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Endgame Post from a JP PlayerFollow

#102 Jun 10 2014 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
I think there is a way to incorporate randomness without having back to back Weight of the Land (at least not excessively so).

The way to prevent back-to-back yucky stuff in FFXI is monster TP; so no monster - bosses or regular ones - can just unleash back-to-back nasty stuff unless they are specifically scripted to be so.

It is not possible to do that for FFXIV, but there are alternatives. Basically, makes the probability of having a certain WS to be dependent to the one before it ("Markov Chain"). Say after a Titan plume, the probability of having a plume next to it can forced to zero or be some low probability. So what get scripted are the probabilities of Titan WSs but not the order. It is easy to do in coding.

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 12:00pm by scchan

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 12:00pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#103 Jun 10 2014 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
scchan wrote:
I think there is a way to incorporate randomness without having back to back Weight of the Land (at least not excessively so).

The way to prevent back-to-back yucky stuff in FFXI is monster TP; so no monster - bosses or regular ones - can just unleash back-to-back nasty stuff unless they are specifically scripted to be so.

It is not possible to do that for FFXIV, but there are alternatives. Basically, makes the probability of having a certain WS to be dependent to the one before it ("Markov Chain"). Say after a Titan plume, the probability of having a plume next to it can forced to zero or be some low probability. So what get scripted are the probabilities of Titan WSs but not the order. It is easy to do in coding.

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 12:00pm by scchan

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 12:00pm by scchan

Or give the boss's major attacks a cooldown.

The bonus of doing this, is you could make said cooldown affected by the players' actions. If a boss has two really nasty attacks but they work differently (one, for example, is more punishing/difficult for melee and the other more punishing/difficult for ranged), you could make it so that There's a way for the players to slow the cooldown of Nasty Attack A but not B at the same time. Or they could instead choose to slow Nasty Attack B down but not A. You can't do both, one Or the other. That way you get hit with less As or less Bs but more of the opposite. This gives the group some strategy options for how to fight the boss.

The cooldowns could be affected by hitting a certain body part, interacting with the environment, how adds are dealt with, many ways you could do this. But most importantly, it would add variety to how the bosses are played out.

Now, if we used a cooldown system for boss abilities, then you'd obviously also need some sort of AI that makes the boss choose when to use what. Probably a priority system based upon circumstances. Maybe it prioritizes Nasty Attack A if there are more melee attacking it, but if it can't use A then it is going to use B instead. And its regular attacks could be randomized (but also have cooldowns) and add a priority system so that it knows what to do when two abilities are up at the same time, and give it a global cooldown as well so that it doesn't spam moves back-to-back-to-back at the very beginning of the fight or somecrap.

That way it'd be impossible for Titan to use, say, plumes back to back because the plumes would have cooldowns.

As for the cooldowns... it doesn't necessarily have to be Time. It could be some sort of number that is kept track of server-side. Perhaps Nasty Attacks require the boss to use at least 3 non-Nasty attacks before it is permitted to use the Nasty Attack again. The Non-Nasty attacks would be random (each with their own cooldown). Perhaps non-nasty attacks have a cooldown of 1 (it can't use the same attack back-to-back).

etc etc etc.
#104 Jun 10 2014 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Catwho wrote:
Was thinking of the importance of RNG in FFXI last night. We were fighting one of the Delve surface NMs, the couerl in Kamir Drifts, trying to get a body piece. He's got all the usual coeurl annoyances - a paralyzing move, a silencing move, an extra damage boost - and he has a one-shot mechanic called Mortal something or other. Like Mortal Ray on the taurs, it requires you to be facing the monster for it to land. So it can be dodged, but you have maybe a second to do it.

The RNG factor comes into play when he spams that move four times in a row. One by one, our MNKs got picked off. We ended up zombieing half of one of the fights because everyone was weakened. Just bad luck and bad timing that he used his insta-kill move that many times in a row and our MNKs failed to dodge that many times in a row.

Imagine how much more fun - and hard - Titan would be if he would mix in WotL and Landslides outside of the pre-determined sequence.

