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Final Fantasy 14 Gold Saucer Development Has Begun Follow

#27 Mar 06 2014 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
Just forget the Lightning thing (by the way, there are several indicators that she is upcoming in the main story). I'm just saying "wouldn't it be nice?" if they created some kind of new theme park/casino-type area without needing to slap the Gold Saucer name on it. Just a totally new idea that would really impress us.

Something all new that we could remember. If you think Yoshi-P and his development team can't do that, then you're holding them to a lower standard than you would for any other Final Fantasy game, and you're basically saying that they're incompetent.

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 6:12pm by LucasNox
#28 Mar 06 2014 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
LucasNox wrote:
Just forget the Lightning thing (by the way, there are several indicators that she is upcoming in the main story). I'm just saying "wouldn't it be nice?" if they created some kind of new theme park/casino-type area without needing to slap the Gold Saucer name on it. Just a totally new idea that would really impress us.

No, because then a huge chunk of the population would be wondering why they didn't just call it The Golden Saucer.
#29 Mar 06 2014 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
If it was a new idea then why would they call it that?
#30 Mar 06 2014 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm just saying "wouldn't it be nice?" if they created some kind of new theme park/casino-type area without needing to slap the Gold Saucer name on it.

That would make zero sense.

Just a totally new idea that would really impress us.

Just you, baby. Just you.
Thayos Redblade
#31 Mar 06 2014 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
New game concepts 'would make zero sense'?

It feels like I'm in some bizarro world where everyone happily laps up mediocrity.

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 6:53pm by LucasNox
#32 Mar 06 2014 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
No, THIS makes zero sense:

I'm just saying "wouldn't it be nice?" if they created some kind of new theme park/casino-type area without needing to slap the Gold Saucer name on it.

Lucas, by your own logic, why aren't you playing World of Warcraft?

EDIT: Oh, wait... you probably are.

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 4:05pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#33 Mar 06 2014 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Lightning is not going to be in the main story. I don't know where you got that from. She came, she did her FATES, she decided she was being tested by someone, and then she went to FFXIII-3 and kicked ***.

Shantotto from XI also has the ability to cross worlds, although the first time in A Shantotto Ascension was an accident from a spell gone wrong.

The only crossover character who doesn't canonically have universe-hopping abilities was the burly dude from DQ who guarded the Puff Puff cave.
#34 Mar 06 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm just saying "wouldn't it be nice?" if they created some kind of new theme park/casino-type area without needing to slap the Gold Saucer name on it.

That would make zero sense.

Just a totally new idea that would really impress us.

Just you, baby. Just you.

They didn't have a problem making But right, no one liked XIII. I guess it HAS to pull from other FF games. As much as you say someone was trolling and can't see what makes ARR seem to forget that Yoshi said himself he wanted to design ARR in a way of basically bringing WoW style MMOs to Japan as they never got it.

If we want to play semantics, it's unique in that this game has Chocobos, where as other MMOs would have an Ostrich. Like I said, I think his point is more why not something..unique to the world itself? We all knew it would be a fan service title, but some people really seem like they want to see ARR stand on it's own in some regards.

Hell, they created Tetra Master quite easily after FF8 and Triple Triad, whether you liked it or hated it, then they went on to create Blitzball and Sphere I think that's the point he was trying to make.

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 4:19pm by Theonehio

#35 Mar 06 2014 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
No, THIS makes zero sense:

I'm just saying "wouldn't it be nice?" if they created some kind of new theme park/casino-type area without needing to slap the Gold Saucer name on it.

Lucas, by your own logic, why aren't you playing World of Warcraft?

EDIT: Oh, wait... you probably are.

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 4:05pm by Thayos

Oh right. I'm suggesting that the development team come up with new ideas, so I must only play World of Warcraft and Call of Duty. How dare I ask for any originality whatsoever.
#36 Mar 06 2014 at 6:17 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm really excited for the Golden Saucer though. That's the kind of feature that can be added on to no end. Similar to housing and the vanity system, something like the Golden Saucer could really bring value to a lot of the game's existing content while also adding tons of potential for new content.

