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LIVE Letter (05/24/2014) Summary and ScreenshotsFollow

#127 May 31 2014 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Seriha wrote:
A dev simply adding more top-tier content doesn't mean the old stuff automatically becomes accessible via trickle down.

This is logic. However, with FFXIV, they NERF old content so it becomes accessible automatically. and recently yoshi said he's in favor of nerfing old content more than any other route.

Even XI content had its lifespans for as much as some want to imply it lasted longer.

Let's be real - Most of the content did last longer simply because they didn't nerf it to oblivion and make what it drops obsolete 2-3 months later. Once they started pushing to 99 cap is when they started obsoleting content and gear, prior to that they had a much longer shelf life in terms of drops and content than most "standard" MMO, which one you like is up to preference but content tends to die out much quicker when you obsolete it in every update simply because that's common sense.

Sky still lasted even when Sea came out because some items were still very good to have, in a XIV comparison, Primal weapons (HM) were worthless as when you finished all 3, you had your relic weapon, Titan (then later moogle) were fine alternatives UNTIL zenith, which was only 900 myth tomes away. Labyrinth for example due to their delay to nerf the content (It was too hard they said) it became an inbetween type of content, good for gearing alts or if you're still in DL, but once the next update comes out? LoTA became obsolete as you can farm up your myth tomes MUCH faster and get MUCH BETTER GEAR than what LoTA gets, thus even for alts it was obsolete in the next update. You can still do it, sure, but that content had such a short shelf life in comparison to what content normally lasts.

Now that we know Yoshi said he has zero intentions on adding 8 man dungeons in updates (unless it's Coil for example) we know that dungeon wise will generally keep to the "side content for tomes" type of system as the gear it drops is usually well below the current ilvl, e.g 115 as of next patch, so it will never be i80 or i90 or i100 for example, we'll be lucky if it IS i80 in the next set of dungeons.

#128 May 31 2014 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
A dev simply adding more top-tier content doesn't mean the old stuff automatically becomes accessible via trickle down. Doubly so with level caps. In the end, having good gear will help you get your foot in the door, but it's reliable manpower that usually shoots down the attempts of that remaining 85% who aren't sitting in giant guilds with people who jump on demand. So, yes, while over time, that remainder may see success in part, let's not kid ourselves, being behind the curve isn't really glamorous or all that fun. By then, the stuff is "figured out" and we've got the whole "Do it this way or we'll kick you!" aspect going on, frequently with people who demand links to achievements just to know you've maybe done it before because nobody likes helping a noob or backtracking content when there's nothing in it for them. And sure, we might have someone swoop in here and say, "But I like to do that from time to time..." and I would thank them for their charity, but still assert they are not the norm.

Well, let me just state that this reality that you're living in, with no Echo buff and no one doing Coil, EX primals, and all that other pre-2.2 top tier stuff, doesn't exist on the server I play in. In the PF you get parties looking for experienced players but once you start looking in the DF for a group you better accept that whoever joins you will not be a world class elite. Yeah, you don't get to figure out stuff but that kind of pioneering is hardly something the majority of players get to do much in the first place unless they have likeminded folk in their FC. However with no Echo, no DF feature and lack of demand to do old content (as I can interpret from what you're saying) I can see why you would think the way you do about the design philosophy. With that said all I can tell you is that we seem to live on a completely different plane of existence.

Inevitably, all this content will age.

You cannot wait forever to do this stuff and expect it to stay relevant; that's absolutely true. On the other hand, in my reality SE is making sure that more than 15% of the user base actually get to participate in the content before it becomes irrelevant. SE also goes to lengths to ensure that even content that most of the user base has participated in stays relevant as long as possible for the new folks. While aging content is inevitable, you can't blame SE for a lack of trying. At the end of the day I am absolutely certain that significantly more than 15% of the user base get to participate in the content before it hits the point of "irrelevance" (whatever that means in practice, since even Sastasha could still be considered "relevant" by the help of the duty roulette). Which really goes against your claim that people want to level up and do new things once an expansion hits. They'll do the old things, too, because SE has made them appealing to do. Someday nobody may do Sastasha and everyone will just solo it. After 9 months it hasn't happened yet even for the first dungeon in the game so who knows when this horror scenario of yours will actually happen in practice.

