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Should they bring back Tanaka?Follow

#27 Feb 28 2014 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
181 posts
I'll add my 2 cents.

so is Yoshida doing a good job sure. is it a great job nope not at all. yes was the game a mess when it was first released yup but i also blame that on SE rushing it out way before it was ready not solely on Tanaka. so do i think he should be brought back nope time to move on to other projects.

now as for Yoshida the thing he did was not really hard, he took a game that had grand innovative ideas that where rushed and poorly executed and he refitted it with ideas that everyone else is doing and just made them run. so its not exactly like he took a very bad FPS and turned it into a bioshock or borderlands. he just took a bad FPS and turned it into a COD clone. now is that a bad thing no, just means it does not stand out and the life of the game will always dip every time a new version of COD comes out.

so do i play ff14 and enjoy it, yes i do, but the thing is im now losing interest and the sad thing is my friends list is becoming a ghost town more and more as the weeks past.

i just feel that as time passes on this game will get go down in a hurry because yes it might be polished but there is no innovation to keep you glued to it and might see a massive hit once ESO hits.
#28 Feb 28 2014 at 7:22 PM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
Catwho wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Someone leaving a company for 'health issues' is one of two things. Either the employee doesn't want to dishonor the company or vice versa. Plus he came out and said he was returning to game development pretty much at the same time he was stepping down from SE. Last I heard he is already employed at GungHo, best known for the wildly popular Puzzle and Dragons mobile game.

Honestly if I had to pick someone to succeed Yoshi, it would be Matsui. I still think that XI is doing more on the updates and features front than XIV is. If they ever overhauled the UI like they stated in the past, I'd probably go back to XI to give it another shot. It's a more attractive option to me already at this point.

The preview UI on the test server sucks donkey balls which is why it hasn't been put out there for realz yet.

But hey, we finally are getting Cait Sith and vanity armor in the next patch. After, what, six years that they promised both things?

Wait, seriously? O_o
#29 Feb 28 2014 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Playonline wrote:
Prepare your planchettes, for the next version update is see to descend upon Vana'diel in mid-March!

Hot on the heels of the skull-cracking skirmishes of February come new Delve content, the long-awaited Cait Sith avatar, more relic reforging, and Campaign adjustments. If you enjoy more esoteric adventures, whet your appetites with new alter egos and ways to enjoy current ones, a command to lock your appearance even after changing equipment, changes to the fishing system, and new Records of Eminence objectives!

We'll be revealing more in the days and weeks ahead, so stay tuned for more information!

#30 Feb 28 2014 at 8:33 PM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
Catwho wrote:
Playonline wrote:
Prepare your planchettes, for the next version update is see to descend upon Vana'diel in mid-March!

Hot on the heels of the skull-cracking skirmishes of February come new Delve content, the long-awaited Cait Sith avatar, more relic reforging, and Campaign adjustments. If you enjoy more esoteric adventures, whet your appetites with new alter egos and ways to enjoy current ones, a command to lock your appearance even after changing equipment, changes to the fishing system, and new Records of Eminence objectives!

We'll be revealing more in the days and weeks ahead, so stay tuned for more information!


...Is it sad that finally seeing Cait Sith a reality alone makes me consider going back to FFXI? >_>

#31 Mar 01 2014 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Nope. It's not sad at all. Cait Sith is fuggin awesome.

... Well, ****, this means I'm going to have to re-gear my summoner. -_-
#32 Mar 01 2014 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
Sometimes, a person's post is a perfect representation of his underlying agenda. A character-defining accomplishment.

Thanks, LucasNox. Now nobody has to doubt themselves anymore.
#33 Mar 01 2014 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
Tanaka works for GungHo Entertainment now.

#34 Mar 01 2014 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
..........why would you want that, OP?


I tried FFXIV 1.0 Beta... and, well.... I think we all know the story, but I'll re-iterate what I saw:

1). The freaking downloader didn't even work, I had to use uTorrent to even download the game in the first place.
2). I got FPS drops on the out-of-game menu screen after I *did* install/update the game.
3). After I finally made a character and got in, the UI was... ridiculously horrible, layers and layers of UI to find anything.
4). A Camera control scheme that made no sense whatsoever.
5). Gameplay systems that, again, did not make sense at all. I couldn't figure out just what I was actually supposed to be doing in the 5 hours I played.
6). They launched the game, even though the majority of the playerbase said "HELL NO! this ain't ready!". The predicted result wound up happening.

