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Mixed Feelings about Atmas and FATEs.Follow

#1 Apr 02 2014 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
So... in 2.2... from what I gather (I'm not at endgame yet obviously), they added an incentive for max-level people to grind out FATEs.

This is good in the way that people actually do FATEs now; during 2.1 I'd see FATEs go untouched because nobody wanted to bother with them, unless you were lucky and saw 2-3 peeps leveling/questing/farming in an area at the time.

But... on the bad side...

Holy crap, the groups of 5-10 players with decked out crap Level Syncing to +6 Levels absolutely mowing crap down. It is HARD to get enough credit to earn Gold rewards in a FATE these days, if you're at the appropriate level to be in the place. I wonder if they shouldn't make the Level Sync +3 levels instead of +6, because it is just ridiculous how fast these people can kill mobs in these FATEs sometimes.

The biggest examples, are those ones in the Shroud, in the Lv28-30 area (the one with the Shroud Hares, the Golem Fragments, the Lunar Golems, etc). I once saw the Golem Fragment FATE get completed in 30 seconds. I literally ran in, engaged ONE golem, got a single fragment, found 2 on the ground, and the FATE was done by the time I did this, and I turned in 3....and only got Silver. Instead of 160 GC seals, I only got like 50.

Then, the Lunar Golem FATE popped. I mounted up and ran down there as fast as I could.. I'd target something that had 75% health, hit it with one ability.... it was dead before the GCD was up. Target something else, 50% health... dead before I can find out where exactly it IS (because they were rounding them up and AoEing them all to death). Wound up getting Silver on that too.

This kept happening over and over again. The next day, I decided to start on my CNJ, and about Lv10ish I started seeing this again -- people running in and murdering everything in seconds, finding it a real struggle to earn anything better than Silver because stuff is just dying too fast.

It is nice that we have more FATE participation, but My God... could you guys let the appropriate level players get a little credit before you nuke everything down in seconds?

Here's hoping SE either changes the Level Sync to +3, or reduces the amount you need to get Gold credit or something.
#2 Apr 02 2014 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
1,500 posts
I'm in the same boat but right in the other end.

To be perfectly honest I don't enjoy Atma farming much (if at all) some FATES have interesting monster names, lore, NPC's and what not but after you do them from the Nth time all that lose appeal and it simply becomes a very dull mini game of claiming/targeting/kill asap and look for the next fate, rinse and repeat.

I hope they really reconsider this mechanic otherwise I won't do it for more than one job, in fact if this is the direction the game is going to take from now own I don't think is the kind of game I would enjoy, only time will tell.

Unfortunately on top of all this, I thought that at least, this mechanic was helping low level players to grind fates faster but apparently that's not the case, I can help but wonder what the Yoshi-P had in mind during the design of this new step on the relic weapon.

Although on the other hand the progress towards the Animus (next step after Atma Relic) seems incredibly entertaining, the book completion is definitely something I'm looking forward too, I think OP nailed it down, I definitely have mixed feelings about this whole Atma thing.

#3 Apr 02 2014 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Holy crap, the groups of 5-10 players with decked out crap Level Syncing to +6 Levels absolutely mowing crap down. It is HARD to get enough credit to earn Gold rewards in a FATE these days, if you're at the appropriate level to be in the place.

You don't need Gold to get an Atma. You don't need Silver to get an Atma. You don't even need *bronze* to get an Atma.

The FATE doesn't even need to succeed to get an Atma.

My first Atma (Western La Noscea) was on a failed FATE in the Sapsa Spawning Grounds. It was the Crystal Tower FATE, in fact, and got it with a Bronze rating while it failed (only had 30 seconds remaining when I got to it).

My second to last one, Central Shroud, took almost 27 hours. How did I end up getting it? I managed to hit one monster, didn't even qualify for bronze, and it fell into my inventory (it was the ladybug FATE where everything dies before I could touch them as it was mostly over). I was pissed as hell as the one FATE I only got one attack in and it drops, while I'd been getting Silver/Gold for the past 26 hours?

