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what I wish this game had...Follow

#27 May 27 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Hito I've usually agreed with your posts but I'm gonna have to call you out here.

If you have to download special software a portion of your user base CANNOT DOWNLOAD TO THEIR PLATFORM OF CHOICE to play this game right I don't think it's the consumers fault. I also don't think it's the fault of 6 or 7 people who CAN clear the content being constantly wiped by the one or two people who can't....over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

My most recent experience with Titan yesterday has reaffirmed what I've been thinking for some time now. We get in and this guy immediately disconnects. Right after he comes back the group vote kicks him and disbands after our first wipe.

You know what he problem with MMOs is? People. It's people. And I'm tired of them. I hadn't played in a week and that was my first DF experience when I came back. As soon as the 5 minutes was up it didn't matter that the guy was back online just 'f' it boot him and start over.

So maybe you're right. Maybe this content isn't for me. In fact I don't think content where I have to run into you or someone with your attitude will be either.

Edited to change hardware to software srry

Edited, May 27th 2014 9:04am by LebargeX
#28 May 27 2014 at 10:23 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Viertel wrote:
TL;DR if you can't kill it and keep dying, get a VPN...

What great content. You need to get a VPN, and find 7 other people who also have VPNs.

Wouldn't want SE to do something silly like reduce plume radius just a little bit.
#29 May 27 2014 at 10:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Yesterday Duty Roulette sorted me into Titan story mode. With three newbies. No one had any effin clue...

So I put on my Leadership Hat (tm) and took charge. I directed the tank to stand near the edge. I explained how we all run to him when Titan jumps to the healer could AOE cure. I explained how to avoid landslides and plumes with one elegant sentence: "When the ground beneath you starts looking like an acid trip, put on sprint and RUN." I explained that we had to free the person trapped in the gaol before we shattered Titan's heart or else we would all fail.

We won after a couple more practice rounds. I think they'll all be in decent shape for Titan HM later on.

Titan story is your "practice" mode for Titan HM. and Titan HM is your "practice" mode for Titan EX.
#30 May 27 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
yes hitome, I am practicing turn 9. lodestone me my name is commander keys on sargatanas. My achievements are visible to all.

I do think I'm skilled since my group is clearing the content with an ilvl that is under the ideal number. I understand that it is anyone in the groups fault for dying to whatever mechanic. But to fail an entire run because 1 single person made a mistake? If you are able to recover then you deserve to keep going. I'm getting tired of the "not dying" thing. It happens. It happens a lot. It happened in FFXI but in that game death wasn't instantly a wipe. If you were skilled you could recover and still win. Here it's just...bleh. Duty finder parties for anything other than T1-4 (now) and hard mode primals (except titan sometimes) is ridiculous. The "no one can die" way of doing things is whats causing parties to disband/kick/rage/elitist/whatever.

I can tell you right now the problem is almost never me when I'm doing things in the duty finder. I know those fights like the back of my hand at this point. But the instant someone gets hit with a single attack (that can be dodged) they get flamed into oblivion. I don't think that's right.

Dodging things isn't skill. You're given enough time to dodge any mechanic on any fight. But every now and then someone will make a mistake because unlike what this community may think people aren't perfect. I've wiped runs. So have you. It happens. All I'm saying is I would rather see skill come from a player and their ability to play their chosen job and adapt to any situation. Right now theres no room for error at all. With better gear sure some things would get easier. Turn 7 has nothing to do with gear though and wouldn't apply (unless your DPS is just ridiculously slow for some reason).

I would like to point out though that I think coil is tuned nicely and doesn't rely solely on one shot mechanics. Turn 6 the boss gets stacks if the wrong people get eaten, but that just adds more to do for healers and might not cause a wipe. Turn 7 you can petrify people, but that won't necessarily cause a wipe unless too many people get stoned. Turn 8 theres really only the double missle that will one shot you. Most of turn 8 is skill based and is probably why my group finds it the easiest. Turn 9 has a lot of crap in it that will instant kill you and deaths aren't allowed. This turn I think abuses one shots.

