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Is this game still completely P2P?Follow

#27 Mar 21 2014 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
lolgaxe wrote:
LucasNox wrote:
And if I give in now, when does it end? $50 a month? $100 a month?
Do you intern for Fox News? Consider it curiosity, but $15 a month for a game you don't enjoy is okay, but $19 is where you draw the line?

It's not really the $15 to $19 difference. It's the idea that Yoshi told us he wouldn't be selling us "cheap trinkets" like the F2P games have to. We could pay and get content in return reliably and we wouldn't have to worry about all this stuff.

I guess I just feel like if I give in with the $19 it really will become more and even if I draw the line at $19, I will still be supporting the "pay more to do better" aspect, which I think is just unfair to everyone. Nobody asked for this.
#28 Mar 21 2014 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
LucasNox wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
LucasNox wrote:
And if I give in now, when does it end? $50 a month? $100 a month?
Do you intern for Fox News? Consider it curiosity, but $15 a month for a game you don't enjoy is okay, but $19 is where you draw the line?

It's not really the $15 to $19 difference. It's the idea that Yoshi told us he wouldn't be selling us "cheap trinkets" like the F2P games have to. We could pay and get content in return reliably and we wouldn't have to worry about all this stuff.

I guess I just feel like if I give in with the $19 it really will become more and even if I draw the line at $19, I will still be supporting the "pay more to do better" aspect, which I think is just unfair to everyone. Nobody asked for this.

Nobody? Exaggerate much? By that token I can say everyone wants to pay NOTHING and get all of this content for 39.99, no fee and updates forever. Like I said above and JJnnyrr said, it's your view that is the problem.

Your issue is squarely in what Yoshi 'promised' and again, if you take the word of a corporate employee as worth anything other than the paper it's printed on, you are being naive. Instead of a promise, why can't you accept he or someone at SE changed their mind? There's a saying that only a fool says the same thing on Wednesday that they did on Monday, regardless of what happened on Tuesday.

I mean, are you one of those people who think Shinji Mikami should REALLY cut his head off over Resident Evil 4? Get a grip.
#29 Mar 21 2014 at 2:08 PM Rating: Excellent
People keep "forgetting" that, months ago, Yoshi-P indicated that he wasn't against F2P elements in ARR's future.

I certainly hope the game stays P2P, but anyone who thinks he's breaking promises clearly wasn't paying attention last year.

This ain't new, baby.
Thayos Redblade
#30 Mar 21 2014 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
589 posts
Thayos wrote:
People keep "forgetting" that, months ago, Yoshi-P indicated that he wasn't against F2P elements in ARR's future.

I certainly hope the game stays P2P, but anyone who thinks he's breaking promises clearly wasn't paying attention last year.

This ain't new, baby.

What's also not new is paying for a retainer. How many times must I say this? lol
#31 Mar 21 2014 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
What's also not new is paying for a retainer. How many times must I say this? lol

I know!

That said, after seeing the slides posted above, it's very obvious that developers are planning actual NEW elements of RMT in the game, but certain people right now are losing their minds (either for real or pretend, take your pick) over stuff that isn't true.
Thayos Redblade
#32 Mar 21 2014 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
nonameoflevi wrote:
Thayos wrote:
People keep "forgetting" that, months ago, Yoshi-P indicated that he wasn't against F2P elements in ARR's future.

I certainly hope the game stays P2P, but anyone who thinks he's breaking promises clearly wasn't paying attention last year.

This ain't new, baby.

What's also not new is paying for a retainer. How many times must I say this? lol

I guess people just thought that idea was a relic from the Tanaka era. It was never brought up post-ARR and neither were microtransactions until Yoshi dropped the bomb. He didn't even bother to poll his users and see if microtransactions were something they wanted. It seems like we boarded a nonstop train without even knowing it... destination pay-to-win cash shop hell.

Edited, Mar 21st 2014 4:20pm by LucasNox
#33 Mar 21 2014 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
He didn't even bother to poll his users and see if microtransactions were something they wanted. It seems like we boarded a nonstop train without even knowing it... destination pay-to-win cash shop hell.

You know, Lucas... you might be right... just to be safe, you'd better jump off the train while there's still time!

