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FFXIV Online Community seems to be dying?Follow

#1 May 30 2014 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone else noticed that everything FFXIV on the net seems to be growing quite cold and lifeless? Alla is slow compared to the FFXI days thanks to the SE forums stealing most of the game's online presence. I don't like that, but its explainable.

Even the SE forums now seem to be very much dead, by my standard of web activity. I have perused the GD, DoH, DPS, Healer, and Tank forums daily since the game launched - and for all the place being a hive of scum, villainy, whining, and ***-hats it was at least very active. Not so anymore. It seems to be stuck in the "forum death spiral" where you see the same threads (literally the same individual ones) on the main page day after day, with only a handful of new posts keeping them bumped and almost zero original content.

Go a Google search for anything FFXIV related. Try 'FFXIV earn gil crafting' for something real basic. The whole first results page will be stuff from mostly 2013.

Check the other old forums like BG. Their FFXIV sections are 99% dead, full of unmoving 100+ post threads with nothing new posted in weeks or months. Even GFAQs thread list only moves a few slots over the course of a day.

The FFXI forums were active and busy-busy for years upon years. What do you think gives?

Edit: Typo.

Edited, May 30th 2014 2:06pm by DarkswordDX
#2 May 30 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
You're obviously not on the XIV Facebook group. It's a hundred times more active and a thousand times worse than the official forums, in terms of inanity and trolls.

I think it's that newbies to the Internet and online gaming never got the hang of forums as a superior method of communication.
#3 May 30 2014 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
RP community seems to remain fairly active. Event planning is resuming.

Haven't really noticed too much of a dip in the community stuff, but my ear is only close to the ground in a couple sites.

However, hype usually dies down before we start getting into the meat of the next patch.This happened the last two patches before as well.

Did you happen to catch the Second Eppisode of Arcade Arms? They made a Gae Bolg. That was neat.
#4 May 30 2014 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
General Interest is dying out and people are getting bored (whether you want to admit it or not or remain delusional) but that's expected to happen when people are through the most of content they want to clear after a patch and waiting for the next patch.

So it'll pick up when 2.3 hits, then die out while everyone is waiting for 2.4 unless 2.3 is a massive change in direction.

#5 May 30 2014 at 2:09 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Yeah, XIV will not be any different than other MMOs in this regard. General interest will taper off and player participation will drop prior to updates and a surge just as updates are released. The fact that XIV has a subscription fee is detrimental though. If you don't release content fast enough and people are constantly having to unsub/resub, they'll eventually stop going to the trouble.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#6 May 30 2014 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
Avg gamer will easily get bored with this game in a time frame of months...not years. I find it just RETARDED how they have repeating primal battles. I unsubbed seeing a very very "dull" pattern emerging for gameplay/content. Rather be outside doing something better.
#7 May 30 2014 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
You're obviously not on the XIV Facebook group. It's a hundred times more active and a thousand times worse than the official forums, in terms of inanity and trolls.

I think it's that newbies to the Internet and online gaming never got the hang of forums as a superior method of communication.

Ah, I'm not one of the guys who subscribes to the Book of Faces. I'm a bit of a dinosaur-gamer and never had any interest in the social media thing. It seems odd to me, but that's probably part of the reason why I don't understand it.
#8 May 30 2014 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
SplatterPattern wrote:
Avg gamer will easily get bored with this game in a time frame of months...not years. I find it just RETARDED how they have repeating primal battles. I unsubbed seeing a very very "dull" pattern emerging for gameplay/content. Rather be outside doing something better.

They might have the same arena and boss but the fights are vastly different from each other. I think its a smart way to add in extra content instead of making only 1 new fight.

As for the game getting "boring"... I am starting to log in less. Thats my fault i suppose. Almost all of my classes are full 90 making coil and soldiery farming my only means to progress. I log in now to help out FC mates or do some dailies. I always look forward to tuesday night since its my groups coil night.

I do wish they would add more end game things to do for those of us who are that far. With constant vertical progression were only going to have coil to do every week. And im usually capped and finished coil on the same day.

