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#52 Mar 28 2014 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Can you get atmas out of order on your list?

Also, how do you know when you get an atma? Where does the notification appear?

Once you get an atma, is it crossed off of your list, or do you just need to remember that you have it already?
Thayos Redblade
#53 Mar 28 2014 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Can you get atmas out of order on your list?

Also, how do you know when you get an atma? Where does the notification appear?

Once you get an atma, is it crossed off of your list, or do you just need to remember that you have it already?

I asked the same last night.. You can get in any order and you get notified on your screen and they drop into your inventory.

I would believe you have to cross off yourself because there is no active quest.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 11:57am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#54 Mar 28 2014 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Karlina wrote:
Wow. I totally retract my excited post from yesterday. Grinding low level FATEs without even being able to do it on low level jobs is one of the most annoying and pointless grinds I can imagine.

Sort fo agree, but I have been spiritbonding my lvl 45+ jewelry and converting some level IV materia, plus leveling my chocobo, so its not all that bad.

Interesting note though, I tried about 6 different fates in 4 different areas last night. I found the Twins one off of the giant lvl 10 enemy frog at the bottom of the cliff. First try. But the ones I clear that have no "big" enemies I have found nothing.I wonder does this matter, or can you get the atma pieces off of the regular sized mob fates as well. Based in the description it seems like you would need to kill a big monster to get the drop.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 8:24am by Valkayree

The help text in the quest says "Formidable Foe". This makes me think it's boss fates only.... time will tell I guess.
#55 Mar 28 2014 at 10:38 AM Rating: Default
4,780 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
Not, at all, any different than grinding mobs in Dynamis - except this is shorter, can be done solo

Did you even play FFXI 2004? At all? Since a lot of your comparisons when you bring up XI hasn't been true since around then. Hell I've been solo and duo farming EVERY dynamis zone for over 2 years now. Hell you actually exp in Dynamis for certain stuff now (e.g Relic +2 buffed) and they die pretty fast if you're not procing for guaranteed multiple drops, e.g instead of 1-2, you can get 4-7 per mob etc or even guaranteed 100 pieces if it's a 'white' proc.

Making content that lasts as long always, always equates a grind

Welcome to MMORPGs that survives more than 6 months - 1 year after launch, XIV had plenty of grinds even prior to this, some just didn't want to admit it because they wanted to believe so badly XIV is "away from grinding". Quest based progressions are a disguised grind and even paying attention to the story you can tell a lot of it is copy/pasted with different terms in many instances.

but how many of these fates have people actually gone to an experienced anyways?

All of them. You kind of have to if you were expecting to level prior to the update to dungeon exp. Many FATEs a lot avoided because idiots ruin it, i.e the "turn in item one" spawns mobs infinitely, you can rack up a ton of exp but it takes only that one idiot to turn in the items and cut the 15 minute FATE to 20 seconds within 2 minutes, losing out on a TON of exp.

It's smart to add mileage and relevance to overlooked content.

FATEs were never overooked, people were just @#%^ing sick and tired of them and wanted SE to boost the dungeon exp to get AWAY from FATE grinding lol.

What is up your ***? You personally attack my posts at nearly every opportunity?

And the worst part about this? When I actually get time I'll likely encourage this behavior to reply, because once again, accusations are being made of me that just aren't true.
#56 Mar 28 2014 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Nashred wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Can you get atmas out of order on your list?

Also, how do you know when you get an atma? Where does the notification appear?

Once you get an atma, is it crossed off of your list, or do you just need to remember that you have it already?

I asked the same last night.. You can get in any order and you get notified on your screen and they drop into your inventory.

I would believe you have to cross off yourself because there is no active quest.

Since it drops into your inventory, I guess you would just have to check your inventory for what you have. I'm guessing it goes into the key items tab. Does that sound right?
#57 Mar 28 2014 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
Can you get atmas out of order on your list?

Also, how do you know when you get an atma? Where does the notification appear?

Once you get an atma, is it crossed off of your list, or do you just need to remember that you have it already?

svlyons wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Can you get atmas out of order on your list?

Also, how do you know when you get an atma? Where does the notification appear?

