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Looks Like the PS4 Made a Difference (2 Million+ Registered)Follow

#227 Apr 24 2014 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
FFXIV already is translated from Japanese into three languages by dedicated localization teams. Adding in a fourth language isn't going substantially increase the work load. Smiley: dubious

They already have a headstart. Not sure anyone recalls, but they already had to translate quite a bit of the game from Chinese to Japanese Smiley: sly

lolgaxe wrote:
I want Final Fantasy to be put down so we can get a new puppy.

I just wish they'd stop dressing the old dog up in strange garments and trying to make it cosplay Smiley: mad
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#228 May 02 2014 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Why not wish for XV to fail then, since that game isn't out yet?
I have to, since XIV at the end of the day at least has it's niche. But that's kind of the problem. I wished it with 13, and it didn't happen. 12, it didn't happen. I actually did with 11 and didn't happen there.

XV will be shorter lived than XIV, because it won't be a neverending online game with addons. People will burn through it in 100 hours and move on. Unless SE can somehow capture the magic that was FFIV, FFVI, and FFVII with super awesome story and characters, it may just go to the wastebin of history like 12 and 13 did. I mean 13 is great if you want to gawk at graphics, but the game itself is a void. No towns. No interaction beyond your characters who are not very likeable. 8, 9 and 10 were all pretty good games, but 10-2 and 13-2 were garbage. 12 had a decent story, but the gameplay itself was a bore. SE's single player FF games have been on the downtrend for a while. XV will be hard pressed to disappoint as much as XIII since it was so hyped as the first PS3 iteration with 3 years of waiting for the Crystal Tools engine, and yet failed to deliver any real substance, but if the trend is any indication XV won't knock anyone's socks off either. XIV is going to be their flagship for a long time.

Edited, May 2nd 2014 2:46am by ErikHighwind
#229 May 02 2014 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
XV has got me raising eyebrows since it's the first FF game being set on Earth - modern day Tokyo. The story behind that hopefully will make more sense than the story in XIII did.

Also XV will be the first PS4 game. Are they gonna release it on Xbone too, I wonder?
#230 May 03 2014 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
ErikHighwind wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Why not wish for XV to fail then, since that game isn't out yet?
I have to, since XIV at the end of the day at least has it's niche. But that's kind of the problem. I wished it with 13, and it didn't happen. 12, it didn't happen. I actually did with 11 and didn't happen there.

XV will be shorter lived than XIV, because it won't be a neverending online game with addons. People will burn through it in 100 hours and move on. Unless SE can somehow capture the magic that was FFIV, FFVI, and FFVII with super awesome story and characters, it may just go to the wastebin of history like 12 and 13 did. I mean 13 is great if you want to gawk at graphics, but the game itself is a void. No towns. No interaction beyond your characters who are not very likeable. 8, 9 and 10 were all pretty good games, but 10-2 and 13-2 were garbage. 12 had a decent story, but the gameplay itself was a bore. SE's single player FF games have been on the downtrend for a while. XV will be hard pressed to disappoint as much as XIII since it was so hyped as the first PS3 iteration with 3 years of waiting for the Crystal Tools engine, and yet failed to deliver any real substance, but if the trend is any indication XV won't knock anyone's socks off either. XIV is going to be their flagship for a long time.

This kind of mindset (to throw away and rebuild AAA games from scratch over and over again) no longer works. There will be XV-2, maybe XV-3 before XVI. It would be a terrible waste not to do it.

I bet they would've done it with XII too if the development of that game wasn't such a mess and if it had been released earlier during PS2's lifespan.

Edited, May 3rd 2014 11:13am by Hyanmen
#231 May 03 2014 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
With 15, I'm more interested in their departure from the turn based system (so it seems) and also the party system.

If an aspect about 15 were to draw me to it, it would be...well...Yoko Shimomura's music. >_> Outside of that, it would be the new battle systems they have set up.
#232 May 04 2014 at 6:53 AM Rating: Default
Ps4 failing to meet even half of expected launch sales figures apparently.
#233 May 04 2014 at 7:47 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
To be blunt, it's kind of silly to have a PS4 or One this early in their life. The rest of the game library simply isn't there with other features still obviously needing ironed out or implemented. So, multiply an already niche market against an already niche genre where buying a copy isn't required for PS3 upgrades and, well, I'm not surprised **** isn't flying off the shelves.

