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May the door not hit me on the way out!Follow

#1 May 29 2014 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
I guess nobody remembers or cares, but a few weeks ago I wrote a short rant about
how I was fed up with Atma speed-grinding F.A.T.E.s and how I was going to take a

Well, it turns out this "break" turned into a full-blown bye-bye after all.

So. Why am I writing this? Of course there is the possibility that I just want to spit into
everyone's soup, spoil everybody's fun and do the maximum damage to the game for
the single reason that I am a rage-quitter. As it stands, I just lack the rage for that.

I still believe Yoshi worked a real miracle by turning the game from a big **** pile into
the truly beautiful game ARR was for quite some time. No hard feelings, and lots of
respect from my side.

I have little doubt that technically, I am the longest-standing player of FF XIV on the
whole ZAM network; by pure coincidence, I was in Germany for the first public alpha
presentation at the 2009 (?) Gamescon convention and won one of the first tickets
for a hands-on. This is not to say that my opinion matters one piece of sh*t more than
the opinion of any other John Dude on the internet, but may provide a perspective to
the statement that I followed this game "for a long time". Like, "really long".

During that time I witnessed the change from a (rather innovative but very cumbersome)
charge-based combat system in pre-alpha to a (still innovative but also still somewhat
cumbersome) stamina combat system throughout the first months of 1.X, then to the
(less innovative but arguably convenient) introduction of an auto-attack combat system,
the introduction and subsequent removal of the first iteration of (innovative but horribly
cumbersome) party combo attacks, and finally the introduction of the very fast-paced but
pretty conventional combat system we have now. Which, ironically, to my eyes looks just
like a sped-up version of the very first combat system, just that the original stamina gauge
was replaced with the TP gauge... but hey, that's semantics.

This game has been through a lot, and overall I think Yoshi has mostly taken the right
decisions, compromising where he had to and delivering excellent work where others
would long have given up. Some of the boss fights were the most challenging and fun
party play stuff I played for a long time. This explicitly includes Titax EX, because he is
totally unforgiving and totally LOLstomped us some 40 times, but he also is totally fair.
And he totally is THE MAN.

Congratulations, SE really deserved the money I paid.

During those last months, however, the ugly feeling of having to "work" or "grind", or, in
short, having to "do things I do not really enjoy doing" to attain a certain reward has time
and again marred my desire to simply enjoy the adventure of representing a certain role
in the game's universe. The joy of simply "being" and "doing" has too often been supplanted
by the joy of "being done with it", if you catch my drift.

Perhaps that is simply the curse and the essence of MMOs; that after a time, repetition
has to become a defining element of the whole experience, simply because it is not
possible to come up with something new that pleases players from all strata of competence
fast enough. Hopefully though, this "curse" is just a description of the current status quo,
and some time in the future some developer will have a brilliant idea that circumvents the
whole problem altogether.

As for now, I will thankfully bow my head and walk away. May the door not hit me on the way out!

Who wants my stuff? Just joking. It will all go to my FC bank, although I won't announce my leave.
No need to disturb the harmony. Sooner or later they will simply realize that the member list became
a little shorter, but the number of digits in the FC bank account increased considerably. A lot of
money accumulates during 4 years of playing the auction house, hahaha!

Good bye!

And a special Good bye goes to FilthMcNasty. May your life be full of boobs and ice-cream!

Edited, May 29th 2014 11:11am by Rinsui
#2 May 29 2014 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
So tl; Leviathan or Turn 5 instead of Animus?


#3 May 29 2014 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
This happens with every MMO. Despite the longevity they're not meant to be played 24/7 forever and ever. Take a break, and after things have been updated come back and you'll probably enjoy it again.

Or not.
#4 May 29 2014 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
BrokenFox wrote:
This happens with every MMO. Despite the longevity they're not meant to be played 24/7 forever and ever. Take a break, and after things have been updated come back and you'll probably enjoy it again.

Or not.

This, pretty much. I think the only reason I am not in the same boat is because I made a decision early on to play light and casually, and then got caught up in "make as much money as possible" as my personal goal instead of "get the best gear and do the latest and greatest content."

