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Changing Main Job at Patch 2.2Follow

#1 Feb 27 2014 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
I've been thinking about this a lot.

People say, "Play what you want!" Ever hear that? But it's just not true. You have to play what the parties need, especially your Coil static.Not to mention the PF. The end result, I don't have a ilvl 90 anything. And at this point I can't get it faster no matter how hard I try. Not until more time passes. Coil or Myth are the only upgrade options 80+ and both are time-locked.

My highest Job currently is ilvl 85 BLM. But I've also been using Myths to level a 83 WHM , and 80 BRD and 80 DRG. I went too far sideways!! I spread out my Myth purchases such that ilvl 90 on any Job is still SO far away. A mistake I don't plan to repeat when Patch 2.2 rolls around. At first my Coil static needed a WHM for a few weeks. I also found I really enjoyed Bard, and put a couple weeks of progress into it. And then no one was taking the Striking drops in Coil so DRG was easy to get gear for. Mostly the PF just needs WHM for everything! I've spent at least twice the amount of time healing as I have playing all my other jobs combined.

So what have I learned? Gotta focus on ONE Job.


It has me thinking. Within a week or two of Coil drops and Myth Tomes becoming un-capped, anyone could get any of their 50+ jobs to the Patch 2.2 starting point of ilvl 90.

The point is that it doesn't have to be the one you are playing as your main now. You can pick any Job and switch now, and have a different Main for the Patch 2.2 Cycle. And further, from what I see right now, going forward any one can conceivably easily switch their Main anytime a new Patch raises the ilvl cap and removes Tome Caps.

Edited, Feb 28th 2014 3:29am by Gnu
#2 Feb 27 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
Aww, I guess discussing progression options at Patch 2.2 isn't going to happen.

Edit: At any rate I edited the post to maybe be more clear on what I was trying to discuss.

Edited, Feb 28th 2014 3:31am by Gnu
#3 Feb 27 2014 at 5:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Gnu wrote:
Aww, I guess discussing progression options at Patch 2.2 isn't going to happen.

What could we tell you that you don't already know?

If you want to spam instances for maximum profit, your best bet is the least popular, most in demand roles. Since you don't have a tank job leveled, your WHM would be your overall best bet (it queues faster and will it will always have a place in an arranged group). DRG would be second best since it queues faster than ranged DPS. But if your ranged jobs are the most fun for you, maybe that's the most important thing despite the hardships.

Without knowing the specifics of what the new gear will be like and how easy it is to acquire, there isn't much by way of advice anyone can give apart from general suggestions like that. It could turn out 8 bard parties are the only way anyone wants to beat the new Coil Turns, in which case, everything I said is on its head.
#4 Feb 27 2014 at 11:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
I actually think you have the right approach.

You see, focusing on one job right now is an OK thing to do because you eventually are guaranteed enough of your allowance (mythology) to get it to max ilevel.

However, it's clear that certain pieces of mythology gear are not exactly ideal. Of much more importance: relying on the RNG god to gear your 'main' can actually backfire on you!

I think the fact that you have several jobs leveled that are all fairly 'geared' is much more important than having just one. You already told us why, actually! WHM gives you access to a lot of content much faster than the DPS jobs. It's generally harder to find a healer than a DPS as well. At the same time as mentioned above, melee DPS seems to get faster queues than even ranged DPS.

Gearing secondary jobs based on what coil drops currently seems to be the best approach. Like you, no one in our group ever takes the DRG loot anymore and we never see caster loot so we have a very lopsided group where our tanks, healers, and melee DPS are decked out while the ranged are still waiting on things to drop.

Gearing a DRG with this loot would be the ideal situation since it gives you more versatility (and the loot doesn't go to waste). For instance, I always use my MNK on Titan now days to give our melee some practice at ranged and to change things up. While I could be pretty stubborn and say my BLM performs just fine on Titan, the truth is that my MNK pushes out more DPS due to the nature of the fight.

