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Endgame Post from a JP PlayerFollow

#1 Jun 04 2014 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
Pretty fascinating read here. Translated into English.

A lot of the same complaints we hear on this board.

As the saying went from XI, the devs don't listen until the JP speak up.
#2 Jun 04 2014 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
Well, yep, it's a post. Made by a JP player.

Now, if only the contents made sense.
#3 Jun 04 2014 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I don't entirely agree with all the statments made. But a big point - the overuse of punishment mechanics in the game which have little to no recovery, really does wear on the playerbase.

About its hardcore base being bored, I can't speak for them, and I don't think he's really able to as well. I think we need to let Blue Gartr and the like speak for themselves in that regard.

In the end the larger point, that the OP missed, is that he's blaming a singlar feature - the mechanic based fights, as the core of the problems. When the truth is that the fact that the heavily punishing mechanic based fights is pretty much the only feature in endgame progression that's the problem.

I don't got a problem with fights that force the best execution of predictable mechanics to defeat. I do have a problem with that being the only available endgame to do. And, honestly, there's no singular endgame that can appeal to all three of the listed dynamics, in my opinion. That's why endgame needs to be broader.

Edited, Jun 4th 2014 1:15pm by Hyrist
#4 Jun 04 2014 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
But a big point - the overuse of punishment mechanics in the game which have little to no recovery, really does wear on the playerbase.

This is a legit problem in a big way.

If a giant echo buff does absolutely nothing to help players get through a fight (hello, Titan Ex), then you know some of these battles are poorly designed.
Thayos Redblade
#5 Jun 04 2014 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Pretty spot on...

My gripe is things are either way too easy or a wall where very few can get through and it feels like you are just beating your head against that wall.. One person has lag or a lag spike and forget it.. This game relys way to much on dodge mechanics...

I cant believe how easy they made turn 1 through turn 4.. They went from hard to way, way too easy.. It is too early in the games life to make them that easy... Problem is the difficulty was pretty good to start with.. Turn 4 might have been a little on the hard side but was still doable....
You wanted to get people to experience turn 6 on up remove the wall which is turn 5...
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#6 Jun 04 2014 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Thayos wrote:
But a big point - the overuse of punishment mechanics in the game which have little to no recovery, really does wear on the playerbase.

This is a legit problem in a big way.

If a giant echo buff does absolutely nothing to help players get through a fight (hello, Titan Ex), then you know some of these battles are poorly designed.


This is exacerbated by the inability, in any way, to return these players to the battle. It's not so much a one hit kill as a permanent removal from the fight, which is, honestly, just a bloody unfair move to make - even Twintania does not do that.

And it's that 'removed from fight' mechanic that's the absolute worst about Titan.

But the 'we're going to kill you, instantly, if you don't preform exactly this' got much more convoluted ever since this last patch. And we're at the point where it's too much. As stated multiple times, Titan Ex barely benefits from the Echo, in that the fight is quicker and the DPS checks are easier, but that matters nothing if you're down two people, or even just one tank, due to a lagged landslide.
#7 Jun 04 2014 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
One of the things that made fights in XI very difficult was not just the mechanics or gimicks, but also the sheer amount of HP that individual mobs had.

Jailer of Love took even a good group about 30 minutes to wear down. Didn't matter if a couple dozen people got KO'd in the process. We did that fight with 24 people most of the time - 18 in the main alliance, and an external party of six (usually 4-5 BLMs and a RDM and/or BRD).

JoL dropped a BLM earring that remained #1 for the next couple of expansions, and only got knocked to #2 with Abyssea. Also some really nice weapons and a decent WHM earring. He was a huge pain in the *** to get to, and a huge pain in the *** to kill. But at least you could throw more bodies at him and wear him down and probably not lose your pop set, even if you didn't get your drops.

And the AV would pop and slaughter all but the most elite of elite groups. Smiley: sly You got your "hard mode" and your "extreme" all in one massive hour long battle.
#8 Jun 04 2014 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
I really don't mind the one-shot mechanics... it's the latency that presents the issue there. As I've said before, if there isn't a fear of failure then the success isn't as sweet. We've been dealing with one-shot and enrage mechanics for more than a decade now. Why change it all of a sudden?

