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How many jobs will we see in the expansion?Follow

#27 Feb 24 2014 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Raylo wrote:
The problem with adding new jobs to existing classes as opposed to adding new classes entirely is that you'd have tons of level 50s running around in the new job on day 1. I mean if they add a new job to the gladiator class, for example, all I'd have to do is bust out the 5 job level quests and I've done everything there is to do. That doesn't seem right to me. Bring on new classes.

Putting aside whether that's right or not, it also means players who wanted to level a new job won't have that opportunity unless they choose to create an alt. Leveling is also why I think they will add a mix of new jobs that cover all 3 party roles. It's better to have players trying to level all 3 roles at the same time, as opposed to adding just 1 new DPS class and everyone leveling it is stuck relying on the limited number of lvl 50 tanks and healers running their daily low level roulette.
#28 Feb 24 2014 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
180 posts
Valkayree wrote:
1. Blue Mage. FTW.
2. Corsair. Because it is long overdue.
3. Ranger. Because not all bow users want to play the harp.
4. Thief. Sneak attack / trick attack FTW.

THIS. FFS THIS. THIS x101290384902903402

Give us Ranger even if it is just an outbranch of Archer and has consumable arrows I don't care just let me DD with a bow and not look like I'm a gypsy
#29 Feb 25 2014 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Three jobs I never want to see in Final Fantasy:

1. Retailer
2. Office clerk
3. Plumber
#30 Feb 25 2014 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
If they are gonna add new jobs(note I'm behind on the update stuff so I'm probably off a bit) then they should let all those quests you do the first time around be repeatable. Not necessarily the MQ, just those side quests.
#31 Feb 25 2014 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
Gunblade class please.
Articus Vladmir
#32 Feb 26 2014 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
None more than likely. Honestly I don't see this game really getting much in the way of new classes (Yoshi says a lot of stuff he ends up "forgetting" or doing the complete opposite of) with this current battle system and focus on 4 man parties. It really hinders not only the type of classes that can be added but pretty much guarantees that we're more likely to see dual specs (SCH/SMN) way more than we are unique classes.

If this was still 1.23, sure I could see new jobs coming out, or even 1.0-1.14 when we had an actual spell./skill list that wasn't just a handful of abilities, but this system seems more along the lines of other MMOs and how often do you see those MMOs get new classes/jobs compared to say XI or even Eden Eternal?

If anything we'll likely get Musketeer in 2.6 just before the '3.0' expansion then that'll be it.

Maybe if SE returns to the 6 man aspect that XI utilized for regular parties (Light) then 8+ for everything else (Full/Alliance) it'll make more sense, otherwise as I said even during beta, Yoshi stated 4 man was the "Alpha only restriction for testing" that ended up becoming the standard which puts them in a corner, what if they release a support job? (Actual one, not that XIV Bard **** that's just a ranger with a harp), the standard party would then had to be 1 tank 1 healer 1 dps 1 support, which goes against standard design, which some MMOs even have 1 tank 1 healer 2 dps 1 support, the ones with actual defined classes that is.


#33 Feb 26 2014 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
595 posts
Don't forget the observatory south of Camp Dragonhead is filled with NPCs wearing Time Mage attire. Time Mage's have always been associated with the cosmic. I'd like to see Time Mage be the DPS path for Conjuror, getting access to spells like Comet, Haste, Slow, and Stop.
#34 Feb 26 2014 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Theonehio wrote:
None more than likely. Honestly I don't see this game really getting much in the way of new classes (Yoshi says a lot of stuff he ends up "forgetting" or doing the complete opposite of) with this current battle system and focus on 4 man parties. It really hinders not only the type of classes that can be added but pretty much guarantees that we're more likely to see dual specs (SCH/SMN) way more than we are unique classes.

You're probably right. They won't add any new jobs. MMO developers never do that. Especially Square Enix. Why on earth would they release more jobs when we already have 9. There are only a few left from the FF universe that aren't in the game anyway. No one would even want it, especially Yoshi. He probably ******* hates jobs and the idea of adding any at all to this game with a ****** 4man battle system. **** why did they even make this game? What was I even thinking? Next time, I'll make a thread called "wtf is Theonehio's opinion on the necessity and possibility of even seeing a new job in a Final Fantasy game".
#35 Feb 26 2014 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
377 posts
Yoshida- What I would like to see right?

First of all, we are planning a new race for an expansion pack. For the classes and jobs, we will introduce them through patches because all of the Legacy players have level 50 jobs anyway. When we introduce new classes and jobs we will probably increase the level cap at the same time.
About what I want to introduce- it’s more like what I think I have to introduce. Something related to guns because the (musketeer) guild in the game. Something related to that I think I have to introduce.

Also I do feel that scouting classes are lacking so I want to bring in Theif, Ninja and those that have to do with stealth. Also more casters like Blue Mage and Red Mage are something I would like to add.

Whatever the players want, I want too.

Link to the interview where he said this...
#36 Feb 26 2014 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Transmigration wrote:
-Snipped butthurt-

Considering they said patches and not coming through expansions, hence the none, not to mention he already stated he's looking into adding more dual specs like SCH/SMN so they can easily build off of what exists rather than overload the game with classes.

MMO developers never do that

Funnily enough, MMOs rarely do have classes added and usually more specs since they use the 'skill tree' system 99% of the time.

#37 Feb 26 2014 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
how about monk to develop into a juggernaut??
#38 Feb 27 2014 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Looks like someone had a little karma fit. Smiley: rolleyes Let me fix that.
#39 Feb 27 2014 at 6:27 AM Rating: Excellent
I actually sincerely think dancer would fit really well branching off of pugilist. Weather as a healer as it was in XI or a debuffer like it was in tactics and behaves like bard in this game. I think it be an easy branch off and a lot of fun. I feel like pugilist moves fits dancer rather well.