It really gets hard to paint a negative outcome to this, when the ultimate con is someone who really wants to believe they're the more skillful player has their feelings hurt because someone else could get some gear another way they deem "beneath" them. That whole "fun at the detriment of others" thing I mentioned in my last post? This is a side of it.

I wasn't arguing from the viewpoint of the guy on top of the ivory tower but the grand majority of people participating in the social ladder. Nobody likes to be overplayed by no lifers just because they manage to find the time to do mundane tasks for longer periods of time than you do. When the game insists on there being a social ladder (and let's be honest; the game would be absolutely boring if everyone got to "win") said ladder must be constructed in a way that the players don't feel like they're at the bottom of the barrel for unfair reasons. You can criticize this social rule but it's absolutely fair to be annoyed about someone else getting ahead even though they have nothing but time as their advantage over you. This is the reality of today and it is completely different from a decade ago. The true value of the social ladder comes from how seriously it can be taken. This is why MOBA is successful and olde school MMO's are dying. You don't deserve the gold medal for solely playing 24/7.

Edited, May 31st 2014 8:28pm by Hyanmen
#129 May 31 2014 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Let's be real - Most of the content did last longer simply because they didn't nerf it to oblivion and make what it drops obsolete 2-3 months later.

Here's the thing though... people only wanted to do that content because the gear wasn't made obsolete. I knew very, very few people who actually wanted to waste so many hours standing around in sky or running the same five dynamis zones for two or three years.

That content didn't last for so long because it was so much fun that people didn't want to stop doing it... as I said before, most people said "good riddance" to sky, dynamis, etc., as soon as they finally beat our the low drop rates, the RNG and/or their linkshell points systems to get the items they'd spent months or years grinding toward.

That's the challenge facing Yoshi-P and his development team. A lot of people -think- that they want more content like FFXI had. Heck, even I'd like to see some content that was more consistently relevant... the kind of stuff that requires special groups or linkshells... but in reality, a lot of that kind of content would be rejected if implemented today for the first time.

Honestly, unless FFXIV is redesigned to allow gear swapping (which I personally hope never happens), then I don't see how endgame could be loaded with as many carrots as XI had to keep people motivated to grind the same content for so long. As FFXI proved, the only way to keep the same old content relevant for so long is to make the rewards too good for people to sit on the sidelines.

I'm really curious to see how this game evolves with its first big expansion. I have a feeling Yoshi-P will pull a rabbit out of the hat and come up with some kind of new system that most people are happy with. With the level cap increase, the opportunity to implement new job abilities and new iLevels, seems the expansion would be a good point to redefine the direction of endgame.

I've said this before, but I think the most logical direction for endgame would be to have various systems that people use to gear up their various jobs... and this may already be the intended purpose of endgame stuff in the game. For example, you probably aren't supposed to do the Zodiak quest for every job... but you can do the Zodiak quest for one, trade soldiery for another and farm primals for another. With enough paths and systems in place, there could still be many carrots to chase at endgame, but people who've only leveled one job may still feel bored.

Edited, May 31st 2014 1:41pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#130 May 31 2014 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
You don't deserve the gold medal for solely playing 24/7.

"Play my way or GTFO"

And there you go invoking the anti-entitlement whine with a side of hyperbole. Simply put, ***** you. The colossal lack of empathy that plagues MMOs is probably a bigger cause of stagnation than this purported lack of skill needed that goes into playing.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#131 May 31 2014 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:

Here's the thing though... people only wanted to do that content because the gear wasn't made obsolete. I knew very, very few people who actually wanted to waste so many hours standing around in sky or running the same five dynamis zones for two or three years.