Imagine if gambling, itself, were a mini-game? To get around laws in other countries banning gambling with potential RMT goods (like gil), imagine how there could be content for collecting a unique currency that could be used to gamble in certain Saucer games? Then, you could eventually use your currency to buy special items and whatnot?

There are many ways they could go with this... plus, it will be fun... the kind of thing that would really appeal to the casual and mid-core players, especially, as well as hardcore players who are also hardcore FF fans.

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 4:17pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#37 Mar 06 2014 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
1,429 posts
LucasNox wrote:
Just forget the Lightning thing (by the way, there are several indicators that she is upcoming in the main story). I'm just saying "wouldn't it be nice?" if they created some kind of new theme park/casino-type area without needing to slap the Gold Saucer name on it. Just a totally new idea that would really impress us.

Something all new that we could remember. If you think Yoshi-P and his development team can't do that, then you're holding them to a lower standard than you would for any other Final Fantasy game, and you're basically saying that they're incompetent.

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 6:12pm by LucasNox

So, basically you're saying that you like the golden saucer idea, just not the name? Also:
If you can't come up with an original idea we will all love, then we must hold you to a lower standard. I'm basically saying that you are incompetent.
Your logic, not mine.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#38 Mar 06 2014 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the cute little spriggans are unique to FFXIV.

Nope. Not even unique to MMOs.

LucasNox wrote:
I wish A Realm Reborn could create some new ideas, awesome original characters, and unique areas that I'll look back on fondly.

A much more tactful way to put your idea together without bruising the soft skins. Couldn't agree more. XIV has everything from other SE games, but nothing that would make me look back 10 years from now through the nostalgia goggles people still have for XI. There's nothing wrong with borrowing ideas, but at least build on them.

I don't think the name will take away from how much people will enjoy it, but SE's recent behavior makes it seem like they're only out to exploit themselves. If it's not a port of the Golden Saucer from VII and it's entertaining then it'll go over well. Their track record says that it'll be a port with updated textures that does nothing to build on what was there ages ago.

Thayos wrote:
Lucas, by your own logic, why aren't you playing World of Warcraft?

Sadly, there is almost no difference between playing FFXIV and WoW aside from mob and character appearance, lore and functional mechanics. Were you trying to make his point for him?

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#39 Mar 06 2014 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
I think I'm burnt out with Zam too. TTFN.
#40 Mar 06 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
Back on the topic of the gold saucer, I personally can't wait to see the end result. It sounds fun!

And to those who are knocking the unoriginal aspect of it, let's face it.... At it's launch, you'll be there with the rest of us. Don't lie, you know you will. :P
#41 Mar 06 2014 at 11:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Sadly, there is almost no difference between playing FFXIV and WoW aside from mob and character appearance, lore and functional mechanics. Were you trying to make his point for him?

I'm glad you got the joke!

If Lucas thinks this game is nothing but a WoW clone, but he really does like it, but he'd rather have the Final Fantasy references not actually be Final Fantasy references, then why doesn't he just play WoW and spare us all the eyerolling?

This, from earlier in the thread, is also spot-on:

So you're also against: Chocobos, jobs, magic, hit points, experience, levels, the fanfare song, Cid, airships, monsters, cactuars, the desert, crystals, crafting, dragons, battle, logic, numeration, and the words Final and/or Fantasy? And all while simultaneously being unexcited about what is arguably the greatest aspect of what many to consider to be a touchstone moment in video gaming coming to a 'theater near you'?

Perhaps your princess is in another castle? lol

Seriously, this blatant trolling is getting a little out of hand. It's kind of pathetic. Who pays money for a premium membership just to obsess about a game he or she doesn't like and has no actual interest in playing?

And don't worry Filth, I'm not talking about you. We don't always agree, but you clearly use your head (at times). Smiley: eek

Edited, Mar 6th 2014 9:21pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#42 Mar 07 2014 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
To be honest...Lightning's appearance in 14 made some sense to me. I liked her story as well. I haven't played 13 at all: just watched it played. I would probably never play 13. However, she gave me some cool clothes, said some neat lines, and vanished just as soon as she arrived.

