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#1 May 01 2014 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
annnnnnnnd GO!

When you're by the summoning bell in one of the market areas and some asshat decides to start spamming noisy battle actions for no reason.
#2 May 01 2014 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,079 posts
Same as what you said except anywhere at anytime INCLUDING DUNGEONS GAH!
Articus Vladmir
#3 May 01 2014 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
There's some moany sound that miqote make and people make it in rapid succession all the time. GAH!!!

#4 May 01 2014 at 9:19 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
Sometimes as a tank it is nice to switch to the next target in line while the DPS finish off the first in order to start building up some enmity ahead of time. There are some DPS players out there who have evidently adopted the strategy of "***** killing this thing all the way, I'll move on and let the tank finish it". This can result in whole parties moving from target to target without actually killing anything.

DPS! Kill stuff!
#5 May 01 2014 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
21 posts
It's probably due to me being so used to WoW, but I get annoyed at having to hit the dismount button every time for everything. Why can't it just auto-dismount me if I try to attack something or talk to someone? I understand it's probably me being lazy, but it's something I'm used to in other games.
#6 May 01 2014 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Why do some mob attacks randomly cause heavy when I'm trying to run past them on my chocobo? It's not like they have any shot whatsoever at killing me, so all it does is slow me down and tick me off. Annoying!
#7 May 01 2014 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Crafting Guilds.

You always get some idiots who will do one or more of the following:

1). /dance. *taptap-taptap-taptap-taptap-taptap*
2). Combat Abilities as Catwho mentions above, only it is worse in a guild because you're trying to pay attention to your crafting rotations.
3). Large people, especially bards (with their huge harp bows) standing ontop of you, running around you, etc trying to distract you while you're crafting.

Also... with Summoning Bells. Roegadyn who decide to stand ontop of the stupid bell so you can't click it.
#8 May 01 2014 at 10:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Someone who seriously undercuts the market for no reason.

4K HQ item suddenly listed for 1K annoys me to no end. Today I just said ***** it, bought all the 1K items and relisted them for 3K. Already sold one, and the rest will sell fast. Hopefully the rival crafter will see there are still 10 items listed on the AH and not make any more of those things.

On that note, going to make a requested item only to go try to post it on the board and see someone already beat you to it.
#9 May 01 2014 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
English-speaking new tanks in low-level dungeons playing on consoles without keyboards who won't flash. Ever.

EDIT: Who also don't follow instructions despite sending you emotes whenever you say something.

Edited, May 2nd 2014 12:36am by darexius2010
#10 May 01 2014 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
#1 When you tank something pre-50 and MARK enemies so you dont have to give every mob 33% of your enmity and struggle through the fight, but can give the main target 80%, and the followup targets each 10% so people can absolutely UNLOAD on the first guy, and they just attack whatever regardless of numbering.

#2 People running away after they got hate from attacking something they shouldnt, and make me drag everything else i'm holding after them to get into range of the monsters to provoke it back.

#3 Speedruns. I just hate them. They make me stress out to save 2 minutes of time. Not worth it.

#4 The kick feature. It's abused and used on anyone who goes "This is my first time", or anytime someone dies in even a reasonable and understandable way. Or even if they just flatout dont like your face.

The Party Finder and it's elistist requirements and asshattery. "Must know fight" = ok. "Must have cleared it before" = reasonably ok. "Must never be hit by any attack or you get kicked" = unreasonably bad.

#5 People who undercut, not by 1-100 gil, but by 5.000-10.000 gil on an item that steadily sold 10 times a day for 15.000 gil.

Catwho wrote:
annnnnnnnd GO!

When you're by the summoning bell in one of the market areas and some asshat decides to start spamming noisy battle actions for no reason.

They fixed this.
System Configuration -> Sound Display -> Scroll down -> Player Effects Volume -> Other PCs.
Set that to 0. And anyone outside of your party wont make any sound anymore. Dragoons spamming spins are history then.

oh yes, forgot one...

the main one...

