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I'm going to miss Pharos SiriusFollow

#27 Mar 24 2014 at 2:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
No I'd rather see a newly released dungeon that teaches player valuable skills collect dust. Smiley: rolleyes

Actually, no since I never said they would be vastly superior and also remarked that adding a social scientist to their team would help them understand where the border was when it came to risk and reward. Instead, they continually take challenges away from players by continually nerfing dungeons instead of letting players figure it out themselves or eventually letting gear solve the problem. The biggest issue at the moment is not upping the gear requirement high enough, though. This was something I remarked about several times right before 2.1 hit.

But then again...when has that ever not happened so far in 14? People will always choose what is easiest to do while maximizing reward. This is why when Blizzard added the possibility of drake mounts dropping at the end to the Oculus instance as an incentive to complete the dungeon, it didn't do ****.

The reward was not worth the effort. The reward for Pharos is also not worth the effort.
#28 Mar 24 2014 at 3:52 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
If I'm not mistaken, I read they intend to make Darklight gear a straight drop now with the removal of philosophy tomes. Funnily enough, moving the old AK gear to PS was certainly one of the dungeon's early complaints levied against it alongside the item level requirements. If DL gear came here from the beginning, I think people would've been more tolerant of the difficulty, but as is, we can probably expect the DL drops to also show up in Haukke, Copperbell, and the new dungeon. So on one end, it's kinda shifting this reward problem to the new content unless SE slips in a curveball and adds more gear between 70 and 90 to serve as a stepping stone to at least 90.

Overall, if untouched or even taking the "back then" route for encouraging participation, I do agree it could've been a bit more kind with the myth tomes. Would it have turned into everyone running PS 24/7 until cap? No, and the overall difficulty would assure that WP or even AK would still see people trotting through those halls. Again, it's east for those more a veteran to the genre to say the place is easy, to kill the wolves, not stand in the goop, and all that. On the other hand, Siren's charm mechanic is not exactly something the players see or are even instructed about in other venues of the game. "Top off the person with the icon!" is easy to say, but then you add both keeping the tank alive and maintaining situational awareness about the zombies to the mix and it's easily make or break for the person at that role. I would also personally pipe up and say that the position lag was "a thing" there, as pretty much every time I thought I'd dodged her dash, I'd still get hit by it. If I actually had to rank her difficulty on roles, it'd be Healer > DPS > Tank just because add control can and does influence either if they're not up to par, either.

Alas, Siren's bosom is not reward enough for some.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#29 Mar 24 2014 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
This is why when Blizzard added the possibility of drake mounts dropping at the end to the Oculus instance as an incentive to complete the dungeon, it didn't do sh*t.

Maybe dependent upon your server, but the one I played on, the loot bag at the end of Oculus worked pretty damn well; I got it on a regular basis and only a few times you'd see a DPS drop group while most stuck around.

In fact, I myself got a drake out of one of those runs. At the time, it was on an alt, and I was ever so thankful they made mounts account-wide.

But yes, we don't need to be buffing one dungeon to be better than all the rest, unless said "extra" reward requires you to run the dungeon randomly and not specifically (like the goodie bag from Oculus did).

Blizz did this recently in MoP with a couple certain unpopular dungeons like Shado-pan Monastery; it gives 10 extra valor (or is it 15? I forget) ontop of the usual 80/40, but you ONLY get this extra reward if you got it as a Random. A lot less people drop a SPM group these days, compared to before the buff.

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 7:18am by Lyrailis
#30 Mar 24 2014 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
I wonder how many people that actually like this dungeon are Healers?
The first fight is cake as long as you dps slowly. Second isn't bad either..
The last is hell on healers.

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 11:41am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#31 Mar 24 2014 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I don't mind Pharos at all really as long as Lunatic Voice gets stopped somehow, regardless of the role that I'm playing.

