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Greed Party and Loot thievesFollow

#52 Apr 22 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Torrence wrote:
In WoW pickup raids (LFR, Flex, World boss) there is now a personal loot system. You select the role you would prefer to obtain a drop as, and when the boss is killed, the system rolls for you. You either are awarded a drop from the loot table that matches the role you selected or you get a small amount of gold. No one lots against each other, and no one can see what anyone else has won. The best part, is no one can interfere with anyone else's drops and there are no arbitrary rules to agree to when joining. You just join as the job that is needed (or that you want to play) and you select your own personal drop chance. Then you can come as the plate-wearing tank, but still have a shot at that caster ring without any interference.

For the kind of pick up content we are talking about, this is really something that should be put in place.

Even XI has this in some more recent content. Voidwatch, Skirmish, and Reives all have a personal loot table. (Skirmish also has a party-wide loot table, but it's low-man content that a small group can easily run so you're always with friends.)

The problem with voidwatch was that the drop rates were still miserably low for the good stuff. Smiley: glare
#53 Apr 22 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
Sylvons, ALL the situations you just described are bad ones and totally unnecessary if something like personal loot is implemented.

Think about it, you spend an hour on a run helping people through an instance, the rules change at that halfway point, and now you are supposed to make the decision to bail, or stay and not get a chance at the piece of loot you are there for? Then you have to start over again with another group and hope they don't pull the same ****? What a terrible way to play a group game and what a complete waste of time. Are there just not enough time sinks in XIV yet that we are seriously debating this?

I don't have any sympathy for leaders who arbitrarily change lotting rules midway through a run (even if it is to coerce a tank to join) - and the whole thing should be out of the players hands anyway. Drops are the root of all drama, and hopefully this is being addressed in a meaningful way.

#54 Apr 22 2014 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Torrence wrote:
. Meanwhile, there are so many DPS players competing for limited party slots that a non-static DPS gets into groups slowly and gets their gear slowly.

This is something that has baffled me as well. It's already known that DPS is an over-represented role, so why is party size so small in dungeons? I don't understand Yoshi-P's thinking here. I expected 6 person parties, actually. 5 mans is common in other games, but FFXI parties were always 6.

So knowing the over representation of the DPS role, why is the party size in dungeons... 4?

Queue times so far actually have been pretty ok, but I still wonder why this party size is like this. Does it change later on?

Due to a lot of complaints of people who despised FFXI and FFXIV 1.0's 15 man parties and FFXIV 1.x's 8 man parties, so Yoshi said 4 man was originally an Alpha Restriction only to test balance, but then became the standard size.

I don't know what you mean by the 15 man parties (abyssea - wasn't that 18?) in XI, but I agree that's way too big and 8 is just awkward to balance around. 4 is a *good* size, but looking at it from the perspective of lowering queue times, the ratios are just really off with that small a group. 1 tank per 2 dps when there is more like a 1:15 ratios in reality (and likely more)?

5-6 people, with the heavy end of that being DPS is still a good personal feel to a party size without overwhelming the screen with characters hacking and slashing about.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 2:19pm by Torrence
#55 Apr 22 2014 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Torrence wrote:
Sylvons, ALL the situations you just described are bad ones and totally unnecessary if something like personal loot is implemented.

If it was implemented. But it isn't. We can say SE should do this and SE should do that. But until SE does something (and there's no guarantee if they ever will), we have to live with what we have.

What I'm trying to say is, "Don't be a jerk even if you feel justified or you think the other guy is being a bigger jerk."
#56 Apr 22 2014 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Torrence wrote:
I don't know what you mean by the 15 man parties (abyssea - wasn't that 18?) in XI, but I agree that's way too big and 8 is just awkward to balance around. 4 is a *good* size, but looking at it from the perspective of lowering queue times, the ratios are just really off with that small a group. 1 tank per 2 dps when there is more like a 1:15 ratios in reality (and likely more)?