#6 Someone shouting for a weapon or tool to be made that they need desperately, you have a bit of free time and are in a good mood. You dig through your retainers, find most of the ingredients, make a HQ for someone. Tell them not to worry about paying you for it and that they should just take it. You're happy, they're happy... and the very next day you find that item with YOUR signature on the market boards, undercutting the other items you put up. Happens more than you think.

And in light of events a mere two minutes ago.

#7 Logging into the game, going "Good Morning" to your FC at 7:55 AM, and the purple text pops up saying "We're starting maintenance soon, please logout"

Edited, May 2nd 2014 7:58am by KojiroSoma
#11 May 02 2014 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
147 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:

#4 The kick feature. It's abused and used on anyone who goes "This is my first time", or anytime someone dies in even a reasonable and understandable way. Or even if they just flatout dont like your face.

The Party Finder and it's elistist requirements and asshattery. "Must know fight" = ok. "Must have cleared it before" = reasonably ok. "Must never be hit by any attack or you get kicked" = unreasonably bad.

This x100. I can't stand seeing the 'fail = kick' type comments. But that leads to my annoyance, people who can't tolerate failure. It happens. Even Peyton Manning doesn't complete 100% of his passes.


#5 People who undercut, not by 1-100 gil, but by 5.000-10.000 gil on an item that steadily sold 10 times a day for 15.000 gil.

I don't mind this as much because I see it as easy profit. Buy them and repost at the current price.
#12 May 02 2014 at 12:24 AM Rating: Excellent
I hate when whms use that ability that flings monsters away. Often, I'm getting ready to hit something as part of my hate rotation when BAM, the whm sends the mob way out of range for no reason other than to do it.
Thayos Redblade
#13 May 02 2014 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
#4.5 The Party Finder and it's elistist requirements and asshattery. "Must know fight" = ok. "Must have cleared it before" = reasonably ok. "Must never be hit by any attack or you get kicked" = unreasonably bad

Ya, that drives me nuts. Especially when it never seems to apply to the leader and his buddies. Happened last night on Levi ex, 3 strikes your out type of comment. Leader had a healer, brd and tank friend. Brd keeps getting smacked, oh it's ok, he's cleared this before. Healer starts whining about DPS taking too much dmg, not even during dive phases, but because their pld buddy isn't getting hate on the tail or any of the adds. But, he won't admit the pld is the one trying to DPS rather than tank, so what do they do? Kick all the DPS and try again hah.

I don't usually mind these types of parties as they tend to get you some wins, but when the rules don't apply to you or your buddies, don't bother.

#14 May 02 2014 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Raylo wrote:
Why do some mob attacks randomly cause heavy when I'm trying to run past them on my chocobo? It's not like they have any shot whatsoever at killing me, so all it does is slow me down and tick me off. Annoying!

This is yoshi's idea of "a dangerous world." Getting heavy status from monsters who won't chase you more than 7 feet.

squiress wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:

#4 The kick feature. It's abused and used on anyone who goes "This is my first time", or anytime someone dies in even a reasonable and understandable way. Or even if they just flatout dont like your face.

The Party Finder and it's elistist requirements and asshattery. "Must know fight" = ok. "Must have cleared it before" = reasonably ok. "Must never be hit by any attack or you get kicked" = unreasonably bad.

This x100. I can't stand seeing the 'fail = kick' type comments. But that leads to my annoyance, people who can't tolerate failure. It happens. Even Peyton Manning doesn't complete 100% of his passes..

To be fair though I CAN kind of understand the fail comments. It's a gigantic waste of time to have people who get hit by ABSOLUTELY. EVERYTHING. in your party and needlessly wasting your healer's MP, especially to raise you. What if you happen to not have a bard? Potions are worthless as main cures from SCH and WHM suck your MP very fast after a 800+ mp raise numerous times. Titan is a good example, you won't be clearing it if you have people who get hit by every weight or bomb. Garuda, people who stand in tornados and with Ifrit healers who gets the party assaulted with roar.