TL;DR - I would rather see the game shift from "one shot mechanics" to player skill determining fights. If you can recover a fight and keep going you deserve to have a shot at winning.

Edited, May 27th 2014 1:44pm by Keysofgaruda
#31 May 27 2014 at 12:01 PM Rating: Excellent
One reason fights in XI were recoverable was because smart alliances had a "spare" on hand and could swap in a fresh tank if one died and was weakened. It's kind of cheating, but...

Recovery in Dynamis after a serious error was basically "wipe, let the mobs go back, take a five minute break, redo." Much like how repeated attempts at Titan are, only those don't get a five minute break.

On the other hand, in XI you did not get do-overs of some serious bosses like Dynamis Lord because everyone blew their 2-hours on the first try. Smiley: bah Even today, the 45 minute timer on a Delve ensures that you basically get once real chance at the boss per run. At least with Titan you're not blowing 300,000 gil on each attempt. (We lost to Tojil twice last night. Yes I'm bitter.)
#32 May 27 2014 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
I would rather see the game shift from "one shot mechanics" to player skill determining fights.
Won't ever happen. Cuts into revenue. Substantially cuts into revenue, in fact.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#33 May 27 2014 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
I would rather see the game shift from "one shot mechanics" to player skill determining fights.

I'm also not a big fan of one-shot mechanics, which is why I still haven't tried Titan EX.
Thayos Redblade
#34 May 27 2014 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
It's how I eventually got past Titan HM (that, and just letting myself get hit by rock bombs as healer's privilege.)

Seriously. It's far better to hug one bomb and eat the damage than risk getting killed by 2 or being shoved off the ledge when you can't reach your intended safe zone. They don't teach you that in Perfection School. Smiley: lol
#35 May 27 2014 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Xoie wrote:
Catwho wrote:
It's how I eventually got past Titan HM (that, and just letting myself get hit by rock bombs as healer's privilege.)

Seriously. It's far better to hug one bomb and eat the damage than risk getting killed by 2 or being shoved off the ledge when you can't reach your intended safe zone. They don't teach you that in Perfection School. Smiley: lol

If you're a tank, this is probably expected and the healers are ready to heal you. If you're a healer, you just have to worry about healing yourself back up as well as getting the tank topped off. But if you're a DPS, you'd better hope that healers get you healed back fast.

The only time in Titan EX this should even be an issue is the Wheel pattern bombs during the heart phase. Titan follows this up with 5 way landslide and then stomps. The landslide is hitting as the first bomb starts to go off. So that means stomps are going to be on the way shortly after all the bombs have exploded. The healers may already be preparing AoE heals, but they may be counting on the DPS not already being near the brink of death already when the stomps come.
#36 May 27 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Xoie wrote:
Catwho wrote:
It's how I eventually got past Titan HM (that, and just letting myself get hit by rock bombs as healer's privilege.)

Seriously. It's far better to hug one bomb and eat the damage than risk getting killed by 2 or being shoved off the ledge when you can't reach your intended safe zone. They don't teach you that in Perfection School. Smiley: lol

You can also get people in Titan Story through it by telling them to run towards Titan instead of just sideways. Lag or not, even if they take the hit they won't fall off the platform.

And like Catwho, I've walked groups through Titan Story, although I was a little more terse:

"Avoid Landslide. Kill the Heart. Break the Gaols."

Edited, May 27th 2014 4:35pm by Laverda
#37 May 28 2014 at 2:26 AM Rating: Default
Dodging things isn't skill. You're given enough time to dodge any mechanic on any fight. But every now and then someone will make a mistake because unlike what this community may think people aren't perfect. I've wiped runs. So have you. It happens. All I'm saying is I would rather see skill come from a player and their ability to play their chosen job and adapt to any situation. Right now theres no room for error at all. With better gear sure some things would get easier. Turn 7 has nothing to do with gear though and wouldn't apply (unless your DPS is just ridiculously slow for some reason).

Skilled people can execute the fight perfectly on a constant basis. To say that dodging isn't skill is an insult to those who do not fail at dodging. Every now and then someone will make a mistake because they lack the skill to execute the dodge in a reasonable time consistently. It is the essence of being skilled in a nutshell.

