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The Wyvern DilemmaFollow

#27 May 22 2014 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Is it really so hard to just reduce attack power while the Wyvern is summoned, the same way Bard attack power is reduced during songs? Give the Wyvern special abilities that make it situationally worth reducing attack power. Tweak the balance a bit through updates as needed. These are professional game designers, things like this shouldn't be that hard for them to figure out. Yoshi, I am disappoint.
#28 May 22 2014 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
I'll take the "It's too late now..." stance. If DRG was meant to have a pet, it would've had to come with 2.0's launch. As is, the pet angle is more an XI thing than a FF thing. And you might be surprised to find how many are unwilling to count XI as a FF game because it's an MMO. So, this is more likely to lead to people thinking of DRG's representations in IV and such.

At this point, I'd expect a physical pet job more out of Ranger, as the outdoorsy trope lends itself better to having a wolf, boar, or whatever kind of companion. Why dragon slayers would raise dragons is something that's befuddled me a bit. Of course, the pet need could be met other ways, too.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#29 May 22 2014 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
If you wanna be technical...

First set of DRGs in FF fought alongside dragon/Wyverns, used em as mounts/pets and this wasn't an MMORPG FF game unless of course people don't count FFII as a Final Fantasy game. Since we're not adapting a lifestyle (due to being anything on one character) we're basically the exception to the rule..or we wouldn't do what we can do in general story wise.


#30 May 22 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Theonehio wrote:
If you wanna be technical...

First set of DRGs in FF fought alongside dragon/Wyverns, used em as mounts/pets and this wasn't an MMORPG FF game unless of course people don't count FFII as a Final Fantasy game. Since we're not adapting a lifestyle (due to being anything on one character) we're basically the exception to the rule..or we wouldn't do what we can do in general story wise.

How many of the total FF games do Dragoons use Wyverns as pets? 2? More often than not they're dragonslayers not dragonriders, that's for sure.
#31 May 22 2014 at 11:49 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
baelnic wrote:

How many of the total FF games do Dragoons use Wyverns as pets? 2? More often than not they're dragonslayers not dragonriders, that's for sure.

I only know of one FF game where a dragoon came with a dragon (XI). In the other games they're either dragon slayers or dragon knights (or blue mages... because Khimari is a weirdo).

I actually really like the idea of using the companion system for this. Maybe even if it's just a cosmetic change... DRG uses a dragon companion instead of a chocobo companion? That way it doesn't affect party dps balance at all and it isn't just a minion.

Edited, May 23rd 2014 12:50am by Callinon
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#32 May 23 2014 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
144 posts
Thats an excellent idea! I like it! That could lead into a whole new thing. Maybe Paladins could get their white lion as a companion and warriors the big bear mount as theres. Pony for the whm dragon for the dragoon. I like eet!
#33 May 23 2014 at 7:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Only if black mages get a fire sprite.

I don't think the WHM unicorn would be a very good fighting companion.
#34 May 23 2014 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
The Companion system would be perfect for wyverns. It would then essentially boost only solo play, with no disruption to the main fight mechanics. Choose Wyvern or Chocobo, not both at the same time, and level it up in Healing Wyvern and Offensive Wyvern FFXI-style modes.

Speaking as a (pre-Adoulin) FFXI endgame DRG, I'd love that.
#35 May 23 2014 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
2,214 posts
Yup, here is to hoping that all (or a good chunk of) the mounts get converted to companions.

Then imagine the leveling parties... a party of Behemoths fighting next to a party of Goobbues... and no one sees anything.
#36 May 23 2014 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
I would love a Wyvern. That's what made me love Drg in FFXI, and it's ability to solo really well with it.

But it also did great dmg, and was usually the top DD on things weak to piercing.
#37 May 23 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Catwho wrote:
Only if black mages get a fire sprite.

I don't think the WHM unicorn would be a very good fighting companion.

It might be redundant, but healer/tank type might actually work out. Casts protection spells that generate emnity and reduce incoming damage, letting the WHM alternate between Cleric Stance to heal and deal damage.

Yeah... I can make anything work >.>
#38 May 23 2014 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Catwho wrote:
Only if black mages get a fire sprite.

I don't think the WHM unicorn would be a very good fighting companion.

I call mine "Gouger."
#39 May 24 2014 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
svlyons wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
You parse lower? Cool, but is SMN utterly useless without their egi? ....

So yes, it's acceptable design when you realize it's not an actual summoner.

"Not an actual summoner" by whose definition?
SMN is a solid design for the most part, and I still posit that the only things needed for it to be perfect would be removing Contagion/Shining Emerald from the pet and give it to the master (my favored suggestions is having Tri-Disaster and Contagion effectively switch places) and better pathing for Ifrit-egi. You can tell it's a good design when the major complaint has been that the egi's aren't big enough (really, guys?).

Responding to the OP, they've established lore as to how Dragoons relate to dragons in FFXIV. I expect them to stick to their guns. At the most I could see a wyvern minion, so long as it's not tied to the DRG job (i.e, a subscription reward or maybe a reward for having an FFXI account linked to your FFXIV account instead of a quest reward for leveling DRG to lv60).