This would never fly in ffxiv. the amount of people that can't get past scripted fights and get suck on fights where there are no surprises and very detailed walk throughs would have no chance beating some of theses bosses that could use all their moves when ever they wanted. Lots of people would find it fun but all the people complaining about content walls would forever be stuck. Just think could you imagine a pug trying to dodge twister while someone is marked with fb trying to dodge then group up for a soak
#105 Jun 10 2014 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
It's only fun as long as you can recover from a streak of bad luck or "unintended" effects (undodgeable moves that should have been dodgeable). Otherwise you risk making the encounter dependent on RNG which is when the """"fun"""" goes out of the window. You also limit yourself by design because you have to make sure that the movesets work together in any order. You have to make the moves recoverable so it really doesn't work for the high end contents at all.

Surely, the RNG worked in FFXI because the encounters were (are) a joke in difficulty. I'd much rather see the (low/middle-end) content itself involve RNG since the encounters that would benefit from RNG in ARR would soon become too easy for the RNG to matter.

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 5:25pm by Hyanmen
#106 Jun 10 2014 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Sure it's nice that I'll be able to at least see the Levi fight. Doesn't change my issue with the fights or community though.

And yes anyone could get past randomly scripted fights if the bosses attacks didn't intsantly kill you. Please read your context clues!!
#107 Jun 10 2014 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Theonehio wrote:
As much as people wanna knock FFXI (specially certain ones lol), it's that kind of sh*t that makes encounters fun because you have NO clue what you're in for. Yeah guaranteed wins are nice and all....

I think that's what makes healing more fun in FFXIV. Even though the fights themselves are always the same, you don't always know who's going to ***** up when or how many at once and you have to make a split decision on who gets treated first or if you can risk an AoE cure before getting nuked yourself. You have to take those situations and turn it into the "guaranteed win" everyone expects. Smiley: lol
#108 Jun 10 2014 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
Yes, anyone could get past them when they are made to be easier. The more you know..
#109 Jun 10 2014 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Yeah healing is defintely triage in a lot of fights. I do enjoy being WHM in many cases. But with a competent group it can be straight dull lol.

Also why is more people clearing content bad? I don't understand this need people have to be big king sh*t swinging their epeen on top of pixel mountain. Social gaming should be INclusive not EXclusive.

There is a very vocal group of people shouting that there's a problem. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying there isn't because it's not effecting you doesn't make it magically non existent.

Yes gaming should present a challenge the further along you go. No it shouldn't drive people away because it's punishing people for playing it.

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 11:15am by LebargeX
#110 Jun 10 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Also why is more people clearing content bad? I don't understand this need people have to be big king sh*t swinging their epeen on top of pixel mountain. Social gaming should be INclusive not EXclusive.

Because some people want to feel like a special snowflake; they want something they can use to tout their superiority over the "scrubs".

They can't do that, if the content isn't hard enough to keep a lot of people out. That's when they complain "this game is too EZ!"; they don't want to see those "dirty scrubs" actually clearing content because that's less they can use to feel important or special.

You see this type of behavior in every MMO ever that ever had any challenging game content.

And of course on the flip side of the coin, you got the common joe gamer that just wants to have fun, and doesn't like being locked out of a large chunk of the game's content just because he isn't hardcore enough; a lot of these joe gamers have IRL jobs, variable schedules, a family, etc that limits how much they can play.

Then, of course, the "elite" are going to say "then you don't deserve to see the content if you can't put forth the work to see it".

It just goes back and forth, and the same arguments have been done on nearly any major MMO's forums.

So where's my opinion of this?

I like WoW's version. They give you the same content but several difficulty levels. FFXIV kinda does too, but I haven't seen enough of its endgame to really comment on it, I know they've got different difficulty levels for various stuff, but beyond that I don't know a whole lot about it yet and I don't want to say something wrong.

In WoW, though, you got Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic (they're changing this in the next expansion). All 3 are pretty much the same thing, except for the numbers are tuned higher, and some things were "dumbed-down" in Raid Finder to make it easier for perfect strangers to clear the content with less coordination/teamwork as it is harder for perfect strangers to communicate and coordinate as well as a guild would (especially when you get foreign language speakers in your group which has been happening more these days).

Everybody (well, almost everybody) gets to "see the content", and outside of higher item level gear, nobody gets left out, as the Raid Finder is tuned easy enough that most players should be able to clear it. That way, if an Elite player wants to wave his e-peen around, he can do so with achievements and higher item level gear. Regular Joe can see the locales, the bosses, and the story. Everybody should be happy.

