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Endgame Post from a JP PlayerFollow

#77 Jun 06 2014 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Another thing that would help a lot of people get out of things like that is to


Seriously... don't do that. Here's why you don't do that: When you jump your position isn't read again until you land (and that's assuming the server is polling your position at that point). So if you've bunny hopped out of the death, you have about a 50/50 chance of not getting credit for being out of it and just dying anyway. Whereas if you'd instead just run out of the death, your odds of survival go way up.

IMO, that's more the part of SE to fix, rather than players'.

Yes, okay, we know that Jumping Doesn't work.... but why shouldn't it? Maybe they should fix the engine to be a bit better in hit detection? There were times that I would get hit with cone attacks while standing behind a mob and no, I didn't jump and yes I did cut a 90... actually 180 degree turn.

It was literally "see the enemy casting a cone attack, walk through the enemy, turn 180' so that I'm hitting their back...... WHAM. I get hit with said cone AoE." and I'm like "Whaaat? Bulls***." Any enemy that uses Heartstopper is infamous for this at times. Such a tiny little AoE right in front of them... I've tried flanking them, standing behind them, its 50/50 whether or not the attack actually lands sometimes. And since the game won't actually give you an Honest-to-God Ping Time (we only get that S/R number which...doesn't tell us anything whatsoever), I can't tell if it is lag, or the game's engine derping, or what is going on, but the end result is the same: it is annoying and frustrating at times. Especially when said thing causes you to die.

And if I'm getting hit with Heartstoppers from joe lancer mob, what's going to happen when I try to kill Titan HM/EX/whatever and I'm taking damage from other, much worse stuff when I SHOULD be out of the AoE but the game claims I wasn't?

If they're going to spam insta-death AoE, they need to refine the engine so that it actually works the way it should, with up to 200ms latency. That's like making an FPS game where the guns don't always shoot where your crosshairs are, a game where your shots can be up to 10 degrees off.

Or, you know, Battlefield 4 with its horrible hit detection issues and poor netcode.
#78 Jun 06 2014 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Yes, okay, we know that Jumping Doesn't work.... but why shouldn't it? Maybe they should fix the engine to be a bit better in hit detection?

Oh definitely. But since we know this, it's under our control. I'd love for the game to handle player positioning better than it does, especially with the preponderance of one-hit kill mechanics. But it doesn't.

It was literally "see the enemy casting a cone attack, walk through the enemy, turn 180' so that I'm hitting their back...... WHAM. I get hit with said cone AoE." and I'm like "Whaaat? Bulls***." Any enemy that uses Heartstopper is infamous for this at times. Such a tiny little AoE right in front of them... I've tried flanking them, standing behind them, its 50/50 whether or not the attack actually lands sometimes. And since the game won't actually give you an Honest-to-God Ping Time (we only get that S/R number which...doesn't tell us anything whatsoever), I can't tell if it is lag, or the game's engine derping, or what is going on, but the end result is the same: it is annoying and frustrating at times. Especially when said thing causes you to die.

That sounds like lag to me. The only thing I can suggest here is to react faster to compensate for it. I realize that's not terribly helpful, but you might just be screwed if you can't do that.

The S/R numbers are completely useless. I'm not even sure why they're given to us frankly. They weren't super helpful in FFXI either. I'm not even sure I ever knew what they were supposed to be measuring.. just that R0 meant incoming d/c.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#79 Jun 06 2014 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

That sounds like lag to me. The only thing I can suggest here is to react faster to compensate for it. I realize that's not terribly helpful, but you might just be screwed if you can't do that.

What's making me wonder, though, is that there's pretty much no delay (at least none that is actually noticeable) between the time I hit a button until the time I see my character perform the action. I get pretty much split second responses from using abilities from my hotkey bar, but yet I'm getting hit with stuff like Heartstoppers while standing behind the mob using it? Wut?

