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Weekend Goals and Accomplishments 4/11 - 4/13Follow

#1 Apr 11 2014 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
3rd weekend of 2.2! Already? What do you hope to accomplish?

My goals are:

- I am 11/12 on atma. Summerfield farms (Middle La Noscea) is all I have left. Time to kill some lvl 2 sheep? Smiley: dubious So the goal, obviously, get the atma.
- Cap the soldiery. Should be one expert duty left. Smiley: nod
- Try to finish the first atma book and gather myth to buy the second. Smiley: cool
- Try leviathan ex again and see if I can get lucky with a party that downs him. Smiley: smile
- Log in and experience the permanent PS4 goodness Smiley: grin
- Trade in PS3 and get a Vita... Might not happen until next week though.
#2 Apr 11 2014 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
144 posts
This past week, I finally got my Bard to level 50, and last night I got the final piece of the Choral armor. Yay! :) Here, then, are my goals for this weekend.

1. Play on my Playstation 4. I pre-ordered a physical copy, so I don't need to transfer my PS3 account to the PS4 and can keep the PS3 account.
2. Do the Hatch-tide event. I might do it for my wife as well.
3. Continue the story quest for my Bard. I'm currently at the Level 34 Lord of Crags quest. I know I'll be synced down to Level 34 and that there was no need for me to level up to 50 in order to do this quest, but hey, it was a personal goal of mine. Smiley: nod
4. Look at more of the 2.2 stuff.

That's it! Have fun, everyone! Smiley: smile
Primary World: Hyperion
Free Company: Jormungandr
Legacy Member
Main Character: Fialas Dawnren: Level 60 BRD/AST/MNK/DoL, Level 16-50 On Everything Else
#3 Apr 11 2014 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent

1. Let's be ambitious. Let's get arcanist from 22-25!
2. Also get blacksmith from 20-25
3. And then get miner from 37-40.
4. Other than that, I just want to get another atma. 1/12...
#4 Apr 11 2014 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
Get my BRD from 38-41 and do Stone Vigil with our newbie WHM.
Cap tomes.
Clear Amdapor City with the FC so the other guys can do Expert Roulette.
Get some practice at Levi EX, maybe join a farm run if I'm good.
Beat Garuda EX for the second time ever and claim the Elfin Bow. Already killed Titan and Ifrit.
Maybe a CT run or two if I have time.
#5 Apr 11 2014 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
My plans are:

1) To get my early access for PS4 working
2) Write this weeks Twitch theme
3) Get Arcanist to lvl20
4) Run Turns 2-4 for the first time
5) Keep working on gardening!
6) Keep working on Amaalja loyalty
#6 Apr 11 2014 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
I won't be playing at all this weekend.. I'll be in New York CIty with my fiance until Monday night... have fun everyone!! Smiley: grin
#7 Apr 11 2014 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
2,824 posts
Marauder to 15, Gladiator to 15, Lancer to 15, and Conjurer to 15. Since I have Marauder and Lancer at 12 or so I don't think this should be a problem. Keeps my options open for Monk, Warrior, Dragoon, or Paladin

Got Bard (30/15) last weekend and am trying to decide if I should keep going with that to 50 or move over to another class for a bit. Noticed that I get tons of bonuses as a Marauder to do the guildhests and figure that's probably true for the dungeons too.

#8 Apr 11 2014 at 4:31 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Clear Titan EX
Practice turn 5

4 Atma remaining.

Anything beyond that is gravy.
#9 Apr 12 2014 at 6:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
I too need my 12th atma!

Other than that, I would like some bard pants from T5. Will probably be PFing that all weekend.
#10 Apr 13 2014 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
1,598 posts
My static exploded some time Friday, compelling a friend and me to transfer servers last night. (Long story.) Suffice to say, I feel extremely disconnected with all the unfamiliar faces I see now. Will be spending what's left of the weekend trying to get a feel for the community and its dynamics... Probably by running a lot of Coil and Levi EX.

With any luck, I'll pick up my tidal prong and a few miscellaneous pieces I'm still missing from Coil in the process, but we'll see. I should also level gathering a little.

Edited, Apr 13th 2014 11:29pm by Kouren
♪ Kin Jehn : Behemoth
#11 Apr 13 2014 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
392 posts
Managed to get 8 moogle's in one dance circle. Woot!
#12 Apr 13 2014 at 9:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:

1. Let's be ambitious. Let's get arcanist from 22-25!
2. Also get blacksmith from 20-25
3. And then get miner from 37-40.
4. Other than that, I just want to get another atma. 1/12...

1. So close... halfway from 24-25 and ran out of time
2. Done, that was easy
3. Done - actually made it to 41!
4. No atma but didn't farm seriously
Bonus: Got taken in on my first Garuda Extreme and was not the weakest link! We lost because of bad DPS pickups, apparently.

So I'm gonna say this was 90% accomplished. Not bad considering I played for all of 4-5 hours all weekend.