Your ability to switch between melee and ranged is a very good thing! But, come 2.2, if you really want to decide on a main job and stick with it, I don't see why it wouldn't be a valid approach either. You may not be guaranteed gear in coil but the new type of currency should allow you to do exactly what we have done in 2.0 and 2.1.

What I'm basically telling you: do what you enjoy, Gnu!
#5 Feb 28 2014 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
What I meant to say was that anyone could potentially easily switch mains jobs at the Patch 2.2 release. I was thinking other players might be considering using the opportunity to switch their Main or Secondary Jobs as well. Perhaps what I'm seeing is most people are partial to their Main and are not at all considering switching.

Re-reading my post is does seem like I was asking advice. And perhaps I am. That's not what I meant though. Was hoping to hear what other people thought about how seemingly easy it will become to get ilvl 90.

What exactly will be the rate of Myth farming if you are trying? How long from a fresh 50 to ilvl 90 if you were really after it?

It already seems like you can't walk down the street without some mob farting Mythstones in your path.

Not to mention Coil drops will be farm-able! Hell, T4 only takes 6 minutes!. You can get at least, conservatively, 6 runs done in an hour for a rate of 300 tomes/hour! While opening 12 chests/hour containing very good T4 ilvl 90 drops.

On one hand, this will quickly make our current accomplishments less significant. On the other hand it is going to make content that is currently challenging at ilvl 80-85 accessible to not just our current Main Jobs, but also whatever other jobs we want to spend a medium amount of time gearing up.

Edited, Feb 28th 2014 3:07am by Gnu
#6 Feb 28 2014 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
Xoie wrote:
Gnu wrote:
Aww, I guess discussing progression options at Patch 2.2 isn't going to happen.

What could we tell you that you don't already know?

If you want to spam instances for maximum profit, your best bet is the least popular, most in demand roles. Since you don't have a tank job leveled, your WHM would be your overall best bet (it queues faster and will it will always have a place in an arranged group).

I totally have a 75 PLD that I really only ever used for Story Mode Roulette. He's been lowest on gear acquisition totem, I suppose just because I have some very good friends that play Tanks. Or, uh, very good Tanks that are friends. Or both. Something like that! It's a good problem to have.

What is your Main and Secondary favorite job(s) Xoie?

Edited, Feb 28th 2014 3:39am by Gnu
#7 Feb 28 2014 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Agreed Gnu, I focused on black mage exclusively until it hit ilvl 90, btu then I branched out.

I got really lucky with allagan drops when I started coil. Everythign dropped for me within the first 5 or 6 weeks and hasn't done so since. That little stint I had where everything I wanted dropped sort of stopped about 7-8 weeks ago and hasnt really picked up. I had to hate greed some monk bracelets the other day because I was getting so frustrated with the loot that was dropping going to someone else for so long. But long ago, after gearing blm to 90, I changed gears.

I tried paladin. Saved up for the AF coat and the crown, then bought the boots, rest is either CT (ugh) or darklight. Got him to ilvl 82. My next myth purchases are going to be for tank jewelry. Haven't been lucky at all in coil with him yet, but since I have a semi-static where I am tanking t1 and t4, and blm t2, it could work.

Decided then to level arcanist because I thought it would be funny to have it hit 50 and insta gear my summoner. Turns out, with the titan book, that he was ilvl 86 right out of the gates thanks to the allagan caster gear. Got his relic and haven't touched him since.

The scholar was a bit different, I am still aquiring darklight for that job, but I dislike pet management on a controller, so I'm leveling white mage, which I like more (he's at 32 at the moment). But I was lucky enough a while back to get the healer allagan gloves, ifrit book, and got the robe drop from CT, so while he is only ilvl 62, at least my scholar looks cool.