Leave me behind! Save yourself!!!

Smiley: cool
Thayos Redblade
#34 Mar 21 2014 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
I think you're totally right... looks like increased RMT activity is in the pipeline, but hard to say to what extent. To me, looks like he's leaning toward P2P with more of a cash shop, while perhaps making the game F2P in China, or something like that.

He also talks a lot about players "wanting to pay for the time they actually played" or something to that affect... so maybe instead of an item cash shop, he's considering a "F2P-ish" model in which you pay for blocks of game time, or pay a subscription for unlimited time? That would actually be a cool way to go about it... SE would still be guaranteed income from everyone who played, which would stabilize development costs.

Famitsu posted this article yesterday which includes this slide that talks about the F2P option.

There's a ton of cool stuff in those slides, too.

Man, quote with reply sucks on the mobile site. I am goingning to post in feedback on the mobile site in general when I have access to a friggin PC again. (On a plane about to head home after a week of workshops.)

Any way, this is the model I proposed many months ago. Incremental time. First ten hours free, five bucks for another block of ten hours, up to the max of the sub cost per month.

Edited, Mar 21st 2014 8:22pm by Catwho
#35 Mar 21 2014 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Dont forget about the armory chest storage space as well. Thats 25 slots PER EQUIPMENT SLOT. Thats more than enough space to have all your jobs, gathering and crafting classes fully geared. Thats 300 slots rigt there. Then the 350 (400?) slots from retainers and the 100 personal inventory slots. No one should be full on space. If anyone is maxed out thats their own problem. Learn to manage your space better because that is A LOT of space.

As for the retainer ventures...the economy is already tanked. Having more ways to obtain already readily available materials is just going to drop prices further. So as for the point made that you "need" to buy those retainers to keep up with others...i would bet my life on absolutley not.
#36 Mar 21 2014 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
You get what you pay for. Is it that far of a stretch to only want to pay for what you get? Just curious, but what made you evolve your position here Thayos? In previous threads you were always making the case that you preferred a flat fee so you could 'set and forget'. What makes you 'cool' with now being asked to pay for additional services when you were so adamant about only paying one fee for full and complete access?

My position remains unchanged.

With a "pay what you play for" model, there could still be a flat subscription fee with unlimited play time, and that's what I would do.

"Set and forget"... couldn't have said it better myself.

Your position was that micro-transactions lead developers to create grinds in their content. Hampster wheels that forced you to grind unwillingly and that you'd rather pay a flat fee to have all of the content up front. That position doesn't align with the changes they have coming. It makes sense to me that you want to pay one fee to have access to everything. It doesn't make sense to me that you think these changes 'sound cool' because they're doing exactly what you stated you didn't want. Retainers are becoming pay-walls.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#37 Mar 21 2014 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Your position was that micro-transactions lead developers to create grinds in their content. Hampster wheels that forced you to grind unwillingly and that you'd rather pay a flat fee to have all of the content up front. That position doesn't align with the changes they have coming. It makes sense to me that you want to pay one fee to have access to everything. It doesn't make sense to me that you think these changes 'sound cool' because they're doing exactly what you stated you didn't want. Retainers are becoming pay-walls.

You're right, I don't like microtransactions, and I'd prefer that retainers didn't cost extra.

That said, I don't see charging for a third retainer as a big deal. This is far, far, far from being a game dominated by micro transactions. Plus, having a third retainer won't give anyone meaningful advantages over people who only have two (I only have one, didn't even realize I could get a second one until today).

Catwho's proposed model of paying for incremental time has nothing to do with microtransactions... that's why I like it! A lot of people complain on the official forums about how they only play a few days per week, and they wish they only had to pay for that much time. With that in mind, incremental pay sounds like a fantastic idea.

So, as you can see, my position hasn't changed.

Also, by 'sounds cool,' are you referring to my mentioning of those slides? If so, you should check them out... there's a ton of interesting stuff in those slides, and most of it has nothing to do with P2P or F2P. I'm pretty sure that was just one slide. One of the slides even talked about how SE's immersion in FFXI for so long caused the company to lose touch with the modern-day MMO industry.

As I said, there's a lot of cool stuff in those slides!