Ffxi (yes i know its been out for years) had a great system with there being many end game things to do. I hope ff14 eventually has that sort of variety.
#9 May 30 2014 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
Same here. I'm 100% hooked on crafting and making gil right now, but the current dungeon and trials crop has gotten quite old at this point. Levi is still pretty fun, but that's about it. I AM very much looking forward to the new CT though! The first CT was so entertaining for the first hundred runs, you can tell SE put their heart into it.
#10 May 30 2014 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
In addition to the shine from the new paint being gone, there have been significant changes in online communities across the MMO genre, too.

Back in the "olden days" (like five to 10 years ago), forums such as ZAM were the places to go for discussion and information. Now, most games launch with official forums, complete with dev trackers, dev interaction, server forums and more. This greatly changes the landscape of online communities for MMOs.

Also, games these days don't require as much talking. They're not as hardcore, and events aren't the logistical nightmares they were just five years ago. Gone are the days of multiple 50-member linkshells for specific endgame events. Endgame just isn't as complicated anymore. There's less reason to talk in game, and even less of a reason to talk out of game.

Also, players are different. Gamers used to settle into an MMO and stay put for years. Now, an increasing number of gamers drift from game to game (many developers have made it easy by creating "no-risk" F2P titles). It's the difference between finding a sense of community in an apartment building vs. a cul-de-sac.

Not to mention that bigger communities implode into black holes for trolling. My personal feeling is there's been a decline in online etiquette over the years, which is really saying something, because it's not as if Internet forums were ever gleaming beacons of humanity to begin with.

Edited, May 30th 2014 3:55pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#11 May 30 2014 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
"My personal feeling is there's been a decline in online etiquette over the years, which is really saying something, because it's not as if Internet forums were ever gleaming beacons of humanity to begin with. "

Aint that the truth. As the internet has gone mainstream it has become accessible, indeed maybe indispensable, to this current generation of largely ignorant, whiny, loud-mouthed entitled youth. I know the old adage that every generation thinks the next one is the end of the world, but man. When I was a kid I'd have had my butt ruined if I acted even half of what is considered the norm for kids today. Online with no oversight and anonymity and they just get even worse.

Its not all of em, to be sure. But I'll eat my Cashmere Hat of Casting if rotten kids don't make up the bulk of their age group today.


I remember when I first discovered the OFs at launch. I distinctly remember feeling a sort of disappointment. Like "people don't even get to make their own support communities anymore, now they just hand everyone a default one to use."

I'm 30 years old this year. I suppose times have been a changin' since I spent whole summers grinding in XI and PSO as a wide-eyed adventurer.

Edited, May 30th 2014 7:21pm by DarkswordDX
#12 May 30 2014 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
Ffxiv was the only FF I've skipped watching cutscenes and boring walls of text. The "story" was just non-existant for me. The CSs were merely watching a NPC jaw japping about somebody needing a "heroic" warrior to kill a random underleveled mob(s). I found myself always waiting for the one epic cutscene spewing with a feel of darkness and pure evil that I never really did get a sense for. I feel FFxiv favors Top Notch Gear without getting any kind of rememberal storyline- which is what FF is known for. To me this game feels like just a race for top gear with nothing to do with it after the fact. Sort of a rinse and repeat with each update... "All dressed up, with nowhere to go" feeling.. Only hope would be an expansion in my eyes.
#13 May 30 2014 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:
When I was a kid I'd have had my butt ruined if I acted even half of what is considered the norm for kids today.

Smiley: eek

Either that's some slang I've never heard of, or a typo... hopefully. Smiley: lol
#14 May 30 2014 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
It just means he'd get his *** kicked, but I can see the.. misinterpretation Smiley: lol
#15 May 30 2014 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Well, some parents really are... unfit. >.>
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#16 May 30 2014 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Lol, I've totally never heard that before, but I almost choked on my dinner when I read it and couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes. Yep, I'm 32.

Edited, May 30th 2014 7:42pm by BartelX
#17 May 30 2014 at 5:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,824 posts
Every MMO I've every played (all 10 of them) they are always threads claiming a game is dying. Most of the time the threads are a couple years too soon. The only reason why I'd even entertain the notion of this game losing steam is if you consider players reaching the typical burnout time early because they've been here since 1.0. That's possible but I still think you're early. If the expansion fails then we can talk.
#18 May 30 2014 at 6:41 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think the game itself is losing steam. Siren server is always busy at about the same rates and times. A little less than at launch, but that's more from the short-timers having moved on. I don't think the servers are having underpopulation issues of any kind, in fact maybe the opposite. The game world is very healthy, IMO.