As an aside, I never really understood the fascination with wyverns. Sure, it's cute to have a baby animal help you out and was the source of some funny memes (mostly involving Ryuu-san and his wyvern Mikan). Still, the job hit the mainstream as a guy that wields a lance and jumps on his foes. I thought of the wyvern as a novel idea but at some point it became one of those common bits of the people that think RDM has always been and should always be an enfeebler. The best comment I ever saw on the matter was from an awesome sig on the beta forums that I wish I had archived for posterity: Kain from FFIV saying "I didn't need a wyvern to become the symbol for all dragoons. Why do you?".
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Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#41 May 24 2014 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Ruisu wrote:
svlyons wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
You parse lower? Cool, but is SMN utterly useless without their egi? ....

So yes, it's acceptable design when you realize it's not an actual summoner.

"Not an actual summoner" by whose definition?
SMN is a solid design for the most part, and I still posit that the only things needed for it to be perfect would be removing Contagion/Shining Emerald from the pet and give it to the master (my favored suggestions is having Tri-Disaster and Contagion effectively switch places) and better pathing for Ifrit-egi. You can tell it's a good design when the major complaint has been that the egi's aren't big enough (really, guys?).

Actually, that's only one of the complaints, the other has been it's mostly Garuda that's useful, the other two rarely get use. Summoner is a good design, it's just not the summoner we know from the FF series (considering we're playing FFXIV last I checked.) Anyone who's played quite a few MMOs including WoW can tell you off the bat it's not truly a "summoner."

Edited, May 24th 2014 3:20am by Theonehio

#42 May 24 2014 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,570 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Actually, that's only one of the complaints, the other has been it's mostly Garuda that's useful, the other two rarely get use.
Garuda trumps Ifrit because of Contagion and ranged advantage. Remove Contagion from the equation and then it's a matter of tweaking Ifrit.
Summoner is a good design, it's just not the summoner we know from the FF series (considering we're playing FFXIV last I checked.) Anyone who's played quite a few MMOs including WoW can tell you off the bat it's not truly a "summoner."
The "it doesn't feel like a summoner" argument is and will continue to be eyeroll-worthy because it is based on a) mechanics from single player games that DO NOT cross over into MMO context or b) nostalgia and rose-colored goggles fixated on a system that was a mediocre caster that had little use outside of their two hour ability and carby pulls. And even in the single-player games summoner has struggled and needed to be attached to something else to be made mechanically viable (see: Rydia, Garnet, Eiko, Yuna).
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Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#43 May 24 2014 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Ruisu wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Actually, that's only one of the complaints, the other has been it's mostly Garuda that's useful, the other two rarely get use.
Garuda trumps Ifrit because of Contagion and ranged advantage. Remove Contagion from the equation and then it's a matter of tweaking Ifrit.
Summoner is a good design, it's just not the summoner we know from the FF series (considering we're playing FFXIV last I checked.) Anyone who's played quite a few MMOs including WoW can tell you off the bat it's not truly a "summoner."
The "it doesn't feel like a summoner" argument is and will continue to be eyeroll-worthy because it is based on a) mechanics from single player games that DO NOT cross over into MMO context or b) nostalgia and rose-colored goggles fixated on a system that was a mediocre caster that had little use outside of their two hour ability and carby pulls. And even in the single-player games summoner has struggled and needed to be attached to something else to be made mechanically viable (see: Rydia, Garnet, Eiko, Yuna).

Considering I play SMN to this day in XI, I'm not exactly sure when you last played XI, sounds like 2004 during CoP, though. SE can make any mechanic work if they chose to though. Funny thing is, DRG gameplay in both MMOs is based on single player games, funny how that crossed over fine, same with RDMs, who would have thought multi casting (Chainspell) would have worked fine back then..really quite a few of the jobs in XI shared their single player mechanics in some fashion.

So what you're saying is, they can only selective implement FF based classes on the single player mechanics? The best part is, they're bringing back said "single player mechanic" for the Free Company summon system...and I'm damn sure XIV is an MMO.

#44 May 24 2014 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
1,570 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Considering I play SMN to this day in XI, I'm not exactly sure when you last played XI, sounds like 2004 during CoP, though.
Negative on that. I was there up until the stagnation known as WotG, came back for Abyssea and left halfway into Tanaka's second coming.