Stop sweating about getting gold. Just do some damage and move on if you feel you've done enough.

The estimated rate people have been trying to compile paper-napkin date for shows it to be roughly 2.5% droprate. Just tag and go.

EDIT: Plus, to be fair, Yoshi *did* buff Levequest and Dungeon experience so people would move away from constant FATE grinding. On the whole Atma quest (I *HATE* IT) I definitely agree it's a left hand not seeing what the right hand is doing scenario.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2014 10:55pm by Viertel
#4 Apr 02 2014 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
He doesn't care a out the atmas. He wants gold from the FATEs for the rewards. The problem is that he as a newb can't do FATEs because it now made it impossible for newbies to join the fray and benefit from it, unlike the high level peeps.
Articus Vladmir
#5 Apr 02 2014 at 10:13 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Stilivan wrote:
He doesn't care a out the atmas. He wants gold from the FATEs for the rewards. The problem is that he as a newb can't do FATEs because it now made it impossible for newbies to join the fray and benefit from it, unlike the high level peeps.

This, yes.

I was trying to get Grand Company armor (because of how good it is vs crafted stuff) and some extra XP/cash on the side never hurt anybody either, and if you're not +6 levels over the FATE, well... good luck trying to get Gold. Silver or God Forbid Bronze doesn't give very much in comparison.

Wound up saying "***** it" and went to Drybone and spammed the Lv25 leves and burned up a bunch of them, some 10 or so Leves to get the rest of my Flame Private gear.
#6 Apr 03 2014 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
It will calm down in a few days. People are completing this stage in waves. Most of the really focused players are now working on the next stage. Some of us chose to let the first wave roll over us and are now farming steadily but the initial mad rush should be over soon. It will mean a higher number of players doing FATES for a while yet but it should get easier to get completions. It's just unlucky that you hit this stage as this new thing was released.
Blogging again!
#7 Apr 03 2014 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
832 posts
eldelphia wrote:
It will calm down in a few days. People are completing this stage in waves. Most of the really focused players are now working on the next stage. Some of us chose to let the first wave roll over us and are now farming steadily but the initial mad rush should be over soon. It will mean a higher number of players doing FATES for a while yet but it should get easier to get completions. It's just unlucky that you hit this stage as this new thing was released.

Some of us are STILL having a hard time with RNG shenanigans....spent the last 4 days in Upper La Noscea...and still no drop ..and I'm encroaching ever closer to Tempter of Fate title -_-
#8 Apr 03 2014 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
My feeling are not mixed.

Putting the latest weapon upgrade behind wall of Level Synched, low-level, brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content was the worst idea in FFXIV's history.

Some are saying it's the worst idea in video game history. I'm racking my brain trying to come up with a worse idea from some other franchise. A few bad ideas come to mind, but truly this nonsense is fighting for that top spot.

On top of the fact that it is the worst possible version of recycled content with no attempt at calling itself anything other than a meaningless time-sink, the idea of getting high-level players to participate in low level fates has backfired so badly that NEW PLAYERS ARE QUITTING because they can't get participation.

My friend who recently started playing just told me he is giving it a break and will try again when there is some way to level up that is fun. Clearly no one is doing low-level roulettes right now. FATES aren't an option. I thought this patch was a good time to try and bring a RL friend on-board. Nope, Chuck Testa.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 9:44am by Gnu
#9 Apr 03 2014 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Coulda been worse.

Coulda been behind a high level, 24-man raid outside of Duty Finder that will require a year's investment from those 24 people to produce the weapon of one person. Smiley: glare
#10 Apr 03 2014 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
Coulda been worse.

