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Greed Party and Loot thievesFollow

#77 Apr 25 2014 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Torrence wrote:
Blizzard realized that LFR was SUPER popular. Everyone wanted to play it, but in order to get loot for one of your specs you had to actually play as that spec. This meant that the few tanks and healers HAD to queue as DPS to gear out those specs, and believe me, there are a lot more 'main' tank\heal characters that off DPS than DPS characters that off heal\tank.

I'm not sure the ratio of off dps to main dps matters. WoW locks your class to your character, but allows you to specialize up to 3 unique roles. XIV allows you to play any class, but the classes are generally restricted to one role. There is a large difference between off-spec and off-class when you compare the two games.

I don't personally care if people are allowed to pick their class and get personal loot, but it doesn't translate back that way in WoW. I can't farm hunter gear on a warrior. There are a few accessories and crafted gear you can use, but you still have to 'earn' it by going through the associated content to collect it on the correct character.

Edited, Apr 25th 2014 9:11pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#78 Apr 26 2014 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Torrence wrote:
Blizzard realized that LFR was SUPER popular. Everyone wanted to play it, but in order to get loot for one of your specs you had to actually play as that spec. This meant that the few tanks and healers HAD to queue as DPS to gear out those specs, and believe me, there are a lot more 'main' tank\heal characters that off DPS than DPS characters that off heal\tank.

I'm not sure the ratio of off dps to main dps matters. WoW locks your class to your character, but allows you to specialize up to 3 unique roles. XIV allows you to play any class, but the classes are generally restricted to one role. There is a large difference between off-spec and off-class when you compare the two games.

I was just explaining the process Blizzard went through when they looked at this issue to clarify what I am suggesting here. You are right that Blizzard locks characters down to 2-3 roles, but allowing a single character to play as any job in XIV (and XI for that matter) hasn't changed the ratio of people willing to be tanks and healers versus people wanting to glue their eyes to parsers.

FilthMcNasty wrote:

I don't personally care if people are allowed to pick their class and get personal loot, but it doesn't translate back that way in WoW. I can't farm hunter gear on a warrior. There are a few accessories and crafted gear you can use, but you still have to 'earn' it by going through the associated content to collect it on the correct character.

Actually,WoW is moving toward more *Bound to Battlenet Account* gear. Practically everything on Timeless Isle was Bound to Account, so actually, I *could* go there on my Paladin and farm up gear for my Death Knight, which I could then use to skip a lot of content and immediately play current content with. That's why we want to gear other jobs, right? So we can then bring that job to current content or do other content outside of the group with that job\gear eventually?

This is another situation where Blizzard has already gone through the growing pains for us. They already figured it out.

People were starting to grow weary of this very system of needing to do EVERYTHING 1-90 when starting a new "job", especially since the 1 character\all jobs model is so superior and people are hearing about it now and asking for better ways to gear their "alts". As XIV gains traction I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard tries to find a way to implement more of SE's ideas and we start to see this sea of alts disappearing entirely.

Anyway, I don't care anymore what happens in that game. I care what happens in this one.

The main takeaway of my post is:

There are three *main* roles in any mmo game. This is that formula
Tanks < Healers < DPS

What does this mean? Developers have to be very careful when they work on these systems. Design a system that *forces* the people who are naturally inclined as tanks and healers to run content as a DPS, and watch queue times skyrocket. Forget about building parties, unless you get someone who is just gearing out their tank or healer. Your geared and experienced ones will decline content because they won't be able to get anything from it. Or you will pressure them into coming anyway which, in turn, leads to burn out because they will never be able to get into a group on their other job, so they will never be able to gear it, and they will forever be stuck on the job YOU want them as. I can't tell you how many friends I watched leave XI over the years because they just got burned out on a job.

Other option? Just leave the system as it is where the players decide who gets what, and keep watching these discussions happen because someone hit a button they weren't allowed to. PUG groups become even more of a nightmare because anyone could be a ninja. BG player warning forum will be reborn and you'll have to check the threads before inviting someone to your group. Or just not PUG, and wait for your FC to do it, but that usually means adhering to a schedule where you have to abide by the lotting rules, suicide kings, etc., (which is way more administrative work than was necessary for leaders who already have the burden of keeping a community flowing and ensuring content gets completed).