5-6 people, with the heavy end of that being DPS is still a good personal feel to a party size without overwhelming the screen with characters hacking and slashing about.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 2:19pm by Torrence

Since was typing with phone didn't format it correctly xD, 15 man was the original XIV party size. This style in ARR doesnt even leave room for a true support class like some other MMOs have with their Dungeon Finder type system.

#57 Apr 22 2014 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
589 posts
svlyons wrote:
Torrence wrote:
Sylvons, ALL the situations you just described are bad ones and totally unnecessary if something like personal loot is implemented.

If it was implemented. But it isn't. We can say SE should do this and SE should do that. But until SE does something (and there's no guarantee if they ever will), we have to live with what we have.

What I'm trying to say is, "Don't be a jerk even if you feel justified or you think the other guy is being a bigger jerk."

On some very small level I would agree with you however, and sorry to go to real life talk, its NOT ok to let anyone get away with just anything just for the sake of it. Turning the other cheek? No sir. If someone treats me bad at the workplace im not going to go "loot" their desk but I WILL write a stern poignant letter to HR. If it wasn't for doing such actions at my job, I would not have gotten the raise I was due for two years with corresponding back pay for those two year. It's not okay to be a jerk, its not Okay to let a jerk go unchecked.
#58 Apr 22 2014 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Torrence wrote:
. Meanwhile, there are so many DPS players competing for limited party slots that a non-static DPS gets into groups slowly and gets their gear slowly.

This is something that has baffled me as well. It's already known that DPS is an over-represented role, so why is party size so small in dungeons? I don't understand Yoshi-P's thinking here. I expected 6 person parties, actually. 5 mans is common in other games, but FFXI parties were always 6.

So knowing the over representation of the DPS role, why is the party size in dungeons... 4?

Queue times so far actually have been pretty ok, but I still wonder why this party size is like this. Does it change later on?

Due to a lot of complaints of people who despised FFXI and FFXIV 1.0's 15 man parties and FFXIV 1.x's 8 man parties, so Yoshi said 4 man was originally an Alpha Restriction only to test balance, but then became the standard size.

That still doesn't explain why not 5, or better yet 6?

Doesn't have to be 8, no. But 5-6 would have done. Even 5 would shorten the DPS queues by 30%.

And let's not forget that the problem with old XI content before they did all of those changes, was not the party size itself, it was finding enough people to fill the group in the first place.

With a Duty Finder, Party Finder, and what-not.... that is a complete non-issue.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 3:03pm by Lyrailis
#59 Apr 22 2014 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

With a Duty Finder, Party Finder, and what-not.... that is a complete non-issue.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2014 3:03pm by Lyrailis

Especially since it seems to be cross-server (at least that is what I am guessing since some people in a party asked what server I was on once). So there's a huge pool of people to fill the parties, the parties don't have to be RDM BRD WAR SAM SAM DRG anymore, and you don't have to hope someone is willing to manually put together a party.

I think it's great that there is content you can still do that for, but for the general leveling process, this is much better and this will get people ready and really attuned to how their role is supposed to work with very strong bosses. Expanding it to more people would be really good for queue times. They are already like 10-15 minutes tops which is wayyy better than I expected, but that could be shaved down by just adding 1 more dps per each party.

#60 Apr 22 2014 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
nonameoflevi wrote:
svlyons wrote:
Torrence wrote:
Sylvons, ALL the situations you just described are bad ones and totally unnecessary if something like personal loot is implemented.

If it was implemented. But it isn't. We can say SE should do this and SE should do that. But until SE does something (and there's no guarantee if they ever will), we have to live with what we have.

What I'm trying to say is, "Don't be a jerk even if you feel justified or you think the other guy is being a bigger jerk."

On some very small level I would agree with you however, and sorry to go to real life talk, its NOT ok to let anyone get away with just anything just for the sake of it. Turning the other cheek? No sir. If someone treats me bad at the workplace im not going to go "loot" their desk but I WILL write a stern poignant letter to HR. If it wasn't for doing such actions at my job, I would not have gotten the raise I was due for two years with corresponding back pay for those two year. It's not okay to be a jerk, its not Okay to let a jerk go unchecked.