Edited, Apr 13th 2014 11:56pm by Catwho
#13 Apr 13 2014 at 10:05 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Leveling, leveling leveling...


I want to, at some point, get all my crafts on 30. I've 3 of them that are 27-28, and the rest are all 25 except for CRP and CUL. By the end of tomorrow (Monday), I should have ~86 leves so hopefully I can get that done.

Trouble is, the levequests want stupid crap that is complicated to get ahold of, including mob drops which can be annoying to actually get.
#14 Apr 14 2014 at 5:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
I too need my 12th atma!

Other than that, I would like some bard pants from T5. Will probably be PFing that all weekend.

Eh got my atma weapon but no pants. Actually had a busy weekend with school work. :(

Now I can't really spend myth on BRD or PLD! Kind of bummed but that's the price you have to pay for a shiny purple staff.

Hope you all have a good week.

Edit: Not the weekend but...just thought I'd post it here. lol

3700/999,9999 HP = 0.0037%

We were kinda bummed. A similar event happened to another FC on our server. Midgard is cursed.

Edit Edit: Though we did get revenge the next day with a one shot.;)

Edited, Apr 17th 2014 9:11am by HitomeOfBismarck
#15 Apr 14 2014 at 7:27 AM Rating: Excellent
618 posts
Biggest thing I accomplished this weekend was,

* Cleared T5 got both drops: (Allagan Composite Bow & Allagan Trousers of Aiming)
* Unlocked T6
#16 Apr 14 2014 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Valkayree wrote:

- I am 11/12 on atma. Summerfield farms (Middle La Noscea) is all I have left. Time to kill some lvl 2 sheep? Smiley: dubious So the goal, obviously, get the atma.
- Cap the soldiery. Should be one expert duty left. Smiley: nod
- Try to finish the first atma book and gather myth to buy the second. Smiley: cool
- Try leviathan ex again and see if I can get lucky with a party that downs him. Smiley: smile
- Log in and experience the permanent PS4 goodness Smiley: grin
- Trade in PS3 and get a Vita... Might not happen until next week though.

- Got my paladin his atma weapon late friday. Coincidentally, off the FATE with lvl 2 sheep Smiley: dubious.
- Soldiery easily capped.
- I bought and finished the first shield book! Now I am +2 vitality higher, and in 1200 myth (I have 300) I can afford the second book that will make my shield all glowy. The atma book quests were interesting. Some of the leves were grand company leves... interesting. And one of the FATEs was "The Four Winds" in Coerthas. Damn insane. You must kill four bosses in 12 minutes. Seriously. I brought Illsaide along as monk and we happened to run into a whm who needed it and a drg friend. All four of us had chocobos out and were standing on the spot when it popped. We collectively beat it with 3 minutes left. My dungeons were pharos, cutter's, and lost city. The 100 targeted mobs weren't too difficult to beat, but required running waaaay deep into beastman territory. All in all, fun and much better than atma farming.
- Downed Leviathan EX three times this weekend, once as MT paladin, and twice as blm. No weapon drop, most parties were wiping right after the lb3, in the middle of the blue bubbles and large water drops either before or after leviathan jumps. As MT I was really getting hit hard by the head, and I can't figure out why... But as blm, I noticed that some of the healers kept running around hovering on top of dps, getting us hit by the aoe whirlpools that target the healers only. Grrrr... But all in all I like the fight much better as blm because hey, who doesn't like meteor? Now I just have to work on using the center post to line up my aim... (consistently hitting 3 of 4 bubbles when using the bubbles as a guide)
- PS4 connected. Good show.
- Ok, so everyone is sold out of a Vita? A Vita? A year ago you couldn't give them away. So apparantly there is a new version releasing in early May, the Vita 2000. LCD as opposed to OLED? Not sure if that is good or bad, but I don't have an option.

- And a side note, my retainers are lvl 41 now Smiley: grin

Edited, Apr 14th 2014 8:36am by Valkayree
#17 Apr 14 2014 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Got some good practice in on T5. Two of the folks we grabbed outside the FC were a challenge or we probably would have done way better. Made it to first dive bombs.

Died lots on Titan ex.

Got one more Atma. 3 left now. Can't decide if I want to upgrade MNK or WHM.

#18 Apr 14 2014 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
2,447 posts
Only had Sunday night, but:
- got my Wyrm Body for DRG
- almost capped soldiery for the week
- beat Garuda EX for the first time and learned a few little tips that will help going forward
- beat T4 about 4 times, but my lots sucked and left empty handed
- flagged Levi HM
#19 Apr 14 2014 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
125 posts
My goal over the weekend was to get my Animus weapon... And it happened! I got it pretty late last night, early morning. But I knocked that ish out!!!


#20 Apr 14 2014 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
SirLuciousLeftfoot wrote:
My goal over the weekend was to get my Animus weapon... And it happened! I got it pretty late last night, early morning. But I knocked that ish out!!!


