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what I wish this game had...Follow

#1 May 25 2014 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
So last night I finally attempted Titan EX and failed miserably. Only two of the times I got knocked off were due to obvious negligence on my part, the other times I was clearly out of the way on my screen and even fired off instant attacks as is usually the suggestion. I'd say the typical BRD thing about lag, but I had zero issues with plumes. This is an opposite of my runs through Titan HM once I knew the fight.

So why the story? It got me thinking, it would be nice to have training modes. Especially as we get later into the games life and mostly new folks are the only ones doing this content. I don't know how you'd make it fit the story/lore, but I envision Primal fights where you can enter solo or with a group and no damage is taken. The mob runs its normal cycles, with knockbacks and hit notifications but no damage. Right now the only way to learn mechanics is to fail over and over possibly costing an otherwise capable party their win.

Would this be something people would be interested in? How would you make it not seem out of place? The closest gaming frustration I can compare this to is piloting aircraft in Battle Field before they added an offline training mode.
#2 May 25 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
111 posts
One thing that I have found to help with landslide is to stop moving. Once you get into position in the safe area dont move anymore, dont wiggle, dont continue to run in the safe zone. For some reason no matter where I am in the safe area if I am moving the game thinks I am no and will hit me. Ever since I have stopped moving I have never fell off from landslide again.
#3 May 25 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I'm not sure there's really an issue here.

For one thing, hard bosses and raids require progression. If you haven't seen the content before and haven't done research ahead of time, it's going to be rough as you learn the fight.

But with the primal fights specifically... they actually do a pretty good job of easing you in to the mechanics of the fights. The story mode versions have basic mechanics, only one or two of which murder you outright. The hard modes ramp up the power of the mechanics you've already seen (on Titan specifically you have the landslides going in three directions and the gaols coming two at a time) and add a new one (bombs). And then the extreme modes just do that again; ramp up power of the things you've already seen and add another mechanic (adds).

Honestly, it's one of the better difficulty progression curves I've seen in an MMO that uses this model. I think the problem really is people expecting perfection from a group that's never seen the fight before. Progression is, has been, and always will be a thing.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#4 May 25 2014 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
Bleah... Typed out a response and it didn't post... Anyway I think preparation is key and the real fights are always going to be different from anything you do videos, text guides, or even a trial mode. But being able to practice against various moves would still be useful IMO.

I'll definately try the standing still thing, I do believe I was still moving further out of the way each time. I just never had this much trouble with lanslide in any other content.
#5 May 25 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
For one thing, hard bosses and raids require progression. If you haven't seen the content before and haven't done research ahead of time, it's going to be rough as you learn the fight.



Perrin wrote:
Bleah... Typed out a response and it didn't post... Anyway I think preparation is key and the real fights are always going to be different from anything you do videos, text guides, or even a trial mode. But being able to practice against various moves would still be useful IMO.

They.... do. Like mentioned above they're called "Titan Story" and "Titan Hard". If you can dodge a landslide in any of them, you can dodge a landslide in the rest. One, three, or five sided doesn't really matter except that your area to dodge is slimmer the closer you are to Titan (geometry!), but the mechanics itself doesn't change. You dodge plumes and landslides in Extreme the same way you dodged them in Hard/Story mode, the same way as you dodge a Bad Beath or Bomb Toss: you don't stand in them.

You can't lead-in into "Don't stand in Landslide/Plumes/etc." any more than this game does. You're practically told that from level 1; the fact that the graphical effect is different on Titan from what you're used to seeing doesn't make them any different than any other dodgeable mechanic in the game.

Dodge or don't; you can't "prepare" any more than that.

#6 May 25 2014 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
So let me ask this a different way then... If there's no drops on a trial mode, and you both would never use it, then what would be the problem of having one? There are people I believe such a mode would benefit, you guys say HM is the trainer... But if you're trying to learn a new mechanic you're still reducing the chances of winning for people who may have been waiting on DF for up to an hour.
#7 May 25 2014 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
I remember when I struggled on Titan HM.

I turned down the graphics which helped on lag and practised a lot. Since spamming Titan Ex and knowing most of it off by heart it is a lot easier.

Titan Ex really is that fight you need to do A LOT to really learn.
#8 May 25 2014 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Perrin wrote:
So let me ask this a different way then... If there's no drops on a trial mode, and you both would never use it, then what would be the problem of having one? There are people I believe such a mode would benefit, you guys say HM is the trainer... But if you're trying to learn a new mechanic you're still reducing the chances of winning for people who may have been waiting on DF for up to an hour.

