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Weekend Goals and Accomplishemnts 2/28 - 3/3Follow

#1 Feb 28 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
I'm mainly posting this for you guys. I haven't logged on in over a week and I probably won't get to this weekend. I have to work tomorrow and then have PFS tomorrow night. On Sunday, I'll be trying out the The Elder Scrolls Online beta. I also signed up for a slot in the Wildstar beta.

What are you guys looking to get accomplished this weekend?
#2 Feb 28 2014 at 8:38 AM Rating: Excellent
I'd like to get coil ready to go for next week so I can give it a shot, now that I've got my relic. I need to figure out how to start, first. Smiley: laugh


BLM 31 ----> 35 would be nice
GSM 22 ---> 25
MNR 22 ---->25

Yeah, that's a good set of achievable things.
#3 Feb 28 2014 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
1. Do the new Little Ladies' Day event. Shouldn't take too long. May do it for my wife, too.
2. Do some casual leveling up of my Bard to get her from Level 45 to 50.
3. Maybe attempt to tackle 'story-mode' Titan for the very first time.
4. Help my wife get her THM through its first dungeon (Satasha, of course).
5. Continue beta testing on the PS4.

That's it for this weekend. Nothing too major.
Primary World: Hyperion
Free Company: Jormungandr
Legacy Member
Main Character: Fialas Dawnren: Level 60 BRD/AST/MNK/DoL, Level 16-50 On Everything Else
#4 Feb 28 2014 at 9:05 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Here are mine

- Today I will get 6 leves by 6pm, enough to take me from alc 48 to 50 and get me builder of the realm... finally. Smiley: nod
- Get lancer from 21 to 30 and unlock dragoon. Smiley: smile
- Survive at least one CT in this new troll filled world and greed on the first decent thing I see so I can cap the last 50 points of myth and not have to do it again until next week. Haaaate CT. Smiley: disappointed
- Work on gathering since all craft jobs will be 50. Sleepy time here I come. Smiley: snore
- Find and buy a ps4. Smiley: banghead
#5 Feb 28 2014 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Titan EX.

My friends are telling me that my 80 BRD is far and above the DPS of my 85 BLM for this fight. Ok, that's fine with me. Bard is fun and makes dodging quite a bit easier. I'm never quite caught as flat footed as while casting. The timing comes with practice, but I'd like to stop dragging parties down ASAP.

Got to Superbombs last night, even went 1-1/2 round of the end cycle. Getting very very close now. Problem is very hard to PF a 80 Bard there, with all the PF being 85+. I just need, hmmm 5-ish more weeks of Myth and I could gear up enough to queue Titan EX on Bard 85.
#6 Feb 28 2014 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Cap Myth (Have to wait til next week to buy pants for WHM)
Clear turn 4.
See turn 5.
Clear Garuda EX. (would love to get a WHM ring)

Gonna research right side equips for my MNK and maybe look into running stuffs for those too.
#7 Feb 28 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,439 posts
Titan Ex.

(I feel your pain Gnu. I'm ilvl90 BLM but the few parties I've been in I get scared if I mess up once or twice. Only been passed the heart phase to Egi/superbombs a few times.)

Aside from that I hope to get a piece from CT before the reset.

Peisteskin treasure hunting if I can with my FC.

...Possibly try T5 Coils if I dare...
Esuna Forums

#8 Feb 28 2014 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
EdyNOTB wrote:
the few parties I've been in I get scared if I mess up once or twice.

I realized recently that to me a "good" player is willing to fail. In fact, the FFXIV community depends on players that are willing to sit there and fail repeatedly while players new to the content learn. This is what your FC is for right? Or some would say the DF. I feel this is my job at times, especially for friends, but also including random players!

One one side, it is certainly your privilege if you are the leader/creator of PF group to specifically recruit people with experience. That limits the available options to new players considerably. The problem I find is that the DF groups don't get past heart, so I can't practice the part I need help with regularly. (I really hate to be dragging my free company runs down, but I did so last night. Even my FC members have varying levels of patience sadly.)

Solution: I need to make my own PF party, label it "Learning post-heat phases" and see how it shakes out.
#9 Feb 28 2014 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Sadly, the thing about weekend accomplishment threads is: Raid days for my group are Thursdays and Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays are RP days. So... unless you guys really want me to write up transcripts of what happened in my roleplays, I'm always kinda at a loss as to what to post here, and in the accomplishment thread.
#10 Feb 28 2014 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Valkayree wrote:
- Get lancer from 21 to 30 and unlock dragoon. Smiley: smile

Go, go, go to 34! You're gonna want Blood for Blood available on Bard. Smiley: grin
#11 Feb 28 2014 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,208 posts
I may not be playing at all this weekend, only logged in for a few minutes last night and that was the only time in the past week.... working things out with my fiance is taking priority for me right now (wish me luck)...