It's on of my persoal annoyances to see PF comments like x = kick, but at the same time I can understand because I'd rather not waste time with people, especially healers, who get hit by every mechanic, especially in Leviathan. It is unreasonable to expect someone to not get hit at all (it is possible though, I went through all of Leviathan Extreme without taking any damage from anything that isn't a natural mechanic, e.g tail swipe, roar, tidal wave etc), but at the same time, they're obviously talking about people who can't dodge things that are dodgable. People love to use lag as an excuse so it starts getting a bit hazy on who actually is lagging vs who just plain sucks.

Though it is easy to tell -

Someone truly lagging either network or PC wise will actually run a lot slower than other players, for example if you and the lagger run from point a to point b, the one lagging will be running at 'walk speed' and significantly slower than you. So if you see someone running just fine and claim to lag...guess again ^^

For crafting, I severely hate undercutters. XIV is honestly the only MMO I've played (and I've played more than 17 for longer than 3 years) where people seem to DESPISE making money.

Edited, May 2nd 2014 5:07am by Theonehio

#15 May 02 2014 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
The fact that hitting the "cancel" button (circle button on a ps3 controller) will close the Raise popup, and therefore, cancel it. It did not used to do that in FFXI.

Irritating because often when I die, I tend to open up the chat log, either to find chat that I missed in the middle of the fight, or to find out how I got killed, etc.

IMO the Raise popup should be handled exactly like how a party invite is; if you accidentally close the box, it can be reopened again (unless you actually select to decline the Raise)
#16 May 02 2014 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Yeah, that's one of the many things SE took a huge step back on. In FFXIV 1.0 - 1.23 I can accept raise/teleports at any time if I close the dialog box, they vanish after a bit but I at least can choose to revive again.

I think it's mostly due to changing from "menu based" navigation outside of just a main menu.

#17 May 02 2014 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
2,447 posts
This isn't as much of a concern now, but back when I was FATE grinding for xp, accidentally hitting "Accept teleport" when someone is either leaving zone or going to another FATE and you have 6+ items ready to turn in but haven't yet >.<
#18 May 02 2014 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

Devil's advocate, I can kinda understand why they do it.

Right now, listing an item on the Market is a complete chore, unless there's some secret I'm not aware of. First, you need to know what it is selling for. So you open the Marketboard, look the item up and make your decision what to sell it for. Then you most likely have to close the Marketboard (because the Summoning Bell is too far away from the Marketboard to have both up simultaneously from what I could see), and then ring your Retainer and tell them to sell the item.

Okay, item #1 listed.

For Item #2... you gotta send the Retainer away, open the Marketboard, get an idea of what to list the item for, blah blah blah.

For each item. You can try to remember, but with all the /emote spam, people running around ontop of you, crafting sounds, etc... sometimes its hard to remember, esp when you're selling similar items. "Gee, was that the Craftman's Cunning Materia or the Craftman's Competence Materia that was going for 5k?" And if you forget, you have to go look it up.....again.......then summon your retainer......again.

Selling stuff is just a hassle, and I can kinda understand if people want to make sure it sells, not end up in the retainer's inventory a week later. I've found materia is pretty lousy for this, my one retainer still has 7 materia on her that haven't sold (that I listed 4+ days ago), and I even undercut by 20%. I've got a bunch of materia on me, that I just simply don't feel like going through the hassle right now to actually list.

Now, if we had some sort of way to view the going prices while in the listing interface, that'd be a LOT better!
#19 May 02 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

Devil's advocate, I can kinda understand why they do it.

