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my endgame tanking is terribadFollow

#1 Apr 16 2014 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
ok an an il80 pld I hold hate in t1 against cad just fine, dont lose hate at all. I get to il85 and do t2 now. I cant hold hate one ANYTHING in there, those balls are bouncing around the room like ping pong balls, and even during the end when AD enraged I lost hate and couldnt get it back at all, no matter how much flashing or enmity comboing I did it never turned and looked my way once. surely keeping hate on cad is MUCH harder.more work than t2 sooo what the heck was I doing wrong? (and yes shield oath was up)
#2 Apr 16 2014 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Depending which route you're going on T2, one of the ADS orbs requires DPS to start off slowly as it is resistant to slashing I believe. If everyone fires off on all cylinders, you'll lose hate right away and it'll bounce around like a ping pong ball. The other ADS nodes shouldn't cause any problem, as for that last one, ya the healers are gonna take hate, but who cares? It's just spamming it's AOE on everyone.

Other than that, a pld should have no issues holding hate what so ever in Coil. Check out Turn 4 to see if you're really using yours abilities properly as hate can bounce around easily there if not done properly.

#3 Apr 16 2014 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
that the thing i was losing hate on ALL nodes, as for t4 Ive only done that once and never on tank so Im already not confident in my ability to tank hat but I would think t2 is well within my ability if t1 is
#4 Apr 16 2014 at 2:56 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that the thing i was losing hate on ALL nodes, as for t4 Ive only done that once and never on tank so Im already not confident in my ability to tank hat but I would think t2 is well within my ability if t1 is

Could be that you're up against some ilvl 95 or 100 weapons. If you don't have gear close to ilvl 90 then you'll feel it. I'm sitting at 88 right now, and I have yet to lose hate to anyone on anything, with the exception of WHM's who don't watch hate on Titan.

I'd start filling in your weakest pieces with Hero's/Noct/AF2 asap to bring up your ilvl. Str isn't as good as weapon damage, but it's the next best thing. Also make sure you have Zenith Relic. Do that first, above all other things if you haven't already.
#5 Apr 16 2014 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
3,653 posts
I cant hold hate one ANYTHING in there, those balls are bouncing around the room like ping pong balls, and even during the end when AD enraged

Don't know about the rest of it as I don't have 50 PLD, but once ADS had raged in T2 you don't need to maintain hate on it at all. All it does is the AOE attack.

So don't worry about that one, at least.

#6 Apr 16 2014 at 5:32 AM Rating: Excellent
618 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
ok an an il80 pld I hold hate in t1 against cad just fine, dont lose hate at all. I get to il85 and do t2 now. I cant hold hate one ANYTHING in there, those balls are bouncing around the room like ping pong balls, and even during the end when AD enraged I lost hate and couldnt get it back at all, no matter how much flashing or enmity comboing I did it never turned and looked my way once. surely keeping hate on cad is MUCH harder.more work than t2 sooo what the heck was I doing wrong? (and yes shield oath was up)

We had this discussion before when you were struggling with hate in lower level dungeons as you were leveling up. I wanna say it's your rotation aren't up to par, do you have the capability to record video and upload it so we can see whats going on to help you more? How are you opening up each pull? Are you using other abilities to help you regain hate once you lost it, provoke, shield lob? Are you using other abilities that are off the GCD (spirits within... efc) and not part of your combo rotation? Are you running out of dps range during move's that are going off instead of side stepping it and staying on the boss? What is you acc at? If its lower than 470ish than that's going to be your problem. If your missing hit's then you will be losing hate due to not finishing off your combo's for more enmity, consider using food that will increase that.

If you take left hand turn all the way in T2 to AD's then it's going to be the last node in the trio where hate may ping pong around. When AD's goes into enrage method no matter what you do you will lose hate, all our tanks (myself included) then switched into sword oaths and dps'ed away. You can stay in shield oath if you like to take less dmg but you will not keep hate once he enrages.

Quor wrote:
Could be that you're up against some ilvl 95 or 100 weapons. If you don't have gear close to ilvl 90 then you'll feel it. I'm sitting at 88 right now, and I have yet to lose hate to anyone on anything, with the exception of WHM's who don't watch hate on Titan.

I'd start filling in your weakest pieces with Hero's/Noct/AF2 asap to bring up your ilvl. Str isn't as good as weapon damage, but it's the next best thing. Also make sure you have Zenith Relic. Do that first, above all other things if you haven't already.

