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FFXIV Online Community seems to be dying?Follow

#27 May 31 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Its not fair to compare the online community from FFXI to FFXIV because of one huge difference between the games: how the devs present it. FFXI devs? Everything was a mystery. You had threads about swapping in CHR for Provoke (which was debated to death even after we had proof CHR did nothing), people trying to get gobbie to drop its bomb, people trying to even figure out how the hell to beat a boss, hell, even trying to figure out HIDDEN effects on gear. Yes, lets not forget how some gear had bloody hidden effects.

FFXIV? Everything is laid out for you and linear. There is little to no mystery. Devs tell you details on patches that us FFXI players were almost frightened by. What's there to talk about? You can make a DF ***** thread, but really, even THAT is routine and the equivalent of yet another Dunes rant thread.

Last killing blow to forums is actually Facebook. People are simple. Why go anywhere else on the internet when you can just go to the one site that even your grandmother may be on?

Like already mentioned, the forums will come alive again by next patch. Then die again to just people who either simply socialize on forums or casual gamers asking questions about "old content". It is what it is.
#28 May 31 2014 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
You guys are forgettng that the reason people stop logging in or playing isnt -entirely- because there's nothing left to do.

It's in a large part due to FFXIV's endgame (and now also dungeons) being so toxic and elitist that it just sucks out all the fun of playing. Rediculous requirements and rules people dont live up to themselves. People being shunned from fights. People being told to only do things one way and not the way they would like to do it (speed running opposed to just doing a dungeon), etc.

All these things just suck the fun out of it for a lot of people. While before, even if something was hard, it was fun to do because people kept trying, cheering each other on, and eventually succeeding. Now it's one wipe, and either people leave, people get kicked, or there's a 2 hour shouting match in town about how much person A sucked because person B couldnt keep him/her alive.

Shh, you keep your common sense out of this!
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#29 Jun 01 2014 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
Theonehio wrote:
General Interest is dying out and people are getting bored (whether you want to admit it or not or remain delusional).


That entire part reminds me years ago when XI was dieing the first time. I like how you immediately assume YOUR RIGHT and everyone else is wrong.

SE did something different with XIV compared to XI and that was offered much more assistance to this game than before. Looking back to XI's posts they contained: People wanting help, people complaining(about all sorts, from elites, little SE help, events, taking forever for simple tasks, moaning about their LS's oh and those who say the game is dead or dieing lulz).

A few posters have already said that this may not be the place to be for the heavy discussions. With the way XIV is made its easy to find something to do and "get on with it" when compared to XI. When your seeking for 4 hours or waiting for the LS gathering Event you tend to go on forums and discuss things (I certainly did).

I never did understand why people don't see the bigger picture instead of assuming the "bored". Since SE released 2.0 the activity of the game has increased (as shown by SE's info as well). BUT its been easier to get on with a lot more and the way SE has been evolving DF has meant the simple things have been easier to accomplish. I my self have cut down my time on this forum and that has nothing to do with "being bored". So I my self am proof of what I say.

I don't feel the need to come on here and join in on the forums and that has nothing to do with this website. The simple fact is I am able to get on XIV and accomplish all my "stuff" with little help and there is plenty for me to get on with. Crafting doesn't require 99999999 gils or me to spend 9999999 hours farming items. I am able to level much easier with fates and DF.

How is the game boring? unless you have accomplished everything.
#30 Jun 01 2014 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Lonix wrote:
That entire part reminds me years ago when XI was dieing the first time. I like how you immediately assume YOUR RIGHT and everyone else is wrong.

Funny thing about this aside stating my something is right?

I never did understand why people don't see the bigger picture instead of assuming the "bored"

The same reason anyone gets bored when playing a game or something. Seeing the bigger picture isn't a good standpoint. If you're bored now you're not supposed to look at it like:

"K I'm bored now but I'll be entertained 6 years from now when SE changes direction of their content design."

How does that work? It's like trying to go into a relationship with someone you don't like stating you'll grow to like them eventually.

