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#127 Mar 19 2014 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
If anything, I'd bet the opposite and that either Wildstar or TESO or both go F2P before XIV does. Just based on the beta feedback I've heard.

F2P simply means no monthly subscription cost, however. All of them could start giving away clients for next to nothing.
#128REDACTED, Posted: Mar 19 2014 at 5:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That wasn't my bet. I bet that XIV will go F2P within 6 months of TESO & WildStar's launch.
#129 Mar 19 2014 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
I think ARR has a much better chance of staying P2P while having a very small, very selective cash shop.
Thayos Redblade
#130 Mar 19 2014 at 6:45 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
LucasNox wrote:
You guys could just not leave but not pay for the extras either. It's actually not that hard, with a little mental training. Or if you want to pay but set some limits for yourself, be like, "I'll only buy one costume a month!"

If Naoki Yoshida is telling the truth and their microtransactions don't affect game balance then it shouldn't be a problem but many have said this before and it usually ends up being a lie. Only a few F2P games do it right to this day.

But even if a few items do affect game balance like speeding up a certain process, you can limit yourself. I do. I didn't buy any DLC for LR and I only bought Ezio costume for XIII-2 (loved it). Too familiar with this BS to keep falling for it completely, haha.

I play League of Legends with some buddies and I don't go overboard. I might get a new skin every once in a while and it gives me tons of gameplay hours in return. The population that F2P opens up to who only buy a little ends up being so profitable because of strength in numbers and all that. Even buying one costume every however-long ends up being a lot. You don't have to be one of those rumored low % who end up funding the whole game with your rampant, uncontrollable spending.

Edited, Mar 19th 2014 6:51pm by LucasNox

Honestly man.. I cant fault you for your skepticism.. Ive been burned on that several times too. For instance Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden. Both of those games were re-released full price and only added couple characters and costumes.. MAYBE 20mins extra game play.. At 59.99! lol.. they might have put out an upgrade package a little (I never saw it but thats not to say they didnt do it.) later but i know some people bought the game again just for it.

As for Yoshi.. Aside from SOME thing being later than he hoped for, the is pretty honest as far as I can tell. I've read multiple interviews watched every live letter and read ever letter hes put out. As far as I am concerned he is more than just a decent producer. He has delivered. Having all DOW/DOM classes (aside from 21 sch) capped occasionaly I do get bored but thats only at about the time the next patch is coming out.

Could it use improvement? Definitely! But the game is awesome and I love Yoshi and his crew for all the hard work and sleepless nights they have put into the game. I have not even a shadow of doubt in my mind that this game will still be P2P for the foreseeable future.

Edited, Mar 19th 2014 8:46pm by SaitoMishima
#131 Mar 19 2014 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
However, I couldn't get into a game where I'd have to pay for meaningful content that I couldn't get in the game with a reasonable effort (by that, I mean I'm not cool with "farm 5,000 of these or pay $5 at the cash shop!" which is clearly angled to funnel people toward the cash shop).

If XIV goes F2P it would be restricted to aesthetics like appearance changes(they already have fantasia), outfits and weapon skins or mounts and minions. Why do people keep assuming that you'd be able to pay for progression? There are loads of account services that SE could provide to players that have 0 impact on the game outside of the way your character looks. This game is made to appease everyone anyway, why not allow people to decide whether or not to pay for service.

I honestly think what SE did with housing was worse than what you say you don't like about F2P games. Instead of lining their own pockets, they funneled players toward participating in RMT to achieve their goals. Wouldn't we rather have the money going to SE for future development instead of a company that will use it to foster more bots?

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#132 Mar 19 2014 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Thayos wrote:
However, I couldn't get into a game where I'd have to pay for meaningful content that I couldn't get in the game with a reasonable effort (by that, I mean I'm not cool with "farm 5,000 of these or pay $5 at the cash shop!" which is clearly angled to funnel people toward the cash shop).

If XIV goes F2P it would be restricted to aesthetics like appearance changes(they already have fantasia), outfits and weapon skins or mounts and minions. Why do people keep assuming that you'd be able to pay for progression? There are loads of account services that SE could provide to players that have 0 impact on the game outside of the way your character looks. This game is made to appease everyone anyway, why not allow people to decide whether or not to pay for service.

I honestly think what SE did with housing was worse than what you say you don't like about F2P games. Instead of lining their own pockets, they funneled players toward participating in RMT to achieve their goals. Wouldn't we rather have the money going to SE for future development instead of a company that will use it to foster more bots?