I saw a few warriors running around with 10k hp, and saw the super damage they were putting up, and I thought that I would give that a go as well, and give myself another reason to take advantage of that instaqueue. Spent the last four weeks of myth on the warrior AF2 and the relic zenith. Again, the focus on tank jewelry is going to help two of my jobs and thats what I'm looking to buy for the last few weeks, since I have progressed as far in coil on my tank as I have on my blm.

But I leveled bard to 34 for quelling strikes (and so I can pick up a ranger class in a future patch), and am working on dragoon and monk simultaneously now (I like dragoon a lot) because I need a meele class for battles like titan ex, where using a black mage is simply torture. On the other hand battles like garuda are easy for my black mage, so I really need a good assortment of jobs to be all around useful to everyone.

And I'm a completionist and have mmo ocd, that could also contribute. But the point of the story is, define your own progression, and plan your progress. Set goals and complete them. I guess.
#8 Feb 28 2014 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm also going to toss in this opinion: Playing different classes on a regular basis makes you a better overall player.

When you've played a healer class, you're more conscientious of what you are doing as a DPS. When you've played a tank class, you're more respectful of the limits of your healers (if you can't target them, they can't target you...) When you've played a DPS class, you know that as a tank you need to do everything you can to hold hate from guys who are are trying beat each other in the parser.

Even playing different DPS classes gives you a better perspective of how to work as a team.
#9 Feb 28 2014 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I've spread the love around as far as myth tomes go. I don't really care that much if I'm not i90. Movement, reaction time, and tactics are far more important in this game anyway, to the point where you gear means absolutely nothing if you don't have these.
#10 Feb 28 2014 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Gnu wrote:
Xoie wrote:
Gnu wrote:
Aww, I guess discussing progression options at Patch 2.2 isn't going to happen.

What could we tell you that you don't already know?

If you want to spam instances for maximum profit, your best bet is the least popular, most in demand roles. Since you don't have a tank job leveled, your WHM would be your overall best bet (it queues faster and will it will always have a place in an arranged group).

I totally have a 75 PLD that I really only ever used for Story Mode Roulette. He's been lowest on gear acquisition totem, I suppose just because I have some very good friends that play Tanks. Or, uh, very good Tanks that are friends. Or both. Something like that! It's a good problem to have.

What is your Main and Secondary favorite job(s) Xoie?

Edited, Feb 28th 2014 3:39am by Gnu

So far I'm liking White Mage the most, which sort of surprises me because I felt so let down by it in FFXI which tended to take it for granted. But it's a very capable role which can fend for itself in many ways, and as trollish as some people get in FFXIV, I think people are a lot more respectful overall of the job than in its predecessor. On Scholar I feel like I'm healing with one hand tied behind my back, which is a fun challenge in its own right, but I feel like I need to be on White Mage to play the role seriously.

Other jobs I've leveled are Summoner, Dragoon, and Bard, and of the three, I think I've developed a better appreciation for Dragoons, which also came as a surprise. Bards and Summoners are very capable and slippery since they still cause a great deal of damage in their own ways even while dodging at range. But it's also a bit of a downfall since the routine hardly changes in any given situation. At least with Dragoons you frequently have to think about your approach in attacking something as the unpredictable starts to happen and you have to adapt your routine accordingly. And who doesn't love those big jumps they can do? Smiley: nod

Catwho wrote:
I'm also going to toss in this opinion: Playing different classes on a regular basis makes you a better overall player.

When you've played a healer class, you're more conscientious of what you are doing as a DPS. When you've played a tank class, you're more respectful of the limits of your healers (if you can't target them, they can't target you...) When you've played a DPS class, you know that as a tank you need to do everything you can to hold hate from guys who are are trying beat each other in the parser.

Even playing different DPS classes gives you a better perspective of how to work as a team.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. You don't really appreciate what it's like in a role until you've walked a mile in their shoes.
#11 Feb 28 2014 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent

Playing Dragoon sure makes you realize why the best Tanks just stand still. (If you have to run over to lay out your hate combo on a straggler you probably didn't pull quite right.)