Crafting doesn't require 99999999 gils or me to spend 9999999 hours farming items. I am able to level much easier with fates and DF.

I wouldn't want to spend that much fish organs either. Also, ironically, unless you had everything handed to you or did it during 1.x days you did spend quite a lot of time and money on crafting and gathering, especially during ARR which things are naturally more expensive due to the change in value of gil compared to 1.0 Smiley: wink

How is the game boring? unless you have accomplished everything.

Read topics on any community where someone states they're bored. People get bored pretty quickly when content design allows you to get bored. New patch comes out, people (that actually care to progress) do all of the throwaway content within a day or week and all that's left is content that hides behind lockouts? Yeah people will get bored if all they have left to do is:

Farm Tomes..
Farm More Tomes..
Level x if they aren't all 50s
Farm even more Tomes
Craft or Gather if they like that stuff..
Farm yet more Tomes..
(Week later)
Coil 2! CT! (back on gear lockout), Coil! (Back on week lockout), CT 2 (will have a week lockout)
..Back to the usual rotation of Tome farming and so on.

In all reality, that's how general interest (game isn't "brand new" anymore) dies out and people get bored after a patch and waiting on the next patch. This happens in every MMORPG, especially those that obsolete old content fairly quickly which means going back to enjoy content is meaningless when it does nothing for you, hence SE creatin the Roulette system. It wasn't designed to get you more tomes, it was designed to throw you into content no one does anymore to help new players trying to get through said content. If you played since Pre-Launch or even 1.x and did actually progress, you have accomplished basically "everything" and are waiting on every patch for something to do but that doesn't mean that's the only way you'd get bored.

Some people get bored of the Quest Grind style since it's the same type of quests OVER..and OVER...and matter which quest hub you're at, it's the SAME exact quests with different dialog that doesn't even fully fit into the world's story..hell it was even littered in the main story and unless you're the type to truly enjoy the fetch quest/kill x type of quests when you're supposed to be doing a storyline..good for you, but looking at any MMO community, quite a lot hate it because you're thrown out of something interesting and shoved into forced "grinding" for almost no reason lol. It helps you level, sure, but shouldn't that be placed elsewhere and not the main storyline?


#31 Jun 01 2014 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Let's just rehash the reasons to Do Stuff(tm):
1) Personal Progress
2) Help Others Progress
3) Kill Time

In XI's case, a mix of RNG and competition were a big part of what drawn content out for so long... not the content itself being awesome or ungrindy in its own way. The total lack of something even really resembling a token system for endgame-ish gear until Assault was a part of what "enforced" the longevity of things like Sky, Sea, and HNMs. You had to play the linkshell politics, waiting in line for your turn for a given item, putting up with people you might not like, get claims, and then stick around after the fact so you don't just get labeled a loot ***** for getting what you want and suddenly disappearing.

XIV has removed most of that, what with tokens being generally accessible and craft mats generally not being cockblocked between 24 hour pops or worse. The consequence of things not lasting "as long" is a bit of a given here. In turn, longevity needs to be found by encouraging variety in content, a dash of vanity, and actually encouraging folks to play more than one job to its fullest potential. We're lacking on two aspects there, in part due to time gating and an outright lack of not-dungeon endgame. Old hat from me, I know.

Granted, it's not exactly fair to be comparing a minimum of 3 years worth of content (full release of Sea) to a game only creeping up on its first. Hard as I may be on XIV's current stock, I'm more inclined to say its potential is higher than XI's is/was if what's missing is overcome and maintained.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#32 Jun 01 2014 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Seriha wrote:
Let's just rehash the reasons to Do Stuff(tm):
1) Personal Progress
2) Help Others Progress
3) Kill Time

Alright, quick question:

How often did you queue up for Cape Westwind for these 3 reasons? Or The pre 30 dungeons? Or hell, even Darkhold or Aurum Vale when you don't need to level something? If you did, kudos, many did not though hence the advent of the Roulette system.