But, you know, XIV is dying, F2P in six months, etc..
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#234 May 04 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Ps4 failing to meet even half of expected launch sales figures apparently.

That's because the PS4 hasn't sold as well as expected in Japan.

The same company that provided the data for that story you posted also concluded that FFXIV is currently the most popular PS4 game in Japan.

It's a Sony problem, not a SE problem. FFXIV is doing great, and any "loss" from unsold inventory would be quickly absorbed thanks to the game having more than 500,000 subscribers (and that's just how many subscribers play every day).

Of course, Preludes, you mustn't take your own link too seriously because it doesn't involve official SE sources. Smiley: wink

Edited, May 4th 2014 10:57am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#235 May 04 2014 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default

Wrong thread :)

Edited, May 4th 2014 4:00pm by preludes

Edited, May 4th 2014 4:00pm by preludes
#236 May 04 2014 at 2:44 PM Rating: Excellent
I request that this thread be locked as it isn't a thread designed to carry on a conversation and discussion about the sales of the PS4 copy of FFXIV. It is a thread designed to look at a small pidgin-holed size of the argument in order to bolster... something, I dunno. You still haven't really come out and clarified what it is you want out of all of this.

Personally, I agree that the "Preludes" thread is nothing but troll bait, which is why I won't respond in it directly.

As an admin, though, it's not in violation of forum rules, so I can't delete it. Funny that it didn't take long to be sub-defaulting though, which really highlights the credibility of both the user and his/her content.

Clearly, though, he's just trolling. First, he says quotes directly from XIV's producer don't qualify as official, credible information. Now, he posts links to "stories" that are based upon the data of a third-party media company that's unrelated to SE and saying that's credible. Not only is he a troll, but he's also a wildly delusional hypocrite. Or, at least, he's acting like one. I can't imagine he manages to function by acting like this in real life.

As for what Catwho said:

So I actually know a bit more about this due to a sh*t-ton of research I've done lately. I gave a History of Final Fantasy panel at Athcon last night (and I'll probably be doing this panel at many other conventions since it's a really fascinating topic.)

The historical goal for a game to be successful for Square is 200,000 units sold. Their number for a guaranteed sequel is 400K units sold, which jives with the goal that Yoshi P had stated at the launch of ARR as their intended goal - instead of a sequel, that was the goal required by SE to get the green light for an expansion pack.

This isn't the number of subscribers, might you. Our resident trolls might care about that, but SE's criteria for a successful game when they were just Square was always units sold.

Considering SE hit that number five fold (assuming their 2 million number does not include beta players who ultimately did not subscribe), the lower than expected PS4 sales don't mean anything other than the PS4 is not an established console yet and the game has only been out for a month.

Interesting stuff!

That, and ARR probably brings in nearly $1 million/month on subscription fees alone, so I don't think SE needs to worry too much about the game being a financial burden.

Edited, May 4th 2014 1:47pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#237 May 04 2014 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
Wrong thread, Thayos :P
#238 May 04 2014 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Wrong thread, Thayos :P

Smiley: lol

Like I said... as an admin, I can't do anything about that thread. But as a longtime forum member, I don't need to feed it, especially when this thread is already about the success of the ps4 version and how global ps4 participation pushed the game beyond 2 mil registered users.

Edited, May 4th 2014 2:05pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#239REDACTED, Posted: May 04 2014 at 3:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hmm interesting precedent this sets for future postings, Zam wide. You are quotting from another topic and replying in a seperate one, since you are an admin and doing this you are saying this is valid posting etiquette.
#240 May 04 2014 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
preludes wrote:
Hmm interesting precedent this sets for future postings, Zam wide.
This has nothing to do with either the PS4 or the status of FFXIV.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#241 May 04 2014 at 3:49 PM Rating: Excellent
You are quotting from another topic and replying in a seperate one, since you are an admin and doing this you are saying this is valid posting etiquette.