I also like to note two things while we speculate.^^ One currently there isn't a job that switches the weapon of the base class. Doesn't mean it won't happen, it's just unlikely.(Given we only have a mage as a branching example melee specialist may change this dynamic.) Two. He says he looking into a lot of these jobs and would like them but confirms none. So I wouldn't take any job mentioned as a guarantee.

my two cents.
#40 Feb 27 2014 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
There's the thing. they should have never kept up the Armoury System. While fun in theory, it SEVERELY limits any development and additional jobs that could get unlocked :/

I hope they simply do away with it entirely and let you change jobs by means of equipping crystals or simply by selecting them from a list.

I mean, i like my sword and shield on Paladin, but i'd love to take out a Great Sword like on XI as well. Or a Club. Or a Staff. Same with on Warrior how i would like to use a Great Sword or maybe even a Spear as well. As long as the armory is in place, there will never be unique, diffirent or overlapping weapons since even if you make a Great Sword thats (GLD PLD MRD WAR), simply having it equipped will mean you change into one of those jobs automatically and one of them needs to be defined as such.

If i want to equip a staff on Paladin and help with way more curing than before, it should let me. The abilities between jobs are enough to diversify them and keep them unique.
#41 Feb 27 2014 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Musketeer already. I want to shoot guns.
#42 Feb 27 2014 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
111 posts
All they have to do is when they raise the level cap to allow you to advance your job and not your class and you have the old system again!
#43 Mar 04 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Laxedrane the Irrelevant wrote:
I actually sincerely think dancer would fit really well branching off of pugilist. Weather as a healer as it was in XI or a debuffer like it was in tactics and behaves like bard in this game. I think it be an easy branch off and a lot of fun. I feel like pugilist moves fits dancer rather well.


I don't know if it could come off PUG (although now you've said it I can see it) but I think DNC could be a good tank in XIV if they wanted it to be. It would avoid the shadows issue that NIN brings up (why take a meat tank if you can avoid damage). It sort of fits with the game well too. Be interesting.

Personally I want to see THF - anything else is a bonus.
Blogging again!
#44 Mar 04 2014 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Never mind jobs/classes, I want to play a Sylph.

And then RP it in FC chat and drive everyone crazy. Smiley: grin
#45 Mar 04 2014 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Laverda wrote:
Never mind jobs/classes, I want to play a Sylph.

And then RP it in FC chat and drive everyone crazy. Smiley: grin

This one is scared of such a scenario!
#46 Mar 04 2014 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:

This one is scared of such a scenario!

Just wait to see if they add playable Moogles. People say the Miqo'te are bad.. They have yet to know suffering.. Kupo.
#47 Mar 05 2014 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Gnu wrote:
The level 50 Ixali already use Enaero. I think this means some of the mobs are already RDM's. So, RDM is coming next is a pretty good guess.

Not necessarily.

Enaero (Ixali), Enthunder (Slyphs), Enfire (those guys in Southern Thanalan) are already in for sure, and with the downplaying of the elemental wheel, the only possible use would be if they gave an additional proc effect on top of damage.

Spike spells on the other hand...

(I miss Stygian Spikes. :D )
#48 Mar 05 2014 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
2,430 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Looks like someone had a little karma fit. Smiley: rolleyes Let me fix that.

forum hero.
#49 Mar 15 2014 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
125 posts
1. Rune Fencer
2. Samurai
3. Blue Mage


4. Theif
5. Red Mage
6. Ninja- but different type of Ninja who supports and throws smoke bombs, and stuff, debuffing mobs, chanting spells, disappears and ****... Like another bard type of character but one that helps the group defensively overall, and helps with debuffs.
#50 Mar 17 2014 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Ravashack wrote:
Gnu wrote:
The level 50 Ixali already use Enaero. I think this means some of the mobs are already RDM's. So, RDM is coming next is a pretty good guess.

Not necessarily.

Enaero (Ixali), Enthunder (Slyphs), Enfire (those guys in Southern Thanalan) are already in for sure, and with the downplaying of the elemental wheel, the only possible use would be if they gave an additional proc effect on top of damage.

Spike spells on the other hand...

(I miss Stygian Spikes. :D )

All beastmen excluding Goblins can use an enspell and most mobs can use spike spells, i.e Shock Spikes/Blaze Spikes. Much like plenty of mobs can cast Paralyze, Slow, Haste, Gravity etc etc.

Yoshi doesn't want to give us access to these spells because he wants the "standard" gameplay element of your skills causing debuffs in order to not create a situation where you'll want to bring x class/job to content over y class/job, which is why he made monster resistance non-existent for the most part.

#51 Mar 17 2014 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:

3) Ninja. A tank that you barely had to cure because it dodges a lot of attacks and can be ignored for a bit without dying, while doing everything the other two do.

Why would anyone pick the tanks they would literally have to keep cure bombing or they wouldnt be standing anymore? :/ It's not logical.

So no, please DONT give us ninja again >< The tanks we have right now are great thank you very much.

See, you are thinking purely in FFXI mentality. Ninja has never been officially a tanking job (until after the community made it popular in ffxi and the devs accepted it).

The FFXI community just learned that ti made a great tank, but it was originally designed as a damage dealer, with a focus on magic and shurikens. Both were extremely expensive though, so the community went tank (hence why ninja was notoriously bad at hate management)

If ninja was introduced, I would expect it to follow the more traditional role from previous games.

Edited, Mar 17th 2014 11:47am by Louiscool
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