Coulda been behind a high level, 24-man raid outside of Duty Finder that will require a year's investment from those 24 people to produce the weapon of one person. Smiley: glare

Ah! Ok, you hit that nail on the head. Just staring down that long Relic hallway made me so dizzy I went and found something else to do. *shrug*
#11 Apr 03 2014 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I just stopped at 4/12, said ***** this, and decided to pump my myth and soldiery into my tanks. By the time i get to 12/12 I'll have gained it all back. The crazy thing is that I need those FATEs to keep my retainers running. I'm using 5 ventures per hour I'm online (my botanist does quick exploration since she can't level any further right now). That is 1000 seals. That equals 5-7 FATEs.

So I run them for the seals, pretty much, and if an Atma drops, cool =)

Good news, they did not nerf the quick exploration "bug". They may have ninja nerfed it, we will see.

For those of you who aren't up on it, the quick exploration feature would occassionally return some crazy impossible items, like allagan weapons or some of the new three star crafting materials.

Personally, my botanist came home last night with a 180k blue fox hide, nearly 10 minutes after my boarskin treasure map I dug up returned me a 200k piece of fabric. Not bad for 10 minutes work.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 9:21am by Valkayree
#12 Apr 03 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
I agree at times that the fates get mowed through (similar to launch with people trying to level up). The issue is, in the short week I've been farming atma, I've already noticed the amount of people participating going down. Peak times, fates still go down in a hurry, but off peak, you end up soloing or duoing half the fates. Give it another couple weeks and most fates will be bare again with the few users still going after atma or the few (sadistic) going for a 2nd set of atma.

I can't even imagine how painful getting atma is going to be in certain zones with the few people wanting Atma. The drop rate is abysmal when you manage to hammer out 50 of them in an hour. It's going to take you 10 mins/fate the way things are going.

#13 Apr 03 2014 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Gnu wrote:
My feeling are not mixed.

Putting the latest weapon upgrade behind wall of Level Synched, low-level, brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content was the worst idea in FFXIV's history.

Some are saying it's the worst idea in video game history. I'm racking my brain trying to come up with a worse idea from some other franchise. A few bad ideas come to mind, but truly this nonsense is fighting for that top spot.

On top of the fact that it is the worst possible version of recycled content with no attempt at calling itself anything other than a meaningless time-sink, the idea of getting high-level players to participate in low level fates has backfired so badly that NEW PLAYERS ARE QUITTING because they can't get participation.

My friend who recently started playing just told me he is giving it a break and will try again when there is some way to level up that is fun. Clearly no one is doing low-level roulettes right now. FATES aren't an option. I thought this patch was a good time to try and bring a RL friend on-board. Nope, Chuck Testa.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 9:44am by Gnu

Yea I have about had it too.. Again I dont mind work or grind.. But I am still at two... My first took around 15 hours, I am now way past that since my last one. I have been hitting it really hard too.. I spent 13 hours straight doing it one day... Some people have finished it in less time than I got two, Really thats just too wide of a margin...One guy I know finished it 29 hours. I have more than that in on two.. It wouldn't be bad if it was a difference of a few hours but at the rate I am going it will be 29 vs 1000 hours. Yea I know it can change..

I think the worst part is after all this it does nothing to your stats? Really... It raises it 10 levels, well how can it raise it 10 levels if the stats dont change, it makes no sense..

To me this is more SE just throwing something out there to get content out without thinking about it.
There are two errors on the atma list.. How does that get by someone.. SE doesn't even know the names of their own zones? This is not even going through any testing.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 10:50am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#14 Apr 03 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I'm shocked that even after the maint that quest log thing was still not fixed. I would have thought that sort of thing to be extremely high priority (not to mention an extremely easy fix) and surely they know about it by now...

But yeah, there are no mixed feelings for me here; this was just poorly thought out, and I'm not bothering with it until the RNG factor is inevitably nerfed down.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 12:48pm by Fynlar
#15 Apr 03 2014 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I agree at times that the fates get mowed through (similar to launch with people trying to level up). The issue is, in the short week I've been farming atma, I've already noticed the amount of people participating going down. Peak times, fates still go down in a hurry, but off peak, you end up soloing or duoing half the fates. Give it another couple weeks and most fates will be bare again with the few users still going after atma or the few (sadistic) going for a 2nd set of atma.