The moment you allow for mistakes to happen, the encounter no longer requires as much skill as before. Your complaint only comes down to wanting the encounters to be made easier for the less skilled players. That's OK and all, but to pretend the skill ceiling would not go down as the result is absurd.
#38 May 28 2014 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Keysofgaruda wrote:
I would rather see the game shift from "one shot mechanics" to player skill determining fights.
Won't ever happen. Cuts into revenue. Substantially cuts into revenue, in fact.

All the revenue I have says that the very same people who are against "one-shot mechanics" would turn around and lobby for experience point death penalties Smiley: sly

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#39 May 28 2014 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Skilled people can execute the fight perfectly on a constant basis.

Requiring skill is one thing. Requiring perfection is another. It's sadistic to require players to be perfect, especially when their ability to execute perfectly can be impacted by imperfect server implementations and imperfect ISPs.
#40 May 28 2014 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Holy elitism Batman! Now, I'm not currently playing (waiting for next expansion so I'll have oodles of content), but when I was I ran into the same issues over trying to get past the stupid walls they put up to gate players (Titan HM for relic, T5, etc). I probably did Titan HM over 100 times to get my win. And sorry, but as a tank, there is very little I can do to lose the fight, other than being a dope and getting double bombed by standing in the wrong spot... which happened all of once, or not using mitigation abilities before table flip. Yet I still had to wade through attempt after attempt with players that were either learning the moves, had connection issues, or a combination of both. It wasn't fun, it was a freaking chore, and a huge part of the reason why I stopped playing the game. It had nothing to do with my skill level, and those of you calling players out for just not being skilled enough are just being arrogant. Not everyone has an 8-man static to get sh*t done, but that doesn't mean they should be forced out of content or be constantly bashing their head against the wall.

They ask for perfection just to beat content for a game that's only re-launched less than a year ago. They ask for NEAR perfection for content to simply progress. And almost all of it is done through twitchy dodge mechanics. It gets old fast, and the people who simply say "you aren't good enough, buy a VSP, use addons that PS players can't even access" are the problem. You guys just act like elitist jerks, and it's totally uncalled for.

I'm all for a challenge... but when the challenge is just repeatedly running around in a set pattern 100 times until you can find a group that doesn't fail, it loses its luster fast. When I come back to play, I probably won't even attempt any of that stuff and just stick to the fun stuff for me like crafting, hunts, dungeons, etc, because even though I love a good challenge, I'm not a *********.
#41 May 28 2014 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
svlyons wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Skilled people can execute the fight perfectly on a constant basis.

Requiring skill is one thing. Requiring perfection is another. It's sadistic to require players to be perfect, especially when their ability to execute perfectly can be impacted by imperfect server implementations and imperfect ISPs.

Executing something perfectly consistently is a matter of skill. The game only requires that much skill in a handful of fights, designed for those players who have the skill it takes.

It is understandable, however, that when someone doesn't have what it takes he would rather blame something other than himself for his shortcomings.

If you don't want to rely on other party members AND be challenged by the content then you should probably not be playing an MMORPG. Either the content is not challenging which makes one less affected by bad party members' performance or the content is challenging which makes one more affected by their party member's performance.

Edited, May 28th 2014 6:41pm by Hyanmen
#42 May 28 2014 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Executing something perfectly consistently is a matter of skill.
Executing something perfectly consistently is a matter of practicing correctly. Executing something perfectly instantly is a matter of skill. Skill is the ability to pick up something with less practice than average.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#43 May 28 2014 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Executing something perfectly consistently is a matter of skill. The game only requires that much skill in a handful of fights, designed for those players who have the skill it takes.

It is understandable, however, that when someone doesn't have what it takes he would rather blame something other than himself for his shortcomings.

So if the server is under heavy load because it's a popular night for people to run Coil or grind out soldiery, that's really just a player who is lacking skill? If someone's cable Internet is having hiccups, that's really just a player who is lacking skill?