That's the challenge facing Yoshi-P and his development team

But is it really a challenge? All Yoshi-P needs to do is continue putting Relevant Tomestones on the old content for them to stay relevant. Nothing to do with how fun the content is but how it benefits the player. So, FFXI in a nutshell. With the only difference being that you're collecting single currency and not five types of super different and totally unique currencies with so much variety! I can see why that would be a downside.
#132 May 31 2014 at 2:51 PM Rating: Default
Seriha wrote:
You don't deserve the gold medal for solely playing 24/7.

"Play my way or GTFO"

And there you go invoking the anti-entitlement whine with a side of hyperbole. Simply put, ***** you. The colossal lack of empathy that plagues MMOs is probably a bigger cause of stagnation than this purported lack of skill needed that goes into playing.

MOBAs have just as little empathy, I can assure you. Yet they keep growing because the social ladder is better constructed. Your response was pretty much expected, though.
#133 May 31 2014 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Seriha wrote:
You don't deserve the gold medal for solely playing 24/7.

"Play my way or GTFO"

And there you go invoking the anti-entitlement whine with a side of hyperbole. Simply put, ***** you. The colossal lack of empathy that plagues MMOs is probably a bigger cause of stagnation than this purported lack of skill needed that goes into playing.

MOBAs have just as little empathy, I can assure you. Yet they keep growing because the social ladder is better constructed. Your response was pretty much expected, though.

And at this point, I feel like I'm on the Diablo 3 boards watching @#%^s defend the concept of ladder exclusive legendaries.

I don't give a sh*t about MOBAs. I'm not here to talk about MOBAs. I'm not here to talk about what genre of gaming is better than another.

I'm here because MMOs, and more specifically FFXIV, can do better to give their players meaningful things to do. Just as I don't tell a guy who flips burgers he can't buy a Nintendo because he's not a doctor, which is ultimately the crux of the 24/7 barb. That "reality" you're living is the epitome of advocating second-class citizenry and hoping the masses will be placated by moldy content crumbs. No, these games are more fun when everyone's in the now, not six months ago.

Expect that at your leisure. Pity me. Call me chaotic good. Or whatever other insult you want to slip under the radar at this point. Your interest in helping this game seems non-existent with continued defense of the Raider's Privilege status quo.

Edited, May 31st 2014 5:08pm by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#134 May 31 2014 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
I keep seeing gear swapping being brought up as the reason FFXI was able to have horizontal progression, which is partly true, but there is also the fact that many items served a different purpose and a different playstyle. Even if FFXI didn't have gear swapping, I'd have still wanted multiple sets for the jobs I took seriously depending on what I was doing. The reason the same type of progression would be difficult for FFXIV isn't just because the game doesn't have gear swapping, but because all items are very close to being the exact same thing with different tiers of stats. And those tiers are all assigned to a specific set of content, which in turn makes the content itself tiered in terms of progression.

They could very easily release equipment that catered to different playstyles without gear swapping if they wanted to. They could release, for example, a sword for paladin that focused more heavily on mitigation and less on damage. They could release another that gave them a boost to damage. There's plenty of ways they could do this. Raw stat boosts, or maybe boosts to abilities (increases duration of defensive cooldowns, for example). There could be another that might have slightly lower physical damage than usual, but that also had enough magic damage to make cure viable. This might be pretty nice for soloing or off tanking in some situations. These are just a few examples, but there's tons of possibilities they could introduce that would make rewards desirable because they're unique, rather than because they're flat out better. Which is basically the situation we're in now. Generally once you get your item level x+10 equipment, there's little reason why you'd want to go back to your item level x gear. The vast majority of the time it likely gets tossed or thrown on a retainer to rot or for vanity.
#135 May 31 2014 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Attempting to shift a job's role probably won't turn out very well. Yeah, it might play nice with PLD in giving up some defense for offense, but for something like BLM it'd be DPS vs... landing lots of sleeps or something?

