tips it's really a easy fight now and with the echo and ilvl 100 gear I have way more room for error on ds or getting clipped by someone's twister going off. And I only do this with pugs in party finder.

Back on topic
I really hate the fact that all boss fights are in small circles and a dps race dodge back to dps race. No crowd control really needed, blm sleep is a non issue in this game.

People were upset in another thread about the lack of a thief but as it stands combat really doesn't lend itself to support jobs that are purely support. So to me that's why I think endgame is so lackluster all jobs kinda feel the same at endgame you are either tank healer or dps gone are the support or crowd control roll

If thief or ninja has sneak attack / trick attack I'm all over that.
#141 Jun 13 2014 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
LebargeX wrote:
My point was its pointless. If one person effs it up you can't practice the rest of the fight. Out of 50 or so attempts I've been hit 5 out of 10 times maybe when I've felt I shouldn't have been. I've only even made it to the final snakes a few times because people don't get the conflags.

Again. My point is it's pointless. And you're a smug @#%^

That he is. Which is exactly why 'Team Jumprope" is pretty much accurate, even in a practice party, when practicing something with SO ******* MANY instant kill or near instant kill mechanics (get hit with divebombs may as well just die if it targets you as you're knocked around)'s pretty hard to practice past a certain point, as well as the fact if you can't kill conflags chances are you won't burn her down fast enough at the end anywho.

#142 Jun 13 2014 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I hate the numerous instant-kill mechanics in fights that make it nearly impossible to recover.

Yes, the Echo does allow more room for error, but the point of the matter is, one error = group wipe is a pretty poor mechanic for a fight that gates major content behind it to begin with.

Granted, having beaten Twin and seeing how it's like once everyone knows the system, it doe seem easy when you get to evade the catching mistakes that pretty much wipe the group. But even with the Echo, there's not much forgiveness or room for recovery that isn't reliant on the healer being able to raise your dead **** if you slip and get hit by something while keeping the tank alive.

I'd like to see mechanics that punish, not kill. For instance, if you get knocked into the wall you're stunned for 10 seconds rather than killed. Or get hit with a unclearable determination down debuff. Less of the 'ulp, you goofed, you're dead and the raid wipes because of you', more of the. "These mechanics are designed to harass you and make you struggle harder if you're not perfect'.
#143 Jun 13 2014 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Hyrist wrote:
I hate the numerous instant-kill mechanics in fights that make it nearly impossible to recover.

Yes, the Echo does allow more room for error, but the point of the matter is, one error = group wipe is a pretty poor mechanic for a fight that gates major content behind it to begin with.

Granted, having beaten Twin and seeing how it's like once everyone knows the system, it doe seem easy when you get to evade the catching mistakes that pretty much wipe the group. But even with the Echo, there's not much forgiveness or room for recovery that isn't reliant on the healer being able to raise your dead **** if you slip and get hit by something while keeping the tank alive.

I'd like to see mechanics that punish, not kill. For instance, if you get knocked into the wall you're stunned for 10 seconds rather than killed. Or get hit with a unclearable determination down debuff. Less of the 'ulp, you goofed, you're dead and the raid wipes because of you', more of the. "These mechanics are designed to harass you and make you struggle harder if you're not perfect'.

Those kind of mechanics have no excuse being in content designed for the majority of players, but requiring perfection is not always a sign of poor mechanics. SE simply should have given more thought into how the previously top-end content would be made more accessible. The Echo clearly was not an end-all solution.
#144 Jun 13 2014 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
Um there is lots of room for error in t5, I can't remember the last time I beat it with no one dying. If a tank dies just raise him and tank swap, if healer dies just raise no biggie and if dps die really no big deal due to echo, you can recover from everything in t5. The issue is people claim to Know the fight when they really don't. That's why you see people getting hit with dive bombs then trying to run back into the pit where everybody else is instead of waiting for the next dive bomb to go off then go back into the pit. there is not one part of this fight that you can't recover from whether it's a bad Pull at the start a healer goes down a tank goes down or a DPS can't stop getting hit by twisters it's all recoverable if you know the fight and know how to play your job.
#145 Jun 13 2014 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
domice wrote:
you can recover from everything in t5.

Lets get something clear here. I hate it when people make these general statments when living counterexamples happen in my experience each day.

Come talk to me when one person is just /slightly/ off or /slightly/ late on divebomb movements, and gets four people knocked into a wall.

Or when the DPS get a lucky string of crits at the wrong time during second phase and the second neuro-link drops with a tank and healer both in conflag.

Or when the twisters target the tank, offtank, and melee DPS all at once while one of your healers are locked by a dreadknight.

All of these happened, just last night. And that's not including the tactic change from killing the smaller snakes sequentially to all at once due to the fact that we couldn't time the limit break within the second debuff window.