I have MT T4 @71 for my pld against back then against full i90's and had no trouble what so ever in keeping hate, I'm able to keep hate my pld in newer content and coil even with DPS going nutz during the encounters with a higher gear and weapon. My pld had just the regular relic back then and now has the ex wep and shield (ilvl 73 now, saving myth for BRD books), slowly getting it geared up from coil.
#7 Apr 16 2014 at 6:38 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Are you trying to dodge repelling cannon? If so, stop. Will solve your threat issues. If not, try opening with fight or flight on your PLD.

I always just FoF + BB > lob > scorn + spirits at the same time > start my halone combo
#8 Apr 16 2014 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
I have SO up open with FoF then shield lob, get in close flash (which i usually lose hate before i even make it to the halone part of the halone combo. if i actually had a few second to secure some ate before then Im sure Id do fine. once i lose hate I Lob again mob ignore me... so I voke mob comes near me but before Iit even makes it to flash range it turns around and goes back) and start halone combo. But the way it would go if hate wqasnt an issue would be:

put up shield oath open with lob, get into flash range, flash, scorn, halone combo, activate FoF, repeat the previous stuff with the exception of using scorn only when its available as its not gonna cooldown as fast as the others, and replace FoF with one of my other abilities that dont have 5 sec cooldowns.. i.e awareness, then next round would be sentinel, then next round would be rampart then next would be bulwark, then next round would be convalescense, by that time FoF should b back again and we start all over with that. (since FoF also isnt gonna be ready again by then. thats what I did with cad and I kept hate just fine. doent work at all in t2

As for gear in t1 I used no food but had:

curtana zenith, zenith shield, darklight body, valor hands, allagan belt, allagan neck, darklight ear, hero bracelet, allgan ring and hero ring with darklight legs (yes all these were the "fending" types) the only change with t2 is DL legs have been replaces with valor legs and allagan boots.

Yes that drops my acc dramatically but I was already under the acc requirement for t1 yet had no problems without food so t2 should work fine WITH food correct?
#9 Apr 16 2014 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
618 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Yes that drops my acc dramatically but I was already under the acc requirement for t1 yet had no problems without food so t2 should work fine WITH food correct?

While in theory this might sound true, but if you are missing hit's you have to start your combo over to try and get all 3 hits in for efficiency. Meanwhile the dps should be @ 100% acc from hitting from the flank/behind and hitting all the time, use food when doing coil...... yes there is a echo buff..... yes it's old content...... there is absolutely NO reason not to use food for the higher end stuff including
T1-T5 unless you are over the acc cap. If your acc is lower now with new gear compared to when you were running T1, use food & swap out gear that has more accuracy on it, you might have a lower ilvl but the you're quite a bit above the minimum requirement (new gears doesn't always mean better).

I can tell you this with my encounters on T1-T4 with old FC, there wasn't a night that went by that our tanks weren't talking about gear changes and how to get more accuracy.

P.S. I have 2 sets of gear for my BRD (ACC set and DPS set where acc isnt a problem), and staring a 2 pld gear set.
#10 Apr 16 2014 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
SillyHawk wrote:
I have MT T4 @71 for my pld against back then against full i90's and had no trouble what so ever in keeping hate, I'm able to keep hate my pld in newer content and coil even with DPS going nutz during the encounters with a higher gear and weapon. My pld had just the regular relic back then and now has the ex wep and shield (ilvl 73 now, saving myth for BRD books), slowly getting it geared up from coil.

Was this before 2.1 or after? Because 2.1 buffed WAR/PLD threat generation immensely (consensus based on gathered data shows that it's actually a 2x multiplier from Defiance/Shield Oath instead of the listed 1.2/1.25. I have never had a hate problem since 2.1. But prior to the buffs, a well-played i80+ DPS could give me a run for my money.
#11 Apr 16 2014 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
I don't get why you'r using flash at all for single target enemies? Seems like a waste of a skill.

Also, if you use provoke, don't wait for it to come back to you, jump on that ****** quick or else someone is just going to steal threat back in an instant.

I always open with lob then threat combo while splicing in FoF and Bloodbath between moves. I don't know if Bloodbath helps with generating threat, but it's healing, so I would assume so.

