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Looks Like the PS4 Made a Difference (2 Million+ Registered)Follow

#27 Apr 17 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh, Preludes... How difficult this must be for you.

At this rate, FFXIV will never go F2P!
Thayos Redblade
#28 Apr 17 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Admin double post!

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 7:25am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#29 Apr 17 2014 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
ARR was all about saving face, the careful nature they hide their player numbers show that.

Even the 500k figure above is simply Yoshi himself stating a figure he pulled out of the air "I'd say about" and not an official figure or a even a Square sanctioned figure, meaning again it's worthless and simply his personal guesstimate and not official or accurate and binding in any way at all. He had a PR executive watching over him as he spoke, which again speaks volumes.

Where is the official announcement about 500-600k subscribers? Why do they keep showing off about registered accounts when even the most hardened white knight knows it's nonsense. Because it's the only accolade they have and as worthless as it is they want to look like a success so they keep using it, as I say it's effective for a while but the more they use it the less effective it becomes and at that point it does them more harm than good.

When they first used this tactic everyone thought registered accounts meant subscribers, how many of you think this game has 2 million subscribers now? none.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 10:31am by preludes
#30 Apr 17 2014 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
I dunno considering all the newbies and the absurd amount of lag we've had (which they're doing infrastructure upgrades YET AGAIN to fix) I believe it.

They don't even have to comb the database for this kind of data. It's a basic query. SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) FROM database.Logins WHERE database.Logins.Date = (04162014);

Boom, done. It'll take all of thirty seconds. That spits out how many unique logins there were on that date. (I'm sure the actual database table names are more complex, but this is the basic gist of how simple this query is.)
#31 Apr 17 2014 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
preludes wrote:
ARR was all about saving face, the careful nature they hide their player numbers show that.

Even the 500k figure above is simply Yoshi himself stating a figure he pulled out of the air "I'd say about" and not an official figure or a even a Square sanctioned figure, meaning again it's worthless and simply his personal guesstimate and not official or accurate and binding in any way at all. He had a PR executive watching over him as he spoke, which again speaks volumes.

Where is the official announcement about 500-600k subscribers? Why do they keep showing off about registered accounts when even the most hardened white knight knows it's nonsense. Because it's the only accolade they have and as worthless as it is they want to look like a success so they keep using it, as I say it's effective for a while but the more they use it the less effective it becomes and at that point it does them more harm than good.

When they first used this tactic everyone thought registered accounts meant subscribers, how many of you think this game has 2 million subscribers now? none.

Wow, it must be really hard being as negative as you all the time. I'll repeat what I said before: stop trying to argue semantics. Yoshi said 500,000 people. Yes, that is an estimate, but discounting it as worthless is just you being a close-minded pessimist, because you don't possibly want to believe that FFXIV can be successful. Heck, I'm not even playing the game currently and I can see how successful it is in comparison to just about every other mmo on the market not named WoW. Seriously, give it a rest and get off your soapbox.
#32 Apr 17 2014 at 9:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Even the 500k figure above is simply Yoshi himself stating a figure he pulled out of the air "I'd say about" and not an official figure or a even a Square sanctioned figure, meaning again it's worthless and simply his personal guesstimate and not official or accurate and binding in any way at all. He had a PR executive watching over him as he spoke, which again speaks volumes.

If Preludes had a retainer, it would bring him a tinfoil hat.
Thayos Redblade
#33 Apr 17 2014 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
BartelX wrote:
Wow, it must be really hard being as negative as you all the time.

It's only hard when there's nothing to be negative about.

The fact he's struggling so much to come up with any meaningful criticism is quite telling of the game's state.

"No matter how good the game, it will be subject to haters spouting nonsense on the interwebs. The true quality of the game, then, is measured by the quality of the haters' complaints."
- Confucius
#34 Apr 17 2014 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Actually I edited my post because your data Bartel posted is from before 2.2 and PS3 and not after.

I still feel my original post is accurate or pretty close on the numbers.