If it were lag, shouldn't I be seeing a noticeable delay between hitting, say, 1 and seeing the Fast Blade fire off? One of the reasons why I wish we had an actual Ping display instead of the ever-useless S/R numbers. I mean if I had something in the range of 180-200ms then I could maybe kinda understand, but TBH, in WoW, I get 80ms to California and I live in Pennsylvania, or 40ms to Google. I really shouldn't be having that kind of latency, which is why a part of me thinks it is the engine derping. And for a game that places such huge importance in dodging shapes on the ground, that actually needs to work properly on a reliable basis, especially if they're going to make a lot of those late-game, insta-kills.

Edited, Jun 7th 2014 12:05am by Lyrailis
#80 Jun 06 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
If it were lag, shouldn't I be seeing a noticeable delay between hitting, say, 1 and seeing the Fast Blade fire off?

No. And the word "lag" gets misused a lot which leads to this kind of confusion.

Lag means network latency, as in the time it takes for data packets to go from your computer to SE's server and then back again. In most cases this happens within a few dozen milliseconds, but when you "have lag" or your network connection is moving slower than it should, it can take upwards of half a second to a full second or more for this round trip to happen. We all know what can happen in a second. So when you see Titan winding up to home run you off his platform and you step out of the way, the command for you to move aside has to leave your computer, travel across the network infrastructure of the country, enter SE's server, and be processed before you get credit for not being in the effect anymore. With a normal network connection, you've got plenty of time.. with bad lag, you don't. And it doesn't matter what you see on your own screen. What matters is what the server thinks is going on.

EDIT for clarification:

This is opposed to screen stuttering and framerate loss that happens when your video hardware is overtaxed. Your framerate has absolutely nothing to do with your network connection.

Edited, Jun 6th 2014 11:16pm by Callinon
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#81 Jun 06 2014 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Lag means network latency, as in the time it takes for data packets to go from your computer to SE's server and then back again. In most cases this happens within a few dozen milliseconds, but when you "have lag" or your network connection is moving slower than it should, it can take upwards of half a second to a full second or more for this round trip to happen. We all know what can happen in a second. So when you see Titan winding up to home run you off his platform and you step out of the way, the command for you to move aside has to leave your computer, travel across the network infrastructure of the country, enter SE's server, and be processed before you get credit for not being in the effect anymore. With a normal network connection, you've got plenty of time.. with bad lag, you don't. And it doesn't matter what you see on your own screen. What matters is what the server thinks is going on.

I'm fully aware of the difference between Internet Latency and Frames-Per-Second drops.

The reason why I mentioned the Fast Blade Example, is well... I know that when I *am* having Internet Latency issues, when you hit a button to use an ability (like Fast Blade), it takes longer than usual for the server to receive your request ("I wanna use Fast Blade") and then the server sends you the "Fast Blade was used." code along with what damage you did. If there's enough latency, you should theoretically see a delay between hitting the hotkey and seeing Fast Blade actually happening.

That's what I'm not seeing, though: Fast Blades (and all other abilities like it) are happening as soon as I hit the button. There does not appear to be any delay between me telling the game I want to use the ability and the game receiving data from the server that I attempted (and the result) of using said ability.

But yet, with the AoEs.... I _am_ seeing what appears to be latency. That's what doesn't really make sense. Unless, of course, Ability Use is done Client-Side... but surely they didn't do that, as that opens the game up to a whole 'nuther can of worms that people can potentially exploit. Any other MMO I've ever played, such things are done server-side and you don't see the animation, nor the result, until you get the reply from the server.
#82 Jun 06 2014 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Outgoing and incoming. Communication reacts differently depending on whether it's you sending information or the server requesting it. When you press a button that signal goes first to your PC or console so the graphic is displayed from there. It doesn't need to check with the server to register your swing or cast.

Positioning on the other hand, that's dealt with differently. The server sends a request to your client to get your location and waits for a reply. I think the frequency was roughly 3 times a second. The info has to travel to from them to you and back. So if you're running to get out of something and the servers last check of your position is inside the damage radius of a boss spell or ability, you'll take damage even if you appeared to be outside of it on your own screen.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#83 Jun 06 2014 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Outgoing and incoming. Communication reacts differently depending on whether it's you sending information or the server requesting it. When you press a button that signal goes first to your PC or console so the graphic is displayed from there. It doesn't need to check with the server to register your swing or cast.

