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Mixed Feelings about Atmas and FATEs.Follow

#27 Apr 04 2014 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
But don't get me wrong: this atma business was a very good deal. You see, these weapons are a little interesting in who they are tailored for. Hardcore players do not need them because they have access to Leviathan stuff, soldiery + T7 tokens, and soon to be High Allagan weapons. 'Normal' players do not need them because they are not raiding coil immediately and they already have access to i95 weapons through Leviathan Ex. As time progresses, gear from soldiery will naturally offset some of the difficulty currently present in coil. Casual players do not need them either for the same reasons.

Their real power is supposed to be revealed in the next 'mini' patch so these are things you should be working towards casually even if you play 7 days a week, 24 hours a day (from your coffin). Which is great because when we are at month 5 into this content cycle they have going for us and we are complaining about nothing to do, there will be something to do.

Just because you can't complete it within the first two weeks of patch does not make it a bad design. -_-

Always enjoy a discussion with you Hitome. Honestly I'm looking for some reason to mitigate my frustration with this design. Maybe you can make a case for why it does not hurt the game as whole. I'm reading what you are saying carefully. Can we try a Pro/Cons list for this? You've already mentioned some Pros that I'm gradually realizing are true.

- these FATES are not fun to participate in (while this is subjective, for some it is a valid observation)
- no strategy is required
- low level players tying to level-up often cannot even get participation
- the zones become unstable at the current level of players participating
- the 5 seconds of lag and players jumping around the screen is NOT impressing on new players that FFXIV is a quality game
- Level Synched content always seems like step backwards
- I seriously fall asleep due to boredom
- the RNG x12 is so very extreme in this case that some players WILL get screwed, it's a mathematical certainty
- the level of participation in Low-level Duty Roulette has decreased, making

- You get seals to spend on ventures
- when the current level of laggy, group zerging dies down, the design will HELP low level players complete FATES (which will coincide with PS4 release) maybe
- completing this gradually over the next 5 months will give the average player something to do (Something boring to do)

Ok I'm trying here. Can anyone help round out the list of Pros? I clearly can't fully get behind it yet.

#28 Apr 04 2014 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
Susanoh wrote:
Gnu wrote:
Putting the latest weapon upgrade behind wall of Level Synched, low-level, brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content was the worst idea in FFXIV's history.


On top of the fact that it is the worst possible version of recycled content with no attempt at calling itself anything other than a meaningless time-sink, the idea of getting high-level players to participate in low level fates has backfired so badly that NEW PLAYERS ARE QUITTING because they can't get participation.

My friend who recently started playing just told me he is giving it a break and will try again when there is some way to level up that is fun. Clearly no one is doing low-level roulettes right now. FATES aren't an option. I thought this patch was a good time to try and bring a RL friend on-board. Nope, Chuck Testa.

Just an observation but...if FATEs are "brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content" to use your own words, and your friend doesn't want to play the game because it doesn't have any fun methods of leveling up, I'm not entirely sure if making FATEs more viable would be the burst of fun that keeps new players like him on the edge of his seat.

Have to agree with this. Making the Low-Level Duty Roulette significant, and balancing Dungeon EXP with FATE exp, I felt really improved the EXP leveling experience. These FATES have (perhaps temporarily) disrupted that balance.

Sorry to be so down on Level-synched fates. I'd prefer Endgame weapon upgrades to come from, hmm, Endgame perhaps. Since this is an alternate upgrade path, maybe it can just be ignored, but doesn't seem like it. Seems more like this is just the starting point for a longer and lengthly weapon upgrades process.

Perhaps the real problem is I've burnt myself out on FATES already. Surely many other players were tired of FATES even before this patch.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 12:03pm by Gnu
#29 Apr 04 2014 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
I think the most positive thing about the Zodiac Weapon progression is that you can do it on your own. Oh and that you can't be carried through it. Would I prefer that it was something other than FATEs? Sure. But at least I have a choice about how and when I do this.
Blogging again!
#30 Apr 04 2014 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
I can understand why you don't like Level Sync'd FATEs, esp spamming the same ones over and over again.

But, I suppose, they were trying to find a way to get more people to participate so that newbies don't find it ridiculously hard to level up and/or get GC Seals.

I'm not sure Atma is the right method, though. Why not just tone down the FATEs to allow fewer people to complete it? Or tweak the time limit, etc etc etc instead of dumping a bunch of high-level players who are gonna get bored because of the Level Sync stuff taking away all of their fun toys.