And eventually come to the same conclusion in 5 years that Blizzard did anyway.

They don't have to copy the system exactly, but there are a LOT of good lessons in there that SE could benefit from so we can skip some of this ******** and just enjoy playing the game. Loot drama is one of those things that can absolutely be eliminated, and all it would take is a little extra thought and careful planning on Yoshi-P's part. He's got a pretty good track record so far, so hopefully he will look at what the others in the industry are doing and give us his unique take on it.

One can only hope.
#79 Apr 26 2014 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Torrence wrote:
Actually,WoW is moving toward more *Bound to Battlenet Account* gear.

I've only ever seen things like achievements, pets and mounts applying account-wide. You still have to gear up the character you're playing to progress through anything beyond normal endgame dungeons. The system we're talking about for XIV isn't rewarding entry-level gear so it's not the same situation anyway.

Torrence wrote:
People were starting to grow weary of this very system of needing to do EVERYTHING 1-90 when starting a new "job", especially since the 1 character\all jobs model is so superior and people are hearing about it now and asking for better ways to gear their "alts".

The 1 character all jobs model is superior how? I don't understand why you're making this statement or what you're using as a reason to justify it.

Torrence wrote:
They don't have to copy the system exactly, but there are a LOT of good lessons in there that SE could benefit from so we can skip some of this bullsh*t and just enjoy playing the game.

Except all this sounds like is "I want gear for other jobs so I can play those jobs, but I don't want to play those jobs to actually acquire the gear". Does not compute.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#80 Apr 26 2014 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

I've only ever seen things like achievements, pets and mounts applying account-wide. You still have to gear up the character you're playing to progress through anything beyond normal endgame dungeons. The system we're talking about for XIV isn't rewarding entry-level gear so it's not the same situation anyway.

Timeless Isle monsters drop "Gear Tokens" such as Timeless Plate Chestpiece. This is a Bound-to-Account item, and when used, it generates a Plate Chestpiece relevant to your class and selected spec (Tank/DPS/Heal).
#81 Apr 26 2014 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

I've only ever seen things like achievements, pets and mounts applying account-wide. You still have to gear up the character you're playing to progress through anything beyond normal endgame dungeons. The system we're talking about for XIV isn't rewarding entry-level gear so it's not the same situation anyway.

Timeless Isle monsters drop "Gear Tokens" such as Timeless Plate Chestpiece. This is a Bound-to-Account item, and when used, it generates a Plate Chestpiece relevant to your class and selected spec (Tank/DPS/Heal).

Bolded for emphasis.

WoW allows players to pick up already obsolete gear for alternate characters. No one really cares if they're giving it away because you can get gear that is as good or better from questing or crafting. Item level 496 is quest reward level gear from 5.3 patch. We're already well beyond 5.4 and the next tier of raiding gear.

The system being suggested here for FFXIV is not even close to the same. We're talking about allowing players to obtain current tier raid gear for alternate jobs and classes, not entry-level stuff that you'll upgrade by running older dungeons.

Edited, Apr 26th 2014 5:44pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#82 Apr 26 2014 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
WoW allows players to pick up already obsolete gear for alternate characters. No one really cares if they're giving it away because you can get gear that is as good or better from questing or crafting. Item level 496 is quest reward level gear from 5.3 patch. We're already well beyond 5.4 and the next tier of raiding gear.

Uh..... come, again?

There's one-and-only-one quest in 5.3 that ever gave an item reward of 496, and those were the 502 boots you got for helping the panda climb the mountain. You could maybe make an argument for Valor-purchased gear, but you had to grind a reputation up to get those and spend valor points (that you most likely got out of doing dungeon/raid content... getting 1200+ valor points by dailies would take stinking forever).

Other than that singular quest, no other quest gave out anything near 496 that I'm aware of. And even then, the 496 Tokens are used to make 535, though you need a Burden of Eternity to do so, but those can be bought with Timeless Coins with a mild amount of grind, and if you're lucky, you can find them on regular mobs. You still need the base token (which, again, is BoA).