The poster almost makes it sound like players should adjust their own difficulty by not performing spells or abilities they're supposed to in a timely manner. No likey. Smiley: oyvey
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#9 Jun 04 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
As a hardcore player myself, my FC and I are at the point where there isnt much to do. After doing 6-8 and capping soldiery (which we do in one day usually), theres no reason to log in unless we feel like making some gil or helpig other people out. I find myself logging in to do some dailies for the gil reward and thats about it.

Theres a ton of things for casual players to do and work on, but for the hardcore theres really nothing. My FC practises turn 9 a few times per week but well beat it when we feel like putting in the effort. So many people want to be in a static and do. The new coil turns but once you do then you will be at the same point as we are and see how shallow the end game is.

End games longevity is based on its extreme difficulty instead of having many fights. The faster you beat turn 9, the faster theres nothing to do. This is very related to the vertical progression rather than horizontal. Ffxi built horizontally creating many different actiities to do at endgame. Sky never became obsolete and that was one of the first things end gamers did. If we continue to see vertical progression activities wont add up. Coil 1-5 will be bypassed by simply farming tokens and there will be no reason to do it other than to unlock new turns. This will also cause there to only be the one dungeon to do every week like we have currently.

I do like the game and will stick with it...but here needs to be more reasons to log in. From what i see the casual community seems to be happy and thats fine. But he hardcore needs some love too. I would like a reason to play and log in more than once per week.
#10 Jun 04 2014 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I really don't mind the one-shot mechanics... it's the latency that presents the issue there. As I've said before, if there isn't a fear of failure then the success isn't as sweet. We've been dealing with one-shot and enrage mechanics for more than a decade now. Why change it all of a sudden?

It's the sheer volume of them when it comes to a hyper-linear endgame with gated content. Again, the attempts to ease this content was met with mostly failure due to unfix-able latency issues and an over-reliance of single-shot mechanics to cause difficult.

There are better ways to create fear of failure than "oh, if you don't do exactly this, we're going to off your character." There an be status effect management on both ends, there can be a limited amount of randomness/luck within some of this endgame as well, so long as it's manageable. Instead of just layering more and more scripts of "If you don't do this, dead instantly."

#11 Jun 04 2014 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,313 posts
- A tank with more HP will not die even if he or she cannot use his or her skills perfectly.
- A DPS can meet output checks more easily even without a perfect routine.
- Healing requirement becomes more relaxed.

All this translates to me is, make bosses easier. I don't see why this is a good idea.

Now, if you are able to have some freedom in choosing your party size (maximum of 24 people in 3 parties of 8, for example

Regardless of your feelings about WoW, SE should really take a look at their Flex-Raid system. It's fantastic.

The instanced dungeons (ID) in FFXIV up to lv50 are, for the most part, well received by players as being interesting and fun to play overall.

Are they? I find them to be long and boring.

Basically this kid wants to do away with boss mechanics and let huge groups of over geared people carry weak players that put in less effort so that they don't quit the game, lol. The problem with this game isn't that the bosses have mechanics. Mechanics are fun in most games. The problem is that the boss fights are poorly designed and the mechanics aren't interesting.

Edited, Jun 4th 2014 2:37pm by Transmigration
#12 Jun 04 2014 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I really don't mind the one-shot mechanics... it's the latency that presents the issue there. As I've said before, if there isn't a fear of failure then the success isn't as sweet. We've been dealing with one-shot and enrage mechanics for more than a decade now. Why change it all of a sudden?

It's the sheer volume of them when it comes to a hyper-linear endgame with gated content. Again, the attempts to ease this content was met with mostly failure due to unfix-able latency issues and an over-reliance of single-shot mechanics to cause difficult.

The problem is not something that can't be fixed. It's SE's choice to load everything server-side and their choice as to how frequently positional checks are done. As usual, the wound here is self-inflicted.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#13 Jun 04 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Hyrist wrote:
I don't got a problem with fights that force the best execution of predictable mechanics to defeat. I do have a problem with that being the only available endgame to do. And, honestly, there's no singular endgame that can appeal to all three of the listed dynamics, in my opinion. That's why endgame needs to be broader.