Except, of course, the Elite will still complain that LFR even exists in the first place, but most people know that they're just trolling.

Sorry about the rambling, its just... something that gets brought up everywhere.

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 2:33pm by Lyrailis
#111 Jun 10 2014 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
Hard content should be in the game, but it should not be major gatekeeper of other content. I think it is actually nice that the barrier of access to post-Titan content removed.
I do think it is a design mistake that gear are being made too obsolete too quickly. You will never able to stop the "elitists" rushing to the top (so you might as well just let them to do it), but you can ensure there is some content to entertain the more casual crowd. It is really a shame that most of the dungeon or Crystal Tower gear is made obsolete too quickly, nor should philosophy tombstones be made obsolete so soon. The "elitists" can have their Coil 6+, and casuals can have their Crystal Towers. By making gear obsolete too soon, you are fast-tracking the casuals to the elitists roadblock - not particularly a good idea.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#112 Jun 10 2014 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
LebargeX wrote:
Yeah healing is defintely triage in a lot of fights. I do enjoy being WHM in many cases. But with a competent group it can be straight dull lol.

Also why is more people clearing content bad? I don't understand this need people have to be big king sh*t swinging their epeen on top of pixel mountain. Social gaming should be INclusive not EXclusive.

There is a very vocal group of people shouting that there's a problem. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying there isn't because it's not effecting you doesn't make it magically non existent.

Yes gaming should present a challenge the further along you go. No it shouldn't drive people away because it's punishing people for playing it.

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 11:15am by LebargeX

It's not like people aren't clearing all the content outside very specific encounters that don't amount to much in the big picture of things.

But, obviously people are going to pass the majority of content and be stuck on the specific encounters that require more skill (and ***** about those encounters). Nothing will change about this until no content ever is exclusive, which just means another group of people will shout there's a problem. Some group will ALWAYS shout that there's a problem. Some group will ALWAYS be driven away by the design decisions.

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 6:36pm by Hyanmen
#113 Jun 10 2014 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
I think another thing is that hard content needs to be epic in scale.

The primal fights, even the EX modes, are kind of "meh" since the fights already had some baby modes and you basically just had to agree to stop them again to unlock the fight. Beating Titan EX is a big deal since it's so hard, but what do you get for doing it in game aside from unlocking fights? There's no new cutscene or anything afterward, as far as I know.

Compare that to Dynamis Lord, probably the closest cognate FFXI had to Titan EX. You defeated him to get the final cutscene in the Dynamis storyline, which was an offshoot of the main city storylines. And that final cutscene was humbling and epic in scope, fitting for the six massive battles you had to successfully complete to even have access to it. You learned that Shadow Lord/Dynamis Lord was once a Galka named Raogrimm, and he'd fought a Hume because they both loved a girl named Cornelia. The Hume (forgot his name) was jealous of Raogrimm because Cornelia loved him back. He accidentally stabbed Cornelia while trying to fight Raogrimm. So enraged was Raogrimm that he went Hulk and killed everyone else on the team, then became the king of the beastmen in an effort to destroy the world. Thing is, he was essentially being brainwashed by a chunk of magicite known as the Star of Tavnazia - they all were. By defeating Dynamis Lord, you liberated him from the brainwashing and let him pass to the afterlife to be with Cornelia.
#114 Jun 10 2014 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Also why is more people clearing content bad? I don't understand this need people have to be big king sh*t swinging their epeen on top of pixel mountain. Social gaming should be INclusive not EXclusive.

Because some people want to feel like a special snowflake; they want something they can use to tout their superiority over the "scrubs".

Truth of the matter is:

The more easily and quickly people can blow through content the more likely people are to unsub and maybe later resub when the next patch comes out. This is why as of late they've been giving us content we can't "blow through" in order to keep us busy until the next update. If content is "slowed" down that not everyone can get through, you'll have your subs working on content for a long time compared to your subs eating up your updates within a week.

With current design it becomes increasingly obvious when people get bored or finish the last update's content that lasted longer (the dungeons usually get worn out within a day or two unless you can use em for tomes.)