Enjoy your break, Rinsui, whether it is temporary or permanent!
#5 May 29 2014 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
During those last months, however, the ugly feeling of having to "work" or "grind", or, in
short, having to "do things I do not really enjoy doing" to attain a certain reward has time
and again marred my desire to simply enjoy the adventure of representing a certain role
in the game's universe. The joy of simply "being" and "doing" has too often been supplanted
by the joy of "being done with it", if you catch my drift. "

Seriously? Im supposed to be the "dumbest" person on the boards and even I have the sense to tell you you dont HAVE to get an atma/animus weapon. YOU know that right? its called OPTIONAL.. thats why they have OTHER weapons of the same or high IL to choose from, thus youre not being forced on one path only.

Also working/grinding is part of EVERY mmo.. name one where you didnt have to work or grind? if yo could do everything in a day whats gonna make ppl play for months and keep lining the devs pockets?
#6 May 29 2014 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
This happens with every MMO. Despite the longevity they're not meant to be played 24/7 forever and ever.

They are if theyre good, and have so much different content to choose from that even if you hit the weekly lockout for one or two you have 20 other things to do that would occupy that whole week (or so much that you couldnt even do it all that week that youll have a reason to play everyday and then the next week comes around your reset is gone and you finish where you left off.

Thats the burden with P2P mmos... I feel like if im paying for said game monthly, every moment of my GAMING time should be spent on THAT game and no other (hence why i have a backlog of 30 games and growing lol) otherwise my money is going to waste.. now you can say "then stop paying for a few months and work on other things" But then THAT creates another problem... getting so far behind everyone else youll have to play catchup and itll be harder to get ppl to help you with stuff theyve already done (trying getting ultma hard done or coil turn 3 done now days for example)... thats a reason why I wont go back to FFXI (despite thinking its WAY better than XIV).. I havent played since halloween 2008... Id have 6 years worth of stuff to try to catch up on and stories to finish that Im sure would be impossible to get ppl to help with and even if I COULD Plus leveling all 15 of my original Maat jobs from 75 to 99 and recapping all their merits).... with that many years of being behind I wouldnt catch up for years (if you count all the new content thatll be continually be added while youre in the process of catching up .. thus adding that new content to the catch up list).
#7 May 29 2014 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Rinsui, this is probably one of the most sensible quit/break threads I've seen.

Good for you for taking a step back. Eorzea will still be here if/when you opt to return. I think you're smart, though, for not playing a game that feels too much like work. Although I'm still having fun in game (and don't have enough free time to play as much as I'd like), I also understand that unsubscribing is the ultimate way to get SE to offer more paths for enjoying the game.
Thayos Redblade
#8 May 29 2014 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Well written and I think it sums up pretty concisely the way that many people feel about MMOs these days.

Rinsui wrote:
And a special Good bye goes to FilthMcNasty. May your life be full of boobs and ice-cream!

Don't tell anyone, but I'm lactose intolerant... giggety
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#9 May 29 2014 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts

Don't close the door on it too hard. Give it a glance now and then. The fate phase of this weapon will likely get nerfed as the patches go through, allowing you to catch up. But ideally, I'd say you'd not going to remove the feel of grind out of them. The Zodiac Weapons are designed to be the ones you grind at, while the others are the ones you merely reach that level of difficulty farming to obtain.

It took me 4 weeks to grab the Atma of the Maiden, I had some heavy burnout at that time. So I understand wanting to just cash in the chips and find greener pastures. Here's hoping these are greener for you down the line.

Good luck and good gaming.
#10 May 29 2014 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,500 posts
Best luck in your future endeavors.

We shared the language and the culture, I hope you know I truly respect you as intelligent, analytic person with a strong drive to speak your mind.

I sincerely hope this break is only temporal, because this place will not be the same (at least for me) without your contributions.
"Maybe it means: you're the evil man, and I'm the righteous man, and Mr. Nine-millimeter here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous *** in the Valley of Darkness." - Jules.
FFXIV: Mabel Rand (Gugnir)
FFXI: Kenage, retired.
K&K forever!,
#11 May 29 2014 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
793 posts
Rinsui wrote:
I guess nobody remembers or cares, but a few weeks ago I wrote a short rant about
how I was fed up with Atma speed-grinding F.A.T.E.s and how I was going to take a

Well, it turns out this "break" turned into a full-blown bye-bye after all.