Once you get an atma, is it crossed off of your list, or do you just need to remember that you have it already?

I asked the same last night.. You can get in any order and you get notified on your screen and they drop into your inventory.

I would believe you have to cross off yourself because there is no active quest.

Since it drops into your inventory, I guess you would just have to check your inventory for what you have. I'm guessing it goes into the key items tab. Does that sound right?

They show up in the regular inventory slots, so make sure you have room. Also I got the "Twins" from West Thanalan as my first one, so you do not have to do them in order.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 12:15pm by Valkayree
#58 Mar 28 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
The help text in the quest says "Formidable Foe". This makes me think it's boss fates only.... time will tell I guess.

I read on the official forum that someone got an atma from the "Hare" FATE in North Shroud, and that's just a run-of-the-mill "kill this herd of mobs" FATE, so don't think it's limited to boss-style FATEs.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 10:21am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#59 Mar 28 2014 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
The help text in the quest says "Formidable Foe". This makes me think it's boss fates only.... time will tell I guess.

I read on the official forum that someone got an atma from the "Hare" FATE in North Shroud, and that's just a run-of-the-mill "kill this herd of mobs" FATE, so don't think it's limited to boss-style FATEs.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 10:21am by Thayos

Good to know, I will continue my indiscriminate FATE mobbing then.
#60 Mar 28 2014 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Valkayree wrote:
Thayos wrote:
The help text in the quest says "Formidable Foe". This makes me think it's boss fates only.... time will tell I guess.

I read on the official forum that someone got an atma from the "Hare" FATE in North Shroud, and that's just a run-of-the-mill "kill this herd of mobs" FATE, so don't think it's limited to boss-style FATEs.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 10:21am by Thayos

Good to know, I will continue my indiscriminate FATE mobbing then.

Ah. That may be why no list is popping up, because it's truely just ANY fate. I wonder if there is any substance to the rumor that you can only advance 1 book each week. Ah well, not going to effect me for awhile.

I know one FC mate spent 6 hours on this with no drop, completing some 200 FATES in differing Zones. And yes with his Zenith equipped the whole time. Meanwhile another FC mate took about 15 hours straight and finished it already. Wow. Guess I can ask him about that 1-book-per-week cap later tonight.
#61 Mar 28 2014 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
I haven't had a ton of time to grind FATES yet... I'm 0/12, but I've honestly spent just an hour grinding FATES.

I plan on doing more FATE grinding late at night... that's something I can do on my laptop while watching the Daily Show and Colbert.
Thayos Redblade
#62 Mar 28 2014 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
4,780 posts
Theonehio wrote:

Did you even play FFXI 2004? At all? Since a lot of your comparisons when you bring up XI hasn't been true since around then. Hell I've been solo and duo farming EVERY dynamis zone for over 2 years now.

Hey, news flash everyone! Apparently Dynamis was changed in 2007 rather than 2011. Smiley: glare Theo I never picked up my Duelist Chapeau until after the changes, I know what I'm talking about.

Dynamis changed late in FFXI's life cycle, we are EARLY in FFXIV's life cycle. As people insist on drawing comparisons, I compared it to Old Dynamis. Because, realisticly, people are ******** about a game that's pre-dynamis, pre-Zilart. Yet that gets conveniently overlooked when they want to bash FFXIV.

Welcome to MMORPGs that survives more than 6 months - 1 year after launch,


My statement wasn't a complaint, why the hell are you taking it for one? Fact of Life, anything done in repetition is a grind.

Being a long time FF fan before they even went to MMOs, I'm used to it. Some people don't seen to be. That's fine.

All of them. You kind of have to if you were expecting to level prior to the update to dungeon exp. Many FATEs a lot avoided because idiots ruin it, i.e the "turn in item one" spawns mobs infinitely, you can rack up a ton of exp but it takes only that one idiot to turn in the items and cut the 15 minute FATE to 20 seconds within 2 minutes, losing out on a TON of exp.

*eyebrow* Cause, you know, every player has played until launch. And every player has gone an explored every fate in every zone instead of following the path of specific zones everyone layed out for the best leveling path... and that's of course before Leves and Dungeons became more profitable for Exp.