#115 Jun 10 2014 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
Catwho wrote:
Compare that to Dynamis Lord, probably the closest cognate FFXI had to Titan EX. You defeated him to get the final cutscene in the Dynamis storyline, which was an offshoot of the main city storylines. And that final cutscene was humbling and epic in scope, fitting for the six massive battles you had to successfully complete to even have access to it. You learned that Shadow Lord/Dynamis Lord was once a Galka named Raogrimm, and he'd fought a Hume because they both loved a girl named Cornelia. The Hume (forgot his name) was jealous of Raogrimm because Cornelia loved him back. He accidentally stabbed Cornelia while trying to fight Raogrimm. So enraged was Raogrimm that he went Hulk and killed everyone else on the team, then became the king of the beastmen in an effort to destroy the world. Thing is, he was essentially being brainwashed by a chunk of magicite known as the Star of Tavnazia - they all were. By defeating Dynamis Lord, you liberated him from the brainwashing and let him pass to the afterlife to be with Cornelia.

That sounds like it'd fit Coil3 & Bahamut more than Titan EX... By your description at least.
#116 Jun 10 2014 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Except, of course, the Elite will still complain that LFR even exists in the first place, but most people know that they're just trolling.

Pretty much with ya on everything else you'd posted, but I'd personally lump demanding better gear out of the process as a negative.

"But it's harder.... 'n stuff!" some would say.

Fair, but still generally discounting why people can't/won't partake in the "more difficult" aspects when their individual skill isn't an issue. However, it's pretty much a given that most MMOs these days are gear check after gear check after check. So, lacking alternative routes to the same quality of loot can not only hold people back, but hinder their morale to keep playing.

Coincidentally, the broader content variety and loot options can help slake off a bit of the time sink aspect by giving folks more things to do less often than fewer things to the point of insanity... like myth tome farming for relics. But what do I know, I'm just sick of this "tradition" perpetuating indefinitely because stringing along subs is more important than making the games fun and widely appealing, thus raking in the cash by default.

Evolution <Can I have it?> ;_;
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#117 Jun 10 2014 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
Seriha wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Except, of course, the Elite will still complain that LFR even exists in the first place, but most people know that they're just trolling.

Pretty much with ya on everything else you'd posted, but I'd personally lump demanding better gear out of the process as a negative.

"But it's harder.... 'n stuff!" some would say.

Fair, but still generally discounting why people can't/won't partake in the "more difficult" aspects when their individual skill isn't an issue. However, it's pretty much a given that most MMOs these days are gear check after gear check after check. So, lacking alternative routes to the same quality of loot can not only hold people back, but hinder their morale to keep playing.

Coincidentally, the broader content variety and loot options can help slake off a bit of the time sink aspect by giving folks more things to do less often than fewer things to the point of insanity... like myth tome farming for relics. But what do I know, I'm just sick of this "tradition" perpetuating indefinitely because stringing along subs is more important than making the games fun and widely appealing, thus raking in the cash by default.

Evolution <Can I have it?> ;_;

Game Developers HATE Her!

An FFXIV forum poster discovers a revolutionary NEW MMO endgame solution!

>>>Learn More
#118 Jun 10 2014 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Seriha wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Except, of course, the Elite will still complain that LFR even exists in the first place, but most people know that they're just trolling.

Pretty much with ya on everything else you'd posted, but I'd personally lump demanding better gear out of the process as a negative.

"But it's harder.... 'n stuff!" some would say.

Fair, but still generally discounting why people can't/won't partake in the "more difficult" aspects when their individual skill isn't an issue. However, it's pretty much a given that most MMOs these days are gear check after gear check after check. So, lacking alternative routes to the same quality of loot can not only hold people back, but hinder their morale to keep playing.

Coincidentally, the broader content variety and loot options can help slake off a bit of the time sink aspect by giving folks more things to do less often than fewer things to the point of insanity... like myth tome farming for relics. But what do I know, I'm just sick of this "tradition" perpetuating indefinitely because stringing along subs is more important than making the games fun and widely appealing, thus raking in the cash by default.

Evolution <Can I have it?> ;_;

Well, the Hardcore crowd needs some kind of reward for doing what they do.