In XI's case, a mix of RNG and competition were a big part of what drawn content out for so long

You forgot:
-Didn't obsolete gear and said content in every update
-People rotated the content that did exist.

The MAIN reason is SE not making gear obsolete and thus the content itself. In XIV's case, they obsoleted stuff out the gate, so you may say it's not fair, but it doesn't matter when in comparison, every update (major specifically) will obsolete the last with the exception of Relics, even if XIV had 6 years more worth of content than XI did, most would be meaningless compared to the CURRENT patch content and gear.

So you either like or hate that style of system but that's pretty much the 'standard' so in all reality the only reason people bring up XI is because it's another MMO SE created.

#33 Jun 01 2014 at 8:09 PM Rating: Excellent
The MAIN reason is SE not making gear obsolete and thus the content itself. In XIV's case, they obsoleted stuff out the gate, so you may say it's not fair, but it doesn't matter when in comparison, every update (major specifically) will obsolete the last with the exception of Relics, even if XIV had 6 years more worth of content than XI did, most would be meaningless compared to the CURRENT patch content and gear.

This isn't true.

FFXIV had one iLevel update after its first six months, and Yoshi-P has indicated we won't see iLevel updates any more rapidly.

To frame the issue as you did doesn't tell the whole story. In FFXI, some pieces of gear could take YEARS of grinding/politicking to get. In XIV, no gear takes remotely that long to acquire. Also, that "obsolete" gear in XIV becomes the new stepping stone gear for players to gear up to however the current endgame iLevel is currently set. So, the gear actually isn't made obsolete... it's still actually very useful, but in a different way.

Also, having content that goes out of style is also common in MMOs, even in our beloved FFXI. Remember Garrison, Conquests and the ENM system? Obsolete. Remember how when ToAU came out, most players just stopped getting Sky access? Yep, Sky was made obsolete too. Also, most players never even got Sea access... so, really, Sea shouldn't ever even be mentioned in these conversations.

Most people claim FFXI didn't "obsolete" content until Abyssea, but that's just not true. Content had already become obsolete years earlier.

The issue is that FFXIV is a completely different type of game than FFXI. It was deliberately made to not be a soul-sucking second job that requires months and years of grinding in order to get imaginary digital items. The game was made knowing that many of us who played FFXI are older and busier than we used to be, and playing a game shouldn't be so painful. Even the infamous atma grind isn't nearly as painful or inaccessible as much of the endgame content in XI.

Seriha, your post is right on the money (imo), and you have my vote for winning this thread.

Edited, Jun 1st 2014 7:11pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#34 Jun 01 2014 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
-People rotated the content that did exist.

Holy hell, did you just justify content longevity by saying people stopped doing it for a while in favor of other content?

As for:
How often did you queue up for Cape Westwind for these 3 reasons? Or The pre 30 dungeons? Or hell, even Darkhold or Aurum Vale when you don't need to level something? If you did, kudos, many did not though hence the advent of the Roulette system.

The Roulette still encompasses those. Your motivation could solely be personal progress, sure, but since XIV is more liberal with tokens, #2 is also more likely. How many roulette just because they're bored, though? Well, I don't have that answer and you don't, either. Regardless of game, there are times I have done something I normally wouldn't do just because I needed a change of pace or wanted to kill some time. In XI's case, that could've been helping a lowbie with G1 or G2 before they got nerfed. Stuff like that.

-Didn't obsolete gear and said content in every update

And now we step into a category that could be considered both a blessing an a curse. Did you not have a Peacock Charm? Did you enjoy having no comparable neck item until Sandworm came with WotG? Not everyone did. For all the proverbial glitz and glamor XI's itemization gets, let's not pretend there weren't oodles of items that were never sought after and never used beyond getting your name in an AH history. And bluntly, I hated the fact that something I'd gotten years ago was still BiS a lot of the time BECAUSE it hamstrung content potential right out the gate. So, yeah, I will subscribe to the belief that some are letting nostalgia cloud their view of things here. XI didn't put out new and useful items very often. Coincidentally, the current XI is probably closer to XIV in this respect with the whole ilvl system they got going on.

