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#77 Mar 28 2014 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Turin wrote:
You've got a pretty twisted set of priorities if you think that spending 36 hours getting a slightly better weapon in a game is reasonable.

People don't do it because it's the most efficient way. People do it because it's there, and people like the idea of a long term goal. Something new to work toward. Something to spend time on.

Turin wrote:
I might not even mind the amount of time that it takes (though it would take me months to actually finish) if it weren't so goddamn plain not fun to spam FATEs over and over again. At least with the original quest you had variety of things to do, and then the first upgrade cost tomes that you could get from a number of different activities. This is the same thing over and over and over again.

This right here is the real issue. The fact that FATE grinding is boring. Most of the complaining isn't about how much time it takes. It's about how freaking boring it is grinding low level FATEs for potentially no gain.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#78 Mar 28 2014 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
Karlina wrote:
Turin wrote:
You've got a pretty twisted set of priorities if you think that spending 36 hours getting a slightly better weapon in a game is reasonable.

People don't do it because it's the most efficient way. People do it because it's there, and people like the idea of a long term goal. Something new to work toward. Something to spend time on.

Turin wrote:
I might not even mind the amount of time that it takes (though it would take me months to actually finish) if it weren't so goddamn plain not fun to spam FATEs over and over again. At least with the original quest you had variety of things to do, and then the first upgrade cost tomes that you could get from a number of different activities. This is the same thing over and over and over again.

This right here is the real issue. The fact that FATE grinding is boring. Most of the complaining isn't about how much time it takes. It's about how freaking boring it is grinding low level FATEs for potentially no gain.

That was my initial excitement, that this was going to require time. I was thinking along the lines of having to defeat all 5 extremes several times along with other dungeons to earn tokens or something. No, repeat the most boring fates you can find and hope the RNG rewards you. Good going SE.

#79 Mar 29 2014 at 4:29 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
I liked grinding FATEs so keep your generalizations to yourself.

What I do not like is not getting the exp for the FATE because I am on a max level job. Such a waste..
#80 Mar 29 2014 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
...and 20,000 serpent seals later, I still only have one atma. This drop rate is beyond ridiculous. I'm done trying to do this crap unless they patch it to increase the drop rate.
#81 Mar 29 2014 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Let me tell you... this quest is terrible.

I'm about 0 for 6 hours so far total. It's not fun at all, and yet it pretty much demands your undivided attention to do. Outside of theoretically getting one of the mythical atmas you get virtually nothing for it (11 gold and 60 seals! OH BOY!). Many of the fates are ridiculously low level and there's no real chance of death whatsoever. Fates aren't always up so you get to stand around waiting. When choosing a zone you have to hope that there's enough people there to actually complete the fate but not so many people that you can't even get there before it's over. My drop rate is so bad to where I'm halfway suspicious that I have done or am doing something wrong, but who knows, because the game sure isn't going to give you any idea one way or the other.

Now I understand that the law of averages says that eventually my luck should even out and I'll get a couple to drop in quick succession, and I know there are already people in the FC running around with more than 5 or who have gotten one in their first fate, but none of that matters. The bottom line is this is terrible game design. If you make a game that asks a player to invest that much time and they leave feeling that they've completely wasted it then you've failed as a game designer. There should have been some type of progression... if not a flat count (do so-and-so number of fates and the atma will be yours) then at least a system that rewards you as you put in more time (every fate increases the drop rate by 2% or something). As it is you're just completely at the mercy of the random number god, and knowing SE's history the drop rate is set ridiculously low anyways, so if I log on tomorrow and decide to try again I'm right back where I started from.

SE has been pretty good about keeping me from feeling like I've wasted my time. I generally feel like I've accomplished something when I've logged off. Tonight, though, was a monumental waste of time. I've got nothing to show for it. There was no progression whatsoever. People can say it's a time sink designed to get people to keep playing over a long period of time, but if I have to keep logging off feeling like I've wasted my time my interest in playing is going to deteriorate rather quickly. Bad design.