Of course, I've lobbed the idea that materia could augment our abilities a number of times in the past. Let's revisit that BLM for a moment. What could we do to sleep? Extend it's duration? Check. Up the range of the AoE? Check. Reduce cast times? Check. Add a "Nightmare Materia" that adds a periodic DoT effect to slept mobs? Now we're getting somewhere... Put out enough interesting mods for all abilities and suddenly individuals within the classes themselves will start looking different as they make choices based on personal preferences, the needs of their group(s), or even their gil reserves. Sky's the limit on creativity, really, and I stand by it being a significant boon to the durables economy if getting these specific materia require breaking down SB'd gear with specific combos of existing materia already set.

As an aside, with my whole championing alternative progression methods, pairing it with the above can open up players to having different builds individually by having 2 or 3 sets of like-ilvl gear to collect instead of just one and being more hard-locked into their choices.

Edited, May 31st 2014 6:02pm by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#136 May 31 2014 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
542 posts
You could also have equipment that might be better for single target damage (maybe a large boost to dots, for example?) and other equipment that might be better for AoE damage. Maybe some equipment could allow players to tinker with the optimal rotations to change things up. Some could be a little worse for sustained damage but provide a nice burst potential, possibly useful in fights when something spawns that you need to down quickly.

I don't know exactly how all this would be achieved, as I don't play black mage. Smiley: lol But those would probably be some of the most basic ideas I'd kick around if I were trying to create a little more variance for that job based on what I know of it already.
#137 May 31 2014 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
I'm more a fan of tying such specifically to materia than gear itself, but that's not to say I'm not against the occasional item getting a quirky effect. Hell, even something as simple as one of Ifrit's weapons adding +10% fire damage or something could be an angle to approach things from. Overall, though, this would help prevent situations where once the next gear tier is added, you're suddenly not minus some potential perk you've come to love because the base gear itself doesn't carry it. Reinvesting in the proper materia might be a pain if some wind up being really rare, but I'll still say it better for the economy than just having dungeon/raid gear with no materia slots that's top dog unconditionally.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#138 May 31 2014 at 6:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I see a lot of people mention XI having a decent balance there and I don't disagree, but there are other things that made it work.

While I agree that FFXI did some things right -- including making the game feel more like a journey than a destination -- honestly I think what a lot of people claim to like about FFXI is an illusion that only seems real because we look back on it through thick, clouded lenses of nostalgia.

Grinding to level 75 in XI was boring and incredibly monotonous. INCREDIBLY monotonous. Yeah, there were some good parties along the way, but OMG, it was tedious. And once you got to 75, all there was to do for the longest time was Sky, Dynamis and ground kings (which were both monotonous AND hacked beyond belief). Sky was monotonous, too, and most of your time was spent either standing around or killing trash mobs. Dynamis, in my opinion, was fun... but the only thing that kept people coming back were insanely low drop rates on a few pieces of gear... most people only tolerated city runs so they wouldn't lose their points leads for the one Northlands piece they still didn't have after a year or two of grinding.

That was the difference between XIV and XI.

XI had gear swapping, thus far more BiS gear pieces per character, and each of those gear pieces required a super-long grind that makes atma farming seem like a Floyd Mayweather shopping spree at the Dollar Store.

It was fun at the time, sure... but I'd never want that again, nor would I wish that upon anyone else.

I disagree I played both for a while at the same time..
I think several things hurt this game..

One it is the constant upgrade of armor... It is way too fast.. Gear in FFXI was good for a long time.. Like I said before take monk for example" gear sub 50 like the blackbelt and faith torque was still good at 99.... It made it worth working for.. Gear is not even good for months in this game.. How long has the game been out and our character level is 50 and item level is over 100.. FFXIV will never have nostalgia because it moves too fast.. When I got AF gear I was what for in 5 levels I will be in dark light gear.. In FFXI it was memorable because it was a real milestone to get and it was good gear for a while... All that work for gear that is a hair better...