This is the same topic, and it's the original thread on the matter.

This thread is about how the PS4 is contributing to FFXIV's success, as is yours... which is why you posted your article in this thread first before starting a whole new worthless thread on the same subject. Smiley: smile If anything, I could probably lock your thread and not overstep my bounds, but I always prefer not to censor. I have locked blatant troll threads in the past, but yours actually presented some new information to the discussion (which you posted in this thread first, lol)... so the thread itself wasn't completely pointless.

Anyway, please, go ahead and follow this long-established rule in all future posts.

Edited, May 4th 2014 3:00pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#242 May 04 2014 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
The reason for the disparity of number of people beta testing PS4 versus number of people who bought the PS4 version is because a lot of PS3 players were the beta testers of PS4.

I wonder how many PS3 players got a free copy for PS4? I'd really be interested in that number,
#243 May 04 2014 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Cat, I'd bet it's a pretty big number.

Letting PS3 players upgrade for free was a very smart move, imo. On one hand, SE loses out on the additional box sale; on the other hand, the game plays so much better on the PS4 that I'm sure the switch results in greater subscription revenues over time.

Also, this policy freed people up to buy the game for the PS3 at launch without needing to worry about buying the game again later. Again, that's several additional months of subscription fees collected by SE. Very savvy.
Thayos Redblade
#244 May 05 2014 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Letting PS3 players upgrade for free was a very smart move, imo. On one hand, SE loses out on the additional box sale; on the other hand, the game plays so much better on the PS4 that I'm sure the switch results in greater subscription revenues over time.

A smart move yes, but a move that made the sales of PS4 copies perform below expectations. That and the launch being just ahead of the console. People knew they could get a jump on the game by purchasing PS3 version so they spent their money up front instead of waiting. It's a very similar situation we argue about with the registered user numbers. SE projected expectations on PS4 based on PS3 sales, but they didn't account for the fact that PS3 sales were inflated due to the free upgrades.

They were expecting a swell of players but didn't realize they were already there. Not really a big deal. The PS4 version is definitely an improvement over PS3 so the low sales aren't an indicator of the quality. SE just being a victim of their own circumstances Smiley: cool

Edited, May 5th 2014 3:46am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#245 May 05 2014 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
A smart move yes, but a move that made the sales of PS4 copies perform below expectations. That and the launch being just ahead of the console. People knew they could get a jump on the game by purchasing PS3 version so they spent their money up front instead of waiting. It's a very similar situation we argue about with the registered user numbers. SE projected expectations on PS4 based on PS3 sales, but they didn't account for the fact that PS3 sales were inflated due to the free upgrades.

They were expecting a swell of players but didn't realize they were already there. Not really a big deal. The PS4 version is definitely an improvement over PS3 so the low sales aren't an indicator of the quality. SE just being a victim of their own circumstances Smiley: cool

It'd be really nice to get a source for claims like this, because it's nothing but pure and undistilled speculation as of this moment.

Selling 50% of the launch stock on the first week is extremely common and in itself there is no indication of the number not meeting SE's expectations. In the worst case scenario the number should fall within the 10-20% error range because SE wouldn't want 100% of their stock sold within the first week. Even that error percentage can be attributed to not knowing the ratio of physical vs. digital copies sold, as there's hardly a way to predict the demand for both based on the beta feedback alone (it being distributed purely digitally). The speculative "miscalculation" on physical copies, if it exists, can be offset by unexpectedly large digital demand (which we don't know the numbers of).

Edited, May 5th 2014 8:27am by Hyanmen
#246 May 05 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, would be cool to be a fly on the wall and know what expectations actually were.

The game does have a fantastic penetration rate on the PS4 in Japan, though. Just last week, 12.7k PS4s were sold in Japan along with 4.8k additional copies of ARR. That's a pretty good ratio, and also shows how the problem isn't ARR, but Sony not moving enough units.

Ultimately, I do think SE comes out ahead on all of this though. Happy subscribers are paying subscribers, and I'm sure the costs of producing software are recouped very quickly.

