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#27 Mar 13 2014 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Nope. You don't get to make jokes about cancer, or Tanaka's health issues, as part of your trolling. I don't care if you are a Premium member.


PM me or another admin when you're ready to troll nicely. Don't expect me to unmute you though until sometime this weekend.

Edited, Mar 13th 2014 6:59pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#28 Mar 17 2014 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Ronfaure, Sarutabaruta, Gustaberg. Those songs are so damn nostalgic. And of course all the capital city themes.


Yes, I remember that one. Sounded so nice.

Ronfaure... well.... that "sung" version was awesome. The acapella one.

Saruta was OK, though didn't strike me as anything huge.

Sarutabaruta is just so relaxing and catchy, and like I said, nostalgic. It brings me back to being a kid and exploring that world for the first time.

Every FF soundtrack from 6-11 was amazing.
#29 Mar 17 2014 at 1:56 AM Rating: Default
BrokenFox wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Ronfaure, Sarutabaruta, Gustaberg. Those songs are so damn nostalgic. And of course all the capital city themes.


Yes, I remember that one. Sounded so nice.

Ronfaure... well.... that "sung" version was awesome. The acapella one.

Saruta was OK, though didn't strike me as anything huge.

Sarutabaruta is just so relaxing and catchy, and like I said, nostalgic. It brings me back to being a kid and exploring that world for the first time.

Every FF soundtrack from 6-11 was amazing.

Actually, pretty much every FF OST besides ARR is pretty amazing. 12 and 13 both have good music. Blinded By Light is probably one of the best if not the best FF battle theme (regardless of how you feel about story & gameplay elements). EDIT: By the way, I'm not including boss battle themes when I make that statement as being one of the best/the best.

I'm thinking that they didn't want to use any good composers for ARR because they weren't sure if it was going to succeed and they had to shell out the big bucks for other stuff. They probably hired Soken because he was cheap. Hopefully for the expansion we get a composer who is qualified to make music for a FF game.

My birthday is tomorrow and when I blow out the candles I'm going to wish for Soken to get eaten by a dinosaur. Then Mizuta can replace him ASAP.

Speaking of FF songs, can someone please hunt down Uematsu and tell him to release the instrumental to the Jecht music. or is it available anywhere?

Edited, Mar 17th 2014 4:07am by LucasNox
#30 Mar 17 2014 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
The FF12 OST had some good songs but overall paled in comparison to the past stuff. I don't even remember 13's soundtrack.

Edited, Mar 17th 2014 3:14pm by BrokenFox
#31 Mar 17 2014 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
BrokenFox wrote:
The FF12 OST had some good songs but overall paled in comparison to the past stuff. I don't even remember 13's soundtrack.

Edited, Mar 17th 2014 3:14pm by BrokenFox

Well usually if people try to forget an experience, they'll try to forget the whole experience. FF13 had a pretty good soundtrack. But most of the game you just walked through a straight & narrow tunnel, except the tunnels changed clothes. So people hate it. But the music was still good, such as what I linked.

I mean, it's not as memorable as an overall soundtrack as FF4~FF11 or something, but it's still way better than ARR's soundtrack. Here's another one off the top of my head besides Blinded By Light.

But I'm surprised that you would say that Blinded By Light, at least, isn't memorable (linked in other post). The violin at around :57 in it is just gorgeous.

You have offended me greatly by saying that it's not memorable! I'm going to use my Premium Membership for the first time to post my offended NYU musician .gif.


Edited, Mar 17th 2014 5:23pm by LucasNox
#32 Mar 17 2014 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Okay "Blinded By Light" I remember. It's not bad it's just.. I prefer every battle theme that came before it.

"Sabers Edge" sounds like a rehashing of older songs.
#33 Mar 17 2014 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Even if I haven't played a particular FF game, I will always buy/listen to their soundtrack. I've listened to both 12 and 13: easily forgettable. Reason? They rely heavily on orchestration. Orchestration is a great thing in moderation but that's exactly why the FF OSTs had great success in the past: they did not rely on orchestration.

I think 14's soundtrack, while somewhat forgettable, has occasional pieces that make it stand out. The opening piece, for instance, is probably one of the better written and performed vocal pieces in the FF series. No surprise since it was composed by Nobuo Uematsu. It honestly took Mizuta a while to gain his own footing, IMO. He had a lot of help with the base OST and was left alone for the expansions. Once he gained confidence, though, he composed some very beautiful/memorable pieces.