But one thing I disagree with is 14's story. Could you remind me of the memorable characters/story in it? The only thing that really made me open my eyes was when whatsherface killed a sh*t ton of civilians in the Scion's old order headquarters. I can't even remember her name despite killing her somewhere near 140 times for philosophy tomes without a little thought. Though, I believe it's Livia or Olivia.

I have always held this opinion. 14's story is its weakest element, I believe. It's as memorable as WoW's which is to say it isn't. WoW has a lot of lore behind it, though, from three prior RTS games and a crap ton of books/other media. I've spent days on WoW Wiki just reading about the backstory.

As for the Gold Saucer: that's great I guess. We already knew this was something he wanted to do from the beginning. Beginning development on it is nice. I hope they have hired more staff or separated their current staff into groups to work on content without subtracting from the total progress.

I don't really care what FF game it came from. CT worked out nicely and should have a really great ending. If he can bring more of that to this game while maintaining development of the game's lacking areas that need it more than this pet project, good! If he squanders resources, I may have a different opinion. =)

Edited, Mar 7th 2014 1:13am by HitomeOfBismarck
#43 Mar 07 2014 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Theonehio wrote:

Quite Honestly, I think the point was ARR honestly doesn't have its own identity in the world of MMOs, sure it's a "FF" MMO, but whether someone agrees or disagrees, what did it bring to the MMO or FF table that is new? Heck even the class system existed in FFII, Seiken Densetsu and Romancing SaGa games..

None of those games are MMOs. The class system is unique to this MMO. The throwbacks are unique to Final Fantasy.

Whether or not you're for or against the additions, they are unique to the franchise and the reasons why most fans love it.

**Not knocking you Lucas. You make some valid points. I also find it a bit funny coming from a guy with Sora as his avatar. You obviously liked Kingdom Hearts, but you don't like games built on cross-game/franchise additions Smiley: dubious

Edited, Mar 7th 2014 1:43am by Transmigration
#44 Mar 07 2014 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
641 posts
I wonder if Tetra Master (or any card game, preferably a brand new one) would be available on the Golden Saucer.
#45 Mar 07 2014 at 1:23 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
If you've done the Relic quest for Black Mage, you'll find out that many centuries ago a she-devil mage lived called Shantotto, but over the course of time her name got bastardized into Shatotto.

Which would give you the impression that Eorzea and Vana'Diel are essentially the same world split by many hundreds if not thousands of years, while probably not located in the exact same place geographically but another continent as well (since she would be notorious world-wide), it would make sense atleast why so many things are similar. And most of all why she would be able to cross over.

Still, with a healthy dose of Time Magick thrown into the game, there's no telling who or what was actually there. For all we know we end up escaping from something again, traveling back in time and founding Bastok/San d'Oria/Windurst. The three city states here, as well as the ones in FFXI were stated to not be the original homes of the people living there. Depending on how large the world is, it could easily all fit in.

Why, with the 10 minutes it takes to travel from one side to the other, the world as we know it may as well be but a few little islands off the coast somewhere.

That said, long arguement made short. Shantotto definitely has reason and the posibility to be here in our world. Lightning has absolutely no relevance to it. And the Gold Saucer, while perhaps similarly named, cannot and should not bear any resemblance to what we know out of FFVII.
#46 Mar 07 2014 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
Seriously, this blatant trolling is getting a little out of hand. It's kind of pathetic. Who pays money for a premium membership just to obsess about a game he or she doesn't like and has no actual interest in playing?

Well, I'm still subscribed (both to FFXIV and to ZAM).

I still want FFXIV to succeed (I always have - what mentally sound individual really wishes for a game to fail? Why would you think anyone would have such a useless agenda, other than rival companies?), but a lot of people have been quitting and a lot of other people go AFK a lot and play little. So, I'm voicing my concerns. There are far too many trolls on the official forums, so I prefer it here.

I did start a subscription because I was appreciative of you guys for being good moderators (you and Wint). But I read earlier that they don't even give you guys any money, so I might stop subscribing. I don't post images and I don't know if I'm comfortable anymore with Sora representing me on a visual level. I just couldn't think of any other avatar.