Plus FFXIV forces you to do stuff over and over and over and over and over and over to get tomes for it because we are forced too.. Now we had 3 nice new dungeons that I cant stand anymore because I have ran them way way way way too many times...That wont give me any nostalgia...

Two the game moves way to fast because it is way too easy.. Can not have nostalgia about something you spend very little time doing either... But because the game is so easy they have to put walls in that make people angry... You go from way too easy to way too hard with no in-between,,, The content needs balance in difficulty.. Last update the main missions, and hildy quest and new 3 dungeons were able to finish in a weekend easily.. That should not be that easy... .

The game is still young and hopefully finds some balance... But it really needs new different content... No more primals please.. No more dodging, it is getting old...

This game sets up very well for new players... Easy for them to catch on and catch up.. That is one thing FFXI never did well... But FFXI was great at end game and FFXIV is not... This game is not made for long term players...

I am looking forward to the new CT..

This game has about 6 months to pull me back in.. Since they billed me for 6 more months without telling me. If they don't get me hooked.. Tes and I talked and we might dump the two PS4' we bought just for this game and pick up another cheap laptop to play FFXI again or just done with MMO's..

Edited, May 31st 2014 9:16pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#139 May 31 2014 at 10:00 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Bit early to claim that FFXIV will never give you a nostalgic feeling. Revisit that assumption in 3 years.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#140 Jun 02 2014 at 4:08 AM Rating: Default
Seriha wrote:

I'm here because MMOs, and more specifically FFXIV, can do better to give their players meaningful things to do. Just as I don't tell a guy who flips burgers he can't buy a Nintendo because he's not a doctor, which is ultimately the crux of the 24/7 barb. That "reality" you're living is the epitome of advocating second-class citizenry and hoping the masses will be placated by moldy content crumbs. No, these games are more fun when everyone's in the now, not six months ago.

Expect that at your leisure. Pity me. Call me chaotic good. Or whatever other insult you want to slip under the radar at this point. Your interest in helping this game seems non-existent with continued defense of the Raider's Privilege status quo.

And I'm here to tell you about the repercussions of "doing it "better"". Your "improvements" not only advocate even more second-class citizenry taking place, but they also completely insult the masses by making them second-class only because they have a life outside the game. All the demographics in this game do not exist in their own bubbles, completely outside the influence of any other demographic. When you change something for one demographic, everyone is affected one way or the other.

This is why you're Chaotic Good (which is hardly an insult...?). The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 10:09am by Hyanmen
#141 Jun 02 2014 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Ok, now I'm just confused. Please explain how advocating that there be a bunch of ways to obtain endgame loot or several different types of endgame loot is bad and makes anyone feel second class? I just don't get that. How does that make people feel second class because they have a life outside the game? I thought that was the whole POINT of making several paths of obtaining gear... so that casual players had something to strive for without having to be forced into set schedules to raid effectively to get that content, or having to wait several months for them to "dumb down" the content enough that a DF group can beat it?

It doesn't effect hardcore players, they can still raid away on the toughest content. They can still make that one slightly more uber set come from those raids, while making comparable (if slightly inferior or even just slightly different) gear available from a few other options, such as open world events or completely new avenues of content that aren't dependant on a mega-skilled, 8-man static to complete.