And 496 might be a hair below 5.3 LFR Gear, but it is enough to get you into the latest LFR (whose item level requirement -is- 496), so you can't really call it "Obsolete". It isn't "Current" or "BiS", but it isn't "Obsolete" either. It is starter gear for the latest LFR and it was very clearly designed to be such.

You can, right now, get a 2nd character to Level 90 and get them wearing almost full 496 (sans weapon slots and 1 trinket) right off the bat, the very moment they ding Level 90 thanks to BoA Gear Tokens. That is just 1 hair away from the latest LFR Content.

Edited, Apr 26th 2014 5:54pm by Lyrailis
#83 Apr 26 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
WoW allows players to pick up already obsolete gear for alternate characters. No one really cares if they're giving it away because you can get gear that is as good or better from questing or crafting. Item level 496 is quest reward level gear from 5.3 patch. We're already well beyond 5.4 and the next tier of raiding gear.

Uh..... come, again?

There's one-and-only-one quest in 5.3 that ever gave an item reward of 496, and those were the 502 boots you got for helping the panda climb the mountain.

Battlefield: Barrens rewarded an entire set of 496 gear. You could also kill world bosses which dropped ilvl 522 gear. There were even more options with crafted weapons and gear.

Lyrailis wrote:
And 496 might be a hair below 5.3 LFR Gear, but it is enough to get you into the latest LFR (whose item level requirement -is- 496), so you can't really call it "Obsolete".

I call it obsolete because at one point it was standard for higher tier raiding. I've also called it entry-level but that's beside the point. We're talking about allowing people to select class specific gear in high level raids.

You can't do that in WoW. You can't clear Heroic Garrosh and get high level endgame raid gear for an alt. Deciding which spec you want gear for is not even close to deciding which class or job you want gear for. You have to be playing your warlock to select the Destruction spec. You're working through content on the job you're receiving gear for. The current system in XIV isn't much different already except gear is type specific instead of class specific.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#84 Apr 26 2014 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

Battlefield: Barrens rewarded an entire set of 496 gear. You could also kill world bosses which dropped ilvl 522 gear. There were even more options with crafted weapons and gear.

Nope, that was 489. Not 496.

That's an example of one of the many tokens you got while doing BF: Barrens.

You can't do that in WoW. You can't clear Heroic Garrosh and get high level endgame raid gear for an alt. Deciding which spec you want gear for is not even close to deciding which class or job you want gear for.

Actually, Garrosh drops a BoA weapon on every mode except LFR (that automatically levels up with your character until Lv100!). The first weapon he drops is relevant to your class, afterwards any future Heirloom weapons he drops are Random. So yes, you COULD do it as a Paladin and get an Heirloom Dagger for your Rogue.

Said BoA weapons are mail-able across servers and factions. Kill him as a Paladin, get a Rogue Dagger on Server A: Alliance, mail to your Horde Rogue on Server B.

100% possible.

Edited, Apr 26th 2014 11:10pm by Lyrailis
#85 Apr 26 2014 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Yes you can get a few pieces of higher level gear for your alt in WoW, but it's still nothing close to being able to completely gear your alternate jobs in BiS; which is exactly what you'd be able to do in XIV. Do you really think that wouldn't cause any issues?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#86 Apr 28 2014 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Yes you can get a few pieces of higher level gear for your alt in WoW, but it's still nothing close to being able to completely gear your alternate jobs in BiS; which is exactly what you'd be able to do in XIV. Do you really think that wouldn't cause any issues?

Absolutely, and again, this is a mindset that is wholly unique to XI players. Exactly what *issues* will it cause?

Scenario 1: You don't have the job leveled. So you have some pieces sitting on your retainer collecting dust, that will be obsoleted in the next expansion. Big whoop. How does this break the game?

Scenario 2: You HAVE the job leveled, but the group needs your OTHER job instead because of that pesky DPS > Healers > tanks formula.