Then Yoshida comes along and I get a newsletter in my email for the Open Beta of ARR, and I'm like "eh.....what's this?"

I downloaded it, tried it and... I was shocked. Utterly amazed at the progress they made with the game. Yoshida took that horrible, horrible mess that was 1.0 and managed to turn it around into something I *want* to log on and play (if only I had more time!).

With 1.0 Beta, I wound up not even bothering to log on after ~5h of running around aimlessly with wonky controls. ARR Beta, I logged in every second I could and was sad to see it go. Then Steam had -50% sale this past week and I was like "OH YES. I'm so doing that." I am.

Meanwhile, FFXI? Meh. I don't think anything would get me to go back to XI unless you could suddenly, I don't know, solo and had an LFG queue system that actually worked. And even then... I'd still have hesitations about how slow things like travel, crafting, etc are.
#35 Mar 01 2014 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Meanwhile, FFXI? Meh. I don't think anything would get me to go back to XI unless you could suddenly, I don't know, solo

XI has more solo-friendly stuff to do now than XIV does, imo >_> It's just easier enough to form groups for things in this game that some people might not notice.

and had an LFG queue system that actually worked. And even then... I'd still have hesitations about how slow things like travel, crafting, etc are.

Crafting is still ***, granted, but now that all home points in the game are warp points (and they even added a bunch more home points for good measure, including several that are right outside BCNM entrances) getting around is a snap.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 6:11pm by Fynlar
#36 Mar 01 2014 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
Fynlar wrote:
Meanwhile, FFXI? Meh. I don't think anything would get me to go back to XI unless you could suddenly, I don't know, solo

XI has more solo-friendly stuff to do now than XIV does, imo >_> It's just easier enough to form groups for things in this game that some people might not notice.

and had an LFG queue system that actually worked. And even then... I'd still have hesitations about how slow things like travel, crafting, etc are.

Crafting is still ***, granted, but now that all home points in the game are warp points (and they even added a bunch more home points for good measure, including several that are right outside BCNM entrances) getting around is a snap.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 6:11pm by Fynlar

Just checked and not available or supported on playstation any longer so I'll not be going back. Even if I could go back two MMOs is one too many and I'm still enjoying 14. It just fits my schedule perfectly.
#37 Mar 01 2014 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Meanwhile, FFXI? Meh. I don't think anything would get me to go back to XI unless you could suddenly, I don't know, solo and had an LFG queue system that actually worked. And even then... I'd still have hesitations about how slow things like travel, crafting, etc are.

You've been gone for quite a while?

You can solo in XI now. With Fields of Valor and Grounds of Valor you get experience bonuses for killing specific mobs that usually grants about 10% of a level. Easy Prey mobs grant about what you would get in an experience points chain with the experience point bonus(150~180) and die quickly. They also added an event called records of eminence that grants exp and points you can use for weapons and gear.

Travel is pretty easy these days too.When you check a homepoint crystal you 'register' yourself to that homepoint. Once you register a homepoint you can travel to it from any other homepoint crystal. The moogle that gives you a daily scroll of instant warp is still there. You can also warp to your home city from any field manual or ground tome found in any of the older zones. The old OP warp and rings still work too.

It's not nearly as hard as it used to be to make progress in FFXI. I think the only issue you'd run into trying to level up a fresh character would be the auction house selling limit. Instead of selling low and mid tier gear on auction, players reserve all their slots for higher traffic items and let low level gear rot on their mules. 20-30 active listings would probably go along way to spurring the economy in FFXI.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#38 Mar 01 2014 at 9:09 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Yeah, I've been gone for awhile.

The travel thing sounds ridiculously awesome, the game could have sorely used that back when I used to play.

As far as the solo thing, I'm sure XP is possible through Fields of Valor, sure. When I left, family member and I were doing FoV over in Cape T, but we'd get maybe 3-4k XP after 1-2 hours of play and we'd need some 46,000 for a levelup.

So yeah.....slloooooooooow.

And yes, I'm aware of Abyssea. Problem is, that place confused me to no end, I couldn't make heads, nor tails of it and I tried LFG for that once, didn't get any takers. Got into those Gusgen Mines FoV groups, like... twice... then all of the sudden, nobody was doing them anymore so that stopped.