To me, that seems like a way to please a much bigger audience. You keep the hardcores happy because they can still feel like special snowflakes with their slightly more uber gear, but you make the casuals happy too, because they can also achieve very good endgame gear in a variety of ways that doesn't impede on their real life. I fail to see a down side to this, other than that it will take time to develop multiple content paths... but it takes time to develop any new content so that point is fairly moot. Please correct me if I'm wrong...
#142 Jun 02 2014 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Susanoh wrote:
They could very easily release equipment that catered to different playstyles without gear swapping if they wanted to. They could release, for example, a sword for paladin that focused more heavily on mitigation and less on damage. They could release another that gave them a boost to damage. There's plenty of ways they could do this. Raw stat boosts, or maybe boosts to abilities (increases duration of defensive cooldowns, for example). There could be another that might have slightly lower physical damage than usual, but that also had enough magic damage to make cure viable. This might be pretty nice for soloing or off tanking in some situations. These are just a few examples, but there's tons of possibilities they could introduce that would make rewards desirable because they're unique, rather than because they're flat out better. Which is basically the situation we're in now. Generally once you get your item level x+10 equipment, there's little reason why you'd want to go back to your item level x gear. The vast majority of the time it likely gets tossed or thrown on a retainer to rot or for vanity.

While they did release gear like this all the time in FFXI, as I recall, there was very little variation in what you were "allowed" to do in a group. If a Red Mage was heavily geared for melee and started wailing on mobs in a PUG, chances are that RDM wouldn't be in that PUG for long. And it's not just true of FFXI. Sadly, even with a wide variety of play-style choices, you're almost always going to be relegated to the "best" one that the community wants from you, or you won't be invited in the first place.

Individuality is reserved for soloing, or small groups of friends, unfortunately, and heaven forbid someone looks up your profile and discovers your unconventional build for all to ridicule. Smiley: oyvey It's a shame, though, because I really do like varying styles that work wonders, but I just haven't found an MMO that hasn't beaten people into cookie cutters. Thankfully, there are games like Dark Souls 2 to fulfill the need. Smiley: grin
#143 Jun 02 2014 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
BartelX wrote:
Ok, now I'm just confused. Please explain how advocating that there be a bunch of ways to obtain endgame loot or several different types of endgame loot is bad and makes anyone feel second class? I just don't get that. How does that make people feel second class because they have a life outside the game? I thought that was the whole POINT of making several paths of obtaining gear... so that casual players had something to strive for without having to be forced into set schedules to raid effectively to get that content, or having to wait several months for them to "dumb down" the content enough that a DF group can beat it?

It doesn't effect hardcore players, they can still raid away on the toughest content. They can still make that one slightly more uber set come from those raids, while making comparable (if slightly inferior or even just slightly different) gear available from a few other options, such as open world events or completely new avenues of content that aren't dependant on a mega-skilled, 8-man static to complete.

To me, that seems like a way to please a much bigger audience. You keep the hardcores happy because they can still feel like special snowflakes with their slightly more uber gear, but you make the casuals happy too, because they can also achieve very good endgame gear in a variety of ways that doesn't impede on their real life. I fail to see a down side to this, other than that it will take time to develop multiple content paths... but it takes time to develop any new content so that point is fairly moot. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

Here's something I picked up from my FFXI days here: "Seriha said it so it must be wrong."

That should help clear up any cause for disagreement, disapproval, or general totally-ignoring-anything-said that goes on. Or I'm typing to you all from a parallel universe. Need to add that one to the list.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#144 Jun 02 2014 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
That's better than the reaction to my posts, which is usually "Oh Bartel said it... he's just an argumentative a**hole, so flame him!"

...but then again, I am an argumentative a**hole, so I suppose that's only fair... Smiley: tongue

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 4:24pm by BartelX
#145 Jun 02 2014 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
I have my moments, too. Of course, this isn't a new subject for me, nor is it really the first time I've butt heads with him on related matters (See: Ye Olde CT Lockout debate). So, while I'll take it over the alternative "suck less" or other condescending drivel you'll see elsewhere, it's still agitating to peel away the layers and see the same underlying arguments and fallacies. "It's impossible!" "It will be the MMO apocalypse!" "The no-lifers will win!" "I'm not trying to sound elitist guys, but my precious snowflake status!" They're all there in one form or another, to which I'll profess my sadness to in my own way.