Either way, people chase loot. I'll take the XIV-style item hunt that minimizes drama over XI's excessive RNG, time gating, and player politics. If you're looking for that kind of throwback, by all means, give Wildstar a look, but I'd also say there's a reason some systems have evolved as they have to this day and the best communities aren't formed because they're cut-throat. People try, oh do they ever try, though. Which basically leads to what I first quoted from Koji.

Edit: And just because Thayos slipped in while I was wordsmithing...
Most people claim FFXI didn't "obsolete" content until Abyssea, but that's just not true. Content had already become obsolete years earlier.

Content obsolescence is entirely within the realm of the 3 criteria I mentioned earlier, which basically means its lifespan isn't the same for everyone. I've had people try to argue with me about this before, but in the end, it only leaves me wondering why they might doing content they don't need to do for any good reason.

Edited, Jun 1st 2014 10:39pm by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#35 Jun 01 2014 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
641 posts
Sky will still be useful for movement speed gear for certain jobs that is still invaluable in that game years after it became obselete.
#36 Jun 01 2014 at 11:51 PM Rating: Good
Re: the OP, I personally have fallen off the wagon with XIV. My FC and I were really into the game, beating turns of coil a couple weeks after "first clears" on Ultros.

Then half the group took 3-4 weeks off due to PAX East and some members flying in from outside the country. Since they got back, all 8 of us have *quit* the game. As a side effect, this is the first time I've logged into the XIV ZAM forums, the only XIV forums I frequent, in 2 weeks. 1 member left for another raid group due to us not running anything for over a month, 3 more left due to not wanting to deal with finding a new tank among drama-queen tanks on the server, and the rest of us left due to not wanting to build a new group.

I don't know about other servers, but Ultros does not seem to promote inter-player interaction. Most PF comments include something along the lines of "fail once and kick" and this discourages even semi-experienced players from venturing out beyond their FC. I know of several members of my own FC who won't join a lot of PF stuff for this reason.

I am a DRG who is usually the last standing in most fights (all EX's and through T5), but I won't join groups with "fail = kick" comments because **** happens. I go into a Levi EX fight with 2 BRDs and a SMN, they box me in for 3x whirlpools, I die and get scrutinized. Why would I expect to find a decent Coil static through PF when they have the same comment standards?

I find it's not worth my trouble and I've decided to not log in due to this standard. It's the same reason I quit XI in the midst of the plasm farming BS. People would rather spend 4 hours shouting for a perfect group for one run, rather than dealing with an OK group and getting 3/4 the plasm in 1 hour. The elitism AND stupidity in this game (from skilled and unskilled players) is astounding.
#37 Jun 02 2014 at 2:09 AM Rating: Excellent
I don't know about other servers, but Ultros does not seem to promote inter-player interaction.

This is true. I think the game would be much better off if people could join multiple FCs, or if FC alliances were implemented.
Thayos Redblade
#38 Jun 02 2014 at 4:47 AM Rating: Excellent
863 posts
Thayos wrote:
The MAIN reason is SE not making gear obsolete and thus the content itself. In XIV's case, they obsoleted stuff out the gate, so you may say it's not fair, but it doesn't matter when in comparison, every update (major specifically) will obsolete the last with the exception of Relics, even if XIV had 6 years more worth of content than XI did, most would be meaningless compared to the CURRENT patch content and gear.

This isn't true.

FFXIV had one iLevel update after its first six months, and Yoshi-P has indicated we won't see iLevel updates any more rapidly.

To frame the issue as you did doesn't tell the whole story. In FFXI, some pieces of gear could take YEARS of grinding/politicking to get. In XIV, no gear takes remotely that long to acquire. Also, that "obsolete" gear in XIV becomes the new stepping stone gear for players to gear up to however the current endgame iLevel is currently set. So, the gear actually isn't made obsolete... it's still actually very useful, but in a different way.

