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#27 Mar 27 2014 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Thayos wrote:
FFXIV finally feels like FFXI! And still, a tsunami of QQ has swept across the official forums...

I, for one, like the concept of the Zodiak FATE grinding. There doesn't appear to be specific FATEs that you need to stand around and wait for... you just need to keep doing them, and wait for the drop to happen. I like this because it's completely accessible, whether you're solo or in a group of 20. It may get tedious, but at least you're moving around and playing the game.

FFXI remains the king of tedious gameplay, but let's face it... ARR needed some grindy content to give people something to shoot for.

Did about eight FATEs last night with no luck, but looking forward to getting in game tonight and getting my grind on!

Edited, Mar 27th 2014 8:24am by Thayos

so youre saying the 12 fate items drop on ANY fate? huh? i thought the crab fate would drop the crab crsyatsl but your saying any fate on that map will drop it?

I agree that dont sound right..
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#28 Mar 27 2014 at 9:57 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
so youre saying the 12 fate items drop on ANY fate? huh? i thought the crab fate would drop the crab crsyatsl but your saying any fate on that map will drop it?

So far, this appears to be the case... random drop from FATEs in the zone.

It's early, though, so we'll see if the apparent randomness keeps up.

I'm hearing that this is the case. Guess it is a good reason to spiritbond and level chocobo, at a monumentally slow pace.
#29 Mar 27 2014 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
589 posts
IT is correct. Random Fate Random Drop. Everyone should be happy right? This is what folks wanted lol. For those who only main one thing I'm sure this is awesome. For someone like me who has ever relic... /meh
#30 Mar 27 2014 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
yup im gonna have to do this for 4 jobs -_- id be fine if it was an random drop from a SPECIFIC fate... but i dont wanna have to run around the whole zone to every fate that pops up.. but then again it makes sense... why wait god knows how long for a specific fate to pop up (like with lightning fates) when you can go to any fate that spawns which might happen every 5 mins lol
#31 Mar 27 2014 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
IT is correct. Random Fate Random Drop. Everyone should be happy right? This is what folks wanted lol.

This is EXACTLY what a lot of people wanted! And while this kind of content isn't my usual cup of tea, I'm glad to have something more grindy and FFXI-esque in Eorzea now.
Thayos Redblade
#32 Mar 27 2014 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
id be fine if it was an random drop from a SPECIFIC fate... but i dont wanna have to run around the whole zone to every fate that pops up.

You could just pretend it only comes from one specific FATE and just idle at that spot until it pops. You don't have to do things the most efficient way possible. If you prefer the process take longer and don't mind browsing the web or playing games on your mobile device while you wait in one spot between FATEs, you have that option. If you prefer to be active and actually do stuff in game, you have that option too.
#33 Mar 27 2014 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
This is their response to people complaining that no one ever did FATE parties any more since dungeons were just as good. Smiley: laugh
#34 Mar 27 2014 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Not really a fan of the whole abysmal drop rate on (mostly) low level FATEs. Way to ramp up the tedium and boring.

I'm actually looking forward to the 13,500 mythotome farming or whatever it is we'll need, in comparison to this.

Edited, Mar 27th 2014 12:25pm by Fynlar
#35 Mar 27 2014 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Has anyone tagged a drop rate yet on these items? Has anyone found one yet and can shed some information as to the tediousness?
#36 Mar 27 2014 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I don't know, but the fact that I've seen numerous people mention 0/70, 0/100+ sorts of records on a single atma, combined with the fact you need twelve of these things (and is it just for ONE relic? Or does this step only have to be done once for all of them?) doesn't really bode well with me. At very best the rate might be like 5% or so. The most common estimate I'm hearing is 2%.

I'd laugh if it was the exact same odds of getting a NM atma in Abyssea in FFXI (without the red proc)
#37 Mar 27 2014 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Fynlar wrote:
I don't know, but the fact that I've seen numerous people mention 0/70, 0/100+ sorts of records on a single atma, combined with the fact you need twelve of these things (and is it just for ONE relic? Or does this step only have to be done once for all of them?) doesn't really bode well with me. At very best the rate might be like 5% or so. The most common estimate I'm hearing is 2%.