Past any of that, tell the players you are running with to back the **** off. 90% of bad pulls are because of dd's being too aggressive, or healers trying to over heal the second the fight starts. Especially if everyone has upgraded gear now. But I have very similar gear to you, and I usually have no problems holding threat.
#12 Apr 16 2014 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
618 posts
Quor wrote:
Was this before 2.1 or after? Because 2.1 buffed WAR/PLD threat generation immensely (consensus based on gathered data shows that it's actually a 2x multiplier from Defiance/Shield Oath instead of the listed 1.2/1.25. I have never had a hate problem since 2.1. But prior to the buffs, a well-played i80+ DPS could give me a run for my money.

It was after 2.1
#13 Apr 16 2014 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I haven't tried Coil yet myself because I've been leveling my Paladin character to 50. I will say that while in CT, I've tanked the final boss in iLvl52 in a room full of glowing weapons and was surprised that I could hold it the whole time. (Honestly, I think veteran tanks get a kick out of letting the scrubs do the dirty work, much like a law firm). I'm just saying it's not impossible to hold hate against more well-geared allies. Just keep at it. Smiley: nod
#14 Apr 16 2014 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
SillyHawk wrote:
Quor wrote:
Was this before 2.1 or after? Because 2.1 buffed WAR/PLD threat generation immensely (consensus based on gathered data shows that it's actually a 2x multiplier from Defiance/Shield Oath instead of the listed 1.2/1.25. I have never had a hate problem since 2.1. But prior to the buffs, a well-played i80+ DPS could give me a run for my money.

It was after 2.1

Well, there ya go. I remember tanking AK against Relic+1 DPS while using Garuda's Scream. Doable, sure, but only if they weren't going balls out right away. I had plenty of times BRD's would open with their full DPS salvo and it was like "Well, he's tanking *that* mob now," or BLM's who open with Fire 3 into a hard cast Flare into an instant Flare, which generally meant the BLM was now tanking 2-4 mobs depending on the pull. Getting Relic made a huge difference, enough to hold off on spending myth tomes on mist before I picked up some armor pieces, but it wasn't until I got my +1 that I felt really in control, especially against balls-to-the-wall types.

Now however, holding hate seems a joke as long as you're within 5-8 ilvls.
#15 Apr 17 2014 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
I have SO up open with FoF then shield lob, get in close flash (which i usually lose hate before i even make it to the halone part of the halone combo. if i actually had a few second to secure some ate before then Im sure Id do fine. once i lose hate I Lob again mob ignore me... so I voke mob comes near me but before Iit even makes it to flash range it turns around and goes back) and start halone combo.

Right here. Drop flash from single target, Duo. It can be good (I guess?) if you are TP starved later on in a fight and need to maintain enmity and it also is very good on AoE packs...but don't ever waste a GCD on flash at the start of a fight.

DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Yes that drops my acc dramatically but I was already under the acc requirement for t1 yet had no problems without food so t2 should work fine WITH food correct?

You don't want to be missing your combo, either. It's pretty important to be ACC capped as a tank.
#16 Apr 17 2014 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
ok so I just did T2 again (this time on DF hat way if i sucked i was playing with randoms from other servers who id never have to see again) on tank without changing anything (same gear, same strat same food.. or lack there of), only difference way there was no lag spikes very 5 secs (i was playing on ps4 that day and pc now), my acc is low and I did notice I missed 2 out of 10 times, despite that I kept hate on EVERY mod leading up to ADS, I didnt keep hate on ADS at all but thats because the whm was opening up with medicas spam at the very start before enrage even activated... needless to say we wiped twice because of that (whm kept doing it) and ppl starts leaving.

But based on that Ive come to the conclusion that that first run was more so the party I was in (and the lag) than me. a DF group is usually a buncha undergeared or just at il requirement geared ppl, so they more than likely didnt have the damage needed to make it difficult for me to get hate, secure hate then keep hate from the start as a much better geared PF party most likely would be able to.
#17 Apr 17 2014 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
I noticed the lag got much better for me yesterday as well.
#18 Apr 17 2014 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
ok so I just did T2 again (this time on DF hat way if i sucked i was playing with randoms from other servers who id never have to see again)...

I didn't think that was allowed yet. I thought that you still needed a full, pre-made group of 8 to enter turns 1 through 5, even with DF.
#19 Apr 17 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
618 posts
Catwho wrote:
I noticed the lag got much better for me yesterday as well.

I was fine yesterday up until working on helping getting static though T5, used tanking limit break after one of the attempt and boom was hit with lag for the remainder of our time in there. Only by login out and back in did it go away.

svlyons wrote:
I didn't think that was allowed yet. I thought that you still needed a full, pre-made group of 8 to enter turns 1 through 5, even with DF.

