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#202 Apr 24 2014 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts

preludes reading about FFXIV's success

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 3:56pm by BartelX
#203 Apr 24 2014 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Preludes is an anagram for Derp U Les

Now clap your hands together and say it like Momma Klump. "Derpules! Derpules! Derpules!"

Ah, that made a slow day feel better.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#204REDACTED, Posted: Apr 24 2014 at 1:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) FFXIV is the spirits within for Square Enix.
#205 Apr 24 2014 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
preludes wrote:
FFXIV is the spirits within for Square Enix.

Sony bailed on the company cause they saw how the wind was blowing, down the toilet. I await the next financial report, I'm curious how their PR team can spin the failure this time.

If FFXIV was to be considered a success with 9 years of expensive development time it would need huge player numbers, the best it ever peaked at was around 600k subs near launch (barely beating FFXI which cost almost nothing compared to this), they've been awfully quiet since then. I doubt FFXIV will ever be profitable, it's bleeding players and only a moron would believe the PR dept they have working overtime.

Yep, only a moron would believe the director himself, who has pretty much come through on every promise he's made about the game. Smiley: rolleyes

preludes wrote:
As I said, feel free to provide an accountable official source.

Already did. Twice. The simple fact that you're too dense and stubborn to believe what the director himself says is your own problem. The sources are accountable and official. Keep trying.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 4:03pm by BartelX
#206 Apr 24 2014 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
preludes wrote:
FFXIV is the spirits within for Square Enix.

Sony bailed on the company cause they saw how the wind was blowing, down the toilet. I await the next financial report, I'm curious how their PR team can spin the failure this time.

If FFXIV was to be considered a success with 9 years of expensive development time it would need huge player numbers, the best it ever peaked at was around 600k subs near launch (barely beating FFXI which cost almost nothing compared to this), they've been awfully quiet since then. I doubt FFXIV will ever be profitable, it's bleeding players and only a moron would believe the PR dept they have working overtime.

Yep, only a moron would believe the director himself. Smiley: rolleyes

They had had plenty of opportunities to release those numbers he mentioned, why haven't they?

Show me where it states this amazingly good news in their last press release, i can't find it.

You know why? Cause they are rubbish and if announced officially they would be fired for lying to investors.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 4:10pm by preludes
#207 Apr 24 2014 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
preludes wrote:
BartelX wrote:
preludes wrote:
FFXIV is the spirits within for Square Enix.

Sony bailed on the company cause they saw how the wind was blowing, down the toilet. I await the next financial report, I'm curious how their PR team can spin the failure this time.

If FFXIV was to be considered a success with 9 years of expensive development time it would need huge player numbers, the best it ever peaked at was around 600k subs near launch (barely beating FFXI which cost almost nothing compared to this), they've been awfully quiet since then. I doubt FFXIV will ever be profitable, it's bleeding players and only a moron would believe the PR dept they have working overtime.

Yep, only a moron would believe the director himself. Smiley: rolleyes

They had had plenty of opportunities to release those numbers he mentioned, why haven't they?

Show me where it states this amazingly good news in their last press release, i can't find it.

Why should they? Who are they trying to impress, you? The simple fact that they haven't released these numbers says absolutely NOTHING about how successful they are. It's just you and you're negativity trying to force people to believe that simply because they aren't revealing their numbers, they must be bad. You have absolutely no way of knowing that. The only thing we DO know, is that according to the director himself, there are roughly 500,000 players every day prior to PS4 launch. Yoshi isn't one to lie and has accomplished everything he's said he would in a reasonable manner, so why wouldn't I believe him? It's certainly far more likely that he's on point and you're full of sh*t than vice versa. And on that note, I'm done with this convo because you clearly have no idea how to forge a coherent argument. Good day.
#208 Apr 24 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
preludes wrote:
BartelX wrote:
preludes wrote:
FFXIV is the spirits within for Square Enix.

Sony bailed on the company cause they saw how the wind was blowing, down the toilet. I await the next financial report, I'm curious how their PR team can spin the failure this time.

If FFXIV was to be considered a success with 9 years of expensive development time it would need huge player numbers, the best it ever peaked at was around 600k subs near launch (barely beating FFXI which cost almost nothing compared to this), they've been awfully quiet since then. I doubt FFXIV will ever be profitable, it's bleeding players and only a moron would believe the PR dept they have working overtime.

Yep, only a moron would believe the director himself. Smiley: rolleyes

They had had plenty of opportunities to release those numbers he mentioned, why haven't they?

Show me where it states this amazingly good news in their last press release, i can't find it.

Why should they? Who are they trying to impress, you? The simple fact that they haven't released these numbers says absolutely NOTHING about how successful they are. It's just you and you're negativity trying to force people to believe that simply because they aren't revealing their numbers, they must be bad. You have absolutely no way of knowing that. The only thing we DO know, is that according to the director himself, there are roughly 500,000 players every day prior to PS4 launch. Yoshi isn't one to lie and has accomplished everything he's said he would in a reasonable manner, so why wouldn't I believe him? It's certainly far more likely that he's on point and you're full of sh*t than vice versa. And on that note, I'm done with this convo because you clearly have no idea how to forge a coherent argument. Good day.