Also, having content that goes out of style is also common in MMOs, even in our beloved FFXI. Remember Garrison, Conquests and the ENM system? Obsolete. Remember how when ToAU came out, most players just stopped getting Sky access? Yep, Sky was made obsolete too. Also, most players never even got Sea access... so, really, Sea shouldn't ever even be mentioned in these conversations.

Most people claim FFXI didn't "obsolete" content until Abyssea, but that's just not true. Content had already become obsolete years earlier.
Edited, Jun 1st 2014 7:11pm by Thayos

I can understand it if you like the XIV system better simply because it does not take as much time/politics, but the things you are talking about were not obsolete. I mean you even go so far as to mention garrison and conquest when neither of those were ever considered "endgame", but actually both were good even at the end of the WotG era. At least on my server doing garrison for mannequins was worth quite some gil and conquest was actually still important because it affected travel routes with op warps as well as warp etc scrolls. Again, these were just side content that was relevant even when not all items were useful.

Not all ENM were good, but there were several that were, amongst others Sheep in Antlion Clothing (the one that dropped Hagun), which was again either good for gil or if you actually needed it, which many did since it was arguably the best SAM weapon in the game aside from relic.

I don't remember people skipping sky entirely unless you were in an endgame LS where everyone already had everything up there because like someone mentioned above there were movement speed items that were still good, not to mention a couple of other macro pieces like kitty pants, k. osode etc. I soloed a lot up there for pop items to sell, which sold for quite some gil and fast at that so there was definitely a demand for items up there.

Most people didn't get Sea, but why would that mean it should not be mentioned? Should we just go ahead and say that well most people won't get past t5 in XIV so that should not be mentioned as content in XIV? The gear was never made obsolete and all the content should be mentioned because it was there, just like second coil is in ARR.

I don't agree with you that XI did obsolete gear before Abyssea, for the most part anyway. The reason being partly (not exclusively) gear swapping, a steady level cap which ties into the fact that the differences sometimes were not that big between "a good" and "the new and best" items. Gear was still relevant even when it was not the absolute best, and sometimes "best" just meant "different" depending on situation. I mean, even if what you claim is true (which I obviously don't agree with), it still holds true to a large extent.

Now, again I completely understand why someone would prefer the system XIV has because it requires a lot less time to still have fun and get items, catching up for new players etc. I don't really understand claiming that you don't really obsolete gear in XIV but that in XI you did however. To me it just sounds like trying to defend a system that doesn't need defending. I think it could use some improvement, but why try and claim XIV progression is something it isn't and reverse with XI?

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 6:54am by Belcrono

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 6:56am by Belcrono
#39 Jun 02 2014 at 5:15 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
Thayos wrote:

This is true. I think the game would be much better off if people could join multiple FCs, or if FC alliances were implemented.

That's how we use Linkshells on Siren.
Blogging again!
#40 Jun 02 2014 at 5:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Belcrono wrote:
I don't remember people skipping sky entirely unless you were in an endgame LS where everyone already had everything up there because like someone mentioned above there were movement speed items that were still good, not to mention a couple of other macro pieces like kitty pants, k. osode etc. I soloed a lot up there for pop items to sell, which sold for quite some gil and fast at that so there was definitely a demand for items up there.

Removing the level cap did obsolete some gear, but there were many items that were carried through the cap increase due to magian trials, synergy, ect. Some things got pooped on, but SE did pretty well in keeping many of the items we spent ages trying to collect relevant.

It's hard to compare gear in the two games because of ilvl. For perspective, there were items in XI which you could obtain and equip at a much lower level than you'd expect. Peacock Charm, Ochuido's Kote, Juji Gi... all items that were superior to many alternatives that had higher level requirements. XIV's gear progression is much more static. You can get melds on gear to make it better, but lower level gear is generally worse than higher level gear.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#42 Jun 02 2014 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Thayos wrote:
Also, having content that goes out of style is also common in MMOs, even in our beloved FFXI. Remember Garrison, Conquests and the ENM system? Obsolete. Remember how when ToAU came out, most players just stopped getting Sky access? Yep, Sky was made obsolete too. Also, most players never even got Sea access... so, really, Sea shouldn't ever even be mentioned in these conversations.