I wish they would've made them random dungeon drops as well. Need the Atma of the Maiden? You can FATE grind Central Shroud OR run Haukke Manor until it drops. The folks who want to mindlessly run from FATE to FATE can do that, and some of us could grind dungeons which a) takes at least a little skill, b) carries at least a little risk, and c) contains chests. I know which path I'd choose.
#82 Mar 29 2014 at 11:38 PM Rating: Excellent
I've found two atma in about eight hours.

It doesn't necessarily bother me that the drop rate is low... what bothers me more is how completely random it is. Some people find atma at a rate of one per hour, while I had a five-hour stretch between finding my first and second atma (it has been an hour since finding my second atma).

Seems that SE could have used drop rate logic to slightly increase a person's chances for getting the drop as they do more FATEs with their weapons equipped, kind of like an echo buff for drops or something.

I also expect this to be patched, but you never know. I'm not waiting for a patch to pursue atma. I'm breaking up my atma hunting with primal attempts and a bit of story, so it's not too bad.

Edited, Mar 29th 2014 10:46pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#83 Mar 30 2014 at 3:00 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
There's really no real reason you need to rush through this anyways. Set a goal of one atma per week, even.

I don't like doing dungeons so I don't level other jobs. If you don't like doing FATEs, hold off on your weapon until they either increase drop rates or Allagan/Weathered weapons become more common. This provides a much needed grind in this game for those complaining about having nothing to do without really making a difference right away.
#84 Mar 30 2014 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
I actually like a few things about atma farming that isn't really popular with everyone.

I actually like that they stuck with RNG for this one, mainly because there's already quite a bit of content in this game that involves progress slowly and steadily going up. Which does have its advantages, but the disadvantage is that it's pretty mundane. RNG is all over the place, but it seems to incite emotion in people that I haven't really seen much of in this game. When RNG is unfair, people really hate it, and when it's rewarding, that's exciting. I've done some atma farming since the patch and I don't think I've seen so many people say "OMG!" or "yes!" or "O_O." It's kind of refreshing. Watching steady progress go up is nice and all; it's fair, you can watch your progress go up even if you don't have much time, etc. but people are generally pretty indifferent about it in comparison. Nobody freaks out when they hit their goal, there's no unpredictability, no stories to tell other people. Overall both have their place, but I kind of like the change of pace for this portion of the quest.

Although regardless of which type of grinding they use, I'm glad that there is some level of grinding to upgrading relic this time. It felt kind of empty having friends get another job to 50 and in a couple of hours we'd knock out their quests and they'd be holding their "relic." Having at least a few tangible items that can't be obtained in a few hours and can be worked toward at whatever pace the player is comfortable (or in other words, no lockout after the first few hours) with is something this game desperately needed, IMO. I have nothing against lockouts, but I like to see them at least supplemented with something that the player can work toward between resets.

The only thing I really dislike is that it's tied to FATEs. This is basically the same thing I disliked about FATEs being a main source of leveling too really. They just aren't that fun IMO. They generally don't really require much strategy, thought or teamwork, and it ends up causing the experience to generally feel like busy work. I'd have much preferred a grind with content that was so fun that I can easily forget that I'm grinding.
#85 Mar 30 2014 at 4:15 AM Rating: Good
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
There's really no real reason you need to rush through this anyways. Set a goal of one atma per week, even.

I don't like doing dungeons so I don't level other jobs. If you don't like doing FATEs, hold off on your weapon until they either increase drop rates or Allagan/Weathered weapons become more common. This provides a much needed grind in this game for those complaining about having nothing to do without really making a difference right away.

The problem with this is that the way this game is going, the weapon will already be replaced by something else if you wait for a nerf. Like I said, I have absolutely nothing against a grind, but like others have said, make it measurable. I think most people envisioned something along the lines of beat these 5 extreme primals, these dungeons along with Odin and Behemoth 10 times to get a token! Then trade in 10 tokens for the weapon. While that's still ridiculously time consuming, you know you're eventually going to hit your goal.

I don't think the so-called hardcores complaining of lack of stuff to do had something as mundane as low level FATES on a level 50 character in mind. Now I'm not saying FATES in general are mundane, but the way this is setup, it's going to become that. I get they wanted to make this obtainable for casuals while the hardcore clear Coil 6-9, but again, once the hardcores burn through that they'll be bored.