Edited, Mar 21st 2014 8:20pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#38 Mar 21 2014 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
Of course I will pay those extra $4.
But i don`t like the direction this is going anyway.
While the extra money is of no real concern, I do not like that paying more means getting a tangible advantage in a game I play to escape from the market logic of the real world.
#39 Mar 21 2014 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
It just seems strange to me that there would be a cost on top of your subscription. In almost any F2P/P2P hybrid, this would be something that non-sub players would have to pay for and subscribers would have access to. Seems like double ding to me, but if you guys are happy with it... carry on Smiley: wink

Edited, Mar 22nd 2014 12:28am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#40 Mar 22 2014 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
It just seems strange to me that there would be a cost on top of your subscription. In almost any F2P/P2P hybrid, this would be something that non-sub players would have to pay for and subscribers would have access to. Seems like double ding to me, but if you guys are happy with it... carry on

Yes, it is plain strange. I happily pay the subscription fee, and I actually kept paying it throughout my 3-month winter hibernation.
And if they had just said that subscription fees will rise by 200 yen, well, I would have been o.k. with it.

But why the heck do I pay a subscription as a replacement to micro-transactions, which is supposed to grant me access to the FULL game,
then have to pay micro-transactions on top of that to experience the full game? I mean, that is a little... hard to understand, to say the least!

It's not really the $15 to $19 difference. It's the idea that Yoshi told us he wouldn't be selling us "cheap trinkets" like the F2P games have to. We could pay and get content in return reliably and we wouldn't have to worry about all this stuff.

I guess I just feel like if I give in with the $19 it really will become more and even if I draw the line at $19, I will still be supporting the "pay more to do better" aspect, which I think is just unfair to everyone. Nobody asked for this.

And all his usual whining aside, that`s pretty much how I feel, too. Somehow "cheated". Definitely not enough to throw the towel, but still it leaves a sour aftertaste in my mouth! Smiley: glare

Edited, Mar 22nd 2014 2:15am by Rinsui
#41 Mar 22 2014 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
Rinsui wrote:

But why the heck do I pay a subscription as a replacement to micro-transactions, which is supposed to grant me access to the FULL game,

Please do understand that this is an expectation you have created out of thin air, which may not be realistic in the least.

Of course you're entitled to this expectation but it will simply leave to you being disappointed in the long run.

Subscription gives us a lot of value in the form of content patches that no other MMO can pump out in this day and age. That's what a subscription should give us too. If it didn't this game would not be a P2P game. The customers would agree on this, and SE knows this.

Subscription does NOT grant us access to the "full game". It is the catalyst to keep SE pumping out large volumes of content. This was apparent the moment SE announced CE bonus items (or when they made us pay extra for retainers back in 1.0......). Subscription is not a "replacement" to micro-transactions. Subscription gives us more than micro-transactions could ever hope to.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2014 6:38am by Hyanmen
#42 Mar 22 2014 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Rinsui wrote:

But why the heck do I pay a subscription as a replacement to micro-transactions, which is supposed to grant me access to the FULL game,

Please do understand that this is an expectation you have created out of thin air, which may not be realistic in the least.

Of course you're entitled to this expectation but it will simply leave to you being disappointed in the long run.

Subscription gives us a lot of value in the form of content patches that no other MMO can pump out in this day and age. That's what a subscription should give us too. If it didn't this game would not be a P2P game. The customers would agree on this, and SE knows this.

Subscription does NOT grant us access to the "full game". It is the catalyst to keep SE pumping out large volumes of content. This was apparent the moment SE announced CE bonus items (or when they made us pay extra for retainers back in 1.0......). Subscription is not a "replacement" to micro-transactions. Subscription gives us more than micro-transactions could ever hope to.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2014 6:38am by Hyanmen

If you think that is cool, I guess it is cool for you. I, for y part, keep wondering why there has to be two different payment systems for one game. Feels like being tricked. Like, hey, pay us monthly for this awesome game. And suddenly its pay us monthly, then pay us even more for a ba boost in EXP, drops, or retainer slots. I thought my subscription should cover that.