So. Why am I writing this? Of course there is the possibility that I just want to spit into
everyone's soup, spoil everybody's fun and do the maximum damage to the game for
the single reason that I am a rage-quitter. As it stands, I just lack the rage for that.

I still believe Yoshi worked a real miracle by turning the game from a big **** pile into
the truly beautiful game ARR was for quite some time. No hard feelings, and lots of
respect from my side.

I have little doubt that technically, I am the longest-standing player of FF XIV on the
whole ZAM network; by pure coincidence, I was in Germany for the first public alpha
presentation at the 2009 (?) Gamescon convention and won one of the first tickets
for a hands-on. This is not to say that my opinion matters one piece of sh*t more than
the opinion of any other John Dude on the internet, but may provide a perspective to
the statement that I followed this game "for a long time". Like, "really long".

During that time I witnessed the change from a (rather innovative but very cumbersome)
charge-based combat system in pre-alpha to a (still innovative but also still somewhat
cumbersome) stamina combat system throughout the first months of 1.X, then to the
(less innovative but arguably convenient) introduction of an auto-attack combat system,
the introduction and subsequent removal of the first iteration of (innovative but horribly
cumbersome) party combo attacks, and finally the introduction of the very fast-paced but
pretty conventional combat system we have now. Which, ironically, to my eyes looks just
like a sped-up version of the very first combat system, just that the original stamina gauge
was replaced with the TP gauge... but hey, that's semantics.

This game has been through a lot, and overall I think Yoshi has mostly taken the right
decisions, compromising where he had to and delivering excellent work where others
would long have given up. Some of the boss fights were the most challenging and fun
party play stuff I played for a long time. This explicitly includes Titax EX, because he is
totally unforgiving and totally LOLstomped us some 40 times, but he also is totally fair.
And he totally is THE MAN.

Congratulations, SE really deserved the money I paid.

During those last months, however, the ugly feeling of having to "work" or "grind", or, in
short, having to "do things I do not really enjoy doing" to attain a certain reward has time
and again marred my desire to simply enjoy the adventure of representing a certain role
in the game's universe. The joy of simply "being" and "doing" has too often been supplanted
by the joy of "being done with it", if you catch my drift.

Perhaps that is simply the curse and the essence of MMOs; that after a time, repetition
has to become a defining element of the whole experience, simply because it is not
possible to come up with something new that pleases players from all strata of competence
fast enough. Hopefully though, this "curse" is just a description of the current status quo,
and some time in the future some developer will have a brilliant idea that circumvents the
whole problem altogether.

As for now, I will thankfully bow my head and walk away. May the door not hit me on the way out!

Who wants my stuff? Just joking. It will all go to my FC bank, although I won't announce my leave.
No need to disturb the harmony. Sooner or later they will simply realize that the member list became
a little shorter, but the number of digits in the FC bank account increased considerably. A lot of
money accumulates during 4 years of playing the auction house, hahaha!

Good bye!

And a special Good bye goes to FilthMcNasty. May your life be full of boobs and ice-cream!

Edited, May 29th 2014 11:11am by Rinsui

Honestly man, I've followed the game for nearly as long as you and I find myself in the same spot. But here's my approach: instead of grinding for end game stuff, my goal is just to complete the content once then go do something else until new stuff is released. I still love the game, have a lot more free time for it, and am basically not feeling burned out. If you've made up your mind then that's cool, all the best, but if you DO come back... try playing only to do things you enjoy, not that you feel compelled to do. I guarantee you'll be a lot happier off for it.

I might be an onion thief, but I'm still a thief.â„¢

#12 May 30 2014 at 12:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Perhaps that is simply the curse and the essence of MMOs; that after a time, repetition has to become a defining element of the whole experience, simply because it is not possible to come up with something new that pleases players from all strata of competence
fast enough. Hopefully though, this "curse" is just a description of the current status quo, and some time in the future some developer will have a brilliant idea that circumvents the whole problem altogether.

Hm I'd argue that good MMOs manage to please almost all of their audiences.

We're about to enter yet another period where one crowd is given a hefty amount of the content and the other is shafted a little bit. And this cycle continues every 3 months. I hope if and when you return, they've come up with a more balanced schedule for patches.

See you around.

