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#1 Feb 28 2014 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
So I'm a legacy player and I transferred to ragnarok as someone told me it is more social...

Until now it seems that the game is completely deserted...

I know I can't expect the pre-abyssea ffxi social environment It once were, but wow, it seems like I'm playing sing player.
I really like to have a chatty free company/linkshell or whatever motivating me to play as it once was

I keep getting invited to linkshells, but after a hello, I get completely ignored.

Sorry if this post sound like a rant- please explain me how I should play nowadays.
And as you are at it- anybody from ragnarok with a NA friendly/chatty FC wants to invite I'd be glad.

#2 Mar 01 2014 at 12:09 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
You could try popping in to the Ragnarok section of the official forums.

It looks like there's some linkshells/FCs actively recruiting players.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 1:10am by Susanoh
#3 Mar 01 2014 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,439 posts
My advice, try and get into an FC with mumble,Teamspeak and/or vent. My FC is very chatty (at times) just like my FFXI days but nowadays the best social we have is when we are on Teamspeak. I can't speak for the server yo are on but I can't see how different it would be the as opposed to Balmung.
Esuna Forums

#4 Mar 01 2014 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
EdyNOTB wrote:
My advice, try and get into an FC with mumble,Teamspeak and/or vent. My FC is very chatty (at times) just like my FFXI days but nowadays the best social we have is when we are on Teamspeak. I can't speak for the server yo are on but I can't see how different it would be the as opposed to Balmung.

My FC is only social on mondays (for doing coil and EX primals). After thats done the rest of the week is pretty dead. There needs to be some content implemented that would help keep us online... But i fear that what a certain defaulted thread will come true. We simply login to contentent, finish it, and wait until the next patch brings us a weeks worth of goodies.

For what ffxi was, it never gave us a reason not to login. There was always a carrot on the stick. But ffxiv seems to make any progression obsolete when a new patch comes out. It doesnt matter if i play now or a year from now. Ill always be at the same place. ffxi may have been a little too much of a comitment, but at least it knew what it was trying to be, and not what it thinks people want it to be.
#5 Mar 01 2014 at 2:44 AM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
joffy81 wrote:
I know I can't expect the pre-abyssea ffxi social environment It once were, but wow, it seems like I'm playing sing player.

"LFG 51 DRG."
"LFG 48 SMN."
"13/18 CoP 1-3 (Looking for others.) (please assist.)"

Oh yeah, really, really social. "Chat" in FFXI consisted of either lines of squigglies from the JP players, gil spam (HI2U SUSANGILZ), or looking for party. Or, depending on the day, you had people cussing each other out in Garlaige/Nest/Tree/etc. when they'd camp on top of each other. So, pretty much the same thing as every other MMO except in FFXIV you don't have to sit in a city waiting on a party invite and all of the sudden it's "Single Player"?

The amount of rose-colored false images of FFXI people come up with is insane.

Your community in FFXI came from staring at people's random town gear (because they couldn't get into a party and didn't have anything else to do) and your linkshell. Trying to imagine and pretend it was anything further is laughable.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I loved the game and still log in sometimes to tinker around. But I'm not going to ******** myself and pretend that it was any more social than any other MMO outside of forced interaction.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 3:52am by Viertel
#6REDACTED, Posted: Mar 01 2014 at 3:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Did FFXI kill your mother or something?
#7 Mar 01 2014 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
LucasNox wrote:

By the way OP, the servers are pretty deserted right now+the game is antisocial in general. Maybe try paying the $30 to transfer to a top population server.

Please speak for yourself. Balmung is both active and social. Completely ignoring your typical crowds at , Quarrymill, Costa De Soll, Dragonhead, Reverants Toll and Wineport. You can generally find people everywhere.

Now about the social aspect. What you call social, I call noise. There's no reason why shout channel should be flooded, and to be honest, the same sort of shout calls for people to go to party finder and join groups are still very similar to FFXI's shouts in the same bottleneck places.

If you're talking about casual conversation, that's what linkshells and free companies are for, or casual conversations in Parties, Be they fates, Duty Finder (you'd be amazed how many people you run into from your same server. ) Or even just striking them up in the hubs.

To top that off, my server in particular is active with another form of socialization: Roleplaying. You never know when you might come across a gathering of people working to play out a scene or just act as their characters would, and it's entertaining to watch, or at the very least adds life to the game itself.

Oh, and yes, FFXI was pretty terrible to me. Just because I grew to like to abuse, doesn't disqualify it from being an abusive relationship.

OP, I can't speak for your experiences of population because I'm not on Ragnarok. But look at the above hubs I mentioned as well as inside the City States. If Balmung is any indication, those hubs will have people shouting for recruiting in Linkshells and Free Companies as well as parties for FATE/Coil and other such activities. Go ahead and see if any of those are to your fancy. As a point of advice, do not accept a blind invite, and if the group has a website, go visit it, it may give you a good idea as to what sort of group you're looking to join ahead of time.