I'd laugh if it was the exact same odds of getting a NM atma in Abyssea in FFXI (without the red proc)

12 fate drops per sinle relic, I know that.

But is the 0/70 per fate or per enemy? Is the drop at the end of the FATE or after each enemy is killed? And keep in mind that the very first one on the list is mis-translated. It says Central Thanalan in game but it is actually Central Shroud. I hope they werent posting their central thanalan results, or that would be 0/infinity.

Edited, Mar 27th 2014 12:03pm by Valkayree
#38 Mar 27 2014 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
I don't know, but the fact that I've seen numerous people mention 0/70, 0/100+ sorts of records on a single atma, combined with the fact you need twelve of these things (and is it just for ONE relic? Or does this step only have to be done once for all of them?) doesn't really bode well with me. At very best the rate might be like 5% or so. The most common estimate I'm hearing is 2%.

In my opinion, the difference between these and FFXI Abyssea procs was that most people needed help to fight Abyssea NMs... you also had to farm up pop items, which could take time (and which you also needed help with, unless you were had certain jobs).

With this FATE grinding, there's no barrier keeping anyone from logging in and working toward their goals. Rather than burn lots of time looking for help, you can use that time to grind away... I much prefer burning time playing rather than burning time seeking help.

Man, for this FATE grinding, would anything be better than a PS4 and a Vita?
Thayos Redblade
#39 Mar 27 2014 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Thayos wrote:
I don't know, but the fact that I've seen numerous people mention 0/70, 0/100+ sorts of records on a single atma, combined with the fact you need twelve of these things (and is it just for ONE relic? Or does this step only have to be done once for all of them?) doesn't really bode well with me. At very best the rate might be like 5% or so. The most common estimate I'm hearing is 2%.

In my opinion, the difference between these and FFXI Abyssea procs was that most people needed help to fight Abyssea NMs... you also had to farm up pop items, which could take time (and which you also needed help with, unless you were had certain jobs).

With this FATE grinding, there's no barrier keeping anyone from logging in and working toward their goals. Rather than burn lots of time looking for help, you can use that time to grind away... I much prefer burning time playing rather than burning time seeking help.

Man, for this FATE grinding, would anything be better than a PS4 and a Vita?

Stop making me want a Vita lol
#40 Mar 27 2014 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Three hours and one Atma later, I'm already sick of this. There is nothing fun about spamming low level FATEs. There is no challenge and barely any effort involved. This is just a pure grind in the worst way. I'm not saying that I'm going to quit over this, but I wouldn't be surprised if others did.
#41 Mar 27 2014 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Turin wrote:
Three hours and one Atma later, I'm already sick of this. There is nothing fun about spamming low level FATEs. There is no challenge and barely any effort involved. This is just a pure grind in the worst way. I'm not saying that I'm going to quit over this, but I wouldn't be surprised if others did.

3 hours and you've got one of the 12 items you need. Spend 3 hours 11 more days and you'll be done in less than 2 weeks and probably right back on here ******** about not having anything to do.
#42 Mar 27 2014 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
This is quite exciting. :) This gives those of us who really want a grind what we asked for. But, at the same time, those who are only interested in one job only have to do the grind once and, as Lebarge put it, it really isn't that long of a process.

Here starts the race to all atma/animus relics! :P It just sucks that this week has been so busy for me. Haven't logged in since last night. ; ; Missing so much.
#43 Mar 28 2014 at 12:14 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Wow. I totally retract my excited post from yesterday. Grinding low level FATEs without even being able to do it on low level jobs is one of the most annoying and pointless grinds I can imagine.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#44 Mar 28 2014 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Not, at all, any different than grinding mobs in Dynamis - except this is shorter, can be done solo, and actually uses open world content.

