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I'm going to miss Pharos SiriusFollow

#1 Mar 22 2014 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm a little sad that Pharos is being nerfed.

I write this post after having to abandon my duty, because our healer abandoned as soon as Pharos loaded. I won't miss the roulette placing me with healers who can't stand anything other than a faceroll... but I will miss playing through a dungeon that requires people to pay attention in order to be successful.

A few of my best parties in the past few weeks have been with random people in Pharos. I posted about this in another thread, but taking down the first boss with just three people is one of my highlights in this game so far. This dungeon was hard at first, but now it just requires patience and attention. I actually wish there were more dungeons in this game that shared Pharos' difficulty, and not fewer.

After Patch 2.2, Pharos will be nerfed to be easier for the masses. I'm not anti-nerf, but I'm against nerfing Pharos.
Thayos Redblade
#2 Mar 22 2014 at 4:33 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Just like Cataclysm heroics, having difficult dungeons can be good if you've got a group of skilled players. It can be fun and rewarding.

However, when you use a tool like Duty Finder, or Looking for Dungeon, you have little-to-no control over what types of players, their equipment, or their skill that you will get in your groups.

Some group setups will be entirely impossible, or at the very least, infeasible to actually clear the content. This was the problem with Blizz and Cata Heroics; they wanted CC to be a thing again, BUT, only certain classes could CC certain mobtypes and they wound up with a lot of groups being unable to handle the dungeons because they were lacking the proper CC.

The only other thing you could do is not nerf Pharos, and take it off the Duty Finder list, OR, make the Duty Finder version easier, and keep the Hard Pharos being pre-made group only. Not sure if this is actually possible in FFXIV's systems or not, but I dunno how else SE is supposed to deal with the problem.

If healers, tanks, etc are dropping group the moment a dungeon loads, then yes there's a problem: they are unhappy, the players who wanted to do the instance are unhappy, everybody is unhappy. A fix was needed. You might loathe the behavior of those who don't want the hard content, but some people are playing FFXIV because they want a more casual, less-stress gaming environment. Some people are older and have slower reaction time, less hand-to-eye coordination, etc.
#3 Mar 22 2014 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Siren is a fun fight with nothing more than a competence check. However, having been in groups that have failed since 2.1 launched I can't blame people for leaving. When running it as a healer it's just not a fun place in a duty finder environment.

The amount of times that I've seen the first boss encounter fail, repeatedly, due to people not bothering with adds, or dodging the pretty shapes on the ground.... or their inability to learn that how the adds on Zu work with her enrage.... or how to interrupt Banish III if they don't have the damage to push past it.... or the inability to target adds (or even the correct ones), interrupt Lunatic Voice, or even bother to dodge anything.... it jades you. And after two months I just gave up and started to take the timer hit when it popped up.

I love the place, and REALLY love the opening music and wished it played more. It's a really cool place. But having to deal with fights that require some intelligence isn't really applicable when dealing with randoms. Too many people just don't care and want to blame collective failure on someone else.
#4 Mar 22 2014 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I find it confusing when they say that they will nerf Pharos down to Copperbell/Haukke difficulty, because I have found Haukke to be a joke, and Copperbell to be harder than Pharos currently is. O_o

As far as Pharos itself goes, the only thing that would really make me want to run the dungeon more is if the music that played at the start continued throughout the whole thing.
#5 Mar 22 2014 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
It's not a bad dungeon. They really should have implemented WoW's system a little bit further: you could check off 2-3 dungeons that you absolutely did not want to do (because they realized people were leaving certain dungeons the minute they entered) and be saved from ever having to step foot in them for your 'random' daily.

I like Pharos as well. Hoping the new dungeons are up to the challenge of taking its place. I know Diabolos fights are always fun. :D
#6 Mar 23 2014 at 12:09 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
While I'd say it's difficulty is higher than the other dungeons, I think the bigger issue was how low its item level requirements were. Raise those or nerf the dungeon, I suppose the end result is similar.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#7 Mar 23 2014 at 1:39 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
I can actually kind of see why they'd want to nerf this dungeon. I don't particularly like the nerfs, because I thought it was a lot of fun, but I think I only ever got it once in Duty Roulette where people didn't immediately leave, d/c, or wait for vote kick to be usable to get out of the time restriction. I like the suggestion someone mentioned above, where people could click a few dungeons they don't want to do in roulette. That way, the players who were only able or willing to put up with the path of least resistance wouldn't be paired up with those who were actually willing to run the more difficult dungeons. (And really, without those people constantly getting in and leaving, there'd be no need for a nerf IMO)

What really leaves me perplexed is why they'd need to further nerf AK. I mean, I would think anyone who could handle some of the higher pre-50 dungeons like Aurum Vale would find the already nerfed AK to be a cake walk. Nerfing it even further seems like a bit of overkill to me.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2014 3:54am by Susanoh
#8 Mar 23 2014 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
Susanoh wrote:
What really leaves me perplexed is why they'd need to further nerf AK. I mean, I would think anyone who could handle some of the higher pre-50 dungeons like Aurum Vale would find the already nerfed AK to be a cake walk. Nerfing it even further seems like a bit of overkill to me.