You still get to run the content on the job they need, everyone gets to DO the content, and you *might* get a piece for your other job. How is this different from running the content on the job in question (other than the amount of time you wait to put together a group)? Either way you have already earned the right to DO the content and get drops from it. How does this break the game?

Let's remember that these drops wouldn't be guaranteed. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten that ******* helm from Norushan that I haven't needed the wing was released. The RNG is a fickle friend, but while it just swaps one source of drama for another, it's VASTLY preferable to the infighting and ******** that tears linkshells apart.

It really benefits everyone to allow people to gear off specs (off jobs, in this case) via a personal loot system. You don't lose a drop on your main, you don't wait around trying to find a tank that actually needs to run the content to gear their tank, and the tank gets a shot at some pieces for her other job that she might not have otherwise been able to get because everyone wants her ******* tank.

It didn't break WoW, and it wouldn't break XIV, either.
#87 Apr 28 2014 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Because anybody can click the Need button and ***** everybody over.

Nope, only the players on the classes which can use can click on Need... so play the class you want gear on? Don't get me wrong, the WoW thing sounds interesting but I don't understand why people in PUGs try to insist on Greed rolls so that they (on one class) can have a shot at other gear. For me, that just seems like someone being greedy and trying to maximise their potential to be crappy to others. Sure, in a trusted group of friends, Greed rolls might work well but otherwise, I'd rather take the time to get the party setup than deal with Greed drama.
Blogging again!
#88 Apr 28 2014 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
The best parties I've ever seen were:

Greed > Need.

The party leader is a Black Mage and there's no DPS slot for BLM or SMN, but 3 slots for DRG/MNK/BRD lol <That is being a greedy douche wad. Most people do Greed parties because it allows some to play on their 'alts' or 'best geared' depending but don't need gear for it, but I'm more in favor of:

You can cast Need/Greed only if you have it leveled, because far too many level 20 summoners get the SMN book from Leviathan when 2-7 others who actually has SMN to 50 lose out on it, but as its a greed party, which tend to have higher success since people are all loot whores at heart, they can't need on it.

All in all, it just shows why it makes it hard to play with a non FC/LS group because this kind of system just...seems to benefit only those who lock items, e.g

"Turn 1 & 2 First Casters locked, and no slots for additional BLM/SMN!"
"Turn 4 Caster Pants locked! I'm the only BLM allowed! No SMN or extra BLM!"
"Turn 5 BLM scepter locked, solo tank solo heal, greed party!"

I always giggle when the stuff they lock never drops and they disband the party because everyone else is getting what they want.

#89 Apr 28 2014 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
I think SE really messed up Turn 2, putting so much important caster gear in there. What I do with T2 parties is 1 tank (lucky tank), no more than 2 casters, at least 1 bard and then try and mix and match. So usually ends up 1 tank, 2 healers, 2 casters, 1 bard and 1 each of MNK and DRG. Which as there are a decent number of caster and healer drops in there usually works well. Or Aiming drops EVERY SINGLE TIME and we get a revolving door of BRDS...
Blogging again!
#90 Apr 28 2014 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
I did a T5 greed party this weekend. The RNG gods love me. First kill I get my smn book. 2nd kill I get a Lance. 3rd kill I get Plate helmet. People hate my RNG because I'm one of those people with everything at 50 so I technically can use everything AND I get high rolls.
#91 Apr 28 2014 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Torrence wrote:
It didn't break WoW, and it wouldn't break XIV, either.

It doesn't break WoW for the reason I've explained several times now. You can't gear an alt in high level raid content, so if you want to gear an alt you have to earn the gear on that alt. You can still get off spec gear in XIV, but picking specific jobs goes beyond that. You're basically allowing people to skip over the grind which is part of the content.

SE wants you to keep running instances. It's not something that's meant to be cleared once on one class and you're done with it. I'm the prime example for why it isn't. All I was interested in was tanking so that's all I did. As a result, I quickly grew bored because there was nothing more that I needed. Gearing alts is an excuse for you to keep participating in content you've already cleared.

