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The Wyvern DilemmaFollow

#1 May 22 2014 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Interesting tidbit in this IGN interview with Yoshi-P.

When asked if dragoons in XIV would be getting wyverns, this was his response:

We receive many similar questions. Probably we could bring you the pet Wyvern anytime in the near future if we wanted to, but at the same time if we want that Wyvern to have the ability to attack the enemies along with the Dragoon then that means we need to reduce the strength of the Dragoon itself because we need to make sure there’s a good balance in the party. So I’m sure that’s not what players want – they wouldn’t want us to reduce the strength that the Dragoon class has already. So as long as the Wyvern doesn’t have that kind of special power then I’m sure we could implement it, so sometime in the future maybe you will see the pet Wyvern. We do have some plans and when you see how the story evolves around Reborn it might make sense to you.

Looks like they're hesitant to implement wyvern pets because they don't want to water down the dragoon job, which currently provides very solid DPS. I didn't play dragoon in XI, but from what I recall, the common criticism of the job seemed to be the wyvern made them great soloers, but their DPS was compromised because of the actual player's output being balanced with a pet.

So, the question is... is Yoshi-P right to not implement wyverns because of this?

What other powers could wyverns offer without a) unbalancing DRG's DPS capabilities or b) making DRG overpowered?

Would the playerbase stand for a wyvern that's purely cosmetic?
Thayos Redblade
#2 May 22 2014 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
While I really want a physical pet class, I don't think tacking a wyvern onto DRG after the fact is a good idea. They would have have to design the class around the pet from the ground up. I'm still hoping for beastmaster or something come the expansion.
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#3 May 22 2014 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
An attack every now and then shouldnt be game breaking, but at the same time it wont really be beneficial to have it to that either.

I'm not a dragoon myself, but if they were to give you a wyvern only to have it not do anything or attack once a minute for half your weapon damage with a breath attack or so, i'd probably be equally as put off as i would have been not having one entirely.

It's probably best not to have it than to have an half-assed version of it that isnt useful in the slightest. Since, as said, if they would have made it usefull, they would have to nerf dragoon into oblivion. While i, since i dont play dragoon, would be fine with that entirely. I dont think that thought is shared by actual players of the job.
#4 May 22 2014 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
Give DRGs a wyvern minion that is exclusive to the job. It's just a baby so it can't fight yet, but on the upside it also won't tear your head off like the avis up in Coerthas.

Or, give it some pure support aura powers that don't add anything to DPS but still give a minor buff to the party, like a modest accuracy boost or some elemental resistance based on weather.
#5 May 22 2014 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Didn't stop them from watering down Summoner and calling it a Summoner for example, it's designed 99% around the "Summoner" and not the egis, egis...Garuda....has a nice support ability for the "Summoner" but let's be real, you can function completely fine with or without an egi and that shouldn't be the case for a pet job. I think with this game's battle system would be pretty weird to have since DRG was perfectly fine until they tried to nerf Penta Thrust and multi hit WS TP return in XI, so they could easily add it.

I've played DRG in XI and when they introduced monsters that disliked piercing damage, e.g Colibri, that didn't stop people falling all over themselves trying to soak up every DRG that existed on your server for their Merit parties, it wasn't until post nerf and many end-game enemies not having piercing weakness but strength against did DRG's Damage suffer. While you do want to keep things balanced, Yoshi has a weird ideology of what is and isn't balance. For example when someone brought up BRD having songs that benefit melee as well he stated basically you have to even further gimp BRD to add even a few % of damage boost to other classes when that doesn't necessarily have to be the case, especially with such a simplistic battle system as this one.

DRG were great soloers because of the Wyvern pet and also decent support (especially in newer updates) but it was just an extension of the DRG's damage since it was there mainly to do additional breath damage based on monster weakness or curing breaths based on your subjob.

#6 May 22 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
Dragoon in XI was also a fairly technical job to execute well, probably only beaten by PUP in terms of difficulty to master. And it had some pieces of gear that were practically required (e.g. the Wyrm helm from Dyna Xarc.) With XIV's relatively simple battle system and lack of gear swaps, any small changes they make to DRG could have big repercussions. So I like that they are approaching it cautiously.

I am also very, very pleased that I spend so little time gear managing anything in XIV. It's to the point in XI where I spend as much time massaging gear XMLs as I do actually playing the game. Smiley: laugh
#7 May 22 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
2,824 posts
I miss Beastmaster and Dragoon from FFXI. I only played them into Chains of Promethea but all BST parties were pretty awesome in Chains and I loved soloing Oozes (puddings, or whatever they were called) in the Sewers or Bombs.

That being said this is a new game and I'd like to see new, interesting, implementations of the oddball FF classes (BST, Chemist, Pirate, Puppetmaster, Dancer, etc).