I might advocate making a game more accessible to the masses, but even I have to stop and admit that Better Skill should equal Better Rewards.

You could make them aesthetic rewards (WoW kinda does this with some of the Glory achievements, mounts and transmog gear), but that doesn't appeal to everybody. Some people love aesthetics. Others don't care about it at all.

That's why most devs go to the "higher item level" route.

And I do agree that there should be more ways to get gear. The more options you have, the better. Let the awesomely skilled people get their stuff faster if they so desire, I dunno. Maybe the "easy" way is more grindy or something.

Again, it is difficult for me to say much of FFXIV as I'm not to endgame yet, but yet it sounds like only a handful of things give you Myth and Soldiery, and IMO, running Brayflox (I've never seen the HM but I have done the original) over and over and over again does not sound very fun. The first few times, yeah sure. But anything will get old after awhile, no matter how awesomely designed it is. Once you've done the content enough times, you just wanna move on to something different.

That's why I'm staunchly against the use of Pure RNG-based progression (I'm not accusing FFXIV of this, just noting this in the 'repetition' thought as the first thing that popped into my head is Warframe); it is far too unfair to some players, where you get the guy who does it a few times and has what he needs, while the other guy can do it 50+ times and still not have what he needs.
#119 Jun 10 2014 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Seriha wrote:
Evolution <Can I have it?> ;_;

{Please invite me.}

Devs need to seriously look at more ways to keep players interested in their games. It's good to know I'm not alone in thinking that it's beneficial to create events that players want to login and participate in, rather than timegated content(read: pay-wall) that keep them subscribing just so they don't miss out on their weekly dose of whatever item they need to collect to upgrade relic, animus, ect.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#120 Jun 10 2014 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Devs need to seriously look at more ways to keep players interested in their games. It's good to know I'm not alone in thinking that it's beneficial to create events that players want to login and participate in, rather than timegated content(read: pay-wall) that keep them subscribing just so they don't miss out on their weekly dose of whatever item they need to collect to upgrade relic, animus, ect.

Easier said than done, but as I said above, nearly anything will get old after awhile, and a developer cannot reasonably pump out content as fast as people try to consume it. Your average raid tier, or dungeon tier, or whatever only lasts, what, at most a couple weeks without the grind to acquire gear? You can't make a whole dungeon every week to keep the players happy. You just can't do it.

You could add some kind of... I don't know... side-game or something (WoW's pet battles, for example), but some people will get bored of that really quick (and some will outright refuse to do it because it doesn't offer any progression, even though it is sad that people feel that it must be progression to be worthwhile).

People need a carrot on a stick to chase around. There's only so many ways you can keep dangling that carrot in front of their noses and get them to keep chasing it. If you let them catch the carrot, there better be another, better carrot to chase afterwards or they're just going to plunk their butt down on the ground (read: unsub) until a new carrot does show up.

There's PvP, but how many actually do PvP in FFXIV? Probably about as many as there are in XI which is to say almost none (the one time I went to the PvP area to turn in a quest... there was absolutely nobody there, and Final Fantasy in general was never a PvP-heavy franchise in the first place). And even with PvP... there's still that carrot on a stick that people will want to chase.

So... if we're going to change from the time-gated content... what would you propose we do instead? It has to be a carrot for people to chase, but yet there needs to be reason why they don't get the carrot too quickly and unsub. Giving the carrot out in crumbs (Trial of the Magians in XI) doesn't work all that well either; even if the end reward is awesome, it feels crappy if you blow 50 hours on a quest and only get +1 strength or something like that and the NPC is all "Go spend another 50 hours and I might make that +1 strength a +2 strength instead!!"
#121 Jun 10 2014 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Easier said than done, but as I said above, nearly anything will get old after awhile, and a developer cannot reasonably pump out content as fast as people try to consume it. Your average raid tier, or dungeon tier, or whatever only lasts, what, at most a couple weeks without the grind to acquire gear? You can't make a whole dungeon every week to keep the players happy. You just can't do it.

That's kinda the point of progression. You need ilvl x to participate in content x. Spend time in instance 'a' collecting gear to progress to the required ilvl for instance 'b'... so on. You feel like you're making progress and it's only limited to how much of the raid you and your group are capable of completing. There's no "You must cap some currency or item drop every week for 8 weeks to unlock the next level" feeling to it. Being able to say you progressed to a certain boss in a raid is more rewarding than just showing up for your daily handout for the specified amount of days/weeks.