Even I felt the ho-hum of Level Sync when doing a few Lv10 FATEs, and I'm only a Lv30 PLD. It is like "Yay, I get to spam Fast Blade and Riot Blade and..... that's it". FB RB FB RB FB RB FB RB the whole time is not exactly fun and compelling gameplay. It is OK when you're leveling the first time, because you're still learning the class and learning your environment and doing other things like quests, but when I come back to an area with Lv5-10 FATEs, I'm like "eh... I think I'll pass". Oh, and the XP/GC Seal Rewards are.... not great, either. I can dump 5+ min into a FATE if there's only 1-2 other people there and I get... what, 1000XP, 50gil, and 50GC seals. Woo. That doesn't seem like a very productive use of my time.

At least low-level dungeons have things like bosses with interesting mechanics (the slime in Copperbell for example), but a FATE usually doesn't. You occasionally dodge a shape on the ground while spamming your 1-2 damage abilities over and over again.

EDIT: And dungeons also have random green/pink loot dropping that you might win on a greed roll for alt classes, too. I've got at least 5 or so pieces of armor for other classes that I've obtained this way and I've only done each dungeon once.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 10:42am by Lyrailis
#31 Apr 04 2014 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:

- these FATES are not fun to participate in (while this is subjective, for some it is a valid observation)
- no strategy is required
- low level players tying to level-up often cannot even get participation
- the zones become unstable at the current level of players participating
- the 5 seconds of lag and players jumping around the screen is NOT impressing on new players that FFXIV is a quality game
- Level Synched content always seems like step backwards
- I seriously fall asleep due to boredom
- the RNG x12 is so very extreme in this case that some players WILL get screwed, it's a mathematical certainty
- the level of participation in Low-level Duty Roulette has decreased, making

- You get seals to spend on ventures
- when the current level of laggy, group zerging dies down, the design will HELP low level players complete FATES (which will coincide with PS4 release) maybe
- completing this gradually over the next 5 months will give the average player something to do (Something boring to do)

Ok I'm trying here. Can anyone help round out the list of Pros? I clearly can't fully get behind it yet.

Got a few more for you:


- The insane amount of time required to travel between FATE's on some of these maps.

- The RNG will make you feel like you are not progressing and there is no "inevitable".


- Spiritbond either: lvl 49 jewelry on higher level FATEs or low level crafter jewelry on all FATEs. They spiritbond fairly quickly and the control and craftsmanship lvl 1 materia are both doing for 10k on my server (ppl max melding gear to make HQ turn ins for master books)

- Chocobo leveling, at a medium pace.

- Work toward the paragon's coat for 3000 fates and the crown for however many number of kills.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 12:04pm by Valkayree
#32 Apr 04 2014 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
Fynlar wrote:
Echo does pretty much nothing for Titan EX, I can tell you that much. Not only do most of my wipes happen before the 3 minute mark anyway (which should give you a good indication of how far I'm actually getting into the fight, nevermind how much harder it still gets after that), even if we get the buff it does nothing to prevent what usually causes wipes in that fight in the first place, so the wipes (gasp) just keep occurring, for the same reasons.

I know coil has yet to receive the buff.

I'm just saying, as of right now, I don't really have access to anything more than what I did before. Other than 3 new dungeons, but I have pretty much no reason to ever go in those anyway except for speedruns or for a change of pace, because they don't drop any more myths than the dungeons we've already had available.

I doubt that Echo does nothing for Titan EX. Especially when we get access to perma +50% Echo.

The content you're struggling with will get easier long before 2.3 hits the servers. Maybe you can complain that the content did not get easier immediately after logging in last week, but that starts to sound rather silly, especially when there is new content we can do even now.

I also don't really know which game you're playing but at least I am getting vastly superior soldiery tomes from the 3 new dungeons and the roulette that goes with them. Tomes that will inevitably lead to me becoming stronger and thus giving me an even better chance at beating the 2.0 - 2.1 content casually. It doesn't make any sense to ignore the soldiery tomes even if you are playing casually.

No matter how you slice it, the casuals have gotten and will continue to get the long end of the stick when it comes to content in this game.
#33 Apr 04 2014 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I doubt that Echo does nothing for Titan EX.

Try it. It's effectively meaningless. I have yet to be in a group where it has made any difference at all in our progress.

It's not hard to figure out why. I knew it would be meaningless even before the patch hit. The mechanics of the fight are designed to wipe you if you misstep at all or are even slightly late in your movement. Echo does nothing to prevent this.

What would have been a much more useful effect is a gradually increasing delay on Titan's abilities so that they were more easily dodged.

especially when there is new content we can do even now.

Barely any for those who are stuck behind t4 and Titan EX.

I also don't really know which game you're playing but at least I am getting vastly superior soldiery tomes from the 3 new dungeons and the roulette that goes with them. Tomes that will inevitably lead to me becoming stronger and thus giving me an even better chance at beating the 2.0 - 2.1 content casually. It doesn't make any sense to ignore the soldiery tomes even if you are playing casually.