Demon Wall is still one of the hardest encounters for many DF'd parties I've been in. The nerf is an overkill if you have the ilvl to destroy the thing fast enough after the bees pop. But with a couple of sub-ilvl60 DPS winning has not been easy.

I think low ilvl Demon Wall is as hard as the current Siren. Maybe that's wrong, but in my personal experience I've wiped on the wall roughly as many times haha.
#9 Mar 23 2014 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
108 posts
Why do people play these games? The ultimate question. There are a variety of reasons, however the predominant one I see today is to dress up a barbie doll in the easiest way feasible. If a dress for barbie is hard to get, everyone drops party and hopes for the easy way out next time. Exciting challenging content? hell no. People wanna spam their predominant ability whether it be healing defense or offense for a quick win and quick tomes while everyone does the same.

What do I want to see? I want unpredictable challenging content that puts all individuals in a .... situation. Just once in a while, I want to see a Lancer actually use his defensive move "keen flurry" in a desperate tanking situation. A monk change from fists of fire to fists of earth. A whm dpsing stone like a boss when the focus is no longer healing but dps when the timer starts counting down while the PLD takes sword oath and the warrior turns off defiance.

It makes me cringe when I see people just refuse to take another role, sit back and wipe with no fight, when the main role dies. I'm impressed when a THM keeps me alive after the main healer dies in aoe.

A bit off topic sorry, but people too often abandon a challenge that may take them beyond their natural role.
#10 Mar 23 2014 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
It makes me cringe when I see people just refuse to take another role, sit back and wipe with no fight, when the main role dies.

A lot of times (at least, for me it is) I would imagine that's due to a lack of macro/hotbar space.
#11 Mar 23 2014 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
klooste8 wrote:
Why do people play these games? The ultimate question. There are a variety of reasons, however the predominant one I see today is to dress up a barbie doll in the easiest way feasible. If a dress for barbie is hard to get, everyone drops party and hopes for the easy way out next time. Exciting challenging content? hell no. People wanna spam their predominant ability whether it be healing defense or offense for a quick win and quick tomes while everyone does the same.

That's a bit harsh.

There are reasons why some people might not want nail-biting encounters, and it has nothing to do with laziness. As I said earlier in the thread, some people are older and have slower reaction times, some people can't keep track of everything on the screen at once with all the flashy spell effects flying everywhere, some people want to enjoy the game, without having to be hardcore and uber.

That doesn't mean they are "lazy", they just might not be good enough to put out the quality performance some people expect in their *random* groups. Is that a crime, not being good enough due to things like age, slow reaction times, etc?

What do I want to see? I want unpredictable challenging content that puts all individuals in a .... situation. Just once in a while, I want to see a Lancer actually use his defensive move "keen flurry" in a desperate tanking situation. A monk change from fists of fire to fists of earth. A whm dpsing stone like a boss when the focus is no longer healing but dps when the timer starts counting down while the PLD takes sword oath and the warrior turns off defiance.

Don't forget, that Random groups are Random Groups, and things like this are impossible to predict ahead of time. Does every DPS job have a "Semi tank" move? If not, then we can't put content that requires you to do so, because if you get grouped with those DPS that don't have that, then you're screwed.

It makes me cringe when I see people just refuse to take another role, sit back and wipe with no fight, when the main role dies. I'm impressed when a THM keeps me alive after the main healer dies in aoe.

It sucks when this happens, sure, but you know... when you sign up for a role, you expect to be that role, to be honest. You're geared and trained for that role. If, for example, I'm playing a DPS mage, I'm probably not geared or trained to be a qualified healer. I could try throwing out some heals, but my performance is going to be subpar and while I'm doing that, my DPS tanks horribly because I'm spending too much time casting heals, which means the whole group's DPS takes a nosedive as well.

A bit off topic sorry, but people too often abandon a challenge that may take them beyond their natural role.