Lyrailis wrote:
Giving the carrot out in crumbs (Trial of the Magians in XI) doesn't work all that well either; even if the end reward is awesome, it feels crappy if you blow 50 hours on a quest and only get +1 strength or something like that and the NPC is all "Go spend another 50 hours and I might make that +1 strength a +2 strength instead!!"

I did nearly all of my trials solo and none of them took anywhere close to that long. The longest trial for me was Apkallu, but that's only because they randomly run off mid-fight and I had no reliable way to kill them before they decided it should take me a few more minutes... to kill them.

The reason why the trials were generally accepted by the players is because it was guaranteed progress. Even if it did take the 50 hours you're suggesting, I would have to multiply that several times over just to cover the amount of time I spent in Dragon's Aery camping just for a chance at claiming a NM. Never mind that our group actually had to claim the mob and then deal with a sub 1% drop rate even upon victory. Now extrapolate that out over all the kings(Mountain, Sky and Sea) and later HNMs that came to ToAU/WotG areas... not even close. Please try again Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 8:07pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#122 Jun 10 2014 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
The reason why the trials were generally accepted by the players is because it was guaranteed progress. Even if it did take the 50 hours you're suggesting, I would have to multiply that several times over just to cover the amount of time I spent in Dragon's Aery camping just for a chance at claiming a NM. Never mind that our group actually had to claim the mob and then deal with a sub 1% drop rate even upon victory. Now extrapolate that out over all the kings(Mountain, Sky and Sea) and later HNMs that came to ToAU areas... not even close. Please try again

Yes, RNG is worse than Trials of the Magian, I'll agree to that too.

And I heard they made ToM easier after awhile. Before they did, though, you could wait days and weeks for the right weather combination.
#123 Jun 10 2014 at 7:12 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
The reason why the trials were generally accepted by the players is because it was guaranteed progress. Even if it did take the 50 hours you're suggesting, I would have to multiply that several times over just to cover the amount of time I spent in Dragon's Aery camping just for a chance at claiming a NM. Never mind that our group actually had to claim the mob and then deal with a sub 1% drop rate even upon victory. Now extrapolate that out over all the kings(Mountain, Sky and Sea) and later HNMs that came to ToAU areas... not even close. Please try again

Yes, RNG is worse than Trials of the Magian, I'll agree to that too.

And I heard they made ToM easier after awhile. Before they did, though, you could wait days and weeks for the right weather combination.

Finding weather was difficult(mostly the combination of that and a specific mob or mob type), but you could still finish the trials on their respective day instead of having to wait on weather. Aside from a few trials where mobs and weather was common, I usually stuck to killing things on their day because it was easier to plan around with tools like the Vana'diel Timer or MithraPride.

The only trials that truly sucked were the relic trials before they were adjusted. Anyone who went through what it took to get relic back then wasn't happy, but I think we all expected it to be time consuming.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#124 Jun 10 2014 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
And I do agree that there should be more ways to get gear. The more options you have, the better. Let the awesomely skilled people get their stuff faster if they so desire, I dunno. Maybe the "easy" way is more grindy or something.

This is more or less it. The rest just involves a spoonful of "Get over it!" for the faux-hardcore (and Hyan) who will inevitably spew their tired lines of welfare, entitlement, and other juvenile insults toward the dirty casuals.

If you're good, you'll get stuff faster. You can gear up more jobs. As jobs increase, so will the minimum time to gear them all if that's your thing. There will still be some element of repetition, sure, but I look at it metaphorically as shifting from eating one big meal a day to 3-4 smaller ones. Granted, you could still only eat the one big meal if that's your thing, but everyone else won't have to.