Also, there is nothing stopping them from adding a Pokeball Wyvern on a long cooldown as we get higher levels.
#8 May 22 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Didn't stop them from watering down Summoner and calling it a Summoner for example, it's designed 99% around the "Summoner" and not the egis, egis...Garuda....has a nice support ability for the "Summoner" but let's be real, you can function completely fine with or without an egi and that shouldn't be the case for a pet job.

Without an egi, SMN loses about a third of their DPS. That seems like a perfectly acceptable design for a pet class to me, especially one that's meant to be DPS. If any other DPS was losing out on one third of their damage output because of their rotation, I don't think we would be so quick to say that they are functioning "completely fine".
#9 May 22 2014 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
svlyons wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
Didn't stop them from watering down Summoner and calling it a Summoner for example, it's designed 99% around the "Summoner" and not the egis, egis...Garuda....has a nice support ability for the "Summoner" but let's be real, you can function completely fine with or without an egi and that shouldn't be the case for a pet job.

Without an egi, SMN loses about a third of their DPS. That seems like a perfectly acceptable design for a pet class to me, especially one that's meant to be DPS. If any other DPS was losing out on one third of their damage output because of their rotation, I don't think we would be so quick to say that they are functioning "completely fine".

You parse lower? Cool, but is SMN utterly useless without their egi? It's not the pets pushing out the DoTs and Fester for example, which is why Garuda is pretty much the only useful egi in the long run because it extends your DPS greatly. In order for a proper comparison, DRG would have to lose their jumps (thus taking away what DRGs were known for..) for example. You lose some DPS but your egis aren't that crucial in terms of design with Garuda arguably being the most useful for obvious reasons outside of her own DPS added to yours. (when we're referring to FF summoners, the focus is more on the summons), we can all admit the summoner we have is just a retag of a WoW class.

So yes, it's acceptable design when you realize it's not an actual summoner.

#10 May 22 2014 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
I think a lot of dragoons would lose their sanity if suddenly they had to deal with the repercussions of becoming a pet job. It's tough enough maintaining adequate DPS (in a "moar bard" universe) with not being able to adequately cause damage while dodging, but now you'd have a pet to maintain that will end up eating everything you'd just dodged and requiring even more of your DPS cycles to keep up and running.

It's not to say I think the dragoon job is that complex, but with a pet it would end up more so than even summoners have to deal with since even they can cast from relative safety without precise positioning for their attacks in mind. People would start to see dragoon more and more as a job that can't keep up with the demands of high damage, in my opinion.

Plus, you know, there's that whole "this isn't what I signed up for" reaction you'd get from most dragoons who never wanted it to be a pet job in the first place. Having their weapon damage get reduced to a fraction of what it used to be just so their pet can get in on the action is not going to be a good feeling, either.

Better to just develop new pet jobs, in my opinion.
#11 May 22 2014 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
2,824 posts
Theonehio wrote:

You parse lower? Cool, but is SMN utterly useless without their egi?

It seems to me in a game with DPS checks losing 1/3rd of your DPS would make you if not useless then a major impediment to completing content.

What do you think the proper balance would be for a pet class? 50/50? 10/90? I know, for me, in games where the pet is 50% or more of my damage that I tend to not play them because inevitably the pet AI causes it to get killed and then it means that I really am worthless without it.
#12 May 22 2014 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Sadly people already see them as such because the absolutely ABSURD amount of terrible DRGs, even SE poked fun at them with the pixel art Titan fight because that's how the general community sees them as lol.

#13 May 22 2014 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
If it is just a matter of flavor, why not change the DRG limit break to summon the Wyvern for an attack instead of the current acrobatics?
#14 May 22 2014 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Theonehio wrote:
You parse lower? Cool, but is SMN utterly useless without their egi? ....

So yes, it's acceptable design when you realize it's not an actual summoner.

"Not an actual summoner" by whose definition?
#15 May 22 2014 at 1:18 PM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
I'm fine with dragoon not having a wyvern pet, not just from a balance standpoint but also because I don't really find it to be a staple for the job in the FF series. FFXI's dragoon was an interesting take on the job but I wouldn't say it needs to be the standard going forward.

Dragoon is actually one of the slightly more faithful jobs to the FF series in this game IMO. If I were to try and make this game feel more like a Final Fantasy title through job tweaks, I'd sooner take a look at jobs like summoner, which feels more like a DoT caster with a Tamagotchi pet than what I'd expect from a real summoner, or bard, a job which the vast majority of its skills and virtually all of its equipment are specifically tailored for archery.
#16 May 22 2014 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Susanoh wrote:
I'm fine with dragoon not having a wyvern pet, not just from a balance standpoint but also because I don't really find it to be a staple for the job in the FF series. FFXI's dragoon was an interesting take on the job but I wouldn't say it needs to be the standard going forward.