Was that post a +1? Cause it added nothing to the point you were trying to make or the argument either. 2/10 needs a re-write.
1)They don't want to impress me (even though they are using worthless registered account numbers to try and impress the gullible)
2)Yoshi no lie, he god among men!
3)You're mad and calling me names.

Good day sir.
#209 Apr 24 2014 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
preludes wrote:
Cause it added nothing to the point you were trying to make or the argument either.
Pot, kettle, glass houses.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#210 Apr 24 2014 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
According to Preludes, all the new users I've seen for the last few weeks have been figments of my imagination.

As for whether we can attribute ARR to helping out Square Enix....

SE revised their financial forecast for 2013 in September to show a marked improvement.

SE's own financial forecast press release wrote:
In the six-month period ended September 30, 2013, the Square Enix group's operating income, ordinary income, and net income are expected to exceed respectively the range of the Company’s consolidated results forecasts. This is mainly attributable to the following reasons: net sales in some areas exceeded their plan such as distribution of software titles for consumer game consoles in North America, software sales of "FINAL FANTASY XIV:A REALM REBORN," a multiplayer online role playing game released in August 2013, and sales of arcade game machines; and the Company is making continued group-wide efforts of cost reduction. Therefore, the Company has decided to revise its previous consolidated results forecasts.

On the other hand, the Company does not revise its consolidated results forecast for the full year ending in March 2014 at this point, mainly due to the uncertainties in the second half of the fiscal year.

Basically, they were hemorrhaging money in March 2013, but ARR stopped the bleeding.

Here is the full 2013 statement... gotta wait til summer for 2014.

Edit: Here is the most recent report, financials through Dec 2013. This supports the theory that ARR stopped the bleeding.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 4:33pm by Catwho
#211 Apr 24 2014 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
Catwho wrote:
According to Preludes, all the new users I've seen for the last few weeks have been figments of my imagination.

Little how-to guide from Square enix on how to pad them numbers.

How to pad registered accounts for PS4 release.

step 1
PS4 beta open to everyone, free download from ps store. Register an account now to play on live servers!
step 2
carry ALL beta free accounts to final release, even if they don't actually buy the game cause, numbers!
step 3
200k more registered accounts, it's like magic! WoW, much success.

FFXIV beta on PS4 open to everyone this weekend
Characters created in Final Fantasy XIV this weekend will transfer over to the full game when it launches later this month.

To get involved, the 11GB client can now be downloaded from the PlayStation Store. You'll also have to register an account with Square Enix to get started.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 4:22pm by preludes
#212 Apr 24 2014 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Wow, I didn't realize the newbies I saw last night were still playing a beta! Smiley: rolleyes
#213 Apr 24 2014 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
preludes wrote:
Catwho wrote:
According to Preludes, all the new users I've seen for the last few weeks have been figments of my imagination.

Little how-to guide from Square enix on how to pad them numbers.

How to pad registered accounts for PS4 release.

step 1
PS4 beta open to everyone, free download from ps store. Register an account now to play on live servers!
step 2
carry ALL beta free accounts to final release, even if they don't actually buy the game cause, numbers!
step 3
200k more registered accounts, it's like magic! WoW, much success.

FFXIV beta on PS4 open to everyone this weekend
Characters created in Final Fantasy XIV this weekend will transfer over to the full game when it launches later this month.

To get involved, the 11GB client can now be downloaded from the PlayStation Store. You'll also have to register an account with Square Enix to get started.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 4:22pm by preludes

Not sure what you're trying to prove here but people were actually interested in the game enough to register and try the game. 2 million plus to be exact. What are they trying to pad when it's a fact over 2 million people were interested in playing ARR?

Do you have any source to prove that ARR is not a success besides the nonsense you're pulling from your behind?
#214 Apr 24 2014 at 2:45 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Oh gawd the lolz continue.

Sony did not bail on Square Enix, they still maintain a business venture together.

However, Sony is hemorrhaging fairly bad in their own right, and selling stocks are a surefire way to short up losses. Sony's done a lot more things that have shaken up their company, such as selling off their PC side of their company, and firing 5,000 employees.

That's Square Enix's fault too, right?

But let the wild negative speculation continue. If anything, I do love reading the responses to prelude's comical delusions.
#215 Apr 24 2014 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
#216 Apr 24 2014 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent

Hey Preludes, if you want to get really upset, click that link.

The best quote from Yoshi-P: "But if we simply look at the number of people logging in every day, I'd say we have about 500,000 people world wide. There are people who log in once every couple of days or so, so if we include those people then the number would be higher."

Yes... this game has MORE than half a million subscribers... and that's WITHOUT the Chinese market.

Oh, Preludes. I'm giving you my best Samsung commercial smile right now.
Thayos Redblade
#217 Apr 24 2014 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:

Hey Preludes, if you want to get really upset, click that link.