#43 Mar 22 2014 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Rinsui wrote:

But why the heck do I pay a subscription as a replacement to micro-transactions, which is supposed to grant me access to the FULL game,

Please do understand that this is an expectation you have created out of thin air, which may not be realistic in the least.

Of course you're entitled to this expectation but it will simply leave to you being disappointed in the long run.

Subscription gives us a lot of value in the form of content patches that no other MMO can pump out in this day and age. That's what a subscription should give us too. If it didn't this game would not be a P2P game. The customers would agree on this, and SE knows this.

Subscription does NOT grant us access to the "full game". It is the catalyst to keep SE pumping out large volumes of content. This was apparent the moment SE announced CE bonus items (or when they made us pay extra for retainers back in 1.0......). Subscription is not a "replacement" to micro-transactions. Subscription gives us more than micro-transactions could ever hope to.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2014 6:38am by Hyanmen

If you think that is cool, I guess it is cool for you. I, for y part, keep wondering why there has to be two different payment systems for one game. Feels like being tricked. Like, hey, pay us monthly for this awesome game. And suddenly its pay us monthly, then pay us even more for a ba boost in EXP, drops, or retainer slots. I thought my subscription should cover that.

#44 Mar 22 2014 at 1:36 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
Ok, first thoughts on this haven't really changed. Basically, subscribers have full access to everything in this game, while there is an option for those who pay extra to effectively double your "bank" inventory slots, and double your potential selling power on a single character. I don't know much about what the new retainer leveling/farming content is, but it may or may not give you greater options for this new content as well. While it is certainly not required to play the game, many may find that they'd really like to have the benefits of hiring extra retainers and decide to pay for them. The part that I'm not a fan of is that this type of restriction being placed behind a pay wall is similar to what you see in free to play games, without the added benefit of actually being free to play. Players generally don't play free games because they just love paying to remove restrictions. They play free games because they're free, and put up with the restrictions because they are how those games make their money. Expecting unrestricted access in a free to play game would be completely unrealistic, as the game would have no way of raking in any cash. So basically, by adding the same type of restrictions to a pay to play game, what we have is the negative side effects that come with free to play games, but without the benefits. Not something I find initially appealing.

But since the pricing was just announced recently, let's look at that for a bit. Rather than a flat rate cash shop style purchase, they've announced that retainers will be tied to a subscription and paid for incrementally. This can be seen as good or bad depending on how you look at it. One major difference that this causes is that, unlike with flat rate prices where everyone pays the same price, how much these retainers end up costing you depends primarily on how long you keep them and how long you play. Retainers each cost $2 extra, with a max of two extra retainers if I've read this right. So if we were to do a price break down between someone on the "entry" level subscription of $13 a month (it may be more or less depending on your plan and whether you have legacy status, I chose this plan because it's in the middle) for someone who wants unrestricted retainer access vs. someone on the same subscription plan who simply doesn't mind the restrictions in place, here's what we get for a few different scenarios.

Entry subscription with nothing extra. Entry subscription with 2 retainers. Total cost of just the two retainers.
6 month subscription: $78 $102 $24
1 year subscription: $156 $204 $48
2 year subscription: $312 $408 $96
5 year subscription: $780 $1020 $240

So after a quick look at that, it seems that the 6 month subscriber who wants unrestricted access is paying $24 more than the guy who doesn't mind going without. For someone who is in it for the long haul, though, like the 5 year subscriber? They're paying $240 more than the first guy for unrestricted retainer access, or $120 per retainer. Smiley: lol

Honestly, after breaking this down and seeing what this comes out to be, I don't even know what to say about their pricing. I guess I'll just say that I'm not a fan for now and leave it at that.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2014 3:37am by Susanoh
#45 Mar 22 2014 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
Rinsui wrote:

If you think that is cool, I guess it is cool for you. I, for y part, keep wondering why there has to be two different payment systems for one game. Feels like being tricked. Like, hey, pay us monthly for this awesome game. And suddenly its pay us monthly, then pay us even more for a ba boost in EXP, drops, or retainer slots. I thought my subscription should cover that.

To be quite honest with you there are no two different payment systems for this game. There is only P2P with various monthly payment options. Starter/standard options and now an extra retainer option. Your expectation was unrealistic from the very beginning, unfortunately.