These cap extremely easily for me, new dungeons or not. The new dungeons may drop the most of them, but they still drop from many other things.

450 is still way too low of a cap, imo. It doesn't get you new gear in order to "give me a better chance at beating 2.0-2.1 content" nearly fast enough, just like how the myth tomes prior to 2.2 didn't.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 6:26pm by Fynlar
#34 Apr 04 2014 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
I agree with Fyn here, Echo would do nothing for landslides which people keep getting smacked by. If people couldn't dodge anything before, it's not going to change the outcome. Sure you can eat more plumes and other atks, but if you keep getting knocked off, no one can help.

The new content is there for statics, and that's it. You can try pugging King Mog or Levi EX, along with T5-9, but good luck accomplishing anything right now. Once in awhile you get a group of 8 competent people, but that doesn't happen too often. I've cleared Garuda, Titan and Ifrit EX several times with the two statics in my LS, not once have I managed to complete it with a group of strangers. There's always one or two people in the party that are terrible, and the way this game is made, you really can't have anyone slacking. DPS, sure, one can go down, but that's provided the other ones are over geared for the fight to compensate for the dead guy. Healer or Tank drops, forget it, no amount of gear is going to save you.

Endgame content, as long as it remains for 8 players, will be static driven with people like me (who work shift work), replacing static members here and there down the road. If they would develop 12-18 man content, you'd be forced to take along a few stragglers and probably have content that wouldn't lead to a wipe from one member dying. "But hey, we just raise and keep going!" Sure ya do, once you've cleared the same thing 10 weeks in a row and everyone's near the new ilvl cap.

Their best option would be to put a restriction on coil similar to that of CT. Why they haven't, I'm not sure. If it's for fear of people selling runs, well people do that already with primals. That way, people could consistently repeat content with friends they've made without being the odd man out cause you can't send 9 people in.

edit: Also, don't forget a ton of people were clearing Twintania with a Twintania app, it was broken after the patch. Oddly enough, statics who had no issues clearing her were having a hell of time after the release of 2.2

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 7:34pm by Montsegurnephcreep

#35 Apr 04 2014 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
Fynlar wrote:
I doubt that Echo does nothing for Titan EX.

Try it. It's effectively meaningless. I have yet to be in a group where it has made any difference at all in our progress.

It's not hard to figure out why. I knew it would be meaningless even before the patch hit. The mechanics of the fight are designed to wipe you if you misstep at all or are even slightly late in your movement. Echo does nothing to prevent this.

What would have been a much more useful effect is a gradually increasing delay on Titan's abilities so that they were more easily dodged.

especially when there is new content we can do even now.

Barely any for those who are stuck behind t4 and Titan EX.

I also don't really know which game you're playing but at least I am getting vastly superior soldiery tomes from the 3 new dungeons and the roulette that goes with them. Tomes that will inevitably lead to me becoming stronger and thus giving me an even better chance at beating the 2.0 - 2.1 content casually. It doesn't make any sense to ignore the soldiery tomes even if you are playing casually.

These cap extremely easily for me, new dungeons or not. The new dungeons may drop the most of them, but they still drop from many other things.

450 is still way too low of a cap, imo. It doesn't get you new gear in order to "give me a better chance at beating 2.0-2.1 content" nearly fast enough, just like how the myth tomes prior to 2.2 didn't.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 6:26pm by Fynlar

Maybe Titan EX is totally different to Titan HM but no matter how unforgiving the mechanics themselves are unless the EX Titan uses his moves based on hp% I don't see how doing significantly more damage (leading to less skills used by Titan and thus lower chance of ******** up over-time) would not help you in that fight.

I am glad to hear your soldiery tomes cap fast for you, but let's stop acting like the new dungeons don't have their place in the game. The soldiery rate / time spent especially with the expert roulette is significantly better than with the older content. At least my time is precious enough to do content that gives me the best return on the time spent. Maybe that equals worthless content to you.... Frankly I don't know why you keep trying to make the argument that the new dungeons don't have a good purpose in the game when they quite clearly do. It's like you just don't want to see it.
#36 Apr 04 2014 at 5:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Fynlar wrote:
I doubt that Echo does nothing for Titan EX.

Try it. It's effectively meaningless. I have yet to be in a group where it has made any difference at all in our progress.

It's not hard to figure out why. I knew it would be meaningless even before the patch hit. The mechanics of the fight are designed to wipe you if you misstep at all or are even slightly late in your movement. Echo does nothing to prevent this.