Edited, Mar 7th 2014 2:54am by LucasNox
#47 Mar 07 2014 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
But one thing I disagree with is 14's story. Could you remind me of the memorable characters/story in it? The only thing that really made me open my eyes was when whatsherface killed a sh*t ton of civilians in the Scion's old order headquarters. I can't even remember her name despite killing her somewhere near 140 times for philosophy tomes without a little thought. Though, I believe it's Livia or Olivia.

I definitely agree that that was the only good scene. However, I thought the Lalafell receptionist was going to get killed, and I was kinda disappointed that she wasn't (that sounds messed up, but still). I don't remember that judge's name either, but I think it was Livia von Somethingsomething the third. Actually, all of the judge people were incredibly generic in personality.

Actually, between the voice acting and the depth of the writing, your interactions with the judge-looking characters sort of reminds me of Power Rangers. We'll get you Eorzea Ranger!

The story definitely is one of the weak points. Not only are a lot of the character types/relationships taken right out of a typical anime (that's not a good thing), but most of the story itself is also just a tamer, simpler version of the past couple of Final Fantasy games, with worse dialogue.

Also, it's hard to create a story in which the characters travel to the past, because it easily creates a lot of plot holes (which it did).

The other problem was that there was only a couple of voiced scenes.

The other thing is the lack of unique NPCs. Almost all of the main characters in the story are just customized with the standard character creator besides child characters. Overall, I would probably give the story a solid 2/10.

I enjoyed the opening cutscene and a couple of the other cutscenes. However most of it was incredibly, incredibly poorly written/generic. There were no unique ideas and there was no drama. Another problem was the subtitle issue where only one character's subtitles would show at a time. So when you're playing with the Japanese voice track and multiple characters are speaking (often), you get totally confused.

I can count the number of voiced cutscenes on my fingers with some to spare, so it's not that big of an issue, but I'm surprised they didn't notice that not all the dialogue is voiced in their subtitled cutscenes. Maybe they just didn't care.

One other immediate gripe is that scene where you steal the Magitek. The pipsqueak had me steal a Magitek to blend in, and he sticks this BIG, glaring sticker on the side of it, to let everyone know that I'm not one of them. It didn't make sense. After I spent 10 quests collecting clothes to conceal myself using military clothes and a Garlean mount, this pipsqueak basically paints a big bullseye on my head, risking my life and the lives of everyone I'm going in to save.

Edited, Mar 7th 2014 4:26am by LucasNox
#48 Mar 07 2014 at 3:44 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Sadly, there is almost no difference between playing FFXIV and WoW aside from mob and character appearance, lore and functional mechanics. Were you trying to make his point for him?

I'm glad you got the joke!

If Lucas thinks this game is nothing but a WoW clone, but he really does like it, but he'd rather have the Final Fantasy references not actually be Final Fantasy references, then why doesn't he just play WoW and spare us all the eyerolling?

I'm not getting that from the posts I've read. I think people want XIV to be it's own FF game and not just a generic FF themed MMO. It tries to copy several other popular MMOs and that wouldn't really be a problem. It's actually expected that certain things in MMOs, FPS, MOBA or any genre become standard. The problem is that if you choose that path, you need to bring something more to the table.

Thayos wrote:
So you're also against: Chocobos, jobs, magic, hit points, experience, levels, the fanfare song, Cid, airships, monsters, cactuars, the desert, crystals, crafting, dragons, battle, logic, numeration, and the words Final and/or Fantasy? And all while simultaneously being unexcited about what is arguably the greatest aspect of what many to consider to be a touchstone moment in video gaming coming to a 'theater near you'?

Perhaps your princess is in another castle? lol
Seriously, this blatant trolling is getting a little out of hand. It's kind of pathetic. Who pays money for a premium membership just to obsess about a game he or she doesn't like and has no actual interest in playing?

Everything listed above is common to all MMOs, not just XIV and WoW. They're not always called the same thing in every game, but at their core they are all the same elements. You ride horse bird and I ride a lion. You're called a paladin and I'm called a lancer. You cast cure and I cast heal. Same ****.