Edited, May 5th 2014 8:48am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#247 May 05 2014 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
A smart move yes, but a move that made the sales of PS4 copies perform below expectations. That and the launch being just ahead of the console. People knew they could get a jump on the game by purchasing PS3 version so they spent their money up front instead of waiting. It's a very similar situation we argue about with the registered user numbers. SE projected expectations on PS4 based on PS3 sales, but they didn't account for the fact that PS3 sales were inflated due to the free upgrades.

They were expecting a swell of players but didn't realize they were already there. Not really a big deal. The PS4 version is definitely an improvement over PS3 so the low sales aren't an indicator of the quality. SE just being a victim of their own circumstances Smiley: cool

It'd be really nice to get a source for claims like this, because it's nothing but pure and undistilled speculation as of this moment.

Source? I didn't make any claims about the numbers and it should be a given that people bought PS3 version knowing that they would upgrade it later for their PS4. It's not realistic for them to form an accurate sales projection without knowing how many prospective PS4 players already purchased the game for PS3. The PS3 turned out to be a bigger success than they expected because many of those players knew they could hop right in when they upgraded to PS4.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#248 May 05 2014 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
A smart move yes, but a move that made the sales of PS4 copies perform below expectations. That and the launch being just ahead of the console. People knew they could get a jump on the game by purchasing PS3 version so they spent their money up front instead of waiting. It's a very similar situation we argue about with the registered user numbers. SE projected expectations on PS4 based on PS3 sales, but they didn't account for the fact that PS3 sales were inflated due to the free upgrades.

They were expecting a swell of players but didn't realize they were already there. Not really a big deal. The PS4 version is definitely an improvement over PS3 so the low sales aren't an indicator of the quality. SE just being a victim of their own circumstances Smiley: cool

It'd be really nice to get a source for claims like this, because it's nothing but pure and undistilled speculation as of this moment.

Source? I didn't make any claims about the numbers and it should be a given that people bought PS3 version knowing that they would upgrade it later for their PS4. It's not realistic for them to form an accurate sales projection without knowing how many prospective PS4 players already purchased the game for PS3. The PS3 turned out to be a bigger success than they expected because many of those players knew they could hop right in when they upgraded to PS4.

You claimed that the PS4 copies' sales are performing below expectations. That's a massive claim and you gave no source whatsoever for proving it. The Siliconera article perhaps? You yourself just now debunked their "third party info based on third party source"-news so I hope that's not it.

Edited, May 5th 2014 5:46pm by Hyanmen
#249 May 05 2014 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Fortunately, even if sales were below expectations, it doesn't matter in the long run.

The game has enough subscribers to more than absorb the impact, and the game is already firmly entrenched in Japan. With the P2P model, that's really all that matters. More players over there will buy the game and subscribe as Sony moves more PS4s, too.

Edited, May 5th 2014 11:16am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#250 May 05 2014 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
Here's the overall takeaway from both threads, summarized here for everyone. A tl;dr of sorts:

XIV is alive and well, and it won't be going anywhere for quite some time to come. Enjoy it.

#251 May 05 2014 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
You claimed that the PS4 copies' sales are performing below expectations. That's a massive claim and you gave no source whatsoever for proving it. The Siliconera article perhaps? You yourself just now debunked their "third party info based on third party source"-news so I hope that's not it.

I didn't debunk anything. All I did was affirm the fact that sales were much lower than expected and part of the reason was that people were able to upgrade PS3 versions.

I think you're just arguing for the sake of it because you seem to be missing my point. I'm not here to gloat about poor PS4 sales. As I've said, the low PS4 sales are misleading because PS4 players were buying the PS3 version so they could get into the game right away. I expected this to happen and I'm sure SE did as well, but sales projections don't take into account the fact that you could upgrade. Much the same way sales don't translate to subscriptions. There is no way to factor in how many people are just purchasing extra copies to register another platform to their account.

PS3 over-performed because it was essentially a PS4 copy. The sales for PS3 were inflated because people knew well in advance that they could purchase and play on their PS3 while awaiting PS4 launch. Common sense.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
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