I don't see how you would feel tricked by this though. Your subscription gets you exactly the same features and content that it did from the very beginning. What comes on top of that is where you will pay the extra. The subscription fee has given us great value and will continue to do so.
#46 Mar 22 2014 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Rinsui wrote:

If you think that is cool, I guess it is cool for you. I, for y part, keep wondering why there has to be two different payment systems for one game. Feels like being tricked. Like, hey, pay us monthly for this awesome game. And suddenly its pay us monthly, then pay us even more for a ba boost in EXP, drops, or retainer slots. I thought my subscription should cover that.

To be quite honest with you there are no two different payment systems for this game. There is only P2P with various monthly payment options. Starter/standard options and now an extra retainer option. Your expectation was unrealistic from the very beginning, unfortunately.

I don't see how you would feel tricked by this though. Your subscription gets you exactly the same features and content that it did from the very beginning. What comes on top of that is where you will pay the extra. The subscription fee has given us great value and will continue to do so.

What they did there was selling typical cash-shop item with a tangible benefit for $24 a year.
#47 Mar 22 2014 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
Rinsui wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Rinsui wrote:

If you think that is cool, I guess it is cool for you. I, for y part, keep wondering why there has to be two different payment systems for one game. Feels like being tricked. Like, hey, pay us monthly for this awesome game. And suddenly its pay us monthly, then pay us even more for a ba boost in EXP, drops, or retainer slots. I thought my subscription should cover that.

To be quite honest with you there are no two different payment systems for this game. There is only P2P with various monthly payment options. Starter/standard options and now an extra retainer option. Your expectation was unrealistic from the very beginning, unfortunately.

I don't see how you would feel tricked by this though. Your subscription gets you exactly the same features and content that it did from the very beginning. What comes on top of that is where you will pay the extra. The subscription fee has given us great value and will continue to do so.

What they did there was selling typical cash-shop item with a tangible benefit for $24 a year.

Yeah, they've been doing that ever since they separated the character slots into starter/standard options (if we're talking about ARR specifically).This is pretty much exactly what XI has done since 2002 too: P2P with various monthly payment options.

I don't know if we can claim that after 12 years XI suddenly has not been a P2P game all along. Paying a larger sub fee for additional features does not turn a P2P game into a hybrid one.
#48 Mar 22 2014 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Rinsui wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Rinsui wrote:

If you think that is cool, I guess it is cool for you. I, for y part, keep wondering why there has to be two different payment systems for one game. Feels like being tricked. Like, hey, pay us monthly for this awesome game. And suddenly its pay us monthly, then pay us even more for a ba boost in EXP, drops, or retainer slots. I thought my subscription should cover that.

To be quite honest with you there are no two different payment systems for this game. There is only P2P with various monthly payment options. Starter/standard options and now an extra retainer option. Your expectation was unrealistic from the very beginning, unfortunately.

I don't see how you would feel tricked by this though. Your subscription gets you exactly the same features and content that it did from the very beginning. What comes on top of that is where you will pay the extra. The subscription fee has given us great value and will continue to do so.

What they did there was selling typical cash-shop item with a tangible benefit for $24 a year.

Yeah, they've been doing that ever since they separated the character slots into starter/standard options (if we're talking about ARR specifically).This is pretty much exactly what XI has done since 2002 too: P2P with various monthly payment options.

I don't know if we can claim that after 12 years XI suddenly has not been a P2P game all along. Paying a larger sub fee for additional features does not turn a P2P game into a hybrid one.

Your opinion, duly noted.
#49 Mar 22 2014 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
Perhaps I'm looking at this a little differently, or it's the beer. Either way I thought I'd post this for the benefit of anyone interested:

I see Nox's arguments and he's truly and honestly against paying a subscription fee. Without saying it, it's obvious in the majority of his posts that he is against having to pay for a game he feels is inferior and sub-par from a sub-par development team (quite the freaking narcissist).

I see the argument Thayos is putting up and the support with Catwho's subscription plan, and the overall temperature of the community water is that the $2 isn't terrible, but where it's leading isn't ideal.