I said the game provides training for those fights through gradual difficulty bumps over the course of the game. From story mode to hard mode to extreme. Story mode primals are quite easy and they generally let you feel out the mechanics of the fight without being really punishing if you get something wrong. Hard modes take what you've learned, assume you've learned it, and give you something new to deal with, then extremes do it again. That seems like a pretty reasonable period of adjustment to me.

My question to you is, where would they start? Do you suggest they create a training version of every boss fight? Isn't part of the draw of an MMO learning the game and playing with others? Your suggestion seems to be that everyone should do their fight progression individually and not as a group. For me anyway, that'd be removing the interesting part of the game. Learning is fun. Beating a boss you've been struggling with is fun. Farming is boring.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#9 May 25 2014 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
3,825 posts
IF I were to implement something like this it would be the same as the normal fights with room for a single member or a full party. I never said the solo option is better than a group, I did say it wouldn't count for anything and would drop nothing. It would be a training mode only. The only difference would be no damage taken. You would need to do the real fight at least once before you could unlock the trial option. While I agree that beating something you've had problems with is rewarding, it's also frustrating when you lose over and over because some one can't figure out mechanics. I think I've got my personal issue figured out, Majins methodseems to be working even if I'm not as far from the ground marker as I was when getting hit. Unfortunately both parties I ended up with today weren't very good. Would a practice mode have helped those folks? I would like to think so. Would people use one? I dunno. Would it be worth the effort to code up a rarely used training mode? I don't know, but I would think the devs have a debug code for invincibility already of some sort.
#10 May 25 2014 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Now that I'm doing the dungeons again as a DPS, I'm noticing how some of the mechanics are used as training modes for other dungeons and for the boss fights. Like you get a preview of the Demon Wall dance when you fight Isgebind in Stone Vigil.
#11 May 25 2014 at 6:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,339 posts
Catwho wrote:
Now that I'm doing the dungeons again as a DPS, I'm noticing how some of the mechanics are used as training modes for other dungeons and for the boss fights. Like you get a preview of the Demon Wall dance when you fight Isgebind in Stone Vigil.

It's not even that. Some of the bosses are literal pre-cursors to endgame fights.

Stone Vigil's second boss is a mini-Twintania. She does a Poison Swipe (Death Sentence), flops onto the tank (Plummet), and throws out a literal twister (just not insta-kill). It isn't the entire fight, but the mechanics and Twintania is merely a souped up model. Sadly, it never really dawned on me until I did a duty roulette as a SCH and could actually just look at the fight objectively.

I'm sure there are others, but that's the most prominent one off the top of my head.
#12 May 25 2014 at 6:51 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Titan EX is it's own training mode. There are basically 4 phases to a player's Titan EX experience.

1. You're the problem. You are still getting used to the fight, and you're either getting hit by plumes, bombs, or landslides, or you're so focused on avoiding everything that you completely mess up the other stuff that you're supposed to be doing (i.e. tanking, or healing, or DPS rotation).
2. Everyone else is the problem. You can handle everything through the heart phase, and you continue to amass tons and tons of experience for those first 4 phases while your parties have 1 or more players still in phase 1.
3. You're the problem, again. You finally get past the heart phase, and flounder trying to deal with Gaolers, funky bomb drops, and double plumes.
4. Everyone else is the problem, again. You finally get enough practice with the final phase (which takes many, many runs due to players who are either at phases 1, thus making reaching the final phase rare), and hope to finally get into a group where everyone else is at this phase too.
#13 May 25 2014 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
I finally just gave up on clearing Titan EX altogether a few weeks ago. Unless you have a group of people who you already know can clear it it's not even worth queueing for it. That or you want to pay some cool kids for it. Same goes for turn 5.

The only thing in the EX fight that's kinda tricky is the super bombs and some of the patterns near the end. In that respect yes a training mode might be useful but I don't know that it would do you much more good than watching a video.

Edited, May 25th 2014 9:35pm by LebargeX
#14 May 26 2014 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
My problem with a training mode is the expectation that people have to be perfect before they can play the content with other people. You shouldn't have to practice a game to perfection before playing the game. You should be able to practice the game by playing the game.

The problem with Titan EX is that there's such a small margin for error. Rather than adding a training mode for players to reach a point of perfection, the fight should simply be tuned to be a bit more forgiving.
#15 May 26 2014 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
svlyons wrote:
My problem with a training mode is the expectation that people have to be perfect before they can play the content with other people. You shouldn't have to practice a game to perfection before playing the game. You should be able to practice the game by playing the game.