People really need to think further than "I want stuff" when they consider why they want this change. You'll try to rationalize it as 'I deserve this because I've already paid my dues', but what that really means is 'I don't want to run this same stale dungeon again'. That's a content problem, not a loot problem.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#92 Apr 28 2014 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
eldelphia wrote:

Nope, only the players on the classes which can use can click on Need... so play the class you want gear on? Don't get me wrong, the WoW thing sounds interesting but I don't understand why people in PUGs try to insist on Greed rolls so that they (on one class) can have a shot at other gear. For me, that just seems like someone being greedy and trying to maximise their potential to be crappy to others. Sure, in a trusted group of friends, Greed rolls might work well but otherwise, I'd rather take the time to get the party setup than deal with Greed drama.

Or... And this is very important - people are running content on certain jobs because they are the job that is needed and they don't *want* to be crappy to others, it's just the system in its current form is designed in a way that kind of makes them.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
Torrence wrote:
It didn't break WoW, and it wouldn't break XIV, either.

It doesn't break WoW for the reason I've explained several times now. You can't gear an alt in high level raid content, so if you want to gear an alt you have to earn the gear on that alt. You can still get off spec gear in XIV, but picking specific jobs goes beyond that. You're basically allowing people to skip over the grind which is part of the content.

SE wants you to keep running instances. It's not something that's meant to be cleared once on one class and you're done with it. I'm the prime example for why it isn't. All I was interested in was tanking so that's all I did. As a result, I quickly grew bored because there was nothing more that I needed. Gearing alts is an excuse for you to keep participating in content you've already cleared.

People really need to think further than "I want stuff" when they consider why they want this change. You'll try to rationalize it as 'I deserve this because I've already paid my dues', but what that really means is 'I don't want to run this same stale dungeon again'. That's a content problem, not a loot problem.

Filth... How are you "skipping the grind" if you are in the content in the first place? All you are doing is shifting the grind to another job. Me doing the content once to gear my Paladin, and then doing the content AGAIN on my Paladin to gear my Summoner isn't skipping jack sh*t. It's doing the same content twice on the same job because... ding ding ding - the party needs my Paladin! I mean, if SE REALLY wanted us to never be able to get gear for other jobs, there wouldn't even be a greed button. You would only ever be able to lot on items for your current class, and that would probably be the end of all the ninja'ing drops drama, but it wouldn't give people much of an incentive to help out other people to get through content. There's just no *real* reason for the way the system is except that SE overlooked a few things.

I'm done explaining this to you.

Edited, Apr 28th 2014 3:47pm by Torrence
#93 Apr 28 2014 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Theonehio wrote:
The best parties I've ever seen were:

Greed > Need.

The party leader is a Black Mage and there's no DPS slot for BLM or SMN, but 3 slots for DRG/MNK/BRD lol <That is being a greedy douche wad.

I do this all the time. Why the hell would I trust random strangers?

When building T5 groups, I make sure I am the only BRD and I open up a slot for DRG/SMN and BLM/MNK. The fifth DPS slot I change based on what DPS joins prior to that. Basically, I make sure there is only one job so that person can need on the gear and won't have to deal with trust issues.

Also, if I obtain my item right away, it allows me to switch to my other jobs that can be used to fill the roles of anyone who leaves. BRD is not my main nor is it my best geared job. I can then switch to BLM or SMN, do more DPS, and make things run smoother.

Another thing I like to do is ask people what piece of gear they want from a specific turn and if they already have a certain piece of gear. Example: in turn 4, some BRDs want the feet and some want the helm. If my BRD wants the feet, I will ask any other BRD who joins if they already have them. If they already do, I don't have to worry about him need rolling them.

Turn 4 is also one of those turns where greed parties are recommended since nothing really drops for tanks in them.

You can laugh all you want: the current system is horrible and ripe for abuse. I should not have to go on a lesser-geared DPS job just because I am unsure about the rolling etiquette of the rest of my party members who I do not know at all in a majority of situations.

Ex) The other day, I made a turn 5 group. I specifically said in PF: "Pick ONE item upon joining."

A bunch of people join, list what they want, and we get going. I copy and paste what everyone wants before we enter. At the time, one of the tanks (PLD) wanted DRG boots and there was a DRG in the party who wanted tank helm.