You shouldn't be sorry that you're going to real life talk. This was already real life talk. All 8 players in a party are all real people.

Stabbing someone in the back when loot drops isn't writing a stern poignant letter to HR. Telling the group that you fully intend to Need on loot regardless of what the pt leader said? Yeah, that sounds more like a stern poignant letter. And when you follow through with what you openly told everyone, it's no longer stabbing people in the back.
#61 Apr 23 2014 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Why is it that people can still get by on some content even with a dead DPS or 2? If in your words DPS has the most responsibility out of any class in this game, as that's what you're basically stating.

Go try that tactic on the new turns.

Oh wait: you don't have the experience to speak from.

Let's try that on turn 5, though. A DPS dies? You're going to have a lot of fun on fast conflags. It's amusing just how many people still fail the DPS check on fast conflags despite the echo buff. You do know that Twin has an enrage timer as well, right? Our first kill in November occurred directly as she enraged. Dreads not dying before they reach their target? Definitely a tank issue. Smiley: rolleyes

Theonehio wrote:
You do realize like every other MMO DPS have the least party responsibility, right? In heavily scripted MMOs, the only thing that even gives DPS an iota of responsibility are when the script tells it to enrage after x amount of time has passed or throw in instant kill mechanics (i.e Conflags.) As much as you want to believe otherwise, DPS has the least responsibility when it comes to a party.

Sorry but...I don't believe you have the experience to speak from. :\

Theonehio wrote:
Tank or healer goes down? What usually happens?

I res them on SMN/SCH/WHM, my healer resses them, OT picks up boss, ballad goes out, we carry on.

Any other situations that you are confused about? Feel free to throw them my way. I can't guarantee you that you will understand what I am talking about, though, when I tell you that a DPS death on T6, 7, or 8 at the inappropriate time will lead to a wipe and a DPS death, currently, on T9 in just about any section of the fight will result in a wipe.

noname is actually right: you really can't attempt to trivialize any role in 14. I could try to trivialize tank but the fact of the matter is, good tanks make my life easier on healer and bad tanks make it a living hell. Bad healers make my life miserable on tank and DPS while good healers, a dime in a dozen, are a blessing. Good DPS make everyone's life easier and bad DPS ruin everyone's day.

Edited, Apr 23rd 2014 2:25am by HitomeOfBismarck
#62 Apr 23 2014 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
Tanking, Healing, and DPS. You cannot do content without one of them. You need tanks to centralize damage. You need healers to keep everyone alive. You need DPS to take down the enemy. Sure, Tank and Healer could technically DPS too, but good luck getting the job done before the game mechanics kill you. Yes, believe it or not, not everyone is skilled or geared to the teeth to easily go through content with an unstandardized set up. Try getting everyone to set their ilvls to the minimum for a dungeon and you will have yourself a completely different game.

Back to topic: Well, unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done with those situations. In essence, it's just better to go as the class that needs the gear and make everyone else wait. Why further waste your time with that kind of risk?
Articus Vladmir
#63 Apr 23 2014 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
kenage wrote:
I guess we don't talk much about it because there isn't really anything anyone can do about it.

Either way I hope people reading this could give me their opinion on the situation and if you agreed with the way I handled it.

I was the leader of a PF for BC Turn 1, the comment was set to "Greed party, choose 1 item, max 2 persons per item, any uncalled items are free (greed) loot"

The group was doing really good and after our 3rd run...

I usually just let the game take care of the drop mechanics. My own personal loot philosophy is that everyone participates in the encounter so everyone deserves to roll whatever loot they can put to use. You said you were on your third run... of the day? I don't think I'd be too concerned about anything you can run back to back to back for loot.

I'd feel kinda bad for kicking if I were you, but I came from FFXI. Gear was actually worth something because it was extremely rare, took a very long time to obtain and because it was expected to be the best piece of gear for the slot that you'd ever see. It's too easy to get gear in XIV to be upset about losing a roll on anything easily farmed.