I still don't know what they need to do to balance casual vs hardcore content cause it seems damn tough to please everyone.

#86 Mar 30 2014 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Thing is, this weapon will become more powerful as more patches are released. It is and will be an upgrade over the Allagan weapon till we are able to down turn 9 (or whatever turn drops the weapons) reliably.

The best part is: it isn't required for the new content. Nice to have? Most certainly. Required? No. I can tell you for certain after downing T6 tonight and doing most of T7 that the first few new turns were intended to be downed with i95 weapons/i90 gear (contrary to what I said earlier). The key is in the mechanics and mastery of them.

It pleases everyone. The hardcore players can grind for weapons on their alts (and even their mains), the regular players can slowly gear up from soldiery tomes for coil and continue to progress through there while upgrading the weapon, and the casual players are not left entirely out of the loop. Whereas the former two groups require T6-T9 gear to appease, the other group can actually get a comparable weapon that doesn't require them to have set schedules for raiding.

To be honest: no one really needs these weapons ASAP outside of those progressing in TBCoB 2.

What people envision is a false sense of RNG. Killing Odin and Behemoth x times, beat extreme primals, do dungeons, etc...these are not RNG elements. You seek measurement in a game that has only ever consisted of measurement till now.

Susanoh's post sums it up nicely. I have not seen people express these types of emotions (rage, joy, envy, spite) in a long time. The playerbase has truly come back to life. The zones are filled with people (who would normally be AFK in Mor Dhona) which helps out new players who level by FATEs and allows players to step foot outside of their city/fortification walls. It increases PF use (communication), allows you to get to know people better on your own server, and makes you do some FATEs you probably had never done before and/or explore areas of certain maps where these FATEs spawn that you probably haven't seen before.

Yes, I too have spent 5+ hours grinding for one atma. Two of my FC members have a weapon after only ~2 days or so. I am only at 4 atmas in comparison. But that was my choice to devote those hours to the goal.

The key is moderation. Queue for a dungeon, level your chocobo, or join a PF group for content you need. While that group fills, you have something to do.

I get that people don't like the low drop rates. But please remember this content has to last at least 3 months till the next major update and 6 months till the next upgrade to endgame content. On month 5, we will want something like this to keep us playing while we wait for the patch.
#87 Mar 30 2014 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
You also have to know that they need a way for people to level fast a lower levels. You are all doing low level FATEs where three weeks ago, lonely Jimmy was left to die doing a FATE on his level 18 CNJ. Mission accomplished by SE.

You also can't expect these weapons to be given away, can you? ADD Nations, get out of here. I say as annoying as it is, good job SE.
#88 Mar 30 2014 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
342 posts
I don't have a problem with having a quest that takes a long time to finish. In fact, I welcome it. What I do have a problem with is how this has been implemented. Maybe you enjoy grinding FATEs but that's you. Running from FATE to FATE, getting capped at level 7, 9, 12, 9, and so on, doing the same combo over and over again because that's all you have at that level... that's not fun at all to me. I'll grind until the cows come home but at least make it the slightest bit interesting. Like I said, I really wish they would have put these Atmas into dungeons as well.

It's not like this has been my sole focus either, at least at first. I've been farming FATEs while waiting for the DF to pop, or while waiting for my FC mates to get ready for an event, etc. That's how it starts. But as more and more time goes by it's starts to get under your skin a bit... why haven't I gotten a drop yet? You want something to show for it so you put in a little more time... and a little more... and a little more... and as more and more time goes by and you've got nothing to show for it the need to get one increases. You want *something* to show for that time, otherwise it's a waste. After 6+ hours of chasing atmas and not getting one have I made any progress at all? No. That sucks.

The trial books are a grind but at least there's always an end in sight. Sure, you'll have to kill 100 enemies and that will both take a long time and be repetitive, but at least you know you're making progress even if you don't get them all at once. That 0/10 becomes an 8/10 and you know that yes, you are closer to your goal and that time was not completely wasted.
#89 Mar 30 2014 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Well I would guess about 200 plus fates later and 13 hrs or so and no atmas for me , while Tes has 5 atmas and Three are doubled.. That is so sh*tty, she spends the same amount of time in a area as me and gets two of the same atmas and I get nada

I don't mind grind but give me a goal.. Tell me I have to do a thousand fates this way I know I am getting closer to the end. I am almost starting to wonder if it aint broke for me. I have talked to some people and they are done others say they have 12 hrs in and no atmas..