Still think Copperbell is way more unforgiving than Pharos overall, though. That one is the one I hate getting on roulette, because I know in all likelihood it will be a trainwreck. Last time I got Copperbell on roulette (a few weeks ago), ended up cycling through about 10 or so different party members following wipes on all of the bosses, and ended up timing out at the end because they simply could not pass the DPS check of the final boss.
#32 Mar 24 2014 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,208 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
They really should have implemented WoW's system a little bit further: you could check off 2-3 dungeons that you absolutely did not want to do (because they realized people were leaving certain dungeons the minute they entered) and be saved from ever having to step foot in them for your 'random' daily.

This would be awesome!

Between that and maybe making it so if you choose to do an instance that is already underway, that you can choose to ONLY do instances that are already underway. That way people wouldn't need to keep leaving the queue when they realize they are in a new queue, therefore causing the rest of the people to have to wait because they are leaving the queue (happens when queueing for CT 99.9% of the time.)
#33 Mar 24 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Fynlar wrote:
I find it confusing when they say that they will nerf Pharos down to Copperbell/Haukke difficulty, because I have found Haukke to be a joke, and Copperbell to be harder than Pharos currently is. O_o

As far as Pharos itself goes, the only thing that would really make me want to run the dungeon more is if the music that played at the start continued throughout the whole thing.

Haukke is really easy, but relaxing and fun! Copperbell, man, those bombs! And the dps check on the final boss can be tough. But I've been through Pharos 3 times as tank and now that I've got the hang of beating Siren, it is really not as difficult as I once imagined. But I tend to think that Pharos slightly edges out Copperbell, due only to Siren.
#34 Mar 24 2014 at 10:30 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

The reward was not worth the effort. The reward for Pharos is also not worth the effort.

Agreed. I bet post nerf it will drop darklight.
#35 Mar 24 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Valkayree wrote:
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

The reward was not worth the effort. The reward for Pharos is also not worth the effort.

Agreed. I bet post nerf it will drop darklight.

Still why do Pharos for DL when you can do CT for level 80 gear with no restrictions unless they change the drop rate for tomes?

I suppose for the accessories...

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 12:39pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#36 Mar 24 2014 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
CT takes longer, both in the queue and in the run. The high-level dungeons will remain optimal for people who want to farm quick tomes while getting more gear that could help in CT and the early BC stages.
Thayos Redblade
#37 Mar 24 2014 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
I'm not sure whats so bad about this one. Or maybe I'm too stupid to know. Or maybe I just got good groups. I've done this exactly twice. Both via DR. First time was on Sch and I didn't know what I was doing and only one person did. We still beat it timely. 2nd time was on tank and it had been so long I didn't remember what I was doing and not everyone else did. We still beat it timely. It reminded me of some of my early wow days and was cool to be in there working it out till we won.
#38 Mar 24 2014 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Despite CT taking longer for less rewards, it's by far my favorite means of grinding tomes. Despite all the lulz and silliness. Despite the horrid drop rate (although with the change coming up that won't matter as much.) Despite the lag.

I like big group efforts, which is probably why I stuck with Dynamis for so long in XI. I want to see more of them in XIV. They're fun! Four or eight people doing a thing with maximum efficiency is fun too, but I love the chaos of a big raid.
#39 Mar 24 2014 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
Despite CT taking longer for less rewards, it's by far my favorite means of grinding tomes. Despite all the lulz and silliness. Despite the horrid drop rate (although with the change coming up that won't matter as much.) Despite the lag.

I like big group efforts, which is probably why I stuck with Dynamis for so long in XI. I want to see more of them in XIV. They're fun! Four or eight people doing a thing with maximum efficiency is fun too, but I love the chaos of a big raid.

I agree way more fun.... Lately most of my ct runs have been real good, almost like speed runs. I rarely have a bad run, seems like most of the trolls have moved on.
When you get a bad CT run though it can be real bad.

Lately I have had some runs in CT that are less than 40 min and I have had a few WP runs that lasted longer than that..
My que time for CT is nothing, I am healer though.. I Que and most of the time get in right away...
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#40 Mar 24 2014 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
This is why when Blizzard added the possibility of drake mounts dropping at the end to the Oculus instance as an incentive to complete the dungeon, it didn't do sh*t.