Catwho wrote:
I like the idea of being able to disable the "need" button. Have it be something that the party leader can pop up at dungeon start for a vote and as long as the majority of the party agrees, it's done and can't be change.

In TERA the leader of the group has an option in their UI to put it to vote. The leader initiates a vote and the group gets a pop up just like you mention to lock in their vote and decide which loot system to use.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 2:16am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#64 Apr 24 2014 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Torrence wrote:
svlyons wrote:
The pt leader changing lotting rules after you join might be a **** move, but ignoring the new rules and just Needing on stuff because it suits yourself is a bigger **** move.

Actually, it's kind of not. It's a courtesy to agree to lotting rules other than the need before greed the system currently gives, and if the leader is going to change rules midway through a run, I don't think anyone should be bound to those rules. But this is the sort of thing you will run into with these outdated and archaic systems. Blizzard has already gone through all these growing pains, and the new system of personal loot is much more fair and eliminates all of these discussions.

It's one of those things that Yoshi-P really ought to take a look at instead of reinventing the wheel.

EDIT: In case no one knows what I mean as 'personal loot' system

In WoW pickup raids (LFR, Flex, World boss) there is now a personal loot system. You select the role you would prefer to obtain a drop as, and when the boss is killed, the system rolls for you. You either are awarded a drop from the loot table that matches the role you selected or you get a small amount of gold. No one lots against each other, and no one can see what anyone else has won. The best part, is no one can interfere with anyone else's drops and there are no arbitrary rules to agree to when joining. You just join as the job that is needed (or that you want to play) and you select your own personal drop chance. Then you can come as the plate-wearing tank, but still have a shot at that caster ring without any interference.

For the kind of pick up content we are talking about, this is really something that should be put in place.

I loved this system...especially in Throne of Thunder. I felt like I was in ToT again when CT first released until the loot appeared.

The key points are: able to queue as a job that is needed but still receive loot for another job and not having to deal with anyone else messing with your loot.

The other key, though, is the token system by which you get drops or gold and can only pick a couple bosses every week to use your token on.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 2:32am by HitomeOfBismarck
#65 Apr 24 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts

I loved this system...especially in Throne of Thunder. I felt like I was in ToT again when CT first released until the loot appeared.

The key points are: able to queue as a job that is needed but still receive loot for another job and not having to deal with anyone else messing with your loot.

The other key, though, is the token system by which you get drops or gold and can only pick a couple bosses every week to use your token on.

So much, this.

WoW has the single best Loot System I have ever seen in any game, period. When Mists of Pandaria came out, and we finally got a look at how the Loot System actually works, I was like "OMG.. why didn't they think of this before!?"

It is absolutely perfect. Now... some players will argue that the chances of getting loot are far too low (I'm inclined to agree somewhat), the actual system itself is nice.

For FF people who've never played WoW....

1). When a boss dies, every person in the group has the same chance to win loot. Whether or not you win loot does not affect anybody else in the group at the time.

2). Every single boss will either drop an item relevant to you, or a "failbag". The Failbag will have a reasonable amount of currency in it, and will occasionally have other things like potions, pets (think minions), and other similar items. Rarely, a Failbag will have a piece of gear for a random specialization (For example if you're a Tank Paladin, you might get DPS Paladin or Healer Paladin gear from the Failbag).

3). You can obtain "Loot Tokens". Current Raid, you can get 3 per week (and are only permitted to hold 10 at once, 20 for old tokens). Old tokens are acquired by other means. If you have a loot token, you are permitted to use one to get an extra "roll" on any boss you choose. The extra roll can drop the same stuff the boss normally drops, or it'll give you gold (but never a "Failbag") if you don't get an item.

4). The items are all Bind on Pickup; you can't trade items around.

5). You can tell the game what kind of loot you want. For example, if you are a DPS Paladin, you can tell the game you'd rather have Tank Paladin drops. When a boss drops an item, it will drop the Tank Paladin item instead of the DPS Paladin Item if you so wish.