FATEs were never overooked, people were just @#%^ing sick and tired of them and wanted SE to boost the dungeon exp to get AWAY from FATE grinding lol.

For someone who just, in the same post, ******* at me about using dated information, you sure seem to hold a double standard to yourself.

FATE issues were a 2.0 issues. Now, as you accurately claim, SE boosted Dungeon exp (and also Leve, and Guildhest Exp, they also boosted Guildhest first-time bonus so they apply to each class individually rather than the character.) So FATEs weren't nearly as in vogue as they were before, to the point where SE had to make adjustments so that certain FATEs would scale down to lower number of participants.

So yes, a lot of FATEs outside the bottle-neck zones were being overlooked - intentionally or otherwise. Regardless of what your or other people's opinions of FATEs are, if they're abandoned, it's dead content - from a business standpoint, that's bad for business.

Now, if people want to follow the Zodiac Path (Note, they don't have to, there are more weapons at i100 and above you can acquire) they're going to have to buck-up and do FATEs.

Moreover, when they start getting the Myth tome Books, they're going to still go back and do more dated content over again.

Why is this a smart idea?

It keeps people cycling through content, keeping it populated and enabling new players to participate in this content without suffering from the intentionally top-heavy population we have. Newer players will be playing side by side with veterans as they progress up the levels, from everything from Dungeons to FATES.

You may not like it, but it's a smart decision by SE to keep content relevant and populated. Complain about the semantics, overlooked, neglected, whatever. It's content that people weren't populating that now, thanks to being relevant to an endgame quest path, will have people working at, for at least a while longer now.

As I said on the Official Boards. I wish they'd make FATEs more interesting, but I doubt it will happen because it'll likely step on Leves and Guildhests if so. But one can hope.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 2:00pm by Hyrist
#63 Mar 28 2014 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Not, at all, any different than grinding mobs in Dynamis - except this is shorter, can be done solo, and actually uses open world content.

It's totally different. With dynamis the process took forever but your progress was measurable. Every run put you a little bit closer to your goal. With this FATE grinding it's totally random. I'd much rather it flat out say "do 50 fates in the north shroud" or something, than making me blindly grind, hoping the RNG gods like me today.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#64 Mar 28 2014 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Karlina wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
Not, at all, any different than grinding mobs in Dynamis - except this is shorter, can be done solo, and actually uses open world content.

It's totally different. With dynamis the process took forever but your progress was measurable. Every run put you a little bit closer to your goal. With this FATE grinding it's totally random. I'd much rather it flat out say "do 50 fates in the north shroud" or something, than making me blindly grind, hoping the RNG gods like me today.

Um... not in the Dynamis I was in.

Currency was sold for hourglass, you bought your currency in. So grinding Dynamis mobs went to the most wealthy. You didn't make any progress unless you worked twice as hard for it. (Some groups were kinder/luckier.) Most times, you were just in Dyna for the Relic Armor pieces and clears. (or the DKP.)

But I get your meaning about the randomness thing. Though, some people have already completed their Atma weapons inside 8-15 hours of dedication.

I'm not to keen on the whole 'droprate' thing. I'd rather prefer it be a matter of 'clear all the fates' or 'this many fates' in stated zones once, get your Atma, type deal.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 3:16pm by Hyrist
#65 Mar 28 2014 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
5,729 posts
Hyrist wrote:
I'm not to keep on the whole 'droprate' thing. I'd rather prefer it be a matter of 'clear all the fates' or 'this many fates' in stated zones once, get your Atma, type deal.

Exactly. Spending hours grinding FATEs knowing you're making steady, if slow progress is way better than spending hours praying to the gods of luck.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#66 Mar 28 2014 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Exactly. Spending hours grinding FATEs knowing you're making steady, if slow progress is way better than spending hours praying to the gods of luck.

This this this this this this this.

As long as the drop rate is an average of like 1 atma per 3 hours, then this quest is already way less grindy than most stuff in FFXI, and it wouldn't even be close.
Thayos Redblade
#67 Mar 28 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
There's so many choices to pick from weapons wise in this game, the outrage for the Zodiac grind is completely out of line. If you don't like the grind then go get your weapon through some other means.