FFXIV must do it differently then, other MMOs you don't even see the animation for the ability until you get the response from the server. If you have enough lag, you can actually hit a hotkey and sometimes you might wait 1-2 seconds and THEN the ability animation/sounds/etc are seen/heard only when your computer gets the reply from the server.

Hence, the confusion. And as I said above... it'd be nice if we had something actually useful like a ping number that told us exactly how much latency we have.

Edited, Jun 7th 2014 1:28am by Lyrailis
#84 Jun 07 2014 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Outgoing and incoming. Communication reacts differently depending on whether it's you sending information or the server requesting it. When you press a button that signal goes first to your PC or console so the graphic is displayed from there. It doesn't need to check with the server to register your swing or cast.

FFXIV must do it differently then, other MMOs you don't even see the animation for the ability until you get the response from the server. If you have enough lag, you can actually hit a hotkey and sometimes you might wait 1-2 seconds and THEN the ability animation/sounds/etc are seen/heard only when your computer gets the reply from the server.

Hence, the confusion. And as I said above... it'd be nice if we had something actually useful like a ping number that told us exactly how much latency we have.

Yeah, the timing is a bit loose. If the server checks your position the instant before you start to move, it basically thinks you're standing still until the next check is made. The less latency you have, the more accurate your position on your screen is in comparison to where the server actually thinks you should be.

SE limits themselves a bit doing it this way because it's not as accurate as it could be, but for whatever reason they want that control. I imagine they are trying to make it harder for players to cheat, but I'm still on the fence about whether or not it's worth it.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#85 Jun 07 2014 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Reason jump doesn't work isn't an engine problem. He stated he has no intention on allowing standard Jump to be an evasion tactic in battles.

#86 Jun 07 2014 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Reason jump doesn't work isn't an engine problem. He stated he has no intention on allowing standard Jump to be an evasion tactic in battles.

Yes, but jump should not be preventing you from getting credit for moving, lol.

Jump doesn't make you move faster that I could see (if it does, it is negligible), and no, we shouldn't really be using jumping to avoid things like stomps.

However, if I run and jump just because I feel like it, I shouldn't get hit with an ability while standing outside of its AoE purely because I jumped, either. Jumping should not cancel movement in the server's "eyes". Running 10 feet, or jumping 10 feet should be exactly the same in terms of dodging AoE.
#87 Jun 07 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
For the record, S/R is sending/receiving and is measured in bytes per second. XI and XIV both sip data. This is why, if you are not moving, your "sending" can be 0. My receving is at 2000 bytes in revenent's toll. So, I'm getting data at 2K a second here from the game environment.

But that is just the width of the pipes. It has nothing to do with the latency, the round trip between you and the server. Compare a tractor trailer (cable) and a bicycle (DSL). Both can get a human from point A to point B, but the tractor can haul a bigger payload, just a bit more slowly (and it occasionally stalls if you are on Charter or Comcast.) The bicycle can't haul the big payload, but it is more nimble and can go a bit faster in the short term. Cable ultimately beats it in the long term but a bicycle will never stall out.

Compared to those two, fiber connections are formula one race cars, but few of us have those. Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 7th 2014 1:43pm by Catwho
#88 Jun 09 2014 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
BartelX wrote:
Arcari wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I was going to post this here myself. So now that Titan EX can be skipped altogether if you still can't beat him...does that make people happy? Nashred? Lebarge (if he's still around.) Hyrist? Anyone else I missed?

Patch 2.3 hasn't hit yet, so those battles aren't completely unlocked yet.

Yes yes of course, my apologies for speaking in present tense. But the point still stands...they can just ignore Titan EX altogether until 2.3 hits now.

Edited, Jun 5th 2014 6:25pm by Arcari

Yeah, because that's a solid gameplay decision. Instead of fixing the actual fight, let's just bypass it entirely. Might as well just bypass T5 as well, and heck, Titan HM for relics is a bit of hangup for people, so let's can that too.

I think I'd rather they just make content that isn't so insanely twitch reflex based and unforgiving to anyone but those with a full static, as opposed to just circumventing the entire fights... but maybe that's just me.