Dragoon is actually one of the slightly more faithful jobs to the FF series in this game IMO. If I were to try and make this game feel more like a Final Fantasy title through job tweaks, I'd sooner take a look at jobs like summoner, which feels more like a DoT caster with a Tamagotchi pet than what I'd expect from a real summoner, or bard, a job which the vast majority of its skills and virtually all of its equipment are specifically tailored for archery.

Depends on how you look at it since the earliest DRG was extremely close to Dragons/Wyrms, damn near raised by them and dragoons utilized them as pets (FFII came a decade before XI). In XIV lore, it's only Ishgard that has a huge vendetta against Dragons and anything that resembles them, as with all FF tradition, there's always exceptions to the "rule", especially when it comes to players, hell even in XI they normally slayed Dragons/Wyverns and due to the Wyvern seeing you as it hatched it figured you were its parent, the only reason it actually became a pet in the first place.

That was one of the good things about XI, it kept the standard and switched up some roles to give it more of a dynamic.

#17 May 22 2014 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Catwho wrote:
Dragoon in XI was also a fairly technical job to execute well, probably only beaten by PUP in terms of difficulty to master. And it had some pieces of gear that were practically required (e.g. the Wyrm helm from Dyna Xarc.) With XIV's relatively simple battle system and lack of gear swaps, any small changes they make to DRG could have big repercussions. So I like that they are approaching it cautiously.

I am also very, very pleased that I spend so little time gear managing anything in XIV. It's to the point in XI where I spend as much time massaging gear XMLs as I do actually playing the game. Smiley: laugh

I'd say THF was more difficult to master than DRG. I had both at 75 cap back in the day and I know that THF for me was far more complicated. Definitely not saying DRG was easy to play though.

Personally, I'd like to see the wyvern built more as a support to the DRG if they do add it. Like, give it some buffs that change situationally, such as an attack speed aura that happens whenever you're hit with a DoT, or an added effect proc whenever you critically hit, or just stuff like that. Small things that aren't gamebreaking, but still give the wyvern a uniqueness. It'd be cool if these were tied to different wyvern animations as well so that it really brought some synergy between DRG and pet. That's assuming this ever happens of course.
#18 May 22 2014 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
At 99 THF in XI was just a positional DPS since no one bothered with SATA for hate control any more. (That said, you could put out some sick numbers if you could get a SATA timed right, but it was easier and more manageable to just decouple SA and TA and run circles around the mob as needed.)

THF is still my favorite melee job, although due to time constraints I'm no longer maintaining the gear for it. I did get Aphotic Kukri maxed out, and I have a full Iutili set (or however the hell it's spelled) so in a pinch I could gear up and go stab things and be respectable. I got the Gusterion dagger for off hand so I can go THF/DNC and get shadows like I was /NIN to boot. Ultimate Abyssea solo machine. Smiley: tongue
#19 May 22 2014 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
Could make everyone happy by adding a divergent path for DRG's with a wyvern at level 30. So that class could be Dragoon Master (DRM) and would have a pet with damage.

Just as long as both jobs have STR as the main stat (to avoid the SCH/SMN mess).

Generally adding more options without taking anything away has been the most successful in making all the players happy.
#20 May 22 2014 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
BartelX wrote:
Personally, I'd like to see the wyvern built more as a support to the DRG if they do add it. Like, give it some buffs that change situationally, such as an attack speed aura that happens whenever you're hit with a DoT, or an added effect proc whenever you critically hit, or just stuff like that. Small things that aren't gamebreaking, but still give the wyvern a uniqueness. It'd be cool if these were tied to different wyvern animations as well so that it really brought some synergy between DRG and pet. That's assuming this ever happens of course.

My initial rejection of the idea was based on an Egi-like wyvern, but I think an "insubstantial pet" could work. Much like how Black Mages manifest their fire and ice stances with circling spheres, you could have a similar concept for Dragoons where a spirit-like wyvern / dragon circles around them (such as when you activate the Heavy Thrust buff). Maybe you could have a move that consumes this buff for a pet "suicide" attack against the creature. I think if it works within the framework that Dragoons are already designed for, you could add some pretty cool effects with this concept.
#21 May 22 2014 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I was deep into this debate when Dragoon was offers as a Job for 1.0's addition of it and my stance has not changed.

I am adamantly opposed to the idea of a Wyvern becoming a core mechanic of the class in any form. Just as Yoshida has provided, anything that would promote having the pet as in the class detracts directly from the Dragoon.

It's also thematically conflicting - Dragoons in this game are listed specifically as Dragon Slayers, and the primary storyline revolves around tempering against the inner dragon that could easily usurp you, even as you rouse your powers.