I think it's almost always the case where MMO players take great pains to make fights as straight-line predictable and uneventful as possible. It's a bit bizarre to see this continue in a game where there is no hard-fought "pop item" to make a win high stakes, but i suppose the sin of wasting everyone's time is adequate enough. One only needs to look at the stringent requirements you have to meet to get into a PF to see that it's community that enforces this "no margin for error" mentality and that the only thing standing in its way is the occasional "extreme pit of certain defeat" for the slightest slip-up, accidental or otherwise.
#14 Jun 04 2014 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
As I've said before, if there isn't a fear of failure then the success isn't as sweet.

Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds its certainty.

At this point, I enter Titan EX viewing failure as a certainty. When/if I one day clear Titan EX, I will probably feel relief more than anything.
#15 Jun 04 2014 at 1:10 PM Rating: Excellent
I really don't mind the one-shot mechanics... it's the latency that presents the issue there. As I've said before, if there isn't a fear of failure then the success isn't as sweet. We've been dealing with one-shot and enrage mechanics for more than a decade now. Why change it all of a sudden?

When comparing these kinds of mechanics to what we had in XI, I can think of a few key differences:

1. Insta-kill/remove mechanics in XIV battles happen much more frequently.

2. There's very little chance of recovering from insta-kill mechnics in XIV

3. In XIV, oftentimes seven of eight party members must successfully avoid the insta-kill mechanic.

4. In XIV, there are usually no ways to stop the insta-kill mechanics from happening.

I bolded the last two, because while there were insta-kill mechanics in XI, there were almost always ways for parties to mitigate or stop these mechanics from happening, often involving well-timed stuns, the use of invincible, the use of special items, mob positioning, or sometimes just making sure everyone was topped off before the move happened. Also, proper positioning in XI usually meant that not EVERYONE was in harm's way all the time, hence the value in having frontline and backline jobs.

Obviously, I'm a big fan of ARR, but perhaps the biggest thing that bothers me about the game is how winning the most difficult battles seems to rely less on strategy and more on reacting. In XI, I always enjoyed taking a clump of jobs into a battlefield and figuring out how to make those jobs win. In XIV, there seems to be much less opportunity to be creative in battle.
Thayos Redblade
#16 Jun 04 2014 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
While the community can be relied upon to take any comment or implication to the greatest extremes of hyperbole and segregation, Titan Extreme is fairly cut in dry in how unforgiving it is.

Edited, Jun 4th 2014 4:00pm by Hyrist
#17 Jun 04 2014 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
The article has a bit of a good read, but I can't honestly take someone serious that heralds Sky/Sea/Dynamis era as a pinnacle of endgame design -- that was the most boring era of FFXI. You didn't need to play perfectly, or even mostly decently, because you could bring enough healers to recover from anything.

I don't have a problem with the mechanics style system used in FFXIV. There are, however, good and bad mechanics. Titan's is incredibly punishing (removal from fight), yet while Leviathan also has a removal from fight it's nowhere near as huge of an issue due to the knockback not being so bad and controlling Hysteria is part of the fight.

Turn 7's actually my favorite fight so far and as far as mechanics go yes there are "one-shot" mechanics but it's built around everything being under your control. There isn't a single thing in Turn 7 you don't have control over at all. If you stone someone it's your fault for aiming incorrectly (not paying attention) or their fault for mis-timing Shriek placement (not paying attention). If they die to the floor lighting up (you have close to 15 seconds notice before BOOM) that's their fault alone. There's nothing in the fight that you don't control from phase transitions, to not petrifying people, to add handling. Plus, there's the actual fact that Turn 7 starts off simple and slowly adds the layers of the fight across the phases. You aren't overwhelmed at once and can get acclimated with each new mechanic. It's probably the best overall designed fight they've made so far.

My main problem with the Coils so far? There simply aren't enough fights and they try to cram too much into some of the them. Twintania and Darnus are the two prime culprits, and Twintania isn't anywhere *near* as bad as Darnus. Darnus has you dealing with over seven mechanics right from the get-go and it doesn't let up as the fight goes on. It's as if they brainstormed ideas for two or three bosses and since it's the final boss of this set of turns they just decided to cram it all together.