12 and 13 are the reason I am so excited about 15's soundtrack since they are bringing on one of the most influential artist in the game and anime music genre.
#34 Mar 17 2014 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Two of my all time favorites. Giant nostalgia bombs.

Over the Hills (FF9)

Besaid Island (FF10)

Edited, Mar 18th 2014 3:29pm by BrokenFox
#35 Mar 17 2014 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
BrokenFox wrote:
Okay "Blinded By Light" I remember. It's not bad it's just.. I prefer every battle theme that came before it.

I'm just joking. I do think Blinded By Light and a few more on the XIII soundtrack are really good though. It's fine if you prefer every other previous battle theme, I seriously couldn't comprehend preferring VIII's over XIII's though.
#36 Mar 17 2014 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
LucasNox wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Okay "Blinded By Light" I remember. It's not bad it's just.. I prefer every battle theme that came before it.

I'm just joking. I do think Blinded By Light and a few more on the XIII soundtrack are really good though. It's fine if you prefer every other previous battle theme, I seriously couldn't comprehend preferring VIII's over XIII's though.

FF8... depends on whether or not you're thinking of the normal battle theme, or Laguna's.

Man with the Machine Gun was freaking awesomesauce.

And the last boss theme.....oh yeah. That was awesome too. It is pretty "up there" with last boss themes in Squaresoft/Square-Enix games, right beside Parasite Eve's "Ultimate Being" (yeah, yeah, that wasn't Mr. Uematsu's work but that doesn't mean it isn't good).


For those of you who've never played or heard any Parasite Eve music.

Edited, Mar 17th 2014 8:37pm by Lyrailis
#37 Mar 17 2014 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
I was specifically comparing the "main battle themes" with the VIII comment.
#38 Mar 17 2014 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
LucasNox wrote:
I was specifically comparing the "main battle themes" with the VIII comment.

Well, FF8 has two "main battle themes" you could argue: Squall's and Laguna's, so... *shrug*

I know that is pretty uncommon to Final Fantasy games (at least the singleplayer ones Pre-13 which I haven't played) to have multiple "main battle themes", but ah well.

Edited, Mar 17th 2014 9:07pm by Lyrailis
#39 Mar 17 2014 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
VIII is basically the only one which I've only beaten once but I'm not talking about The Man with the Machine Gun.
#40 Mar 17 2014 at 11:27 PM Rating: Excellent
VIII is basically the only one which I've only beaten once but I'm not talking about The Man with the Machine Gun.

We have something in common! I could never get into VIII.
Thayos Redblade
#41 Mar 18 2014 at 1:01 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
VIII is basically the only one which I've only beaten once but I'm not talking about The Man with the Machine Gun.

We have something in common! I could never get into VIII.

Hey! I've agreed with you on things in previous posts. You just haven't agreed with me on things. Even if I'm the one who pointed them doesn't mean we don't have anything in common haha.

VIII isn't really my cup of tea which is why I decided not to revisit it. Clearly I'm revisiting ARR to some extent, so I guess that means we can assume that I enjoy ARR more than VIII. So, considering the posts I made on ARR, I'd be probably really whine about VIII if I had a platform. There should be a VIII forum made for me to whine inside of. Would you like some cheese with that?

(I have revisited VIII's soundtrack to some extent over the years though)

Edited, Mar 18th 2014 3:05am by LucasNox
#42 Mar 18 2014 at 1:06 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
That's funny because I thought 8 had one of the most outstanding OSTs. Smiley: tongue I remember my first recital piece was Fisherman's Horizon: the first piece I really had to work towards because I had never played triplets in one hand and eighth notes in the other.

I loved the battle theme (both) and the boss theme was incredible.

8 is actually one of the FFs that took orchestration in moderation and was quite successful as a result. Liberi Fatali, Fragments of Memories, and especially the ending theme: which was incredibly well done and the most extensive, fleshed out ending theme of the entire FF series.

You did listen to the ending boss' soundtrack, right? It's no Dancing Mad but the four pieces that play (Premonition, The Legendary Beast, Maybe I'm a Lion, and The Extreme) are extraordinary.

If you want to see diversity...go listen to the Silence and Motion OST from the game. Then, after that, listen to the piano collections version. Two separate beasts! So incredible.