I do love the new dungeon mechanics even though they are a little easy.. Lev is assume designed primal fight and the only one I have really liked so far.

Edited, Mar 30th 2014 11:11am by Nashred

Edited, Mar 30th 2014 11:24am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#90 Mar 30 2014 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
147 posts
I don't mind a grind, I don't mind things taking a while, but doing low level FATEs is so boring. Looking back, I didn't mind the grind and RNG of doing ifrit HM to get my ifrit weapon back when I was a fresh level 50. I wish the grind involved something more fun than FATEs.

I am also not sure if this helps low level players at all. Sure it floods zones with people to grind FATEs. But these FATEs go down so fast, I wonder if low levels even have a chance to contribute. If they can't get exp off of it, then it just makes it frustrating for them.
#91 Mar 30 2014 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
I don't mind a grind, I don't mind things taking a while, but doing low level FATEs is so boring. Looking back, I didn't mind the grind and RNG of doing ifrit HM to get my ifrit weapon back when I was a fresh level 50. I wish the grind involved something more fun than FATEs.

The problem is if you make it a grind like that, then the hardcores complain, because they'll down the primals too fast.

If you make the grind into "kill each extreme primal 5 times for a token," then you'll alienate the casual playerbase that doesn't have the time/friends to form weekly or daily statics to beat the fights consistently.

I think what SE did is find a good middle ground.

Hardcores can either sink time into the fate grinding, or go after extreme primal or coil drops, which they could get in far less time. Casuals can grind fates and get adequate weapons, without the need for statics and such.

In the end, everyone has equal access to a powerful endgame weapon, and both paths are difficult in completely different ways. Once requires more skill, the other requires more perseverance.
Thayos Redblade
#92 Mar 30 2014 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Another thing... I think if you are waiting until later to do this quest you are shooting yourself in the foot. A lot of people are working on it NOW. In 2-3 weeks those same people will be done and moved on and while there may be a handful of people who do this with multiple weapons I think those people are in the minority. These FATEs are going to go right back to being dead, and have fun trying to farm atmas when you have to spend 10-15 minutes soloing each FATE because there's nobody else around to help you. SE may have intended this to be spread out over the next few months but the playerbase isn't going to fall in line with that at all.

They will end up changing this at some point I'm sure.
#93 Mar 30 2014 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Raylo wrote:
Another thing... I think if you are waiting until later to do this quest you are shooting yourself in the foot. A lot of people are working on it NOW. In 2-3 weeks those same people will be done and moved on and while there may be a handful of people who do this with multiple weapons I think those people are in the minority. These FATEs are going to go right back to being dead, and have fun trying to farm atmas when you have to spend 10-15 minutes soloing each FATE because there's nobody else around to help you. SE may have intended this to be spread out over the next few months but the playerbase isn't going to fall in line with that at all.

They will end up changing this at some point I'm sure.

Unless there's only 1 Atma in the loot pool. Then you're better off being the only one striking for it. I'm beginning to wonder if this why we're seeing people get multiples while others get none.
#94 Mar 30 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
My advice is to try one zone for a bit, but if you haven't gotten an Atma in 1-2 hours change zones. I just got my Atma weapon after about 16 hours of total FATE grinding. If I did each FATE in a zone 3-4 times with no drop, I'd change zones and 1-shot 4 or 5 of them. Don't spend 5+ hours in one zone, keep your sanity.
#95 Mar 30 2014 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Another thing... I think if you are waiting until later to do this quest you are shooting yourself in the foot. A lot of people are working on it NOW. In 2-3 weeks those same people will be done and moved on and while there may be a handful of people who do this with multiple weapons I think those people are in the minority. These FATEs are going to go right back to being dead, and have fun trying to farm atmas when you have to spend 10-15 minutes soloing each FATE because there's nobody else around to help you. SE may have intended this to be spread out over the next few months but the playerbase isn't going to fall in line with that at all.