Some of the older fights of WoW remind me of ways to deal with mistakes without being overly harsh. Instead of a mechanic one-shotting or leaving you near deal make it deal a DoT that starts small/medium and climbs to harsh values at the end. You actually end up taking *more* damage versus an intial burst but it's manageable and recoverable from. A tank getting slammed and someone else derping into a mechanic and being reduced to triple/double digit health is a disaster almost every time.

Plus there's also the fact that for the lower mainstream/casual base there's no in-between. Either you step into Crystal Tower to faceroll everything and deal with trolls.... or you go play in Coil which is equivalent difficulty of endgame heroic raiding content.
#18 Jun 04 2014 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
I honestly don't even know what they could do to make things challenging, yet unpredictable and unscripted. The minute something is online, it suffers. First person shooters, fighting games, all of them when played online have noticeable input delay and lag at some point. FFXI were fights of attrition half the time because all you had was 56k connections and they couldn't be as mechanic heavy.

I know people want less predictability, but I want to say about 98% of the FFXIV population can't even clear scripted mechanics as is. So you throw in randomness into the fold, forget it. I joined a Titan EX party for fun last night and it was PAINFUL, there was maybe 1 other member dodging everything. Everyone else, landslide and plumes smacking them left right and center. There's also the problem that people have NO idea how to play their jobs. We hit 20 or 25% echo buff and we STILL weren't pushing phases any faster. That just shows people have no idea how to maximize their damage or how the hell a rotation works.

Just about every decent group prior to echo were pushing phases with simple gear upgrades. These people are ilvl 100 with weathered gear, have a 20% echo buff and still can't push phases. That being said, you get a good group who know what they're doing, and you die form having pushed the fight too hard. Maybe they need to go back to long drawn out fights from FFXI. Won't be as challenging, can probably recover from deaths, but at least a majority will get through it. I get that the hardcores enjoy defeating stuff that 98% of the population can't complete, but unfortunately, you need everyone enjoying the game for it to sustain itself.

#19 Jun 04 2014 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
3. In XIV, oftentimes seven of eight party members must successfully avoid the insta-kill mechanic.

4. In XIV, there are usually no ways to stop the insta-kill mechanics from happening.

I bolded the last two, because while there were insta-kill mechanics in XI, there were almost always ways for parties to mitigate or stop these mechanics from happening, often involving well-timed stuns, the use of invincible, the use of special items, mob positioning, or sometimes just making sure everyone was topped off before the move happened.

Just out of curiosity, what else would you consider difficult if the 'reactions' were removed from the equation?

As for the bolded, getting the hell out of the way is also a viable option to avoid one-shot mechanics. Press your stun macro or press your movement key to get away safely. There's really no difference.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#20 Jun 04 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
1,339 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Maybe they need to go back to long drawn out fights from FFXI. .

#21 Jun 04 2014 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Hyrist wrote:
About its hardcore base being bored, I can't speak for them, and I don't think he's really able to as well. I think we need to let Blue Gartr and the like speak for themselves in that regard.

While I tend to make some of my grander XIV debates from the perspective of alternative progression for the casual folk or those disenfranchised with the endgame status quo of MMOs, there's also a side of it that would actually be beneficial to the hardcores, as well.

Now, I know you want to feel there's more to this game than chasing carrots, but part of the endgame ennui lies in the fact they're limited on things to chase. The combination of time gating from weekly tomes and coil is a detriment to the hardcores, as it effectively says you will only be gearing up 1-3 classes per major patch cycle, in part if RNG favors you on drops. Now, you've seen my 3 reasons for why people do things in MMOs, yes? #2 is a problem at present: If you do Coil, you can't help anyone else for the rest of the week. This effectively makes any LS or FC above or below 8 people questionable. You're either fishing for PUGs or leaving people out. It can be and is difficult to promote a long term community with this system because all it takes is one shake-up in a static to ruin it for good. Lose your tank at T9? Good luck finding another T9 tank that also needs a group without their own demands, like bringing a friend.

Broadening content depth and loosening the grip on acquisition rates will give everyone, including the hardcores, things to do. Think back to FFXI and the days of Assault. Did you ever see someone shouting for one of the more obscure ones, but you didn't volunteer yourself because you needed to keep your tags for Salvage or Nyzul access due to said tags (and not ******** your static)? This is the same kind of artificial barrier keeping players from helping one another here. Of course, I'm appealing to their sense of greed alongside chivalry. They CAN work hand in hand.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#22 Jun 04 2014 at 2:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Oh I'm all for expanding endgame, But I want it done properly, providing a variance of experience that compliments rather than detracts from one another.