I can't even imagine how painful getting atma is going to be in certain zones with the few people wanting Atma. The drop rate is abysmal when you manage to hammer out 50 of them in an hour. It's going to take you 10 mins/fate the way things are going.

Actually, the drop rate could itself be on a timer.

SE let out a dirty secret in XI that beastman seals were capped at a rate of 1 every five minutes per party or alliance. That wasn't too big a deal when you only had beastman seals and kindred seals, but when they started introducing the kindred crests and high kindred crests and they occupied the same drop slot as the beastman seals, it caused problems. Why? Kindred crests were required for the later limit breaks. An alliance of 18 people would only see 12 in an hour, and everyone needed five or ten of them. Since they were brand new, no one had a pre-built stock like we did with the kindred seals (which you needed 4 of for level 70.)

After much pissing and moaning from the players, SE adjusted them to only drop in specific areas and ran campaigns to double the number that could drop.

It would not surprise me if SE set it so one atma would drop per zone every five minutes, regardless of the number of people doing a FATE. In which case, if you're the only one fighting in a FATE and it takes ten minutes, you have a much better chance of getting the atma.
#16 Apr 03 2014 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I agree at times that the fates get mowed through (similar to launch with people trying to level up). The issue is, in the short week I've been farming atma, I've already noticed the amount of people participating going down. Peak times, fates still go down in a hurry, but off peak, you end up soloing or duoing half the fates. Give it another couple weeks and most fates will be bare again with the few users still going after atma or the few (sadistic) going for a 2nd set of atma.

I can't even imagine how painful getting atma is going to be in certain zones with the few people wanting Atma. The drop rate is abysmal when you manage to hammer out 50 of them in an hour. It's going to take you 10 mins/fate the way things are going.

Actually, the drop rate could itself be on a timer.

SE let out a dirty secret in XI that beastman seals were capped at a rate of 1 every five minutes per party or alliance. That wasn't too big a deal when you only had beastman seals and kindred seals, but when they started introducing the kindred crests and high kindred crests and they occupied the same drop slot as the beastman seals, it caused problems. Why? Kindred crests were required for the later limit breaks. An alliance of 18 people would only see 12 in an hour, and everyone needed five or ten of them. Since they were brand new, no one had a pre-built stock like we did with the kindred seals (which you needed 4 of for level 70.)

After much pissing and moaning from the players, SE adjusted them to only drop in specific areas and ran campaigns to double the number that could drop.

It would not surprise me if SE set it so one atma would drop per zone every five minutes, regardless of the number of people doing a FATE. In which case, if you're the only one fighting in a FATE and it takes ten minutes, you have a much better chance of getting the atma.

Personally that would be nice but you are reaching.. I dont think they had time or put much thought into this and if it is that way it aint even close to 5 minutes.. For a pretty long time last night there were 3 to 4 of doing a fates in a area occasionally some one running by jumped in... Well 3 of us ran it for several hours if that were the case one of us would have had a drop and all 3 of us left with none. The whole night that zone was pretty empty. Plus I have ran with fate parties and pretty much everyone in the zone doing fates was in that party. i have seen people get a drop almost right after someone else and then we run a hour with no one getting a atma...

Matter of fact there were so few doing atmas in the area I am worried that it is going to take even longer as time goes by because we actually had to do the whole fates.. We showed up and some of the fates we would not even be able to do with 3 people without wiping.. That is also why I was in a rush to get them done right away... We did far fewer fates than we were doing days before.

The fact it has dropped off so rapidly too seams allot of people are already sick of this. There is no way that many people are done already.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 1:34pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#17 Apr 03 2014 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,500 posts

Catwho wrote:
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I agree at times that the fates get mowed through (similar to launch with people trying to level up). The issue is, in the short week I've been farming atma, I've already noticed the amount of people participating going down. Peak times, fates still go down in a hurry, but off peak, you end up soloing or duoing half the fates. Give it another couple weeks and most fates will be bare again with the few users still going after atma or the few (sadistic) going for a 2nd set of atma.