Anyways we're probably going to go somewhere warmer for the weekend like Jacksonville to get away from these damn late-winter snow storms and get some sunlight on the beach.

Good luck you guys, I hope you all get the gear you need this weekend!
#12 Feb 28 2014 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Hairspray wrote:
I may not be playing at all this weekend, only logged in for a few minutes last night and that was the only time in the past week.... working things out with my fiance is taking priority for me right now (wish me luck)...

Anyways we're probably going to go somewhere warmer for the weekend like Jacksonville to get away from these damn late-winter snow storms and get some sunlight on the beach.

Good luck you guys, I hope you all get the gear you need this weekend!

#13 Feb 28 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
618 posts
Plan for this upcoming weekend,

** Get relic for PLD (Currently on Hydra)
** BC with FC
** CT for PLD

** Helping out FC members that need various things for their progression.
#14 Feb 28 2014 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Hopefully get those Titan clears done for my LSmates.

BLM 44 > 48 and get the first AF quest done. I wanna be 50 by the end of Tuesday.

Farm more CT for my WAR boots. Bone Dragon just doesn't want to cough them up. If not I'll settle for healer or caster hands.

Farm more Ultima for the Tank and Healer rings.

Try Garuda EX for the umpteen millionth time.

Powerlevel our newest members CNJ! Another old friend from the FFXI days has joined us on Siren! Smiley: nod
#15 Feb 28 2014 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
/ac "Sleep" Hitome

I'll need to log in and cap myth/get weekly CT loot on Hitome. Other than that, dunno what I'll do except farm the BRD ring from Ultima!

I do plan to play Bastion more this weekend. I got frustrated with the 10 idol achievements about a year ago but recently watched a video where a guy used a setup that I had not thought about (mortar/carbine). Worked great!
#16 Mar 03 2014 at 4:08 AM Rating: Excellent
70 posts
I didn't do much this weekend. Other than helping out in a few dungeons, I got my rep up to friendly with the sylphs and took black mage from 30-31.
#17 Mar 03 2014 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
/ac "Sleep" Hitome

I'll need to log in and cap myth/get weekly CT loot on Hitome. Other than that, dunno what I'll do except farm the BRD ring from Ultima!

I do plan to play Bastion more this weekend. I got frustrated with the 10 idol achievements about a year ago but recently watched a video where a guy used a setup that I had not thought about (mortar/carbine). Worked great!

Did some CT, myth capped, and slept a ton! Actually got all of those achievements on Bastion too. :)

Was a pretty good weekend. Hope you all had a similarly good one and a great week.
#18 Mar 03 2014 at 7:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
I'd like to get coil ready to go for next week so I can give it a shot, now that I've got my relic. I need to figure out how to start, first. Smiley: laugh


BLM 31 ----> 35 would be nice
GSM 22 ---> 25
MNR 22 ---->25

Yeah, that's a good set of achievable things.

Coil: Unlocked!
BLM 31 --- > 33.8 (meh)
GSM: 22 -- > 25 DING DING DING
MNR ---> 22--->23 (meh)

Two out of four, anyway.
#19 Mar 03 2014 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Cap Myth (Have to wait til next week to buy pants for WHM)
Clear turn 4.
See turn 5.
Clear Garuda EX. (would love to get a WHM ring)

Gonna research right side equips for my MNK and maybe look into running stuffs for those too.

Did #1.
Got real close to #2.

#20 Mar 03 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I'm mainly posting this for you guys. I haven't logged on in over a week and I probably won't get to this weekend. I have to work tomorrow and then have PFS tomorrow night. On Sunday, I'll be trying out the The Elder Scrolls Online beta. I also signed up for a slot in the Wildstar beta.

What are you guys looking to get accomplished this weekend?