Although the fact that ARR did not have this kind of grind before (leading to "waaah there's nothing to do" complaints obviously) has certainly made people soft. The game lacked a grind like this for the people who care for it, the point is that there should be a CHOICE given to the player.
#68 Mar 28 2014 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Two more reasons not to worry so much about the tediousness.
1. 3000 FATEs gets you the paragon coat.
2. Each FATE gives you seals, and you can do 5-7 of them to get 1000 seals which buys you 5 retainer ventures to level up your peoples.

I have 4 retainers now and have all but 3 battle classes leveled to 50 so:
seals for ventures + progress to paragon coat + spiritbonding + chocobo + atma upgrade is especially important for incentive.

Thanks for this. It really alleviates any despair I might have that this could be a lot of time wasted with nothing to show for it. Smiley: nod
#69 Mar 28 2014 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Karlina wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
I'm not to keep on the whole 'droprate' thing. I'd rather prefer it be a matter of 'clear all the fates' or 'this many fates' in stated zones once, get your Atma, type deal.

Exactly. Spending hours grinding FATEs knowing you're making steady, if slow progress is way better than spending hours praying to the gods of luck.

That is exactly what it is praying to the gods... I would rather have a set number too even if it is high... i want to know I am making some progress..

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 3:14pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#70 Mar 28 2014 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Empyrean weapons were a lot more random. And grindier. So random. Much pain. Very grind.

Unless you brought a full party with a WAR, a SAM, and a NIN (in addition to your WHM, BLM, and THF) then there was always a chance you'd be missing the proc needed for red to get your pop item KI. Since the big bad NMs required that you crank out dozens of those KI pop items, it would get super irritating when you didn't get them after hours of work.

Colorless Souls were the worst. The KI needed for the pop item was a random conversion of a Tier II demilune Abyssite to a Tier III one, off a NM that was timed at a 15 minute pop, and then once you got a Tier III to pop the boss, it was on an hour timer. And the competition was friggin insane because Souls were used for both Dardaubla and Ochain, the harp and shield, i.e. the two best Empyrean weapons everyone wanted.

It took me about a year to finish Dharp playing casually. It still takes people grinding daily a month or two.
#71 Mar 28 2014 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
Empyrean weapons were a lot more random. And grindier. So random. Much pain. Very grind.

Unless you brought a full party with a WAR, a SAM, and a NIN (in addition to your WHM, BLM, and THF) then there was always a chance you'd be missing the proc needed for red to get your pop item KI. Since the big bad NMs required that you crank out dozens of those KI pop items, it would get super irritating when you didn't get them after hours of work.

Colorless Souls were the worst. The KI needed for the pop item was a random conversion of a Tier II demilune Abyssite to a Tier III one, off a NM that was timed at a 15 minute pop, and then once you got a Tier III to pop the boss, it was on an hour timer. And the competition was friggin insane because Souls were used for both Dardaubla and Ochain, the harp and shield, i.e. the two best Empyrean weapons everyone wanted.

It took me about a year to finish Dharp playing casually. It still takes people grinding daily a month or two.

I dont think they were too grindy, we had a static of 4 and farmed pops one night during the week and spent one day on the weekend killing the bosses and farming more pops if needed. We had a mnk, ninja , war and whm .. We did 3 empyrean weapons since whm was weapon was useless. We did it in about two months I think.. We did buy pops if they are cheap and occasionally if someone was bored they would help out farm pops or carry them for us. We made enough money the last phase we could just brew some of the more annoying ones like Apademak.

The only one that sucked was was glavoid because it required everyone to be on him to spread out the damage because of the one move. That was fun, we actually picked up pretty many glovoids from alliances that wiped on it or even wiped brewing because they did it at the wrong times. I think the hardest part was the compititon because everyone was trying to do the same thing...

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 4:14pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#72 Mar 28 2014 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Xoie wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Two more reasons not to worry so much about the tediousness.
1. 3000 FATEs gets you the paragon coat.
2. Each FATE gives you seals, and you can do 5-7 of them to get 1000 seals which buys you 5 retainer ventures to level up your peoples.