What would have been a much more useful effect is a gradually increasing delay on Titan's abilities so that they were more easily dodged.

While it is true that the echo buff does nothing to help being able to dodge in that fight, I find using the echo on Titan EX makes it harder.

It's harder because it is possible to push damage so fast and so hard, that Titan can jump and switch phases at very awkward moments. Putting people into rocks before jumping to the heart phase, or setting off a lagged landslide just as the heart dies when no one expects it.

The echo makes it easier to tank, however. The Mountain Busters in the final phase are a little less threatening when you have way more HP.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 4:43pm by UltKnightGrover
#37 Apr 04 2014 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Maybe Titan EX is totally different to Titan HM but no matter how unforgiving the mechanics themselves are unless the EX Titan uses his moves based on hp% I don't see how doing significantly more damage (leading to less skills used by Titan and thus lower chance of ******** up over-time) would not help you in that fight.

All I can say is:

The furthest I've gotten in the fight pre-2.2 is seeing Earthen Fury (which wiped the remainder of the party that still miraculously happened to be alive at that point)
I have never seen past that, even with Echo buff active. In fact, I still usually don't even GET to that point.

So no, it isn't helping.

At least my time is precious enough to do content that gives me the best return on the time spent. Maybe that equals worthless content to you.... Frankly I don't know why you keep trying to make the argument that the new dungeons don't have a good purpose in the game when they quite clearly do.

Right now, all I can really do (aside from throw myself repeatedly at fights I can't seem to be able to win) is farm myths. Lots and lots of myths. What this means is doing lots and lots of dungeons. It doesn't matter what kind of dungeon I'm doing, because they all give 50 myths. No matter what I'm doing, soldiery tomes are gonna cap, usually within the first day of the week for me.

If all you're looking to do is put in the minimal amount of effort needed to cap soldiery and then do nothing for the rest of the week, then yeah, I would suppose the new dungeons would be right up your alley. I don't really care to pay a monthly fee for a game that I'm only playing for one day out of the week, though.

If they wanted to give the newer dungeons more of a purpose to someone like me, what they ought to do is make soldiery tomes earned automatically convert to mythology tomes when you are capped for the week. Given how several activities got their myth tomes rewarded actually REDUCED in 2.2 though, I'm betting they won't want to be that generous with the myths. They seemed pretty intent on making the relic animus weapons a ridiculous grind.

The echo makes it easier to tank, however. The Mountain Busters in the final phase are a little less threatening when you have way more HP.

I've never had much of a problem with tanks getting their asses kicked in this fight, even before 2.2. Mountain Buster seems arguably WEAKER than it did in Titan HM, assuming you don't let the debuff stack past 2. The problem was them getting Landslided, which (as already established) Echo does nothing to help for.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 9:50pm by Fynlar
#38 Apr 05 2014 at 1:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Gnu wrote:
Always enjoy a discussion with you Hitome. Honestly I'm looking for some reason to mitigate my frustration with this design. Maybe you can make a case for why it does not hurt the game as whole. I'm reading what you are saying carefully. Can we try a Pro/Cons list for this? You've already mentioned some Pros that I'm gradually realizing are true.

- these FATES are not fun to participate in (while this is subjective, for some it is a valid observation)
- no strategy is required
- low level players tying to level-up often cannot even get participation
- the zones become unstable at the current level of players participating
- the 5 seconds of lag and players jumping around the screen is NOT impressing on new players that FFXIV is a quality game
- Level Synched content always seems like step backwards
- I seriously fall asleep due to boredom
- the RNG x12 is so very extreme in this case that some players WILL get screwed, it's a mathematical certainty
- the level of participation in Low-level Duty Roulette has decreased, making

- You get seals to spend on ventures
- when the current level of laggy, group zerging dies down, the design will HELP low level players complete FATES (which will coincide with PS4 release) maybe
- completing this gradually over the next 5 months will give the average player something to do (Something boring to do)

Ok I'm trying here. Can anyone help round out the list of Pros? I clearly can't fully get behind it yet.

Fun is kind of subjective as you said...though I think many would agree that doing low level FATEs is not ideal. At the same time, these people would probably be pressed to find a solution that is creative and durable enough outside of FATEs. Grinding something never really requires strategy. Even grinding Leviathan Ex just requires you to perform the same tedious routine once you've gotten everything else memorized.

This is actually better for low level players. FATEs were pretty much dead before this patch. Now, at the very least, they've been revitalized.

I've not run into instability in FATEs but have crashed multiple times upon loading Mor Dhona at peak hours for unknown reasons. I wasn't aware there was load issues on certain areas. I would also argue that seeing people running around maps is more inviting to new players than seeing players sit in town while waiting for queues to pop.