Overall, crafting and the overworld are sorely underutilized. Housing or even airship building can't and won't sustain the former while the latter can obviously both fuel crafting and churn out other meaningful, repeatable content for solo and low-man alike. We need actual outdoor endgame zones with Things To Do(tm). Expand on chocobo leveling and add other alternative combat companions. Make larger-scale FATEs to not only cut down on congestion against singular objectives, but to potentially influence the related zone(s) and player options as a result (Think something like Campaign and the beastman BCs if the server has its **** together, just obviously not conquest tally locked). Expand the materia system to include ability modifying affixes for all classes. Don't lock **** behind dailies. Who knows, maybe the Hunts will be decent for this, but not everyone thrives on grinding (H)NMs. Relic-esque gear quests for visible armor slots? Could work if you don't kick people in the crotch like with Atmas and tome grinding.

Obviously I'm the enemy of MMO devs everywhere, however, because I dare to tell them to stop doing the same old social engineering **** that just leads to people raid logging, subbing one month out of four in a patch cycle, or just quitting entirely for another game only for it to happen again there. Please look forward to it, guys!
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#125 Jun 10 2014 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
but you could still finish the trials on their respective day instead of having to wait on weather.

After they buffed it, sure. But I'm pretty sure it was "Weather or GTFO" and then some time after I quit, they later made the change "Weather -or- Day".

I remember camping out in Jugner for that GAX one wanting Thunder which happened maybe once a day, if that. And sometimes, the Thunder would show up.......and disappear 10 minutes later. And requiring XP from kills made it even more ridiculous.

Obviously I'm the enemy of MMO devs everywhere, however, because I dare to tell them to stop doing the same old social engineering sh*t that just leads to people raid logging, subbing one month out of four in a patch cycle, or just quitting entirely for another game only for it to happen again there. Please look forward to it, guys!

Surprisingly enough, even though Blizzard basically invented the Daily/Raid thing (or they at least made it (in)famous), they are actually straying away from this, or at least they are giving you alternate ways of bypassing this.

The Timeless Isle is just a taste of some of the stuff they have in mind for WoD -- they want you to get gear from just finding it laying around (yes, this is a thing. You can get actual gear by finding it on random mobs and treasure chests). Everything you kill gives a special currency (quests give more) and you can even buy armor with this stuff too, even weapons.

They mentioned getting gear from sending your Garrison followers out (think: Retainers), they mentioned random world events (sounds like FATEs) rewarding gear sometimes, they mentioned sometimes finding loot boxes that might have gear in them.

Of course Dailies and Raids are going to stay, but it sounds like there's more ways than JUST those to get stuff. Dailies and Raids have their place, but it sucks when that's the only way to progress and Blizz seems to hear that Loud-and-Clear.

Maybe over here in FFXIV they'll take a page from that kind of thing and do something similar over here?

Edited, Jun 10th 2014 11:16pm by Lyrailis
#126 Jun 10 2014 at 9:41 PM Rating: Good
Seriha wrote:
And I do agree that there should be more ways to get gear. The more options you have, the better. Let the awesomely skilled people get their stuff faster if they so desire, I dunno. Maybe the "easy" way is more grindy or something.

This is more or less it. The rest just involves a spoonful of "Get over it!" for the faux-hardcore (and Hyan) who will inevitably spew their tired lines of welfare, entitlement, and other juvenile insults toward the dirty casuals.

If you're good, you'll get stuff faster. You can gear up more jobs. As jobs increase, so will the minimum time to gear them all if that's your thing. There will still be some element of repetition, sure, but I look at it metaphorically as shifting from eating one big meal a day to 3-4 smaller ones. Granted, you could still only eat the one big meal if that's your thing, but everyone else won't have to.

This is why I'm annoyed they strayed from what they had going with Primals, Coil and Myth. All gear was i90, myth took the longest to obtain, but by far the easiest path. Primals depending on groups could be farmed and could provide gear to several jobs. Then you had Coil, depending on luck, could give you multiple items or none, week after week. Turn 5 provided the hardcores with their challenge and rightful loot with i95 weapons and some fancy armor. So overall, everyone was gearing up, but those with the ability to do primals and coil were as you said, gearing up faster and on multiple jobs. How many people were crying about this? None. Sure, probably a few complaining T5 was too hard, but that was it.

To me, it felt like a good balance, and with time, casuals had one or two jobs geared up to start joining some Coil parties. The hardcores had their Allagan weapons, and that was enough to make me go, you lucky #(*$#(*$(#$*(. What the hell would of been the issue with making everything ilvl 100 with maybe T9 offering up some i110 pieces.

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