Fun fact, though: it took me nearly a year to beat FF8 the first time. I hated it immensely when I first tried it, got towards the end of the first disc, and then put it down for a year. I feel it's something that probably grows on you if you give it a chance otherwise you might have the same reaction! Its OST is actually one of the major reasons I consider it my favorite FF outside of 11.

Edited, Mar 18th 2014 3:15am by HitomeOfBismarck
#43 Mar 18 2014 at 1:14 AM Rating: Default
I have to reply once more before I go to bed. VIII has a great soundtrack in general, but I don't like the song called Don't Be Afraid.

I guess it's not that bad as I'm listening to it now, but eh. Definitely not something I would typically ever want to re-listen to compared to pretty much any other Final Fantasy theme. I don't think my dislike of the gameplay is clouding my judgement here, but it's possible.
#44 Mar 18 2014 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,556 posts
It's not anything special! Easily one of the weaker normal themes from 6-10 but then again, if you listen to 6's battle theme it kind of is in the same spot.

I get the same feeling when I listen to 6's regular theme and 6's boss theme. I run the tread to 6's Dissidia remix of its boss theme. I kind of fall to sleep with the normal battle theme. I think both 7 and 9's battle and boss theme are pretty spot on.

In general, the boss theme always seems to overshadow the main theme. I'd say the exception is with 10's boss theme. Not very memorable. Neither is its last battle theme. Was really disappointed when I fought Sin. :(

Edited, Mar 18th 2014 3:26am by HitomeOfBismarck
#45 Mar 18 2014 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
The Black Mages remixes of all the battle themes are the best soundtrack released.

#46 Mar 18 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Thayos wrote:
VIII is basically the only one which I've only beaten once but I'm not talking about The Man with the Machine Gun.

We have something in common! I could never get into VIII.

My problems with 8 were mostly the Level-Scaling system and that awful magic junction system.

1). I don't like having to farm in a Singleplayer game, and if you wanted to actually have characters that didn't feel weak as hell, you had to farm magic, refine it into better magic, then refine THAT into even BETTER magic. And don't get me started on the ridiculous need to turn mobs into Cards to farm even more junk.

2). Getting levelups actually *hurts* you in the end run; you feel *weaker* as you gain levelups because the enemies get stronger faster than you do unless you farm magic for junctions. And even then, you're best off waiting until the end of the game so you can get Stat-Up Junctions, otherwise you're wasting your levelups (kinda like FF3 and Espers).

3). Every time you cast a spell, you get weaker. So somehow, I cast a, say, Firaga spell and my Strength goes down? lol. nice. Oh, and the last boss breaking entire stacks of spells is just cute too. That is, if you didn't cheese it with multihit limit breaks, because sure why not make the last boss "poke it 5 times and it dies" like every other Final Fantasy? At least they gave her multiple forms to force her to stay alive more than 10 seconds lol. Its just that the time she stays alive is mostly cutscenes of her transformations, since the actual forms don't live more than 10 seconds anyways.

The story and actual combat I enjoyed mostly, it was just the farm farm farm farm and the God-awful level scaling I hated.

Oh, and... they needed checkpoints or savepoints during long QTE/puzzles. Nothing sucks more than doing that huge long train section, then the game asks you if you want to check junctioned magic... say no because you HAD stuff junctioned properly but somehow it got messed up, and then die to the cheap boss that spams zombie and poison attacks on you. Oh joy, gotta do the entire train section all over again because they don't believe in Save Points. Nice.

Edited, Mar 18th 2014 2:34pm by Lyrailis
#47 Mar 18 2014 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
This thread has got me binge listening to old Final Fantasy OSTs.
#48 Mar 20 2014 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
589 posts
The music in sea. I would go there and fall sleep IRL.
#49 Mar 20 2014 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
nonameoflevi wrote:
The music in sea. I would go there and fall sleep IRL.

Man I hated that area, it was so confusing to get around.. all the hours spent trying to get that faith torque for Tesee..
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#50 Mar 21 2014 at 12:24 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Nashred wrote:
Man I hated that area, it was so confusing to get around.. all the hours spent trying to get that faith torque for Tesee..

But wasn't the music awesome? :D I enjoyed Al'taieu's theme as well as The Garden of Ru'Hmet. I have both on my phone, actually, and listen to them frequently.
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