Making content that lasts as long always, always equates a grind. In my view, at least they spread it out in multiple zones. Sure, it's a FATE grind, but how many of these fates have people actually gone to an experienced anyways?

It's smart to add mileage and relevance to overlooked content. Now it won't hurt my progress to go exploring all the fates in each zone.
#45 Mar 28 2014 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Karlina wrote:
Wow. I totally retract my excited post from yesterday. Grinding low level FATEs without even being able to do it on low level jobs is one of the most annoying and pointless grinds I can imagine.

Sort fo agree, but I have been spiritbonding my lvl 45+ jewelry and converting some level IV materia, plus leveling my chocobo, so its not all that bad.

Interesting note though, I tried about 6 different fates in 4 different areas last night. I found the Twins one off of the giant lvl 10 enemy frog at the bottom of the cliff. First try. But the ones I clear that have no "big" enemies I have found nothing.

I wonder does this matter, or can you get the atma pieces off of the regular sized mob fates as well. Based in the description it seems like you would need to kill a big monster to get the drop.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 8:24am by Valkayree
#46 Mar 28 2014 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
In case you hadn't already heard, the Quest NPC and log gives you a typo. The Atma of the Maiden drops in Central Shroud, not Central Thanalan.

Central Shroud: Atma of the Maiden
Southern Thanalan: Atma of the the Scorpion
Upper La Noscea: Atma of the Water-bearer

East Shroud: Atma of the Goat
Eastern Thanalan: Atma of the Bull
Central La Noscea: Atma of the Ram

Western Thanalan: Atma of the Twins
Outer La Noscea: Atma of the Lion
Lower La Noscea: Atma of the Fish

North Shroud: Atma of the Archer
Central Thanalan: Atma of the Scales
Western La Noscea: Atma of the Crab

You can view you log under Log > Completed Tab > Up in Arms. It does not keep track of which ones you have completed.
#47 Mar 28 2014 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Not, at all, any different than grinding mobs in Dynamis - except this is shorter, can be done solo, and actually uses open world content.

With Dynamis, every 2-hour run you did (unless you were unfortunate enough to botch it somehow and have to home point before you even got to kill anything, but at least then you wouldn't be wasting 2 hours there) got you steadily closer to your goal. Here, you can spend 2 hours camping FATEs and (very possibly) end up no better off than where you started. To me, they're very different.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 9:39am by Fynlar
#48 Mar 28 2014 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Karlina wrote:
Wow. I totally retract my excited post from yesterday. Grinding low level FATEs without even being able to do it on low level jobs is one of the most annoying and pointless grinds I can imagine.

Sort fo agree, but I have been spiritbonding my lvl 45+ jewelry and converting some level IV materia, plus leveling my chocobo, so its not all that bad.

Interesting note though, I tried about 6 different fates in 4 different areas last night. I found the Twins one off of the giant lvl 10 enemy frog at the bottom of the cliff. First try. But the ones I clear that have no "big" enemies I have found nothing.

I wonder does this matter, or can you get the atma pieces off of the regular sized mob fates as well. Based in the description it seems like you would need to kill a big monster to get the drop.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 8:24am by Valkayree

Yea I suppose you can do stuff like this to help but I agree let me do this on a low level job. I dont mind grind, let me kill 1000 mobs at least I feel like I am getting somewhere. I been tired of fates for ever. Give me some sort of trial, this randomness is odd... But yea I suppose throw on some stuff to spirit bond.
What is odd is the increase for the next relic is not even very much. Almost better going for Alagan or primal weapon unless those stats posted are wrong.

Yea I wonder too if it will turn out to be certain fates.. All I know is I tried last night and got zero atmas and so did Tes.. We didn't spend too much time because the FC need help with stuff...

This doesn't help those that are leveling and need fates when a group comes in and destroys a fate in seconds.

I do like they are not just handing you a weapon..