There is a whole lot of things in Twintania that you can't recover from, or will put enough of a strain on your party that it causes a breakdown further down the line. A single DPS lost on the last Divebomb? Suddenly not enough DPS to kill Asclepius before Twin wipes you. Again, happened last night.

Please, please, please try not to make general crass statements that belittle people when they don't fill your preconceptions.
#146 Jun 13 2014 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
domice wrote:
Um there is lots of room for error in t5

Unless the people you're with are absolutely PERFECT, there's no recovering from your tank and 2 healers dying due to people not sticking together for dive bombs for example, since sometimes she just decides:

"You know what, I want that tasty single tank running around."

If by room for error you mean a stray conflag or two blowing up..sure, a dps or two dying early on..sure but there's far too many instant kill mechanics in T5 compared to others in First Coil that...recovering takes something recovering from a near wipe in Moogles in 1.0 by everyone miraculously having raise potions and the one person alive was able to kite every single moogle while people raised and sort of recovered to finish it off with 1 minute left.

That's why you see people getting hit with dive bombs then trying to run back into the pit where everybody else is instead of waiting for the next dive bomb to go off then go back into the pit.

People do this mostly because the leader of the raid USUALLY makes it LOUD AND CLEAR:

"Pack together in the pit for divebombs"

So you can't blame someone listening, especially when most usually leave out: "Oh and if you get hit, don't run back" because they naturally assume no one will get hit and if they do that they'll naturally know to kite along the wall or run to the other pit if they got knocked there.

Knowing the fight is no problem, execution can be screwed up because one or two tiny mistakes or your PC/PS3/PS4 deciding: "Divebomb icon? Silly little girl I don't need to show you the icon above your head!"


#147 Jun 13 2014 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts

Come talk to me when one person is just /slightly/ off or /slightly/ late on divebomb movements, and gets four people knocked into a wall.

If four people are getting knocked into the wall from the pit and not out into the open then they were late to begin with.

Or when the DPS get a lucky string of crits at the wrong time during second phase and the second neuro-link drops with a tank and healer both in conflag.

This should never be a problem ever, with the echo there is no reason for both healer and tank to be in the conflag. Special if you have a pld you will always have a cd (rampart ->foresight->sentinel->rampart->bulwark->foresight again if needed) and with war the extra hp helps a bunch.

Or when the twisters target the tank, offtank, and melee DPS all at once while one of your healers are locked by a dreadknight.

Again this should never be a problem, your tank, ot and melee have no business being crowded on top of each other. You have more then enough space to not run into each other. This just goes to knowing the fight.

All in all the more you know the fight the easier to overcome all issues
#148 Jun 13 2014 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I'm... not getting into that debate.

'knowing the fight' is not nearly the same is having the execution dedicated to muscle memory and there are factors of composition you're not even considering in the slightest.

When you clear a fight on farm, it always seems easier than when you're first learning how to execute it properly. The people who scream 'that's easy, you should never mess up like that' just puts me in the most ill of moods.

Even our own group concedes that once we had the tactics down beyond simply knowing what it could do, but having the clear experience to feel how the fight behaved, that it felt easier once we had the method that worked for us down. But getting to that point? That was hell, and the fight was very unforgiving in that respect. Unnecessarily so for it being something supposedly made more accessible for more casual players.

Edited, Jun 13th 2014 5:53pm by Hyrist
#149 Jun 13 2014 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Hyrist wrote:
I'm... not getting into that debate.

'knowing the fight' is not nearly the same is having the execution dedicated to muscle memory and there are factors of composition you're not even considering in the slightest.

When you clear a fight on farm, it always seems easier than when you're first learning how to execute it properly. The people who scream 'that's easy, you should never mess up like that' just puts me in the most ill of moods.

Even our own group concedes that once we had the tactics down beyond simply knowing what it could do, but having the clear experience to feel how the fight behaved, that it felt easier once we had the method that worked for us down. But getting to that point? That was hell, and the fight was very unforgiving in that respect. Unnecessarily so for it being something supposedly made more accessible for more casual players.

Edited, Jun 13th 2014 5:53pm by Hyrist

No no Hyrist it MUST be YOUR fault that you didn't clear the content months ago making the fact that a 15% bonus gravies it up for you!!! Stop all that dirty RP stuff and go find a static group of people who will dedicate 4 hours a day to clearing content or GTFO!! I mean it must be obvious by now that all the people who can't clear it with ease just have no business being in this game.



Edited, Jun 13th 2014 2:59pm by LebargeX
#150 Jun 13 2014 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
... Remind me... when they come out with the appropriate emote, to roll a character on Ultros and /hug you.
#151 Jun 13 2014 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Smiley: grin


Edited, Jun 13th 2014 6:10pm by LebargeX
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