This has almost completely removed all Loot-based Drama (every now and then someone will grumble when someone else won an item they wanted) in LFR Raiding (Think Duty Finder for Raids). It is mostly fair (as fair as RNG can be), and you can directly control which pieces you'd rather have, due to the Loot Token system. If you are in there for a sword, you'd save your Loot Token for the boss that drops the sword.

The most perfect system I've ever seen in any MMO to date and I seriously hope it catches on and more do it like this.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 1:42pm by Lyrailis
#66 Apr 24 2014 at 5:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I will say, and I know not everyone agrees, that I was partial to the personal loot system in pre-ARR. Obviously, it could use tweaking, but the core principle was that your loot was your own, and it didn't affect what anyone else got. But things got weird when someone would realize they got a sword they didn't want while the Paladin in the group who wanted the sword got nothing, and after much complaining about how this didn't seem logical, the compete-for-drops system was reborn.

But I think if they went down the road of offering every individual relevant drops, or at least have more control over the prizes they were looking for, we'd be much better off. Everyone should have a chance at getting something good for participating in the game and not be swindled out by others gaming the system.
#67 Apr 24 2014 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Xoie wrote:
I will say, and I know not everyone agrees, that I was partial to the personal loot system in pre-ARR. Obviously, it could use tweaking, but the core principle was that your loot was your own, and it didn't affect what anyone else got. But things got weird when someone would realize they got a sword they didn't want while the Paladin in the group who wanted the sword got nothing, and after much complaining about how this didn't seem logical, the compete-for-drops system was reborn.

But I think if they went down the road of offering every individual relevant drops, or at least have more control over the prizes they were looking for, we'd be much better off. Everyone should have a chance at getting something good for participating in the game and not be swindled out by others gaming the system.

Which is.... pretty much what I just said in my post above, or at least along those lines.

As long as you have drops being relevant to the job you're playing, then the "I got a paladin sword when I needed an archer bow" wouldn't even be an issue whatsoever.

I don't know why on Eorzea they thought NbG is somehow better than Personal Loot. To think they ALMOST had it right, and then went back to that old archaic system that other MMORPGs have proven time and time again only creates drama issues amongst the players (especially in PUGs) is just... baffling.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 7:36pm by Lyrailis
#68 Apr 24 2014 at 5:44 PM Rating: Excellent
As long as you have drops being relevant to the job you're playing, then the "I got a paladin sword when I needed an archer bow" wouldn't even be an issue whatsoever.

This would really ***** people who are asked to go to events as tanks or healers even though they want gear for their other jobs.
Thayos Redblade
#69 Apr 24 2014 at 5:58 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Thayos wrote:
As long as you have drops being relevant to the job you're playing, then the "I got a paladin sword when I needed an archer bow" wouldn't even be an issue whatsoever.

This would really ***** people who are asked to go to events as tanks or healers even though they want gear for their other jobs.

Which is one part of the personal loot that I liked. Obviously, it's no fun to get a bow if you've never leveled archer, but it's worse if you act as your FC's go-to tank, but never get a chance to gear up your archer because of it. If you could set yourself to get archer equipment (or money, or mats, or whatever) as a tank instead of just tank loot, and as long as that didn't affect what anyone else got, then I think people would be a lot more happy about their loot.
#70 Apr 24 2014 at 6:13 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Thayos wrote:
As long as you have drops being relevant to the job you're playing, then the "I got a paladin sword when I needed an archer bow" wouldn't even be an issue whatsoever.

This would really ***** people who are asked to go to events as tanks or healers even though they want gear for their other jobs.

Again, WoW has a "Loot Specialization" feature, so why couldn't XIV do something similar?

Maybe you can ask for other kind of loot only if you have that class leveled up to appropriate level.

For example, if you have 50GLA, 38CNJ, and 15ARC, and run Cutter's Cry, you can run it as GLA and tell the game you want loot for CNJ.

You could not, however, ask for ARC loot because your ARC is not high enough to do that dungeon.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 8:14pm by Lyrailis
#71 Apr 24 2014 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

Maybe you can ask for other kind of loot only if you have that class leveled up to appropriate level.