Edited, Jun 6th 2014 1:17am by BartelX

Exactly, I dont want to skip things I want good game play..
You know they make these walls so tuff and then nurf them so bad its a joke,,

I forget what fight I was doing last week but I remember thinking to myself how stupidly easy they made this fight.. It was to the point now no one moved, they just burned it down and took the hits. It is like they are making this game for people with no skills not for the casual gamer. It goes from a wall that nearly impossible to the other extreme. i mean really what skill is there just standing and nuking.

Turn 1 now everyone just burns it down... Turn 1 through 3 are just stupidly easy now.. They were never walls but holy crap are they easy now.. Turn one was assume and required good strategy, team play and timing and they didn't abuse the dodging like they do everything else.
I hear turn 4 now with the buff pretty much everyone can get through. Making them this easy this early in the game is a joke...

My only point has always been this game is way to easy so they put in wall to stop people... Then they burn these walls down..
So basically this game is way to easy or way to hard with nothing in the middle.. Turn up the difficulty some and that slows people down and you dont need walls. By end game people should have enough skills to handle something harder.

Also I am sick of the dodge mechanics, its over done and sucks for allot of people since so many suffer with lag in this game.

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 12:15pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#89 Jun 09 2014 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I can understand that specific players view. Let me state what I feel about the game right now:

1) Catch-22 - Yossarian will hate FFXIV: As certain contents in the game is simply getting the mechanics, so practicing the mechanics become essential. If there is decrease of training sessions to learn those "gimmicks" as stated by that Japanese poster, it becomes harder for people to clear them. Some people do got carried because they are lucky with patient or really good players (I play on JP server; you never see selling of wins of fight at all) or they are stuck with little hope to advance (some causal players will simply quit because of frustrating mechanics - as stated in the cited article). The Catch-22 is often need the skill and gear to advance, but the opportunity to get the right skill (no practice or clear unless lucky - which you still need to learn the mechanics which I value just as high as "collecting gear") or right gear are often denied. Many folks simply just do not want to sit with people that don't their jobs properly. I do think Content (Duty) Finder does somehow manage the problem; but, man, some CF/DF queues take a long time to wait and you are at peril with 3 strikes and give up.

2) Space Balls Ludicrous Speed - it is just too fast. 1-3 months to hit level cap on the first class ought to be enough.

3) My company's office HQ flag pole is more flexible (to strong winds) than than FFXIV class/job system: One of the charms of FFXI is that there are jobs that can fill in multiple roles together; while you still get those people "this formation or we are not doing it", but the option of using flexible jobs is always there. Developer cannot and will never be able to contain those "elistists" (as some may prefer to call them), so I think it is even more pointless to create an even more rigid system. I do admit, it may be impossible to create a CF/DF system to work with flexible game role system. In essence, choose your poison - is Duty Finder system more valuable or a flexible job system more valuable?

4) I can't fit a regression model for dungeon level and difficulty: I will concur with the original author that they are far more enjoyable than 50 dungeons. There are no reason whatsoever that level 50 dungeons should ever be EASIER than pre-50 dungeons if our hypothesis is that end game dungeons should be harder than pre-end game dungeons. You know which one I am talking about (silly Goblin tanks and Little Green Men)! I am disappointed that they remove the bugs from the Wall Face (if people still do that wall face); but heck the Wall Face is still easier than that funny Malboro boss in the Vale. I felt really good when I first cleared Qarn!

PS: In fact I think the Wall Face (or the original Amp. Keep as a whole) is a good model and measuring stick of difficulty - some mechanical challenge, but not as insane as Titan. I think other (harder or easier) content difficulty scale should be tuned according to the standard set by the original A Keep.
Edited, Jun 9th 2014 1:39pm by scchan

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 1:48pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#90 Jun 09 2014 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
One option would be to let hybrid classes (if they ever get added) choose what role they want to fill in a DF queue. Say we get a DNC like job, which can either be DPS or healing/support depending on what they feel like doing. Upon choosing a duty, give them the option of picking which role they want to play. Hell, give this ability to anyone. A well geared conjurer can act as a DPS in lower level dungeons without too much trouble. I helped Laverda clear Garuda story mode as a WHM DPS.
#91 Jun 09 2014 at 12:07 PM Rating: Excellent
6,631 posts
Catwho wrote:
One option would be to let hybrid classes (if they ever get added) choose what role they want to fill in a DF queue. Say we get a DNC like job, which can either be DPS or healing/support depending on what they feel like doing. Upon choosing a duty, give them the option of picking which role they want to play. Hell, give this ability to anyone. A well geared conjurer can act as a DPS in lower level dungeons without too much trouble. I helped Laverda clear Garuda story mode as a WHM DPS.