Lol cant say i dont agree with you on the housing issue (I think they did it just because they didnt have enough faith that their servers could take the load of all the houses being built.. could be wrong though). But you dont think the choice of having it f2p AND p2p will put a damper on how fast content is put out? I thought I read that that was Yoshi's fear of doing both.

Edited, Mar 19th 2014 9:00pm by SaitoMishima
#133 Mar 19 2014 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
If you mean that housing was a great way to smoke out gil buyers, I agree. Driving people to rmt? Those of us who knew better simply got good at making money. I've made about two million gil in the game now, all honestly.

Several folks on Lamia that bought gil to buy a house got caught and banned and their houses nuked.
#134 Mar 19 2014 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
SaitoMishima wrote:
Lol cant say i dont agree with you on the housing issue (I think they did it just because they didnt have enough faith that their servers could take the load of all the houses being built.. could be wrong though). But you dont think the choice of having it f2p AND p2p will put a damper on how fast content is put out? I thought I read that that was Yoshi's fear of doing both.

Not any more of a damper than already exists. The reason people get bored and leave quickly is because content isn't being pumped out fast enough. The problem is only complicated for SE by the fact that they're still behind where they wanted to be, they have the added burden of pushing out a PS4 release and they seem to be far too focused on adding auxiliary content like /dance moves, dresses and hairstyles.

I'm not a fortune teller(though most of my XIV predictions have come to pass), but it's pretty certain that SE would make more money if they went F2P/P2P hybrid and offered these emotes and outfits in a cash shop. Don't really need to look any further than the outcry for fantasia being made a purchasable consumable from MogStation. Even if you ignore that, there were NA players trying to obtain the EU/JP time cards to unlock their veteran rewards faster. Hell, just compare the items in the Blizzard store to the items available in the Square Enix store.

SE has the added bonus of holdings that produce loads of merchandise. CDs and DVDs, books, comic books and graphic novels, action figures and figurines, clothing and apparel, jewelry and keychains, prints and original art...

SE isn't my business to run, but if it were I'd damn sure use as much of the resources available as catalysts to propel business in all areas. If you buy a music CD you get a code for some in-game music related swag(as they did in FFXI). You could purchase a plush toy and receive a code to allow you to summon the same minion in-game. Maybe if you purchase a figurine you get the ability to summon that mob as a personal mount.

I find it odd that the company seems content with restricting their playerbase and the players seem to fall in line without any rational explanation.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#135 Mar 19 2014 at 9:09 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
LucasNox wrote:
Still waiting on an answer as to why they should be Cash Shop instead of a quest.

Absolutely no reason why. But it's SE's call to choose one way over the other.

preludes wrote:
Oh and FFXI isn't a good comparison here, extra characters ... never gave anywhere near as big a benefit as these will.

I beg to differ. Extra characters let you do more gardening, which was extremely profitable for a really long time. And unlike XIV, gil was actually important for progression in XI. I would argue that retainers will never be as useful to this game as extra characters were in XI.
#136 Mar 19 2014 at 9:38 PM Rating: Excellent
If you buy a music CD you get a code for some in-game music related swag(as they did in FFXI). You could purchase a plush toy and receive a code to allow you to summon the same minion in-game. Maybe if you purchase a figurine you get the ability to summon that mob as a personal mount.

This is the kind of RMT that I'd actually be OK with... an occasional item that comes with a very small in-game token.

Not OK would be making several new armor skins/weapon skins/mounts/etc. that aren't available in the game with a reasonable effort, such as the completion of a FATE quest. If people wanted to skip the easy quest and pay $5 for something I could get in 30 minutes, then I'd be fine with that.
Thayos Redblade
#137 Mar 19 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, I never considered my toys in XI to be rmt since I got a physical product in addition to the in game bauble. I still have my chirping chocobo chick and my Leviathan pendant. I will have those things even if they shut down the servers, so I was fine paying extra for them at the time.

I honestly don't know if I will be buying an extra retainer myself. With 40 slots on the two I have, I have enough trouble filling them with things worthy to sell. I have inventory issues in my pockets but that is only because of the crafting materials I keep on hand. The retainers are never full.... yet.