I have 4 retainers now and have all but 3 battle classes leveled to 50 so:
seals for ventures + progress to paragon coat + spiritbonding + chocobo + atma upgrade is especially important for incentive.

Thanks for this. It really alleviates any despair I might have that this could be a lot of time wasted with nothing to show for it. Smiley: nod

Thanks! And now those seals buy the items you need to use to craft the materials needed to get your crafter book, tool, and gear! Also they help level up your free company, which is useful if you guys arent rank 8.

I needed to keep these things in my head or I too would get discouraged.
#73 Mar 28 2014 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Nashred wrote:
I dont think they were too grindy, we had a static of 4 and farmed pops one night during the week and spent one day on the weekend killing the bosses and farming more pops if needed. We had a mnk, ninja , war and whm .. We did 3 empyrean weapons since whm was weapon was useless. We did it in about two months I think.. We did buy pops if they are cheap and occasionally if someone was bored they would help out farm pops or carry them for us. We made enough money the last phase we could just brew some of the more annoying ones like Apademak.

The only one that sucked was was glavoid because it required everyone to be on him to spread out the damage because of the one move. That was fun, we actually picked up pretty many glovoids from alliances that wiped on it or even wiped brewing because they did it at the wrong times. I think the hardest part was the competition because everyone was trying to do the same thing...

Were Ochain and Dharp among the ones you did? And yeah, I solo-brewed a lot of Apademaks until the Skirmish gear updates finally made it viable for a low man team to take him down.
#74 Mar 28 2014 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Might have opened the floodgate. I had a couple of pretty good conversations, people who were making very intelligent replies, even if I disagreed with them, on the Official boards, but post limit was hitting.

So... I invited them over. >.> Who knows. Maybe we can snag a few more good people over to Zam. I'd like that. Intelligent conversation without trying to make your argument in a limited number of posts a day.

What a novel concept. *wistful sigh*
#75 Mar 28 2014 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Turin wrote:
Three hours and one Atma later, I'm already sick of this. There is nothing fun about spamming low level FATEs. There is no challenge and barely any effort involved. This is just a pure grind in the worst way. I'm not saying that I'm going to quit over this, but I wouldn't be surprised if others did.

3 hours and you've got one of the 12 items you need. Spend 3 hours 11 more days and you'll be done in less than 2 weeks and probably right back on here ******** about not having anything to do.

You've got a pretty twisted set of priorities if you think that spending 36 hours getting a slightly better weapon in a game is reasonable. Also, no I won't be ******** about not having anything to do. Unlike some sad bastards that play this game, I have a life outside of it. I had weeks if not months worth of content that I hadn't even touched before the patch.

I might not even mind the amount of time that it takes (though it would take me months to actually finish) if it weren't so goddamn plain not fun to spam FATEs over and over again. At least with the original quest you had variety of things to do, and then the first upgrade cost tomes that you could get from a number of different activities. This is the same thing over and over and over again.
#76 Mar 28 2014 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
Turin wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Turin wrote:
Three hours and one Atma later, I'm already sick of this. There is nothing fun about spamming low level FATEs. There is no challenge and barely any effort involved. This is just a pure grind in the worst way. I'm not saying that I'm going to quit over this, but I wouldn't be surprised if others did.

3 hours and you've got one of the 12 items you need. Spend 3 hours 11 more days and you'll be done in less than 2 weeks and probably right back on here ******** about not having anything to do.

You've got a pretty twisted set of priorities if you think that spending 36 hours getting a slightly better weapon in a game is reasonable. Also, no I won't be ******** about not having anything to do. Unlike some sad bastards that play this game, I have a life outside of it. I had weeks if not months worth of content that I hadn't even touched before the patch.

I might not even mind the amount of time that it takes (though it would take me months to actually finish) if it weren't so goddamn plain not fun to spam FATEs over and over again. At least with the original quest you had variety of things to do, and then the first upgrade cost tomes that you could get from a number of different activities. This is the same thing over and over and over again.

There are many options to choose from if you want to get a better weapon in this game. Zodiac quest is one of them, and it does fulfill a hole in this game that many people have been asking for.

The fact there's variety of things to do has not gone anywhere. Pick your preference.
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