Two things that bother me....

1) They don't expand on anything that has come before them, not even their own experience in the field. I still can't for the life of me figure out how SE came out so far behind with XIV, shortly after announcing that their first MMO had overtaken possibly the most iconic RPG of our lifetime. They had a ton of experience which they used to show they had learned absolutely nothing with vanilla. To be honest, I'm not even sure why they tried to.

2) If you're gonna borrow(read:implement industry standard) then you should at least attempt to do it justice. You're asking people to subscribe for a service that many other companies provide. For the sake of that alone, you should at least attempt bring something to the table.

'Innovation' is a bad word on these forums. Think about that for a moment. Labeled a failure because you had too many ideas created with the intent to improve the game in some way. Try to envision Tanakasan waking up and looking in the mirror the day after SE let him go and saying "I am a bad person because I wanted to bring new ideas to the genre and enrich the experience of all players".

I hope you weren't drinking anything.

1.0 didn't fail because it was too innovative. It failed because it was bad. Yes there were many things about the mechanics of the game that were different from other games, but the difference was that they were cluttered(UI), watered-down(first two combat systems) and shallow. They've upgraded much of these since ARR, but they only range from mediocre to average. There is nothing wrong with innovation in moderation.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#49 Mar 07 2014 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Actually, Nero and Livia were two of the more developed characters. Livia's gone, but if you've finished the Crystal Tower story then you've learned Nero survived somehow.

I think he falls into the same category as Seymour in X and many other FF characters - the "familiar" villain. The dude you keep encountering and having to fight and deal with over and over again. (As opposed to the "epic" villains, who are distant throughout the story as you try to discern their true nature.) Archduke Kam'lenaut in XI fit this pattern as well.

Edited, Mar 7th 2014 10:25am by Catwho
#50 Mar 07 2014 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
He may be reoccurring but definitely isn't the same as Nero.

Kam'lenaut is what I would consider a developed character with clear motivations. There were so many interesting twists with him. Learning that the leader of Jeuno was actually a Zilart prince was pretty amazing. Learning that he was a crazed prince seeking to open the Gate of the Gods was quite ambitious. Learning that he had spent so much time (ever since the crystal war and even prior to that) building up his facade as the good leader only to find out he had much more sinister plans in the works was over the top.

Nero...What did he want to do in the end? Surpass Cid? Harness the power of the primals through the Ultima weapon? Were his ambitions so low? He just represented what all the other generals did: the desire to conquer.

He's actually quite shallow: as is the rest of the Garlean empire. What is their motivation for fighting? I see no good one other than acting as puppets for the Ascians. So then the Ascians are the real enemy that control this empire. Their goal is to resurrect Zodiark. They have dealings in quite a few things.

Do not read the following if you haven't watched the Turn 5 cutscene: The Ascians seem to have kept Louis alive and are probably going to use him to control Bahamut (what remains of him) or even aid them in resurrecting Zodiark.

Point: neither the Ascians or the Garleans seem to have very stable motivations. It's death/destruction without reason for one and smoke/mirrors with little information for the other. Why is the Garlean empire suddenly disabled now? They were an incredible military power. Why were the generals sent to do the work of the soldiers they command? Why was it necessary to fight them all, eliminating their leadership? If the Garlean empire is weak right now after sending their generals after us, why do we not counterattack?

Being vague with the plot can work at times but I just don't feel like either of them are something truly 'evil' like the two Zilart princes nor do I think they are as crafty and cunning as those two....spending an enormous amount of time setting up their scenario to open the gates.

It was pretty amazing seeing them set their plan in motion. Watching Raogrimm sacrifice himself to allow us to escape as the two princes summoned the warriors, observing the betrayal of Kam's elder brother despite all they had been through, etc. I honestly felt that Livia had an amazing setup similar to this...but her death is one of the most anticlimactic moments in 14, sadly.

Edited, Mar 8th 2014 2:21am by HitomeOfBismarck
#51 Mar 07 2014 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

Do not read the following if you haven't watched the T5 cutscene:

That is some pretty exclusive spoiler data right there.
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