Maybe some people don't like that other role you'd like them to play. For example, in WoW, for the longest time I hated healing. It just wasn't fun (esp during Late Wrath, and all of Cata). If I played a DPS priest, the very last thing I ever wanted to hear was "Hey dude, go Holy, we need a healer". I'd be like "hahaha, NOPE!" *drop group* because seriously... I.....don' (or at least I didn't at the time).

If I wanted to heal, I woulda signed up Holy in the first place.
#12 Mar 23 2014 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Pharos is undoubtedly my favorite dungeon in the game. Its pretty. Its hard. The boss fights are neat. The lore behind it is interesting. DAT MUSIC.

I get absolutely furious when I queue it and enter a run and get some roulette people who all ditch at soon as it loads. I got lucky a couple days ago and met 2 other guys who wanted to run it, but I was tanking and the healer AFKed immediately until we kicked him.

We waited a while and then dropped queue and when I reupped we all wound up in the same party again! Smiley: lol I was iffy because we had a new SCH wearing AF and WP gear, but he had skills. We ended up wiping once on each boss on the way up and killed Siren on the third try. Most fun I've had in a long time.

I'm positively butthurt that PS is getting the nerf bat. They should just make it drop 80 myth or something instead.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2014 12:57pm by DarkswordDX
#13 Mar 23 2014 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
Did it have to be nerfed? Probably not. It's trivial if you actually do it now and know what everything does...

Am i glad it has been? Definitely, because the last 5 times it came up in Roulette i havent been able to play it even once because people leave/disband before we can even start... and no one wants to bother trying it.
#14 Mar 23 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
I didnt even bother doing pharos until about a month ago. I got it in a duty roulette (for the first time ever, i usually get WP all the time) and the group stayed. That was my first time in there...and wow i was expecting somethig seriously difficult but what i saw was nothing of the sort. I honestly think anyone complaining about the difficulty was way over exaggerating. The first boss was the hardest imo, but nothing anyone shouldnt be able to do. Even siren was cake. Dodge her dashes like ifrit...and i had to silence one move every now and then (as the tank too!). the party saw at the end i was new when i got the map achievement...they congratulated me for doing so well for it being my first time. But i cant understand how people say that dungeon is hard. The mechanics of the fights arent exactly new to the game.

Maybe some of the HP of the bosses or mobs needs to be toned down...but nothing drastic like they are going to do.
#15 Mar 23 2014 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Am i glad it has been? Definitely, because the last 5 times it came up in Roulette i havent been able to play it even once because people leave/disband before we can even start... and no one wants to bother trying it.

What's funny is if you go to the official forums (caution if you do), you'll find an endless number of people complaining that the game isn't hard enough... but how many of these people refuse to battle through Pharos with others who may possess less godly skills? Smiley: wink

I enjoy the challenge of coaching up others, just as I enjoy the challenge of hard boss mechanics.
Thayos Redblade
#16 Mar 23 2014 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Fynlar wrote:
It makes me cringe when I see people just refuse to take another role, sit back and wipe with no fight, when the main role dies.

A lot of times (at least, for me it is) I would imagine that's due to a lack of macro/hotbar space.

Shift + number and you have a whole new bar (on PC). People should have back-ups set.

As for people using all of their abilities, that's all fine and good for trash. However, a lot of bosses are immune to physical debuffs, such as Feint. Slowing Titan would be awesome, but unfortunately it doesn't work. A DRG popping Keen Flurry against him still dies in 2-3 normal hits. It's disappointing.
#17 Mar 23 2014 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
What's funny is if you go to the official forums (caution if you do), you'll find an endless number of people complaining that the game isn't hard enough...

They're not avoiding it because it's difficult, they're avoiding it because other people are bad at it. After the first attempt I never had a problem with the 'safety dance' in WoW, but I hated going into Naxx because I knew a few people would fail and we'd take far longer than we needed to on an otherwise easy encounter.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#18 Mar 23 2014 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Right, I totally get that... but isn't helping other people through challenging content a "challenge" by itself? Also, in all the times I've done Pharos, I've ever truly "lost" just a couple times... once early on, I was in a group that couldn't clear the first boss... and once very recently, I was in a group that couldn't get past Siren. Every other time I ran Pharos though, my group won... and many of these groups had people who were inexperienced in the dungeon.

Just sayin'... there's really no legit reason to fear Pharos, especially for people who genuinely want to be challenged.
Thayos Redblade
#19 Mar 23 2014 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Right, I totally get that... but isn't helping other people through challenging content a "challenge" by itself?

No, it's just annoying. I personally don't care and will usually give people the 'quick 'n nasty', but it's why people don't want to go.