I am tired of the elitist attitude that no one should ever die. Even in a party finder labeled "training run, expect multiple wipes" People still rage quit after 1 try.

Videos only show you so much. Currently i'm starting to learn Leviathan EX. I've watched videos. Videos have told how to avoid body slam. But a video isn't going to help me locate the water spout so I know which end of the platform to run to. That's something i need to learn by actually playing the game.

Edited, May 26th 2014 3:38pm by squiress
#16 May 26 2014 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Hinestly the problem lies with the mechanics of the game. One shot mechanics are whats creating this "elitist" mentality. One death can cause a wipe if a tank dies. Or a healer dies. If a dps dies maybe the mob will enrage. The game is not forgivin enough.

I can understand peoples mentality on this though. Wiping to the same mechanics over and over isnt fun, especially when you know you could do it with a competent group. Part of the problem are unskilled players trying to get carried and joining clear/farm groups when they shouldnt be. People raging in practice groups are being hypocrits.

This is my personal opinion as a hardcore player (im currently practicing t9 with my fc), but the one shot mechanics shouldnt be a thing. It should come down to how well you can play and manage your resources. Raising people costs a lot of MP but as it is its better to wipe and try to not die than raise the person and risk hittig the death timer. The MP management should be the tough part and we should be allowed to continue after someone dies. T8 is extremely strict on the dps time. We clear it with 20 seconds left. Thats easily a wipe if someone dies and doesnt get up quickly. And were talking just one person.

I like the game and am lucky to be able to do the content but it is a little rediculous that perfect is demanded. It should be about how well we can handle ourselves and our jobs.
#17 May 26 2014 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
I don't mind the occasional one-shot mechanic. The problem comes from having fights made entirely of them.

Titan isn't an inherently hard fight. It's just so incredibly unforgiving. If one person messes up or lags even in the slightest it's game over for everyone. That's just bad encounter design.

Edited, May 26th 2014 8:29pm by Karlina
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#18 May 26 2014 at 10:53 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Karlina wrote:
I don't mind the occasional one-shot mechanic. The problem comes from having fights made entirely of them.

Titan isn't an inherently hard fight. It's just so incredibly unforgiving. If one person messes up or lags even in the slightest it's game over for everyone. That's just bad encounter design.

The problem is not poor encounter design, but poor server latency. The encounters are all designed around what the reactions for an average or above average player(normal and HM respectively) would be expected to have under normal conditions. Poor server latency isn't the norm. I don't think this is one you'd be able to pin on encounter design.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#19 May 27 2014 at 1:27 AM Rating: Default
4,511 posts
I'd rather have (like just about any other MMO out there) the ability to do dungeons and fights like this Solo. Either watered down, or given the ability to return to them when i am grossly overgeared to tackle them by myself.

"Training Modes" are trivial work setting up for in the Party Finder. That way you know what you bring in, that people are willing to wait around for additional members and dont just join through the duty finder to troll semi-serious runs by jumping off or causing attacks to target people they shouldnt.
#20 May 27 2014 at 2:27 AM Rating: Default
1,556 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
Hinestly the problem lies with the mechanics of the game. One shot mechanics are whats creating this "elitist" mentality. One death can cause a wipe if a tank dies. Or a healer dies. If a dps dies maybe the mob will enrage. The game is not forgivin enough.

I can understand peoples mentality on this though. Wiping to the same mechanics over and over isnt fun, especially when you know you could do it with a competent group. Part of the problem are unskilled players trying to get carried and joining clear/farm groups when they shouldnt be. People raging in practice groups are being hypocrits.

This is my personal opinion as a hardcore player (im currently practicing t9 with my fc), but the one shot mechanics shouldnt be a thing. It should come down to how well you can play and manage your resources. Raising people costs a lot of MP but as it is its better to wipe and try to not die than raise the person and risk hittig the death timer. The MP management should be the tough part and we should be allowed to continue after someone dies. T8 is extremely strict on the dps time. We clear it with 20 seconds left. Thats easily a wipe if someone dies and doesnt get up quickly. And were talking just one person.

I like the game and am lucky to be able to do the content but it is a little rediculous that perfect is demanded. It should be about how well we can handle ourselves and our jobs.

If you're allegedly practicing turn 9, then your post makes no sense at all.

Wiping to the same thing over and over is called progression. If you do not like doing progression (which will always exist in MMO endgame), then stop doing it.

You would think you would have learned this lesson in turn 7 progression (arguably, one of the more brutal encounters in the SCoB) and if you didn't learn it there you certainly will learn it in turn 9.