Most people claim FFXI didn't "obsolete" content until Abyssea, but that's just not true. Content had already become obsolete years earlier.

This is just completely false. I did sky long after ToAU came out, playing with other players who did sky and competing against other linkshells who did sky. I also farmed sky pop items with a few friends and sold pop items for about 800k a pop fairly quickly, during a time when Haubergeon +1 was selling for roughly the same price (so no, this wasn't during any mass inflation, demand was just that high). With good reason too, because some items were still very good years after they'd come out. I don't think this point is even debatable, some like Byakko's Haidate and Crimson Cuisses remained unmatched for some jobs. Talk about how people didn't do garrison much if you want, but I know first hand that sky was relevant all the way up until 2010.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 12:00pm by Susanoh
#43 Jun 02 2014 at 10:11 AM Rating: Excellent
This is just completely false. I did sky long after ToAU came out, playing with other players who did sky and competing against other linkshells who did sky. I also farmed sky pop items with a few friends and sold pop items for about 800k a pop fairly quickly, during a time when Haubergeon +1 was selling for roughly the same price (so no, this wasn't during any mass inflation, demand was just that high).

A small number of people still did Sky, just like I'm sure a small number of people still run Crystal Tower in XIV.

But, by and large, the content became "obsolete." People abandoned sky for the fast exp in the ToAU areas, and getting Sky access became something that was totally optional, and no longer expected. ToAU offered token systems that allowed easy access to great gear sets and pieces, and that was pretty much the end of Sky being the "go-to" destination for endgame gear.

Most of the people in sky at that point were small groups either farming (as you were) or low-manning NMs.

The vast majority of newer players I came into contact with post ToAU didn't even really know what Sky was, because there was absolutely no reason for them to go there.

Note... I'm not trying to argue that FFXI is better or worse than XIV... but people seem to be taking liberties with comparing the two games, and we should all remember that XI wasn't this unique phenomenon that was immune to all the problems plaguing the entire MMORPG industry. The biggest difference between XIV and XI is that back when we were all playing XI, we didn't really know what we'd gotten ourselves into.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 9:13am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#44 Jun 02 2014 at 10:23 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Thayos wrote:
This is just completely false. I did sky long after ToAU came out, playing with other players who did sky and competing against other linkshells who did sky. I also farmed sky pop items with a few friends and sold pop items for about 800k a pop fairly quickly, during a time when Haubergeon +1 was selling for roughly the same price (so no, this wasn't during any mass inflation, demand was just that high).

A small number of people still did Sky, just like I'm sure a small number of people still run Crystal Tower in XIV.

But, by and large, the content became "obsolete." People abandoned sky for the fast exp in the ToAU areas, and getting Sky access became something that was totally optional, and no longer expected. ToAU offered token systems that allowed easy access to great gear sets and pieces, and that was pretty much the end of Sky being the "go-to" destination for endgame gear.

Most of the people in sky at that point were small groups either farming (as you were) or low-manning NMs.

The vast majority of newer players I came into contact with post ToAU didn't even really know what Sky was, because there was absolutely no reason for them to go there.

There was no reason that they had to go there, because FFXI offered multiple options for end game and players could choose which they wanted to participate in. It also wasn't "expected" that players participate in ZNM. It wasn't "expected" that people participate in assault. All of these events had some nice equipment, all had people participating and getting some rewards, but none were this be all end all content that towered above everything that came before it that everyone must participate in to stay current.

People still doing sky, paying a high price for sky pop items and those who do getting some still pretty nice rewards from the event over 5 years and multiple expansions after its release is not at all what I would call obsolete content by any definition.
#45 Jun 02 2014 at 10:49 AM Rating: Excellent
There was no reason that they had to go there, because FFXI offered multiple options for end game and players could choose which they wanted to participate in.

No, people stopped going to sky because 1) its experience camps were totally made obsolete, and 2) the vast majority of NM drops there were made obsolete.