So we end up killing. I post the loot table before we open the chest so everyone knows exactly what to do. The spear drops. The DRG had said he was there for tank helm but what does he do? Rolls need on the spear.

Sh*t like this is why I have 0 trust in PF groups and why I want a masterloot system. Yes: masterloot can be abused as well. However, masterloot allows me to 1) go on my best job for the role I am filling and 2) have no worries (if I'm the leader) regarding loot thieves and dicey situations like described above.

Edited, Apr 28th 2014 4:00pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#94 Apr 28 2014 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
589 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Theonehio wrote:
The best parties I've ever seen were:

Greed > Need.

The party leader is a Black Mage and there's no DPS slot for BLM or SMN, but 3 slots for DRG/MNK/BRD lol <That is being a greedy douche wad.

I do this all the time. Why the hell would I trust random strangers?

When building T5 groups, I make sure I am the only BRD and I open up a slot for DRG/SMN and BLM/MNK. The fifth DPS slot I change based on what DPS joins prior to that. Basically, I make sure there is only one job so that person can need on the gear and won't have to deal with trust issues.

Also, if I obtain my item right away, it allows me to switch to my other jobs that can be used to fill the roles of anyone who leaves. BRD is not my main nor is it my best geared job. I can then switch to BLM or SMN, do more DPS, and make things run smoother.

Another thing I like to do is ask people what piece of gear they want from a specific turn and if they already have a certain piece of gear. Example: in turn 4, some BRDs want the feet and some want the helm. If my BRD wants the feet, I will ask any other BRD who joins if they already have them. If they already do, I don't have to worry about him need rolling them.

Turn 4 is also one of those turns where greed parties are recommended since nothing really drops for tanks in them.

You can laugh all you want: the current system is horrible and ripe for abuse. I should not have to go on a lesser-geared DPS job just because I am unsure about the rolling etiquette of the rest of my party members who I do not know at all in a majority of situations.

Ex) The other day, I made a turn 5 group. I specifically said in PF: "Pick ONE item upon joining."

A bunch of people join, list what they want, and we get going. I copy and paste what everyone wants before we enter. At the time, one of the tanks (PLD) wanted DRG boots and there was a DRG in the party who wanted tank helm.

So we end up killing. I post the loot table before we open the chest so everyone knows exactly what to do. The spear drops. The DRG had said he was there for tank helm but what does he do? Rolls need on the spear.

Sh*t like this is why I have 0 trust in PF groups and why I want a masterloot system. Yes: masterloot can be abused as well. However, masterloot allows me to 1) go on my best job for the role I am filling and 2) have no worries (if I'm the leader) regarding loot thieves and dicey situations like described above.

Edited, Apr 28th 2014 4:00pm by HitomeOfBismarck

I guess it all just depends. Last greed party I was in everyone rolled greed even if they could hit need on an item they solo rolled.
#95 Apr 28 2014 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
a whole bunch of administrative stuff

Wouldn't it just be awesome to not have to worry about that, just put together a group of the jobs that you want to bring without thinking about what they might or might not lot on or already have, and just go do the content because the system is already at work in the background?

Think of how much more time you would have to play and enjoy the game.
#96 Apr 28 2014 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
nonameoflevi wrote:
I guess it all just depends. Last greed party I was in everyone rolled greed even if they could hit need on an item they solo rolled.

^. Also, SE has stated you can report people who agree to your terms as it counts as a form of griefing which people have actually been suspended for doing (hell I even seen the person ******** he got a suspension on OF that I reported with a few other people who needed on an item in a greed party)

I've yet to see a Greed party with "undergeared" people since most tend to want to play other classes too that are geared (and no real excuse other than laziness/no time to not have myth sets for your classes nowadays) so that's an odd situation to get thrust into but as said, I always find it a bit funny how the leader locks the slot off and sometimes wonder why it takes quite awhile for people to join it, especially when they lock the lot AND the items. Since farm parties means more than 1 run and sometimes 20+, everyone would eventually get what they want regardless unless the RNG gods simply hates your existence.