I saw all that was left was 3-4k per day in Cape T and said "***** it" and stopped playing afterwards. Also, weapon skills being horribly behind was annoying me too. Couldn't do crap for DPS because of horribly outdated weapon skill, but needed Tough+ mobs to get it (it was supposedly possible to cap on Decent Challenge, but eh... after killing 10+ mobs and getting a single 0.1 on great axe was... not good) that wasn't going anywhere either.

But who knows maybe that changed too.

I think a big part of why I quit FFXI was the incredibly complicated Abyssea system and how it was required to get any decent XP whatsoever back then, and now they added a new whole town, with I'd assume yet more complicated systems, lol. I'd probably be so lost on what exactly to do, where to go for what anymore. Kinda sucks, though, as I had Lv60 in all crafts, Wood on like 92, Alchemy on 92 on a mule, Cooking 100, etc. 14-15m Gil, 4-5 Lv75+ jobs, etc.
#39 Mar 01 2014 at 10:24 PM Rating: Excellent
It took about three months for everyone to "get" Abyssea. We learned that exp was great in full alliances, and lesser NMs were best fought in a tight group of four very specific jobs and subjobs. We also learned the importance and power of certain atma, and that a primeval brew could allow almost any job to solo any really nasty NM with some planning. (I solo'd about half of the item I needed to get through the last stage of my Empyrean harp on bard, usually as a THF, using primeval brews. I took down 2 NMs at once that way. A well geared COR could one shot the final boss of the expansion with a single WS.)

Now Abyssea has largely been abandoned, except for the people who are still in there getting Empyrean harps and shields because my god those things are broken.

But exp in Adoulin is actually way easier. With the Trust NPC system, you can have 3 NPCs out at once helping you solo, and with Records of Eminence as a roaming Fields of Valor, you get exp bonuses for doing crazy things like acquiring a certain number of kindred seals in an hour. The Skirmish zones are great for merits. We did a handful of them tonight and got 11 merits, just as a side effect of doing the runs.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 11:28pm by Catwho
#40 Mar 01 2014 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Catwho wrote:
It took about three months for everyone to "get" Abyssea. We learned that exp was great in full alliances, and lesser NMs were best fought in a tight group of four very specific jobs and subjobs. We also learned the importance and power of certain atma, and that a primeval brew could allow almost any job to solo any really nasty NM with some planning. (I solo'd about half of the item I needed to get through the last stage of my Empyrean harp on bard, usually as a THF, using primeval brews. I took down 2 NMs at once that way. A well geared COR could one shot the final boss of the expansion with a single WS.)

Now Abyssea has largely been abandoned, except for the people who are still in there getting Empyrean harps and shields because my god those things are broken.

But exp in Adoulin is actually way easier. With the Trust NPC system, you can have 3 NPCs out at once helping you solo, and with Records of Eminence as a roaming Fields of Valor, you get exp bonuses for doing crazy things like acquiring a certain number of kindred seals in an hour. The Skirmish zones are great for merits. We did a handful of them tonight and got 11 merits, just as a side effect of doing the runs.

Edited, Mar 1st 2014 11:28pm by Catwho


11 merits as a "side effect".


Did they ever speed up combat, or is it still "auto-attack until you fall asleep with occasional weapon skill thrown in"?

And I remember hearing/reading something about the two new jobs being so powerful that all the other jobs are just subjobs now or something, not sure how true that actually is, though.
#41 Mar 02 2014 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Did they ever speed up combat, or is it still "auto-attack until you fall asleep with occasional weapon skill thrown in"?

And I remember hearing/reading something about the two new jobs being so powerful that all the other jobs are just subjobs now or something, not sure how true that actually is, though.

They didn't change the battle system, but if you weren't geared out when you played it before... you haven't really seen the game at full speed anyway. It's still auto-attack, but with high levels of haste it can keep you fairly busy. It's not TERA, but it's not any worse than FFXIV.

Leveling is a breeze anymore and can be done on your own time. You can solo or you can team up with other players who are out leveling with their Trusts. If you prefer button mash style then you can go to abyssea and key boxes.

Honestly, it's like you can't do anything in the game without tripping over experience points. I'll give you an example...