There was still novelty value in some of those drops, and some people enjoyed the prestige of low-manning groups... but, by and large, most people stopped going to sky (and many new players never even unlocked it).

Also remember that until ToAU came out, the majority of "endgame" in FFXI was spent standing around or killing placeholder mobs in Sky, or running the same handful of Dynamis zones (three-hour runs FTW) over and over and over and over again.

Again, I'm not trying to elevate one game above the other. I played FFXI until just after the launch of ARR. I loved the game. However, it's just wrong to say that XIV makes all content obsolete while XI never did. That's just flawed logic.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 9:52am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#46 Jun 02 2014 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Thayos wrote:
I don't know about other servers, but Ultros does not seem to promote inter-player interaction.

This is true. I think the game would be much better off if people could join multiple FCs, or if FC alliances were implemented.


That serves absolutely no bloody point whatsoever. You want to coordinate with a group of people?

That's what linkshells are for.

Of all the suggestions I've seen about this game allowing someone to be in multiple Free Companies (aka guilds) is perhaps the most pointless and stupid so far.

Thayos wrote:
A small number of people still did Sky, just like I'm sure a small number of people still run Crystal Tower in XIV.

But, by and large, the content became "obsolete." People abandoned sky for the fast exp in the ToAU areas, and getting Sky access became something that was totally optional, and no longer expected

Uh, no it didn't.

Did you even play FFXI?

I'm asking this honestly. Because the FFXI I knew had Byakko's Haidate, Genbu's Shield, Genbu's Kabtuo, Seiryu's Kote, Suzaku's Sune-Ate, Kirin's Osode, and many of those abjurations were still BiS for many situations. Dalmatica for a refresh body outside of WHM ring any bells? Suzaku's Sune-Ate for Bahamut/Tiamat ring any bells? Genbu's Kabuto for MNKs? They were BiS for the intended sets back in the day and some are still damned good augmented. Osode was one of the single best WS pieces a RNG could use pre-Abyssea (and augmented beyond that).

Byakko's Haidate wasn't trumped until AF3+2 on some classes in certain situations. It was still an extremely popular and BiS piece for many WSs and stayed for a lot of people's TP gearsets up through midway in Adoulin. Genbu's Shield was the best offhand casters could use, and when augmented later on during the Abyssea/Voidwatch era allowed the equipping of a 1hander with +cure potency if the shield was augmented. W.Legs are still one of the best pieces for movement speed increase to this day.

So no, they weren't obsolete at all. Sky never even approached the verge of becoming obsolete until Adoulin came out.
#47 Jun 02 2014 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
So no, they weren't obsolete at all. Sky never even approached the verge of becoming obsolete until Adoulin came out.

Which is partially why small numbers of people still low-manned it, for the few pieces that remained relevant and weren't completely dwarfed either by stats or by ease of access.

Did you ever actually go to sky after ToAU launched? It was always empty. Every now and then, I'd go up there and run around for nostalgia's sake. After awhile, "sky linkshells" were about as viable as the "old school leveling" linkshells you'd see advertised every now and then.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 9:56am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#48 Jun 02 2014 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Dalmatica dropped off Adamantoise, not in {sky}.

But yeah, my HNM (Yamato) largely switched over to ToAU for endgame. We ran the gods there. We farmed the snot out of ZNM. We had separate breakout groups for Salvage and Limbus (and Yamato was somewhat partnered with my dynamis shell, NoSephiroth, although they were managed independently and only had some member overlap because everyone else was in Dynacore.) We still occasionally ran {sky}, but only bothered to take the full group in when we had all the god pop sets and we could mow through a few for Kirin sets. We'd only send a small team to farm {sky} and the rest of us would be out farming {sea.} Or Zeni.
#49 Jun 02 2014 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Spending hours upon hours killing trash mobs for an atma drop... BAD!!!!

Spending hours upon hours killing trash mobs for a pop item for an NM that may or may not drop what you want (while having to compete against other linkshell members or wait in line because you don't have enough points)... THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!!