Edited, May 30th 2014 2:19am by HitomeOfBismarck
#13 May 30 2014 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Good luck Rinsui, I accidentally rated this post down when I was trying to rate it up... thanks a lot sh*tty laptop. So sorry about that. But you always seemed like a cool dude, and I hope you come back some day.

I'm on hiatus myself, waiting for the next expansion so I can just dive back in and have tons to do. I think that might be a good approach for you as well, as I really don't think you are DONE with the game, just taking a temporary break. At least, that's the way I see it. Anyways, good luck!
#14 May 30 2014 at 1:18 AM Rating: Excellent
I normally don't rate posts, but I rated this up to offset Bartel's accidental ratedown.
Thayos Redblade
#15 May 30 2014 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Thayos wrote:
I normally don't rate posts, but I rated this up to offset Bartel's accidental ratedown.

So close. If you had just said,

Thayos wrote:
I normally don't rate posts, but when I do, I rate up to offset Bartel's accidental ratedowns.

you'd be the most interesting admin in the world. Smiley: nod
#16 May 30 2014 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
405 posts
Nicely written! I agree with alot of what you wrote.

I had a similar experience after spending a whole Sunday, 11+ hours, farming the same zone with no ATMA, and got pretty pissed about it. I never play like that anymore (I used to in XI), but I became obsessed and just felt compelled to keep going until I got the ATMA, which I actually still haven't from that zone. Up to that point at the release of 2.2, I was logging in every day but enjoying it. I had cleared all the content through 2.1 and had 10 total level 50 jobs. The ATMA thing that Sunday, a few toxic speedruns of Brayflox Hard, and another few days of frustrating Titan Exs and I was on the tipping point of total nerd ragequit freakout. I had to take a step back, take a break and I'm glad I did.

2.2 did add a bit too much "work" and "grind" for my taste, and I probably haven't quit for good, but I'm not going to log in everyday and deal with 100% speed run, go, go, go, don't waste my time, watch the video, know the fight perfectly, 2 strikes and you're gone mentality of endgame. Its too stressful, too annoying, and I'm too old for that. I don't mind the long grind of the Atma/Animus quest, but I just think its better taken in small doses rather than trying to spam 12 Atmas and 13,000 myth as quickly as possible. If it takes me a few months on and off, thats fine.
#17 Jun 02 2014 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
589 posts
Will I won't start a new post since you have said how I've been feeling the last 2 weeks so far. I have started to play another MMO and it seems nice. I dunno if its just the change of pace or how convenient they have made everything in the game to achieve with little play time. I played it years ago and it has a ton of QoL changes since then. O well see y'all later cus you know you never quit Final Fantasy until it quits you.
#18 Jun 02 2014 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
829 posts
What I miss about FFXI is how having jobs at max level actually meant something and hard earned gear didn't become obsolete (until the level cap increase at least). FFXI offered a sense that years of work built up your character. In FFXIV the work temporarily builds up your character until the next big update. Then when the work becomes grindy it's hard to see a point in doing it.
#19 Jun 02 2014 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I think once the level cap increases (probably to 60 if it follows XI's pattern) then getting classes to max level will have meaning again. Getting a class to 50 in XI was actually fairly easy, too. Getting to 60 was rougher. Getting from 60-75 took as much exp as those first 60 levels did, making 60 the real halfway point to 75.
#20 Jun 02 2014 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think leveling up jobs will ever take as much time in ARR as it did in XI.

However, the level cap increase is a chance for new abilities to be added, further defining and/or expanding the abilities of each job. This could end up being the groundwork for more gear paths, which seems to be a big thing that players want.
Thayos Redblade
#21 Jun 03 2014 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
However, the level cap increase is a chance for new abilities to be added, further defining and/or expanding the abilities of each job. This could end up being the groundwork for more gear paths, which seems to be a big thing that players want.

And it will surely lead to running out of available key macros.
#22 Jun 03 2014 at 11:58 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Laverda wrote:
Thayos wrote:
However, the level cap increase is a chance for new abilities to be added, further defining and/or expanding the abilities of each job. This could end up being the groundwork for more gear paths, which seems to be a big thing that players want.

And it will surely lead to running out of available key macros.

Ha ha, yeah. I dread having to add even more abilities to my rotation and action bars.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

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