I don't see how this would even matter, since you wouldn't be able to sell the item and you selecting that specialty wouldn't affect anyone else's chance at whatever they chose their specialty to be. If you want to get a grimore and sit on it for 50 levels, that should be your choice and indeed, may be the only choice after running something for the umpteenth time.
#72 Apr 24 2014 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Torrence wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:

Maybe you can ask for other kind of loot only if you have that class leveled up to appropriate level.

I don't see how this would even matter, since you wouldn't be able to sell the item and you selecting that specialty wouldn't affect anyone else's chance at whatever they chose their specialty to be. If you want to get a grimore and sit on it for 50 levels, that should be your choice and indeed, may be the only choice after running something for the umpteenth time.

Well, the problem with that is, you could easily build up a lockerfull of junk for any certain class, and never have to run a dungeon again. You could just Leve it up all the way and be fully equipped without ever playing the class. You could be decked out in Coil gear on an, say, a Bard... but have no clue how to actually play Bard.

And with those I-levels, you could actually join PFs, DFs, and have no clue how to play but yet come with awesome gear that makes people believe you *do* know how to play.

At least if you were forced to level a class to those levels first, then you'd at least (somewhat) prove yourself worthy to wear that gear first.
#73 Apr 25 2014 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
4,511 posts
Lets not forget that many many people have several, if not all, jobs at 50.

If i wanted to come to something as Paladin, and a spiffy sword drops, i'd take it. If a spiffy bow happens to drop, i'd like to be able to still roll on that as well since i'd like that item as well. Or if Darklight gear dropped, i still would want to be able to roll on that to sell it.

You guys are imagining your suggested "Specific loot only" system has no downsides. It has just as many if not more.

I dont want to be able to only loot something i specified, that auto-rolls into my inventory. I want to play and see something drop and go "Well, now that you mention it, i would really like to get that item for X class/job/purpose as well". The current system encourages things like that. If i go into a dungeon to tank, and a piece of Black Mage gear drops that i've also been after, i dont want to be stuck to a mutually-exclusive lockout system where i can only either have Tank gear if i specified it, or Black Mage gear if i specified that. Heck, suddenly having a mystery item drop that you in retrospect would really have been interested in would be even more frustrating if you arent even allowed to lot on it.

Current. System. Is. Fine.

Dont change something if it's not broken. Every single update since 2.0 (and the last 11 years of FFXI), people have been complaining about something, which then gets changed/updated/buffed, and NO ONE is happy about it. At all. Because it's not 100% what they envisioned it to be or is some sucky alternate version of it THAT STAYS IN THE GAME AND ISNT REMOVED ANYMORE AFTERWARDS.

In the entire history of FFXI and FFXIV there has been just one exception to this. The Auto-AFK kick system. People screamed for it to be implemented. It was implemented, then people screamed and cried to have it removed again since i was a major inconvenience. It wasnt till 2.2 that the game finally got a little better again after they removed it.

Dont do it. Dont ask for it. Dont change it.

Edited, Apr 25th 2014 10:21am by KojiroSoma
#74 Apr 25 2014 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts

How's this?

System as I described above, only with a list of checkboxes. You can put a checkmark in the boxes of classes you'd like to receive loot for. Putting more than 2-3 checkboxes in eligible classes means it's harder to get loot for any certain class. OR, you could specify a certain class if you so wished.

The current system is NOT fine, due to all the drama flying around in PUG groups, which is why a change is needed. If you go in with an FC, sure! The current system works. But if you go in with PUGs.... uh, no. Because anybody can click the Need button and ***** everybody over. That's not fair, at all. But merely removing the Need button in PUGs ain't gonna work either, because nothing's stopping it from being Free-For-All (everybody clicks Greed regardless to what was agreed upon), either.