I can't even imagine how painful getting atma is going to be in certain zones with the few people wanting Atma. The drop rate is abysmal when you manage to hammer out 50 of them in an hour. It's going to take you 10 mins/fate the way things are going.

Actually, the drop rate could itself be on a timer.

SE let out a dirty secret in XI that beastman seals were capped at a rate of 1 every five minutes per party or alliance. That wasn't too big a deal when you only had beastman seals and kindred seals, but when they started introducing the kindred crests and high kindred crests and they occupied the same drop slot as the beastman seals, it caused problems. Why? Kindred crests were required for the later limit breaks. An alliance of 18 people would only see 12 in an hour, and everyone needed five or ten of them. Since they were brand new, no one had a pre-built stock like we did with the kindred seals (which you needed 4 of for level 70.)

After much pissing and moaning from the players, SE adjusted them to only drop in specific areas and ran campaigns to double the number that could drop.

It would not surprise me if SE set it so one atma would drop per zone every five minutes, regardless of the number of people doing a FATE. In which case, if you're the only one fighting in a FATE and it takes ten minutes, you have a much better chance of getting the atma.

I hope for their sake and the sake of the game (which I really love) that they don't dare to do something like that. Caping the drop rates per light/full party is just a punishment for players playing together.

I think the game industry is past the days of hidden stats/mechanics in order to virtually ramp up the difficulty, all game developers now days have to understand that transparency is the way to a player's heart not just because it's convenient but because it's right.

#18 Apr 04 2014 at 2:54 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I agree at times that the fates get mowed through (similar to launch with people trying to level up). The issue is, in the short week I've been farming atma, I've already noticed the amount of people participating going down. Peak times, fates still go down in a hurry, but off peak, you end up soloing or duoing half the fates. Give it another couple weeks and most fates will be bare again with the few users still going after atma or the few (sadistic) going for a 2nd set of atma.

I can't even imagine how painful getting atma is going to be in certain zones with the few people wanting Atma. The drop rate is abysmal when you manage to hammer out 50 of them in an hour. It's going to take you 10 mins/fate the way things are going.

This is kind of what I fear.

Some of my FC members have completed theirs but some, like me, are simply wading through the crap while dealing with raid schedules and RL stuff. I'm at 6/12 myself and have casually been grinding Hawthorne's area in-between raids and random PF coil.

I noticed a sharp decrease in players around Hawthorne area (even during prime time) today. Soloing some of these FATEs is just really painful (especially the FATE that rewards the bun minion!). I wonder if they'll go back to being dead or if people will try to get these weapons on alts.

As far as latest weapons are concerned, these really are not an upgrade. If you are really concerned about obtaining a new weapon, your best bet would be do Leviathan Ex for the weapon and mirror.

Granted, if you really hate low drop rates, you are not going to have much fun in Leviathan. Though, your alts may get weapons (equivalent to Allagan from turn 5) and you may just get a sea horsie! A little more exciting than grinding a level 5 FATE, I'd say.

But don't get me wrong: this atma business was a very good deal. You see, these weapons are a little interesting in who they are tailored for. Hardcore players do not need them because they have access to Leviathan stuff, soldiery + T7 tokens, and soon to be High Allagan weapons. 'Normal' players do not need them because they are not raiding coil immediately and they already have access to i95 weapons through Leviathan Ex. As time progresses, gear from soldiery will naturally offset some of the difficulty currently present in coil. Casual players do not need them either for the same reasons.

Their real power is supposed to be revealed in the next 'mini' patch so these are things you should be working towards casually even if you play 7 days a week, 24 hours a day (from your coffin). Which is great because when we are at month 5 into this content cycle they have going for us and we are complaining about nothing to do, there will be something to do.