Or even better, they queue all of them together :-). And to be frank, any self-serving (haha) hybrid DPS + tank/healer person who is about to queue will queue as tank/healer role over DPS >_>

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 2:08pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#92 Jun 09 2014 at 1:02 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
scchan wrote:
There are no reason whatsoever that level 50 dungeons should ever be EASIER than pre-50 dungeons if our hypothesis is that end game dungeons should be harder than pre-end game dungeons.

That's a side effect of level 50 progression.

Low level dungeons are all level capped. You can't possibly over level or over gear them by more than X amount. Level 50 dungeons can't have those same limitations though. They have to be doable by new 50 in low level gear so of course they're super easy now when so many people are i90+. There's not much SE can really do about that other than make the new dungeons harder in every patch (which they do), but they can't make them TOO hard otherwise newer players will never be able to get through them.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#93 Jun 09 2014 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
It kind of makes me wonder if they'll cap some of the dungeons at 50 or 55 once they start raising the game's level cap. I could see capping AK at 50, or Brayflox HM at 60.
#94 Jun 09 2014 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Catwho wrote:
It kind of makes me wonder if they'll cap some of the dungeons at 50 or 55 once they start raising the game's level cap. I could see capping AK at 50, or Brayflox HM at 60.

The more traditional route to go when raising the level cap is to just abandon them as relics of the previous expansion, increase item levels to make old endgame starter content irrelevant, and move on with new dungeons.

Given SE's penchant for upgrading things over time though, I suspect a more moderate approach will be taken here. I don't expect any of the dungeons to move beyond level 50 (the point of an expansion is to move on, not to recycle content), but it wouldn't surprise me to see Amdapor Keep: The Revenge in our future somewhere.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#95 Jun 09 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think much of this game's content will ever be made truly irrelevant, at least not permanently. SE has shown in FFXI its ability to put old content to good use. At the very least, older dungeons could also be retuned to be made more difficult for more current iLevels years down the line.
Thayos Redblade
#96 Jun 09 2014 at 2:31 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Arcari wrote:

I was going to post this here myself. So now that Titan EX can be skipped altogether if you still can't beat him...does that make people happy? Nashred? Lebarge (if he's still around.) Hyrist? Anyone else I missed?

(And no, I'm not knocking against anyone, I'm actually quite happy about the above change.)

My personal feelings are mixed. To be completely honest, I have never been happy that the Primals are sequential. I had originally desired that the primal be tackled individually and their difficulty and rewards would be based on their own merits. The fact that I can now go past Titan/Ifrit to secure a Leviathan spear is a welcome one. It will provide an intermission upgrade while I work on my Animus/Novus weapon.

But it does not change my feelings revolving around Titan Ex specifically. I honestly believe to compensate for the lag, the ready time on Titan's attacks should be marginally increased. As a Free Company, Titan is still a brick wall we must conquer at least once on matter of principle - but at least now we can start working on approaching the fight better armed. (Well, those of us who haven't gotten Animus/Novus yet.)

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 4:36pm by Hyrist
#97 Jun 09 2014 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
Karlina wrote:
scchan wrote:
There are no reason whatsoever that level 50 dungeons should ever be EASIER than pre-50 dungeons if our hypothesis is that end game dungeons should be harder than pre-end game dungeons.

That's a side effect of level 50 progression.

Low level dungeons are all level capped. You can't possibly over level or over gear them by more than X amount. Level 50 dungeons can't have those same limitations though. They have to be doable by new 50 in low level gear so of course they're super easy now when so many people are i90+. There's not much SE can really do about that other than make the new dungeons harder in every patch (which they do), but they can't make them TOO hard otherwise newer players will never be able to get through them.