Other than that, don't be afraid to engage people. Some people are simply keeping to themselves politely and can often join in on a conversation if one is sparked and seems open.

Aside from trolls typical of the internet, my social experiences in FFXIV, especially within its roleplaying community, have been positive. I hope you manage to find your own niche as well.
#8 Mar 01 2014 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
I also play on Ragnarok and I would agree its a little on the quiet side.

I know of one NA FC called Aesir if that helps you in your quest to find an NA FC. The leader is called Duncan Kelevra.
#9 Mar 01 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Viertel wrote:
"LFG 51 DRG."
"LFG 48 SMN."
"13/18 CoP 1-3 (Looking for others.) (please assist.)"

Oh yeah, really, really social. "Chat" in FFXI consisted of either lines of squigglies from the JP players, gil spam (HI2U SUSANGILZ), or looking for party. Or, depending on the day, you had people cussing each other out in Garlaige/Nest/Tree/etc. when they'd camp on top of each other. So, pretty much the same thing as every other MMO except in FFXIV you don't have to sit in a city waiting on a party invite and all of the sudden it's "Single Player"?

The amount of rose-colored false images of FFXI people come up with is insane.

Your community in FFXI came from staring at people's random town gear (because they couldn't get into a party and didn't have anything else to do) and your linkshell. Trying to imagine and pretend it was anything further is laughable.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I loved the game and still log in sometimes to tinker around. But I'm not going to bullsh*t myself and pretend that it was any more social than any other MMO outside of forced interaction.

Well, I most certainly remember a different FFXI than you do. A game where people would generally progress to level 10 and then learn to communicate with other players from then on in order to progress. With no matchmaking services or automated grouping. Technically you could just go through the party seek menu and start inviting people if you wanted to, but "blind invites" with no communication were actually laughed at! Asking your group if they wanted you to find a replacement as a courtesy actually became a common occurrence. Like minded people might get together and form static groups, for things like experience points or completing a storyline. I can't even count the number of times I'd say "hey, I remember leveling x with you while you were leveling y a few months back!" or to have someone say it back to me.

I wouldn't say FFXI was perfect, and a game like it certainly has its disadvantages, but a lack of community was never, ever something I would have attributed to the game. Although I'm sure I'm not the most well versed MMO player, to date, it's still the strongest online community I've had the pleasure of being a part of.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Mar 01 2014 at 11:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Okay Grinch
#11 Mar 01 2014 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Susanoh wrote:
Well, I most certainly remember a different FFXI than you do. A game where people would generally progress to level 10 and then learn to communicate with other players from then on in order to progress. With no matchmaking services or automated grouping. Technically you could just go through the party seek menu and start inviting people if you wanted to, but "blind invites" with no communication were actually laughed at! Asking your group if they wanted you to find a replacement as a courtesy actually became a common occurrence. Like minded people might get together and form static groups, for things like experience points or completing a storyline. I can't even count the number of times I'd say "hey, I remember leveling x with you while you were leveling y a few months back!" or to have someone say it back to me.

I wouldn't say FFXI was perfect, and a game like it certainly has its disadvantages, but a lack of community was never, ever something I would have attributed to the game. Although I'm sure I'm not the most well versed MMO player, to date, it's still the strongest online community I've had the pleasure of being a part of.

Your memories of FFXI are different than mine.

Technically you could just go through the party seek menu and start inviting people if you wanted to, but "blind invites" with no communication were actually laughed at!

You're right... If you LFG, you might, if you were very lucky after God knows how many hours, you'd see this in your window:

HerpDerp>>(Hello!) (Party) (Blah Blah Zone) xx-xx 5/6 OK?

That's if you're lucky. If you're not lucky, well, you wouldn't see anything because you could LFG for hours and never get a group at all, or see enough to make a group yourself. Or you'd get told (No, thanks) if you try to invite a tank or healer without most of the group already ready.

Like minded people might get together and form static groups, for things like experience points or completing a storyline.

Usually a linkshell, or if you were a very privileged job (NIN, RDM, RNG pre-nerf, SAM when they were popular, etc). Ask how many DRKs and DRGs got invited to static groups, or worse, BLMs during the latter months before Abyssea came out. And then, how very few people wanted PLDs for anything, back when people did IT++ mobs, it was all NIN and Utsusemi tanking whenever possible. If you got lucky you got a desperate group who'd invite you as a PLD if they couldn't find any NINs LFG at the time.

And then came missions. God Forbid you ever needed a Rank Mission or something done and you didn't have a Linkshell willing to carry you through it. You could be sitting in Jeuno for hours upon hours upon days trying to find a group for that kind of thing. That, or Limit Break quests.
#12 Mar 02 2014 at 1:47 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Your memories of FFXI are different than mine.