Oh wait, those are just excuses. SE has perfectly functioning server infrastructure that is never, ever stressed by volume, and all Internet connections are stable 100% of the time.
#44 May 28 2014 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
The internet connection thing is a significant problem. I have a good friend who is doing PLD right now who has a cable connection that literally cuts him off every ten minutes. It's frustrating as heck. He said he is going to spend some quality time yelling at Comcast tomorrow, but they keep insisting the problem is not on their end.

Well, it's not on SE's end, because I haven't been 90000'd in well over a month. My DSL connection has low bandwidth but it has the best Quality of Service I've experienced in an ISP since I started buying my own Internet over a decade ago.

Part of the responsibility of a serious MMO gamer is evaluating the best Internet connection for the games you are playing. If you are trying to play an MMO with satellite, you're gonna have a bad time. And yes, I am aware that it is sometimes the only option available, but when you DO have a choice and you choose an ISP that isn't meeting your needs, you should address that issue instead of blaming the game.
#45 May 28 2014 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
svlyons wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Skilled people can execute the fight perfectly on a constant basis.

Requiring skill is one thing. Requiring perfection is another. It's sadistic to require players to be perfect, especially when their ability to execute perfectly can be impacted by imperfect server implementations and imperfect ISPs.

Executing something perfectly consistently is a matter of skill. The game only requires that much skill in a handful of fights, designed for those players who have the skill it takes.

It is understandable, however, that when someone doesn't have what it takes he would rather blame something other than himself for his shortcomings.

If you don't want to rely on other party members AND be challenged by the content then you should probably not be playing an MMORPG. Either the content is not challenging which makes one less affected by bad party members' performance or the content is challenging which makes one more affected by their party member's performance.

Edited, May 28th 2014 6:41pm by Hyanmen

Yeah, except for the fact that, as has been mentioned by numerous people in countless threads here and every other forum for FFXIV, server lag, latency, ISP issues, and any other connection issue occur frequently. If you don't believe that, you either never played the game or are being dishonest. I saw it first hand in game on a frequent basis. There would be players who would run in one spot, then magically "catch up" super fast after. Or players who would simply lag out completely for several seconds, and come back dead. Heck, even just with latency it can be enough to make you miss plumes or landslides. There were several times when on my screen players would be well out of plumes or landslide, yet still be hit with it. How does that have anything at all to do with player skill?

I'll be the first one to admit if I mess up. The time I ate two bombs, I immediately apologized, explained my mistake, and got advice on how to avoid it. When I missed mitigations before table flip, I owned up to it. Heck, even the couple times I went as WAR dps (yeah I know, not ideal) I'd own up if I accidentally got caught in a landslide that was my fault. But there were definitely times when I was clearly out of the way, and times when others appeared clearly out of the way, and it still hits. Trying to claim that players who "don't have what it takes" are just blaming others as opposed to their own shortcomings is very misguided and uninformed accusation.

Edited, May 28th 2014 3:12pm by BartelX
#46 May 28 2014 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
So if the server is under heavy load because it's a popular night for people to run Coil or grind out soldiery, that's really just a player who is lacking skill? If someone's cable Internet is having hiccups, that's really just a player who is lacking skill?

Oh wait, those are just excuses. SE has perfectly functioning server infrastructure that is never, ever stressed by volume, and all Internet connections are stable 100% of the time.

Server problems aren't an excuse to make content more forgiving. I agree that SE needs to get their s*it together when it comes to server infrastructure, but no I absolutely disagree that the encounter difficulty should suffer as collateral damage. It is up to the player to sort out his ISP issues, that is also not an excuse to make content more forgiving.

To be completely honest I find it quite odd that you people, instead of wanting the servers to function as they should, would rather water down the content instead. When did we reach a consensus that watering down content fixes the server problems? All that would do is treat the symptoms, not the disease.

Edited, May 28th 2014 7:14pm by Hyanmen
#47 May 28 2014 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
So if the server is under heavy load because it's a popular night for people to run Coil or grind out soldiery, that's really just a player who is lacking skill? If someone's cable Internet is having hiccups, that's really just a player who is lacking skill?

Oh wait, those are just excuses. SE has perfectly functioning server infrastructure that is never, ever stressed by volume, and all Internet connections are stable 100% of the time.