I have however seen plenty of undergeared Need > Greed parties since most people are likely to want to try to gear up their fresh mains if they meet the Ilvl, since Relic and some DL (especially nowadays) or Brayflox gear = at least i73, which PF wise, seems to be the bare minimum people set for Turn 1 and 2.

#97 Apr 28 2014 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Torrence wrote:
Filth... How are you "skipping the grind" if you are in the content in the first place? All you are doing is shifting the grind to another job. Me doing the content once to gear my Paladin, and then doing the content AGAIN on my Paladin to gear my Summoner isn't skipping jack sh*t. It's doing the same content twice on the same job because... ding ding ding - the party needs my Paladin!

Yes it's the same trash and bosses, but the experience changes when you're actually playing a different job or class. They are counting on the fact that people will be running through content several times on various classes because that's about the only thing that keeps old content interesting. I only played tank and as a result, dungeons became incredibly boring and weren't rewarding at all since I had everything I would use.

I never said or implied that SE didn't want you to get gear for other classes. Just that they want you to earn it while playing those classes. This is the reason why you can only roll 'need' on gear intended to be used by your current class. Same thing in WoW. You won't see gear that your class can't use(aside from a few BoAs) because you're expected to earn it playing the job you want gear on.

So what happens if we're in the same group and you're rolling for summoner gear, but I'm actually playing the summoner job and also need the gear? Does someone get priority or are we right back at square one? This is an example of what I mean by the same loot system causing issues for XIV that it wouldn't in WoW. The mechanics of the class system are set so that you never run into issues like what I mentioned above.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#98 Apr 28 2014 at 9:27 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
eldelphia wrote:
Because anybody can click the Need button and ***** everybody over.

Nope, only the players on the classes which can use can click on Need... so play the class you want gear on?

Which would work. But the player population throws a monkey wrench in the works by playing so much DPS, and not enough tank jobs. So you wind up with groups that fill up DPS slots quickly and wait forever (and sometimes simply dissolve) waiting for tanks. Hence, you have tanks who are now gearing up DPS, but feeling like they have to switch back to their tank job for the run.

If you don't get a full party together, there's never going to be any drama since you won't even get into the instance, let alone get any drops to fight over.
#99 Apr 29 2014 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Torrence wrote:

Or... And this is very important - people are running content on certain jobs because they are the job that is needed and they don't *want* to be crappy to others, it's just the system in its current form is designed in a way that kind of makes them.

Oh I understand entirely but with PUGs I just won't risk it. In a perfect world, people come the jobs we need and everyone gets to roll on everything they could genuinely use with agreement between members. I set up groups a lot and I never have an issue filling them unless it's very early in the morning for NA peeps at the weekend. I'm an EU player on an NA server and it's really never an issue.

If you're running with trusted friends, do what you like but a random group of players runs too high a risk of one douchebag ******** them over. And because the numbers of characters on the server is so high, they often get away with it over and over. I'm too cynical. Whilst I know there are some lovely players who do as you've suggested I don't want to put anyone in the position of seeing some other idiot need something that they previously agreed to greed.
Blogging again!
#100 Apr 29 2014 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:

So what happens if we're in the same group and you're rolling for summoner gear, but I'm actually playing the summoner job and also need the gear? Does someone get priority or are we right back at square one? This is an example of what I mean by the same loot system causing issues for XIV that it wouldn't in WoW. The mechanics of the class system are set so that you never run into issues like what I mentioned above.

Personal. Loot. System.

I am starting to get the feeling that you are being deliberately obtuse - or you really just have no idea what you are talking about.

And of COURSE SE wants you to be able to play the job you want. That's not in debate. Whether that translates to the ACTUAL player experience (it doesn't always), is.

Edited, Apr 29th 2014 10:04am by Torrence
#101 Apr 29 2014 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
SE already demonstrated that they know how to create personal loot systems in terms of the systems as petty much every content post Voidwatch in XI has personal loot along with a universal loot drop, so they could have easily used that system here but chose not to because during ARR's development when he asked what kind of system we want, the loudest group stated Need/Geed/Pass for everyone.

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