I won't deny that that could be the case. Play experiences could certainly vary, and I consider myself pretty lucky to have had the experiences I did. I've suffered through some of the things you mentioned in your post, such as long wait times for groups. If there's one thing I will admit FFXI is anything but, it's convenient. And I can certainly understand why some players would clearly dislike that. At the same time, some of those tasks that required another players help made for some pretty memorable moments for me.

For example, look at something like the CoP storyline missions. I was a player who didn't have to get things done in a day. I tried and failed at promys off and on for a while, which wasn't a big deal IMO. Well, one time I joined a group and it turned out that most of them were actually good friends and really cool people. We had some difficulty but actually managed to scrape through it. I actually ended up getting together with them every week to take on the next piece of content in the storyline. Sometimes we'd succeed, sometimes we'd fail, but if we did we'd be trying twice as hard the next week. It was fun. I mean, I thought so anyway, and the people I ran with certainly seemed to be having a blast as well.

That's just one example. There's plenty of other roadblocks in FFXI that had me reaching out to other players or had other players reaching out to me in order to progress in one way or another. Some of the time, I'd rarely see the other player again. In others, one of us might offer the other a linkshell or friend list invite. In a few rare cases, it led to a good friendship where we still keep in touch long after we all quit the game. And the amazing thing to me is that most of the time something like this would happen without me even trying, simply as a byproduct of playing the game.

But I will say one more time, that I do understand that my play experience will not match everyone else's, and the type of content that FFXI brought will not be everyone's preference.
#13 Mar 02 2014 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
You're right... If you LFG, you might, if you were very lucky after God knows how many hours, you'd see this in your window:

HerpDerp>>(Hello!) (Party) (Blah Blah Zone) xx-xx 5/6 OK?

That's if you're lucky. If you're not lucky, well, you wouldn't see anything because you could LFG for hours and never get a group at all, or see enough to make a group yourself. Or you'd get told (No, thanks) if you try to invite a tank or healer without most of the group already ready.

How did you know my name from my days in FFXI?

Why in the hell people sat around for hours waiting for someone to take them by the hand and lead them to adventure... beyond me. If you weren't actively making your own groups then you were doinitwrong. Judging by the amount of carry you seem to think FFXI required, I'm almost positive Smiley: sly
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#14 Mar 02 2014 at 3:56 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
How did you know my name from my days in FFXI?

Why in the hell people sat around for hours waiting for someone to take them by the hand and lead them to adventure... beyond me. If you weren't actively making your own groups then you were doinitwrong. Judging by the amount of carry you seem to think FFXI required, I'm almost positive Smiley: sly

I hated making groups. lol I did it to get my SMN and WHM to 75 as soon as possible then stopped doing it.

It's not that it was a lot of pressure or anything but more that I was just lazy and in no rush to level after getting two things to level cap. It was very nice being able to AFK and have the /tell volume up really high.

Lyrailis does have a point: your experiences varied quite a bit depending on what you chose to level. When I decided to level DRK, I would never see group invites. I had to do campaign right up till the last level. It took me the longest to get to 75 of anything. If that had been my first job, I would be very jaded about how 11's party system.

I think the major thing to take away from this is that encouraging people to socialize is a good thing but there are limits. When you balance classes poorly, you end up with 11's system. If you balance them too well you end up with a system like 14 where any class will do, no stacking/shunning required which may result in systems like Duty Finder. Very convenient and very anti-social as a result.

Even in Party Finder...I will look for what I need, join if I meet the requirements, and usually not be greeted upon joining. Silence if the people don't know each other. No speaking of strategy or what people will do...the queue goes up as soon as you have 8 people and you're off like a filtered Duty Finder run.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2014 4:58am by HitomeOfBismarck
#15 Mar 02 2014 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
I think the major thing to take away from this is that encouraging people to socialize is a good thing but there are limits. When you balance classes poorly, you end up with 11's system. If you balance them too well you end up with a system like 14 where any class will do, no stacking/shunning required which may result in systems like Duty Finder. Very convenient and very anti-social as a result.

Even in Party Finder...I will look for what I need, join if I meet the requirements, and usually not be greeted upon joining. Silence if the people don't know each other. No speaking of strategy or what people will do...the queue goes up as soon as you have 8 people and you're off like a filtered Duty Finder run.

This antisocial behavior you mention is actually by design. I mean, some of us could have guessed that already as it's been happening in modern MMOs for years, but there's no need to guess when the developers are actively open about it. This quote is from a recent interview, when asked what the attraction of FFXIV ARR was.

Yoshida wrote:
In FFXIV ARR we have the Duty Finder so you’ll be able to form a party quickly. When going through contents it doesn’t require much communication so you don’t need to plan ahead, you can play as if other players were NPC’s. You can enjoy playing an online game at ease, in your living room. Please participate in the beta test, and see that there was a world like this. You don’t have to be scared just because it’s an online game.

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