You cannot, cannot, cannot trust a PUG to play nice. And sure you can kick the person, but you can only do so after the damage has already been done.
#75 Apr 25 2014 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
That is the primary reason FCs have formed, though. That's why we had linkshells in XI, too. The problem is that not everyone is on the same content in XIV yet (especially in small FCs like ours), and since we can only have one free company, we can't make a FC for specific things. The linkshells in XIV are not heavily utilized enough. In XI, I had a Dynamis linkshell, a Limbus linkshell, a sky/sea shell, etc. Also formed a Nyzul static, a Salvage static, and even an Assault static at one point.

You have to decide if you want the flexibility to do the content on your own time, or if you want to form a dedicated group and agree to farm under a pre-established set of rules. You always take your chances with pick up groups.

Edited, Apr 25th 2014 8:52am by Catwho
#76 Apr 25 2014 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
Well, the problem with that is, you could easily build up a lockerfull of junk for any certain class, and never have to run a dungeon again. You could just Leve it up all the way and be fully equipped without ever playing the class. You could be decked out in Coil gear on an, say, a Bard... but have no clue how to actually play Bard.

You can do this no matter what with the current rules, provided your group lets you roll on what you ask for. It's not even a drawback, because as you are running those dungeons other people are benefiting from your presence. Eventually, no one will have to run dungeons ANYWAY, and that's why content progresses into new ilvl. We might just be running into some terminology disconnects, because the content I am talking about is instanced group content and I'm not 100% sure that Leves are the same kind of content that I am talking about. I need more experience at later levels in the game.

But for the content I am leaning towards (instance-based, group, dungeon)

This actually ENCOURAGES people to dungeon MORE, as opposed to less. This is one of those belief systems that is unique to FF players that giving someone a chance at something they might want for the future is a bad thing. Why would you want a system that says "Ok you really need a Paladin tank, and you know one, but she doesn't have SMN leveled so she can't set her PRIVATE loot chance for that gear. Her Paladin is already fully geared, though, so other than maybe wanting to help her friend, what incentive is there for her to run the dungeon again?" Should you really have to wait until she levels SMN to have a reason to run that content again? Or worse, she's not coming unless you PROMISE her a greed group and she can roll on that SMN piece ANYWAY, taking it from someone else who might be there AS a summoner.

Here is how this worked in WoW. Blizzard realized that LFR was SUPER popular. Everyone wanted to play it, but in order to get loot for one of your specs you had to actually play as that spec. This meant that the few tanks and healers HAD to queue as DPS to gear out those specs, and believe me, there are a lot more 'main' tank\heal characters that off DPS than DPS characters that off heal\tank. So this overloaded the queue even more with DPS, and folks told Blizzard they would be happy to queue as the needed roles but they want gear for their off specs.

Thus was born the personal loot system + specialization. There's just no way to look at this as a bad thing, even by SE grind standards. You get to select one specialization, and what drops is a random item from the loot table for the chosen spec, and you don't always get a drop or the drop you might want. It's not like you put a check mark in "I want the axe from Garrosh" and you get it. You get whatever the RNG in the background says after checking the possible drops and the percentage of chance for that spec. It would work here the same way.

I would bring my pally to help my friends, but select the SMN loot table for my loot chance, and feel like there is a *Reason* for me to come run this content again without taking something away from someone else. I may get a drop from that loot table, I might not, but at least I don't have to feel like my *only* reason for being there is to benefit other people. Right now they have to convince me to come and in order to do that, they have to promise me a chance at that SMN drop, and that could be me taking a drop away from an actual main SMN just because I am the role they *need*.

It's just cleaner and easier. No tracking points, no agreements beforehand, no bribing people and then clicking the need button to ***** them out of a drop, none of that. You just go do the dungeon with who you can pick up. Who the hell cares if you get a full set of bard gear but your archer is level 1? Having that gear doesn't mean you automatically shoot up to level 50. Since when is owning a piece of dungeon\raid equipment dependent on your knowledge of a job? If that were the criteria, then we'd have to kick out 75% of the playerbase in EVERY game.

Edited, Apr 25th 2014 11:54am by Torrence

Edited, Apr 25th 2014 11:55am by Torrence
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