I had five mules in XI. One for harvesting, one for selling things in Jeuno (when the AHs were separate), one for cranking out low level gold smith items, one for cooking (got her to 80+), and one eventually for holding all my Abyssea crap.
#138 Mar 19 2014 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
The thing that's a little worrying is that he specifically says right after it that "we're also making retainers more useful" and is kinda vague, so we'll see. You guys are all making the argument that extra Cash Shop retainers aren't needed right now anyway and dismissing Naoki Yoshida's comments that he's improving them as well as offering them for dollars.
#139REDACTED, Posted: Mar 20 2014 at 4:15 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#140 Mar 20 2014 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, and just like they can cut development budgets, Square Enix can easily tell Naoki Yoshida to make FFXIV into a F2P game and there's nothing that he can do about it. Many of you complained about Cash Shops for a F2P game, but when a P2P game does it, you're fine? That just means the whole thing is twice as expensive. Your logic is stupid and bad and actually kind of downright embarrassing. A lot of their loyal, hardcore fans have been playing Final Fantasy for 20 years and I doubt Square Enix just going to let some (let's face it) random and easily disposable developer run public opinion of their baby into the ground. I think he created some maps for Bomberman, once? Yeah, really relevant.

I'd like to see who/where would offer a big job to Naoki Yoshida if he loses this project. Somehow I don't think publishers are looking for his "fresh, new take" on WoW to really get the market reeling. He's a box man. He repackaged a game. He created nothing. He took things from WoW and RIFT and applied them to the game and world that Tanaka created. Let's be realistic please. If he wants to ruin my game, he can leave and nobody will miss him/need him. He is not a respectable creator, he is a box man.

You can rationalize it all you want and I don't know why you choose to defend the corporation over the average consumer but clearly that's how your mind works, but anyway subscription+box fee+cash shop doesn't look good and is expensive. It does look bad and people are responding. It's not just some trolls like you think.

Edited, Mar 20th 2014 6:51am by LucasNox
#141 Mar 20 2014 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
LucasNox wrote:
You can rationalize it all you want and I don't know why you choose to defend the corporation over the average consumer but clearly that's how your mind works, but anyway subscription+box fee+cash shop doesn't look good and is expensive. It does look bad and people are responding. It's not just some trolls like you think.

I don't know why you choose to act like the average consumer is a drooling idiot. Consumers have all the power to leave if they are not happy. If they don't actually leave but "respond" on a forum (like people "responded" to the size of miqo'te's butt and grass textures) then clearly nothing worth any concrete action is happening.

SE will try their best to not go so far as to do something that causes their consumers to leave the game. They clearly cannot do what they want.

When you finally realize the fact that the concept of "cash shop" means absolutely nothing out of context and neither does subscription, you may be able to come to terms that no massive exodus is about to happen. "Cash shop + sub + box fee" does not make a game look bad and expensive, what do you actually get with the "cash shop + sub + box fee" does. Consumers are smart enough to know this.

Why are you so anti-consumer LucasNox?
#142 Mar 20 2014 at 7:22 AM Rating: Excellent
65 posts
I think I'm about a hundred or so posts late to the party, but I figured I'd share my opinion anyway.

I think that in a lot of peoples' minds, the P2P model was supposed to exempt FFXIV from all the cash-shop craziness. Whether or not that was a good assumption to make is another issue altogether, but I think it's the assumption a lot of people made.

Personally, I won't be shocked if SE does go that route and introduce a cash-shop, but I will be a little disappointed. Only a little, though. As someone that plays mostly console games, I think I've already used up most of my consumer outrage on release day DLC and $20 map packs. I think it's a money making model that's proven to be effective, and game developers are going to use that model until it isn't effective anymore.

A third retainer seems like a strange place to start a cash-shop to me, though. I haven't heard of storage being an issue for most people. My own storage space is getting a bit tight, but that's because I tend to hoard things. If anything, I'd rather have 10 or 15 more ring slots in my armory chest. I also wouldn't rule out the possibility of being able to unlock a third retainer through in-game means, and perhaps a 4th retainer is the one you pay for.
#143 Mar 20 2014 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Turin wrote:

No more Philosophy after 2.2
Myth will take Philosophy's place
There will be an NPC around to trade Phil for Myth.

I would suggest capping philo tomes if you haven't already. Hopefully the exchange rate will be one to one, but I doubt it.

I doubt it as well. But yes, upon hearing this I plan on capping Philo and Myth as much as I can before the patch. With two characters, that is likely going to allow me to cash in a bit when it comes to the new crafting mats available though Myth, depending on how quickly the market saturates.

Edit:Fixing format.

Edited, Mar 19th 2014 5:58pm by Hyrist

My question is with out those tomes how will the first phase of a relic go? The whole quest will have to change.. It sounds like the new tomes will be for a upgrade, so they just cant roll you to the next set of tomes.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#144 Mar 20 2014 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I think ARR has a much better chance of staying P2P while having a very small, very selective cash shop.