My next statement isn't a knock on kids playing the game -- I absolutely love seeing youth playing XIV, they can be quite fun and knowledgable and damn well better skilled and patient than I am when I'm playing. I'm a working adult. I work a decent job and I live in a decently sized bachelor pad (1800 sq ft, middle of the desert where power and water is a premium). You can size up my expenses as ~$4k in, ~$2.5k out for bills, $500/m in other necessities. I'm posting that to provide some comparative reference for anyone interested in playing 'mine is bigger than yours'.

I started playing XIV during Beta 3. I was a 1.0 player and back then I didn't feel that the game had as much 'oomph' as it needed, much like many other players felt. I also wasn't as economically stable as I am now. Coming into 2.0, though, I was very confident. After Beta 3 my confidence was solidified. Like any other rational human being I accepted a few global truths:

1) Out of the game, something will be broken.
2) It's going to take a little bit for the game to really plant it's feet and have a solid philosophical foundation.
3) There will be a crowd of people who hate it just as much as those who will like it.
4) At the end of the day, everyone's opinion is worth about the same as anyone else's. Don't be told otherwise.

I can't remember if it was around Beta 4 that they announced the 'official' subscription table, but whenever they did, I knew around that time that, like XI, I'd be playing for many many years. I estimated that I'd be getting at least 6 years of life out of the game and, if not, I'd at least enjoy the game for it's worth. Calculating my legacy subscription fee at $10/m, for 6 years I'd be paying $720.

Bought me an AMEX Bluebird card, loaded it up with $720 cash, and set a reminder to renew the card before any funds expired. Bam. True set and forget. I've done the same thing with EVE Online which is running towards the end of the time I've allotted for it. Note to self.

With an extra $4/m, we're talking about $288 I'd need to add to the Bluebird card.


If a one-time cost of $288 breaks me... I have more important life-changing things to be doing than playing an MMO.

So to follow through with your next argument, Nox, what about the next time they add something? If I really want it, I'll tally it up for the remainder of the life I'm giving this MMO and add it on. And I'll keep doing it. And if I just don't like the feature, I won't set aside more cash for it. I'm not a narcissist -- I enjoy the game, and the super tiny little fee it costs me is piddly **** in the vast scheme of life.

My point is, why are we squabbling over $4/m rather than squabbling over our quality of life? Is our happiness that fragile that $4/m sets us over the edge? If so... are we really doing what we need to do to be happy in our lives in the first place?
#50 Mar 22 2014 at 10:58 PM Rating: Excellent
I have 6 characters on my FFXI account. One is played regularly. Two are played semi-regularly. Three are basically extra storage. I've had those six guys since 2005 or so (I ramped up when I first started playing - didn't have the last couple of them in 2004.)

Each extra character in XI is $1/month. That's an extra five bucks a month I've been playing for 8 years. $480 for those counting at home. And still going.

Never once did I ever complain about the cost of the extra characters. Lots of other people did, especially since WoW let you level multiple characters for free. But that was SE's model, and I let them charge me extra for those desperately needed item slots all these years because I felt the exchange was fair.

For a while I even had a second account, with another four characters, at an additional cost of $15.95 a month. That was so I could play on my laptop (later on in two monitors) and dual box the second round of characters while in Dynamis. $4 per character per month to hand out hourglasses so people could get into the dungeon after it started. (I eventually leveled up white mage on my Dyna mule Montiont because I thought it was funny to have a tall elf guy healing my teeny Tarutaru.)

This is a hobby for me. It's not unusual for people to invest money - lots of money - into their hobbies. We think we've got it bad? Talk to the Warhammer folks, forking out $6 for a single unpainted miniature and spending thousands on a custom battle table that will eventually end up being stored in the basement.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2014 1:01am by Catwho
#51 Mar 22 2014 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
I have 6 characters on my FFXI account ... Each extra character in XI is $1/month. That's an extra five bucks a month I've been playing for 8 years. $480 for those counting at home. And still going.

This is a hobby for me. It's not unusual for people to invest money - lots of money - into their hobbies. We think we've got it bad? Talk to the Warhammer folks, forking out $6 for a single unpainted miniature and spending thousands on a custom battle table that will eventually end up being stored in the basement.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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