Damn my friend that is putting in some work!
#21 Apr 14 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I've got my FFXIV down to a routine, which isn't necessarily a good thing. I'm waiting for more content that interests me, mainly more storyline content.

I log in, check my slave girls for their spoils from the previous night's Field Exploration, and then send them out on a Quick Exploration for more loot. Hop on either Miner or Botanist to go get my daily map and use it. Then I hit the DF for my daily Roulette rewards. I do the Kobold (I really like that bomb mount) beastmen quests while waiting on the DF. Once those are out of the way, I head back to town, check on the slave girls, put whatever crap I've managed to accumulate on sale and call it a day.

For awhile, I had Atma farming in there as well, but since I've wasted over ten hours in Middle La Noscea without a drop, I gave up that. If SE decides to fix the abysmal drop rate, I might look into finishing it, but at this point, I'm sick of running from boring *** FATE to boring *** FATE and not having any fun at all while doing it.

If the price of materia drops down to something less insane, I'm going to try melding my gathering gear so I can get in on the new items and fish, but even though I have over a million gil with nothing to spend it on, I refuse to get ripped by price gougers. Especially considering the ridiculous results I've had from melding. Breaking nine 45% chance attempts in a row just should not happen, but it does.

This weekend, I used my Tomes to finally get a Wyrm Armet, completing my DRG relic set, and also a Weathered Gloam Earring, which is a huge step up from my Darklight Earring.
#22 Apr 15 2014 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
125 posts
Valkayree wrote:
SirLuciousLeftfoot wrote:
My goal over the weekend was to get my Animus weapon... And it happened! I got it pretty late last night, early morning. But I knocked that ish out!!!


Damn my friend that is putting in some work!

Yea I don't want to see Brayflox, or a FATE for quite sometime LOL
#23 Apr 15 2014 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts
I missed the weekend accomplishments at the right time so I'm going to use this as my 'week' accomplishments post!

I need to do the chocobo quest - I think I'm at that point in the storyline, and other than that I'm just noodling around with leveling up as a lancer.

What is the current go-to information resource that everyone is using? I'm looking for something like the old ffxiclopedia used to be before the guys who ran it cashed in and the place went to hell. I've done some searches, clicked all the links in the sticky, and so far I've only found a beginners guide that seems to be current (and it was great, but very basic and I'm moving beyond basic now). The job and class forums are pretty dead, which is surprising, so not much help there.

Other than that, I'm just REALLY enjoying the scenery. It's hard to believe that 2 years ago the game brought all my systems to a screeching halt, and now it's just like every other game out there in terms of resource use. The game is freaking unbelievable now - it's just sucked me in. I haven't sneaked a half hour of gaming before work since.... Well since the early days of XI.
#24 Apr 15 2014 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
XIV DB up at the top of this forum is actually a very good resource. Crafting recipes and item locations are tagged in messages there.

Other than that, Google quest names and YouTube videos for dungeons and boss fights.
#25 Apr 15 2014 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
A day late, but since I always have Tuesday off, I include that in my "Weekend", so...

I want to, at some point, get all my crafts on 30. I've 3 of them that are 27-28, and the rest are all 25 except for CRP and CUL. By the end of tomorrow (Monday), I should have ~86 leves so hopefully I can get that done.

Got CRP to 30, that was easy.
Got LTW to 30, that wasn't all that hard either.
Got GSM to 30, that was way easier than I thought it'd be.

I ran into problems with Alchemist. I got it to barely 29 and now I'm down to 38 leves left. I think I'm gonna call it a day and let the leves build back up some and use the GC Craft Dailies to 'cheat', though I can only imagine what kind of crap they're going to tell me to make. Bleh.

The problem with Alchemist, is that most of the leves suck. I can't find any leves outside of Ul'dah for the Lv25 range (Ala Mihgo strangely has no craft leves at all), and the ones in Ul'dah are frankly sucky; they are all 4-5 step crafts for 1 turnin, some of them requiring 3-5 items (that you make 1 of per synth).

The only one I could find that wasn't, was the Potions of Mind, but trying to gain 25-30 on a Lv15 leve takes a LOT of leve allowances. I think I'll just let ALC sit there and get GC stuff, or if the GC quests suck in a similar fashion, I might grind it out on some of those easier recipes that you can harvest (Natron, Formula Gamma, etc).

I've got BSM and ARM on 27-28, those should be somewhat easy to get up, though I worry about how hard it will be to get any quantities of Bomb Ash for Steel, I know that part might end up sucking (which is the same reason why WVR is 28; Velveteen is a pain in the *** to work with due to the sporadic drop rates of dire webs, but thankfully I can do Linen now, once I get my BTN up to harvest Flax).

That just leaves CUL on 24, hopefully there's something reasonable in there somewhere to do.

So... I got a good part of the way there.
#26 Apr 15 2014 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
I worry about how hard it will be to get any quantities of Bomb Ash for Steel,.

Bomb ash can be mined.
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