They will end up changing this at some point I'm sure.

Unless there's only 1 Atma in the loot pool. Then you're better off being the only one striking for it. I'm beginning to wonder if this why we're seeing people get multiples while others get none.

Anyway finally got one.. This might just be coincidence but I made Tes party lead and I got a atma, Well she didn't get a atma for a while so I made my self party lead and right away she gets the atma... I hope this aint a bug because that is almost a day of my life wasted.

Well did it again... Switched Tes to party lead and guess what
I got the atma and she didn't.. I still think its a coincidence.

Edited, Mar 30th 2014 2:25pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#96 Mar 30 2014 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
I'm 7/12 right now and I'm starting to lose sanity. The lower level areas are the worst, IMO. I've done half in groups, half solo, gotten some with silver or bronze rating. It feels completely random. Some zones have taken 3 hours, others 20 minutes.

Edited, Mar 30th 2014 6:00pm by Louiscool
#97 Mar 30 2014 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
147 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Another thing... I think if you are waiting until later to do this quest you are shooting yourself in the foot. A lot of people are working on it NOW. In 2-3 weeks those same people will be done and moved on and while there may be a handful of people who do this with multiple weapons I think those people are in the minority. These FATEs are going to go right back to being dead, and have fun trying to farm atmas when you have to spend 10-15 minutes soloing each FATE because there's nobody else around to help you. SE may have intended this to be spread out over the next few months but the playerbase isn't going to fall in line with that at all.

They will end up changing this at some point I'm sure.

Unless there's only 1 Atma in the loot pool. Then you're better off being the only one striking for it. I'm beginning to wonder if this why we're seeing people get multiples while others get none.

Hmm, I might try and test that theory. On my work days, my game time lands me at the deadest time of day for my server.
#98 Mar 30 2014 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Raylo wrote:
Another thing... I think if you are waiting until later to do this quest you are shooting yourself in the foot. A lot of people are working on it NOW. In 2-3 weeks those same people will be done and moved on and while there may be a handful of people who do this with multiple weapons I think those people are in the minority. These FATEs are going to go right back to being dead, and have fun trying to farm atmas when you have to spend 10-15 minutes soloing each FATE because there's nobody else around to help you. SE may have intended this to be spread out over the next few months but the playerbase isn't going to fall in line with that at all.

They will end up changing this at some point I'm sure.

Even after you've completed that stage:

1) You still have to do it for any alt you have
2) Some of the books actually require FATEs again
#99 Mar 30 2014 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Raylo wrote:
Another thing... I think if you are waiting until later to do this quest you are shooting yourself in the foot. A lot of people are working on it NOW. In 2-3 weeks those same people will be done and moved on and while there may be a handful of people who do this with multiple weapons I think those people are in the minority. These FATEs are going to go right back to being dead, and have fun trying to farm atmas when you have to spend 10-15 minutes soloing each FATE because there's nobody else around to help you. SE may have intended this to be spread out over the next few months but the playerbase isn't going to fall in line with that at all.

They will end up changing this at some point I'm sure.

Even after you've completed that stage:

1) You still have to do it for any alt you have
2) Some of the books actually require FATEs again

1) As I said, I bet the amount of players who put themselves through this more than once (before SE changes it) is a minority of all players.
2) I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those FATEs weren't in the higher level zones that the atmas aren't found in.

I guess we'll see what happens in a few weeks.
#100 Mar 31 2014 at 12:19 AM Rating: Excellent
2) I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those FATEs weren't in the higher level zones that the atmas aren't found in.

If it's just a set number of FATEs, then it won't matter.
Thayos Redblade
#101 Mar 31 2014 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
115 posts
The drop rate for these is crazy, there isn't any consistency. I'm in a small FC. As it stands, I have devoted the least amount of time to this (about 4hrs), and have 2 atma. The FC leader sat down on Saturday at 0/12, and finished the day at 12/12. My brother grinded for about 20hrs since patch day, is 12/12. But one of the other FC lads has grinded for 10+ and is on 4. It's seems like the RNG hates some, loves others!
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