Right now, listing an item on the Market is a complete chore, unless there's some secret I'm not aware of. First, you need to know what it is selling for. So you open the Marketboard, look the item up and make your decision what to sell it for. Then you most likely have to close the Marketboard (because the Summoning Bell is too far away from the Marketboard to have both up simultaneously from what I could see), and then ring your Retainer and tell them to sell the item.

Okay, item #1 listed.

For Item #2... you gotta send the Retainer away, open the Marketboard, get an idea of what to list the item for, blah blah blah.

For each item. You can try to remember, but with all the /emote spam, people running around ontop of you, crafting sounds, etc... sometimes its hard to remember, esp when you're selling similar items. "Gee, was that the Craftman's Cunning Materia or the Craftman's Competence Materia that was going for 5k?" And if you forget, you have to go look it up.....again.......then summon your retainer......again.

Selling stuff is just a hassle, and I can kinda understand if people want to make sure it sells, not end up in the retainer's inventory a week later. I've found materia is pretty lousy for this, my one retainer still has 7 materia on her that haven't sold (that I listed 4+ days ago), and I even undercut by 20%. I've got a bunch of materia on me, that I just simply don't feel like going through the hassle right now to actually list.

Now, if we had some sort of way to view the going prices while in the listing interface, that'd be a LOT better!

There is a button that shows you what the market prices are when you use your retainer to put something up for sale...
#20 May 02 2014 at 8:45 AM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Now, if we had some sort of way to view the going prices while in the listing interface, that'd be a LOT better!

This is why it's such an idiotic problem, you can see the going prices as well as filtering between Materia laced and HQ only for example while listing, it's how people constantly adjust their prices 1-30k below yours.

#21 May 02 2014 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
The fact you can open an animus book and then ride a chocobo, but you cant open the book while on a chocobo.
#22 May 02 2014 at 9:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Lyrailis wrote:

Devil's advocate, I can kinda understand why they do it.

Right now, listing an item on the Market is a complete chore, unless there's some secret I'm not aware of. First, you need to know what it is selling for. So you open the Marketboard, look the item up and make your decision what to sell it for. Then you most likely have to close the Marketboard (because the Summoning Bell is too far away from the Marketboard to have both up simultaneously from what I could see), and then ring your Retainer and tell them to sell the item.

Okay, item #1 listed.

For Item #2... you gotta send the Retainer away, open the Marketboard, get an idea of what to list the item for, blah blah blah.

For each item. You can try to remember, but with all the /emote spam, people running around ontop of you, crafting sounds, etc... sometimes its hard to remember, esp when you're selling similar items. "Gee, was that the Craftman's Cunning Materia or the Craftman's Competence Materia that was going for 5k?" And if you forget, you have to go look it up.....again.......then summon your retainer......again.

Selling stuff is just a hassle, and I can kinda understand if people want to make sure it sells, not end up in the retainer's inventory a week later. I've found materia is pretty lousy for this, my one retainer still has 7 materia on her that haven't sold (that I listed 4+ days ago), and I even undercut by 20%. I've got a bunch of materia on me, that I just simply don't feel like going through the hassle right now to actually list.

Now, if we had some sort of way to view the going prices while in the listing interface, that'd be a LOT better!

Ya, when you have your retainer out, choose to sell item, upper right corner of the screen. There's a history of what's it's sold for and the current stock that's on the market with listed prices. No need to do what you're doing right now.

#23 May 02 2014 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
In low level dungeon roulette, when tanks faced with three monsters grab hate on just one of them. I try to stand there waiting to cure them until they all turn red, but I can't wait forever or the tank dies, and those other two mobs come running right after me the instant I cast. Especially fun in the Rosary Room.

SMNs who don't use Resurrection. Forces me to stop healing everyone while I disengage, Swiftcast Raise (if Swiftcast is up), and hope I can get it all done before anyone dies.