I'm not really sure how I feel about level sync. I sort of didn't mind it in GW2 but only because I could use all my abilities even when capped. I also did overkill damage due to gear scaling. In 14, perhaps the gear scaling is a bit too tough. I don't like spending 5 minutes casting fire 1 at some level 4 mob when I'm actually level 50.

The probability that you are 'screwed' (let's say you spend 48 hours in a zone to be screwed) in 1 of 12 FATEs is not a certainty, actually. Certainty is defined, usually, as 100% probability of occurrence.

You mentioned low level roulette decline but this might be because people are so focused on new content that they are not leveling other jobs at the moment. You will probably see the return of roulette when FATEs die down (meaning you can't zerg them down fast for efficient atma farming).

You shouldn't downplay the pros, either. The seals are a HUGE part of this. Honestly, before this patch, my alt barely had enough seals to get the 4th highest rank in my GC because I had just done dungeons the entire way. It was quite frustrating because I remember hitting 50 on my BLM and being able to automatically buy the weapon. By the time I could buy the weapon, it would be obsolete for me on my alt!

Something boring to do like gear up all your level 50 jobs with darklight? Yes, we've been there. Farming primals for all your alt's accessories? Been there too. Now we farm coil for vanity purposes. It's all just a grind. You may consider it boring but most grinds are, aren't they?

However, we have never seen a truly long grind like this one that isn't limited by lockouts in ARR so far. This is why I say it's needed and that it is an unfortunate necessity to alleviate development strain. It gives them time to push out new content at a later date because, as we've seen, pushing out content updates in a timely manor is very hard in MMOs!

Other pros I can think of....

-Having a reason and practical means to level your chicken
-PF usage and community bonding on your own server (opposed to cross-server)
-Being ready for the next update which will improve the weapons further. Yoshi P has said the relic weapons will never really be irrelevant
-Doing FATEs you might not have ever done before
-Exploring parts of maps you may never have been to before
-Being able to work on something casually, at your own pace, and with the ability to solo where most aspects of 'endgame' are group-dependent

These are just some I can think of. I'm sure there are more.

Gnu wrote:
Have to agree with this. Making the Low-Level Duty Roulette significant, and balancing Dungeon EXP with FATE exp, I felt really improved the EXP leveling experience. These FATES have (perhaps temporarily) disrupted that balance.

This is really misguided. There is, without a doubt, a superior candidate for leveling in 2.1 and that was through dungeons. FATEs were dead.

Gnu wrote:
Perhaps the real problem is I've burnt myself out on FATES already. Surely many other players were tired of FATES even before this patch.

Of course. No variety in leveling and repeating FATEs over and over does this...just like running the same dungeon over and over again for exp. We need variety and they really have done a **** poor job at providing it! Though this patch seems to offer a bit more.
#39 Apr 05 2014 at 1:38 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
I doubt that Echo does nothing for Titan EX. Especially when we get access to perma +50% Echo.

While I agree with most of your points, Titan Ex doesn't really care whether you have 50% more HP/attack power (or whatever number it is) or not: he's still gonna punt you off his arena if you sit in the landslide. This will help people survive plumes and bombs, though.

Then again, Fynlar really doesn't understand just how punishing mechanics can get. Have you seen some of the T6 and T7 videos? My group is currently progressing through T7 right now and should have it down by tomorrow. ONE mistake and your entire group wipes. And this is a mechanic that occurs throughout the fight from 100% to 0%. It really is insane. Then again, Titan Ex is called Titan Extreme right? So the name fits.

Edited, Apr 5th 2014 3:40am by HitomeOfBismarck
#40 Apr 05 2014 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Then again, Fynlar really doesn't understand just how punishing mechanics can get. Have you seen some of the T6 and T7 videos? My group is currently progressing through T7 right now and should have it down by tomorrow. ONE mistake and your entire group wipes. And this is a mechanic that occurs throughout the fight from 100% to 0%. It really is insane.

I don't really care to get into the whole "someone else always has it worse" argument, sorry. People have tried to do that before regarding my depression, and surprisingly enough, it has never helped me feel better about my situation.

Good thing I have no plans to try coil v2 anyway, because like I said I can't even get past t4.

Then again, Titan Ex is called Titan Extreme right? So the name fits.

I don't mind Titan EX being a hard fight. It is bothersome though when new content is out though that IMO is easier than Titan EX, people keep saying over and over "oh, just do this new content for your new weaponry, ***** relics!", yet I can't do the content because it's gated behind Titan EX. My beef is more against the gating than the fight itself (although that's certainly not to say I think the fight is wonderfully designed, either)

Implement too much gating, and suddenly patches with lots of new content added start feeling quite empty when you're one of the ones stuck behind the gates. This is my overall feel regarding 2.2. Like I said, the removal of myth cap is pretty much the only thing that has kept 2.2 from being a total wash for me.