You login and check your quest log and see that you have a new quest to kill 20 aquan mobs. Lets say you're level 27. So you hit the conquest vendor and pick up your exp bonus ring and your signet and head over to Qufim Island. On the way you stop at the field manual and pick up the quest that asks you to kill crabs. You open your quest log and activate the records for gathering earth and water crystals(because you're killing crabs and worms) and you activate the quest for killing mobs in Qufim Island.

So you end up with...

~150 exp per kill(higher depending on if you use exp ring)
~1000 exp for killing mobs in Qufim Island(repeatable)
1500 exp when you kill the 20 crabs or pugils
1000 exp reward for getting 10 water crystal drops from crabs or fish(repeatable)
1000 exp reward for getting 10 earth crystals from worms(repeatable)
~750 for completing the Fields of Valor quest(repeatable)

All of these quests are active at the same time and most of them are repeatable. If you stick to easy prey mobs and use your Trusts, there is no downtime at all. You're looking at about 12-15k experience an hour depending on what job you're on(kill speed does matter). That's more than 3 levels in for an hour of play. So yeah... you can solo what a good merit party back in the day was capable of Smiley: grin

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#42 Mar 02 2014 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Did they ever speed up combat, or is it still "auto-attack until you fall asleep with occasional weapon skill thrown in"?

And I remember hearing/reading something about the two new jobs being so powerful that all the other jobs are just subjobs now or something, not sure how true that actually is, though.

They didn't change the battle system, but if you weren't geared out when you played it before... you haven't really seen the game at full speed anyway. It's still auto-attack, but with high levels of haste it can keep you fairly busy. It's not TERA, but it's not any worse than FFXIV.

Leveling is a breeze anymore and can be done on your own time. You can solo or you can team up with other players who are out leveling with their Trusts. If you prefer button mash style then you can go to abyssea and key boxes.

Honestly, it's like you can't do anything in the game without tripping over experience points. I'll give you an example...

You login and check your quest log and see that you have a new quest to kill 20 aquan mobs. Lets say you're level 27. So you hit the conquest vendor and pick up your exp bonus ring and your signet and head over to Qufim Island. On the way you stop at the field manual and pick up the quest that asks you to kill crabs. You open your quest log and activate the records for gathering earth and water crystals(because you're killing crabs and worms) and you activate the quest for killing mobs in Qufim Island.

So you end up with...

~150 exp per kill(higher depending on if you use exp ring)
~1000 exp for killing mobs in Qufim Island(repeatable)
1500 exp when you kill the 20 crabs or pugils
1000 exp reward for getting 10 water crystal drops from crabs or fish(repeatable)
1000 exp reward for getting 10 earth crystals from worms(repeatable)
~750 for completing the Fields of Valor quest(repeatable)

All of these quests are active at the same time and most of them are repeatable. If you stick to easy prey mobs and use your Trusts, there is no downtime at all. You're looking at about 12-15k experience an hour depending on what job you're on(kill speed does matter). That's more than 3 levels in for an hour of play. So yeah... you can solo what a good merit party back in the day was capable of Smiley: grin

Ok, all of you need to shut the heck up XD, now I really feel like giving FFXI another go. But I'm already absorbed in FFXIV...and I just downloaded Tales of Symphonia Chronicles...argh, my already limited free time is becoming even more so!
#43 Mar 02 2014 at 7:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
You login and check your quest log and see that you have a new quest to kill 20 aquan mobs. Lets say you're level 27. So you hit the conquest vendor and pick up your exp bonus ring and your signet and head over to Qufim Island. On the way you stop at the field manual and pick up the quest that asks you to kill crabs. You open your quest log and activate the records for gathering earth and water crystals(because you're killing crabs and worms) and you activate the quest for killing mobs in Qufim Island.

So you end up with...

~150 exp per kill(higher depending on if you use exp ring)
~1000 exp for killing mobs in Qufim Island(repeatable)
1500 exp when you kill the 20 crabs or pugils
1000 exp reward for getting 10 water crystal drops from crabs or fish(repeatable)
1000 exp reward for getting 10 earth crystals from worms(repeatable)
~750 for completing the Fields of Valor quest(repeatable)

All of these quests are active at the same time and most of them are repeatable. If you stick to easy prey mobs and use your Trusts, there is no downtime at all. You're looking at about 12-15k experience an hour depending on what job you're on(kill speed does matter). That's more than 3 levels in for an hour of play. So yeah... you can solo what a good merit party back in the day was capable of Smiley: grin *blinks*

Dude, why didn't they do this stuff back when I was actually playing? Gaaah.