Yes: it requires perfection until you get gear as time progresses. These fights were most likely never intended to be completed with what we have now. And if they were, it would only be the most skilled and geared players completing them. We currently cannot have any DPS die post 47% on Turn 9 or we wipe due to enrage. That is how strict it is. But what DPS are we doing it with? An i102 BLM, i100 SMN, i109 MNK, and an i91 BRD. Of course we are going to run into this strict timer.

So here's what a normal group should be doing: practicing T9 casually while farming sands for a few weeks and getting more gear. I honestly believe T9 should be accomplished at i103 (for everyone). Anyone who completes it any other way is just more skilled than the rest.

Keep in mind: T9 has only been cleared with 3 sanded weapons minimum. Never have I seen a report with a T9 clear of less than 3 sanded weapons.

However, let me tell you an interesting story. I recently switched from my main job (BLM, i102 w/ T9 pants) to another job (BRD, i91 w/ no pants). I still was able to function in T9 and we downed it as a result. Player skill does matter. If your DPS died on T8, it was a fault of their own. This fault is attributed to their skill (or lack thereof). Same goes for T9. All the mechanics in T9 make the player accountable for their own actions. This is why I like Levi Ex so much.

I'm honestly getting tired of the Titan Ex complaints or T5 complaints. A FC mate summarized it best for me, "Some people just don't have the skill required to do these fights and have trouble facing that reality." Harsh? Yes. True? Most certainly.

As for latency...if you can't deal with your own connection problems, time to invest in a VPN. Not serious enough to get a VPN? Not serious enough to download ACT or FFXIVApp and set timers and alarms for abilities and events? Not using Twintracker on T5? You probably shouldn't be doing this content then.

Edited, May 27th 2014 4:32am by HitomeOfBismarck
#21 May 27 2014 at 3:03 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
It's only progression if you actually make progress.

I can do something like Garuda EX, or T4 with people who have never done it before and see noticeable progress as time goes on. The mechanics require coordination and timing, and people new to the fight will inevitably wipe a lot, but you get the hang of it after a while and eventually win.

Not so for Titan. Titan is so twitchy that some people will NEVER be able to pull it off as perfectly as is required. Yes, you can get more familiar with the patterns as time goes on, but it still mostly boils down to praying that maybe this time the stars will align and all eight people can dodge everything perfectly for the next 10 minutes. (and no amount of gear or echo can make people better at dodging.)

Now don't get me wrong. I have no problem with twitchy dodge mechanics in general. I just think that having a fairly long fight made ENTIRELY out of twitchy dodge mechanics is terrible game design and really f-ing stupid.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

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#22 May 27 2014 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
Karlina wrote:

Now don't get me wrong. I have no problem with twitchy dodge mechanics in general. I just think that having a fairly long fight made ENTIRELY out of twitchy dodge mechanics is terrible game design and really f-ing stupid.

This. I have beaten the extremes three times now and each time has been hellish. The Extremes are actually getting worse at the moment as those who got the weapons originally have moved on and there's a whole bunch of new players trying them. I just got my third weapon over the weekend.

The Primal fights are the only thing which stress me out (and yes, I know that's nuts). I could just do with a different form of fight. Even the experienced friends I have who spammed it back when it came out, can't guarantee getting through Titan Ex easily.

I'm struggling with Levi Ex right now. I can see that it's not especially hard (it's not Titan) but I'm struggling with how to see the water spouts and where to anticipate them coming from. I see endless farming runs and have set up a learning run or two but for some reason I'm struggling to get this one right. I don't feel a sense of achievement by beating these, I feel a sense of relief and that's kinda sad.

I feel some rose-tinted, CoP-fueled sentimentality coming on. I just want a different form of challenge. I have access to T6+ but no static (the one we had, fell apart). I'm not sure when I'll get to try it but perhaps the second Coil is more fun...

Blogging again!
#23 May 27 2014 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Karlina wrote:
It's only progression if you actually make progress.

I can do something like Garuda EX, or T4 with people who have never done it before and see noticeable progress as time goes on. The mechanics require coordination and timing, and people new to the fight will inevitably wipe a lot, but you get the hang of it after a while and eventually win.

Not so for Titan. Titan is so twitchy that some people will NEVER be able to pull it off as perfectly as is required. Yes, you can get more familiar with the patterns as time goes on, but it still mostly boils down to praying that maybe this time the stars will align and all eight people can dodge everything perfectly for the next 10 minutes. (and no amount of gear or echo can make people better at dodging.)