I feel like there was a big increase after 2.2 (hell the lag for several days proved that) and then a decline because the relic atma thing was a horrible idea bring the actual daily log ins down.. Then there was a resurgence of players with PS4 bring the numbers back up.. I have ran into some new player in lower level dungeons.
But I dont feel like there is that many more than before 2.2 at least on our sever.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 12:55pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#35 Apr 17 2014 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
ARR was all about saving face, the careful nature they hide their player numbers show that.

Have you played the game lately? I mean really, really sat down and played it? It's not the polished **** it was two years ago, so now people that actually pick it up aren't going to immediately run away screaming because it doesn't run on their systems and they can't figure out wtf to do. It isn't about *saving face*, the project was about rebuilding a failed game into something people actually enjoy.

I'm not sure that the surge in numbers is actual Ps4 players as much as it's just the advertisement factor. New release, new information, new screen shots, better reviews = more people either coming back on the original platform, buying on the original platform, and a handful picking up Ps4 version. There's a few in my FC that have ps4, but the majority of folks we have coming in are PC players. It's just the nature of the target mmo base to stick with PC.

So in short, I believe the numbers. I don't believe they are all Ps4 purchases, but I do believe they are attributed to the Ps4 announcement and release.

As an aside, just shut up already. It's over, Yoshi-P actually pulled off the ******* impossible, and it's time to move on.
#36 Apr 17 2014 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
As an aside, just shut up already. It's over, Yoshi-P actually pulled off the @#%^ing impossible, and it's time to move on.

He sure did.

I remember when Yoshi-P was chosen as the new director/producer, and a lot of gamers were mystified by the decision... but wow, he was the right man for the job!

The reviews for the game are only getting better, too. The pace and size of content updates has been far above average for the MMO industry, and the game's transition to the PS4 has been flawless... and the way the game plays on the Vita will set the standard for MMOs to come.

Imagine the coverage when news of the expansion starts leaking out... we're already seeing blurbs about how players will be able to somehow fly, I'm assuming with FC airships...

The future is very, very bright!
Thayos Redblade
#38 Apr 17 2014 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Nashred wrote:
because the relic atma thing was a horrible idea

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 12:55pm by Nashred

True Story.

Your disapproval or dislike of something does not automatically make it a bad idea lol.

It's in fact a very good idea. It's a solid alternative to grinding end-game content for arguably similar results. How many Levi EX and ScoB turns do you think you'd have to run before you got everything upgraded? Not to mention many people aren't even TO that content yet, much less able to farm it at 100% clear.

I sure as hell don't see people on here bragging about how they've got their big shiny weapons.
#39 Apr 17 2014 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Atma farming reminded me of NM hunting back in the day, only I actually got 12 atma in less than a week.
Thayos Redblade
#40 Apr 17 2014 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Exactly, I'm still at 9/12, but I'm not trying very hard either.

I run maybe 10 a day while I'm waiting for DF to pop. I'm farming Turn 1 and 4 for monkey drops, where I'm doing pretty good on accessories, not so good on the left side. Might be time to start spending some of those myth tomes I've been saving up lol.
#41 Apr 17 2014 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
Wtf Thayos, why did you remove my vote buttons?

Oh ok, low rank.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 6:05pm by preludes
#42 Apr 17 2014 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
Vote buttons aren't removed by admins. They're removed when your karma drops too low.
#43 Apr 17 2014 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Yeah, your asshattery has blossomed to a point that you can no longer provide your opinion on other people's asshattery.

Congratulations...The next step: auto-default and the people who have that filtered out will never see another thread you create. So, keep it up, and we all might finally be able to really pretend you don't exist!!

I hope you get muted for your snyde remarks too... I've never seen a board with admins so lenient... how your post count is so high is the real crime lol
#44FilthMcNasty, Posted: Apr 17 2014 at 4:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 200k registrations != 200k people Catwho. IIRC you were one of the people who upgraded your SE to a CE? You count as two registrations. Did you purchase and register the game for other platforms like PS3 or PS4? Perhaps you count as 3 or 4. That's been my whole point here. If 500k were a number that represented unique users then it would be plausible to estimate how many of those might stick around. It doesn't.
#45 Apr 17 2014 at 4:13 PM Rating: Excellent
I've never seen a board with admins so lenient...