As the guy above me said: Not. Enough. Free. Time.
#44 Mar 02 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
They also got smart and gave us a repeatable thing to spend merits on. Ark Angel hard mode fights require 20 merits to buy a KI Smiley: eek
#45 Mar 02 2014 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Did they ever speed up combat, or is it still "auto-attack until you fall asleep with occasional weapon skill thrown in"?

And I remember hearing/reading something about the two new jobs being so powerful that all the other jobs are just subjobs now or something, not sure how true that actually is, though.

They didn't change the battle system, but if you weren't geared out when you played it before... you haven't really seen the game at full speed anyway. It's still auto-attack, but with high levels of haste it can keep you fairly busy.

Yeah, I remember always feeling very busy when playing WAR or NIN in TP burn parties, far busier than I ever felt in a traditional SC + MB party.
#46 Mar 03 2014 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Someone leaving a company for 'health issues' is one of two things. Either the employee doesn't want to dishonor the company or vice versa. Plus he came out and said he was returning to game development pretty much at the same time he was stepping down from SE. Last I heard he is already employed at GungHo, best known for the wildly popular Puzzle and Dragons mobile game.

Honestly if I had to pick someone to succeed Yoshi, it would be Matsui. I still think that XI is doing more on the updates and features front than XIV is. If they ever overhauled the UI like they stated in the past, I'd probably go back to XI to give it another shot. It's a more attractive option to me already at this point.

I might too...
A graphics update, a interface update.. Drop the ps2 entirely. at least give it a try. I dont know if I would juggle both games or not.
I kind of miss some of my friends from the game too.. I honestly thought more would come over.

Ah a crafting update.. Crafting in that game is brutal, but at least there is a reason to craft.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Did they ever speed up combat, or is it still "auto-attack until you fall asleep with occasional weapon skill thrown in"?

And I remember hearing/reading something about the two new jobs being so powerful that all the other jobs are just subjobs now or something, not sure how true that actually is, though.

They didn't change the battle system, but if you weren't geared out when you played it before... you haven't really seen the game at full speed anyway. It's still auto-attack, but with high levels of haste it can keep you fairly busy. It's not TERA, but it's not any worse than FFXIV.

Leveling is a breeze anymore and can be done on your own time. You can solo or you can team up with other players who are out leveling with their Trusts. If you prefer button mash style then you can go to abyssea and key boxes.

Honestly, it's like you can't do anything in the game without tripping over experience points. I'll give you an example...

You login and check your quest log and see that you have a new quest to kill 20 aquan mobs. Lets say you're level 27. So you hit the conquest vendor and pick up your exp bonus ring and your signet and head over to Qufim Island. On the way you stop at the field manual and pick up the quest that asks you to kill crabs. You open your quest log and activate the records for gathering earth and water crystals(because you're killing crabs and worms) and you activate the quest for killing mobs in Qufim Island.

So you end up with...

~150 exp per kill(higher depending on if you use exp ring)
~1000 exp for killing mobs in Qufim Island(repeatable)
1500 exp when you kill the 20 crabs or pugils
1000 exp reward for getting 10 water crystal drops from crabs or fish(repeatable)
1000 exp reward for getting 10 earth crystals from worms(repeatable)
~750 for completing the Fields of Valor quest(repeatable)

All of these quests are active at the same time and most of them are repeatable. If you stick to easy prey mobs and use your Trusts, there is no downtime at all. You're looking at about 12-15k experience an hour depending on what job you're on(kill speed does matter). That's more than 3 levels in for an hour of play. So yeah... you can solo what a good merit party back in the day was capable of Smiley: grin

Hell with GOV you could go from 0 to 99 in a couple of weeks..

Catwho wrote:
They also got smart and gave us a repeatable thing to spend merits on. Ark Angel hard mode fights require 20 merits to buy a KI Smiley: eek

I am surprised there is no merit system in FFXIV.. So much exp lost.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 11:07am by Nashred

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 12:25pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#47 Mar 03 2014 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Merits were not added to XI until the level cap had been 75 for a bit.