Edited, Apr 5th 2014 5:04am by Fynlar
#41 Apr 05 2014 at 3:31 AM Rating: Default
Fynlar wrote:
Maybe Titan EX is totally different to Titan HM but no matter how unforgiving the mechanics themselves are unless the EX Titan uses his moves based on hp% I don't see how doing significantly more damage (leading to less skills used by Titan and thus lower chance of ******** up over-time) would not help you in that fight.

All I can say is:

The furthest I've gotten in the fight pre-2.2 is seeing Earthen Fury (which wiped the remainder of the party that still miraculously happened to be alive at that point)
I have never seen past that, even with Echo buff active. In fact, I still usually don't even GET to that point.

So no, it isn't helping.

At least my time is precious enough to do content that gives me the best return on the time spent. Maybe that equals worthless content to you.... Frankly I don't know why you keep trying to make the argument that the new dungeons don't have a good purpose in the game when they quite clearly do.

Right now, all I can really do (aside from throw myself repeatedly at fights I can't seem to be able to win) is farm myths. Lots and lots of myths. What this means is doing lots and lots of dungeons. It doesn't matter what kind of dungeon I'm doing, because they all give 50 myths. No matter what I'm doing, soldiery tomes are gonna cap, usually within the first day of the week for me.

If all you're looking to do is put in the minimal amount of effort needed to cap soldiery and then do nothing for the rest of the week, then yeah, I would suppose the new dungeons would be right up your alley. I don't really care to pay a monthly fee for a game that I'm only playing for one day out of the week, though.

If they wanted to give the newer dungeons more of a purpose to someone like me, what they ought to do is make soldiery tomes earned automatically convert to mythology tomes when you are capped for the week. Given how several activities got their myth tomes rewarded actually REDUCED in 2.2 though, I'm betting they won't want to be that generous with the myths. They seemed pretty intent on making the relic animus weapons a ridiculous grind.

The echo makes it easier to tank, however. The Mountain Busters in the final phase are a little less threatening when you have way more HP.

I've never had much of a problem with tanks getting their asses kicked in this fight, even before 2.2. Mountain Buster seems arguably WEAKER than it did in Titan HM, assuming you don't let the debuff stack past 2. The problem was them getting Landslided, which (as already established) Echo does nothing to help for.

While clearly Landslide is the main culprit for wipes, I still don't see why it can't be acknowledged that the Echo does help with everything else outside Landslides. That it gives you more wiggle room outside Landslides does help you and your group, even if the Landslides ultimately lead to wipes. It's not what you wanted, but it's not a useless aid either. And how about turn 4/5, does the Echo not do anything for those fights either?

I do see your problem now that you've explained what kind of a player you are (relatively hc player without a static group). I also see that you consider 80% of the game's content meaningless since you assume that there is nothing for me to do outside capping soldiery (even as I find myself unable to cap soldiery due to all the other great stuff that came with the patch). I can assure you that there is a lot to do, enough to make me miss the weekly 450 cap. If you consider all that content irrelevant by default then there's little SE can do about that.
#42 Apr 05 2014 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
While clearly Landslide is the main culprit for wipes, I still don't see why it can't be acknowledged that the Echo does help with everything else outside Landslides. That it gives you more wiggle room outside Landslides does help you and your group, even if the Landslides ultimately lead to wipes. It's not what you wanted, but it's not a useless aid either.

It hasn't helped me get any further into the fight than I was getting without it, as I very much predicted it wouldn't. Therefore, I'm calling it useless.

It doesn't help with everything outside Landslides, btw. If you get plumed, you also die. Guess what two things the vast majority of deaths come from?

And how about turn 4/5, does the Echo not do anything for those fights either?

Isn't doing anything yet, because it isn't implemented yet.

I imagine it making more of a difference in t4 because HP amounts (possessed/dealt/healed) actually matter there, unlike in Titan where any deaths that occur generally occur due to mechanics and not a lack of HP. I can't say anything about t5 because I've never tried (I would assume that if I can't even pass t4, I would stand even less of a chance in t5) or seen a vid.
#43 Apr 06 2014 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
The only culprits of Titan are:

1. Lag.
2. Not knowing the fight/sucking at the fight.

Even at 25% echo you can afford to take 1 plume and not die, but a lot of people who claim to "lag" I notice are just slow in reaction. The echo buff, however, is insanely OP if it ends up building because not only does that 10-25% push his health down A LOT FASTER (if you and your party didn't already suck) but the HP bonus lets tanks hold him longer per phase and leaves you much more grace periods to "mess up". 10% damage increase is very noticable when your DPS were already on point but the issue was dodging.