We've always given people long leashes. To get banned from these boards, you almost have to BEG for it. Unless you're posting spam, you'd get actual warnings from admins (and other disciplinary actions, such as forum mutes) before the banhammer would fall. I've only ever had to ban one person over out-of-control attitude problems (and I've only ever muted a few).

That said, I'd almost always prefer arguing with people than banning or censoring them. Smiley: smile If you come here to dish it, you'd best be willing to take it.

200k registrations != 200k people Catwho. IIRC you were one of the people who upgraded your SE to a CE? You count as two registrations. Did you purchase and register the game for other platforms like PS3 or PS4? Perhaps you count as 3 or 4. That's been my whole point here.

I'm not sure it's quite like that. Yoshi-P has mentioned the 1.8-million figure as "characters," so this recent news probably refers to characters as well. Now, if Catwho makes two characters, then that probably counts as two toward the total. However, upgrading from the ps3 to the ps4 version wouldn't cause new characters to be registered. In other words, I'd be shocked if the number was as artificially inflated as you're suggesting it could be.

The PS4 is selling like hot cakes, and all the reviews for ARR on the PS4 have been glowing. It's obvious by playing the game right now that the servers are experiencing an influx of players, too, and clearly not just because of 2.2. It's not exactly a mystery that lots of new people are joining the game.

But, as I've said from the beginning, an influx of X registrations doesn't mean an influx of X subscribers. Only SE knows the science of the game's retention rate.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 3:31pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#46 Apr 17 2014 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
200k registrations != 200k people Catwho. IIRC you were one of the people who upgraded your SE to a CE? You count as two registrations. Did you purchase and register the game for other platforms like PS3 or PS4? Perhaps you count as 3 or 4. That's been my whole point here.

I'm not sure it's quite like that. Yoshi-P has mentioned the 1.8-million figure as "characters," so this recent news probably refers to characters as well.

No, there have been several million characters created. You created a topic on information you found from an interview, but you didn't actually read the interview? The information is all there...

The term 'registered user' refers to the number of registration codes that have been entered. There is no difference to them if you're the same person entering more than one code(upgrading SE to CE) or registering multiple codes for different platforms. A registered code is a registered user to them.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 7:17pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#47 Apr 17 2014 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh, you're right, it's NOT characters created.

"The more Yoshida talks about what he's achieved so far and what they have planned, the less tired he seems. He starts with the hard stats: 1.8 million players around the world, 6.7 million characters created, over 400 million hours played. It is, he says with certainty, 'the largest MMO released out of Japan.'"


So 1.8 million players, which includes 500,000 (before 2.2) who log in and play daily? Seems to be the simplest interpretation of what he's said.

Unless I'm missing an interview where he (or another official SE source) clarifies that the number is based on registration codes entered? Seems to me that if Filth's logic were correct, then the number of registration codes entered would be above 6 million (because registration codes would be breeding registration codes that bred registration codes).

Also, from the interview I posted:

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn grew to over two million registered users

Registered users seems to indicate people who are registered.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 4:50pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#48 Apr 17 2014 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
I'll let someone else explain it to you. Apparently the language I use is too simple.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#49 Apr 17 2014 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't get it. Apparently the language Yoshi-P uses is too simple.

Fixed that for you.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 4:51pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#50 Apr 17 2014 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
The number does not represent people. It represents registrations. There is no way to know if someone is registering another code or registering for the first time. To them, it's a sale either way so there's no reason to differentiate between the two. I'm sorry that you don't understand that.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#51 Apr 17 2014 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
No. I'm still using my 1.0 legacy account without any upgrades. I've talked about getting the CE but opted against it, because I don't feel it provides any real value. (Yeah, fat chocobo is cool, but I have Legacy Chocobo who is even cooler.)

So unless they count my now-wiped alpha and beta codes, I only have the one account registered.

I did have two FFXI accounts for a long time. Full paid accounts. Only cancelled the second one after I finished up Dharp and no longer needed an emergency WHM on hand.
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