Now don't get me wrong. I have no problem with twitchy dodge mechanics in general. I just think that having a fairly long fight made ENTIRELY out of twitchy dodge mechanics is terrible game design and really f-ing stupid.

One thing that can make people better at dodging is not being afraid to hit Sprint during the fight.

It's how I eventually got past Titan HM (that, and just letting myself get hit by rock bombs as healer's privilege.)

Everyone literally has an ability that makes them run just a bit faster with one keystroke. Yeah, there is TP loss for melee, but that's better than dying.
#24 May 27 2014 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Catwho wrote:
Karlina wrote:
It's only progression if you actually make progress.

I can do something like Garuda EX, or T4 with people who have never done it before and see noticeable progress as time goes on. The mechanics require coordination and timing, and people new to the fight will inevitably wipe a lot, but you get the hang of it after a while and eventually win.

Not so for Titan. Titan is so twitchy that some people will NEVER be able to pull it off as perfectly as is required. Yes, you can get more familiar with the patterns as time goes on, but it still mostly boils down to praying that maybe this time the stars will align and all eight people can dodge everything perfectly for the next 10 minutes. (and no amount of gear or echo can make people better at dodging.)

Now don't get me wrong. I have no problem with twitchy dodge mechanics in general. I just think that having a fairly long fight made ENTIRELY out of twitchy dodge mechanics is terrible game design and really f-ing stupid.

One thing that can make people better at dodging is not being afraid to hit Sprint during the fight.

It's how I eventually got past Titan HM (that, and just letting myself get hit by rock bombs as healer's privilege.)

Everyone literally has an ability that makes them run just a bit faster with one keystroke. Yeah, there is TP loss for melee, but that's better than dying.

But is dying a little later better than dying now? Melee DPS and tanks need TP to do their job right. And if your melee DPS is being starved of their TP on a regular basis, you might not meet the necessary DPS to break people out of gaols or to clear the heart phase.

Even if you don't need the TP, Sprint is no guarantee either. I've been banging my head against Titan EX for several weeks now, and lag was never a problem for me until last night. Even the first queue up for Titan EX didn't give me any issues. But for some reason, once we re-queued for the fight, I could not get out of Plumes to the game's satisfaction. I was constantly winding up dead well outside of the plume radius. I finally decided to try relying on Sprint (which is a habit I broke myself of when I started leveling a tank job), and that worked right up until there were two plumes in the rotation fairly close to each other, and Sprint was still on cool down.
#25 May 27 2014 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
The problem you all have is you keep referring to the unforgiving fight that is Titan. All of the EX primals are hard-scripted and you know exactly what's going to happen in advance. There are guides, there are pictures with ability rotations, and there are video kills. Yes, nothing helps more than getting your feet wet and stepping into the fight.

Titan will do this. Then he will do this. Then he will do that. Following comes this move. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Pull up a picture guide, or a macro to /echo with the rotations, or something. If you're dying to the moves you aren't moving fast enough. 2.0 and 2.1 had some fairly major server issues. 90k's aside (and internet tunneling that SE can't do a damned thing about due to your ISP provider) lag isn't a reason anymore: it's an excuse. Landslides are OK but Plumes kicking your ***? Turn down the graphics. Still not working? Anticipate it faster.

The fact of the matter is this: people have been killing Titan EX since he came out even if it's weeks or a month or two after everyone else. They put in the time for it, they built a group around it, or they grit their teeth and just pushed on with a PuG. If at this point you can't kill Titan EX and every group you get in seems to magically fail then perhaps the problem isn't solely on everyone else and it's on you. It's called Extreme for a reason and isn't intended for everyone. This is a Square-Enix game and you should damned well know by now that putting in semi-hard and extremely difficult content has been their MO from the get-go. There are countless examples from the series's history to pull from.

TL;DR if you can't kill it and keep dying, get a VPN, get better, and/or stop blaming other people. If you're not the one messing up, build a linkshell or join one that intends on farming the EXs when people are on. Don't want the hassle of building a solid group for these things? Then don't bother posting and complaining because that's your own damned fault.

Adding some ridiculous "training mode" for a primal that already has two previous incarnations to fight as well as guides that tell you when he's going to do a move isn't going to fix anything. Titan is all about personal awareness and no excuses or "reasons" you can give will ever change that.
#26 May 27 2014 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
One of my FC mates had the same problem I was having, being clear with time to spare but still getting hit. They suggested trying wtfast which has a free 30 day trial and good reviews. It solved the issue for them and I plan on testing it out this weekend.
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