Of course it'll be useless if you couldn't clear the fight without it. It's not an auto win button. If anything it's just an extra push to good parties because sometimes **** happens (like a tank walking off the cliff ...)

#44 Apr 06 2014 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Echo doesn't do **** if you can't survive the mechanics. The HP boost really only benefits the tanks, and like I said, tanks surviving has not been an issue for me to begin with (unless they got Landslided, which also happens quite a lot)

at 25% echo you can afford to take 1 plume and not die,

I don't know why people keep saying this...

Every single group I've done Titan EX with so far has adopted the plume stacking method (to the point where they will openly chastise anyone that isn't stacking well enough with the rest of the group). If you get hit by a plume, you are in all likelihood getting hit by five of them. The only person that the Echo MIGHT help save is your current off-tank (and probably only if it's a WAR). Everyone else is still going to die to two/three plumes; nevermind five.
#45 Apr 06 2014 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Fynlar wrote:
at 25% echo you can afford to take 1 plume and not die,

I don't know why people keep saying this...

Every single group I've done Titan EX with so far has adopted the plume stacking method (to the point where they will openly chastise anyone that isn't stacking well enough with the rest of the group). If you get hit by a plume, you are in all likelihood getting hit by five of them. The only person that the Echo MIGHT help save is your current off-tank (and probably only if it's a WAR). Everyone else is still going to die to two/three plumes; nevermind five.

People keep saying it because it's true, regardless if you're stacked or not, sometimes you have people who mistime their movement (be it they had a brain fart and forgot the pattern or they simply chose not to stack.) and plume or two gets places outside of the stack. So yes, in situations like that, you can afford to take a hit and survive, especially with the echo buff because sometimes you won't get hit by all the plumes if you get out "too late", you may get hit with the "tail end" plume since the server would likely calculate you in that "last" plume.

So no, you don't always get hit by all 5 unless you were perfectly stacked which let's face it, people aren't always perfectly clumped up, same with Twintania's dive bombs, usually have at least 1 person slightly away from the group.

Echo doesn't do sh*t if you can't survive the mechanics. The HP boost really only benefits the tanks, and like I said, tanks surviving has not been an issue for me to begin with (unless they got Landslided, which also happens quite a lot)

Yes, as I said, Echo is only useless if you weren't clearing it without the echo buff. However, you do know the echo buff is also:

Defense/Magic Defense
Attack/Magic Attack
Heal Potency+

Boost, right? 10-50% DPS increase is like having a perma OCD attack buff and the heal potency is quite noticable with SCHs as it boosts the "Galvanize" to being an insanely extra shield ontop of the heavily boosted stoneskin from White Mages. So yes, the HP boost alone may benefit tanks the most, but it sure as hell helps everyone else if they slip up and as said, get hit with a plume or a bomb. Hell it benefits everyone during Geo Crush because your HP would be high enough that it doesn't leave room for some ..."mishaps" if you don't heal the tank up fast enough, especially in extreme when he table flips in basically every phase.

So that's why I feel the echo is more of a boost to already good groups rather than to help groups that couldn't get through it since as you said, it's useless if you already can't survive.

#46 Apr 06 2014 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
People keep saying it because it's true, regardless if you're stacked or not, sometimes you have people who mistime their movement (be it they had a brain fart and forgot the pattern or they simply chose not to stack.) and plume or two gets places outside of the stack. So yes, in situations like that, you can afford to take a hit and survive, especially with the echo buff because sometimes you won't get hit by all the plumes if you get out "too late", you may get hit with the "tail end" plume since the server would likely calculate you in that "last" plume.

If you somehow take only one plume (which rarely happens unless you've got someone intentionally standing away from everyone else, which usually gets them prompted to shape up or be replaced by another person), you'll survive, even without Echo.

Echo's still useless.

Yes, as I said, Echo is only useless if you weren't clearing it without the echo buff. However, you do know the echo buff is also:

Defense/Magic Defense HP
Attack/Magic Attack
Heal Potency+

Fixed. Probably what you meant to say anyway, but defense and HP are not the same thing.

So yes, the HP boost alone may benefit tanks the most, but it sure as hell helps everyone else if they slip up and as said, get hit with a plume or a bomb.

Yeah, but the thing is, people rarely if ever get hit by just one of those. They are immediately eating it to multiple plumes or a landslide.
#47 Apr 10 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Fynlar wrote:
I doubt that Echo does nothing for Titan EX.