The best quote from Yoshi-P: "But if we simply look at the number of people logging in every day, I'd say we have about 500,000 people world wide. There are people who log in once every couple of days or so, so if we include those people then the number would be higher."

Yes... this game has MORE than half a million subscribers... and that's WITHOUT the Chinese market.

Oh, Preludes. I'm giving you my best Samsung commercial smile right now.

He doesn't have any reason to be upset as long as you keep taking him seriously.

That's just how it is. No matter how wrong he is, as long as the people here legitimize his stance by responding to it there is no need for him to be upset.
#218 Apr 24 2014 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
He doesn't have any reason to be upset as long as you keep taking him seriously.

I don't take him seriously. He's just fun to mess with. It's so easy, too... just post things that are true! Smiley: lol

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 3:23pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#219 Apr 24 2014 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
What I don't understand, Preludes, is *why* do you still want the game to fail?

When the game first released I wanted to love it. I wanted to fall in love all over again with a new character having new adventures with all my old friends. When that didn't happen and it was an unplayable mess, I wanted it to fail. I wanted it to fail badly so SE could finally, FINALLY learn that their customers matter and we won't just buy ANYTHING they slap the words 'Final Fantasy' on and fall at their feet in worship. They needed to learn the lesson that even though they had good success with earlier ideas, they still needed to put out a quality product.

So, they did something that most american companies wouldn't dream of. They admitted fault. They said they were sorry, please we need some time and we have a new man who is going to make everything better, come try again later. And then they followed through on that promise and while things are still a little rough (some UI stuff, some mechanics stuff, adding fun stuff, the overwhelming use of male pronouns to the point i'm nearly nauseous, customer service that is still a nightmare), it's a million times better than it was two years ago.

And the best part? Not only did they NOT say sorry, new game buy a new box, they ALSO rewarded all of us who already had bought the CE with the new goodies they packaged in the current one. I mean really, how can you possibly find any fault with them after the way they handled this? How can you still want them to fail? It made sense to want to see the game crash and burn a couple years ago because some companies just HAVE to crash and burn before they learn anything. But now? If you hate it that much, there are many other games out there.

You don't need to come to a community you loathe, to talk about a game you resent, on a forum you don't respect. Really, we'd understand.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 6:28pm by Torrence
#220 Apr 24 2014 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Torrence, I've got a question. Do you work in legal consulting or customer service?

Cause... yeah.
#221 Apr 24 2014 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Not only is it strange that Preludes is so obsessed with ranting about the game, but, in doing so, he single-handedly makes this forum less tolerant toward others who might have genuinely negative views on the game.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 3:38pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#222 Apr 24 2014 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Thayos wrote:
Not only is it strange that Preludes is so obsessed with ranting about the game, but, in doing so, he single-handedly makes this forum less tolerant toward others who might have genuinely negative views on the game.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 3:38pm by Thayos

I wouldn't say single-handedly. There have been a multitude of examples of a negative attitude that civil discussion makes no headway on or is quickly discarded when contrasting evidence and experience is presented.

However, he is the forefront offender in this regard.

#223 Apr 24 2014 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
I can't think of another poster though who is all-negative, all the time. Also, Preludes' posts aren't rooted in reality or original thoughts... he just kind of makes things up in reaction to what others say. There's no effort to make any real, rational arguments.

But, he complies with forum rules, so whatevs.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 3:49pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#224 Apr 24 2014 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Torrence wrote:
What I don't understand, Preludes, is *why* do you still want the game to fail?
I can't speak for preludes, because I'm not lobotomized, but the reason I'd like to see it fail is more because I feel the franchise is ... it's kind of like a dog. One that's lived far exceeding it's regular life span and has severe health problems. Can't walk, can't eat or drink by itself, heavily medicated. It's basically dead, but no one has told it yet so it just continues to lay there, suffering, and making everyone around it miserable at watching it suffer. The last games have been awful, and while we can debate endless on when it started, there's really no debate that it has been pretty horrible overall for a while now.

I want Final Fantasy to be put down so we can get a new puppy. I don't even care if it's the same breed, or even a litter that was sired by the original franchise. Just smack a different name on it and build on that instead of trotting out the old dog every year or so, making us more miserable each time.

Every time I see the name Final Fantasy I'm forced to remember all the bad associated with the name. I remember the good, too, don't get me wrong, but the bad outweigh the good. It's painful to watch. I've said it before, but Bravely Default is Final Fantasy without the name. ****, do that. Make a Final Fantasy game, and throw darts at a dictionary and call it that. That way I can at least not be immediately reminded of my misery.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 8:26pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#225 Apr 24 2014 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Why not wish for XV to fail then, since that game isn't out yet?
#226 Apr 24 2014 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Catwho wrote:
Why not wish for XV to fail then, since that game isn't out yet?
I have to, since XIV at the end of the day at least has it's niche. But that's kind of the problem. I wished it with 13, and it didn't happen. 12, it didn't happen. I actually did with 11 and didn't happen there.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
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