Just because you can't complete it within the first two weeks of patch does not make it a bad design. -_-

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 5:04am by HitomeOfBismarck
#19 Apr 04 2014 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Gnu wrote:
Putting the latest weapon upgrade behind wall of Level Synched, low-level, brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content was the worst idea in FFXIV's history.


On top of the fact that it is the worst possible version of recycled content with no attempt at calling itself anything other than a meaningless time-sink, the idea of getting high-level players to participate in low level fates has backfired so badly that NEW PLAYERS ARE QUITTING because they can't get participation.

My friend who recently started playing just told me he is giving it a break and will try again when there is some way to level up that is fun. Clearly no one is doing low-level roulettes right now. FATES aren't an option. I thought this patch was a good time to try and bring a RL friend on-board. Nope, Chuck Testa.

Just an observation but...if FATEs are "brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content" to use your own words, and your friend doesn't want to play the game because it doesn't have any fun methods of leveling up, I'm not entirely sure if making FATEs more viable would be the burst of fun that keeps new players like him on the edge of his seat.
#20REDACTED, Posted: Apr 04 2014 at 3:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I find it rather odd why this game has so many players that don't actually like playing the game.
#21 Apr 04 2014 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
108 posts
is the weapon really that much better than relic zenith or something you could get via old coil content? I'm considering staying a patch behind to make my experience less grindy.
#22 Apr 04 2014 at 3:57 AM Rating: Default
2,689 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

As far as latest weapons are concerned, these really are not an upgrade. If you are really concerned about obtaining a new weapon, your best bet would be do Leviathan Ex for the weapon and mirror.

Granted, if you really hate low drop rates, you are not going to have much fun in Leviathan. Though, your alts may get weapons (equivalent to Allagan from turn 5) and you may just get a sea horsie! A little more exciting than grinding a level 5 FATE, I'd say.

That assumes a lot. Not everyone has access to Leviathan Ex. Play is really tiered right now (I have no issue with that). You have people at all stages. In my group we have a few really focused on upgrading their Zeniths. Most are up to and through T4 and Garuda Ex. We're a couple of months behind. Titan Ex is a bit of a headache, T5 is within sight. I'm not complaining in the slightest - it's just where we're at.

I think that what's getting me is that this gating is what's happened with everything at the same time. So the timesinks are in for crafting, gathering and zenith weapons all at once. I love crafting but I'm pretty depressed about it right now. Gathering I've started work on collecting my HQ logs but it's so slow. Add in the new upgrades to Zenith weapons and the amount of grinding involved all round (beastmen quests too) SE don't want people to stay on top of everything.

Realistically I'll probably get access to Turn 6+ in the next month or so. Leviathan Ex only if I can push myself to grind out practice on Titan Ex (hate it). So an Atma weapon is my only choice.
Blogging again!
#23 Apr 04 2014 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Most of the stuff added this patch is stuff I can't even try. People keep bringing up "you've got Leviathan and coil v2 if you don't want to grind atma!" but I have access to neither of those (Leviathan in particular irks me, because the fight looks a lot simpler than Titan does, yet a Titan win is needed to be able to attempt it). Aside from the the new storyline quests added and the 3 new dungeons (all of which I've finished already) everything else that was added is pretty much inaccessible to me.

If it weren't for them removing the lockout on myth tomes, I'd have nothing (fun) to work on. But even then, racking up myth is not going to help me get past the things I'm stuck on.
#24 Apr 04 2014 at 5:53 AM Rating: Good
Fynlar wrote:
Most of the stuff added this patch is stuff I can't even try. People keep bringing up "you've got Leviathan and coil v2 if you don't want to grind atma!" but I have access to neither of those (Leviathan in particular irks me, because the fight looks a lot simpler than Titan does, yet a Titan win is needed to be able to attempt it). Aside from the the new storyline quests added and the 3 new dungeons (all of which I've finished already) everything else that was added is pretty much inaccessible to me.