I know I said I would stay out but that's not going to happen..If SE gets away with this there will be more. It is just like taxes they dont go away they just go up and more.
You know who is running the show now.. He said it: investors. Oh and you said there were no investors.If you read between the line they are going to add more pay stuff... Greed has set in. They lost so much money and now they have to try and find away to get it back. !.0 hurt this game way beyond what anyone can guess. Problem with investors is they only care about their money short term and dont care about the long term.


The development of a MMORPG requires an incredible investment. It takes a lot of money raised from investors, and if you don't get the number of users you planned for at the start of your subscription service, the investors might immediately go into panic mode trying to figure out how to increase profit. These games might be forced to go F2P so that they can use the revenue to return the money to their investors.

Am I going to buy a retainer, yes because I need one, am I happy about it no.. Is it turning me more negative on the game yes. Could it make me quit the game, eventually yes especially if I see more..

As far as rmt SE is make no effort to catch them, I have like a 50+ on my ban list with two deleted. Really two, I could catch more that SE has,. RMT tells on my server are on the rise again.. What I have not see many of lately are bots. It seems they went after the bots but dont care about the rmt.

Edited, Mar 20th 2014 9:38am by Nashred

Edited, Mar 20th 2014 9:42am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#145 Mar 20 2014 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
Nashred wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I think ARR has a much better chance of staying P2P while having a very small, very selective cash shop.

I know I said I would stay out but that's not going to happen..If SE gets away with this there will be more. It is just like taxes they dont go away they just go up and more.
You know who is running the show now.. He said it: investors. Oh and you said there were no investors.If you read between the line they are going to add more pay stuff... Greed has set in.

Am I going to buy a retainer, yes because I need one, am I happy about it no.. Is it turning me more negative on the game yes. Could it make me quit the game, eventually yes especially if I see more..

Is this even possible?

I do like your logic that SE totally wouldn't try to profit off of the game as much as possible even without investors (so the investors must be running the show now). Makes absolutely no sense but I guess that's not a requirement to having an opinion.
#146 Mar 20 2014 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I think ARR has a much better chance of staying P2P while having a very small, very selective cash shop.

I know I said I would stay out but that's not going to happen..If SE gets away with this there will be more. It is just like taxes they dont go away they just go up and more.
You know who is running the show now.. He said it: investors. Oh and you said there were no investors.If you read between the line they are going to add more pay stuff... Greed has set in.

Am I going to buy a retainer, yes because I need one, am I happy about it no.. Is it turning me more negative on the game yes. Could it make me quit the game, eventually yes especially if I see more..

Is this even possible?

I do like your logic that SE totally wouldn't try to profit off of the game as much as possible even without investors (so the investors must be running the show now). Makes absolutely no sense but I guess that's not a requirement to having an opinion.

I edited my message above with his quote on investors. SE is a publicly traded company and have been loosing allot of money for years.. SE is probably under a lot of pressure to make the money back.. Those losses had to be financed by someone. FFXIV is very successful and SE sees a opportunity to make some money back.. I feel sorry for Yoshida because he has to go along with this even if he dont want too.. Sad really because investors can wreck a company in no time, look at Carl Icahn he has got rich doing it... The statement above is a general statement but it lets you know by him on what can happen and force people to Free to play model . The fact he even mentioned investors he is letting you know who is really running the show.

Right now I enjoy the game but fun comes at a price.. It gets to expensive I will go some where else and that's all there is too it. I just hope he dont continue to go down that slope.. He is trying to combine both models here no matter what anyone thinks.. I looked up other stuff on quotes he has said in the past and he has said there wil be micro-transaction in this game all the way back in 1.0.. What I find funny is the big argument when this game went monthly and not f2P and everyone went nuts no micro-transactions I hate them.. Now they are the greatest thing ever.

Edited, Mar 20th 2014 10:03am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#147 Mar 20 2014 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
Nashred wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I think ARR has a much better chance of staying P2P while having a very small, very selective cash shop.

I know I said I would stay out but that's not going to happen..If SE gets away with this there will be more. It is just like taxes they dont go away they just go up and more.
You know who is running the show now.. He said it: investors. Oh and you said there were no investors.If you read between the line they are going to add more pay stuff... Greed has set in.

Am I going to buy a retainer, yes because I need one, am I happy about it no.. Is it turning me more negative on the game yes. Could it make me quit the game, eventually yes especially if I see more..