"I don't want to spend 10 minutes trying to explain an encounter if we're just going to wipe for another 30 mins anyway" is the general attitude in random queues. Can't say I really blame them. Especially when the level of communication these encounters require is minimal. It would be a different story if it required voice chat to call out instruction maybe.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#20 Mar 23 2014 at 5:45 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Right, I totally get that... but isn't helping other people through challenging content a "challenge" by itself?

No, it's just annoying. I personally don't care and will usually give people the 'quick 'n nasty', but it's why people don't want to go.

"I don't want to spend 10 minutes trying to explain an encounter if we're just going to wipe for another 30 mins anyway" is the general attitude in random queues. Can't say I really blame them. Especially when the level of communication these encounters require is minimal. It would be a different story if it required voice chat to call out instruction maybe.

Can't blame them, but yet can't help but to admit that's part of the problem.

But then, again, you got the people who will refuse help in any form whatsoever, and will actually take offense, no matter how polite you attempt to be when coaching someone. I don't even try it very often and the few times I do, I immediately get crap thrown in my face when the person gets offended and starts swearing at me for insinuating he doesn't know how to play.


But then I can't blame the other guy either, because most people AREN'T polite about it, and it only makes them more resistant to advice, even if it is genuine/politely worded.
#21 Mar 23 2014 at 6:45 PM Rating: Excellent
It's true that while the ability to give advice is becoming a lost art, so is the ability of people to listen to feedback.

After a couple of wipes, sometimes I'll say, "Let's review our strategy really quick," and then go over what everyone's roles should be, my own included. This always keeps people from feeling singled out, and usually results in a win (or a much improved performance, followed by a win).

Like I said... I've never dropped party upon getting Pharos in the duty finder, and I've only ever lost twice (once before I knew the proper strategy, and once when I actually had a clueless DPS). So either I'm just amazingly lucky, or the problem of players being totally helpless has been blown a bit out of proportion on the official forums.

Pharos was one of the rare run-of-the-mill dungeons in this game where that kind of interaction was often required, and that's probably part of the reason I enjoyed it so much. I very much liked the teamwork element of old-school FFXI, and this kind of harkens back to that.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2014 5:55pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#22 Mar 23 2014 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
klooste8 wrote:
Just once in a while, I want to see a Lancer actually use his defensive move "keen flurry" in a desperate tanking situation.

I've actually used Keen Flurry to initially tank the first two bosses as a dragoon for speed runs through the tonberry dungeon while the real tank holds the raging hordes off at the entrance. I couldn't do that forever, but it works for the 15 seconds needed to seal off the battlefield.
#23 Mar 23 2014 at 8:14 PM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
IMO Pharos doesn't need to be nerfed, it just needs more of an incentive to do it. If it offered better drops or more tomestones than the other level 50 dungeons people might be more inclined to stick it out. Higher reward for higher risk, that's how I would have liked to see it addressed.

Xoie wrote:
klooste8 wrote:
Just once in a while, I want to see a Lancer actually use his defensive move "keen flurry" in a desperate tanking situation.

I've actually used Keen Flurry to initially tank the first two bosses as a dragoon for speed runs through the tonberry dungeon while the real tank holds the raging hordes off at the entrance. I couldn't do that forever, but it works for the 15 seconds needed to seal off the battlefield.

I use Keen Flurry all the time when I get aggro, but maybe that's because I mostly play as a tank and I'm used to popping defensive cooldowns...
#24 Mar 23 2014 at 9:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
I really do think their team is off when it comes to designing rewards. They could use a psychologist on the team. Or at least someone who took general ed. psych. in whatever major they chose. ~_~

It's true: if you aren't really looking for some fun and just want easy mythology tomes, why would you stick with Pharos? The probability that you succeed is already low enough to be stacked against you. The rewards from each boss are pathetic and the final reward does not offset the time spent in the dungeon to make it a better option than other dungeons.

As was already mentioned, the gear requirements are a little ridiculous as is and contribute to the amount of failure. They perhaps give people a little too much credit and go with the gear level the design team thinks is relevant...when played by a team of their own.

It really confuses me.

"Hey all should be able to do this dungeon with this level of gear."
"We're getting a lot of complaints about this dungeon. Let's just nerf it."

Just a little miscommunication with not only their playerbase but their team when it comes to designing and reality.

Edited, Mar 24th 2014 1:38am by HitomeOfBismarck
#25 Mar 23 2014 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Shift + number and you have a whole new bar (on PC). People should have back-ups set.

Too cumbersome. Also, I'm not on PC.
#26REDACTED, Posted: Mar 24 2014 at 12:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Instead you would rather have players spam Pharos and only Pharos (due to the vastly superior rewards)?
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