If it weren't for them removing the lockout on myth tomes, I'd have nothing (fun) to work on. But even then, racking up myth is not going to help me get past the things I'm stuck on.

This doesn't make much sense considering the content that was too hard/time consuming for us before is now becoming more and more accessible. The Echo will ease the difficulty of the first coil/EX modes gradually from 2.2 to 2.3 while we are getting more and more ilvl100 stuff from soldiery tomes. Even though much of the 2.2 content is not accessible to us immediately what this patch did (and is doing) is letting us take part in the 2.0 - 2.1 content that was not available to us before. That content is essentially new content to us, even if it has been in the game for longer.

The casual playerbase really is the demographic most catered to in this game. And if 2.1 was any indication, 2.3 will continue to cater to our needs.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 11:55am by Hyanmen
#25 Apr 04 2014 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Just an observation but...if FATEs are "brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content" to use your own words, and your friend doesn't want to play the game because it doesn't have any fun methods of leveling up, I'm not entirely sure if making FATEs more viable would be the burst of fun that keeps new players like him on the edge of his seat.

The FATEs are "Brainless and honestly boring-as-hell content" to an Endgamer who's been raiding, who's at Lv50. Going into a Lv5-20 area as a Lv50 and Level Syncing down and losing most of your abilities is Boring as Hell.

However, if you are Level 5-20, then you are actually getting relevant rewards out of it, then it isn't so "Boring as Hell". You're not losing your abilities, you're not dumping your character power out the window with the Level Sync button, and you're being awarded XP/Gil/GC Seals relevant to your level which makes it feel a lot better.

That is.......if the FATEs were actually possible. If they ain't dead (IE, impossible to complete solo/duo), then they're crowded (impossible to get credit towards the Gold reward).

IMO, FATEs should scale with how many people are participating in it. People should be able to solo a FATE if there's nobody else around reliably. Named Mob FATEs should not be "whack at this mob for 15min and pray you kill it before it kills you, or before time is up, or before something else aggros you". Kill Count FATEs should not be "Kill 50+ mobs in 15min while solo" which is incredibly hard to do in some fates (I'm looking at YOU, that stupid Fate near Drybone with the goats that have 3-5x normal mob health that require 20+ kills and all the goats are aggressive and right next to each other).
#26 Apr 04 2014 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
This doesn't make much sense considering the content that was too hard/time consuming for us before is now becoming more and more accessible. The Echo will ease the difficulty of the first coil/EX modes gradually from 2.2 to 2.3 while we are getting more and more ilvl100 stuff from soldiery tomes. Even though much of the 2.2 content is not accessible to us immediately what this patch did (and is doing) is letting us take part in the 2.0 - 2.1 content that was not available to us before. That content is essentially new content to us, even if it has been in the game for longer.

Echo does pretty much nothing for Titan EX, I can tell you that much. Not only do most of my wipes happen before the 3 minute mark anyway (which should give you a good indication of how far I'm actually getting into the fight, nevermind how much harder it still gets after that), even if we get the buff it does nothing to prevent what usually causes wipes in that fight in the first place, so the wipes (gasp) just keep occurring, for the same reasons.

I know coil has yet to receive the buff.

I'm just saying, as of right now, I don't really have access to anything more than what I did before. Other than 3 new dungeons, but I have pretty much no reason to ever go in those anyway except for speedruns or for a change of pace, because they don't drop any more myths than the dungeons we've already had available.

(I'm looking at YOU, that stupid Fate near Drybone with the goats that have 3-5x normal mob health that require 20+ kills and all the goats are aggressive and right next to each other).

That FATE in particular (In the Heart of Sagolii, I believe it's called) has always been ridiculously overtuned, and I'm not sure why. It has always been waaaay harder than other FATEs of its level, even when it hasn't had its difficulty bumped up by a FATE train on its previous iteration.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 9:43am by Fynlar
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