This has been removed you can now Que up solo for BC in DF as long as you meet the ilvl requirements set in place

Edit: Added answer to 2nd quote above instead of a new post.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 10:35am by SillyHawk
#20 Apr 17 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
A few people said it and I won't go into details but I think its your rotation. That is the biggest thing.

Another problem a lot of tanks have is TRYING to DPS. First and foremost, a tank, is a tank control your monsters. If you start to go DPS heavy, you're going to lose the hate in those dungeons.

See if DPS is an issue and see what your rotation is an if you can add/remove from it. Also knowing what to do at a specific time is also good.

Have tough skin and you will get the info you need.
#21 Apr 17 2014 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
WFOAssassin wrote:
A few people said it and I won't go into details but I think its your rotation. That is the biggest thing.

Another problem a lot of tanks have is TRYING to DPS. First and foremost, a tank, is a tank control your monsters. If you start to go DPS heavy, you're going to lose the hate in those dungeons.

See if DPS is an issue and see what your rotation is an if you can add/remove from it. Also knowing what to do at a specific time is also good.

Have tough skin and you will get the info you need.

I am confus.

What do you mean by "trying to dps?" The hate combos for both tanks are also the highest DPS combos. Paladin really only has one combo worth doing at 50, and it's the hate combo.

Are you talking about tanks wearing dps accessories? Because that will actually hold hate better, due to the addition of STR (tanking accessory drops and tome items don't have STR on them). You'll lose a lot of VIT (unless you're using melded stuff) but you'll definitely hit harder, and thus generate more threat.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 5:09pm by Quor
#22 Apr 17 2014 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
If your VIT is dropped too much, though, then your WHM or SCH is going to have to work harder to keep you at reasonable health levels, and will generate more threat as well.

There's probably an ideal balance in there someplace.
#23 Apr 18 2014 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
Catwho wrote:
If your VIT is dropped too much, though, then your WHM or SCH is going to have to work harder to keep you at reasonable health levels, and will generate more threat as well.

There's probably an ideal balance in there someplace.

Yeah, add in DPS gear only if it has ACC and you're not ACC capped and food buffs don't bring you there.

Which, practically, comes out to never. If you're geared enough ilvl-wise to get into a dungeon, you're geared enough to have food cap your ACC. Plus all the main gear pieces automatically come with STR and VIT, so it's a moot point as far as that's concerned.
#24 Apr 18 2014 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
Quor wrote:
WFOAssassin wrote:
A few people said it and I won't go into details but I think its your rotation. That is the biggest thing.

Another problem a lot of tanks have is TRYING to DPS. First and foremost, a tank, is a tank control your monsters. If you start to go DPS heavy, you're going to lose the hate in those dungeons.

See if DPS is an issue and see what your rotation is an if you can add/remove from it. Also knowing what to do at a specific time is also good.

Have tough skin and you will get the info you need.

I am confus.

What do you mean by "trying to dps?" The hate combos for both tanks are also the highest DPS combos. Paladin really only has one combo worth doing at 50, and it's the hate combo.

Are you talking about tanks wearing dps accessories? Because that will actually hold hate better, due to the addition of STR (tanking accessory drops and tome items don't have STR on them). You'll lose a lot of VIT (unless you're using melded stuff) but you'll definitely hit harder, and thus generate more threat.

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 5:09pm by Quor

I do not play Paladin, I am a Warrior. Warrior has a hand full of DPS like combos that can keep you from drawing hate. I assume Paladin has similar actions. If not, then not maintaining your hate combos, messing up, slow execution, wrong move at the wrong time, would all play a role. Another issue is the gear but unless you are the guy who takes ridiculous damage, gear isn't an issue if you stick with the recommended gear sets.
#25 Apr 22 2014 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
I just wanted to add in my experience as a relatively new tank. I went into T1 and had no real issues but I found that initially on T2, I had accuracy issues and met that one node which is a headache with slashing. If you don't realise your combos aren't landing right at the start you can't do anything to combat it and you can lose hate. I did ok, but had a hairy run at first on that anti-slashing node. I was lucky and got my earring and then upgraded my great axe to the primal one and it helped. I don't like that CT gear seems low in accuracy and am trying to get rid of it in the 3 slots I still have it in.
Blogging again!
#26 Apr 22 2014 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, CT gear is supposed to be a "gap filler" until you replace it all with relic gear or Coil gear. It boosts your iLvl score, but it's not best in slot by any stretch.

Still, some sets look badass.
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