This said, I don't understand the context of having this discussion be an exclusive issue. We already have a solution within the existing confines of the game's mechanics, without any need for class/job adjustments. It's called our Companion system. It already has an integrated leveling component that allows for the use of an additional member of the party accessible in field/solo situations - it can be utilized much in the way players who gain exclusive mounts by leveling certain classes (or in the case of tanks, assisting as certain classes/jobs) and can be provided with it's own progression system.

Sorry if the text tone is rather aggressive, but I do feel strongly that FFXIV's incarnation of Dragoon is actually in a good place right now, both mechanically and thematically, and I don't wish major changes on it at all.
#22 May 22 2014 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Hyrist wrote:
It's also thematically conflicting - Dragoons in this game are listed specifically as Dragon Slayers, and the primary storyline revolves around tempering against the inner dragon that could easily usurp you, even as you rouse your powers.

There's always exceptions if we're playing a Final Fantasy game. Remember, there's technically only supposed to be one Azure Dragoon currently, yet there's hundreds of thousands of them all born in the same era.

So lore wise, you can't get bound by it as they already make exceptions and break it due to the fact you're an adventurer(player), it's a profession more than lifestyle, much like in XI Blue Mages can only be Blue Mages, you can't become anything else as you've converted your entire body to become a vessel for fell magic.

This said, I don't understand the context of having this discussion be an exclusive issue. We already have a solution within the existing confines of the game's mechanics, without any need for class/job adjustments. It's called our Companion system.

Exactly, and they stated we were going to get more than just the chocobo and as proven they will go the class specific route in a heart beat. Let's also not forget they wanted to introduce the Gambit system eventually to them..


#23 May 22 2014 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Hm. It occurs to me that a melee pet class would be hard to implement well without a major redesign of the pet AI or damage taken. So much of the game revolves around dodging. A pet would have to either dodge with you instantly, or take massively reduced damage from AoE (like in WoW.)
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

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#24 May 22 2014 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Karlina wrote:
Hm. It occurs to me that a melee pet class would be hard to implement well without a major redesign of the pet AI or damage taken. So much of the game revolves around dodging. A pet would have to either dodge with you instantly, or take massively reduced damage from AoE (like in WoW.)

For the most part pets ignore the majority of one hit kill mechanics and has at least 80% DT reduction.but the damage can add up. Just look at King Behemoth for example, they don't even notice a meteor is falling.

Pets also heavily shares your stats, so a melee pet would have much more survivability than the mage ones when you honestly think about it.

#25 May 22 2014 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Wait until new skills are added for each class and job. Make the new DRG skill a DPS cool down that summons a wyvern for 20 to 30th with a 2 or 3 minute CD. Tie the moves the DRG does into the wyvern, with DFD maybe doing a big flame sweep and SSD causing a bad breath - debuffing attack OR something. Each DRG move would equate to something different the wyvern does in addition to its regular AA, which would probably be set at about 150 potency at max.

They could even tie in sub skills to what the wyvern does. BB makes all damage the wyvern does heal the party for 25% of that damage. Foresight provides a party-wide defense boost. Fracture would trigger another dot while IR could buff group crit rate by 10% for the duration. Second wind would cause the wyvern to breath a healing breath on the DRG and nearby friendlies for twice the SW heal amount.

It would be a short term damage/utility buff that shines in clutch situations like DPS checks or recovering after unavoidable damage. The DRG is also now putting forth higher damage as well as potentially buffing himself and his team, but it's being done in a way that doesn't upset balance right now.

Edited, May 22nd 2014 1:52pm by Quor
#26 May 22 2014 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Catwho wrote:
At 99 THF in XI was just a positional DPS since no one bothered with SATA for hate control any more. (That said, you could put out some sick numbers if you could get a SATA timed right, but it was easier and more manageable to just decouple SA and TA and run circles around the mob as needed.)

THF is still my favorite melee job, although due to time constraints I'm no longer maintaining the gear for it. I did get Aphotic Kukri maxed out, and I have a full Iutili set (or however the hell it's spelled) so in a pinch I could gear up and go stab things and be respectable. I got the Gusterion dagger for off hand so I can go THF/DNC and get shadows like I was /NIN to boot. Ultimate Abyssea solo machine. Smiley: tongue

Yeah, I only came back and played Abyssea briefly, and what I did there mostly was just 2 box my thf and my buddies whm for that newer AF set or whatever it was. Even in the 75 days though, I'd almost always split SA and TA if I could help it, as I'd always have 100ish TP in about 25-30s, making it kinda pointless to not split them. The challenge for me was more in the constant movement and positioning, while also pulling, and gearswapping almost constantly (used to do this with macros before windower). I can't even count the amount of gear swaps I had on THF, it was ridiculous. Like you, I'm very glad that this isn't the case in XIV.
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