Is this even possible?

I do like your logic that SE totally wouldn't try to profit off of the game as much as possible even without investors (so the investors must be running the show now). Makes absolutely no sense but I guess that's not a requirement to having an opinion.

I added the quote from above. SE is a publicly traded company and have been loosing allot of money for years.. SE is probably under a lot of pressure to make the money back.. Those losses had to be financed by someone. FFXIV is very successful and SE sees a opportunity to make some money back.. I feel sorry for Yoshida because he has to go along with this even if he dont want too.. Sad really because investors can wreck a company in no time, look at Carl Icahn he has got rich doing it... The statement above is a general statement but it lets you know by him on what can happen. The fact he even mentioned investors.

Right now I enjoy the game but fun comes at a price.. It gets to expensive I will go some where else and that's all there is too it.[/i]

Investors have a crucial part in what was asked of him. It would have been odd to not mention investors in his answer about the payment models in general and not the payment model of FFXIV:ARR.

He has been talking about investors since 2012.
#148 Mar 20 2014 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
He is trying to combine both models here no matter what anyone says.. He even uses the word micro-transactions, making sure everyone understands. Just read his comments and either he is going to be successful and break new ground for making money or it will hurt the game...

Anyway I am done talking about this retainer thing for now, I have made my peace with it and said what I wanted to say, I will discuss anything else in the patch.

Edited, Mar 20th 2014 11:00am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#149 Mar 20 2014 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
Nashred wrote:
He is trying to combine both models here no matter what anyone says..

I agree. Any sensible business would, with or without the investors' demands.
#150 Mar 20 2014 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
LucasNox wrote:
Yeah, and just like they can cut development budgets, Square Enix can easily tell Naoki Yoshida to make FFXIV into a F2P game and there's nothing that he can do about it. Many of you complained about Cash Shops for a F2P game, but when a P2P game does it, you're fine? That just means the whole thing is twice as expensive. Your logic is stupid and bad and actually kind of downright embarrassing. A lot of their loyal, hardcore fans have been playing Final Fantasy for 20 years and I doubt Square Enix just going to let some (let's face it) random and easily disposable developer run public opinion of their baby into the ground. I think he created some maps for Bomberman, once? Yeah, really relevant.

I'd like to see who/where would offer a big job to Naoki Yoshida if he loses this project. Somehow I don't think publishers are looking for his "fresh, new take" on WoW to really get the market reeling. He's a box man. He repackaged a game. He created nothing. He took things from WoW and RIFT and applied them to the game and world that Tanaka created. Let's be realistic please. If he wants to ruin my game, he can leave and nobody will miss him/need him. He is not a respectable creator, he is a box man.

You can rationalize it all you want and I don't know why you choose to defend the corporation over the average consumer but clearly that's how your mind works, but anyway subscription+box fee+cash shop doesn't look good and is expensive. It does look bad and people are responding. It's not just some trolls like you think.

Edited, Mar 20th 2014 6:51am by LucasNox

I'll say again that the model don't matter, if the game is good it's good, if it's bad it's bad, if it's mediocre it's mediocre. In my opinion cash shops on top of a payed subscription is horse sh*t. I was interested in Secret World before it's launch, and then I heard they were pulling this nonsense and from that day forward, it no longer existed to me. Square has run their own loyalty in the ground long before Yoshi showed up. I'll admit he doesn't have much AAA experience pre ARR. But he has done more good than harm for FFXIV so far, even If I feel he plays it a bit too safe.

Square lost another one of the GREAT men who helped build them just because of one big flop preceding many diamonds created by them. I don't like the over reliance on instances or some of the design direction ARR is headed down now. But I feel Yoshi deserves a little more respect than what is given here.

Is this just a rant against the payment model or against the director or against ARR or against Square in general?
I am still paying the sub fee but I haven't played in 3 months. I am hoping the game will shift into a more open world experience. I love Final Fantasy, but whichever mmo provides me an open world but modern experience will take my money.

Edited, Mar 20th 2014 10:53am by sandpark
#151 Mar 20 2014 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:
He is trying to combine both models here no matter what anyone says..

I agree. Any sensible business would, with or without the investors' demands.

Why are F2P MMORPGs still running and lucrative for several multi-billion dollar companies then? I don't think you're actually as aware of the current gaming climate as you believe or pretend you are. I wonder how aware you are of other MMORPGs, their payment models, earnings, etc. or if you're literally pulling everything out of your butt.
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