Even with skill boosts SMN is still a mediocre caster because of how wards scaled with summoning skill. Avatar favors in general are a joke because while the idea is solid you still have the hurdle of not every avatar being universally useful. The issue with SMN becomes even more glaring when you take Abyssea, Voidwatch and Legion into account, where it was basically there for Perfect Defense and nothing else. Even before that the only things SMN had to cling to relevancy was the promise of the lv70 blood pacts and the poor excuse known as "hateless damage".
SE can make any mechanic work if they chose to though.
There's stuff that works and stuff that doesn't. Asking for a perfect transition is pointless because single-player RPGs and MMORPGs are completely different beasts that require different approaches to design.
Funny thing is, DRG gameplay in both MMOs is based on single player games, funny how that crossed over fine
Ignoring the fact that DRG in concept is relatively simple since it's a physical attacker that jumps on their targets. Not much that can get jumbled or screwed up unless you mix needless elements into the say, a fragile pet that ignores enemy defense ratings but forces damage reductions on the DRG himself for balance purposes.
same with RDMs, who would have thought multi casting (Chainspell) would have worked fine back then
RDM is actually one of the prime examples of console FF concepts that don't make the transition. That's largely why RDM went through the identity crisis and civil war that followed. On a concept level you'd have to look at the core of the idea of a RDM (a guy that uses swords and magic) and build something from there rather than stick to a design approach that doesn't work.
So what you're saying is, they can only selective implement FF based classes on the single player mechanics? The best part is, they're bringing back said "single player mechanic" for the Free Company summon system...and I'm damn sure XIV is an MMO.
And yet has stringent limitations, thus making it unreliable. Yoshida himself said FC summons are usable for dungeons, FATEs and content along those lines, can only be summoned once and then its gone.

And what I'm saying is that not all mechanics and concepts from the console FFs can cross over from single-player to MMO design parameters intact. In some cases the concepts and jobs have to be modified to fit within the framework of the game. So the people that base their expectations entirely on the console FFs are limiting themselves and setting themselves up for disappointment.
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Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#45 May 24 2014 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
863 posts
Catwho wrote:
With XIV's relatively simple battle system and lack of gear swaps,

A friend of mine who was a DRG in XI as well as XIV and I have discussed this on and off when talking about XIV. I think what Catwho mentions combined with the fact that the game overall is just a different beast and the fact that they didn't do it at ARR release makes me think it might be best just to let it be the way it is.

For me what made XI DRG work so well was that it was quite different compared to other melee jobs in that it was rather flexible depending on sub job which was good in a game where you often wanted to solo quite difficult things if you could, many events didn't require a set party of tank/healer/dd/dd or w/e but could be completed with different setups, some things didn't even require a set amount of people.

In ARR this is different, everything is instanced and there is never any real point in soloing/low manning even IF you could manage it because if you can then the gear would not be worth even going after for you. I just don't feel the combat and gameplay ARR has would really fit very well with a wyvern pet like XI has, at least not enough to overcome the negative sides of it. Then again I don't see why just having an ability that calls your pet for a short amount of time to empower you or w/e could not work although I realize that is not the same thing, maybe it could be a decent compromise.
#46 May 26 2014 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
121 posts
I wouldn't want a Wyvern battle pet. Vanity minion: sure. Mount: awesome, I hope they do that. A pet would just complicate things too much. Sure it could be done, and some people would probably be really great with it, but I wouldn't want a nerf, and I don't think it makes sense for any positional based battle class to manage a pet at the same time as trying to dance around. Maybe if they had some option to use the pet+nerf or neither, then people could choose, and that would be fine. I'm not sure how they'd explain the nerf due to using a Wyvern, but I'm sure it could be worked out. In that case, I would definitely give it a try.
#47 May 27 2014 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
ErikHighwind wrote:
I wouldn't want a Wyvern battle pet. Vanity minion: sure. Mount: awesome, I hope they do that. A pet would just complicate things too much. Sure it could be done, and some people would probably be really great with it, but I wouldn't want a nerf.

The thing is: Done through the companion system it wouldn't be a nerf. Yoshi is just very "balance" happy, and by balance he means "I'll have to nerf x for y" which is why he would only make bard a true support if he further nerfs them, as stated during the NicoNico streams.

#48 May 28 2014 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Karlina wrote:
While I really want a physical pet class, I don't think tacking a wyvern onto DRG after the fact is a good idea. They would have have to design the class around the pet from the ground up. I'm still hoping for beastmaster or something come the expansion.

I agree it is too late..
But It a dragoon... they need a dragon or why call them dragoon...
They could have a mount that's a dragon I guess but they should have left the class lancer because that is really what it is...
FFXI: Nashred
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#49 May 28 2014 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Nashred wrote:
But It a dragoon... they need a dragon or why call them dragoon...
Water Crystal Job, Kain Highwind, Earth Crystal Job, Cid Highwind, Ward Zabac, Freya Crescent, Oerba Yun Fang ...
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#50 May 29 2014 at 6:38 AM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
I hated having to rely on my wyvern 24/7 in FFXI. As a temporary limit break type ability, I think that would be cool but I wouldn't want Dragoon turned into a pet job again. It's too late in the game to implement such a big change anyway so I don't see that happening.
#51 May 29 2014 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
Theonehio wrote:
Didn't stop them from watering down Summoner and calling it a Summoner for example

Witnessing the EQ clone-advocate's faux-outrage never stops entertaining me. It's like watching someone defend the communist ideology while everyone else knows how incredibly flawed it is.
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