I can understand a fear of change. I can't understand embracing stagnation and exclusion. Personally, I wouldn't expect a home run on the first attempt, but that's the beauty of the iterative process of MMOs. Learn and try again. Analyze and improve. But this whole, "We aren't even gonna try!" ****? Well, I guess there's Wildstar for that...
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#146 Jun 03 2014 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Theonehio wrote:

look at the people who complained about the glamour system, it does nothing special but let you run around naked basically (let's be real, that's the main reason people want vanity systems)

I just learned more about you than I ever wanted to know. Maybe I'm the minority, but I don't want to see my avatar looking like Conan the Barbarian. I use the glamour system to make him look more stylish yet clothed.

I have made 5 million off of taffeta cloth and loincloths. I profit off you guys.
#147 Jun 03 2014 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
I liked being a second class citizen in FFXI.

Seeing people who already had cool stuff I wanted was one of my motivations to keep playing. I absolutely remember being a little level 11 RDM, peeking around Meriphataud Mountains, trying not to be eaten alive and just exploring this huge new world. And this dude rode by on a Chocobo. First one I had ever seen. From the following excited conversation over LSchat, we coined the term "high-level asshat" as our LS slang basically meaning "anybody with something cool that we want and don't have."

A little envy is good. It is a motivating factor. If there is no proportionally greater reward for greater work-slash-greater time investment, then there is no enjoyment to be had from that investment and people in general can burn out very quickly and fall down to the minimum possible level of effort.

You need the high level asshat. Him standing there in his gleaming Armor of Awesomeness+1, rubbing it in you face over chat and telling you your girlfriend's mom is hot and they party together all the time gives you an enemy to compete with and a goal to aim for. They show you what is possible, and by existing dare you to out-do them. This "everyone gets a participation trophy" style XIV is running rampant with is Communism, and as a red-blooded patriotic American I just can't stand in favor of it.
#148 Jun 03 2014 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Heh, my sarcasm detector is bouncing a bit, there. On one hand, I totally get that feeling of being a lowbie and seeing someone higher up, then going, "I want that!" But then reality sinks in and once said lowbie is a highbie and realizes what it takes to get the proverbial that, it quickly becomes a matter of can or can't, with the can't too often a matter of factors outside their control. My aim is to minimize that, high-level asshats be damned. :P
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#149 Jun 03 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
it quickly becomes a matter of can or can't, with the can't too often a matter of factors outside their control.

Not everyone having something is what gives a thing its value.

How much is a billion dollars worth if you gave a billion dollars to everyone? Like relic weapons in XI - some things are prized precisely because they were so far out of reach for so many. I never got one, knew I would never get one, never tried to get one, and was slightly awed by those who really did put in the time, effort, and gil as I should have been.

Everyone should shoot for the moon, but there's no shame in not everyone making it. They need to quit holding it against those who do, and I say that as a casual player myself. That's not the good, motivating kind of envy. Its the poor-loser kind of envy. Those who exceed and excel should be looked up to and perhaps surpassed by those who have the drive. Not held back so nobody gets their feelings hurt.
#150 Jun 03 2014 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Theonehio wrote:

look at the people who complained about the glamour system, it does nothing special but let you run around naked basically (let's be real, that's the main reason people want vanity systems)

I just learned more about you than I ever wanted to know. Maybe I'm the minority, but I don't want to see my avatar looking like Conan the Barbarian. I use the glamour system to make him look more stylish yet clothed.

I have made 5 million off of taffeta cloth and loincloths. I profit off you guys.

I've made about 3 million on that, also did you know, my character running around in the battle mage set isn't half naked? So what you learned I'm not exactly sure.

#151 Jun 03 2014 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
BartelX wrote:
That's better than the reaction to my posts, which is usually "Oh Bartel said it... he's just an argumentative a**hole, so flame him!"

...but then again, I am an argumentative a**hole, so I suppose that's only fair... Smiley: tongue

Edited, Jun 2nd 2014 4:24pm by BartelX

Hey that's what you say to me...

Any way I am so middle of the road and can see both sides so I end up pissing off both sides.. the lovers and the heaters..
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