Maybe dependent upon your server, but the one I played on, the loot bag at the end of Oculus worked pretty damn well; I got it on a regular basis and only a few times you'd see a DPS drop group while most stuck around.

I know on Cenarius Oculus became popular as hell after the patch that introduced to the Malygos mount to the bag and it wasn't just because of that. Initially, the drakes in Oculus and in the Eye of Eternity didn't scale at all with player iLVL gear like the seige weaponry in Ulduar. I never really found them all that hard (as you could have everyone responsible for themselves OR just do a normal "All but x players spam 1, 1, 1, 2") but in a game where getting better gear made you stronger and fights easier as time went on these two instances were just stonewalls.

The place was reviled because it had one of the static style fights developers put into a game where your gear meant absolutely nothing. It was more detrimental towards the feeling of player progression than the idiotic resistance fights were up to that point and while the concept of the place was really cool and a neat departure from the standard dungeon it just didn't work when getting stronger didn't actually help you beat the fight.

Valkayree wrote:
Fynlar wrote:
I find it confusing when they say that they will nerf Pharos down to Copperbell/Haukke difficulty, because I have found Haukke to be a joke, and Copperbell to be harder than Pharos currently is. O_o

As far as Pharos itself goes, the only thing that would really make me want to run the dungeon more is if the music that played at the start continued throughout the whole thing.

Haukke is really easy, but relaxing and fun! Copperbell, man, those bombs! And the dps check on the final boss can be tough. But I've been through Pharos 3 times as tank and now that I've got the hang of beating Siren, it is really not as difficult as I once imagined. But I tend to think that Pharos slightly edges out Copperbell, due only to Siren.

My major complaint with the Gigas at the end of Copperbell isn't so much the damage requirement (which *really* isn't as bad as people make it out to be and isn't much worse than Demon Wall) but the fact that Power Attack has a 1 second arm time. There's almost no possible way for people to react most of the time and not get hit by it (slow + 2K damage) unless they're actively going after a crystal.

I do have to hand it to SE though, as I'm looking forward to seeing what the two new HM dungeons and the new Amdapor. Their HMs are miles and above more interesting than any other MMOs in terms of giving you a feel of a new dungeon while reusing art assets from a past one. It's a very good blend especially when the bosses aren't just the same as before with an extra ability, more health, and more damage output.

Catwho wrote:
Despite CT taking longer for less rewards, it's by far my favorite means of grinding tomes. Despite all the lulz and silliness. Despite the horrid drop rate (although with the change coming up that won't matter as much.) Despite the lag.

I like big group efforts, which is probably why I stuck with Dynamis for so long in XI. I want to see more of them in XIV. They're fun! Four or eight people doing a thing with maximum efficiency is fun too, but I love the chaos of a big raid.

After doing EQ guild raids, Vanilla WoW 40 mans, and leading a 25 man all the way up to the start of Cataclysm I've come to despise any large group effort. The amount of headaches and "This **** Isn't Worth It" moments has turned me off dramatically. Learning the group we were going to set up for Coil during Beta 3 was 8 man and not 24 was a nice surprise for our little group (and especially myself).

So I'm kinda pleased that aside from standard herpaderp you can get with random people in Crystal Tower it's a really enjoyable place. I still prefer, and am grateful, the fact that Coil's harder and uses a smaller team but if their larger raids are more in line with the overall feel of Crystal Tower in terms of enjoyability and re-playability I think I could start to like leading a larger force again.

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 4:28pm by Viertel
#41 Mar 24 2014 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Viertel wrote:
Maybe dependent upon your server, but the one I played on, the loot bag at the end of Oculus worked pretty damn well; I got it on a regular basis and only a few times you'd see a DPS drop group while most stuck around.

I know on Cenarius Oculus became popular as hell after the patch that introduced to the Malygos mount to the bag and it wasn't just because of that. Initially, the drakes in Oculus and in the Eye of Eternity didn't scale at all with player iLVL gear like the seige weaponry in Ulduar. I never really found them all that hard (as you could have everyone responsible for themselves OR just do a normal "All but x players spam 1, 1, 1, 2") but in a game where getting better gear made you stronger and fights easier as time went on these two instances were just stonewalls.