Also after the fates do you get another level for your relic?.. Then you do the books and that will be a separate level?

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 9:53am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#49 Mar 28 2014 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Not, at all, any different than grinding mobs in Dynamis - except this is shorter, can be done solo

Did you even play FFXI 2004? At all? Since a lot of your comparisons when you bring up XI hasn't been true since around then. Hell I've been solo and duo farming EVERY dynamis zone for over 2 years now. Hell you actually exp in Dynamis for certain stuff now (e.g Relic +2 buffed) and they die pretty fast if you're not procing for guaranteed multiple drops, e.g instead of 1-2, you can get 4-7 per mob etc or even guaranteed 100 pieces if it's a 'white' proc.

Making content that lasts as long always, always equates a grind

Welcome to MMORPGs that survives more than 6 months - 1 year after launch, XIV had plenty of grinds even prior to this, some just didn't want to admit it because they wanted to believe so badly XIV is "away from grinding". Quest based progressions are a disguised grind and even paying attention to the story you can tell a lot of it is copy/pasted with different terms in many instances.

but how many of these fates have people actually gone to an experienced anyways?

All of them. You kind of have to if you were expecting to level prior to the update to dungeon exp. Many FATEs a lot avoided because idiots ruin it, i.e the "turn in item one" spawns mobs infinitely, you can rack up a ton of exp but it takes only that one idiot to turn in the items and cut the 15 minute FATE to 20 seconds within 2 minutes, losing out on a TON of exp.

It's smart to add mileage and relevance to overlooked content.

FATEs were never overooked, people were just ******* sick and tired of them and wanted SE to boost the dungeon exp to get AWAY from FATE grinding lol.

#50 Mar 28 2014 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
What they should do is give better Gil rewards for doing Fates on a level 50 job. That way, people would keep doing them more often regardless, and lowbie Fates would be more populated.
Thayos Redblade
#51 Mar 28 2014 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Nashred wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Karlina wrote:
Wow. I totally retract my excited post from yesterday. Grinding low level FATEs without even being able to do it on low level jobs is one of the most annoying and pointless grinds I can imagine.

Sort fo agree, but I have been spiritbonding my lvl 45+ jewelry and converting some level IV materia, plus leveling my chocobo, so its not all that bad.

Interesting note though, I tried about 6 different fates in 4 different areas last night. I found the Twins one off of the giant lvl 10 enemy frog at the bottom of the cliff. First try. But the ones I clear that have no "big" enemies I have found nothing.

I wonder does this matter, or can you get the atma pieces off of the regular sized mob fates as well. Based in the description it seems like you would need to kill a big monster to get the drop.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 8:24am by Valkayree

Yea I suppose you can do stuff like this to help but I agree let me do this on a low level job. I dont mind grind, let me kill 1000 mobs at least I feel like I am getting somewhere. I been tired of fates for ever. Give me some sort of trial, this randomness is odd... But yea I suppose throw on some stuff to spirit bond.
What is odd is the increase for the next relic is not even very much. Almost better going for Alagan or primal weapon unless those stats posted are wrong.

Yea I wonder too if it will turn out to be certain fates.. All I know is I tried last night and got zero atmas and so did Tes.. We didn't spend too much time because the FC need help with stuff...

This doesn't help those that are leveling and need fates when a group comes in and destroys a fate in seconds.

I do like they are not just handing you a weapon..

Also after the fates do you get another level for your relic?.. Then you do the books and that will be a separate level?

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 9:53am by Nashred

Two more reasons not to worry so much about the tediousness.
1. 3000 FATEs gets you the paragon coat.
2. Each FATE gives you seals, and you can do 5-7 of them to get 1000 seals which buys you 5 retainer ventures to level up your peoples.

I have 4 retainers now and have all but 3 battle classes leveled to 50 so:
seals for ventures + progress to paragon coat + spiritbonding + chocobo + atma upgrade is especially important for incentive.

Edited, Mar 28th 2014 9:48am by Valkayree
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