It just saddens me to see the online forum component of the community being such a graveyard.
#19 May 30 2014 at 8:22 PM Rating: Excellent
To me this game feels like just a race for top gear with nothing to do with it after the fact. Sort of a rinse and repeat with each update... "All dressed up, with nowhere to go" feeling.. Only hope would be an expansion in my eyes.

This, right here, sums up every MMORPG on the market... it's just that most people needed some time to realize it.

Also correct is that an expansion is the ultimate carrot that keeps people interested in leveling jobs and gearing up. If Yoshi-P were to announce today that there would never be an expansion, interest in endgame would largely vanish. However, we all know an expansion is coming. We know there are going to be new areas, new battle systems, new challenges... and we want to be ready.

That's really the essence of MMOs... gearing up for what's around the corner (but can't see yet).
Thayos Redblade
#20 May 30 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Is FF14 dying too? I thought we had a biweekly funeral for 11 back in the the late 2000s...
#21 May 31 2014 at 1:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
There are 9 servers still not accepting new character creation or transfers because they are too full. I think we're still a long way from planning funeral arrangements for FFXIV.
#22 May 31 2014 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
You guys are forgettng that the reason people stop logging in or playing isnt -entirely- because there's nothing left to do.

It's in a large part due to FFXIV's endgame (and now also dungeons) being so toxic and elitist that it just sucks out all the fun of playing. Rediculous requirements and rules people dont live up to themselves. People being shunned from fights. People being told to only do things one way and not the way they would like to do it (speed running opposed to just doing a dungeon), etc.

All these things just suck the fun out of it for a lot of people. While before, even if something was hard, it was fun to do because people kept trying, cheering each other on, and eventually succeeding. Now it's one wipe, and either people leave, people get kicked, or there's a 2 hour shouting match in town about how much person A sucked because person B couldnt keep him/her alive.
#23 May 31 2014 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Xoie wrote:
There are 9 servers still not accepting new character creation or transfers because they are too full. I think we're still a long way from planning funeral arrangements for FFXIV.

The thing you have to remember about this:

1. RMT
2. They state they update the status but they don't immediately open/close even if it says it's open or closed to new characters.
3. How high is the number? Despite it being closed I have YET to hit a Queue since..damn near 2.1, if it's so full you'd think you would constantly hit queues :p


#24 May 31 2014 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Seeming they prioritized upgrading the login servers, that last one isn't even a concern. It took three seperate server upgrades to get the logins where they were.

Also, those windows do open and close quite frequently. On Balmung, there is a window that opens up at the low point of the mornings for log-ins and it's sporadic as to when they were for the times.

RMT is a revolving door, and if they were the primary issue for the login problems, all severs would be having trouble.

If anything, the 'oh no, it's not because the game is popular' counterpoint only has one solid argument, and it wasn't the ones you were giving. It can also explain the lack of log-in queues - There's no Auto-Logout timer. People are just staying on, not so much traffic going through the log-in server. But the more number of people just leaving their characters logged in, can explain the fact that the population doesn't dip enough for people to log in.

But, even with these factors considered, for all the arguing back and forth about the life of the game, remember we are over tipple the expected launch load and growing. If the intended entry number for success was 400k, and we're getting 100k over that in peak consistent logins daily, in a game where people are complaining they only log in once a week!?

No way is this game even remotely in danger. They could survive a significant decline in subscription numbers and still be above their intended success numbers.

That said, it would be smart to keep as many as they can, and to do that, they're going to need a broader game all around. Some redistribution of workload to do so will pay in dividends later on.

Edited, May 31st 2014 11:55am by Hyrist
#25 May 31 2014 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
umm.. guys.

Thread topic is about the online community being dead. The forums and websites et. al.

I don't think anybody believes the game itself is in trouble anymore. We've been over that hump for months now.
#26 May 31 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:
umm.. guys.

Thread topic is about the online community being dead. The forums and websites et. al.

I don't think anybody believes the game itself is in trouble anymore. We've been over that hump for months now.

They go hand in hand, because one affects the other quite a lot of the time. If your community is absolutely ****, it makes it a ton easier to dislike the game or dislike certain direction etc. Likewise if the game is terrible in one area it'll affect how people are and thus furthers the degradation of the online community because they don't care and thus make lives miserable of those who do care.


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