Ah, good times.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 10:12am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#50 Jun 02 2014 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Thayos wrote:
There was no reason that they had to go there, because FFXI offered multiple options for end game and players could choose which they wanted to participate in.

No, people stopped going to sky because 1) its experience camps were totally made obsolete, and 2) the vast majority of NM drops there were made obsolete.

There was still novelty value in some of those drops, and some people enjoyed the prestige of low-manning groups... but, by and large, most people stopped going to sky (and many new players never even unlocked it).

Again, the only reason I'm bringing this up is because people talk about FFXIV as if old content is being made "obsolete," which is somehow different than what happened in XI... when, in fact, there's very little difference, if any, between the two games in this regard.

Well, the people in my linkshells still wanted abjurations for zenith, koenig, crimson equipment, and haidates/osodes well after ToAU release. The people who bought my pop items for 800k wanted something. I seriously doubt they were buying up my pop items for "novelty." The full alliances that I saw farming together and farming sky gods probably wanted some loot there too.

I don't know how much more you could really expect from an event that had come out years before. I'd be willing to guess that at any given time, the majority of end game players were not actively participating in any one particular event. There'd be some who'd show up bi-weekly for dynamis and/or limbus. Some who'd farm sky/sea, some who'd do salvage, or nyzul, or ZNM, camp HNMs or sandworm, einherjar, assaults...or any combination of them. But there was no one event that players should have ever felt compelled to participate in. In a game that has multiple paths to end game content and end game rewards, why would you expect that "most" players would be doing one thing? I'm willing to bet that "most" players never set foot in salvage even when ToAU was the current expansion. I'd guess that "most" players weren't doing limbus at any given time too. If player A does Sky and Einherjar, playber B does Nyzul and ZNM, player C camps HNMs, and player D does Salvage, look what happens? "Most" players are not actually doing any one thing at all? Is that because all the content in the game is obsolete? No, that is utterly ridiculous. It's because these players have options, and they all chose different paths.

That is the difference between FFXI pre-2010 and FFXIV. If you don't like the way FFXI handles end game updates, that's perfectly fine. It's definitely not for everyone. But if you're going to tell me that FFXIV is not different in the way that it makes older content obsolete, I would say that the difference is so large that you could drive a truck through it. All content was scaled to a roughly similar difficulty (some more difficult than others, although it wasn't necessarily newer = more difficult) and most content had some rewards that were considered to be strong pieces, from zilart up until Abyssea. This is the complete opposite of the tiered, vertical progression system used in FFXIV.
#51 Jun 02 2014 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Thayos wrote:
So no, they weren't obsolete at all. Sky never even approached the verge of becoming obsolete until Adoulin came out.

Which is partially why small numbers of people still low-manned it, for the few pieces that remained relevant and weren't completely dwarfed either by stats or by ease of access.

Did you ever actually go to sky after ToAU launched? It was always empty. Every now and then, I'd go up there and run around for nostalgia's sake. After awhile, "sky linkshells" were about as viable as the "old school leveling" linkshells you'd see advertised every now and then.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 9:56am by Thayos

Wow Thayos, there's a lot of misinformation going on here. I can say firsthand, that sky was absolutely NOT obsolete when ToAU came out, nowhere even close. I was in Frenzy, one of the top NA endgame shells on Carbuncle and played through WoTG. Our endgame shell still ran sky on a weekly basis all the way through and often were there during the same times as other large endgame shells. We were constantly gearing up newer players in Osode's and Haidates, and doing it as more than "low man groups". You're correct that the exp camps stopped being used, but incorrect in the rest of your statements.

I think you have your timing way off. During ToAU, sky was still very full of players and there was still plenty of groups (both small and large) farming pop sets, at least on Carbuncle. It wasn't until Abyssea opened that sky became mostly irrelevant. Trust me, I played consistently (and pretty hardcore) up through the end of WoTG. So either you have your timeframe wrong, or your server was just really dead in general...

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 1:31pm by BartelX
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