As expected I didn't even get to log on this weekend. My sub runs out on March 4 and I'm considering not paying for another month. Had fun playing PFS Saturday night. I got to play in a scenario that i'm GMing at a convention this coming weekend, so it was good to see how somebody else ran it. The Elder Scrolls online is weird. It feels more like you're playing Skyrim co-op than a true MMO. The controls are also a bit wonky, but that could be because I've never played an Elder Scrolls game on PC. I haven't heard about the Wildstar beta yet.
#21 Mar 03 2014 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
618 posts
SillyHawk wrote:
Plan for this upcoming weekend,

** Get relic for PLD (Completed, even got to solo tank Titan win. Thanks for coming along Joe on these clears.)
** BC with FC (Got up to final stage in Turn 4)
** CT for PLD (Complete - PLD Chestpiece O)
** Helping out FC members that need various things for their progression.(Garuda and Titan HM wins for members)

Was a very busy week as all my plans were accomplished and them some

** Transferred my V1 to Ultros **
** ZAM - "The Kraken Club" - Purchased Medium House in Mist Ward 2 Plot 6 **
** V1 THM 10 > 11 **
** Caught up V1 Char crafting to current level WVR 25, ALC 20) **

#22 Mar 03 2014 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
2,550 posts
I was on most of the weekend, in and out, doing random junk. I got a lot accomplished.

Goals from last week:

Valkayree wrote:

- Today I will get 6 leves by 6pm, enough to take me from alc 48 to 50 and get me builder of the realm... finally.
- Get lancer from 21 to 30 and unlock dragoon.
- Survive at least one CT in this new troll filled world and greed on the first decent thing I see so I can cap the last 50 points of myth and not have to do it again until next week. Haaaate CT.
- Work on gathering since all craft jobs will be 50. Sleepy time here I come.
- Find and buy a ps4.

- All crafts at 50! Woohooo! Smiley: grin
- Lancer officially at 21 to 30, dragoon unlocked. Smiley: cool
- CT survived, tank gloves needed. Smiley: nod
- Worked a bit on gathering, took botany 12 - 16. Chopped some lavender and black pepper. I see how you guys are making all this money... Smiley: dubious
- One that wasn't on my list... Managed to find a party on lamia for garuda ex that could take her down, so thats a server first for me. Smiley: smile

- Finding a PS4. My only fail. If they want me to play this game on ps4.... I want a new console. Not an old or refurbished console. Not a bundled console for $600. A new $400 console. Build it, put it in the store. I will buy it. How hard is that? Even put it within 30 miles of my home, I will drive. But no new consoles online or within 100 miles of my home? Seriously? And the excuse is "well, ps4 just released in Japan, so they sent all their consoles over there..." Seriously? Smiley: mad Sony is located in Japan... and just now they are releasing? Smiley: glare
#23 Mar 03 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
SillyHawk wrote:
** ZAM - "The Kraken Club" - Purchased Medium House in Mist Ward 2 Plot 6 **

I love this house by the way!!!

What an accomplishment for all of us! Smiley: grinSmiley: grinSmiley: grin
#24 Mar 03 2014 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
1,208 posts
Valkayree wrote:
- Finding a PS4. My only fail. If they want me to play this game on ps4.... I want a new console. Not an old or refurbished console. Not a bundled console for $600. A new $400 console. Build it, put it in the store. I will buy it. How hard is that? Even put it within 30 miles of my home, I will drive. But no new consoles online or within 100 miles of my home? Seriously? And the excuse is "well, ps4 just released in Japan, so they sent all their consoles over there..." Seriously? Smiley: mad Sony is located in Japan... and just now they are releasing? Smiley: glare

I just saw this... had the exact same problem over the weekend, fiance and I went shopping for a PS4 (finally ready to buy one).. and you can't find a PS4 anywhere...

Japanese release is taking all the PS4's off the shelf here in the US.... how stupid!
#25 Mar 03 2014 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Hairspray wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
- Finding a PS4. My only fail. If they want me to play this game on ps4.... I want a new console. Not an old or refurbished console. Not a bundled console for $600. A new $400 console. Build it, put it in the store. I will buy it. How hard is that? Even put it within 30 miles of my home, I will drive. But no new consoles online or within 100 miles of my home? Seriously? And the excuse is "well, ps4 just released in Japan, so they sent all their consoles over there..." Seriously? Smiley: mad Sony is located in Japan... and just now they are releasing? Smiley: glare

I just saw this... had the exact same problem over the weekend, fiance and I went shopping for a PS4 (finally ready to buy one).. and you can't find a PS4 anywhere...

Japanese release is taking all the PS4's off the shelf here in the US.... how stupid!

Exactly, makes absolutely no sense. On a lighter note, glad you and your fiance patched things up. Smiley: nod Grats on the FC house too, our little FC has managed to drum up 3 and a half million, so we will see if a small house will work for us in 2.2. Almost at rank 6 Smiley: grin
#26 Mar 03 2014 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
We can get a small house now actually. They're down to two million.

Granted, that's not prime real estate, but the prices are also dropping. We need to start thinking about where we want to build.
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