May be there is a need rescale the reward for the end game dungeons? Goblin - hard mode is just a bit too easy; I think it will be fairer if Goblin - hard to be swapped with the lighthouse.(so expert roulette will be lighthouse, coliseum and city ruins).

However, I am still bitter they remove the bugs from the demon wall :P AF and Darklight is good enough for it for AK.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#98 Jun 09 2014 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Arcari wrote:

I was going to post this here myself. So now that Titan EX can be skipped altogether if you still can't beat him...does that make people happy? Nashred? Lebarge (if he's still around.) Hyrist? Anyone else I missed?

(And no, I'm not knocking against anyone, I'm actually quite happy about the above change.)

My personal feelings are mixed. To be completely honest, I have never been happy that the Primals are sequential. I had originally desired that the primal be tackled individually and their difficulty and rewards would be based on their own merits. The fact that I can now go past Titan/Ifrit to secure a Leviathan spear is a welcome one. It will provide an intermission upgrade while I work on my Animus/Novus weapon.

But it does not change my feelings revolving around Titan Ex specifically. I honestly believe to compensate for the lag, the ready time on Titan's attacks should be marginally increased. As a Free Company, Titan is still a brick wall we must conquer at least once on matter of principle - but at least now we can start working on approaching the fight better armed. (Well, those of us who haven't gotten Animus/Novus yet.)

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 4:36pm by Hyrist

I also think Titan attacks should be slowed down a bit, so are the dives in Coil 5 to compensate for slower internet connections. Really, you really do not want people will slower Internet to front running dives and Titan attacks as that creates problems with people with low lag as the front runner is front running too much, and cause the dive or plumes to hit unexpected places.

That said >_> I plead guilty for front running dives and Titan attacks.

PS: I am pretty sure it has been said else where. Make a warning macro for 2nd round of dives, twister and Titan plumes. Not only you are helping your fellow players, you are helping yourself (so that you didn't brain burp and forget about the dives and plumes).

Edited, Jun 9th 2014 5:49pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#99 Jun 10 2014 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
The more I think about it and realized after the first 2 fights the more it's painfully obvious Leviathan is the most scripted fight of the primals thus far.

So hell even a small random element to that fight would do wonders.

#100 Jun 10 2014 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Was thinking of the importance of RNG in FFXI last night. We were fighting one of the Delve surface NMs, the couerl in Kamir Drifts, trying to get a body piece. He's got all the usual coeurl annoyances - a paralyzing move, a silencing move, an extra damage boost - and he has a one-shot mechanic called Mortal something or other. Like Mortal Ray on the taurs, it requires you to be facing the monster for it to land. So it can be dodged, but you have maybe a second to do it.

The RNG factor comes into play when he spams that move four times in a row. One by one, our MNKs got picked off. We ended up zombieing half of one of the fights because everyone was weakened. Just bad luck and bad timing that he used his insta-kill move that many times in a row and our MNKs failed to dodge that many times in a row.

Imagine how much more fun - and hard - Titan would be if he would mix in WotL and Landslides outside of the pre-determined sequence.
#101 Jun 10 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
As much as people wanna knock FFXI (specially certain ones lol), it's that kind of **** that makes encounters fun because you have NO clue what you're in for. Yeah guaranteed wins are nice and all....

But when we originally set out to play RPGs and the like, it was elements like that we wanted in our battles. We want progression but we also want the possibility of getting our asses kicked even IF it's every now and then and not getting our asses kicked because your healer decided to ********** in the corner when WotL spawns and thus we pretty much lost the raid then and there.

Like seriously...that Coeurl is pretty fun and proves why I ******* LOATHE them since FFIX, but at the same time..we need mechanics like that. The Coeurls in XIV just make me weep how far they've fallen. Sure you'll get the ones here and there that CAN actually use their TP moves, but...:\

I think Yoshi used Titan as a example why they won't do random, but hell..WoTL during bomb phase would at least give a sense of danger in that phase beyond: "WHICH SCRUB WILL GET HIT FIRST?!"

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