Server problems aren't an excuse to make content more forgiving. I agree that SE needs to get their s*it together when it comes to server infrastructure, but no I absolutely disagree that the encounter difficulty should suffer as collateral damage. It is up to the player to sort out his ISP issues, that is also not an excuse to make content more forgiving.

Edited, May 28th 2014 7:10pm by Hyanmen

I run Verizon Fios and routinely get 20-30 DL, 15-20 UL, and a >50ms ping in pretty much everything, yet still experienced horrendous lag at times. It's not the ISP that is the issue in a LOT of cases. And if it's their server infrastructure that is the problem, they absolutely SHOULD design encounters to account for that. If I'm on a very GOOD connection and having these issues, what about the people who don't have that option or can't afford it? Should their gaming experience suffer simply because they don't have as good options available? And should my gaming experience suffer simply because their servers aren't up to snuff? There are a lot of gaping holes in your logic Hyanmen.
#48 May 28 2014 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Server problems aren't an excuse to make content more forgiving. I agree that SE needs to get their s*it together when it comes to server infrastructure, but no I absolutely disagree that the encounter difficulty should suffer as collateral damage. It is up to the player to sort out his ISP issues, that is also not an excuse to make content more forgiving.

Oh no, it absolutely is an "excuse". It's called proper design. Perfection is unrealistic. Expecting your servers to function perfectly all the time is not realistic. Expecting people's Internet connections to be perfectly stable is not realistic. Expecting players to execute perfectly in spite of potentially imperfect conditions is not realistic.

Making Titan EX more forgiving is not "collateral damage". It is making a more robust product that can be enjoyed by a wider audience of paying customers.
#49 May 28 2014 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
BartelX wrote:
And if it's their server infrastructure that is the problem, they absolutely SHOULD design encounters to account for that.

They absolutely should fix their server infrastructure. Which is why I am asking how come we are suddenly advocating for SE to design encounters around the server problems instead of, you know, actually fixing the server problems. It makes no sense considering the server problems affect only a portion of the game's playerbase but watering down content would affect everyone. The one and only legitimate issue here are the servers. If there is a hole in my logic please do say what it is.
#50 May 28 2014 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
Well, it's not on SE's end, because I haven't been 90000'd in well over a month.

Just because one person doesn't get 90k issues anymore, doesn't mean they fixed everyone's 90k issues or everyone's server latency issues for that matter.

I can't really point a finger at my ISP when there are dozens of other games I play online with no problems at all. There are a few other games I can't play as well as I would like due to high ping or spikes, but they're the minority. ISPs don't control how often ARR syncs your position server to client and back.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#51 May 28 2014 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
BartelX wrote:
And if it's their server infrastructure that is the problem, they absolutely SHOULD design encounters to account for that.

They absolutely should fix their server infrastructure. Which is why I am asking how come we are suddenly advocating for SE to design encounters around the server problems instead of, you know, actually fixing the server problems. It makes no sense considering the server problems affect only a portion of the game's playerbase but watering down content would affect everyone. The one and only legitimate issue here are the servers. If there is a hole in my logic please do say what it is.

Because fixing server infrastructure on a game played by several 100,000 people isn't an overnight fix, as is clearly evident by the fact that the game came out roughly 9 months ago and they are still having mega-issues. And until they can get the situation fixed, logically the solution for the time being would be to create encounters that take this into account and are slightly more forgiving. Heck, from what I hear, even WITH the echo boost, a huge portion of the games population can't get past stuff like Titan Ex or Twintania. Sure some of it is just player skill, but a lot of it is also server issues or ISP issues. The ISP issues can sometimes be corrected by the player, but sometimes that's not an option. So I ask you again, should those players have to suffer simply because they don't have a lightning fast connection? I personally think they shouldn't. One of my very good friends had to lay down XIV because his ISP (Comcast) just wasn't cutting it specifically in this game (all others played fine) and he had no other options. It's terrible, because he was one of the most skilled players I've every played an MMO with, but it didn't matter because of the combination of server instability and a less than optimal ISP.

Edited, May 28th 2014 3:41pm by BartelX
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