Try it. It's effectively meaningless. I have yet to be in a group where it has made any difference at all in our progress.
Edited, Apr 4th 2014 6:26pm by Fynlar

In fact, there is a circle bomb pattern at the end of the heart phase combined with a penta landslide that is pretty difficult for most groups to dodge. The echo definitely helps to bust the heart before this phase (or at least after the bombs drop but before the landslide to make for an easier dodge).

The problem is that in all the videos posted, the dps were uber and killed the heart before that bomb pattern. But regular folks will definitely see it.

Edited, Apr 10th 2014 11:28am by Valkayree
#48 Apr 10 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Well if you didnt hates fates before you will be after this.. I never want to do another fate again.. Se has got brilliant at forcing people to play content now.. I dont think that is a good thing because if people start to hate content they start not wanting to play.

I dont understand fates are a big part of this game why make content that is going to burn people out on such a major part of the game..

I think fates were used to much before this and there are two many. Fates should be far and few between more like odin and that would make them more exciting, give them some awsum random drops too...
FFXI: Nashred
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#49 Apr 10 2014 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Nashred wrote:
Well if you didnt hates fates before you will be after this.. I never want to do another fate again.. Se has got brilliant at forcing people to play content now.. I dont think that is a good thing because if people start to hate content they start not wanting to play.

I dont understand fates are a big part of this game why make content that is going to burn people out on such a major part of the game..

I think fates were used to much before this and there are two many. Fates should be far and few between more like odin and that would make them more exciting, give them some awsum random drops too...

Eh, the problem is, FATEs are one of the best ways to level a DPS class, assuming it is your 2nd+.

On your first class, the Main Questline will give you a lot of XP so you don't notice it.

But on your 2nd+ class, Duty Finder takes a LOT longer if you're a DPS and might not be a very optimal way to level your character. Not everybody wants to blow Leves on DoM/DoW classes; they'd rather save those for crafts, especially DoL (since those tend to be mind-numbingly boring IMO).

So what does that leave a DPS DoM/DoW?

Quests (these are one-time).
Randomly Kill Mobs (this would take foooooooooooooooreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr).

We don't want to reduce the frequency of FATEs, because we need those FATEs to level our characters (seriously, Fates <Lv30 give a LOT of XP, especially in the 5-15 range). At Lv10-ish, one FATE is 30-50% of a level.

That is, assuming people are actually doing FATEs, or the FATE in question is not one of those "impossible to solo" ones that I hate.

So yes, please don't go asking for them to reduce frequency of FATEs. Those are very much needed when leveling lowbie classes, especially DPS.
#50 Apr 10 2014 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
In fact, there is a circle bomb pattern at the end of the heart phase combined with a penta landslide that is pretty difficult for most groups to dodge. The echo definitely helps to bust the heart before this phase (or at least after the bombs drop but before the landslide to make for an easier dodge).

The problem is that in all the videos posted, the dps were uber and killed the heart before that bomb pattern. But regular folks will definitely see it.

Most of my groups don't even make it to this point (or, if they do, they have already half-wiped anyway so the rest of the people alive have already resigned themselves to the fact they're gonna wipe)

There is really no DPS check element to Titan EX like there is with the two other EX fights. As long as everyone actually stays alive, there should be no problem with breaking gaols or heart. But that's the problem, everyone staying alive.
#51 Apr 10 2014 at 10:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,500 posts
Fynlar wrote:
In fact, there is a circle bomb pattern at the end of the heart phase combined with a penta landslide that is pretty difficult for most groups to dodge. The echo definitely helps to bust the heart before this phase (or at least after the bombs drop but before the landslide to make for an easier dodge).

The problem is that in all the videos posted, the dps were uber and killed the heart before that bomb pattern. But regular folks will definitely see it.

Most of my groups don't even make it to this point (or, if they do, they have already half-wiped anyway so the rest of the people alive have already resigned themselves to the fact they're gonna wipe)

There is really no DPS check element to Titan EX like there is with the two other EX fights. As long as everyone actually stays alive, there should be no problem with breaking gaols or heart. But that's the problem, everyone staying alive.
No that's not true, Titan X has more DPS checks than any other fight in the game:

1) Gaols have to be broken before they kill the person trapped.
2) The heart has to be broken before Titan jumps.
3) Adds (galoers) have to die before the grant Titan the determination buff.
4) At least one bomb during the Super bomb (the post-heart bomb pattern where you have no safe spot) has to be broken in order to survive.

I guess other than the heart we can argue that these are "soft" DPS checks but I find reasonable to think that 99 of each 100 groups unable to meet these checks won't win the fight, hence they are more or less required to win.
"Maybe it means: you're the evil man, and I'm the righteous man, and Mr. Nine-millimeter here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous *** in the Valley of Darkness." - Jules.
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