XIV actually does have the class specific stat boost that follows you as you level, which was one of the things merits let you do (although in XI it was primarily used to make up racial deficiencies. I had so many HP merits in XI since I was a Taru... whereas when I start leveling a tank in XIV, I will be able to add in extra VIT starting at level 10 or so.)
#48 Mar 03 2014 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Hell with GOV you could go from 0 to 99 in a couple of weeks..

They must have really expanded/buffed GoV if you could really get 0 to 99 in "a couple weeks" just using that. *blinks*

Checking FFXIclopedia, it looks like the *best* ones (the Lv80+ ones) only give 4,000 per completion, and that's once you've built it up.

Tho, I dunno if they've improved XP rings or other things though.
#49 Mar 03 2014 at 6:15 PM Rating: Excellent
We would do leeches in Bostinoux Oubliette. I'd break out my NPC (he's level 70ish healer) and we'd just go to town. They were EP and barely gave anything individually, but I could smoosh 4-5 at once fairly quickly on my WAR using Fell Cleave. The book called for 9 leeches a thing, so within the space of 3-4 minutes (1-2 minutes per cluster, including running time) I'd finish out a set as a solo WAR + emergency healer.

And people were pretty cool - if they saw you soloing, they'd ask to {Team Up?} since the mobs are limited and the more the merrier. Sometimes we'd get a genuine alliance going down there, and we'd have to expand beyond the front tunnels and roam in the deeper parts because we'd run out of mobs, even on a 5 minute repop.
#50 Mar 03 2014 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Hell with GOV you could go from 0 to 99 in a couple of weeks..

They must have really expanded/buffed GoV if you could really get 0 to 99 in "a couple weeks" just using that. *blinks*

Checking FFXIclopedia, it looks like the *best* ones (the Lv80+ ones) only give 4,000 per completion, and that's once you've built it up.

Tho, I dunno if they've improved XP rings or other things though.

Couple of weeks is a very, very casual estimate of leveling maybe 1/2 hours a few times a week.

You need to understand, sure, that GoV page might only give you 4K when you finish, however, more often than not you're going to be killing very, very Easy Prey monsters that die within 60 seconds at most (we're talking really subpar gear here folks...). At most it's usually 9-11 monsters required (most pages giving 4K+ are usually 7-9) and you'll easily be able to finish off 5 pages in an hour for roughly 22K+ experience (depending on monsters EXP) overall in the absolute worst case scenario here (which is well over 8x the hourly rate the majority of former FFXI players are used to).

They didn't expand GoV at all really except change a few pages here and there and add it to a few other areas. It's always been a fantastic method of leveling since group credit all counted and you'd have alliances easily 30K+ an hour on the low level pages in Gusgen Mines, 50K+ in Crawler's Nest, and depending on the number of people in the zone 100K+ in the Bostaunieux Oubliette.

Don't underestimate it. That "only" 4K isn't anything to judge when it comes to see how quick you can rack up EXP with GoV. All GoV, solo, requires is some food and the realization that you need to plan a few hours (or days) of where you're not going to leave the place until you hit whatever level goal you set.


Fields of Valor though? Terrible when it first came out (once a Vana'diel day) and not even worth bothering when GoV came out. Don't think anyone would disagree that FoV was, for all intents and purposes, dead when GoV arrived and the mechanics were understood.

EXP rings are nice for giggles here and there but they're not really all that much of a boost considering the monsters in Adoulin give almost as much EXP in a single kill than the entire bonus, and the re-use on them makes them more of a hassle than they're worth. With GoV pages and RoE objectives they're sadly not that useful compared to the days of yore.
#51 Mar 03 2014 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
UltKnightGrover wrote:
Tanaka works for GungHo Entertainment now.


I love the part where Tanaka says
I helped mold Final Fantasy XI into one of the best MMO formats on the market, and I wanted to respect the wishes of the team as much as possible when they wanted to make something different with FFXIV, so I tried my best not to meddle too much with development. In the end they weren't able to realize what they were aiming for, which is a shame, but I wish them the best of luck with the reboot.

He basically blames the dev team for the 1.0 debacle... and yet that same team made ARR a success under the leadership of Yoshida. I think that's all you need to know about Tanaka's handling of FFXIV.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 9:35pm by Xoie
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