Speaking as a WHM, I agree totally with Thayos on the knockback ability. Never, ever, EVER, use it in a party. Annoys the tank, annoys the DPS, and even should annoy the WHM casting it because then they have to reposition when everyone moves to the mob.
#24 May 02 2014 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Lyrailis wrote:

Devil's advocate, I can kinda understand why they do it.

Right now, listing an item on the Market is a complete chore, unless there's some secret I'm not aware of. First, you need to know what it is selling for. So you open the Marketboard, look the item up and make your decision what to sell it for. Then you most likely have to close the Marketboard (because the Summoning Bell is too far away from the Marketboard to have both up simultaneously from what I could see), and then ring your Retainer and tell them to sell the item.

Okay, item #1 listed.

For Item #2... you gotta send the Retainer away, open the Marketboard, get an idea of what to list the item for, blah blah blah.

For each item. You can try to remember, but with all the /emote spam, people running around ontop of you, crafting sounds, etc... sometimes its hard to remember, esp when you're selling similar items. "Gee, was that the Craftman's Cunning Materia or the Craftman's Competence Materia that was going for 5k?" And if you forget, you have to go look it up.....again.......then summon your retainer......again.

Selling stuff is just a hassle, and I can kinda understand if people want to make sure it sells, not end up in the retainer's inventory a week later. I've found materia is pretty lousy for this, my one retainer still has 7 materia on her that haven't sold (that I listed 4+ days ago), and I even undercut by 20%. I've got a bunch of materia on me, that I just simply don't feel like going through the hassle right now to actually list.

Now, if we had some sort of way to view the going prices while in the listing interface, that'd be a LOT better!

I go analog to alleviate this issue. Pen and paper at the desk.

You do know you can check the price history of an item straight from the retainer's sale menu, right? No need to check the boards first. The price history menu is on the same page you set the sale price.
#25 May 02 2014 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
People that sell things on the market board for one gil. If that's all you want for an item just NPC it and stop wasting other people's time when they try to sell things for a reasonable amount.
#26 May 02 2014 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
darexius2010 wrote:
English-speaking new tanks in low-level dungeons playing on consoles without keyboards who won't flash. Ever.

I've found that there definitely seems to be some disconnect with tanks and enmity in this game. I have not yet leveled a tanking class, but from running dungeons on my drg and now cnj, some tanks REALLY struggle with threat on multiple mobs and some seem to have better control. So far, it seems that Warrior\Maurader class has the easiest time, and the sword and board classes are struggling. It could just be the experience level of the tanks in question, but I have to wonder if SE didn't quite take into account a proper level of AoE tools for each tank class when they designed dungeons. It's a much bigger deal than it was in XI when we basically fought one monster at a time.

Thayos wrote:
I hate when whms use that ability that flings monsters away. Often, I'm getting ready to hit something as part of my hate rotation when BAM, the whm sends the mob way out of range for no reason other than to do it.

I recently obtained that one - from that water quest for Conjurer and my first thought was "what a useless spell. Where is my cure II that as a healer class I should have a lot sooner than 30? Why do I need a random aoe knockback spell when my role is to cure people?"

I understand what Yoshi was trying to do - whm in XI was one of those classes that just couldn't solo. At all, really. Sure you could deck yourself out in the whm hauby, level up your club and Hexa Strike the **** out of things - but it was far from ideal compared to other classes. He's giving us more tools so that we aren't so dependent on others in a solo context...

I'm just not sure that the design of this particular class\job makes much sense in a group context. It *feels* like I should be getting more healing tools, not more dps tools. Spamming Cure I has so far been an extremely boring experience. Getting Esuna and then fighting that ONE coeurl in Satasha was the highlight of my night last night, and only one person even got hit with the paralyze. Disappointing.

So I guess my point is - in defense of whm's everywhere... the job right now is so mind-numbingly boring that they are probably using it just for the troll = excitement factor. I know, it sucks for you when you are trying to do your thing, but wow - I REALLY hope that this job gets better with later levels, or I fear I, too, will be one of those whm's you hate.

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