And while I had hoped for more than just Coil to do by now, I am willing to be patient for them to generate a more comprehensive system.

Reading over the notes from the Live letter, I got a bad chill when they mentioned 'spawn conditions' as part of the reasoning behind hunt ratings... By that indication, it looks like we're back to 'contested' mob camps.
#23 Jun 04 2014 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Just out of curiosity, what else would you consider difficult if the 'reactions' were removed from the equation?

I don't think all of the reactions should be removed... but they should be toned down.

The way these battles are now, it's like a 10-minute stress test in which players must remain 100 percent locked in the entire time. It's just too much, and, above all, it's not fun. There's no real strategy involved and no room for improvisation.

You could cut the frequency of insta-kill mechanics by 50 percent (and insert other moves that the party must account for), and you'd still have to dodge enough stuff throughout the fight that the battle would still retain plenty of difficulty. It just wouldn't be OMGWTFGOEFFYOURSELF pointlessly difficult.

I also think there's a lot of merit to what Catwho says about giving bosses more HP. A big reason why the current method of insta-kill mechanics is difficult is that people make mistakes. Even when people know a fight inside and out, they may still make mistakes. You force a fight to go on long enough, and someone will ***** something up, and the party will need to scramble and rebound from that. Back in XI, some of my most memorable battles were with groups that had to overcome mistakes in order to eek out a win by the time the clock expired.

For that matter, SE could maintain a high degree of difficulty and pressure by loosening the insta-kill mechanics, increasing boss HP and clamping down on the time limits for certain content (not dungeons, but for things like coil). Reducing the time limit is a great way to punish parties for mistakes while still giving them the chance to overcome those mistakes.
Thayos Redblade
#24 Jun 04 2014 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
For that matter, SE could maintain a high degree of difficulty and pressure by loosening the insta-kill mechanics, increasing boss HP and clamping down on the time limits for certain content (not dungeons, but for things like coil). Reducing the time limit is a great way to punish parties for mistakes while still giving them the chance to overcome those mistakes.

I don't know that this makes sense. You're saying you'd prefer an enrage mechanic to one-shot mechanics? If you increase the time of the fights and decrease the frequency of certain mechanics, there's more time for those mechanics to activate. It's working against itself.

I really don't think these mechanics would be unforgiving if not for the latency issues. They need to start there first before they consider doing anything else. You can't design an encounter well(with or without one-shots) if you don't have a solid baseline for what average player reaction is.

I would also argue that reactions are about the only form of difficulty you get from most encounters. We're not solving puzzles or answering riddles. Things in ARR happen based on player action(or inaction). It just makes sense that you be rewarded or penalized based on your (in)ability to do that well.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#25 Jun 04 2014 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Oh I'm all for expanding endgame, But I want it done properly, providing a variance of experience that compliments rather than detracts from one another.

And while I had hoped for more than just Coil to do by now, I am willing to be patient for them to generate a more comprehensive system.

Reading over the notes from the Live letter, I got a bad chill when they mentioned 'spawn conditions' as part of the reasoning behind hunt ratings... By that indication, it looks like we're back to 'contested' mob camps.

"Spawn Conditions" exist even to this day in XIV so it would be no different. Certain FATEs are triggered as per spawn conditions, e.g killing all of x in area over a period of time (like the Boar FATE) or some with chain (which are also a spawn condition.)


#26 Jun 04 2014 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
But a big point - the overuse of punishment mechanics in the game which have little to no recovery, really does wear on the playerbase.

This is a legit problem in a big way.

If a giant echo buff does absolutely nothing to help players get through a fight (hello, Titan Ex), then you know some of these battles are poorly designed.

Sometimes the echo buff only makes it worse. Ifrit hm became much harder with echo, since now we actually have to kill the nails instead of lb them.

I wonder what T5 will look like with the 30% echo. The conflagration and fireballs are going to look interesting. Also, I can see the timing in levi ex going all wonky once echo is applied. If we see just a small amount of dps increase, we end up with a sagahin mage hanging out while levi ex is doing his jumps.
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