The place was reviled because it had one of the static style fights developers put into a game where your gear meant absolutely nothing. It was more detrimental towards the feeling of player progression than the idiotic resistance fights were up to that point and while the concept of the place was really cool and a neat departure from the standard dungeon it just didn't work when getting stronger didn't actually help you beat the fight.

My memory seems to be failing me. I thought the Oculus scaling changes were added at a different time than the mounts. >_>

But yes: I would say these changes made Oculus more viable than adding the drake incentive.

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 5:43pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#42 Mar 24 2014 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
They really should have implemented WoW's system a little bit further: you could check off 2-3 dungeons that you absolutely did not want to do (because they realized people were leaving certain dungeons the minute they entered) and be saved from ever having to step foot in them for your 'random' daily.

WoW doesn't, and never did, have this feature for PvE dungeons.

Just recently, you are able to do this with PvP Battleground Randoms, but you never had this feature for Random Dungeon (or Random Heroic). You can pseudo do this with specific Q, but you forfeit the random rewards (which is 99% of the reason why you do the dungeon in the first place).

If there was a feature to do this, then I might have been able to actually learn how to heal during Wrath of the Lich King. I started late and 8/10 times I tried Qing, I found myself in Frozen Halls with very little experience and being barely geared to get in, and damn if the 1st boss of Forge of Souls didn't absolutely wreck newbie healers if they had magic users in their group (said boss spammed AoE attacks that did damage that scaled with max mana). Only time I ever cleared that boss on my healer was the one time I was the only mana using class in the group (therefore, I was the only one taking damage from his AoE).

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 5:53pm by Lyrailis
#43 Mar 24 2014 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Yeah, getting Pharos Sirius as of an hour ago reminded me why I had stopped bothering attempting this place with random people. I don't mind sticking with groups, I really don't, but this one tests my limits just due to the stupidity of people.

Myself (PLD), a WHM, and two BRDs. No damage limit is sad but it's not needed for anything. 5 attempts on the first boss, 2 on Zu, Tyrant took 3, and after 12 attempts on Siren and timing out it was nothing more than a waste of time. Both bards that don't know how to apply DoTs for Bloodletter nor do anything but spam their AE moves.... even on bosses. Attempting to remove either bard -- as the WHM was fairly good -- didn't get anywhere.

A hard dungeon with my friends? Really cool, and makes finishing it worthwhile (Twintania first kill was euphoric as hell). Attempting to do this with people that you wonder they even know how to *breathe*? It's not worth my monthly sub to do this, repeatedly, and get nowhere.

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 6:10pm by Viertel
#44 Mar 24 2014 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
They really should have implemented WoW's system a little bit further: you could check off 2-3 dungeons that you absolutely did not want to do (because they realized people were leaving certain dungeons the minute they entered) and be saved from ever having to step foot in them for your 'random' daily.

WoW doesn't, and never did, have this feature for PvE dungeons.

Just recently, you are able to do this with PvP Battleground Randoms, but you never had this feature for Random Dungeon (or Random Heroic). You can pseudo do this with specific Q, but you forfeit the random rewards (which is 99% of the reason why you do the dungeon in the first place).

If there was a feature to do this, then I might have been able to actually learn how to heal during Wrath of the Lich King. I started late and 8/10 times I tried Qing, I found myself in Frozen Halls with very little experience and being barely geared to get in, and damn if the 1st boss of Forge of Souls didn't absolutely wreck newbie healers if they had magic users in their group (said boss spammed AoE attacks that did damage that scaled with max mana). Only time I ever cleared that boss on my healer was the one time I was the only mana using class in the group (therefore, I was the only one taking damage from his AoE).

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 5:53pm by Lyrailis

Yeah must have been BGs I was thinking of. I could have sworn there was a way to not be eligible for a specific dungeon during WotLK. Again, my faulty memory.

Doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good idea to implement in PVE, though! I would love to not be eligible for Satasha for the 18th time this week. :(
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