It's sad when it takes 3 hits to get Heavy Thrust to proc. No doubt Monks feel the same way.

On the same token, playing a healer will give you insight on exactly when to use Hallowed Ground most effectively! Not to mention how important it is for a well timed Mage's Ballad in a long fight.

It's good to hear other players are recognizing the benefits of playing multiple jobs. Soon we can actually (more easily) gear them up for the big-boy fights.
#12 Feb 28 2014 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Gnu wrote:

Playing Dragoon sure makes you realize why the best Tanks just stand still. (If you have to run over to lay out your hate combo on a straggler you probably didn't pull quite right.)

It's sad when it takes 3 hits to get Heavy Thrust to proc. No doubt Monks feel the same way.

On the same token, playing a healer will give you insight on exactly when to use Hallowed Ground most effectively! Not to mention how important it is for a well timed Mage's Ballad in a long fight.

It's good to hear other players are recognizing the benefits of playing multiple jobs. Soon we can actually (more easily) gear them up for the big-boy fights.

Ugh... no kidding... I want to put one of those parking ticket naughty car boots on some tanks...some guy almost wiped us because he kept spinning the aldabolga (sp?) adds in CT all over the place... I'm like "HOLD STILL DAMMIT!!!"
#13 Mar 02 2014 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
It's sad when it takes 3 hits to get Heavy Thrust to proc. No doubt Monks feel the same way.

They actually don't, because Twin Snakes (the functional equivalent to Heavy Thrust) always gives you the damage buff + carries on to the next stance/combo no matter which direction you hit from. :<

Edited, Mar 2nd 2014 9:00am by Fynlar
#14 Mar 02 2014 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Fynlar wrote:
It's sad when it takes 3 hits to get Heavy Thrust to proc. No doubt Monks feel the same way.

They actually don't, because Twin Snakes (the functional equivalent to Heavy Thrust) always gives you the damage buff + carries on to the next stance/combo no matter which direction you hit from. :<

Edited, Mar 2nd 2014 9:00am by Fynlar

It does give the buff but also weakens DPS....which the tank will unfalteringly blame on the DPS player lol
#15 Mar 02 2014 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
2,430 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Fynlar wrote:
It's sad when it takes 3 hits to get Heavy Thrust to proc. No doubt Monks feel the same way.

They actually don't, because Twin Snakes (the functional equivalent to Heavy Thrust) always gives you the damage buff + carries on to the next stance/combo no matter which direction you hit from. :<

Edited, Mar 2nd 2014 9:00am by Fynlar

It does give the buff but also weakens DPS....which the tank will unfalteringly blame on the DPS player lol

missing one or two positionals on monk is in no way noticeable by a tank or anyone else. its not a huge difference in potency. so no.
#16 Mar 02 2014 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Llester wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Fynlar wrote:
It's sad when it takes 3 hits to get Heavy Thrust to proc. No doubt Monks feel the same way.

They actually don't, because Twin Snakes (the functional equivalent to Heavy Thrust) always gives you the damage buff + carries on to the next stance/combo no matter which direction you hit from. :<

Edited, Mar 2nd 2014 9:00am by Fynlar

It does give the buff but also weakens DPS....which the tank will unfalteringly blame on the DPS player lol

missing one or two positionals on monk is in no way noticeable by a tank or anyone else. its not a huge difference in potency. so no.

And yet missing the tone and spirit of a forum post seems to be very noticeable. Good job dude!
#17 Mar 03 2014 at 2:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
It does give the buff but also weakens DPS....which the tank will unfalteringly blame on the DPS player lol

Haha, maybe if they were the obviously lazy type of MNK that never moves around the mob or otherwise never makes ANY effort to position any of their attacks correctly...

Bottom line is though,

mispositioning Twin Snakes = meh, so what
mispositioning Heavy Thrust = ARRRRGH
#18 Mar 04 2014 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Could always do what I did. Separate my job preferences by actual characters - slows down the whole lock-out progress.
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